xt73bk16mf8w_53 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [25h] L&E vs. Rueben Potter, Letcher Circuit Court text [25h] L&E vs. Rueben Potter, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_6/Folder_8/63697.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_53 xt73bk16mf8w . - "V11"~. ,‘.-.. 7 "(v
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-Jexuu M‘. Hall v10, $31., Attorney at my”, ,
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6 Feb. 6, 1917,
Judge 3. 1h. "ilson, ' ,h
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

In re suit L. & E. Railway Company v Reuben Potter
and The Consolidation Coal Company lately pending in the
Letcher Circuit Court:

I beg to state that at the January Term of Court the
motion for a new trial on oehalf of the Consolidation Coal Co.
was overruled and they have appealed the issue as between
yourself and Reuben Potter to the Court of Appeals. By the
consent of the hineral fuel Company no appeal was take“ from the
ruling of the court over-ruling the motion for a new trial on
behalf of the h ilroad Company as the amount of the damages to
wit: $500.00 was as low as could be expected.

Xou will recall that the hineral Fuel Company on behalf

/ of the Railroad Company paid into the County Court the sum of

;" Wl750.00. It is now in order for the County Clerk to repay to
i the Railroad Conpany $1250.00 which sum is to be turned over to

f f' .‘ fthe lineral Fuel bompany by the Railroad Company. lust I have

'3 ~ ;this check sent into you to be indorsed over to the kineral
V‘ 57 j l"uel COnpany or must I indoroe it here.
i- t i Thb case is now closed so far as the Railroad Coupany is
I concerned.
Yours truly,
¢<:z:4¢4‘ 5: /¢<;a491714;
Copy to horgan & Nuckols,

'“: - ‘ x 1n 1:
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 December 11, T.L¥j:l~’§n
lion. ’3. D. Y.'ariield,
Dist. Atty” 33313 3..; Co.,
Louis ville , Ky.
Ler oir:

Eierc\.'ith, ple.2.:ae note copy of 22, letter 01' the 9th instant,
iron L:. Lzmis .E;::r7ie, in I‘szféiI'Cl to suit in Lets-nor (Jircnit Court
o; 113:) 31;/.63” v. I‘.?izoen ”otter 52.11:“: the donslidetioii {Joel Company.

11'-0211310 oziulsritmraa, 5:": will not-o that, while 12;”. Ecl‘vie
is oi" the opinion ”(51273 no anneal should be taken by the LES-I 33.00.
from the juiggiicnt :‘or {Filth-.EF) 1"‘IT61;.’ i'-_ani‘-,si-rcz':‘her ll, 19180

Leads: ‘7‘ Karrie, 11:31.,
3'. 1: :‘ bur 5: lien t he 3."? .

«a! 2.
1.‘ 2,“: L.:.ii‘ :

L‘11:2..'L-:3'_11,3: you for y'mr favor or? the 9th ins-*tnnt, advisine:
1;: or the U'ZL'C'JC".1F: TH. Li.‘ «3_...-:« ‘l: ';;,'.‘z:-“_‘-i JiI'Lfif'f Uzi-17:”: of 3.57:2] 23.3300.
vi 3.312133): ““7, I :::1 1:03" '11‘5‘1'f2'1y ,1 :3‘67: oi 3.31315 letter to ELT.
urjielrl for '21:: :'_:':.;'«;.'711~:_-:i ::1 ~. ” :::: it his: 3,;Ef‘f1TEZ,'13‘.'iC-,-S as to
‘xi?;";1:hn;.‘ an :.;:g‘;)s.:~.-1_ 'r pd»? " 2 ~45; 1,; ::e::*11.'f 3:? 151:“, in
the event the :::o‘tjgxw 2’15; 9::‘7‘ {’5 ot:c;‘;'1:.f-5i~d.
I“ [lb 132%,, 1”,”? ,, KW"? "I.
"" /L' \“"'-_- "“ ‘I.’ 4 "‘4" 1!

counsel .

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 . March 23, 1916.
Messrs. Morgan 8c Harvio,
Xi'hit-asburg, Kentucky.
1.1 the trial 01‘ the Leuben ?ottor condr'mnation suit,
do not overlook the fact that the 1m: in Koatucky reluiros a .
unanimous verdict in COHdBK’lI’L‘Lt ion suits. See ..3 as H v. Jung,
County Judge, 160 Ky. 702; 8.0. 170 :3.:1'..2, and .:. a; H v. i'ilson,
179 555.1049, and 176 980, and See Section 242 of tile
Constitution, providins: that the assessment of dazmgns in con-
d:::.m:ztion suits shall "in 2211 038138 be floternined by a jury
s-::cordillg; to the course of the CNfl’iOI’l lav.”
“Jory truly yours,

Q .
. (Tar-.,‘ , \ ~ '7'
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»-"4L5-4 "'.n

Q .

