xt73bk16mf8w_54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [26] Isaac Young vs. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [26] Isaac Young vs. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_7/Folder_1/63802.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_54 xt73bk16mf8w w '
A ' my at, 1915.
C. H, 3.10r,>1';':m1, sled. ,
A'Lowgz'irft'illc, 3237..
Bear Sir: '
,.»], Elem-2e, relax to my lettH: oi nuril 20, L915, :.ncl 08.5219, '
Clark's corrected 1351311191 on of,” coats: 111-:2 cans of harbrrt Ymng
V. 1 a; ;:) IE;I.CO., amounting: to 313710.372. I hays; a letter 11:16 :3". date
of day 24th from Yootton .':: 1-‘ififc’gr’in finkimr thot this: voucher may be
i sued forthwith, .::..‘3 th: 117312773" tire =r:<“::;;inj volt-r ir'tooz't1_tn:ate about
H1352? fees.
’Qi‘nnjzir‘g you 1’01 yam“ c:.:n;;xteone ‘..tt-“lilUfl to thin roguest,
i am,
Very £2711;ng yours,
{1071113 .531 e


‘ . in; if, 12:215. -
idessrs. Voottozi :‘fc Liorgon,
E19. ':'. a: (i , Ky. ' ,}
Gentlemen: I

‘1";an of the girth irm‘miit to mod cud I :m azskjfig 1.7x.
.;.:.oo:z‘.r'ze.11 again to iossue volupnor :43}. Agguyf‘ji in §il:;’.lu;:lfi.: oi‘ coets in
tho case 01' Merbo: 4.; loads; v, ;'.s .; ..;; as; v... ".311: ~,._‘e,-;.;-*..‘.': LifgfL .13;-':‘
cook's \szczz‘: i'orwarélo? "Lo .:.;L. .Looi'xxgg on. ‘-‘-4 i}. 2;, [£51, \1 it A 14h»
Teflmfifi {Vinai- V-‘ihx‘fn-‘Jl‘ i ‘30 I {:3 1.:er the finite: Lax-.5 Deon i1‘1:;.c":~
voi‘tamtly O‘v'C;L'i'.-(,1£='Iil ()i' Leis-;g' ..
5 ':';3 12:11“ ;‘7 ;jz..\.1:; ",
(.L_L”. ,8.
I counsel,

"‘ Afinrnvgsmhgfam q
,, r‘ Jr- 7,6" ’
HAZARD, KY. MCI/,1 4- ‘ ‘
‘ “TV .'xr: '1 [)7 77‘
"""d 5..., _'.JJ.!JI
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5 v. - April 20, 1.53.5o
C.E.Moormen, Esq., '
Boer Sir:
herewith enclosed, I hwnd you copy of a letter of the lfith
instant ir0m hootton & heigan, together with rooei t of Lee Eamiel,
Clerk of the Perry Circuit Court, for costs aggregating $40.?O
against the L d E, litxly paid by us to the Clerk. I also hand you
hCrCWitH enclosed a implicate of the Clerk's bill of costs in the
case of herbert Ioung v. 3 i l and I J 3, Derry Circuit Court,
together with corrected cowy of finrl Order of Eismissal, attested
by the Clerk. This Order, ah ex lained b; the enclosed letter:fiom
Hootton & Morgan, provides that the entire so te, both those of
kplaintiff and those of the defendants, shall he paid by the de—
3 aa,i‘enfants. L3:-Lie. makes it noon-:15): 4;; for "use to remit the further
“t; :eum of §30.72 to Lee Eaniel, Clerk of ?erry Circuit Court, in full
10f balance due. As you will observe, the witness claims in this
case were rather heavy but, under the terms of settlement, as 1
nothing appears to have been excluded, I pro ume thrre is nothing
for us to do but to way the amount indicated.
Thanking you for your early attention to this matter, I am,
Very truly yours,

