xt73bk16mf8w_46 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [25a] Rueben Potter vs. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court text [25a] Rueben Potter vs. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_6/Folder_1/63044.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_46 xt73bk16mf8w . 'X .
Whitesbnro, Vy., Aoril 23, 1914
Mr. V. C. Williams,
Chief Engineer of Construction, L. & N. R. R.,
Louisville, Vy. ‘
Dear Sir:-

Replyins to your letter of the 10th inst askinr for state-
ment showinm the present status on right of may matters on Yont'e
Fork, Potter's Fork and Bottom Pork spurs, I beg to reply as fol-


1.10 acre parcel. In litigation in Evlt of I. o F. Fy Co. 13.
John Pently, &e., now pending in Letcher Circuit Court. Case now
on apeeal in Letcher Pircuit Fourt. 0n Karoh al, 1915, Tohn sently
and wife compromised with the Company and executed deed which is now
in your possession. A. V. Tusk, who had a lease on a smell por-
tion of this parcel, has not been settled with. Howaver, this will \
he done shortly. The Consolidation Peel ”0. Why owns rirht of way
under mineral deed will execute release to you for this parcel upon
final closiuo of ridht of may matters.

7.54 acres parcel, canes by Consolidation Coal Co. I aerume 1
that the foregoing area is correct as it so appears on blue print
furnished by by your company. This parcel will be conveyed to you
by Con501idation Coal Company upon final clsing of right of way

.54 acre parcel. In litigatiou in onit of I. d F. Ry Co. vs.
John Venters heirs, do. A 5-6 interest in this parcel was conveyed
to your company by commissioner's deed of date ?obruary‘lB, 1914

' this deed is now in your possession. You have requested that suit e
p be brouvht to correct certain Mistakes in description in this deed
which as yet has not been done. .

 .64 acre pa“0€l. A 1—6 internat in fihis parcel is now vested
in Fineral Development Company “hick company will canvcy 30 gour
cempxny upon reameat of 7invral Vle Comyuny.

.59 acre parcel. In libimubiun in sui: of L. & K. R; Co. V8.
Reuban Potter, &c., now pendinv in Letahar fiircrit Court. This
parcel lies withirLéhc 7.5% parcel above mantiowed ané is claimed
by 1%e Ponsolidation Goal Co. However, Reuben Potter was in posses-
sirn cf in whtu CQMSnyciion Sarah ymfl it was necscsaly to insti-
tUte suiz in order to get yoasession without delay. 1f the Congol-
loation rual Cu. Hulda 1L, fifie yarcel will he conveyefi to irL at
the time i conveys other parcels to you. Shovlé Peukrn Potter
hold it, you will get if: ;.w'x,;:‘m..=;>i’1 ”Line above mm’uioum: mit. the
fruit will b? triad 01:13 at the Aw‘hsfit Term, 1914 of the T-etché r
"irCVi: "Curt anfl aha mat¢er will be battled ahen xx knx so far 55
*he railroafi cnnuany is xnmxanxxxfi concerned.

.64 zero primal. “over im;cr:1~est in this parcel (Turin-r" life
cf 'ary uao is now Vcatad in Linurul Feveloymeut Company Wlich
comyaxly will convey To cam? rompam; upon request of liners-.1 7“? El

? .lu acre parcel. Chis parcel Wag COHVSyeé by Frank Potter
anfi wifa to Zineral havelc.:ent Pomyany which will (curvy same to
"'01.? :v' t: Q-"tpamgf upxin ::‘chezst of inn—217:1 I'"::el ("oruyzmyn

.011. acre parcel. ;‘hia parcel mm cmwegler} by John Potter and
wife t0 “ineval Daveluywenfi Curran; wkich,compcny will convey to
your cowyuny upcn requeafi of Linural *uel Conpud}.

.03 acrt parcel. This parcal Was couVHyed by Isaac Potter and
wife in ”ineral Developreu: FOMywwy Which comyang will Convey to
,'3/01:1? company; upon request 03," inmates; final Company.

