xt73bk16mf8w_484 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [342a] G.W. Patton v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [342a] G.W. Patton v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_48/Folder_7/0669.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_484 xt73bk16mf8w 7,5”7 " ”7
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(I/rmmi/ ”49/595557,.‘»/,,,”,/. ._/(///////4 {7, march 2811,1914 .1
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Mr. s. M. “ilson, . flLA 4,0 ,7”
Counsel, L. & E. R. Co., ‘ ‘
Lexington, Kentucky.
' Dear Sir:
_ Patton cases.

Referring to your favor of March 27th with en-
closures referred to therein relative to the above cases now
pending in the Perry Circuit L‘ourt.

I beg to advise that I have requested that
voucher be prepared covering judtment and costs in these cases
and same will be remitted through you in due course of business,

A Yours truly,
ASsistant District Attorney".

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gigssageds which tiarebappwrcptlythuuncmofr maid???) ge scqt gd‘rnzinfng‘ail, will be mPamitzed and

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Hazard March “ch
‘3 . M. Wilson
Motion and gr ounds in Patt on cas e overruled . W5. 11 we app eel?
Have offer ed Faulkner $I 500/ but. refus es .
, Jess e Morgan
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‘KNHKU’ ». .JKWKV/HKK'. . fl , y ’ .. March 9 1914.
/ / // (VII'K'/XKIIIV.\/_I/w///. A ‘/(///'// //// ' ///, '
» WM 1 D / ;4
Mr. S. M. Wilson, .
Counsel, L. & E. R. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:

I have just wired you as follows:

"Referring to your telegram of herdh 8th with
reference to settlement of Patton cases in the Ferry

Circuit Court. If you think bext you are authorized

to agree to pay of? the judgments in these cases".

1 was very much in hopes that Wootten e Morgan could
get some abatement in these cases but inasmuch as this seems to
be out of the oueution I think that we ought to pay off the judge
ments rather than risk arother trial of these cases. I do not
think a new trial would do us any good and by paying off the
judgoonts at this time we will save expenses amounting to two
or three hundred dollars.

Yours truly,
m '2525 42:;51&4¢494‘:"/7
x’ / , ’.1
/ v C/ I "M /.
District Attorney. 7“

