xt73bk16mf8w_462 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [324c] Commonwealth of Kentucky v. L&E, Perry County Court text [324c] Commonwealth of Kentucky v. L&E, Perry County Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_46/Folder_2/6007.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_462 xt73bk16mf8w 5’ %%»»M7
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77 .>1:,:,.z.egzs~/zz’c4 glam/m: / fl/ '7 I» _
///m~eJ///Qggr/¢ngWW -i/M/m/fl/fy October so, 1915.
Hon. S. M. Wilson,  . ‘
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6? ‘3‘-“:0; 4.1.009. ~—'- uuf., . .‘:: _- .:. 4': v0.,
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2%uu 4ru3uut acarusaed by you he 1L. C. O. brgmiord, ;aal inflate Agent,
H \ ‘ ~ 4.': -. . ‘ a ,_..s.~ 1 - 1«' ,., .'.—- 1.. ‘." -
fibfllugcv .333 39:1 lwbuul, eg¢= hulg Lo séflnh
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1 Lfilnk ”he pOlub you main in,;c:erance ts fihfi plea of
:63 iufiioata is wail taken. I fire: the former Answer with fiection 132 '
'~ 5 ’ ‘ --- -" ’ .:. ~ .., .' . ,-., ~ V.. : .,... ‘ , A- . n A '
01 the Civ7¢ U000 wnfiewh&o vaguely in HJQQ anu ulthout taklag any time
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to ;CLL; Lo uh» authwllblfiS. in tug ;15nu 01 such canes as A have
examined Since ymur Fetter came to hgnfi, mora eapflcially #he 0330 of
v“: .x - .~.“ 1 "“.4 rim.“ » — . '3 ’2 1",. " ‘2 ,',. N. r' :- T‘ ' \- n _ '1
:umnu; V; ULLLLLh, can. »uO ha, 5LL, s.c.1¢¢ L.u.422, I thC honafiufieu
thafi it 2173 he better to set out fihe nature 336 scope of the forfimr
“1“”“, “.,, .‘.. ‘,‘...flw .‘,; -.~1-’,- "' ,..- .. -,.-.'.‘ d 5“ .‘.1- '
proceu.;ubg n0;0 la Gutull an” Lhifi i haUC EWUOLUingly mane? quutlng
la yarfi from the pleadings in the formnr pyocoefiing aha follnwing this
.,. Lm r\ ~-_ ,, .- ,_ .. 7“ ....H x V, .. .. — .... .. .K. . - ‘ .‘:... . .. ’~'. *
up “4;; m VuzJ ¢iqfiu aauelanew to the 11mghdb0 of the ghntment flgaljy
a,“ 1,,. '. ‘ w z. 7 ._.-....“ i' c“ . . ..' ..,.”..Z. ..7 . , . .'»- _
T€fihulufi DJ ;hc Rc;yy Launcy bouxt in Lhah ;ocmar proceefiJgg. I am
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.‘ J. -- n .,7 . .-,3 J.,. 3":' \ ,—.. , ~ .~ , ,‘, " ~ , \. ”‘.‘ - . - .-, “.,,"
lnSuZJ;fi;uu: u; ¢ch ELmu at Quad. 1 aggume LLaL thale ”111 be no so-
,:-,.\ .,. 4.‘.:.,_ A. ' ;.'."..-.“~-L-~ . ., -" . . ..,.
wakb GpQCSLuluh to lfig iilxnb a, UL“ other Side and that Joave by do so
"“1 3' .-,., 1..:. i' . . ’.‘ ,. . ... \ .‘. .‘. ‘. ‘1 .. .x “ . .v,' . ‘» ~ . -
Wild ac LIGHUCU as 01 goalme by Lhu boazt, I nelehzth nanfl you f0? your