.al acre pahccl. This yuTCfll Was conveyed by met‘kll and
wife to Iineral Development Caryn“; which.cuhgany will convey to
yo”? campany UyUH reqpewt of hincrul Wrel Conylny.

1.9 acres. This parcel Wufl canveycfi to your-camyany by F. S.
Potter anfi wife by deed of eats necember 12, 1915.

Nineral Fuel Company tract: Above the V. 9. Potter tract, all
the rirht of way desired by you is owned hy mineral Fuel Company, so
far as I am informed, and they will carve; same to you upon finml
ClOSlnfi of right of “my matters.


.794 auras. This parcel Was conveyed by John Q. bentl; and wife
to;;owr company by fired 0? date October 2?, 1913. On “fivsmher 8th
yevr comyany returned the original éeefi to me in ordar t0 {hkfi new
deefi correctinr Uitthkfifi in description in original deed. Owing to
the fiispoziticn of John Q. “ently, I cousidcr it afivisable for con-
struction to be COMylEtC befo:e vwntioning a mgitsr of *his kiné. 1
;un fherefore Ucléinr ihfi deefl until 5 ch.time as thfi contracters
have finished their work at which time I will either take new deed
by amicable aqrnement with fienzly and wife or instlibie unit to cor-
rect the deed we now holfi.

$.291 acre parcel. This parcel was conveyefi by Sam Rently
and wife to gour company by fieed of d&te December E, 1915. On Ian.
10, 1914, your company returned the deed to me in order that cer-
tain objectionable ranirictious he waxwxeé; dowii previuionu as to
orcharfl and well. Crimp to thu Hivxosition of ”am “ently, 1 con-
sider it advisable for congtrncmiun L0 be complete hefo;t'raieing a
question of this kinfi. I am therefore holflinr “our fieefi and as sonn
as practicable will see Ham ”t 11y an: undertake i0 carry on; the
instrucfions outlined in your letter.

3.957 acre parcel. This parcel was conveged by William B.
Folfircok ant wife to ;ovr conknny 3p dccd of fiate dcvvnhgr 10, 1913.
On “ovember 30, 1913, Toy? nowpany reivrrefl tYe oricinal deed to me
in order to take new deed to rectinfl mlrbukhs in CESCJipuiUH 0f the
land conveyed. nwinv to thE Ciflposition of William F. ”olbrook, I
consiéur it civisable for conutrchiun to an complute heroic rais-
ifiw a question of fihia kind. I 3% therefore Polfiinr thefleer1 until
such iime as the 012517211010“: inn-e finished. «311:: 1 Wan-k (it which time
I will either fia%fi WWW dfiefi hy amicable erreement with Exxtfixx
Holbrook ant wife or sinLtitNtu su1t Lu currect the dead we new

.6 acre parcel. In litiaation in suit of L. & F. fly 00. va
Polly Hglbrooks, &c. ths parcul Ham conveyafi to ;our company by
com~issioner'5 Need of date Kunuary W, 1914.

3.598 acre pmvcel. This parcel is nnnxzxxfi claimed by Famil-
ton Realty Campany on the one Hund and by Abram Potter's heir& on
the other. There is a unit now pendinr in letcher Circuit “Curt
which will determine which of them owns the parcel. flflm iineral
“uel Company has taken contracts from both parties for thig right 0
way and conveyance will be made amen the svit is EEtLIEG. You Will
therefore pet deed in Aunuut, 1914 at Wthh time the case will be
tried unless the case be appealed.

Iineral Fuel Company tract: To be conveyed when other land of
aame company is conveyed.

3565563.: BRA‘YCH SPUR:

All the 15116 on this; branch belong either to ‘l‘l-u; Consolidation
("0.23.1 Cor-.pany 0:" 37.315 ':‘.ineml 7‘1-(21 Compztn , I .2152 not informcé which,
5nd game ‘.‘/111136 Cl‘l"‘\’83’t‘=§ to :01. upon final cloaimr of .::-1dr; of
my,“ 13.-':.“; tr-‘x “s .

