xt73bk16mf8w_529 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [372b] George Copeland v. Jane Copeland text [372b] George Copeland v. Jane Copeland 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_53/Folder_5/2073.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_529 xt73bk16mf8w \ .
Recurity front Company, naminittrntor
of Coorgo Copland, dccca ed, Elaintiff.
3T:"~"Wjii""“ffi, ,~’; ’ .1???) {5370"S-E;"-"'I‘TC‘.TQH
0.?- i:'":i“3U=’JKY {BEIGE CCTIITJFY.
Jana Copland, &c., Befonfants.

— ~ — — — ~ ~ — o 0 o - - - — - — - -

The defendant, Kentucky Union Company. donuts
generally to plaintiff's Petition upon the ground that
Brno Fooe not state facts xnf'foiont to constitute any
con o of action against this defendant.

Without waiving its Tomurror aforesaid, the dofcndp
not, Kentucky Union Company, otrtoo that it is a corporation
orontod, organized and oxinting nude? the lows of tho *tato of
”entuohyi with power to contract and be contracted with, to sue

. and he toad, and rith all such other powers on are nocoo wry
or oopronxioto to the purposes of its incovporotion, and that
its principal offioo nnfi fllLGO of hueinoco is in the City of
flexington, ingotto County, Kentucky.

Defendant furthor state: that one George Gopland,
formerly tronruror of the Kontuoky Union Company, died intestate
on who 11th day of February, 191$, in Fayette County, Kentucky,
of which County said Copland woo a resident and in which he was
domiciled at the time of his death, and that Subsequently on the

‘ day of 7orch, 1915, the wlmintiff, Security iiuot Company,
was duly opyointod and qualifiod no Adminiotrntor of said floorge,
Copland under and by virtue of orders of the Fayette County Court.

~— (1‘:-—

naia Court having jurisdiction in tho promises, and that tho
plaintiff thereupon entered upon its duties as Administrator
of saia estate ané has been over since and is now acting
in said capacity.

Dofondunt further states that at tho time of his
floath and for many years yrior thoroto, said George Copland
Vtcd hcl' tho nooition of Trenmuror of tho Kentucky Union Oom—
nuny one that in oOnnooti n with mafia position nnfi the fis-
charge of his duties as such Troocuror, saifi Coplané became
inflobtofi to this ocfcn not as horoinaftor more fully explained
anfi was So indcbtod at the time of his aoath.

Defendant further states that said George COPlanfi
at his death was indootoe to this flofonfnnt in the total sum
of Fourtcon Th usend, Throo Hundrofl anfl Fifty-eight and twenty-
ei: ono~hun§ro§thn Dollars ((14,358.26), compocoa of the fif—
toon several items hereinafter m ntionefi, together with
intorost thereon from tho rospnotiVC dates on which saifi sover—
cl items become flue, subjoot, however, to certain oroaits.
aggregating Two Thoucuno, ”no Hunfroa ané ?wcnty~sevon end five

> onowhundrodth“ Dollars (33,127.05), which mains the not balrnoo

of grinoipsl duo fr0m said George Conlnnd, or his estate, to
this defendant tho sum of TwolVo Thousana, fine flunfiroa aha
Thirt¥*ono anfi twenty-one ono~hnnflrnfiths “allots ($12,251.91),

' not incluaing interest. Wofoniont states that no part of acid
indobtoanoss on& no tort of tho interest thereon has over boon
xoturnoa or rotcid or accountofi for in any way by tho sciu
George Copland, or any one for him, to this dcfcnfinnt, and that
on ouch of the items oonctituting onia total sum of $14,558.26

‘ the Sofonasnt, Kentucky Union Company, is entitled to intoxcst
at tho rate of six per cont {6%) per unnum from tho rospcotiVQ