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10mi3 01 Inc. cltn ifiLrtLVe to tue executions wnicn the
G1 ~~m._‘-.,»--‘-1,~r-~. --~‘ " ~ :~. 4 ~- ,. *
claik “Us 131390 101 Jul; 180b, received, in WHlCh you say there
0' r.“ .,. J.‘, '.7 .- , .‘“.“ J.. - r, -.... ..V 'l. .1. ‘ ‘ "
is only two Lulngu b0 be doue: Iiist; ionViice tum clcr; tnxt tne
issuing 0; tan executions as ~gsin t ihc g. 3 @- iv. 30. is
~K . tiger-fin. - ...‘—“M A» -- a . V—» 4
$11!}..Euul‘l a. Second: or rule: tm: utter to 311030 .0318 101" a
F .: M: .- :.,”. a V- p ~,.-... .. ~~ . A ‘..‘“ “- "
ac2c1.sl.orx e1_t:n:r I); «uSl lint :. itilx: :4¢514_st; t::e )lxariz t,o 5310?; hj7
what %utnority the executions ‘?ninat tPn railway COfinanr have been
7' ~~- .- .. Lu. J~ -..e.rA.—.: w 1 r 1‘ a" .' n ‘
_ou, us to LQQ 1143b pic;cs1t10n, the 3101L is o: tun
.- '-.- 4:», 44.1.1. a an m «1 ~ ‘4. ...‘ ' e - .
uIyiilialii 0:.‘10 tile CLAJECLLt1»C11b ovigl t :uliz 1;c 1 3;21:> sag ragv;::isgt tlie
' r~ *1 -~...,. '1 ~. «LL ye ”,‘..—.»»»? ' ~ .1. m "» -'~ ' -
. -1 J. .L- ,0. 111 bdeJ; ‘;LLCU. 2. 0188:} 'Mln as T Txrcte :NNi in
M- '1 «.in . _1.\ V .1;... «w\, : ., u < . '.. 1 «I
L; leutci cuci Sin? amuse UAHCJLLOHS, the Ladltor diycctnd the ,
W‘s—.“” e ‘m ~-.- ex -» 1.-». ‘ .._.‘ ...i :-_ - _'_-r ~ ‘ :». to luau—r them, 1.esggugémwlgqifi$15.1 LL1.::CfCul<.‘3jl in “025:.“- 111Fl‘t61‘ ,......“ :
.-n.~ x~m 4' ‘ ‘w L J.-i ~‘JL J:.”mmfimfw;mi~thanii.l “will- MW-
ctncr [nun to pa” to Lhd ‘dflltOr tuwse gur; iees hi:sclf 0r to
issue these executions.
. f - 1' 'M»: 1. A, ‘ .- ' _ . ' ii, .‘._ , ,. ~ -u 1 -
gusio asaimisziule L3fihafi7tgédfifirk to wwwxny wartzmmrcre
' -.I-T. .... ”.:‘-_.._ ..‘.. .3. . ‘ ’..‘" . 1 - ~
it; the PLGClhleS figslnct the “3;;VU? 0. were ;ssuefl, as we
~ A “‘L,, *v - _ :.r' _VA. r x, .-,‘ ».. :.. .~ " “ .. -,. - - A ‘
dh617r00 ;KL 11,, LA I u ,xfit t}2.: liilc i{,. Dull: nrfi. crrfirent ixx3 c] 315
r , u ..1 _, W. ”..,., ,, i, _ fl . . ... t .
irom nlrcihm twe exec tiflhs 1n DUO h n6& 0: tne Sneriii Fifi the
if .V- k ..” .n .,. n .:m_ _,- _ ,n ., . . . ..
levy vi same by tnu sherilf. LCtHlflfi swurt 01 :U1 lH‘uHOTlGD will
" ~. ."‘V" ,. . ..‘.‘.,u ._ “3" K -- — e --"»~1 -- " “ ' u '
as us “my food. Jaw c ,exie, _s ;on ?M.G£Ct’hfl’ lives it ryden,
.. .w - 2 4 - - »w 1A ,.., _.1, , ,. . «, - ~
and is seluon in gory; COULtJ except two; at uis Courts, Enc Te
woulu have no way to set him here to mess on this writer unless
.,. - ‘,‘ . .. ‘ 1,.“;1 ‘., - i .. :-,, .. ,._' ‘V‘. ,.‘.. - .. , _ .
we Sihply rShLu Llh to acne flow his jcxe in vrcor to trv &
re" ~ 'v rn ' Aw .,_je ._ ages“ ~““‘(\ m: - 1. ,J,‘\- u 1" “A U” _Q .
“MJUlCE lLNnYlVfLQb‘buCif€zildiL 1.;. 111;” I thirna, he \IJH10.<361tSlKE-
J 1y rczuse to co.
‘ :‘.. 4.x 4.‘.“ -.. ..:A.; .,_ J_ur .. ".. _... .'..‘ '1. - '
3 00, *JLO cifl_s UUL3U{ uhdt ‘63 1n«., m; as 343 ior Hmz'to snv to
3‘ 4.‘. , r1" ,\ 1.,. .A.}- .J.. 1- ".-—1 7' ‘ J.'. - J.V... ~ - - a e
i can ulurn t>ap l ulkl pay unis b. l?e collars myself 11 no
-:~ -. (7.1., 4. , 1 ..“-4“ .u. - *‘.-».~4 em ... '- - ‘ f
. 3 gets 1n UL; trounle ‘ltn LNG gulitwl 7nd get him to hclu inc
_», ,. - - .L. - ~. .. ...‘ ‘- -.,‘.m . J .'“. i .
‘k 5 executitns up until the .iicn twim oi tne 3ourt; than ret some
‘,. _ 1 _n ’_‘T . ‘ ‘..' ‘V‘ a 1713-. _‘_ . >. .f' _ A i - _ '2
; ruling ”n it 0y tun Juage. it-t 13, ll you pleier not to nave an
a _. r. ‘_‘.
; action liled to 05:01n them.
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:i'. C. xi. sloorman.
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3"-" ‘:Str.‘ .‘,,V.»r‘fo
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rm. '1'?” I) ":.’ '~'- ‘Yl‘v'-r~5"."'.'7‘; If ' ‘7 'f‘ ‘~ 2”" 1'2 ‘L: "- '"“‘” ' ““' J" ' “ ‘ " ‘ a‘ " "
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the 1:.-“cc ,. 1 "*1": “.05; T! at." '.I: .1..1‘-37'“. tn; -. err"? 1:7.‘:'<;;1'i '. (:12'7‘7" :'t
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.,v ', .K .. L' -‘ WJ -, .. ._..."1... .‘, _.' l ‘ ‘. ':1; ’.'“ 733-3." 1' .. :11
the “5:33"??? :37: “:‘:?“1‘.?".°~'-7"w‘? tc ‘“:?" To: t" ":1:: ornate-- send—-
3.:‘:;-" “t 12:32:?” . .T. x:':v"1ie‘u”‘ie‘.<‘- t :':-fa" if? :.i“. r'v'wm' To" "75““ 7+...
1 . H . , ._ um ~_ __l '-L .. '.L \,'-\-
a? .. on, 1:; i! I w. . wire '_3 1"}: ‘1 ‘..‘??? 7' st {"1 rat: ‘:‘t‘:’77‘1-
up,» Jams Filipiiafg: :.': to :.‘.rrrh mariners '..';nich ':r?‘ or“: forth
‘..‘ ”..‘.. ,‘., ‘: . .'0-‘.._... " .1 ,. A ‘.'.” 4.1. A ,'. . , -..‘ '
11. ,,. {.11-'._; (.1 ‘.I. €~.'.,.,Su ~-.-.=-.. (- .'.-op; oi your letter to me
has “then .F’Orzw'se.:.-i'x‘c<‘: to Jilfiffi-C. "«f::7".:3.;". 9'7 T M! “o
[7.,-~wiai- -f'7~.c;4‘ 1_"2'! -~. '1‘ ”1 ~,”-,3 " ..,: '- \ — A '.'r 3' .5 .4. ..-"-- -
x ’thh J.(ll..'J 0... _L :34 .' \'.:fl-h «(79.5: wt, whlf \J31 ’i.-”? 557:5),“f3|’lu .'.‘..’. I‘t’WEV‘lVC
his: piompt ant czzieFu! attention.
with remrmioc tr: ‘»'1.s:331dfi.:ir_:r those mattra-cs. .'5 “Ir-"713%?-
n,“ 5. \ ',:”: .. -‘ ' ‘ -' .-‘ w.» -'-- « ._4. n . ~ -- .. - - ” —‘ «'
to «Urea. ..ith ysu in t!ll§";];ll’lb that w, ....m hardly Jili‘j‘L-llli‘k in
:ringmgg a $11.11.. to enjmn the Clerk er (:.:zne.<.".vi~e to. enjoin the
. .~-.,,'.- . ‘... _n‘ . , . .
mlirctir an me u (.;.): .:.i the“: siren-H: Court were new in session,
'I- "flux/(“A ‘nn ("1015?11; ithvw“ '.:-r: (:.?-.»': 7 4‘1 ‘FS Tw-‘mn Trwr” « 4‘ .-.“ -’ ‘4 n -‘-’
._ ,..4. .l ....V s ..... '. «..l; ..~, )\.\‘..!.'.' .L.“ 14.va OLA-lav; -.1~,..-.3.b L'O C‘Iiih‘l U01 (1110

