xt73bk16mf8w_472 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [334] Morgan and Gross v. L&E, Hazard Police Court text [334] Morgan and Gross v. L&E, Hazard Police Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_47/Folder_4/6523.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_472 xt73bk16mf8w 3’;/M //"'/.~
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{/mnmr/iT/ méf/ClzZ/éiszr/wm .__i/{fl/MZZ/J/flco/fyy 0.0130 be I‘ 22, 1915 .
$544“ 2 3
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & E. R. Co.,
Trust Bldg., Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Referring to your favor of October 20th relative to
the case of Morgan & Glass v. L. & N. R. 00., Perry Quarterly Court.
As there seems to be nothing Else for it I have re—
questedflvoucher be made covering anount of judgment and costs in
this case. The handling of the case by our Local Attorneyscannot
be defended and I trust that your letter of October 20th calling
attention to their delinquency in the mattet’will have the desire
M2: .5‘-”444 444/
‘ Assistant District Attorney-

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appeal, the (1311170231 0:? the voucher can be withheld.
I regret that there 5531911151 have been any trouble in “the
11511163] :.:-13 of this suit, but the real orcplarzat'imn $003329? ”:30 be furnisc,
in Z‘fr, 330:3;7811'3 Io‘tter :3: “the 17th irzsfizn-rb, 3:" which a 0:11.17 is: herewith
encTosefi. I also e::e3.o::e copy 033' Pe'itition 15031511151313; filed 311: 2552113
Vary {gr-11":y ynu'fl!
-- .- A.. , V ”..;,
311111-138. .

 ‘ /// / *// L/j/ /
- ,,,,.cW///L 0/ ////// flax, /’/"/t". /,/// ~1///;,//.» F/I/A'm ://////
, -’ _ _ , I
/ 3;) 7/ / / Z'
_ -- /////.////////////// V, . -. ~ (H '
./ ./_/ / /" ,r/( I
October 20, 1913.

T32". ‘1'. E'thwell, ‘qu. ,

Manager, 7.- E‘: '.'". “By. 00.,


30:3,? Sirz- .

"7191093152. herewith, I re‘afiuzfia to you your file 15-65 in the case of
3301-an F Gives v. 8: 7‘. By, (30 , 22...:11‘01; 3:3: inf; 31?: the 77""??‘(1 Police

finalizing-you. for the. use of same, I am,
Vex-3,7 truly yours,
if T / A. '
’ Com: (:01.

 !~/7 3, Z/mn ~ , -~ »
Claw/y flx/flm/ Q51) MW/ (ave/y ////////%
( \.’, /“ .2 / A \ ,
. ‘\J : 'V .// 7/ ?// / -
I . ‘ ' ,.
{fl //
October 17th, 1915.
s. M. Wilson, Esq., f 7
' Lexington, Ky. ; p,
Dear Sir:- L “H JQL- '

As requested in your letter of uctober 15th, I hand you
herewith my entire file in the case of Morgan & Gross vs. this
company for the alleged damage to shipment of soda water fountain.
After it has served your purpose please return.

Yours truly,
;é' -, ’9,
B ;' ,
Enel. .

 x /
BAILEY P,woo‘r'ro~ JESSE MORGAN \ ‘V’ I 1 _' r " «u.
x . \, . I,.

‘ WOOTTON&MORGAN 'a ./ 3"QM126 _
Afinrnmgs at 71: am 5 I, a ‘13 I
HAZARD, KY. i ’ ~~~ -_.... I“

Oct. 17, 1915.
1r. Samuel M.Uilson, 'le_w/
V hexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