. -' 37 .—
\ Attntuegsmt‘vctam J (,7, o / g
, : - " f
..V‘ 3.1.1.}. .‘.«f, 1A)].Uo
7— :.‘ ,‘.,1 i ”7.,‘14.
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" l...' H "h- .A.L , * ...‘
.L.:iLLLlL- L:f,;1, ..:‘g- L: h); ‘.
L»:-\=“. 11‘:
'0 ":37": ~‘,: ""' 7 :‘: 1 C: L (:.‘L' :': Lift?“ o3 tfljsfjiggr»
‘.f=:::7_:322r:31‘ in, :’ ,~ V7: 0:" 510:: :fi‘a, * Ct; ‘.‘ o _- 2'11" ; 13:31:11: ‘,rrzggt
’ . ..'V L' i, L V L" L _, .. .‘ t» “J: - ‘ " ‘ ‘~ . , .I'.!" .;i‘\ ‘,V .
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,.‘-) A!— ..' ..,-“hump“ ,: '. fl : V ~',“ . »‘I~v,-~-,.r "A-qaxn». » ,m , L.
;AE‘, L, _Ll: \. 0.x .' ». LLLIZ- ,1; , "L- a .;U. *’ J :7 ‘,L :'. L-. .: '.. .‘L V J<__u‘,, L . u' . .1 o
* - ‘ ‘ ' -, «rt: 4; ‘ :V —‘ L K. . A enm~~ »L.’ ”7‘ :r‘.
,- $5101, ;COIL fill-T LL GAL; “L": L » :‘ ,'.,LJLL' L. _;(_ fi Li ..JL,L:1 .0
‘ ' ‘ " v ~ « < ,. . ‘A ~ A , a: ' .»..'~v Wax» V..\., , ‘4~"- ' 7' ‘A‘VV
,1‘.e'L:‘e‘.',':Lt:‘; Po Lona: 70:1, :Jn. : A, A .:, :L, .: _L 5
ice 17079:. o:m1”.=r:’;i;:1.:" 1‘s‘N35tL'5‘1’, 'i‘f :01». ;2; 'zzv
7' "in“: ' "L ' :’\ ”w? :Hr‘: "13": ~ ’.’”‘ru" ~ “ r: -J‘ Fr“ '51-.»\ ".': " '7‘":-
,.~ in. . .:-.z ,.. 1' J, _. V' ,- V ~‘, . it W344. 13V. ,. V7 .:,
LL on: 44.131. ‘Ji‘L‘fLL ‘:.:_L.:f:r") .1.1: L 2“- Or .0 i -:L L: if , wj}, 0L0. ,
v. I} "'3 ;o. “zoo ,u g ; __' go. 3'"?3‘-fll:“‘ “vie-r trio 'f:"‘L‘-z'3"‘::‘:l‘
’ ' ‘.~ ' -. - ‘_V, .’ ': .7 A» ‘_ _ -_ ‘ _V - “-.. ,- : .‘.“ " ." ,,,
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Stem‘.""17".‘L'\“;r::r in. (zovv'fmr 'L'j: if: :‘ijfil <’;:'(i02‘, "311.1“: go: flint, ‘alinxifxted
. _.: .»«J ".5“ V‘ ,7 A, J. ‘. ., . - .. w" , ,. A t. .V (. .‘. A,“ I.. : _ - .,. .:1
5.21 1.77.5 .:.;Lulll! 1; L3(J.:‘;L:. . . ' MIA; ..f: 4.1;A.,LDL1:: C _:.';HCLUL $31.05. ’ ..llJ.
~ .2 M V ' _:‘ ' .. a . Hr " —. .‘ mu” .‘. 4. ,_ ,7 A» ‘_ “ . t, . . .- j/‘ r M
1:15: 7011 DO H.370 "‘v":l|.l :‘:-Ll .7 ::LJHOJ. Leaded to V J0: In b.1352 01 m7. ,’.4.
:- ~ ~ ‘ .1 ,, _ M" J J ‘_ ._ ' -: : . .L.: L, .r: JV
0 5.1.:1o oncmco '»Tcu 0111. or .,’ mun gob, oi u'af‘: in, rural Lr'.1::l.L_L ,_n 0,: COSL:
.L;: or ,L._‘ C‘ACO.
-w_rM ~., ;,.. “--
:.‘le :3 -:J.‘LL‘.,;' ,
W, 777
: ~;»./__ / ”pk- (/%‘~>7L/ 7' / .flv7a. 7("1
We. .