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Afl % i/r/ //,/,/// ///,/ ”MM, gmm an, 39
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1., L4. _. “in“ 1 . . ..,,1...,.-1.,‘ ‘ . a .1. , ,,-_ , ;.- , 1 - ‘.. .1. , . r. -
;,.?f‘ -. ,r. 11:;-u. JUL “I ll W. {at v“; me: am: but-.‘,: so proceed in
' ._ . u, - '.L ...,,_ ..1 ..1” l Jr.“ 1.: , .. 1 .‘ '. h - V. "" V.. .. I , z .
accords-(rec 221;; ., ; J.:-t :11 th‘ not/.'cwui, since.
4a 1 f) «_:. :4. r‘ “...J. A _ 12. ,.._. _._-1 _:..u-.. “J. _ ,. 1 ‘1 ‘.I. .,
.:‘;C Fri-1f K..’___:°.r7*?.:_ ., £131.:sz 1F rm , n ..‘. utigg, it 42:23} he that ‘..‘r:
.‘.-‘4' . r ,. . 1‘ .1." .1. ., J.. .‘, , V. , a“. . ...- . _
j '1 him to [my s_yf‘.(_':;,:' if F? uk,’ r? mine 5; L:_:_'(»;;-;r.u L, “hm, ,1 ;.cz: and
.4... ‘. _:.‘ no - 4.1,.. .,,L‘ .,, “,‘.-,..." - :, “.. ,‘ ._. -. .- ,~- ,. ,
must new .- :. 4 soul 1. him. W3 naps have the wa.’1‘3i' s
._.HVUJU‘ .r .:‘: _, 7 .J. . i- .,..- i. .. ‘v .,:, ,.-, .~ A “".' : , a : r. .- .
1.‘-.2; ;oI'DE‘; a, .; 4 , :,:», :w - ;‘ 1 :' -. :- via-:1 T: Jib .Ll: .‘i’f—fifll on.
“F t , . V _ _‘_v. A_ g ’ ~. . ‘ _ _ . ,- ’. .
w; F‘f‘f‘Ti‘. 27'“ TM ,, -.~_..r‘ x»! :’:?W; in”: :':nt'f to -
., “.,. ' ... . , .l ,. - _ . ‘ i .V ' “ " ' “
1‘9“»; the 3"?)ng "fro r~zr'f.-': ":::”? .‘. 1:.1' or: *2"‘27“{3_'7 so
I.‘l . J .L. 1“ ,.. ' L7,. __ ' L1 “- 'l a .. I. ‘ .. “A a ' 4.‘ . A . . . ‘.. ‘ .. ... '.
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,.. :3.. ,_ .,. Ms.” «a- ..4 ,1 1..1 .- ,. A ,_ .* ~ . i A ‘ .‘., , .- , . .
Mrs». $2; rm. L, t, u In? c» ,::‘(,= -1i«;;'t;»fi“~.’,_f for
.1.1. ,t 1, V, . . .I.. e. , ; 1- .._1 , 1.1-: , ".1 _ .'. ‘ 1 w m- l .' .... , .
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W“: J:-‘--’ :‘:. 57:22"? 5.:: .:. r:' '1 Jinn 711:“ (L 13. 293.121 \r‘l'iritr.‘
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T" . 7'4” - ..‘ .-‘ ‘~‘ , ...;..‘ _- , 1 ,'. »‘ .‘ _.'.-- A .I_. K “1...“. - ‘ -
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