xt73bk16mf8w_474 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [335b] Jane and Hiram Williams v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court text [335b] Jane and Hiram Williams v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_47/Folder_6/6646.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_474 xt73bk16mf8w 4 _ Dace-fiber 1.271., 191-53.
;,Iessrs. EEorgsm 1 3311-3120153, flittyrz. , »
Bayard , .{en t 12.5- ]CJ .
7 Gag-3?; 15: men:
Zie;.3‘1;.2‘ing; to yours of the 11th instrmt, 11;. 1342533101130 to ' 7
Quit in Listener Circuit Court 01' Jane and Hiram13111113138: v. 15:33
_3;; may 01' praince, 15:: me explain how I ‘.'-’1 ll be situafied
during: the month 01' January, J.‘-21?.
Zine ;3re:3.t'.’r‘2.itt Vircuit 6333371“ begins its~ regular 531:: weeks'
t:‘:l‘222 3:1 Your“; Bay, 3:21-23 first _Ionday 37.11 Januaryo I have a his;
docket 0;" 053.303, 3::-0 t}; 350:: the .I;-":12! 2:12.101 1:231 the Z. :.‘. Co., 1*3'31'1 V3131
be 3'03“ 1133.231 511‘ this; 1:623:33 zinc"; Mimic-21 it is 01'" the “11193110213: ’2‘13303'132'11363
$23.32*; I “an to 3:21 3303352013... The docket in the lireathitt Circuit
333.1 it»: £33.10}: more 001153531236. $333.13 it is; either in the Perry; Circuit
3111131" 3.11 the Luetcher Circuit Court 01", :”or that matter, 3:115:31 it is
11.: 21.237 other Ciro-33:11; 3273331“: Del'ore which I 211131 called 1133011 1‘3 33r:3.ctico.
I 13:31.15: 3/3 by 00213-23111"rating; 13;; :.‘;tantjon 0;;- the Breatnitt 21311531111;
Court during: the up 3rvo::,<3}2:3.11,{; Bis: WBBEIS" term, it {3:13; "£252 gsosazsfgnle very
much to 1":(131230 the V0131? of Company 2212.:231195135 in that court and, 3:511:11
this; (10:19, it should '03 3205353133123 for 33.3, 21;}:ez2rer3i‘2013, to devote more
at‘mnticm 3:0, 33310 23921611215: 1335:1110 2,331 03. the 00. 3,316. $33 3:;-L? in Ferry
2:23:16: int-3136213. I twice this 132.291.31351331311 in order 111:2.1 ;rmz fizzy 'the
”Betta—r 12.111912:3:11.216. why it is that 1 will “.39 3133.3 3:0 ;givz) 31.110 01‘ no
:Ztfif‘:;1fifu21 71C; 2.333: in 121m. Perry 37:16. 323333115213 ‘uircum warts: 211335.113: the
{josh-13:: to be 33311: .312; ‘52';:3:3~:) courts: Curing: Jil..i11£;.‘z.‘;".
’..‘.?21112 .:.1<3,:.~:t 13.313313 13:31:53: :33'.‘ the Le $133331" 21333331211; 'szzt, accord-
1;;-g 'L.) 32215) Calendar, begins: 2:311 he 532.012.116 .‘.;anfizzgi in January, 1.8.

 y; tom-25 . 12/14/1'3’.
Jo ufiry 8, l“l7, and lasto for twenty—four jurifiical days.
A §2§S£E£ torn oi th' Perry Circuit has been called to
convene on the first Mandcy in January, 1.0. January 1, 1017,
(being the some day on which the Breathitt Uircfiit Court convenes)
and to continue for twcnty~inur juridical days.

from the foregoing, it is unmarcnt, that, unloso like

the proverbial Gaul, I am to be divided into three parts, it is going
to be impossible for MB to attend all three of these courts in Dotson.
I will neceSSarily have to make choice between them, and for the
roasonc explained aoove it is, in my judgment, most expedient ané
cesiraolc that I confine my attention and labors, as for as neces-
sary, to the dreathitt Circuit Court. I do not moon to say and

would not have you think that this decision is in accordance mith

my own personal preference, but it is clearly what my judgment Sic»
tctos is boot to be done unflcr the circumstances. '

With this preliminary Statement, I now proceed to make
further answer to yours of the 11th instant, first aboveumontionod.

