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. LOUISVILLE, KY., February 8th. ,1915.

Hr. Samuel E. Vilson,

General Counsel,
Lex in ;t on , Ky .

Dear Sir:—

I quote below letter addressed tr Wootton 3 Korfan, relative
to delivering drafts and securing sifinatures to vouchers and Order of
Court abandoning certain portions of road in Perry County and covering
the building of new County road in lieu thereof;

"Referring to the matter of the County road of Perry
County which has been abandoned and a new road on the oppo—
site side of the River constructed by the landowners: The
order submitted by you did not, in the judgment of messrs.
Jouett and Wilson, fully protect the Company's interests and
at conference in Mr.Jouett's office last evening a new order
was drafted, a copy of which will reach you through Hr. Wil—
son. Then this order has been properly acknowledged and
- executed and all parties have signed the vouchers enclosed
herewith,you are authorized to deliver checks enclosed with
this. It is important, however, that no check be delivered
until each and every one of the interested parties have sign-
ed voucher, for, as I take it, should one of the landowners
decline to sign the receipt and approve order abandoning the
old road and establishing the new road in lieu thereof, it
might bring about complications,all of which we desire to
avoid. When the vouchers have been receipted and checks
delivered, return receipted vouchers to me for final handling.”
. 2 It was my understanding at final conference with Kr. Jouett
, and yourself that it would not be necessary to even attempt to secure
xa release from the landowners adjacent to the old road; in fact, as
, 1 mr. Jouett put it, it would be establishing a dangerous precedent to
,5 even attempt to do this, for it might cause others in different parts
,;{ of the County to raise an objection and attempt to recover damages
/ x where the road has been abandoned and changed without first securing
1 an order from the Court.

I shall be glad for you to advise me promptly if my handl—
ing of this matter is approved by you.

In line with our conversation as agreed upon at 1:00 a.m.
to~day I have had drafts prepared which go to Wootton & Morgan by
registered mail, so as to reach them Friday, and as soon as the in—

' terested parties have signed the releases the checks will be deliVer-
ed .
If, for any reason, the draft of the order is in error, or

 Kr. Tilqon—w_~—-—~--T2: _
the checks Shouli not be paifi as outlined; you ohoulfi get in communica—
tion with Iiossrsfi‘ootton 52,- Zforgsm ~.:an 8’60}; pajlnerzt of same.
It might "In-:- 1'.? 11 for you to telegraph ifessrs. Tootton 3
Morgan, also myself, tint tim- paper}: mar»? in prey-or form, so that there
will be no further delay ii". 115111517111?“ the matter.
Lhioperintendont Of Construction.

 . :..ouisvili.c, :3/13/19123.
’z‘focttozfi ..'.OE‘f‘TE.‘ 1:31, 7.12:5;93352, jig/..:,

I am mailing fionight drafta and voucher$. Hr. Tilson will mail you a
copy of the order t0 be executed by the Counfiy Court :nfl release to
be Signed by each of fihc intorastmd parties. When fihis release 13
signed by all the parties ané the orénr entered by the Sourfi you are
authorized to Sign the firafts anfi doliVQr same ta the 333693, which
will he paia throu h the hsnk on presentation. fiuggost you notify
interestea narties so fihat they can all be on hand at once time fin
acknowleflgn the release anfi avoifi further flele la payment.

T E Smith

0on IRL’LA’EIOU 3032*: //'
Copy for Hr.Wilson.‘


q - L.

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“ ~ LOUISVILLE, KY., January 27th,1915.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson, /f74exiélfifimuWT/3 '
General Counsel, L. a E. Ry., “ "'.:?
Lexington, Kentucky. ?', ,
Dear Sir:

I am enclosing you ggrrespgndence, vouchersfland other claims
rag/eiaiaajcg fills, building .of.,..neW.-C.011n.13Y _._road in Pe‘rlrzifirmEf? ” "The ‘
‘;County road was originally located approximately Where the railroad
{ is now. It was at first proposed to build the County road parallel