 \ ‘.
V 0:11:05; 11390:: which (1:132: 017’ 5:11:15. 121301113 "1.1003130 «2.11:: 1121321 1351.112.
‘ TI?1:£:‘~111:2:;11 L; 113.: 3210:: start-.1213 1:211:38 1:13:36: 000 1'30 (10:31:31.6.
1151:3353: an}: 11:13 2112201143012 to $2112.13 Sofienflmfl on “2,213 136331 (15:32? 01"
1311321, 1905.31 “£2210 amt: oi" i;‘13.530.00 on {1000113127 of a; certain (1211101:
[217326 or? 3’ 13. 5..-.210. 12331231 23;; 1:32:72. CIT-cog}? {2931121116, (5:13:3303153121‘0‘:
. 'T- 1.1 ‘:rwmm ‘.‘ “ _‘Hw “ we rvrfir ?-. “'le .’ "I 'r‘ v" '4“"",“ 71v”-".."31‘H' 4 ‘.‘"
'3’; bile: _I=.{§.=;2,;{3_(3r;‘f U31;2».}jr_ {10:11:}x243d“ ‘.:) :a..w 317(35):, (4.1. will -‘t(»-«_'-.:II»£{/UG—4
.5”: :1:3’5<1:-1511 ‘1‘11zty 27,1;1113‘2112'sxg', £"3‘1i': "'21:". f—EE'SEGGQRCER‘E 31;;1;I1~3x‘2§1‘f; :13". :‘113‘6.
:1:2':-:2:32: out of? 2:210 :f‘trgmaz of 1:31;: TZC’AZIS‘V-‘ify 17115-03”: (30323221111127 3 {3313235319
211123113; 0:? 2,112. 032.033.: 5931“ 2:31;: '5.»-.23r1"2::1:t ’uizcrxzoi’ was; '.:-'13 13210112: 2:31;?
3:31:11 21,32,311 5131:: Was: 1121323.; ‘:1???3‘."£1::‘1‘322fi€)fi 112163. 1121111332.?zorzi a? 512:, '
1321511: “1:21:29 :20 223216211112 3:33 '3211'? 255111: 171.15.: 1131‘: 12:11.2:3‘21’oeé :21‘». 331;? 113.51
“in: 2:21.63 2303:22158011? 'L>":':.;* 323:1 3:112:73; 01...; 311:", 3‘: 21:28:10
1711, 17213’w.:*¢cr 1111021 4:21;; 11:12.32: 0:“? ':'..tfqis 3131433 1:11 333:; 33.51::
312311132302". .‘; 3353139331 'iai Egg-‘51:; I‘ot<::j3;1irlg‘ 33.12.52 flint: of: 53450.00, 01'
2:21;? ”Dart “52133303”, {12117. {3212.13 :.:: 3*:‘211izairzj1201100 of: 13:32:21 11.331115210331206
.. "2:131:10198'3 <2:‘;1:l’“i; 2113‘ 34:21:“: ('.‘. :.1311:;::1:1'_?..{11:16.g £2.11
1731;313:3923: :11“? “521::- T’rmm 2511:1311 Company, ’12:: 13310 031x201? .1:? Georg-‘30
, 7
» 2139123313, "'17.,21121v‘2finally, 1131:“: 2331:: ’.::1’2233 (1111;211- pay 1:112; 11:? the: 0.21332:
121.1%; (55': the: ‘ 121231225: of $210 222111311 :.:-21;; 1511:1031 {Ecz'trgptmyz $213 making;
0:23“, 321:; (321332: and the ;j.=::w..;m:‘s:t there-3:3 2‘5133 151.2521i'1izfi any a (2:131:1-
_ 332,313.11 331111 12:33 11122121. 1:; 1311?:‘13?11111'h:1 =1"; and 12112111323313}. 533:3; 1:21:21: 12215.3
(30:22:26,231 :12; "the "Sim 1111:: not 111:? 33153:: in (1111] 312111 to 33:26.

 \ ‘ 0
$00130 Copland, and by the agpropriatimn of said sum by maid
George Capland as aforocgid, he became inacbtca to this defame-
ant as for money had and receive? mi it by him in the sum of
3530.00, with interest thcrcan at the rate pf six per cent (6?)
per annum from January 29, 190%, until paid.

Eefcnéant further states that said George Copland be~
came unfi wag indebtoa to fills ficfcnfiant on the BOfih day of
September, 1904, in the sum of 9100.00 on annount of a certain
chock #1921 of said ante xxx drawn by said George Sopland, as
Treasurer of the Kentucky Union Company, to the araer of flourgo
Caplpnfi, inaivifiuelly, anfl the ruhscquenfi payment of the check
nut of the fmnflm of the Kentucky Unian Coupfiny; that the making of
rai? check an the payment tharcef was without any considera-
tion ana was whelly unwarranfiui uni unatfihorized; that this
Céffindant at the time was nsb inficbtod in any sum to said
$90330 Copland, anfi by the cypropriation of said gum by said
Goorge Copland as aforesaid, ha bacemo indebted to this defenfi-
$38 as for money hafl and rcceivcfi of it by his in the sum of
:]100.00, with interest thnroan at thy rate of six per cent {6”}
yer annum from September 50, 1904, until fiaid.