Etazhunive to 12r01.>€+.""z'3,t10n of :;‘n: rice-d: ‘r—Ihi c} :"O\.:‘£’1“.".J.r‘"“‘: wie-
cuted 133,-: Th1: Co:molid;3.tion Coal Com/any or Funeral We} €133.73me , I
{filif‘TF‘E-Lfit that :01; take Up with "gym-33' a Ptame, Ar” 1.. m", V,“ . Consol-
ida‘tion matters (and with C 1755.]. ex; Ctricklatté, "" miir'x'ron, W.
1.1%., ”inez'al Fuel Company f35_'31:n;31“:3 ::..52 "213%“; 31520 firms. reprtmni the
two companies raggectively.

1:03.171; 2, 14.13. ,
Ody/A: (.:1/Vac '
00537; to 9T. Wilson
Warm? r‘ :1: (31593111393;
Heal '5: f7t1‘izklamc‘.


5.5.413, 1:311:17?! 1.3 1:111 acting}? ;'Jrzu 1111111121115; 111 1.11:" 3,1~a'7:.1:1mr Rummy,
Ii'fezntagckgg, f'irijdst 7611.1“ I.‘, 11111.1-1'1‘1-12‘2'3 . 4: . letter: 5:11;; Luff“. 1191/13.: _:f' ,',!»11’7-1—
1mm 2-‘1’1111'1, «11,:-mg, 111'»- ;~1r‘-.111f..'\ffe, m- .‘Imril’mn "'.5 111;; 511,-; 11:11;
c=1£z1€»1z‘9, (111011-1113, ,f..-._:":~t.trw:, “arr: 4.31:1{‘1‘-1121.1:ar1t2‘1, %9'1’1‘11: 11:11 ’19 :..1‘1111‘1/11,
in 31;/.1'“ '1:-3:1 11%.?» 11.121 :1 Law-ct nu" '3“ 1'1- '-1'1....1:.tc:- am am; :1:-11".. 1 12.1.,‘1131-2;
for; 0‘? ."-.;::;~.:1w~ "r!;‘:="~;;, it; ;.ch 1:21" "r;u1:‘1f,;,-', .. W._;;

'.‘ [_:.1 ;“;, .1} Ln:- uéirf’ of“ “..:. 1‘ : nth r, 1; 1-
;3..;’-..,_i-s1‘i,t.~ :- 1:11.. wife, .~.-java awmztrzn ta 12.3w jet-1x11133511 17:11:: .'.-181.11%: .,‘erI-
2111;; 3131'._-;.:,1.;‘1.y (jaw-.1:; for ri,;itt~=si’-waxy '1.2:t‘1:1:1g;11 54-11;; tract of 1=:::<., 2:112
filigrfi‘ef} L1;:.=«‘1:1 ”5111* cesrmj';lertn‘:d;..imz turrréw‘lf‘c‘m, "Lo—1:11;, tm‘s 22111:“ 1'31" t‘iftm‘ "1
hunérau {.mljz‘,:;.=.t;} gallarra; :1111;

1.:. $14.54.}, $11!: 55.111111 7.65.1411‘16513011 ~ ..1-1.9+.a1fr1.»:a.i‘;':r~1:,' ,."-11;! 1:53.11
0171223121.} the? 51.-“1,11 $11.81: of fiif’teei'x 1'1..d‘1:;;rv:2r1 ‘1 ,13-z .' 11011311»? to hr; “:3.,
3115353365,: in 113m "'fi’rCJlE-ifitfi ’.111‘135‘112. .4, [11:21. 'fi)?f};;'£3i.:'g.‘),' :.ui, _'-.'_;~.:--,1;-_-I.,_;’ 1; r“, .‘._:,,.\_::h to
Le pair: 1:211. ;y it. ":1; 1.1.1.“. 11132392» (111:, 0.;32113'] 131.1;‘14'1-wr‘1r' “~131va firm in fix-
;1-21r13f111r1 i’lfWICQifplftw'bt” ":’a'mirad:

