xt73bk16mf8w_552 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [392] B.J. Ewen v. L&N, L&E, Jackson Police Court text [392] B.J. Ewen v. L&N, L&E, Jackson Police Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_54/Folder_18/3308.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_552 xt73bk16mf8w heqw
/ 7. ,,,/w '/ ,/ w //' , 7 ”.9/
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,,,. j” K, ,, WWW ”KW/Wet: _.-/am :11/2m? /}/////’///'//(£7"’,/?6le7 ////,7//,'/
"5541/23 r-///, //(2 2mm”, /
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/”/ ~92QQ’J;¢2‘JT:W,_ ~»--»/K"//W”/”<-/fy~ Feb. 9 .1914.
N . ._._:iij.;,, 2‘ «Am '/ f"
Lasers. Wootton & florgan, ;”
;fitorneys afi Lam, Bazarfl, Ky. 'l
Referring to your favor >f Feb. 7th rola‘ivo fio the g.
J. fiootten flatter.

‘ Spon inquiring of our Treasurer I am advised that the
draft heretofore issued in favor of Jackson Wootton, dated Lee. 11th
for $96., contrary to instructions given by me on Decenmer 15th,
was paié through the Soufihorn yaiional Bonk of this city. ?or
thafi reason the matter has bosons very much mixeé up. Of courée,
the araft for $71. should he returned to this office.

On Jan. 29th 1 forwarded to Judge Wilson and agreed
juflgment “mien was drawn up by Hr. Kanior in the attachment 0339
of ?wen v. n. J. nootton.thon penfiing in the Jackson Eolice Court
and my understanfling is that fihis judgment has been entered. In—
asmuch as Sapior & ?urner have cashed The draft amounting to $96. _
which covered the full amount due Hootten and as we have paid, in
accordance with understanding which hr. Lmadrum had with or. Rapier,
$85. in satisfaction of the judgment in the Jackson Iolioe Court, i
think fihafi Lr. Rapier Should refund.this amount to us. Will you
kindly take the matter up with him with that object in View. ?lease
also rofirrn to we as promptly as practicable voucher for $96. which

 C 1’.". 3.1.1. - 2
'I. Landrum left with Napier E: Turner at the time the draft was
Please let me hear from you prompyly in regard to ’rhis
Years truly, Z
V /% Law Agent .
Ccpy to
1.1.x. S. .'1. u‘ilson,
Cmmsol, L. 52‘; ii. .‘L. 00.,
Lezrzingg‘fion, Kentucl'cy.
2.:.1'. C. S. Landrum,
Law agent, I'aris, Ky.

5” 4, V t“) 27m ///7'
fiwyflflldfi_/W{/Z%3Z/HN //;// :0 fl////(//// fl//////} '. /’///// ///r‘//
févZfi/Méa I/ %Mwmw, /
.- .;i/Exr15‘Lx/IJA'//'/b// :Vflamcfz: / / / ,
iii/lflmj}/4055551;?I’I/(INA .,/////////////l// Janna ry 28 .1914 ,
Hon. S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & E. R. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:

I am handing you herenith voucher for $25. in favor
of B. J. Ewen in full settlement of Judgment rendered in the
Jackson Police Court in Favor of said Ewen in the case of B.
J. Ewen v. A. J. Wootten. Please forward voucher and draft,
which is also enclosed, to Judge Pollard with instructions to
have Mr. Ewen Sign the voucher at the place indicated by the
letter "A" in the presence of two witnesses who will Sign at
"B" and "C", the attorneys representing Mr. Ewen in this liti—
gation should sign the voucher at the place "D". After this
has been done kindly ask Judge Pollard to return voucher to me
and deliver draft to nroper party.

A voucher for $71. has this day been sent to Wootten
& Morgan in favor of A. J. Woottenf

Yours trul;::J:i‘ é§;;:: (.flzr2u4«‘,£1_,w
Uhief Law Agent.