Befcndmnt further states that said George Coplana bc- ‘
cawo and was induhtofl to this acfonfiunt on the 2nd flay of Feb-
rm ry, 1905, in the sum of $560.00 on account of a certain check
#2102 of said éatcxmmfl drawn by said 000350 Copland, as Treas-
urer of the Kcntuaky Union Company, to the order 0f George
Copland, indivifiually, and fihe subSQQuCnt payment of the check
out of the funfis of the Kentucky Union Company; that the making
of said check ane tho payment thereof was without any consiaer~ «
ution and Wag wholly unwarranfieé anfi unauthorisoa; thafi fihis
aefondant at the time was nofi inflohtcd in any sum to said

0 Coarse Copland, and by the appropriation of saifl sum by said
George Copland as aforesaia5 he became inaebtefi to this aofendant

 ‘.. V

as for money had and received of it by him in the sum of
$500.00, with interact thereon at the rate of xix per cent
(6%) per annum from February 2, 1905, until paid.

fiefondant faiths: stoteo that said George Copland be-
came an& was inéobtod to this defendant on the 20th day of
February, 1005, in tho sum of $100.00 on account of a certain
chock $2119 of Said datcxmwmiflrmmn by said George Coplanfl, as
Troomnrer of the Kentucky Union Company, to the oraer of George
Coplana, inoivfiaually, nna the subsequent payment of the c eck
out of the tunes of the Kentucky Union Company: that the making
of saié chock enfl the payment thoroof was without any cansidcr—
otion an& was wholly nnoarrantcé one unauthorisefl; that this
aofendcnt at the time was not indebtefi in any sum to said
George Coplana, onfi by? the apgropriation of said sum by said

. >‘Goorgo Coylnnd as aforceuid, he became indebted to this acfcnéent

as for money had and rcecivco of it by him in the sum of
$100.00, with interest thorcon at the rate of six per cent
(6‘) yer annnm from F binary 20, 1:05, until paid.

iefcndant further ctntco that gaifi George Coplanfi bo-
cone one was indebted to this defonfient on the 0th day of

> Jovombcr, 1906, in the sum of $100.00 on account of a certain

check f2569 of 331G date ami drawn by said George Copland, as
Treasurer of the Kentucky Union Sonyany, to the orfier of George
Copland, infiivlduolly, onfl tho subsequent payment of the chock
out of the funae of the Kentucky Union Company; that the making
of ooifi chock onfl the teymont thcr of was without any 0 noiéer—
otion anfl.was wholly unwarranted and unauthorized; that this
defonflent at the time wen not inaobtcd in any sum to soia
George Coplono, one by the up3ropriation of ouifi sum by saia
George Copland as aforoooifl, he become indobtefi to this ficfmndant
as for money hea ena received of it by himin the sum of

$100.00, with interest thoroon at the rate of six per cent (6%)
per annum from Eovcmbcr 6, 1006, until paid.

Def naant furthor otatog that said George Copland
became and was indebted to this defendant on the 29th day of
December, 1906, in the sum of $1268.46 on account of a certain
chock #2618 of said Cato drawn by onié George Copland, as
Treasurer of the Kentucky Union Company, to tho ordvr of the
Lexington & Tastorn iailway Compnny, nnfl the subsequent payment '
of snifi whack out of the innao of the Kentucky Union Company;
that tho making of Sgid chock an? the payment thorcof was without
any oonsifioration anfl was whoily unwarrantea and unauthorized;
that this deionaant at the time was not indebted in any sun
to said Lexington & 7a$tcrn Railway Company ané there was no
obligation whatovoy upon the part of this aofonéant to pay said
flexington & fiamtorn Railway Cgmgany said mum of $1268.46, or
any part thereof, and that in consequence of such unauthoriiea
ena.improper éraft by said Coyiana upon the funds of thig
Company and tho subnequcnt payment of said check, or draft, the
said George Copland became inficbtofi to tfiis defonéant, as afozn-
said, in tho sum of $1368.46, with intorost thereon at the rate
0? nix par cont (6fi) per Unnnm from the 29th day of December,
1906, until paia.Said money was paid by said COpEand presumably in