U " ' Amil 20, 1915.
Messrs. tootton'& morgan,
hazard, Ky.

I achxowladge yours of the 19th inst.,enclosing receipt
for items of cogt l tel: paid by the 3 l E to Lee Iajiel, Clerk of
the Perry Circuit Gourt, aggregating $49.70.

I also acknowledge receipt of fiuplicate bill of u0@ts in
case GI Herbert Young v. L Q ? and E & H, in Perry Circuit Court,
together with carrociu? con; of Order a: Zismissal, attnfitefi by the
Clerk. In comylianua with your rnqmcut, I am flaking the Assistant
District Attorney to isauo a new Vuucher covering thn balance of
#30.72, although it strikes me thai the Witnehs claims are tolerably
heavy in this case, which, according to my recolleafiion, was never
calleé for trial.

Tery truly yours,


April 2, 1'15.

0. h. Moornan, ESq.,
Loni ville, Ky. ’
Dear Sir:
tieremith, iin5 eon; oi final Drier anfi Clerk's Bill
of Costs in the case 0i Eerbert Young v. 3 a 3 and 5 & H,
in Perry Circuit Court. poaiezs of the Entitions have heretoiere
been seat you. The order 0: Tiemieeal ineientoe that the suit
is fiieniee a at plaintiif'n eont. Aeeerflinxlg, I have limitee
my annroval to the deiea(ante' ovate, amounting to 91.F5. Fleaee
isene voucher in oaywelt oi name, in favor of Lee Laniel, Cl rk
of Berry Circuit court, anfi oblifie,
[ourfi truly,

 ‘; _- I u ‘ V .
4"; ,f ' - ~
‘ sift? ' . _ ‘
, "‘ ' ; , September 5, 1914.
J. J. Donahue, Esq. _ '
- Chief Law Agent L. & N. R. R. Co., -
’ Louisville, Ky. . .
Dear Sir: '
I acknowledge yours of the Blgt of Auguat, with en-_
clesurés, also carbon of your latter of August 24£h to Woot- '
ton and Horgan in reference to the suit of Herbert Young &c.
. \
vs. the L. & F. Railway Company in the Perry Circuit COurt. '
I returned fron Whitesburf Friiay, the 4th, anfi left
several of my Perry COunty files, including the Herbert Young
file, at Hazard with fir. Korgan, cense7uantly I cannot answer '
your letter with the file before me. I 7 ‘
' I am returnimfi to Hazard Eonday morning, the 7th insi., >
and will then giva the entirfi matter due cchsideration. All ‘
I have to say on the subject at this writing is, dc not worry
~ “dbout this case~— ”I should worry." ‘ '
' ' , Very truly yours, ~ '
I SLYyflfi .
, .

 Form 162 I1A\\‘III.I'\RI'\HN‘I'
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT -iwggrv-M'; , -L-; t .v; I, __'“..N ,,,H
B- D- WARFIEan 7‘3 '. (I’ll-’1’ of L3 I‘m/)2: 19/ 5:
District ;‘llornl-y.
.,‘,“m..,.l.§_ m. REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS. ,
I)! Mr? my 0/ “'34-’1‘34‘4 '3' lv «1", "‘1‘-"150 y 7,_‘._ “n A; .v: ‘_7‘ 4‘5; ., _:a
. . . ”.' \* :Iw“, ‘ 51‘“ '5 "I .14.
[/114¥/’()//0f('1}?‘g' firmn'u’nz‘g'x run lmn’ (I! l/It‘ .. ‘ ’ * Tam, 191‘"
of Mr , 30333:? Iiii‘c‘difl’f; (11ml of 9433-51-1)" Conn/y.
/%/’ ___ _ ,, j/
313,»?{1’5— /’ [/f\ x /h “J? 1f) 4/ 27/ .1/
[SIGNED] / V ’\/ L » 1/ // E.
AIIorncyflL & N. Railroad Co.
{12131. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition. etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial. etc” etc.
3. In reporting a continuance. state at whose cest.
4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed: if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