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,,. /»VW_ January 50, l9;4.
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uhle: saw agenc, J & a Y M C0,,
“ 0 ._ ‘1 -y -. 1f
LOulSViL e,uy.
Dear flirz~
“ \r .. 1.1 (‘.“ 4. .‘. ‘ .»,..l. “,..' #7,!) A “n. 1"
10133 0f Que wkfiu Lastu a, 1119 §ISDS&, roaarnlnc
. ""‘” ‘~ ~- 4 T ‘2 " ‘1 ~ r1 - .ra . -- ‘
ALuaenmcut in naczson r0 lac usurt o; uwen v. wootton
-: -. .. L “..,.- .“: .':, '.' .; 'V -A .2 '.' .. ,0 _ -.' .1
anc fine 30 {Jun .t M‘tm :Wajign an rm arfi 0L a Claim of his
“ \V.. .' . .‘..- , . ,. “' u _' ‘.I f q 1
tnwmag; his a,igrnvvs, nqcxe: v vanar, It 009??? to we
'V J. 'H. ‘ .. . f! "V -, ..V '. V. 1. o 1..: - . . A J. ..'.‘ .:‘ ‘ _ '31.
tags luflflohk 01 pajlna uhu an 430 hTJQUb c; tne ara;u to
“ - , ."’- ”. Ln .‘.'- L (':': '~ .:~ - — ~ 1 " " 1 ' _:-
mapler m Laxuegg ”use 55L.»C 0: 1i snou;fi no newnetefl ;or
‘ .J. .. ..‘. H ' .' ’.. , 4r ...‘ .. ‘. .,, ,, ~ ‘,.. . "' x - _
Ceiulemduu 77th nzbn, 0% :;L 12f'~“93 of 325-235. 1' ether
,“ "., ~ .1, 7‘ \ ‘V f‘ ‘,N ., ‘ .' V, .. 1,." »,. ..'.- . , ,. _‘ . \
nexus, L;qurfl a; Muu3115¢ L90 Erm1t, @upgcrc you ;asue a
‘ -‘ A f' --. .:‘ "7 A . ..‘ .~.-,.. .1 .‘ .- _ .‘-‘. _. ..- ... . —.
voucaer 1h :»uu: c“ LUHL L : F-r:w1 for Lhe amount of the
. , ‘ ~s .- .c _ ,_ .,_ ~ , . . ._ '2 "« .R .-
(Traits, 3.0.“??? v???) U0, ‘.? W) m “771$“, 53:: vnfattcn ‘.' “
.’“, 3 ~'. :.3. .“:”. ‘ .... .4‘,» .. -,,. -. .... A 'x V ‘-
40; ce;1¢nr;. x1 5;? Hana €1”u, : ~wnenéx for 17?. C, 3&3;
«. " ‘ V ' "" .. .. .1 W .-.: ».‘. ‘.‘. " .‘~ . .‘_ '. " .
. abib fie 1. 3. Lung, w? Etc uiwfil.nf CT JEUOfL 11 fike rOTEne
I' -.-.’; r'v-‘l. -7 — '. ‘. . _‘. .. '." . " '~‘ 1 "‘ “ ‘
daurt fiLZv, 
time 60 s“hwi* fhiw mafitcv to VCOEfCi % XOTfififl3559fi299 I V
L1 ‘. 1 ‘ . x .,.‘ '— .'. .., ...‘ i ‘ ,‘ - 1.1.., ..,...‘..u _ . r. ‘- ,.- -. . “
Jilfli It watu .0 bxac¢~H elk? unu mm .71 a: Lars mailinen .
H‘ \
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.‘:nm». 4L~~7~n111~7 a».- «‘.,‘...
.2, .-:-,1; ”NM-gun,
:.arwr I1
».'- ‘ nil—'2- \
Counsel. . ‘

 \ t';
9’7W/fl ///
. 1,, ..(Z/{a/V fl/xa’ ' f/J/////...,./fl/fl/V/K/flW/flfl/J
7‘ . , ..1“. ;I A
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fl/Iflél/fl.) //- @‘f’li/Hlflv. I / 770r4
31.3151, flak/I'M ,.‘/flower I aka 7
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[KM/mg ,."i/Iwm-fl/M. - 1’ '“'/'). ”r I
/' / /,/ / 7; [of low 14,7sz ‘“‘/(Y/fl/ //l/////" fl/ 0 C
,, January (41,1314.
‘ I my .7 F >4
Mr. :1. M. Wilson, \ «pg
. U
Counsel, 1.. 8: E. I2. 00
Lexington, Kentucky.
Deer Sir:
.L on handing you herewith Mr. Lnndrum's memorandum of
Jan. 19th together with enclosure referred to therein relative to
attachment of B. J. Ewen against Jackson Wootten in the Jackson
foliee Court...
As ‘. o e -‘ ,.. m ~ -,., . . .
you .rniw 11 pier t. iurner here now in their possession
a draft on our TreeSurer for the 'dlumm’r fine "‘.'Iootten Can V'e saf
v 1 a V ‘ e—
ly honor the draft heretofore issued in fever of {iootten with the
understanding that the amount of the agreed judgment —fl5.- will
be paid into court by Napier 82 Turner. If so will you kindly ar—
range accordingly through ’a‘iootten £2 Morgan.
Yours tru ,1 fr
, " (lg/V 25 ' . Z t :3sz (,....-<
/" .
" (/,// // Chief Lew Agent.
_\ (/ '