:1::1‘1’, '1‘-1‘2; ~'»’L' 155;, in 1_1011sicéer:;s15:11:11} 111:" :.:».r-E {'.~.1'-rf-u.':.-u:1=;, 1.31m under-
ahwrmfl "being; .111 1.:-'1:; Emiim of i-fnrrxmraw ‘:vattc'r, remxw '.;Il-_J’.‘l‘1'}i,"-> Mm-
£421,161 51.3.2..-1‘:1ttr-1i', 'i:u1:”i.>'1.1.; 1711;121:111 tnrab snow is f“:i.:1:="! 1;; 1m :1:,7‘3'1111513u ‘11 '
the? 114.111”? :31" .‘.‘};11‘1'2F‘1w:'= .., utter, ot‘gwr 1;,111‘11'1 ..z‘.;'..1.,0’r.'t.o?lr, :1.!“1? haw :.:-mm»: 13?
the 11:11.11, 0'? 111161 "3311-01131 ”13415231 17m}. (3 r'ixg'ixt.-1:1.!‘-211 91:121' 1165*, 1.1.211? ”311.13
if'iftmm 3'1L1r1:".l‘(€*fi {,.1‘,m"..1§;~:;?} 11,/111:1out i:’lt~t‘¢""~t :13. L111! that? 0‘? r~:;:-"',r1 fix-121.1.
“(ijud‘irg-1L161n ism-':I; b1},- yaid 1.131 £31111 :1:-111; "5’1”‘11’21'1'1, s= 715111}: '.; 'i‘rw ”i; '30:":-
121111.331“. it. in =0 ’.1it'aec1zez'3 1,11 .:;-1131' 1:211}: "11 "no, 1.:-‘1:: ixefiit’fi 13'? ratcxrrema‘n
101.1201“, :11.‘rzc~1' 2311111 517,3.‘ot'w'r, or m 2:111:115,1er':=:c11r1 or 9611:30119 :1:. 1,1'121y'may
designate; r1111.) if in 21.41111 #1031 cm it 3111311111 be! ‘f 11111113" 116311112151: 11 1,711.11 12:.

an," 1: 11175 ‘IQI‘ECié‘IG,
81.1.1121 tract «(11’ 1:11.11} 1111310111331 to ...ottzzrr, Um amid 'i‘if‘tmm handred
(.'klfippuuo) dollars; "vim—101.11. int1~2TBESL at. the time? of mid fianl adjudina- ‘
tion, ahall bro 1.111.111 b3, the 2151M} ," crrcmant 91 3:13.11}: 1.1:. ”Hunt fimpsvmy, 1mm“:
, it in: :70 {ii/meted 1,9 pay the 1111:2131, to ti‘m 21121111111 11.11.;1011121111, or to gnu-3h