discharge ofi an indebtedness of his own to said Lexington & Eastern

Ry, Co. uofondant further States thnt said George Copland
became and was indebted to thin fiofonfiant on the 20th day of
February, 1907, in tho sum of $5000.00 on account of a certain
chock $064? of said date xnfi.drawn by said George Copland. as
Treasurer of the Kentucky Union Comnany, to the order of Goorge
Conlrnfi, infiividunlly, and tho onbwmquont naynont of the check

. out of the funfls of the Kentucky Union Company; that the making

of naifi check an& the payment thornof was without any consider-
ation and was wholly unwarrantofi and unauthorized; that this
defonflnnt at the time was not inéohtoa in any Sum to saia

 \\. l ‘
Gooxgo Coplanfi, and by: tho appropriation of said sum by mafia
George Copland as aforesaid, ho hoonmo indebted to this aofnnd~
out as for money had and received of it by him in the sum of
$3000.00, with intoroot thoroon at tho rato of six per cont (Sf)
per annum from February 20, 1907, until paid.

Defendant further otatos that saia George Copland bo-
onmo and woo inaobtoa to this Gofonfiant on the 15th day of
Hovomhor, 1907, in tho sum of $100.00 on account of a certain
shook #2858 of said data figfi;§rown by saié George Coplana, as
Treasurer of tho Kentucky Union Company, to the order of $00130
Cohlund, indivi&ually, and the subsequent payment of the check
out of tho fun 3 of tho Kentucky Union Company; that the making of
soia check and the payment thnrcof was without any considera-
tion on& was wholly unsorrsntofl and unauthorized; that this
flofonfiant at the time was not inaohtcf in any sum to said
George Coglana, and Joy tho agnrooriation of said gun by oaia
George Coplana as ofoxosaifi, he become inflobtoa to this defend-
ant on fox mohog had on& roooivofl of it by him in the sum of l

V €100.00,'oith interest thereon at the rate of six per cont (6?)
per annum from Hovomhor 1:, 1907, until haia.

Eefmhaant further states that oaia George Coylanfi he~ l
oomo and was infiobtofi to thio Gofonaunt on the 50th day of Hovom-
her, 1909, in the sum of $£14.80 on account of a certain chock
f3271 of oaifl oats fixfi.drawh by said George Ooplonfl, as Treasurer
of tho Kontuoky Union Company, to the order of 550130 Coplana,
infliviflually, an& the subsequent flaynont of the check out of
the funas of tho Kentucky Uhion Company; that the making of
oaia chock and tho payment thereof was without any Consideration

‘ aha was wholly unworrantod aha unauthori ed; that thio aefenfihnt
, at tho time was not inaohtofl in any sum to saifl Goorgolcoglnnd, '
flflfl.;by‘th0 appropriation of maid cum by said George Copland
_ as aforesaifl, he become inéohtod to this Gofcnoont as for money

