xt73bk16mf8w_470 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [332] Netty Cornett v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [332] Netty Cornett v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_47/Folder_2/6457.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_470 xt73bk16mf8w K ’7 (”7‘ j 1:7 / l/
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" ' - Eovember 22, 1913.
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Hazaru , xxg‘f,
'finclesce herewith, finfi veuehrr for £117.95 in favor of
Settle Cornebb hut payable, en the veuoher ibself inflieabee, to
7‘1 . 9.: r ‘ -».. - J-r- ..,.” ,“1
J .Ksfi.‘ a l'LLJJlL.‘ 1" , {11:11 (.3. .,. :10). 11:137.

@180, find herevizh emcloeefl voucher for $148.95
in favor of James ivcrfiala but payahle to his abberney, fiheee name
‘ I w m '3‘- L'\ “J.--,.., m 7 '1 ‘rr .':“. ~.~~ f ~. ,::—'L‘ m “" "" ‘1‘ 9
1;“. 11m 11 (M, but“! "1‘! 'u-L WELL 4.1; 121-.‘.... V 'Jilftzlfi'l o

fins, also, herewibh enclceeé voucher for {166.15
in favor of Jelly Comee,'hub payable to her attorney, J.K.E‘Eurner.

“" " "' ' , -~ " - -. r <1 - .»..“ u (‘.v‘ . «w» -‘— u

A11 01 these vouenabs. me you u1b aWuLO, a1e 1n sot-
t“rne1" 0:13 ,‘ju.iign~1m:bz 2,: room (1 m againe‘b b:1e 7: Ex: ”1‘7 I'ia.1il-wa.:.r Company at
the rccenb bubueb any“ el’tne Jerry Uireuit Court.

1 suygese there is no ubefl of urging yeu to $90 that
bhcec vouchera raxch the hunde ef fihose for whom they are inbenficd
promptly auu uibhout dui1y“

Very truly yourw,
(3? '1 ..‘/,'.
‘.J‘ 3.6. .".

Netty Cornett, V Plaintiff.

Vs / mensnm .

Lexington & Eastern Railway 00., Defendant.

This cause came on for trial and both plaintiff and defendant
having answered ready for trial thereupon the following named jury,
to-wit: J. 3. Whitaker, G. W. Eversole, Henry Campbell, Tom Milan,

W. n. Napier, Wilson Campbell, ?. C. Hensley, Jake Frost, James ivans,
Joe Standafer, Bud Morgan, John Colwell were empaneled and sworn to
well and truly try the issue, and a true verdict render; and thereupon
the plaintiff stated her cane and the plaintiff stated its case, and
both the plaintiff and defendant introduced their testimony, and there-
after t.e Court constructed the jury in the law, and after the case
was argued by counsil for hoth the defe dant and plaintiff, it was
submitted to the jury for a verdict, and after the jury deliberated
upon said came, it returned into open Court with the following verdict, _
to-wit: "We, the jury do agree and find $100 for the plaintiff,signed
J. C. Whitaker, G. W. Eversole, Henry Campbell, Tom Milan, W. M.Napier,
Wilson Campbell H. C. Hensley, Jake Frost, James Evans, nine of the
jurors who were 8 orn to try the issue.

How it 0s ordered and adjudged by the Court that the plaintiff
Netty Cornett, recover of the defendant, Lexington & Eastern Railway
Co. the sum of $100 in damages and the cost of this action, and this
cause is stricken from the docket.

It is ordered that Court adjourn until tomorrow morning at
8 o'clock.

Judge of Perry Circuit Court.

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Yours truly,
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January 16th, 1913.
File '63-,
‘ 1:12.” 2; /r” 1?
Judge :3. Wilson, i. f!“ 1'11"”“7/1“
.5 .‘ < ‘ ' -' n‘v'r'
C i t y. I
Dear Sir - \‘u:;;;e3§:; ,1
L'leplying: to yours of 15th instant enclosing: copies of peti—
tions in the cases of Dally Combs and lfetty Combs against this Company.
Z‘Je have no information whatever in mm this office in roger-i to these
claims, but will take the matter up with Law Agent Eubank and have him
make as prompt investigation as practical.
Yours truly,
_ 2." l‘ if .V t .4 '. f a, ’ ‘1» ' J
Ilaiiager .