The jury will find for and award the defendant, U. C. H;
WoodD such sun as they believe from the ovifoncc in the fair and
rousogphlo market Volt. 0; tho :our P2V*3CL para la a; lint herein
: c;11{§}1 1‘ 1-0 14:4 ;;.; 11:11 a‘ ,,jr 1:11:: Z)c;:ci.xl.ji:«}l; «1 .3 "i; .:..1 ..:;i.1.1.I;;* ‘u‘-1.;,:;.31;',
c<,~;1t:1i:1i.11,tr 1.’>:"\,.~m:t:L‘.”:‘ij‘, (1) 10:: t::,;:*:;:;, (1‘?) T‘.; 2‘./::: :3, (7,) fig acres:

:LIlC { W.) I..§ifl; ;:c:r 73', ZIEZIIC5233? Q71 ', i 7‘;o ::ji ;‘0 r;t'., :; ptzrl :l31fi 330 r“t;r-
three ono«hvmflr ‘tlfl (70:1) ml: ', eu-r'5f."..;?33'1 ":1". 3 Evil“ and
:'?e:i:~‘,or_‘nlrz '1-2,‘1:>f: ‘.'lte ‘»:.“ II, uncle I:1.;:'z.1 o; z: M111. three. hundred
and :57??? (7'3“) »r it: . ,‘ _‘.. , : ‘.11. 5'1 :.."ch renflgtuiable
market vwlun of the c ‘fri "":1: -;:' 1. ;Ha 2:.. J..; :2: ”1:73:11“ ter ”the
":.;.ELing 0.? ::::i‘. [0713.) ';-;;n:..:].:.

I}. '

'I‘hv“ fur; :212..“;:". they should (::‘;uiiizider
ill the :af‘vam" ”C‘." “:1” 1 .I. i. ' i _;I‘Lg ..L, 1.I” 5113, Int-'.‘: may rea-
:s:.)n‘='7nl‘: he surfixi .4 to '.. “:th I_.- ::'-‘.;. 4;L .::,..-:.‘3;1.,ch on 21161
Drudent operntion 0-1113 ':‘-:73305‘» 1:? 7;." 11-1 :2 01‘ ._";.:il:r-im<‘. mm} or
in connection \'.:1 1:7,: 2:12». I'err 32:33.11 of 1' .1:- ‘II: malt to be ac—
211‘.ll,‘€‘-;d 13:? the eluizfi'ii’i‘, mid, '1:; fl; halru'dm '1.): an: ;sucn :..L“V{‘.I’lt:’lé§es
and difszui'xmntfiner:, if “2317, .'":2111 be 1: 113' AIL"; 5h,» Ge:I:11d£ill‘L, ‘.-C.li.‘d‘0‘eg1,
then, to 1: m: ext-mt that 1:1;-eh Dzlnaer influlwlmxx ifile 1:.-324:"; value "of
the residue 0; {1.. ‘L' = 1:11;, the .j‘LIfi, in a! d: aim a.) the direct
délrrlsziig'rIS referred to :'I“! the firit‘; icy/I15 l truer}. me, should award
the dei‘aandéfiit {311'le :‘:-.111 ‘»E1 t 7151:," '1): ‘...’.-:22} I,.;om the aviceuca» \'.ill
fairly inf? 111-07.} cur-I ufe h; 1 '1:...cjh. ;'.;Luia'mjigyi. (it-111331258.
1'11-i etcrmirlslru: ;Juzzh i..<2je1->:.t-vl C-‘urygos, I" 4.1;, to the 'I»:ai£.LlG Oi
dai‘endrm‘c‘g farm, iii" the 'I?/':‘: ‘1’???» the V.'iwnioe than; 2111;," de—
pr eietion in the actual n-.,-..:::'“.V,~‘-‘-:~ value of such ruciLue oi. the 13:11
will be caused by or because of any reemcu.:.:blc any :::h male“, 01" (lung'ger
of fire ransultins: i'rom the :»rian'rt J;‘>.3r'xi’i 3.7.1 .3:. ;uI-o‘verly \%‘_f_‘1‘i]_'vjl(>(i
lowmotives, the muse of mini ch on )2‘L:1i:112ifi"t3 :::ilie iC. ;.‘I=.;,I‘ "up: weight
about 1);: reason or in :;0115363211101100 or the taking; of said Iour parcels
of 15‘ nd, than the jury will find i’or (ieui'eald‘mt, ‘..);nh'. Wood , and in—
clude in their mmrd under this Illumination such sum as they may be—
liexm from the (Widener; will fairly and l‘EB‘LLLSUIlii'JlET compensate the de-
fendant for an;r depreciation so caused and resulting. The jury, however;


will not consider as an element of damage any injury or
a prehension of injury from fire either from an imperfectly
equipped locomotive or from a locomotive i prudently or negligently
operated, or from any Locomotive that ray be rendered reasonably
neceosory 103 the fit» ure qua enjoyment by plaintiff of its
v3xistiie; :i,1n; o: .fiH/‘jlglefit injin1* n fl.1 f‘1vn.

