xt73bk16mf8w_476 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [335d] Jane and Hiram Williams v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court text [335d] Jane and Hiram Williams v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_47/Folder_8/0222.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_476 xt73bk16mf8w o/ . f—Ik-EZB7
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A ,.--..(2/10/21/4,a .y,
r ./t
July 82—19143.
L11". ..3. D- 1Vila]:..fie1.(:".,
District Attorney,
Buildin ,::.
Dear Sir:
I return papers sent me wi oh your letter of April
Elst, relative to :zit of Jane Jilliants, seekiiig to re-
cover damages in the sum of $5500.00, namely, {1500.00
for right —oi‘-—way take n, and 3.3201030 for damage to her
property by reason of the tell.” and also by reasfn of
changing. th." channcl of the K'f;l’ll7‘-'LC"§7 River in ’the con—
struction of our No rth F3l1-I Extensio n, wiich she claims
caused lamage to her property by wash.
The history of this case is, that at the time
right -oi‘—we y was being: securel for the li‘orth To :1: Ex—
tension, Mr. Jouett, I believe, tool: option firm Hr. Iii—
rem Williams for the right —oi‘-\A'-Iey "Lizru his 13; operty.
1.211“. ".'.’illiams later refused to mite deed, enc“. the claim
.3 , , .
was set mg that a p 22.-rt, at least, of the property Optioned
‘- beli-ng ed to fire. ..’illiams 11.1d1v1dually. We proceeded with
the construction of the railroad acro es the property on
the strength of our option, and I believe that suit was


B Dl'fari’ield, p 2
filed to compel Mr. '.'filliams to make deed to :;he riryht—
oi-wey. There were severe-l complicatiois while}. arose in
connection with the meter , since the option, I believe,
ellwved ._he Railroad Company to exercise sever-cl rights
in connection .':ith the “.’7 :1:ch.::-ee of the righ t-oi‘—1'I.::;y,
name lv; it is my recollection that one p;ice 17-5 named
for a straight right -oi—vr:;;; - a second 3) rovi do? a
pr ice in case it ”.798 necessary to trike ’_he house, barn
and well, “on; I on n:t positive as to thi- , end I
believe that the originel option is on file with ’.:he
papers at ‘..531itesbnrg in the 311i t to compel 1.1 . Williams
to moi: deed to the right-034.733.

There has been :: gre:;t deg-l oi‘ correspondence
bet‘a'een Iir . ‘.'!illiems, his : ttorney, or. d officials of the
Railroad Company dur ins; the 1 st 5311: years in connection
with his cle ims, and in Hovtn‘cer end, Decenber, 1912, lir.
Peyton, after l’l"‘_:;O’L‘/i;i tions extoxdingz i'rotr; Jne mitil
_October, had e erty named Sam Hart construct e considera—
ble protection along the ..illietis' pruperty to restore
the be 7315 and prevent dcre in the int .re fr on; wash —

\1 this work cost $407.23.

B D Warificl CL, 17 5
I find 3 12101113. {3117111111 in 71110 i‘ile clated October
50—1912, reading-
"Present understanding; with Iii. Hiram ‘.Tillief:t;zs at
‘.'71’31itesburg is, fihct file Railroad 00221372113] ‘.‘/ill pay
him 1;",2140.00 101‘ right —o:J'—w;,2y and for :l leged Sewage
to hi 7»; p 7.77037 arty resulting from water 771eiit7xi forced
over against it and. scouring 01] certain portrns
thereof. An effort is 1107.7 being made 10 gire‘snt
furtl‘lcr dsmsge by the water and to GJIG the evils
already resulting. Ii‘, when this is coznrlcted,
Mr. ‘.’.‘illiams is Sitisfiecl, we will 3773;] Rim 29140.0()
and 7: 310: release from farther claims".
It appears from 71.11710 c 0rre7-3p0371clencs thstt the
CLIGSJE'LOD 7.713s rsis ed by Llr. ‘.‘.Tilli ;11s in corn“; ectiz‘n :.‘itl; the
settlement as ”to 7.7;1107'51101‘ he 70111.71 be erznitt-ed to build
a Wire ”for-7t bridge extenrlin‘; fro: his house on ”sh 7 opporite
side oi" the Kentucky River to Railroad 0327.17.78.1257‘3 Isa cl—
bcd, in lieu o: ‘5 foot 1057‘ 7:111:11 11:7 . Wil lisms mints filed in
the Kentuc‘y River :0 ricr to the eonstrucbim oi’ the I‘fi road,
which foot 105 was renderad useless on account 0 i" ;he steep
slepe 01"; our 0.7:;112Erflzn1‘nt 37re7.ro::ti:_:3. access :2 the same.
The one .'.'“bi or; of ”577.6 advisability 0f37z‘1nit in: the 0:1:—
813111013131 oi“ mush :7 foot brilje 7.17:3 rejerrcd to you in 111‘.
i Peyton's l tter of li’ovesgfoer 9111, ,,o '.'.'}:iCh you replied on
1 .
7, Novemb er ll'bh. Therefore, 1107:1711 n; furthu‘ was done towards
reaching a settlement ‘.’.’i’C-h LL17. ‘.‘.’ill‘fams after ”one 37 rote ction
above referred to was oonstrm ted.