 I ‘ *“Wfi Catcher 5, 1914. ‘ I ;E
.- . .:,»:é i, 1
' J. J; Donohue, £31., ' ' ~ . ~ ;
Chief Lav: Agt-"LLE: 13:: R 00., H A > - V
‘ . Louisyi J.1e,l~:y. ‘ _I . .
- Dear Sir:« ' ’ 7
’ I adkuowledge rcceiyt of yours of the lfith instant, an» I:
losing imyressioa copy of fir. flauérfim's memaranfium of fieptamber 14th;
A With Carbon c0}; of your letter of ihe same flate to him in regarfi to -
settlement of the Herbert Yanng aaa 13330 Young suits in fihe Perry _
Circuit Oéurt. While I had pfirsonally iixefl 91500.00 as the
‘ maximum for Sbitlemeri, yflt the settlement acfiually made by Mfg I
V Lanfirum is SD-ClOSv to this figure fihat it meets with my entire
approval and I am all ihe bettir satisfied since the settlement .
,.‘ .is every way approvea by you. ' ~ ,
. . ‘_ ‘ ‘ iery truly yours; ~ -
°/a ' , _
I , , _ Counsel. ,' "“
' ‘ ‘ - a
g i

~u “‘ ‘ ‘ I, _ ‘ /
‘ . _<2g%;9%8252?CZ?L2Z%52§CZQ;/Z;%a//C;éfl%uyy

'”(W/mm”‘0'0/7Lk/Z/‘ifi/(iV/‘Ziéu: -://////' f/r/n/k/MH/n ////;'.///r'/'/ /////y.
Zl/u’n/kfg Y/ //r-mmu. ’

.iwwmehWMmu /V/ // ‘
/ /’””“",/ 92/:5fliiti:W,. ~//'”"”//”~ ”/ Sept. 16 .1914.

Mr. S. M. Wilson, éQZZé7Z/QYZ /}(

Counsel, L~ & E. R. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:- ill
With reference to the Herbert Young litigation in the

Perry Circuit Court, I am handing you herewith an impression cOpy

of Mr. Landrum's memorandum to me, dated September 14th together

with a.carbon cepy of my letter to him of even date.

I trust that the adjustment made by Messrs. Landrum
’ and Wootten & Morgan will meet with your approval.
Yours trulyg 4
f‘ ; 55;;:; do ,qzigrzk L,/<;\
Chief Law Agent. ‘

 \ '1/ Saw;
‘ /V ’7.) .1 ' /// I ,/ / ’ // // "’7' If '7/
. - ////.// 7% A ///./// 7%. v4///////////7/////7,
{ l. ,. / l A, - :1 1
30);!” ////////_/l //’r/“z///'/// , , / ,. , ' ,
./ / ‘// , / . ’l/IIs'f/v}-/ AIM/”~71: :_‘/////r /_/ ‘(////;///////////// //'(/// ///(/'/
{/fi/IP/F’J // /%r-‘H/mx/, «
. ‘/.v,\'/. 7)/.\'//‘/?'/ AIM/mm:
/‘ , /.'/ . J V I . . / / I '
,‘ /Wc/ 05/ r/MW/M (7., 8 ant . 16.1914.
Mr. C.S.Landrum,
Law Agent, Paris, Ky.
wear Sir: -

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor, dated Sept.
14th, relative to a settlement of the litigation growing out of in—
jury to Herbert Young, an infant, near Typo, Ky. on December 9th,

In my opinion the various claims growing out of the
accident referred to have been very satisfactorily disposed of.
Yours truly,
. Chief Law Agent.