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csnsifiaraticn a airbag 0093 oifthig amenémenfi 395 woulfi like you to go
over it and than advise us Theihay yen Ehink the plaa in its 2 vised
form is evasg way suffic‘enfi: 1 thank you far having ea 1rfi my atten—
tion to this feature ai'tho first inflwer,ebcn I firefiarei.
"’“- — .- ». . ,“‘-,'. ... . “rat... . . ‘ . .. .“.' m. .‘ 1 .. '- "r ‘r a
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7cm; bruii jovrw,
..;,m‘mu a '1
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Aitnrnmgs at “oz-1m
. HAZARD, KY. U‘C‘L. 5, 1913.
Samuel 1.. Milson, ‘.‘ 00%- 4f / j
(Pi-e11. Counsel 1}. 8c 71-. By. 01)., ‘ .
Lexi 115.5110 11, 11;]. .1 ,~
Dear Sir:- L
' Yours of tno 220th relative to trio case of tire CDiAduUli-
vveal th of Eie11t11ci.;/ by .‘_"ram: Horn, Sherifi, vs. 3.114 111. By. Lo. ,
received. We attached. a. Coyy of 1:111; judgment remjered in the
former Suit to your E.I’iS‘/‘.’€I' and. also sent ;ku : coyy of tilis
jun 1‘11162111. Since r1:-'c;.ding'g your letter 1e z—re of the opinion that
the oroceedings surgested. by you. in the County Court are all
iI‘lfj‘ilt and we Will, anrofore, try tin?) case at £116 ilrst armor»
t __'_“‘ m“""""’""‘“"'""’b"‘-’WM fdmkl’&1~‘m‘rvamfik_vm m «...‘.., Mx‘hfguyfifli
Etunity {no will MUTE: bl]. tiic evidence taizen down in Short-hand
22nd get ready :"or tilt: “trial in the Circuit Court, and. we can when
E » . .
have, as you sugrcst, 1hr; two grocecdings.co1113olloated and
Jtried. out together in the Circuit Court. it will not be necessary
2 i . ~ :— -_. .1 . .
iror yiu LU (3011.6 to L111: trial is we Will see to lb unit 1.111: case
is groocrly tmcn care of in the lower court.
) V1" ._,... J“ /-”/;.i"~~ .».: ,.4/1/ .
1. 3 r .,b:. I _ .- -,/ 'v , ,'.'
jL. 'v‘ “"' ' ’ 1:71/ .
/ /
[”‘_fi...” I,

 ' 1 a‘” .:7 . . f/I/ , X/J ,.7 ./J//)‘)’ , ,2 (”.‘/1
. . , ‘~’ ,1/ fi/ . 7‘
mil/Mlmyflééifigfiw 39f?” gt¢ fl/é/él/ZflW////}/* flew/111%?
1792/1/4- 7/.~%6-'sz11%; / /
(I, .::??zfctrti'tji/llaflwy ( j ' ' Z) /.
/”"”“Jg/jét’fgétffwi JWJW%7'%Octcher :24, 3.913..
' .
' C. 0. Bradford, Esq., g 'Wéfi:¢574if.:13.
Real Estate Agent, 5 ’-i« I ' .
Building. -. 1 . ,.
Dear Sir:
Herewith I hand you a letter, dated October 90th,
iron Sarmel M. Wilson to H. G. Williams, Assistant Chief
Engineer of Gonetruction, relative to two tax caoes of the
Cowmmwealtil oi‘ 'Ceutucky augztzimxt the L. fr. 113. Fly. :20. , {termin-
ing in the Perry Circuit Court; also copy of wuewer which /
Mr. Eileen hac filed in the case that was filed September ’ ,
5, 1915, in which the Commonwealth seeks to recover taxes ”_ 1
for the years 1910 to 1913, inclusive. '
I understand that the first suit filed oGught to
recover taxes for the years 1911 and 1912, and also that
there was a judgment in that case, in the county court,
and that we appealed to the circuit court and the case is
now tending in the circuit court.
Please note the suggestions made by Kr. Tilson
as towuether or not we ought to make a determined defense to '
the second suit in the county court, or merely stand on our
rights there and require the plaintiff to put in such proof

- ~
..‘ ‘ '
as it may be able to produce, and then let the court en»
tor its judgment on such showing, and tage our appeal to
. tho circuit court and there consolidate both the actions=
‘ Mr. Williams rwferred thio Jettor to me, with the '
suggestion that the nattor should he submitted to you for
any suggeotions you have to none with réferonce to it.