' B D Warfie 1d , p 4

In June, 191?), ME. Pcyt on made another trio and
discussed :he nett‘ er with LLr . ‘.’fil lianzs, at w hie h ine
III. Peyton figured on con str'lctinr; a ford in the river
for use of 111'. E'Iilliams end Il‘ii‘] plign preorred 31111.01“-
werded to 111‘. [Colbert I-Iol i 1' 5], who was then acting £8
a ;Special Agent for III . Pcyt on in connection with cl;- iris
on the North For}: Extension. Mr. Peyton had ”.'I: e at—
tached :freeznent prepcred for etiomission to I1;.7‘i'illie:ns,
but he refuted to sign any paper Whatever in eonneeti: n
with the 111stter, :;nd the subjc ct has reached in status
cue since ghztt ,'iziee, nothing; hiVll}: bcer. do ne ':~:.'er<‘is
the construction of the £0 rd. I have i'equ:;;tcd 14:. L.-.
JUL-1'11 cc, .171" Dir: en E11-neer, to loo}: up \‘Iitnerzses who
will give testi111ony favorable to 1:110 Reiko-id Cor_1p;-ny in
case the suit o es to trial.

Our Local Satan-hey, .’,Ir. D. 2). Fields, Them, I
believe, was very friendly to 2.11. '.‘;’illi:—?:::s, has :lwag‘s
indicated thet there was little hope of our avoid :‘Lrg
a large jnd‘jmcnt in c-‘romection with the case. 1111-. Joaett,
who is very," familiar with all the conditiom, wrote 111".
Peyton April 14—1913 recommen ing a coglzp remiss of the
case, if possible.

 ,1 c
If‘ ‘
13 D ‘.'.’arfield, p 5
I am no t :- dvi sed as to what :3. :1:-m o s it 'on '.'.'.23
ma de of 31'; o orig; incl case 3'11); :1"; Hiram I'.-"111:1. I s :5:"; 11
a ViOW of is 1‘0 in; 11 im 1.33 ‘ (“Le ed wider th 9 0:21 .0 of
the 3 p’bi Sn .
Y3 ;; - '.' Ul , ,
-7 ./
C/ ’ fiK/J/é (siegfix ,. ’ ’
",77, 9:3 341:": 1 ear 3f 03;;struvr'513 11

 ’ April 21,1914.
mr. H. C. Williams,
Chief Engineer of Construction.
Dear Sir:

I am handing you herewith Judge Wilson's letter to me
of April 20th together with copy of petition and docket report
in the case of Jane Williams 7. L. a E. R. Co., Latchcr Circuit
Court in which plaintiff seeks to recover thrity five hundred
dollars on account of land wrongfully taken by the L. a E. and
damages sustained in: to tho residue of her land in Latchcr
County, Ky., through the alleged nogligcnt construction of the
ficrth Fork Extension of the L. a E.

I shall be glad if you will furnish me with information
sufficient to enable our attorneys to properly defend this case
when some is called for trial.

Please return enclosures with your reply.

Ymmstnfly, m
.fl (8’23 agave at: .4'-‘7
District Attend???”

 /' / ‘/ / 7) // /
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April 19, 1815. 5
non. B. J. wafflelfi, ,’b J- \
§istriet Atty.,L. & H.§.R.Co., 1/?=u 4 a
;Ouisville,Ky. '15 Q, “ 13W
1 \» ‘:‘ -."".\ ‘»‘
Dear Sir:— \P‘ ';‘\Vfl
\ (~‘:
for your eonsiaeretion, I Fans yau herew1th copy of Ectter
* /
of the 16th instant written me by Judge M...Fiells, of “hiteehurg. I
think it nroper to say that Judge Eielde is in error in saying that
no blanks for Securing the attendance of witnesses have ever been
furnished him. I sent him such blanks on the iind of larch, 1913.
ver? tr"l“ “L“re
u Li J J 3 {A J a M 4 7/ 74 (I
3110 . . fl 1 ,7 I , , // ? ,4;
/ , I ‘,‘r / |/ I I, " //%/
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/ Scnrzse].