(1) Whatever additional proof it may be cocoonary to
take on behalf of the doicnfiants in the Williams? case will have
to be taken by fir. finrvio and I would like him to Drowned forthwith
noon the iCcn that he rill havo to take charge of this matter ané

‘ 3C8 it through. ‘

(2) Youx lottor roiers to certain "recent bloadinrs",
couiee ot‘vhioh you nromiso to iurnish no, but, as yet, thooo copies
have not arrived. homovni, from your Statoncxt of their contontc,

I am prortrod to nuke One or EH9 Euyaortions Kgich I do Tunic: the
next pmrafiraph.

(7,) It .‘ii:-ems to me the quossti 01.2.1: sought to be ratified by

' _ Lalil—E. 12/14/16.
the plaintifis as to tho ouitobleness of the location actually
ooooted by the railroad are ontirely improper, wholly immaterial '
and uttorly :oroign to tho real irooos between the parties in tfis
c as. I assume that those pleaoiugs were filed OVUI dofoodants'
objooiioo and that proper eroonfijons were saved to ths iiling.
Sotuitnstoudixg this, hOWOVGI, l thigh you should onto: motions on
oohali oi tho fiojondonto » (a) to strike the amondmonto from the
filo, and (if that be ovorruled) thou (b) to strike out of the b
oleméings so much thoroof as o-oko to raise any question as to the
oroorioty or ouitohlonovo of the location actually adopted and the
construction work actually done by the railroad.
(4} Ii those issues are alloroo to remain in the ease ’
(as l oroou7e they Will be) I incline to think it would be well,
out oi abundant caution, $0 take one or two oooositions on our ho-
half to Snow why the location actually selected Was selected and to
Show that the construction at ihe point in question was done in
the most approved and workmonlike manner. I do not regard the proof
on ibis point as any more competent than the pleading on the same
ooint; but, as we are fighting primnriiy for results in the trial
court and by countering plointiffs' proof on these points, we may
be able to got a more satisfactory judgment at the hands oi Judge
. dollar. In the Aooollote Court, if the case has to go there, I fioubt
not the matter mill take care of itself.
Very truly yours,
Cy — Horgon & Harvie, ottys., I
Whitosburg, Ky. Counsel.

. Artur-urns z-I‘l' iLleu
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(:0 32011 ism levees inter-zed, it seems 3e ‘5? L.:LLL ,mh \. 3 be :EliblLlGL
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u " 71: ,, ._ '..‘
heed oieeretiea.
*‘nr ‘1‘ 1-‘1~r ',.fi1~.rv
V'JJ...’ 1‘11‘ ~_y/ arm-4-:"
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.»Ii. . ”.J.. t’iflga ./\.v ..1 ,,‘.