~~S~~ .
hna ana received of ii by hit in the sum of $214.80, with
intern t thenoon at the rate of mi: per cent {65) per nnnum
from Hovcmbor 50, 1909, uni 1 paid.
fiefonflant further states that said ficorge Copland
hooano anfi was iniobtcd to thir fiefondant on the 13th day of
July, 1910, in fiho sum of $5000.00 on account of a certain
chock #5411 of said ante Frnwn by said Goozgc Copluna, as Treas- '
urn: of tho Kentucky Union Company, fio fiho orécr of fiho Lexington
& Tastorn ?ailway Comyany, 32G the subsequent payment of said
check out of the innds of the Koniucky Union Company; fihafi fiho
nxfidng of saifl chock an? the yaynonfi thereof was without axy
consideration ana was wkolly unwarrirtod and nnaafihorized;
’ thofi this defendvnt at the time wag not infiobfied in any2sum
to said Lexington a Vaxtcrn Failway Campany ané there was no
nhligafiion whatever vpon the tart of this defendant to pay ssia
lexingfion E Taotorn Railway Company said sum of $5000.00, or
any Qnrt thereof, aha bhxt in connequoncc of much unauthorized
tnfi improper flraft by 9330 Goylanfl upon the funds of this
Company flnfi tho suhsoquont paynnnt of said Check, or draft, fine
snia George Cepland banana inéobfiod to this fiefbnfiant, as afore-
safia, in the Bum of $5000.00, with intcrout thereon at the
rate of six per ocnfi (65) per annum from the lfifih flay of July,
1910, until pa164 Said money was paid by said Copland presumably in
discharge 0: an indgptcdness of his ogn to gaid L. & E. Railwoy Co.
neionuanu furthor states tnat sold 000336 Coplana no-
' came and was inflobtod i0 this defendant on fiho math day of
fugust, 1910, in She sum of {1&5.00 on accounfi of & contain
chock £545? of oaifi date xmfi dyawn by said 000230 Coplanfi, as
Troasurcr of the Kentucky Union Company, to the order of George
Coylana, inaividually, an& the suhmowuont naymont of the check .
out of the funds of fine Kcniucky Union Campany; that fihe making of
solo check anG fiho payment thereof was udfihout any consiaoration

 _\ .’—
anfl was wkolly unwarranted and unaflihorisea; that this
> dofwnficnt afi the $110 was net indebtcfl in any sum to said
Gecrgo Copland, unfi by the appropriatinn of said Sun by said
#00350 Ooplunfl, as aforbsaid, he bccnmc inflebtcfl to this dofond~
nut 33 for manny haé find rvccchd of it by him in the sum of
$1“5.00, with interest fihcreon at the rafia oi six per cent (63)
per annum from fiugufit 12,1210, unfiil paid.
Defon ant further states that said George Copland he-
came and was indebted 39 fihim ficfenfiamt on Shh nth day of
Octsbor, 1011, in the sum of f1?5.00 on aeoounfi Of a certain
check $5693 of saia ante xxfi drawn fly gaid George Copland, as
Treasurer of the Konfiucky'Unicn Ccmysny, ta Etc orfier of George
Caplvnfi, infiiviéually, nnfl the Suhchumnt yaymcnt of the check
out of the funau of fihc Kentucky Ehion Canaany; that the making
of gaid check and the payment thereof was without any ewngiaer—
atinn cad was wholly unwsrrantcd anfi unauthorixcé; fihat this
fiefonflunt afi fihp fiimc was mat inéehtad in any gun $0 said . .
George Coplsnfi, Qh5 by” the apprmpriatiwn of saifi Sun by saia
George Copiand as afozcsaifi, be becamc inéebtofi to this flefand—
ant as for money had anfl reenivcfi of it by him in the sum of
$135.00, with interest thCTC¥E at the rate of six per cent (65)
per annum from Ocfiobcr 9, 1911, until paifi.
Defenéant furfihmr states thnfl saifi George Coplanfl bG— '
came ané was inaobtod to this doionflaat on the 15th day of fugumt,
191 , in the mum of $1:5.00 on account of a ccrfiain chock $5925
of maié flatoxmnfi arawn by said George Copland, as Treasurer of
fihe Konfiucky Union COmpany, to the orfier of George Capland,
. indivifiually, ané the subsequunfi waymont of fihe check out of
the funas of the Kentucky Union Gompany; that fihe mufijng of said
check and fihc yaymcnfi thcroof was without any consideratinn anfi
. was wholly unwarranted anfi unmufiharixod; fihafi this ficfenfianfi

at the time was not indebted in any sum to said George Copland,
and by fihe appropriation of said sun by said George Coplund
. as aforesaid, he became indented to this defendant as for money
had end received of it by him in the sum of $135.00, with
interest thereon at the rate of six per cent (63) per ennun
from Augu t 15, 1912, until paid.