with the track and only a few feet away from same for a distance of
several miles. On account of the close proximity of the River, a
County road located between the Railroad track and the River would
\\ have been a menace to public safety for all time. We finally reached
”an agreementWiihwtheTlacalmm to locate the County road on We ”’""
opposite side of the River, upon the agreement that the Railroad Co.
would pay at the rate of $1500.00 per mile for the right of way and
{building of a County road that would be accepted by the Fiscal Court.
i)The several landowners agreed to build the road across their reSpec-
“gtive property and furnish the right of way for same. The vouchers
'enclosed are intended to cover the payment for the right of way and
the road as constructed, which has been approved and accepted by_
the pourt. ”' "
, Messrs. Wootton & Morgan have rendered valuable assistance
8 in these negotiations and are thoroughly familar with all of the
yfldetails and we have passed the vouchers as prepared,up0n.th§ir,recom:
;.mendationsngI shall be glad for you to advise me, with prompt re~
i turn of P§R§£§l.if vouchers should be paid. ““””'mm“ww“”“
- Yours trulV,
Qaé7/7 ,
I « /“‘;;~
6% 2e? ,1
. f7 “‘7..—4'1/
Superintendent of Construction.

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In the Eatter of the flpplicntion 0f
Hames dombs, &C., lunflowuers of
Perry flounty, to have a new publifl
rcad opened anfi certain parts of the
013 $036 changed or Giacontinuefi.

aagga '

whereas, in the above stylefi procaoainv, an upfilication or
petifiion was heretafore filed in fihis Hourt, sifned by James Somhs
Sufi five, or mare, other lunéowners of Terry flounty, seekin: to have
a new public romfl Opoaed in Ferry Jaunty between tha gointa herain~
after maufiiunad and locatei aafl fiescribefl as hereinafter set iorflh

Further, to have certain pertionn of fihe Olfi jounfiy road
altered or fiiseontinued, anfl,

Whereas, ii apnearm tint, prior to fiho filinr of 531%
petitien QT application, flue antics was given in the manner uni for
the lenyth of fiimo reguirefi by law in the filxtriet or fiiatricts in
which it was nrcpaeofi 80 have said new r095 lacated ans establishm
ed ané in which fiflié 01& yo:& ham herctcfare been locateé, and,

;hereus, the Court being satiaiiefi that Gag anfi jraper
notice had been given, acoarfiimi to law, tharaafter a§yflifitefi ”. 1.
Tara, James Gombs zné R. T. ?Lei£s, three impartial housekcewers
of fiha Jounty, as ficmmissioners ta View the 61C road ana such $ar$s
thereef ag, in Saia amplication or petitioa, i3 was mought to filter
a? to vaeafie anfl, also, to ViOW the fTOUHfi over which it was naught
in said application. OT petition, to have the new raufi cwfiahlishad
and construfiicfi, anfi ta assess the dunajez the Guns? or owners, or
tenamts if any. of said preparty over anfi throufih which 3315 new
road might be located and establishefl might be entitleé to receiVe,

Vheraas, mafia Commimsionors so apfioinfied were fiheroafficr
auly Sworn t0 faithfully and impartially fiimehmrge theit Guties
under the law, anfi therouwon praccefled to View fiho land unfi wroperty ‘
through which it was soufiht. in naia application or petition, to
have sai& new roa& locatofi and established and, also, those parts
of %ha old road for which new road was intended as an alteration or
Substitute anfl which it was Sought to have closed and discontinued,

fiheroas, said Sommisgionera afterwards refiurnea into Gourt
a report in writing, signofl by them. stating the conveniences and
inconvenieucea which would result both to indivifluals ana to the
§ublic from fihe Openifig or alterafiion of naifi road and the fliscon—
fiimuanca of the 015 road, anfl also set forth therein the cammence—
meat anfl termination of the propoxaa new roafi, with a general
fiescriptian of its course anfi distance, anfi the value of the land
sought fio he apprOprlate& for the establishment or alficrafiion of
said road and the names 0f she ownerg uni t§nant5 of the land
through which it was yXOpOSGd to hava maid road extenfiefi; and, at
the same time, expressed their Opfinion unanimuusly in favor of the
eatahlishment of saié new roafi or slteratian 0f the old road and,
3130, in favor of the Closinfi and dfi$cnntinuance cf certain hart:
of the 01% finuaty rnfifi as hereinafter more parfijcularly get forth, )

fihereae, 13 their repert aforesiia, aha Sammissioners
unficrfiock t9 and difi defiermine &fi& EESGSB the compensation gustly
&ue $0 each owner and fleaaui €0r fine land prsposed ta kc taken anfi
the adfiifiienal fencing thcrchg renficreé necessary fifld the Gamages
to the residue of the traets afijacent ts saié raaiway, and,