h ‘ - ," I
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7 /%09/7 /v/h naz//7, p- /%v/¢}nv/”/z3%$nzét
/ ) - f. - 2’ ’
.‘15M//”/////,_//_ ///Ifz///'/// , / ., I . ,1
/ I ’I t, / ////.$'//'/(’/4\//////7/Fflf :‘//,//r / (%//;////////////,/z’ /'/(,/////(./y'
(gfi/Ii/flj -//. //w'n;mn, ,
.‘lm'l, ’IJ/A-flv'w/ - \l/Mrmf t:
/ / / - / " l . 1 / / I ,
kHz/r1.) . 1/ WNW/n: ‘ I , , ‘ _, c .
/'/ // /”/f’/’[fl/l,~/l(/p///_ VV/(///l//////'l///' ;J‘OAJJL o 1") .1914.
Mr. G. 5. Landrum,
Re? Agent, 3rris, Ly,
Door Girz~
I beg to acknowlefige receipt of your favor, dated sort.
l4fih, rolafiivw to a Settle out of the liii"ciion growing out of in-
jury +0 Torhurt Yovng, an 53‘snf, gear Typo, fy. on Lace/her 9th,
In my ogi ion fihc Various claims growing out of the
accifiont referred to have been very se‘isfactorily flisposed of.
Yor: s3 truly, » , ~
C /(‘L/‘, L Z2 ( ( l/Z ‘_71/ C w‘
’/’ ’// Clief Law gyeni.
, t ,/ .
003137 to V
Messrs. Uaofiten e Lorgau,
.L*f0fi eve Hazarfi fiv
' 'L ’~.: ‘4 I * 9 a .

5.13:3 Lih‘Cull“ U UL 111‘. .

@Rmm-T Y-‘q UNG , PLAll-l Ti 2‘13 .

VS. OnDfiR
leILWAY U 0;.;‘1L1Y , J.'EJ‘Ji.‘ _'.._.“.li‘ ':1) o

whe deiendcnt, Lexington & nastern Railway
Company, having filed its special plea in abatement
in this cause, and the Court being advised overrules
said plea, to which ruling of the Court, defendant
objected and excepted.

 /<{yyr;//y53:/Z' /52;}%§}/¢35f/2Z;;2¢}}/y///4;2¢76973:;/
, 2 . : / / : ', . , 7 ,
-//f‘/(/r///////_/ O/x/{rK/lyj’x/H/Z/ém /////' .// x/rr/ 7/////?/'/ //7 }/VI/ ////'/ry.
fl/‘mk/rcj -)/ //1-’H/mn, "
. ~/.L s'/ '///.s'//'//'/ -‘/////f/’/_'li {
, /’W / '0 $1,377,“, :.,.,.,,, ~//'//0/’////<" 13% Aug . 24 , 1914 . 76577
Messrs. Wootton e Horgen, ‘ giro; vvy':s:‘;
Attorneys, Hazari, Ky. ‘
Gentlemen , \ “ """‘” ""‘ "‘ “ “ “ ""“’
In connection with my letter to you of July 50th, enclosing fir.
Jarren‘s memo. to we of July 29th, relative to case of Herbert Young,
by, etc. v. L&N KR, Ferry Circuit Court, and to your reply ieted Aug.
I an new handing you herewith Law Agent Landrun's letter to
Mr. Harren dated Aug. 80, ana the letter's memo. to me of Aug. 25d.
It would seem that Lhe County Judge has reversed himself and has
finally appointed Isaac Eoung as the statutory guardian of Herbert
'Young, an infant. In view of the present seetus, are we likely
to be able to bring about a settlement of the Eerbert Young case be—
fore trial, in accordance with agreement which Law Agent warren had
with Isaac Young several weeks ago? I think we are agreed that
' I';‘ this is an extremely dangerous case and one which should be
‘ j sefltled if it is at all possible EB do so wishin reasonable bounds.
: l
A 3 ”' Emmet ¢///
fljfiflW - “r r.“ ?H(¢_ .
eno (::2Cj;?/ Chief Law Agent. E
ooer. S.M.Wilson.
, “1 Lexington, Ky.