Defendant further states that said Scorge Copland be-
came an? was indebted to this defendant on the 12th day of
January, 1913, in the rum of $2560.00 on account of a certain
cheek #5995 of said Gatfixfljfl drawn by said George Copland,
as Treasurer of the Kentuek§ Uni n Company, to the order of
George Conlend, individually, and the subsequent payment of
the check out of the funds of the Kentucky Union Connany;
that the making of said check End the payment thereof was without
any consideration snd.wee whoily unwarranted and unauthorized;
that this defendant st the time was not indebted in any sum to
said George Copland, and by 'the unproprietion of said sun by
suid George Cotlund, as aforesaid, he became indebted to this
defendant as for money had and received of it by him in the sum
of $2560.00, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent
(0”) per unnun from fiunuery 11, 1015, until paid.

hefendent states that the total amount of seid slain
(not including interest), to-uit:- $14,358.26, is subject to be
reduced by certain credits set forth in the affidavits and state-
monts herewith filed and mafia a part hereof,murkod ”Txhibiti”,
and which said credits aggregate the total sum of $2,127.05;
that after deducting i“Enid total c nflits of $2,127.05 from the
total of the above-mentioned fifteen items, there is e not tel—
3330 of 31s,351.21 duo from the estate of George Copland,
deceased, to the Kentucky Union Company not counting or including
uny interest thereon or on tho Several items of which said total

~ is composed.

«1.1-— ‘
Eofendent states that the first of the three archive
t 'which the eboVe'tethl of $12,558.26 1S subject is a credit
of $1,814.55, ascertainea ea whewn by the affidavits enG itcnflzcfl
etetenrnte herewith filed aha mafia a part hereof, as of February
11, 1015, the date of the tenth of said George Coplana; that the
nee nd of exifi three creFfits eentiete of five items of 550.00
arch, being a part of the current flzlawy fine said 000330 Coplana
fer the menthe of ”my, June, Juli, 'uguet and Crptcmber, 1005,
at the rate of $50.00 per month, uni which said sums aggregate
the tote} of H 50.00, which sh H15 be ereeitea at the rate of
550.00 he: menth for each 0? said menths of Key. June, July.
‘egust ehfl 'ept fiber in the year 1005; that the third of saié
’ creflits iv the sum of 563.50 file he the estate of saifi 300130
Geplaea fer eclrry for ehe~hhlf if the month of February, 1015,
en :he 11th of thigh ment? of neiF year eeifi Cehlend Gied and
ye 0f whtch ante eeié sum e1nuld be crofiited.
Def nfiant further states that subject te the foregoing
c edite, the estate 0T Sewage Ceplrhd is justly infiebtefl to the
Kentucky finish 00mpahy 31% 3315 Kentucky Unieh Company 13 entitloa
to rocever from said George COW3TEG'S oetete the following sums
with interest, te—wit:—
$450.00, with intercet from Texeh 25, 100?, until paid,
$530.00, with interret from Jan. 20, 1904, until paid,
$100.00, with intero t fror Sept. 30, 1904, until flaifi,
0560.00, vith interest from Tehy. 8, 1905, until paid,
i-E‘s100.eo, with intm'errt fret: ."“C‘ey. 20, 1905, until jjsa‘i,(1,
$100.00, with interest from Rev. 6, 1906, until fiaifi,
$1268.46, with interont from The. 29, 1906, until yeid,
21’; 5000.00, with intermat‘ ri‘rom E‘ehiziuexy 20, 190?, until paid,
' Silo-0.00, xitb. interest '.z'from Efevembcr 123, 1907, until said,
$314.80, with intercnt from Uevember 50, 1909, until paifi,


$5000.00, with interest from Joly 15, 1910, until paid,-

i;f'3.535.00, with 1111;021:er ’T‘I'oz: .iit;;11:i.it 1273, 1310, until void,

2:;-125.00, :z'ith interest from October 9, 1911, until 1mm,

$135.00, with interact from ‘uguut 15, 1912, until paid,

fi2560.00,with intorcvt from anuoxy ll, 1915, uutil 331d,

Befondcnt status that the Several claims Leroio
- mentioned end oocortcd by it worm fully set »ut in a certain
etotomnnt of claim verified or the offidovite of W. 3. 10303011,
FiCCAPrcsiflont of tho Kentucky Union CoUDflnJ, and 05 Y. T. Vflr~
run, an accountant who ozeoinod the boots and accounts of said
Conyuny startl; after tho ’ooth of said George Copland, and that
the several claims no etato? dnfi verified more by thio defendant
yrheontofi to the plaintiff, Security ?ruot Company, as idminis-
{317355;}? of (300ng CO:)1_...3'16., (3.31. ‘31:“: mmdey of 7413;311:313, 3.915, :Vncl
oeyment of said claim and of cvch of the several items consti-
tuting the same was thereupon Pomanfiefi by this defendant vf the
plaintiff, hut such payment wan roiu~od dad no part of Said
claim or of any interest on eaia claim hen ever been caid.
Defendant refers to and woken a part hereof the too said office»
Vito and the several ctoteoontq they to uttahooa which hero boon
‘ hcfletoforo filed with this pleading, marked “ixhibit A”.
Dcfondant furthcr states that said George Copland