Thereaa, upon fihe report of the Gcmmissiouers on saifl
application GT pefiition to establish or alter saii road, precess
was issued againsfi Irvin flvcrsole. A. D. Sampbell, filijmh Tugate,
flirnm Eagley, Jahn Caldwell, 3. D. Samphell, Sherman H. gumphell,
?. 3. Hoofion, X. a. rapier, Jahn Samhs, John Frameia, E. T. Graw~
ford, Elhannon Graw£0r& and John Field$, the camera anfi tenants of
the lands over which said report ShOWS the Said new or alterea
roaé did paaa, $0 ghmw Gauge why the said report should not be con»
firmed; ané each and all of saifi lanaswnars mnfi temanta, havimfi
heen duly mummanod to show cause why saii rcyart uhouifi not be -
con?§rmed an& no oxenptimnm havinw been tnkan or filed to 331$
report by any one of said landownerfi or tenants,

II In 303 ORDERED AH? £DJUDGED by the Gourt, that the
saia new or altered road, as vieWeé and locafied by said Commission-
ers, be and the $ame is hereby established and oraerefi to be opened
as a part of the County road and so far a part of the Eublic Road
fiyatem of 39rry County.


The $313 new 0r altered road, as heroinbafwre eatahliahefi una

made a narfi of the Public Road Sgutem of Perry Jaunty, is locatafi and
. aescribed as follows:

EQGZNHIBG at the Zack Nanier gill 91500,.0n the fiorth Fork
of the Kentucky Hiver; thence exfionding up saifl River on the eaaé gifie
fiherecf t0 the Xouth of Second 3reek fihrough the lands of the partiefi
abave namefi, Viz: Irvin Evergoln, i. W. Ssmwhell, Elijah Tugate,
Hiram 393103, John fialflwell, U. D. Sampboll, Sherman Ho 3amphell, V
y, n. fioeton, n. G. fiapior, Johfl fiombs, John Vrunuis, l. U. firawford,
fllhannen Srmwforfl anfi John fields.

It furfiher apyearing to the satisfactian 05 the flourt,from
saié reporfi of the Sommixsioners and from other evifience adaueea be-
fora ifi,that saifi Change or alterafiion in the Seuntj road anfi the
oyening ané aSfiahlishmonfi of $aid new Sounty roafl are of sufficient
3n§1ic utilifiy for ficrrg flouuty in gay fihc campensafiiofl and danfires
32 aasasscd by the fiommiamionarg snfi 33 arreed upon by the yaxticfi,

It further apnearing that the aafiire esngnnaatisn anfl
damages SC §350330fl and afircsd Even in full Of all 3131mm for said
lgnd and the taking anfl nae tharagf and the value 0: any femuimy
thereby rendered necessary and the ineifiental and all other aumages
to the resifiue of fiho traotg shutting CT afijaoent to ihe uuifi roaé~
may and the cast of opening anfi canstruetiny said reaé is the sum
0? Fifteen Hunflred vollars (71500.30) per mile, ané, ‘

It further appearing that, ky uafi'with the express consent
0f the owners and tongnks through which said roaé has been orderefl
established, Suwh ownera and tenants worn themselves ta construct
the said new Gaunty roafl and to receive aomgenaation propertiouatc
to the length of raga so ccnstrucfied at the rafie of Fifteen Eunérefi

. Boilers (F1,SGO.®@)‘per mile, as fixea by the reywrt of the Cemmimsion~
are and the agreement of the parties, same being in full sompcfiuation
for the congtructlon of said roaa as well aa for the lama tufiem an&
all damages inciflenfi thereto. including Tanning.

If in 0333333 That, eemven$ation for the cstabliahmnnt,
ogening and cenmtruution of Said roafl he awardefl accarainfily.

A33, inasmuch as the alaning of said old r0gd,0r the
aesignated parts thereof, anfl the alteration or Openifig of anifi new

road have noon renuorod necessary by tho couotructlon of an extension
of the Lexingfion a flustorn Railway through that part of ?orry County
in which saifl old roafi hog heretofore been located, the foregoing
order directing the 03ening anfi establishment of 3315 new roea ané
the order hereinafter mode directing the fiisoontinuumoo and olooing
of oerfiofn parts of the old Sounty roao, shall not become effoctive
unless anfl until the Lexington & Eastern Railway Sompany shall ob~
ligate itgolf to pay the entire oompomoation awardofl as aforesaifi,
at the rato of Fifteen Honored Eollaro (g1,500.oo; per mile:

Ehereupon, the Lexington & Eastern fiailway Company in open
fiourt undertook ané bound itself to the satisfaction of the Sourt
to answer fox said costs and oomvensation at fihe rate of iiitoon \
Hundred Dollars {$1,$OO.QO) nor mile for the entire length of fihe
new road above oraerea to he Opened onfl constructed.