 0 ‘ , L __ “"'"5 ; ‘ 1‘ '4! I 1‘ “Cl/AT ///
2 x. ' -, E-
/’ , , , «x 4 / , ”J
.“(flu/flaw»L/l,‘y;{:fi;:{//,L:,l'.‘;k‘) 7
‘ , ,L ’4 3 L, . [a

_ l .. , , V ‘ ..; ‘V , ,. >. n l 5.‘ v- '.I- »'
.L.:V -_lwm a I. ‘ < 7, V, , . . . , _. .,_.
273‘ .. , ‘ ‘ ¥ ' ,, I 3: 511.1, :1.; :..; f

" ' if] , ..'”; , .' ,. _ __ ,- , ‘ " _, 1',-3,: ‘ ‘ .. 1
,7 , y, _i_,_ ,,v. .g i _a . '* ;t _zg’m‘ .» 17 ,
'VWL‘M :. L L {.37. _ v ‘lv.:f.‘. _ .; .'. h 1 L,, .   ”M X .1‘- L‘: ..._
, 1:-» ." ,‘l’f,’ ",' ..: ;3 ‘ ,"u t

’ ’ '" 'V , ' ,'N ".‘.
-’:;"3' '«1 '.'.1 . "W ‘. '. .,L‘ ,; . 2. ._Lp,
' "I ‘1. .‘. I; (2:.; , 1'; ./ g > ;‘ '5 :- . r; :.. ‘ \,;:L'«-'_,"'3.:;a)
',.j;-;:::"E_; . ..a, ‘4 s“, 1.51., ~, - :;:»; ,

 \ . l ‘ .
‘ “age—‘:.; & ‘
. Atturnvgs ;If “Lam
/"j?/7M152Z?0 W gym
KIWI/V? MW V/véW / ¢§7 (éw/
aft—7" 40 /W am new are v‘: W
W MT“ ,

" Avril 2” l“lfi.
. - , M"/
._ 5, .;. . ‘ 3.‘
’\ 'V’ 3.: - , i '1 . ' .
L. h. noornan, £94.,
Louisville, Ly;

Bear Sir: ' I

Herewith, Lixfi son: of final Grier and Clerk's Bill
of Costs, in the cave oi Isaac Young v. 1 & E, in ?erry Cir—
cuit Court. 00”; of the Fot€Lian has 1 rite-ore been sent
you. I arerovcfi the bill for $7.55 an? ink that Tsuchér for
same be i sued forthLith in i to: of lee ”unicl, Cllrk of Ferry
'3‘ . :4- .‘-. “_.,
bllCUlu VOULb.

‘3': -. _‘_ ‘- >n~fi 7‘ -r
.‘. 017.1:- 2.1 u. 1.1: ,

 For“) 162 1,.\\\' lH,l‘,\R I 'III N1
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY ATV .. 9 ‘I,;z,_._p;w-L .1; I—&
B. D. WARFIELD. "1‘ #1 ,,'”), (If _,.; I.I Ono}: ,9, fl-
“isdlriut Allol’IH-y.
’:'r-y‘. 3 "’.5”: ;‘7 ”' 1 (O. ':a fill ‘.: -‘ no
I)! ///c (we Iv, ‘“ ' “ ' " my
. , . . “W24: “ r'=j,_‘- " ' 1', f .". O , ’1
Ma fol/or. '111‘3' firunu‘a’zn‘gi‘ riwz‘ hua’ at UM v ‘ ' 75) m, 191 [5
of My »’VPO“?""7«’ ,’&.3"?,fl.'l"5 (hurl of £333.13; CONN/_1’.
. .. {j ..:. i 'V 7‘ 11, --u-'- -’ .I I. V '.: .‘_
.\x 2
7/ 7+" ‘ ‘ "I ,
. “ A/ , fl - (k L.,/Irv? { e .,
[S/GNED] .44 «4 WVL - / ’ p 1’ L‘ k. ,
. Attorney L. & N. Railroad Col
£19.25“ 1. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character. as petition. etc., etc. .
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial. etc.. etc. ,
3. In reporting a continuance. state at whose cest.
4. In reporting ajudginent, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed: if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