In my opinion, the anowor prepared My Hr. Wilson
States a oomplote defonse to the suit so for as taxes for
the years 1911, 1312, and 1913 are concerned. As to the
taxoa for the year 1910, I understand that wo had no prop~
arty in Parry County oubjoct to aomeammemt for taxation for

~ tnat year; and TbilP tho answer denies the cjaim of the pe~
tition to taxes for that year, it worely makes an ioone as
to those taxes, which W111 probably havo to ho trjwd out.
It soomg to me that it would b» a flood juoa fior tho company


1t? W V/“ to Hana whatever dofogse it can on that issue, in tho Gown,

11:. -11. .u'

H.C.W:’ ty court. And, if that is done, we shall, oj‘oourso, have
to introduce such avjfionce a3 Wm can introduce to Show that
the company had no oroporty in Perry Cvnoty Hnbjeot to 33»
sesowont for to atiou for that year. I do not anew Whether
you cou1d tastify on that point. I presume that Hr. W13»
Piano cou1d tootify on the issue.

Will you conaider these papers, and, with their
prompt return, let me have any suggestions you have to make
with reference to the case?

Yours truly, A.D.A.

 o; ywum
. ’" 7 //. /4/;9 V,/,/”—” / //””’
;”ywfllb‘g: 7/{7/;4;///, ,_ .///////’ 16% ///’////. /’// //’//’ r y/fll/l ////'//’///
’ firis-lrt'r/ (ll/0171 ('1:
‘%22;¢2.&2-Aenflthfl ‘ “" *‘ /»// 2
yamazygzfifié$f”“3“m”’ .tféézgnitaiéééajigg
”'”’/f October /' 4 , 1 915 .
.. Hon. S. M. Wilson, V ,
, (9% 2f, /3
Counsel, L. & E. Ry. CO., I
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir: '
—-Gommonwealth of Kentucky, by, &c.,
v. L. & E. By. 00. Two Tax Suits
in Perry County. ,
Herewith I hand you a copy of a letter I have
to—day written Mr. Bradford relative to the above—styled
It seems clear to me that we ought to procure
. a dismissal of the claim set up in the petition in the
second suit, for the years 1911, 1912, and 191$; Surely
in; the first suit, in which there was a judgment against
the company for taxes for 1911 and 1912, can be pleaded
in abatement of the prosecution of the second suit for
taxes for those years. And as for the year 1915, inas—
much as we have filed the report required by the statute,
in which we have included all our property in Perry Coun-
ty for that year, the plaintiff should not be permitted
to prosecute the action for taxes for that year.
I note that in paragraph No. 1 of your answer

 St , \
' ‘ s. M. w. 2
I.‘ , i
you have pleaded the judgment in the Perry County Court,
‘ assessing the company's property for taxes for the years
‘ 1911 and 1912, in bar of the claim for taxes asserted in
'1his suit for those years. Does that paragraph of your
‘ answer sufficiently plead the judgment in question? I
am not prepared to say that it does not sufficiently plead
the judgment in the former suit in abatement of the claim
asserted in this case, but I merely make the suggestion
because i feel that we ought to be sure that the former
judgmentfigufficiently pleaded, so that, in the event that
the ‘- - . I'M}. (:..‘ Drift; um. oi; ~.. '.1 A.‘.. 5 :l‘. .5 13.11? .1 .:.!E'.‘ ‘iff-,.\;.=_‘, JV“; 5.1.u-'
J.. _a .. 5-. i._ _ _:1‘ 1‘ ,_ a . .'.1. . .,‘ .. ..'. . . ‘ . .. — _‘ .. I.‘. . .. .. . ' I. ,. . ,... I .
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