At the some time came the several properfiy owners and
tenants above namoé, to-wit: Irvin Iversolo, i. 3° 3&mpbell, Elijah
Fugate, Hiram 39319;, John Galfiwoll, E. D. Campbell, Bhorfian 1.
Campbell, i. no Iooton, Q» G. Tapior, John Combo, John Francis, Y.T.
Crawforfl, filhannon Crawford and John Fields, anfi acceptea tho fore~
going awarfi of the jammisoionors aflfi agreed fio construot Said new
roaa, or so much thereof roapoctivelg &s 339393 throuyh the lama of
each of said ownero, uné to accept oomponsation therefor afi fiho rate
ahgve mentionofi, fio—wlt; Fifteen Hundred Vollaro ( 1,290.00) per
mile; such compensation to be in full satisfaction of 311 olaimo and
demanfls of every kiné oaugod by or resulting from fiho establishment
and construction of saifl road, and,

Whereas, by the Same application or yotition of James
Combs and othorfi, heretofore filofi,as above Staiefi,pursuani fio notion
of much application thoxetofsro given, as roguirofi by law“ by the

' yocting of writfien or firintod aflvortioomoufis in five or more of the
moot public places in the district in which 331a road was loeotcfi
for fiho longfih of time requirea by law, Seeking the alsoontinuanoe
anfl olosing or the alteration of those certain portiong of the Jounfiy
road in ?erry County,locatod and doseribefl a5 hereinafter met forth,

Whereas, upon the filing of said petition or application,
the Court appointed T. 9. Ward, Jomeo Comho and 3.T.Fioldo, three

' impartial housekeepers of Perry County, as Commissioners, to view said
. road an& the porfiiono thereof sought to be oloood anfi discontinued,or >
altered, an& to make royorfi as requirna by law, anfi,

Ihoreas, said Commissioners were thereafter duly sworn to
faithfully finfl impartially discharge their dutieo under the law and
proceoéeo to View those portion: of the County roafi so sought to be
closea oné flisconfiinued, or altered, and ofterwardo rcturood into

‘ court and report in writimg, signed by them, stating the convoalonocs
and inconveniences which might result both to inaividuals uni to the
goalie from tho Glowing ana Qisconfiinuanoo, or the alteration, o:
3313 rooé anfi further Statinj it, as their conclusion, Shot said road,
or 30 much thereof ao is heroina oer described, ohoulfi he Giooontinuefl,
or oltoreé.for the reasons set forth in solo report? 235 more
especially because, in lieu of sold portion; of the fiounty road sought
to he closed, the aforesaifi fiommiuolonors reportoé at the game time
in favor of the establishment anfi opening of a new road, to kc locateo
and dosoribed as is Boo Earth above in this Grier, aha,

Whereas, the report so mafia una filefi, after remaining on
filo ana 131m: over fox the lonfifih of time prefix ibed hy law, came ~
Op t0 be aonoidoyeo by the Court 52$ the Sour: loin? sufficiently afi~
vised an& it appearing to the Jourt that all of the steps ano pro~
ocedimgs roguiroo by law hofi beau duly takea Lo She on& that said
aortiofls of fiho County roafl may he clooeé moi discontinueé, ago,

1% further appearinfi thufi no exoegtiono have boom fiokon or
filed so said report:

I? I? U0? ORDHIED, upon fihe solo report ago the oviaonoo
odduoefi before the Sourt in relation thereto. thmi the sold scofiions
of the County roaa of Berry Gounty Shall be and the some are now '
closed and discontinued, and tho Some shall henceforth cease So he

‘ o public road or any part of one Jouuty Road system of ?orry Sounfig.
rho portiomo or oootiono of the County rooo of Ferry
County so ordered to be oloooa and diooontinuod are located ano
doooribefl as follows, to-wit:
All that port of the 016 County roofi in
Perry County loading from a point Opposite
the Mouth of Second Creek and oxtonfling
. thence to the mouth of willord Crook; also
All that part of the ol& jounty roafi in
Eorry County loading from the Mouth of Forked
Creek and oxtonflod thence to the flack Napier
Mill place.