 -il/x/y/xx 22222) (f///////// M/fl/fl/ Wfl/mzy
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5..K§MA£WLJM /3
é a January 14th, 1913.
r’ 5.1P7l7W7 "
if ‘2‘“, ’""‘\ - File 65.
S. K. wilson, Esqif l: ””“9“': l'
General Counsel, City.
Dear Sir:-

Wootton & Horgan have sent to me the enclosed copies of
petitions in the following cases, viz: Dally Combs and fietty Cornett
against this Company. As they have sent but one copy of each of
these I am not retaining a cepy for my files.

. Yours truly,
Encl. _

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,. ’9’ J I
b Q
‘, ,f
‘ ' Perry Circuit Court‘
2 Wetty Cornett, - Plaintiff,
; —vs~ Petition
5 Lenington & Eastern ‘
E Railroad Company, Defendant-
mhe plaintiff, Netty Cornett, says that the defendant,
Lexinwton & Eastern Railroad COmpany, is a corporation, created,
organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the
State of Kentucky; and in its corporate name, "Lexington &
VEastern Railroad Campany" has pOwGT to contract and be contracted
. with and to sue and to be sued.
iplaintiff, for her cause of action herein against the
defendant, says that on the 9th day of November,1912, she
was ridiazaceoss the rightof way of the defendant company at one
of its regular creasings, at the mouth of the Keener Branch in
Hazard, Perry COunty, Aentucky, where the public high way of
Perry County passes acress defendant's right of way under its
railroad track; that the defendant , by its employees, was operating
a railroad train near said crossing, which railroad train belonged
~to defendant, and for the operation of which defendant employed and
placed in charge of eaid train said employees; that while she
was crossing said right of way aforesaid, the said employees of
the defendant Company, who were in charge of said raihroad train
caused the engie Whistle of said train to blow, which blowing of said
whistle by defendant’s employees caused plaiftiff's l'lorse, on which
she was riding to become frightened,from which fright it started


‘. ,

to run with her; that after said employees saw the plaintiff's
horse was frightened, they, through gross negligence, caused
said whistle to blow, from.which continued blowing of said whistle
plaintiff's horse become more frightened until, from said continued
blowing of said whistle, it became uncontrollable by her and threw
her from saidhorse to the ground, oprainirg her ankle and injuring
her and bruisirg her externally and injuring her internally,cau:ing
her side to enlarge and causing her polapsus of, or falling of the
womb, frOm which she suffered great physical and mental pain,and
from which she has sustained permanent and painful injuries,
and from which she is reasonably certain to suffer pain and inconveniences
durirg all her life; and from which her capacity and ability to earn
money and enjoy the pleasure incidental to life has been lessened
and impaired.to her damage in the sum of $1500.00.

She says that tweleve months has not elapsed since the
accruel of the cause of action herein set out.

WHEREFORE, the plaintiff, Netty Cornett, prays judgment
against the defendant, Lexington d Eastern Railroad Company for the
sum of $1500., and her costs herein expended and for all proper

uetty Cornett,
By counsel-

The plaintiff and affiant, Netty COrnett, says that the
statements contained in the above and foregoinz petition are true
as she believes. ,

Netty COrnett.
Subscribed and sworn to before me by Netty Cornett, this
the 10th day of December, 1012.
J.K.P.TUrner, 1
. Examiner,fierry Circuit bourta
Filed Jan-llth,1915,l sum. oigb(%%;y_issued-
n1elyClerk. .

Netty Cornett, Plff-,
Vs- Cepy of Petition
, L. it E. RE“ 00-, DGft'
‘ l