perm-n or perrwna 121.9. 1161 may designate. 1

 in the titeavaantlwa 1,1139. an; 13.; -r531~.31*-.r.=:‘1'1;:~7 .::m'u: : ‘rruu t .T'Ijzfig.!-Z.“1‘x'z;," 1r-
te» 3::1~.‘.ly 5». 21:33.3 .~. 13;. 3.1.. 1mm .1:1!:(11‘a§0 { .13 316), 1411.1. 1:», ..L“. 1. «» 5.13:1. my
my 3::-:1; 1;: ':.:- “:.j .13.;13' 1:1 twrrli' 3.. L.<'i-’f'!.‘:9".i~ ..:, m ’.. "ii-::Y'Eiifl‘js' 3..: 02., L 51-141 :; mum
‘ ."v 3v .3 .. s x *s ' g" . .. .., '. u -. -. ., M w .- ~ . ‘ 1 ..‘-. ., . . , . - ..»-_ 5' 3,.» ‘
'11 31 wen-».. gawk-43.13.: 1.4.13- . .33”, 93.11.1511“: .:3 .:.-sun. 1.: «..1rz-nstee1,.::.m: 1..-c: Link-3.1
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. . . w». > 4. 1m . , x. .-r , . ."13 ..~ .~..a-.. . =3 .0
HIV. 33‘! ...‘?!j in), 4331-? 2,:1‘1'13-"T'" 'tAll§§F\,-1.I. n .HM u“: .211 :3 WSW .s 1.2:! L.1«,ul to .L. 3.. . ."-
1. ‘I . L59- ,3 .... 3;“ ...‘.., P 3.“ ‘3 W , ..
93.11;; emu: . .19-.~. (2:13.33; {.:. :.‘..«'.§'. .11 Jtu .-.3. ...': -..<:-3Jr«:rc.
‘67": QTWI'F-F 34') 3.7!.(31111w‘t’7' :..-31‘ ’."h'fxi'ae 1 Ti u. u A; ~,. 7:..»1.‘ Hi. 2.1.;
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Lfi*" 3'th N15") .13 L I ..1 {..”L -_..‘ I“ 4, '..- ‘ . C} {1. It ’ .1 t. ..“) 13"", :JC :13 -' .‘::. l “.' ‘.f ,VCAIW that?
. 3 :.. . .. .. .. , . _.--3 - ,. “.,.. a: 1- ...3.. w.“
351$"I"" T-..;TL‘H_2, .:‘i "u':*;‘ $.31 '..C“) ..1-91:43? . +51 3 , 3. .." .C 7‘.‘ .ihv' '.. . 41,-. .J‘,-.,- .L.?! .‘,:\.:V‘: 11:-Ml»
. . ., “My, . “‘_ at ., ‘ . .“' ..,... ‘ ~-;|A-. .~‘ A. .3.... '. 1-
12mm: Lu my. 7.3.11 .:«rm. .3111? o: 31:11 ”my; , ......w Luv fan {.29.
, y: r. 3v“ . a . 2 . .:. . ._.-. ... , .. . - . .._ ._ .._. .. - w ,,»
am. I. i met a; it $131 5; .:.;m L.YU¢IL"HL .vm 2..er an; .27.. 2.1.3 .1.. 1.23”.
: .,.» 7. .._r .I ......r ._,. 2 ,. -.-.-.‘.» . 4-1 .~. - .»vn,
g: a: LVNES -;H*!+UL éufl” gain nLRLLfiA (J.J,Lu 613.1 bun}? :L.:tw
x” :.."L. .‘-..- - («3 ‘..“... ~~',-:
fwd. :‘ 1.411“? .1 I. v1.3, 1:53"; '.‘»: «11.1% f [‘4 3 3' ..‘?.
Maw”- .«-_.WWW... ---... Wm..-“
_.-_.-m. «m-.. 1...... w... “...“-.. .w -.”...
’ ‘v ' ..WWV-V.- : l
g—yv'.‘ If: I Hi? '- .'.-_j
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, 1‘, . 4!. 9th,: I“;
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{.::/711:: 3:3 :11: 1:: 5:.:13'7 13,31,350 can"; .::3;..*;’(,;.-' mareswu :, 033111;; 3.1m; Lear-2
:9ragnxn. iHVirQ.HQE m? ntizlng :rna u. .guttw: u“. mflmkln U2 $10
'FTH Auk” m-$ r4~L .m. :uy v: finial”. iklhu Rd: L““‘}”« -~{H hue
$513. fink Q3 ‘ubriurg, Iglfi, wnm {“19 any pruuuéqc mflfwru flv gm bxiu
'73:.323.1'3::;~ ’3;»; 1.32.0 .- ;; mm ’
' n “ 31W" "mun-I'vflthn- ym.w....,.n .»A«..«».-§.—~.umw~. i‘ A“mmvle-Vnuuuo”m~mW~~‘w‘~’r‘"M‘H".-fl”
.113. :- «11p, mrr «mm r11 1;; mr‘rum tr; 2171-"? tn be? 2133:; ~34: “...-w 9311133313; Lu-‘z‘m 1.";

. ' .. ..3 ‘ ..,. ' .. 4 A _,j'. ,.., ; ,. 1 . , ..., . .. ‘-._ , ...», ' .»‘ »..-.7 ...,
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1.20:3 {..:; 1.; .’.. .1 {,~' h In 1.: 1.2.175, .3 £1.11 ..“» .:. 3:132: 5.31.“ p21,. 1.5-: mfg»... “AL wharf; =..«1 unit-3%,

a -Z-.- -.fir
f” ’51,,” I ‘.s i '1 ‘.J .1‘? .
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'V " my¢mrh«m '7"~O*nwvl~—Iy~4-ov-’.
'f %v , .:3..‘~\ ,,w :..” 1.9.33 fir“: it“ ‘1 '.. m- 1‘ {1
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www‘m-uvwflmw ~ ---«-uwwu<.u-... ., . .‘.-Mnu-n. rum. ‘4 .».-mum. ....- » ..‘ '
34:31:11; ; '2..‘u;3..,ir.:, -::). ,
.M-MW.W W...