fit his death loft rurvivfng him him widow, Jone Coplenf, and
his three children, George Coplsnd, ‘. S. Copland and Jennie
Cooldnd; that cook dud all of acid persons are of full 330 and
o;id.Ccoxge Copland, '. G. Copland and Jennie Coplaflfi are the only
children and heirs at low of said dcocflont. Defendant further
atcteo that i. C. Copland, one of tho children of said George
Cooland, deceased, is a non~rcsiéent of the itcte ofifiontucky,

am& an defibnasnfi believew in new absent thorviwom; Chafi Said
A. H, Coplmnfl ronifior in fihc City of Tichmnnfi, HCRTiCG Gountg,
Virginia, anfi that fiiahmnnd, Virginia, in the name of the
plaaa WhJTOin a pogtoffioe is knpt noarcmfi to the 31800 where
said i. 3. unplana rcaiéen, or may be found.
Defonflanfi stafies that it has no flafinitc or suffi—

Giant knowledgc of the use Gr di“posifii n made by sgifl fiomfge
Coplanfl, dceousod, of tho SUVCTRl sums of money for which
0131* is mafia naminst hiv by 33:: defendant in this actian,
hut this defendaat has rcasnn to Believe snfi charges that

of such use er fiiaposition as was actual‘y mace by saia
Covlund oifsaid mancyn, thwt Riv Wiffi an? chfiiuren received
thm full henafifi; that dcfcnflunt :3 informoé, believes and
Chfirges that 311, 0r 3 great yart of raid sums of money,

warm used by said Gocxgo Coplsnfl, fiecomscd, in purchafiing
articles 0f hsuschrld furniture axfl inruishings ana silver

anfi SiIVerwaro and 560033 anfi honfli, which were Copasiteé in
the 110 #311355; 112211 Of 7311 :3 :3"o, Jill-1:”: Cu“{>l::-.11Ca, and. 3113 children,
George Coylzmfl, ‘« G. Coylanfl an? Jennie Coplanfi; :n& this
ficfonfiani has roam n to belfinvo :30 chargrs bhnfi all of the
articles and itGMS of yroperty so furnishoé by mafia George
Unfilgnfi, éeceasofi, with annoys rightfully belwnging to fihis
defenaunfi, or & largo parfi of Such articles, are now in the
panacmsinn anfi under the cantrol 0f suié Jane Esplané, George
Coplgnd, 1. C. Copland and Jennie Copluna, ax same one or more
of @hem; that saia property was in the poasersion and unflcy the
confirol of said pnrgons at the time of the ficath of George Cop-
lanfl, fieoaased, aha unless since fiisyeficé of by them, or some one
ar more of them, -is ntill in fihcir posnossion ané under their
cantxol. ,

This defendanfi further states that, as appears from the

Petition herein, there is a controversy between fiho plaintiff,
as personal reprceontztivo of eaifi icovgc Coplanfi, and Jane
Coolané, the wiflow of raid finenaont, r sponti:; iho UREOT»

' whip of eeyfinin.”urhiturc, house wlfl go fig and other property
now in hhr possession, or in the wonscwsion of her childran, or
some ono or more of them, ahfl thie defendant novrfionies that the
atciaxtcrz-iaizni; film“; as; ".'E‘imhiif)”: * with. the .37oi3i’uion and 3=urporfiing
to he an inventory of the out in of said Goongo Caplend,dececsea,
is a full, correct OT true invvhtory of all of the pereenal
prayerfiy belonging to ani left by Said George Goplund fifi his
fleath, aha it avorg that all oi‘tho property of every kind I
dororibed in the stucemant file? as TKhihffi B with fihfl Elflidtiff's
Petition was fihe property of oaifi George Soplend at his death