O TEEHEAS, it appears to the Sourt that the work of opening onfi

constructing the new road hereinohovo orderofi to he established, opened
‘ and constructed, has been fione fly the proyorty owners and tenants ohrough ’

which onid new road posses, in conformity with tho oroore and directions
heroinbefore maao anfi the agreement of the oaid owners one tenanfie, and
a reyort of the completion of saio work hoe been made and filed herein
bv the Counfiv Suoervioor of Roads for the district in which said new
I) c I.
roafl, Or the greater part thereof, is located omfl the court, from Said
report onfi the oviaonco adduced before it, is satiefioé that said work
has been ooeeptobly Gone and thot the oovorol oreporty ownoro, uniting
im the ooozfirucfiion of the safe new read, are entitlofi to receive their
prooortienato port of the oompenoetion and cost thereof, as heroinbefore
aooortained one defiorminea,

1T 13 Bfi? ORDHKRD Chet, soié new Eooé, an opened uni construc—
tefi and the work fione thereoo, be and the some is now accepted eoi
approved by this Gourt, and,

It is further orderefi, khot the agreed compensation to iho
eeVoral prooorty owoewo oforeooii he paid to them mecorfiing 3o their
several anfl reeneofiiVe riwht; 3&3 intoroets, ouch paymonfi to he mean o?
fihfi LOXifl@€0fl & Eastern Railway fiompomg, in pursuance of the agreemoeto
and unéortakinge horofiofore mode kg and wioh Said Company; and, upon
paying the several amounts roepootively flue the aforesaid parties, the
oaifi Lexington & Eastern Railway Comonny shall be fully and forever
reloaeed, discharged and ooquitteé from any and all liability on account .
of the opening, establishment god eonotruotion of oaifi new rooé.

From the aforesaid reporfi and ovioonce afiouooé before it? it
is further oooorteinod and aeolayofl hy the Genre ohot the orOperty
owners aofl tenants entitlofi to oomooneetion for fiho oponinr one construc—
tion of eeié road, with the amounts to each of them, respectively, due
are eo followo, to-wit;

irvin 3vornolo,.......u....o....m 5?9.00
Li'l’L}ll‘jélf‘:ll)'i;é?:’.:1’I.‘..I....Cl‘...-‘I 1,1351050
jalijtlh Er‘ugilt0500I060IIOICCQUICQ. 3:33.50
:Zirzu‘ 33851037.,T'VVEOIIIDQD‘RIdin... Evizsloo
JGhfl Gillawell,o:oo.unap........o .1.,i;03000
33.1).Camp‘ooll,...........H...... £33t5.50
Sherman £.Cnmpbell,............. 1,315.90
W.D,Tooton..w.¢‘................ $58.50
11.0.7‘38‘pifir.........c.......-.... 8101.00 ‘
30hr}. GC‘II‘A-ijgg'OtfilliOQIOOIQCCDOOCOI 2.171.350
John Fronoio.................... 1,045.50
I.‘Z.T.‘3I‘£fi.‘v’if01’d,................... 315-00
Elhannon Crawford,.............. 118.50
Joy/”1zuield8900I00anuA-JIOI.I.... 652-50
TOTJXL, o o I o I c- n 9 n n as .:.-“III."LE‘J‘Ilfi‘7L5

. 73315291317.3(}le. came the Several. parties afore said and in. 03mm Court,
acknowl 9:35:06 the full payment to each 011‘ than reupcctivoly of the amounts
Severally found to be- c‘luc cam} ”10% 1:;-,7 the; ‘fOI‘GgOiflf-j' Carder.

We, the undersigned Owners of the lands over which that portion
of the Perry County Road paeeee.whioh is sought to be discontinued in a
certain proceeding pending in the Perry County Court of James Combs,&c., A
same being described as follows, tonwit:
All that part of the old County road in

Perry County loading from a point opposite

the mouth of Second Creek and exteniing

thence to the Mouth of Willard; also

All that mart of the old County road in

Perry County loading from the Jouth of Forked

Greek and extendefi thence to the mock Napier

Mill place.
In consideration of the booefite to be derived by us from the oponin£
ana construction of a new County road on the opposite eioe of the Tiver,
which is sought to be opened in the some proceeding; enfl, in considera—

' tion of the benefits and oflventefics to us from the location anfl oometro0«
tion of the Lexington e Eastern Railway where it has been cooetructoo,
Hereby release the eeio Lexington & Eastern Railway Company

frOm all claims arising out of the taking anc appropriation of said Clo
road and the occupation ano use thereof by the Lexington 3 Eastern
Railway Company for buildinfifi maintenance and operation of it: said
railroad thereon. .