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iflzmye/L/l 541091 ' // I '
i ' - /’
m t ' 7 /,, .
, ,, ,,,, v/,q
eeril 19, 1915.
Hon. 2. S. Jouett, 5
General attorney, 1 R n R P 03., y?fi;g£ »\
. {5 ' :'L ”\\.
Louisville,Ky. ax-W ,1, 5%
’ v '? \;,
:\_3. . L‘V.
Dear Sir:- \oé -f3*
\\x {‘2‘ ’
For your consideration, I hand you herewith copy of lettqijg/
of the 16th instant written me by Judge T. 3. Eields, of ;hiteeburg.
i think it proper to say that Judge riclie is in error in saying that
no blanks for securing the attendance of witne see have ever been
furnished him. I sent him such blanks on the jfnd of Kerch,1913.
Very truly yours,
, /
’l a
Fnc. t fl’7/ /§'l, /
/7 / / \ ,r
A Codnisel. '
j? ystr“~flfi%
~ .egwy rem
$1? £92. .
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él-f. fig {7.:

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 / / . 77w / / ,770 ' / (K / ' ‘
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%//iéw2 r/. {W} I.I/(Hz /f/0:L/I%/'dt 'r/tw/f At 15 11‘ 1111 ng ham ’ A13 0 e
‘ .f/(Vr/A'IM/Kicf. 777/ April 15’ 1913'
" ‘ . ’I.I‘J'ld'lllil/ Ml’lm‘l'rlim’.
Mr. ES. Jouett, “ H ;l..& N. RX?
Lreneral Attorney.L8:iI h d. 00., (LAW DEPAWME
LouiSV1lle,Ky. t ADR
I have received your letter of the 14th instant
relative to suit of Hiram Williams, above Whites'burg Ky., —
Lexington & Eastern Extension. 1 do not know that 1 fully
understand the course tret you indicate Messrs. McDowell and
Field propose to fellow. 1 take it that the expense of settling
the claims will be charged to "Construction Account" and am at
a loss to account for the procedure that you suggest.
I am strongly opposed to the payment of any such
~41 / sum of money as $1,?00.00 or $51,500.00 to Hiram Williams on ac—
I count of his alleged damage.
Xours truly,
K y/LW" ”I I ' r ,«p/b /
Chief Eng'r.0f Construction.
P/8 i . , ' I _
, ~ .:i: V- ”.. to i ’ 2 ,. it}? P in Q '.~ MI
Dictated ~ ‘I ” ' ‘ ’
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v ‘5‘“; if:

 FORK l—Revised July, 1909 » I»
gaging? whichtslucbnppareptl)tvhuxmefces'slalrg, of: thatdcciiuld :1: Sent tbyd‘l‘riiufn’i‘ail, will be_ transmitted and f - -
TELEGQRAM ° W pm" y‘ “‘ ”p‘i‘see $333552“ éefi‘éif‘fnéné‘éu‘v’spéfi‘c‘ufé‘, 1°33, $01. “WWW“‘°”‘“e““°“‘ TELEGRAM
§ 9 317'" 1’.??t’m 7“
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-. '.; .I.. 1' .1 ..:. ',. .‘_-,,. a .» ~. ~ ,— - .-» v “= ” n A '.“ ~
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fi"».»-.- 12.2- n e . “drug..-“ or .. .~. .. ' ~.. .., n ., ~.. 4, ..V. . ..
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new). 1.11;: (3(fu4.n}j fault.
T S): ':f ;Q' ““1161" -'(§'§‘c ("Ntn'M'y‘ ‘.u'“ a U-‘fi-‘L’9 'I“'." n ‘Y‘ “ "‘. '7" «1 '90
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.1. .4 -.. .' ... , — . ‘-~ - *" .,- n"-,...-. ».e. Hunk. ..s. . ..V .~
tolepnone .‘..an endeavor to 35;-t ail. tuttetn‘llzbb ;.Lt tum tern {Ni-.'.ufkflti, sane?
».‘ f a 1 - ‘ ., 'o ,.q« ‘ v2" V- '_'- ‘ ~— :.— . . " '.. TV I A s -r-' ' I.» s-
on 50011 es plautlczmio ;...zr. Layton 0: ix. .:i.(:.1.2.1l:i.e.me »...ill go to
12’, J .L ‘V .1. .... .-.-' -“ ' .. 'v-z’, w, 1". ..'~“ _ ..:.-.‘__..i-.‘ ..‘, ,'. .. ; .~. H H ...-”.,’.“ . .
Clumsoure; to carefully U1»1:,l;..:‘20t:tf :.:.Ltnnt,;on anui ondetanrot to :2.-Hm“: 5..
» ,.1-.1.'!,— .. _:. ".’.? . ‘-‘ -. aux. w 4 ..’. 1 1 ’v - ~. ~. .. ~ -. o“! -,. .“ -
BCbb-Ldfildhb» 3.:. ootttmimn ammo“ no name tnen ho- cen 5,0 ahead ._:.ifn. too
« ~. .‘ J.- ' .r n ". .”' w .. ..,.“- 1 -' .. ,..”. . , U - . a .
proneoutlon of this suit :2.». tne nest tom}. it Bennie to me. that 3.:; the
.' '___-i J“ l—, x ,n a} . 1 - »“g ,". VJ" _ . Jay .. “‘... n v c‘ , fl _‘. _q ,
{Juggle and ::ennlme oolxztton 01 me- .cntne: camping: 51mm. 1.0371 now. (,.aonfront~
‘3‘ .. . .‘. J.‘ .. v . J,-,. .,L: .. , .~. 3U” . A, ___ ‘7 .‘.. W . _ ..__ _
n15. us 4.11 14.31911. litngyrnntornn If: ..;3ra..-11s3011 1:.: out of mm. 1:.-2015.. £>3wot9nto2g~
”."' ‘1”. .- - _ .. ,.. . . ,L .. .. .. .4 .. *‘ "'.-‘“' w. ‘ " .' n u ,-' < ,..
mi..; actives 13:11:) i.’iezsr.~ng-;,c to ;..r '....!\,..;o.::o..e.t.t for nttontion. .
' ~r~. vwif- n
.:ifik IJOUFéJ.".L