. rmfl.rightfnlly belongs to his ceiptq anfl should be taken in
charge by the plainiiff as his Taminisfirhtor uni refiuvefi to
cash to hatisfy the claims of crofitorg of $31G est to,incluaing
tho claims of this Cofendani.
Defenfieht av rs fihut ihe hormonal pronorty of Said
George Coyluni, docceged, is probably inuufiicicnt $0 pa: anfi
fiefiiufy She claims agninei his eat to $18 thafi in orfier to 3&3
smfi oatirfy such Olfli-S, ii will he necemeary to sell the real
eat to belonging to oaié C ergo Ceplonfl at his aeafih aha
main fully acscrihofl in fiho gluintiif's ?otition heroin; that the
@5310 of gaia real estate dooeohdoa at the Coméh of amid_Georfie
Coplcnd to his Shreo children HDCVUsnnmed, subject to She morital
rfigjjh'bs of tho 1:? mother.
fiefanaant Stafica that it is essential in the due fixes-
orvotion anfi protection oi‘bhc personal proyorfiy belonging $0
said George Coplana an& new in fihe possesei n of tho surviving
nowhere of his fondly, that said Jane Coplanfi, his widow, aha his ~
. Said three children, George Coplahfi, i. C. Coplano and Jennie

 \ K V .

Coplzmé, be restrainoo gum? 5:21;) Dino d from :Ljpjcfirr'mr‘iSting;, (36-11ng

or otherwise Qiepoujng of any of mail fiorsnnal groyorty now in

their yoeeoxnion Oi'under their control, Whether some he uhown

in the 'oc‘aiinuut :i’ilozl with the L‘otifif on, Z"1:11”3€€-':d "1731;211:533 13 .I;“,

one purporting to be an offlo'ol inventory of ooifi estate, or

whethtr game be nhofin by the mtstonont £180 filcfl witL the

Petition, murkco ”Exhibit 3”, 2r be otherwise ohoxn, 323 to that

eti, this dofonéant echo trot the Court will enter on oroor herein

pen ins thie octi n, enj for $100.00, with interest thereon at Che rate of six per cent

(Gfi) For ennum from ficvember l“, 1907, until_peie; also Juogmont
for $314.80, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cont

 \\ u .

(oi) per enuum from flovember 30, 1999, until paii; also judgment
for 35000.00, with intorcst thereon at the rttc of six per Cent
{6”) yer annum from Jul; 13, 1910, trtil said; also juflgncnt
for $135.00, with interest thereon at the rate of six per Cent
(63) per ennum from flugust 1;, 1310, until paid; also judgment
for $125.00, with interest thcrcdn fit the rate of six per cent
fail per annum from Dctobor C, 1011, until paid; also jtfigncnt
for Qlf5.00,‘with interest tbtrooh at the rate oi?six per cont
(6??) per z,‘:,n.:->,wrs from ingurrt 1:3, l€?l§-:, until 9::1 I}; also jufgi‘nmt
ior £2560.00, with inter st thsrcou at the rate of six per cent
(6?) nor annun from Janutrj ll, lTlS, until said; subject,
however, to the credits a grognfiirg $2,187.05 mentioned in
the foregoing pleudirg {no {istirctly set forth in the itcrfizod
statements embodied in the s fidevits and surmarios hereto
:nhiercd Ekflflfieé “”éflzib t fi”: :13” defoud::1t furiiuvr ozuuni that
this its ”newer to the plaintiff's ?ctition may be taken as
a Uross~Potit on against its co—dofwndente, Jane Copland, George
Coylehd, fl. C. Copland and Jennie Cehlund, and that said do-
fendents may be summoned to answer herein ard that e warning
order may be entered against the non—rcsident defendant, A. C.
Coylamd, and this defendast further rruys for an order of
injunction against the aforesaid Jane Copland, George Coplfind,
A, C. Coylund and Jennie Cayl;n6, enjoining and restraining
them from appropriating, selling, or ethcrviso disposing of
any of the woroonal property in their posse eion mentioned in
the foregoing issuer and Cross—Petition, which personal property
belonged to Said George Ccpl ed at his death, and the title and
ownership of which itinOW in dispute, and a claim to which is
made by the Administrator of said George Coylanfi, and this do—
fendant further prays that a full investigation may be had '
heroin respecting the estate of said Copland at his death, with
the View of ascertaining definitely just what property he owned

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