 EAIL‘\/ F \VOOT'TCN JESSE b‘ii:f;r\~.
Affnrnvus ;It ”.1111! ' I
’. ‘C: i, ‘ ,, r':,..r » '.
,_, a )1»: »“' ‘ n .. 1 I " /7
,, v. v1 ..
mi?! ,y , " !
1;!"51‘ 1‘.
‘:':" "'1' ‘_./.‘. ‘2 ,~ :1 “ ; I ! '1 “ {'3 ~ : T ” x; "11é
""‘ “A; .:'-1?”; L ‘..-131 1" i : '..'?- “ M 1" ' ‘.‘; , r. , . ‘:' v J" di”!i"ff3€.0
7." ‘:3’31‘: ‘ L " ' ‘ "a" ‘ t ‘ if :1:- T”. "‘7 '~"-:7 “ ET .
"' ' '.,',n -\‘ ',
? , ,1. t? 1., ,
v [I ‘7 , / ,
T» 1,’ 1‘ / V/ j " . I,
.1 l - . . ’ {r - .
/! ,.

 \ \ 1: .. ,»7/m ///
“ * // //// //////
‘ /
I”WW/”Ml”-'f/I'éfk/Ziéx/{g/{rfictr ...’/”9w O/////?//////////////’//// ”“7
mm ./’/. MUN/,,,, ,.
.‘l-i‘f’/.7//.i‘//'/N»‘////’/7//_’I.' / / A
/ 2mm"); O;‘/',’,’,7/"§,’/f£7i¢,,w,/. "/"/")/”//;5-/// Feb . 27 .1914.
134/0— (:3 ’17
Hon. 3, M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & E. R. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
Isaac Young v. L. & N. and L. E ‘.
Perry Circuit Court.
Referring to your favor of Feb. 19th enclosing COpy
of petition and docket report in the above case.

I am now handing you herewith Mr. Landrum's report
to me of Feb. 25th with enclosures referred to therein. Please
note last paragraph of Mr. Landrum's report above mentioned. If
this is not a clear case of manumission of an infant son it will
be difficult to find such a case. ”win this connection please read
C. & 0. By. Co. v. DeAtley, 151 Ky. 109, if you are not already
familiar with this case.

Yours truly? ’ "i
E ' i f gig flak/1' w’ww—w‘r‘
Chief Law Agent.

- / ' , ' V /
, ,, /‘///.)/-/ fl / . M) / / l/fl . //// //-/// //////////y,
o /// / / y / /
, - . (:,Ir, ~ , , ////' , /// ////’///////// /'/’ ’ //’//////'// .
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yin/m)i.0/¢//v/d/r', ,__ ////J/ I /’ ' Y" 169b,; 723‘-H, L. 4.1
( z . '. . _ ‘ V. ‘L. 1 , :,
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Cl" “1' La‘V’ Ag:‘>“t, I()-11"'.’1“‘ 0, 7".
309* 731""
“ D
kivw‘um” 1’51"; am? 10330 Yul“: ”In rig! v :7 :7 cm

“OT-'“"‘““; ‘0 “'10 ab "'0 "4‘04001‘. 3*“ 0:190, 1m)", w, tan 2.; 118ch Latte" j‘mom
Aitcfifi‘V‘yg Vboflto“ H »“gfim rioflcmflni'mj fine 51%;; v0, ."1; 3': m cages. I W111
0‘11"? “3‘07“ 30 L;"-‘3 to iiiixzaw‘. om:- “3e'1s' “em "‘MK 9111'? {:00 what can ‘00 ”who,
fowaWi a @0115? rmwi 0 5‘ “2‘1! "~ Code.