 L 0 U I s v 1 L L n a; n i s I l.- L l; R A I L s o A D new-o". ' ’
1. Telegram. _
\ . . _ I r“
Louisv1lle,1y. April 15, 191;.
General Counsel L.& E. R'y.,
Lexington, Ky.
At Lexington Thursday Hays, the attorney for Hiram Williams
indicates that he might file one suit covering all damage in the
Hiram Williams matter and thus at least for the present postpone the
penning equity suit.
I suggest that you communicate with Hays or D.D.Fields by
telephone and endeavor to get all proceedings at this term passed and
as soon as practicable Mr. Peyton or Mr. H.C.Williems will go to
Whitesburg to carefully examine the situation and endeavor to effect a
settlement. If settlement cannot be made then he can go ahead with the
prosecution of this suit at the next term. It seems to me this is the
simyle and sensible solution of the rather complex situation now confront—
ing us in that litigation. If Mr.Ei1son is out of town the La: Operator
will deliver this message to Hr *.A.ficDowell for attention.

 . e
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   ”M iii ,
April 14, 1915;
Mr. John Howe Peyton,
Chief Engineer of Construction.
Dear Sir:

Mr. Wilson has diocucsefl with me tho suit of Biron Tilliams
above Whitesbuig which, as you will recall, is a litigation with
reference to the right of way strip which we acquired by an opfiion and
contract with Hiram Tilliams.

I gave my doposiiion in this case at Loxington lost Thursday anfi
had a full talk with David Rays and with D.D.Ficlds, our attorney. It
seems that the way which we had fixed up for Hiram Williams had washofl
away and he seems to be penned in at home and is having to pay others
to haul his suyplios from Whitesburg though he has teams for the purpose
himoelf. Kong other grievances were cot up by his atfiornoy.

I casually diocusoea the question of settlement and Hays indicated
that it would probably be adjusted at $1,700. I think Mr. Fields woulfi
recommena a settlement of 31,500 and perhaps dia so at some previous

Hr.fiilson wrote Hr. V.R.Smith sometime ago for certain information
anfi that was referred to Mr. H.C.Williams. it seems that Mr.fiilliams
wrooe you about ii on February 24th and, as I recall 1%, ho ooio you
had had a conforcnco with Hiram Williamo. I suggested that unless you
could handle it yourself ii would. in my opinion. pay for Hr.H.C.WilliamB


J.H.P. 2.

to go there at once to see just that, if anything, we had to do and
also ascertain at what price, if any, we could afford to settle. The
court meets in Whitosburg today and that suit may come up at any time
so that if eny preparation is needed it will have to be made at once.
It is a kind of a case in which we may get badly soaked if it goes to

With reference to the various claims referred to in Mr. Fields‘
letter will say that I had a talk with Mr. fichowell and Mr.Fields
together, On Thursday, and hr. thowoll said he would undertake to
handle those matters in connectionwith the local attorneys and such
special local men as they might from time to time employ by the day
in helping to make adjustments. He has, therefore, undertaken to do
this so that I presume that it isygecessary to bother about it further
except in giving information where any particular matter is referred to.

Yours very truly,
Enclosure General Attorney

 f7.» ’,_, .‘1-124056
LOUISVILLE, KY.., ,. , . ,.
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