 ‘ \ .::}:rl/x/‘j u JESSE MORGAN LEWIS E. HARVIE
, r MORGAN & HARVIE / / _. M», a ,
\1~.' 5’3; ' ‘~’ . r ‘ 4" ‘:x’mf fl
,-/ H . J..; ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ' "“‘ I in
i 5‘ 4 ‘ ; WH ITESBU RC, KY.
il ‘l 1.: k“ ‘1,: :31 'I"’, -
i .\3 . '.I
‘2 ‘3"" > ,f
NOV. 27, 1916,
Judge S i... "‘ilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
In re suit L. a E. hailwzy Co. v Hirat williams and
Jane Williams So. &h I“ & A. Railwey Co., consolimaxeo oauseg,
New pendinr in the Letohor Circuit Court.
The aoove styled suits have oeeu set for trial on Thursday
Dec; 7th, next at Jhitesburf.
Plaintiff has heretofore taken the deposition of Hiram
HiliirmmbfiAli.l . $900, on, within the pant week he has taken the
aepositions of S. G. Fairchild, Surveyor, and H. T. Day, County
Judge. This week we prooose to take the depositions of J. D.
fields who conducted the negotiotiono oetweeu the Company and
Tirau Hilliats at the tine the con rovers; arose, god of F. U.
bieldo to prove the handwriting of Ira Fields a witnes to the
, contract sued on. ie will likely take the depositions of Ford
erson. Ass't Enwineer.
Yours truly,
AMA— ‘ 5: flW‘
Copy to Lorron a Nuokols,

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’ éJa e l »
.2 er/ Seyfi. 20, 1911;».
Judge S. 1. Wilson, . 7 . f”
Lexington, Ky.t “4;”
Dear Sir: V
In re suit Jane Williams Vs. L. d E. ReiIWay Corpany
do. and L. d E. Railway Co. Vs. Hiram Jilliams, consolidated
causes non pending in the Letcher Circuit Court in eduity:
I he to stats4over our objection this cause Was
submitted for trial at the August Term 1916, and after the
Court had tried the case and had rendered Lis judgnent, out
defore some had seen reduced to writing my attorneys for the
Nilliumses the Court decided to set aside the sucmission and
permit additional pleadings to ca filed 33 the dilliams'. The
Court announced as his opinion that it would oe unconscionaole
to énforce the contract entered into octween Fircn dilliehs on
the one hand and the Railroad COLpany on the other for the sale
of the right-of-way in question. The status of the ca'e is
therefore the same as it has oeen for the past year.
hiran Williams and wife will doubtless file additional
pleadings at once and additional depositions on our part should
0 The at; a he rlJDeitolle 11
he woild undertake to induce .is cliant to settle tiis intrer
for 910t0.00, out several days lttcr wgen I saw hi: a hi1 re—
;urdinr this feature he said that his cliant did not WiSn to

J. S. L. S. #2. '

Although Judge Butler has prepared us for his finding as
to tie enforcement of this contract I an of the opinion that V
a full presentation of ihe facts Dy our Mngineer and witnesses
and u complete analysis of the contract will rive us a good
chance to reverse his finding.

I assume that you have heretofore heard fro; lr. Lcrgen
relative to this case and in con ection with him are te_ing
steps to procure your witnesses.

Yours truly,
CO); to Jesse Lorgun. cxégi1/VLAL/i/¢?ZL¢/ZWL‘;

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‘ Ogéwmfly gé/mp/éi%fl% W
5% ‘ % %
September 16-l9ld
NW. b.£. dilson,
General Counsel,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir: -
Your letter of September 15th relative to
making survey of the Janeand Hiram Williams' property.
In the file sent you by Assistant District
{Attorney Moormcn with his letter of July 10th, I believe
; ,. V . 7
i there is a herd paper drawing prepared by forner Resident
1Enqireer‘marfieli showinc the ori~inal location on which the
, (r ) V E‘
i . . . . .
10pti:n was taken and the change mcde in spiralling the curve
fat the 7E’illiems' prfgperty.
If you will return this drewirg to me I will have
NEW1~ 4 H ' "»»._c.._...,,.w_,.m -.,..._-.-..,“...quth
a drewing prepared on large scale for our records and then have
our Resi ent Engineer at hazard take his party to Thitesburg
and cell on fir. Eervie Mith c View of securing such additionel
infornrtior as Mr. Eorvie miy desire to have shown on the
drawing. Then the drawing can be completed and copies sent
to you for isc in the suit.
I am sending, copy of this lett‘ r, to 3.1es:a:r€:. .13131
and Hogvie with request that if the drawing referred to is in file
' files which they have on this suit that they sen