A9 if} We fathers: 0] aim, iirw’kmvt Yum: Mad ‘L'.» *1 "'!‘?“kih '; o1n Lhr-z
railroad far an‘U. five ~*;mths and about Offlf‘ff ,..“ 31:00 tnwthfi he had
‘oerm 31+, win-g at, home fiw": 131% ‘30 zna"“‘li‘:’3 "xv-"I 03'er jvi; a ‘.:mzve :xi
Tips a‘o'wlt a "11‘ r: “M". .',‘“ 71:31:" F123»: “View; "firm Twine“ 1; verb TLC: fatty-w
‘- ..., ‘1 "7* 4721 ‘ 1". -~, ~ , L. , , '7 ~ \ -. . . ‘
we». 2.10 003' mm woman» 1 2.10 ”zill‘cd‘. MW? mafia, ”a: JOJ 9019“! to
.111 "loin-g co.

Yum" twga y, 1
18‘7" :“xg firm,-

A‘ - ‘
Affnruvus 211' ”.'-‘1111
V1] ’ "I
...3. 1. ’ ...’ a
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. 3 .
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3 . ’5.).
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C- 3 .'1 33.1.1. { “.11.-3""1’” .1: -—1 111311) ' :1 ~y . ~
3 ‘,:.”... .
., \L/ X 3. ~ .3... 1. '7’
l/ /
~ 3/ 3. /,-
7 »3//3/ /,/3 .3 ,
/%IZ%///’// / //5 {”4 / 3/ /' '

V: 7/ 77./777/7 7’ , _

\' ~ 7V, /%09VV rb/fi ,na///7 w. /%v //””////”3”z<:7‘
,1'/.1767/I'/r/2-/;;;,.M - ”(W/71”] . v /.7;..;.5/;w//.
2m%%H//%%%fl.. _Lhfl’f/OAfl/AH/fl/ '7bmfifififigzfiw

mum-M .S'n/u-Ilnl' fi(////'n ’zr/ ,(/.. ///'/l ; .
r/;///'// m. Z 7',.,,,»//. 7/,*//,’;.,,. .A'” W i .
r / 1,'/2mm! .-///r»/ my . 11m WWW-n. . ,-//rwm_»I/.s'
_._ZLNJ/y/i/L/E}. Feby 22nd. 1914,
Messrs Wootton & Morgan,
Attorneys, Hazard, Ky.
Dear Sirs,
Herbert Young. by etc Vs L a N
Isaac Young Vs L & N
Referring to the above stuled cases. please note the attached
letter from Mr. Donohue to me in régard to the matter. With the
return of the attache papers will you kindly advise me the present
status of the inxsstig negotiations iookjng toward a settlement of
the cases by you through Campbell or otherwise.
Yours truly,
I Law Agent.

 V v/I‘v'u/ I?)
' - KV/K/fl/ /’ A ”.1 //’/ fl - //// //'//// (Ky/fl/I/yiq
‘ ‘ /
) 4 f j/ . / _, / , /
.7)/w/////////_./. ////’////'///, z / K / , ‘ /
7//.\-//‘//‘/ -\//////7/('II __//7// ' '7 / (//// ;//////// ////’/ ' . ///’// ////'/'/
’ » / I / , ,
(WIN/.I’.) // ///-'/////HL /,
.‘/.\:s'/. WAR/HM . \//////7//_/1: , /
/ ‘ r K K ’ / / ., , / ’ g '
/”~w / J Irma/W- . //'///.//7////,.///, Feb. 211 1914.
/- / //I//‘/[(///’4~(r//»///. /’ '
Mr. C. J. Landrum,
Law Agent, City.
Dear Sir:

I am handing you herewith Judge Wilson's letfer f0 me
of wa. 19th togefker wifih Gory cf petition in the case of Isaac
Young v. L. t 3. Ky. 30. and 1. & N. grnwing out 3f the Herbert
Young case in which plaintiff seeks to recoxmr $68CQ. on account
of lose of services of his infant son. Will there be any chance
to affect a settlement f thie case before same is called for

YmuwBtruly, (f/4
I- _ ' , /
”r ”6'1 t W...
' Chief Law Agent.

 - w_ ,‘.,i ”.,‘ on -' —)-'
r ., , x, ,H
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