: March 11th, 1914.
Weir 1% /7
Judge Samuel M. 31151:,
Lexington, Kfifiinrkg
Dear Sir:
In Re Enii Lexingtgn & Ea farm Railvsy Ce. V2
Ruben Patter; and Lagfinztfifl & EarfErn Railway Co. Vs Jab:
Benfilny: n3: gunfigglLeicher Circufit fiéawséa Caurf:
I be; to acknixlefre receiff cf Ecur latter 3?
Februnrv 14th, calllnd ay aticriia; fie ilwiraguncie: in
descriptivv of land in the racszd n.w on file in thGFn
I will see that these iiscrnyancia7 are Corrects
eé at the proper time.
Your: very truly,
ZiEii:R. ><::ZZ1/LA Z? /6’5211 2’L4fi

 »- I
. .'.,
.I;: /
“‘ ‘ ‘.‘ .
H (a. 7n! n 7.7]. ‘_ 6 )01 4
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.. .0 S F), 41.“.13k31. L. I.'U(4n<~.. .1, 4//7(!l’/H‘//.) Q- //r/////.M /(//'.J
(' 7 ~ "
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..finrzm.) /‘6 -./5%/r,41/n/M. .7 /r///
C/Mflr m/ )6? . V V, 9 C
_ , / ,. /. leer-.141") ._5, 1,414.
_ ‘ .I ,. 1
. V' . £30 1; L": L ,
‘ 910% . .
let-57‘s,}? .92 If;
.z1ere-HiVLir 634113.105’r se- Jszr'c’l conic-«.7: :3- .».-Vi inc-..:“; .3 C 7...:
11511-92 of JELL'A..1'LCIJ"1 getter 1‘: 177 pwr ot:3:>..:tix.1a.: 1.1.». _15 ‘ .79;
deg :‘ item “:71 in 3.19 ‘ atom-7.11.93 773:2. . 17:17.... ..:; 1”,.‘7.._=, -, 'L‘ .1;);2: ;,~ , ..« , ,
:ur 7.x]._j‘:‘t-o:‘—u7zl,y deco . '50., cm L tract. e- 397...... 07:;
J- -.‘~'.n " -.‘-- 7-‘ F: "3 ‘ .. ~’ -7 ,..'.. < " . . -7 " .7
.. O. 1.17:1:- “ OI k 0 I. 1:001)? 113 1 1.1.1., 1.11.11 :. ~.V:l_.:-aCt-VH 1.11;.- 119.3. 7. :7 r: 1. . '..-3 .2.-1.3.x
. " t;.tz - {.1 (*(L', ‘ -'_~ ”:4."th V‘-J': ‘: [1'1 :‘ "P 3‘?" "5’ v"\ " ‘3 ’7 ‘
.k} var. \; .)....u 7m... .-.._:k -».V') .v r.'.7l.’L.L‘A .v.‘ . .; _AJLVe
and. "71:6; '11:;2- =1“.\ 4.135.734": W 523 7.. _.np nails, 17.41:. 1.439.
xvi rim; r»? rig-1:74;? at?» r, m 31.4: the :30; if”; ,5’2‘21'6'39'2. Ln. enclose-3.,
52:11:} "7.<;1<'.2::V72727V£'t {71:61 the saV‘zc‘: U1": fer-:7 Arm-'- 21." icer I... no F138 . no ‘7 the
9;, .31: ‘-;.:7.,Vs‘—;.;*:'., «pm; "in VG. 0:27.); V, 3.2%}. 1. 33:10 .11 ; 3:" :31. .51.” my
21.11 0: 'nzVV.—:.v~t* 3.2m si5;;nev: has nee-:1 77:31:10.1 yua- Vellvereu :0 as 1;(?f=693‘-
(1.'/1y. Emu 1:11.}. note amt 1.1 grocer; to i:—?.VG sue ire-4.39 3:11... 13:":-
of 9.521127: .1;-7311:,“ around arm “31 111 ‘..;7:= .-;1‘€1l‘?~, r ...rsm {‘..-3:619
31.1%:11/152-19‘17 “1‘0 1“ you; 1.6; stem «co-Hy w :ii‘i tercut 0.13:2'9. of (...'..e 1-79115
.157... 51;}: 111.3... .—=e:;_-..:-_a..:';a'7e i:125‘1.1‘e;....~:-nts. ..13 ‘1'.i.:.‘t is V (“735.3 1. £51: :1 £13.55?)
”the n." 5:74:12, and 4.11 ‘.'5153 Eff": 7"; lo {.3417 Gear: 1771.1 .7, '..‘E'ii'r-
..:-m5: Ear:- L13, 2.7.: mi jam"! to sour-7 om: ' the gen] 97: her 0ij ti; 0 1113103911,
57.1.3717.“ '1112‘5 't.2:c-.'7_'Vr mt. .731. :J‘uféy r-ck.xm.7.'le«‘:,€ L119 var-1'16 . in. CI'U'rl‘ 7...:. L. {.i.-s:
:7sz—1t‘su ”31.57” :57:- 73.1.0" by: '.')r'mwtly ."um. me «.7257 {.e7j_;u;-‘».i. 1.79:. 1:1. 1.11:-
,VVzru'us', 6 1.'-702:? :i' you 72:) ..: "I‘l- .’!‘-‘~"~’ ”"3 ‘.‘ ’341‘5 5:?
00:01.79 mi 2.4. m: e .
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..‘} ‘IV.~-__4 J\l"~ \‘J
6 encla-