We herewith enclose COpieS of the petition of Morgan & Gross
vs Lexington 1 Eastern Railway. ”his action, while it does not show
when it was filed, was iiled sometime ago. We know tfiat it Wfis filed
while 7. E. Euhank was working for the road, and Ir. Wuhan“, we have
no doubt sent a eon? of this petition to Kr. fioDowell. At lease he
had charge of the cane w ile here, and looked after it and wet up
the statemwnts. Te found that the goods were no in good condition
when delivered; that is, the fou‘tain wee damaged in some war. The
large flees that went with tie fountain was broken, hut very little
“was WI" :3 11‘ sum" 1 n the ear, :T nd in the, (31‘an . . ’.‘he man ‘.’»"2‘: o d elivered
the stuff from the depot to horgan L iross lives here in Aazard, and
Co said the stoo? was dot delivered to him by the railroad, the re—
cords of the road were in such a condition at that time tlat you
could tell very little shouf it. duhank was at flourt several tines
wlil tlis case was pending, but was nezer ahle to set it tried, and
after he left the service of tle road, in rll of our hurry and mitmlil
with railroad case S, :_: 3 se dr‘lf‘PQfi ._Oll‘G. QiV.V£>:.ll...l:.lTlll“lll at a lllle ‘
erase....;;2:.£?;l"..////// 4////// gar/(395242,, LE/Lfl/gx.
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(ykwmllf:(ZN/{r4214 . Ccélxé/fi’i/‘l/I/{f/é/t/é? Oct. 9 ,1913.
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V "r .-.A ((3
Mr. s. M. Wilson, (OW/”j '
Counsel, L. & E. R. Co., é $._.3K-»v.;‘
Trust Bldg., Louisville, Ky. 1 "*""
Dear Sir: ». - M 7
. Morgan & Gross v. L. & N. R. Co.,
Hazard Police Court.

Enclosures received with your favor of October 8th
relative to the above styled case in which there was a judgment
against the Company for $65., are herewith returned.

In view of the information contained in Wootten
& Morgan‘s letter to Mr. McDowell, which letter is quoted in his
letter to you of Feb. 10th7wou1d it not be well enough for you to
call on Wootten & Morgan for some explaination as to recent pro-
ceedings in this case.


k“Will you not also kindly impress on Wootten & Morgan
the necessity of forwarding to your office copy of petition and
docket report in eyery case in which the railroad company is in—
terested in Perry gou£§?so that your office as well as mine may be
advised of such litigation.


JJD/w Assistant District Attorney.

 o ‘- «fly/4%; éJZV/g/fi/i/flKfl/flflflfl/y , V,
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//"”“//;//’67Z4§%Z§74W1_ a "MyH/(fl/ 001;. 7.1913. .
Resets. Wootten & Morgan, }
Attorneys at Law, ‘
Hazard, Kentucky.
Gentlemen: t

I am returning hereoith execution from the Hazard
Police Court against the L. & 3 R. Co. in favor of Morgan &

Gross for $65. and cocoa on a judgment rendered in the Ha駧§’ ,
‘ Police Court in ohe case of florgan g Gross v. L. & 3. R. Co.
growing out of alleged damage to freight in transit.

Before a voucher can he made in settlement of this
execution we must be furnished wifih some information with re-
ference to the case aafl we have no record of COpy of pefiition
or docket report in this office. Eleaoe advise the place of
origin of the shipment in question, the name of the consignor,
the name of consignee, dafe of fihe shipment, date suit was
filed, the value of the glass belonging to soda fountain which

. it is claimed was broken in trensit and any other information of
value which you fihink we ought to have in order that a record
of the matter may he filed in ‘this office. A

Was fihe record in such a shape that you deemed it

inadvisible to appeal the case to the Quarterly Court- I

 w. 80 I? - 2

presume the case was fully investigated and that you had the

investigation papers before you at the trial of the case, but as
‘ stated above, your letter contains the first information received

in this office relative to tbs case in question. Pleasé let us

hear from you as soon as yossible.

Assistant District attorney. V


Capy to '

Hon. 5. m. Wilson, V//

Counsel, L. & E/ R. 00.,
Trust Blflg., Lexington, Ky.

 iz/I/My/m/W/ ///////// //////t/// / ///////Z//
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. ‘ {‘5 '-i ' /
.‘ (52 Eebruary 10th 1915.
'.LW . ./7 /3 ’
A .»., File 63.
SI IYIC VY‘V’j.:.l.s 011, Esq. , -.
General Counsel, City.
-Dear Sir:—
Replying to yours of January 50th in regard to the ease of
Morgan & Gross vs. this Company, for damage claimed on shipment of soda
water fountain. I am just in receipt of the following letter from
Wootton a Morgan:-

"We have yours of the 5th relative to the Morgan & Gross
suit in the Hazard Poliee Court. We have an arrangement with
the plaintiffs in this case whereby we think we can.arrive at
some arrangements satisfactory to the Railroad. We expect to
take judgment against plaintiffs at the next term of Court;sadv
and they in turn expect to recover off of the shipper for the}
glass. As a matter of fact, the glass was not shipped inrf“
the beginning, The plaintiffs have just found this out."

yours truly,
, 01:».me i . if}
{A ~~v V" f" t """?» ,1; ‘<. a x;- .~ , .
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