 if? I I ‘ ' > _' Form I—Revised July, 1909 ' 3 3 3 ' 5 _- 3 3
. ‘ giiissage: whichtilrebmzpareptwhuuuefcem. ofr thaidcodul‘il) 15m segt tbyd'l‘rzéinf1\’/‘{‘tzil, will bq'trafrgsmitted and _
' ‘ TELEGRAM PM" 3' ,“ °°p‘essee.ifii°ss§’énd 3.33"; migageripéaré’nffi‘. $2,301. ””SP‘?““‘?°“ °'_““e““°_“' TELEGRAM
5 f‘iazar'd 'meb 6-15 _ 3 ' f . I ' ’ ‘ ‘ I' 3»
, w 1': Smith . 3 - . 3 . ' - ' ' . I
; . V 3 care _ . 3 , . ’ . 3. . .~
_ 3 S M Wilson , . _
, . ' 2, Lexington ‘ 3 5 '
. Morgan 13 at Hydon and cannot attend conference 3 '
3 ’ _ 1 ’ ’ .' B P Wooton 3
, ‘ ‘ _ .1 3 . 94OA'3I , . 3
> I . ‘ ‘ > ' Y .. ' ¥ ‘ . ‘ I

 mm: 1~Refiaea 3:137, 1911;:
4 LfliiiSViLLE & NASHVILLE RfllLfiflflfi flflfiPflfiY .
‘ Me§sages which are uppnreptly unuccesgu‘g, or that could be sent by Train Mail.wi11 be transmitted and
TELEGRAM dehvered promptly, but coples thereof W111 e forwarded to Supeyintendent of Transportation my attention.
, Seerulc363and General Manager'sCIrcular No. 101. ; ‘ " TELEGRAM
‘ / ‘47 -
v . ‘ ' 2,.“ rr' . 3’ ; ~
. 155.3111“ NU d 4.‘”‘11 ‘9 5A4 ’é ‘ J
Ii, 5115:1331, «, ., ' j ., , -
313' ".i_:"x..""77 "‘11., ' c» 1' _
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[31.51. L.) :»:-5. ’JJ-LIQULJAHLA ..
“"“.“ , .,‘. 1 '- t. H" . _..,. 1.1.14.“ 3, t ‘;:-.1 j , \.,_;.',.‘._,..\; . , 31,1“, ‘.j_.; 4.9.1,,”
.1.: ','fC ’J O: ;‘7J,".G i,’(,t..‘_ "I )1 ..LL.‘ :;infi (,LLI‘LM, I 1‘ '.. .;] »Jr .. " ..‘...Lw v k: Wilding. , .'I u .L..
:3; 7‘ :.‘-{.:: i:.?y; :1_..‘1~f:_‘":3 r '04: :s J'.? :1:.‘1'3c ‘.:i ‘= .:‘-;.‘, f- 9.1 2 1:211 Nil,"
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' ~~ 2» ~ ~ -- -. V - ; _ , - , '. ‘.'-,; ., .. ..‘...., ... .‘..‘ 1‘ . .. ;,,,_;., ”(L-'3
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. ‘L’? 5.21:131'!“ .'I":.‘."~.’.§f_’."'('2 73C?) OJ, L"' 5. I, J'Ji - .)U i: b\');s. - . ‘.\,;_ j ‘:‘.I‘; . a V‘. U '.1; A, ‘..I .x. J.JJ. 1.,--3.:
MW ~:‘1 “17’1““01 '7'7‘10 “.“" tr) ..~ 1”) 3:11 for 5:; 11130 :1:“ Sims-c",- act‘i (1:::a
v ;5. 11. 021.

 ' " ‘ FORM 1~Reviaed July, 1909 ‘ - . v
g gifisage: whichgrcbagpnreptl{huuucfeesislsirfi oft thatdcoiultg lge seqt tbyd'rrtiinfn’fiil. ‘»'“;th trafnsmltted and
' , s are w ‘e rw u erm en en t ' .
TELEGRAM c vere promp y u FOPICSee rule°358 and GegerafllrMeanazu-‘spcircular 1510.?01. 3115130 3 on or at entxon TELEGRAM *
.' I ' ' I L [146% I ' '
. . > ‘ . é ' '/ g ; 2
Hazard Feb ¢~15 - ' ' - - . . ‘
S M Wilson ' “ - ' ‘ -- ;' ’
- ' Lexington Ky . ‘\ ; -
_ care W A Mc