‘ Suit, 7," '.‘:‘31; :31er (711111 ‘:::‘sli :70 fro" the Hviflooce hh8.t
the insiflentwfi. .:’:=1-_'-3,:1 1):." 3"W35331'w3vm31‘ oi the 151.31": in value,
311531 1 by; _:‘L‘ :.:t ‘.~:‘3r‘.=}“ 13.0,“3' on (333.9- orulruut v)’-3v:r:1til‘3;r1 of
::aid imil: )3 ‘, git-3.1. 3:: ;e '3' 1““-i 2 '1": :3 'i‘wf‘" (‘1'9:11.3V‘1-1tr3xree

<31- 39 ;1?Fili»3'ti’ili j 1 t 3‘..:3 , i:' ”.3:7, :11 :t :.,;r 133 csutar 28 2;; £316 T3111-
c3nt c.u13trieticu‘ 3:. ;ru7 «it over=ff¢ni cf S‘jj? roilrozbl, the
afitaate es ch ll m» heli to effect tho oieefvnntnqee end the
:juigj tth;ll, i2: P‘ifl‘ 0:3 -;, ’w.:1 f ‘Io:.o‘rit iloiliiiig fei‘ lJlOlIiOlltéll
13.:'.:T::-.;~;;,Fi 7:131:33." ':‘r. 1': ‘5‘ It" '.1-3701’}

file jury Mill also Lind for and ewerd the fleieniant,W.C.H,
Kietui. 812011 53:33 :33 t73~;‘ l».'Lirrve f '311 ttze :1vfr7e21c= i.1 tile i: 11‘ arid
renS'naole uprlrt value of the unexiirod €31U Wifhiv lease of the
threa in? 011~gnnrter (3 l/i) acres oi'lanfi ornnfl 57 the nluintiff,
tuch unoficirof term to do eetjmnted from eiq i;te7 the date of the
veriiot to L1 uh l, 1911, and, in addition thereto, such further
eu1 as the jTerrwurln3111ve fro“ {fly} evidence will fairly enr
reasonably co w n”3fie neiooinnt for the twkin: or o etruction of
:;ey‘:333 ws'n02; 33o..t1; 1x1 3133 l3su1ed 'Uxafio

. VI.

The fur? will etutn Sewarmtel} their several findings for
the deioniuct 33 to each of the said four oarcele of land and, as '
to each of said four parcele, the jury will State the several items
of damage, if may, awardoi under the following heafis, to-witz-
(let.) The fair mgr‘et value of the loud aetunlly taken: (2&.) The
direct damages, if any, caused to the reeiiue of the defendant's
lunfi DJ the tukiflg of the four dewigneted parcels of land; (3rd.)
The incidental damages, if any, resulting from the prudent constructio
and prudent operation of the pleintiff'o line of railroad over or in

connection with the land so taken. rl‘he jury will also state
the aggregate of all the sums awarded for eaoh'parcel separately
and, finally, th :1 aggregate 0: all the suns a\.:1r<‘ior .‘.'01' all ‘L'our
0:" the jars-Us to;;2tnmx. ‘.'.‘11e amu.-;t Limaiwicci :.;; 1.11:; Q1133; 1111:1317 the
fifth llistwnstion 11) ..: the L2 >.' LLL; ;im .3; ...:- :m: L11 ,V. 13.51.; 5:13.11
bzfi‘ S1211} 1d :;LB‘;_,...“..L»: ‘:L.‘1"u‘i.‘ {.':in 131.1113, ".17.'.:.‘.’_.‘.L 1‘31 15,-ms.”

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2111‘! {1.1510 :3 931103 of the Chaim" of the (mint; Court 5.315: 15110 14* r10 int
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0. 3312793133, 03 the amusiruntlm: .~-O(l(.;.3"tT’1k:Ilt° to the same eifcct.
ejr'y trul y yours,
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. MORGAN (9x HARVIE (L ”1%,, /L/
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inn-«~- -* 2. . tr. a 2 ,. -
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7«_ 4- e. 4 2-. 4. .. . 2"'—,4.2~:4
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72011-1332: "<2“ “:2" rt, ‘76 of 321750.00, ‘53“;e. 2.3-“out of ;‘;e
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2.22. 21 42‘. H .,. ”z.“ , ‘2 2n; .2 . 2.2 . 2 _ ._2.1. , .2 .. 2(- ‘fi , 2, . ._. ‘2 .:.
C0125 of 2. mu 2 ‘Ms -.Q~AL. 2 U, ..1qu (2.1.“ 02 72:, -eceii. .2.
'7' 23 (“.3.-“‘31: 'z':-.‘I.$=fl-:€~. ;‘- sf: 2‘1.‘::5"-:izo:-1:.s '71:; :r 2 T2: .::"t-Lrlc' 1%.: (2»
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21:4, or <3: ='— Clix?“ t2 .Li (H221. Mn, 2 :, 2 2 :2 ft .:: ..v e
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1 ' 2"“ . 4‘ .2. .,J.,.'.. .N, . '-.. ”'24”. -:-‘_ 2..: f”,. ,. 2- 3 .
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62:16. the. €223.11 (.::.m'hi "~11 es fut: "a’fuz'u-is.
; 1' UI‘ is '.21"1.;l:;.",
50‘2”?" to Tart-Gr 1'teVIazrt
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