 JaHN [5‘./1.465}? d.VV.M.$TEWA/?T
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.. v (»a/ L ., 45

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L5y47277/fl551 V fjfl/IILJfl/szgi
/ ’," .L
-, Inn/”.J' /‘é .L”/">41 //wr‘ flfl/y.
~C ,/ ’ L .
IE/l/flnmflfly. ,F‘ebrzu'vry 25, 1914,
(w. u. 5095/ "HAWART"
In re riJHt-of-uny deed to l. a I. hy.Co. over wh:t is
known as the rit Lotte: tract on Potter: Fork of Loone;
Eionq Sari'l. T'.Uil,son,
Lexinttcn, K4.
Lear sir:
For vour files we nerewitn enclose CO‘iEP of letters we are
J ) p
tojag writing to ‘r. Ceo.‘.ilenin , Vice-;rnsieent cf te‘ ineral
Fuel Comnnnv and to 'r. j. ,. hurvie local counsel {or tffl I” L; .
.L" J ’ )

R3. Co., witL reference to :nr auove eutifibd matter.

As soon as we are grovioeo WiZL ;ne fund: witn Which to make
deposit and the various gaperr nave been execgtec relative to the cis-
poeiticn thereof at tie end of the litiieticn and have likewise teen
deposited, we will oeliver to yoa tie tvo deeds, {l} fro: '.l.?ot::r
end wife, and (2) from the Lfl-er neire of ;Lrnnfi; 1ottrr, eann to
the I. 3 E. 35.30., COHVPJihL the ri;nt-of-w5; referred to.

Thie TO ld complete your cumin of title to Lne riént-of-wa; except
for re recordation of tne reed from the jarilion nealty Comoa1w
to the " ineral LOLlel Compz‘ny, rand \vL.i ob, for other reasons, is ti'LoLiLght
best not to be iecoraed until efter the to? inution of tne litigation
above referred to; and except deed from ”inezal Fuel Co. for tnis and
other rights—of—way referred to in other letters of even date herewith
Very truly JOUTS,

4 encls—
Carbon to G.W.Fleminb, V-P., flew York,

n n n n u u M Allen.

" " oeo.l.fleal.

" " l.fl-Harvie.

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