 h K :7 (5’ ‘ (QJ . 7 // WW”
”261/077%” ////// f/ll/fi/Wi/fl/flfl/ ////////fy
v// chiefly/“”0" ;/ JanY 19th, i9i4.
Mr- Donohue;
Pl ease note the attachedagheed Judgment which Was drawn up by
Attorney Napier of Hazard in the at.tacMent case ,13 Ewen Vs A. J. Wootton
in Connection with the money that we owe WOOtton for attending court at
' Hezerd- Cap Ewen of Jackson agrees to- this and will have this judgment
entered if it is agreeame to us. A I suggest that We let them mix:
enter this and then pay the bmance of the amount coming to Wootton to him.
This W111}: leave him in such a frame of mind that we can use him as witness
for us in o ther cases that he is witness at Hazard. You will note from .
the attached that Ewen W111 pay the costs of the attachment-
' C S L

 h .
\KJ : V _
B. J. Ewen Plaintiff,
Vs. Agreed Judgement.
Jackson Jooton Tefendant.
The parties hereto having agreed that the plaintiff is due

;25,oc, and the defendant having agreed to pay plaintiff ;25,00, in
the above styed cause, and the plaintiff in cinaideratiou thereof having
agreed to pay the cost of this action, and this cause being made known
to the Court, is of the opinion and adjudges,

that the plaintiff 4. J. Ewen recover of the defendant, Jackson
v I I a“ v
Jooton, the sum of twenty five dollars and thatflattacnment sued out
herein against defendant, inwhich the Lexington @ Eastern Railway @anpanyvuanz
summoned as garnisne, be and same is hereby sustained, to the extent
of twenty five dollars, and said garnisne is directed to pay same into
Court and make same subject to the Court's orders, and said attachment
is discharged and garnishe released as to the remainder of the debt

garnisneed, and defendant is adjudged to pay the cost of this action
- a d this case is stricken frOm the docket.

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WOOTTON & MORGAN 3:11. 43, 1- {11.2.
, 1V
‘ Aiiurnrgo {It *Lam (
ML ,
HAZARD, KY. ’17“
3.1". 382114737. 1.. "fi.‘.‘_:'3Cv:'1,
T.. 6351111“. (7 51 , ‘.“ 2 1t7 21:.: .
DEW? ..iil":

' To 1.’: 3 "7.1715370 it: 71:7 ::‘71-7 _t- ‘. _" “~ 7:: ..7, ‘,‘ioot 0:1
VLH .1 ::7‘ :17. Enzjlmw‘: Carp” r“? ’1‘»: r':':x":;:7.f:‘;-7-1:‘: 3.0115577?” iii-Tinlllg-I‘TL... ".'"- 77..-":fiore“w:nq¥. 1‘ 27.1; '11:? 63"»:1‘; “L301“ 1:72;; :1 F?"«“~C:iill
: fi""“"'T“'T“37T”‘Y“,‘TT"’”“’E§'W"7'invm’-' W“ .1,. i .. - -. ' ._ - .». -_ 4» 1+.
(.tw1la...£‘.")f, .11! fi:".'.?\.[‘ 3... .7. COL-.31! L3 I“. (11.179, .5050 h .311“. 7. jr-1' (1.5, L' EL.-
£.<7. enrmo‘ react-ff ‘L" e- 2131171.: ::1r-rif1éfl, “:27. :7;.",'" ll (158713.71? the
:Iotiz‘él member 0;: duff: Willi". f e :‘t'i':7n<“:.ezi ’3 ‘2:; t. :37 'f‘O‘Q 3.39:7 31; this 2:11;;

.‘- Ariiumwgs at £311]
252.3151 “there i :3 ho -l-t rule it} iii :1;, inure Tundrum crime, {‘57 thesis.
‘»"uul‘t: trulf,
, i." .’A v..—
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“ .‘ .- uooumbor a9 , 1910.
. k W ,
’ ,. “ ‘,“-C (I. ".‘ , . 5 . -
.. meow—rs. r‘iOOt ton .1. :florgem, Mot orncvs at law,
-1 ‘r‘ ,
Hazaro. Ky.
' 1
. 1 _ '.'7 x, ..
(so-.11, 4.1.130“:— .
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. l .
I: 1 '.. . -‘ . .. , ‘ ~.. ‘., -'. , . ,. - , ,, =.. : a -‘ '.' .. 1 T
Court .'1?er .11: ‘..' 1104; a oofirl (3.1.2.: u was; Sth‘l’Cé .12.: .r . . Jg(.'0 . , .'. have
‘ . 4:! ..... ,- . ,...2. ’... . .... ...1. A ..' .L." ‘2' .. ".-... .. ‘9“ j .' —». w , -. I. 1. . _.
740 835/“ ”liniibb ~3. , :,,_..--\...a;.., LAW .21-..;: .14.“, a:«;-J(3.:....~V<..>2I v)... .t.(1', 2.71.11 :.. :;ch- »."C-f)p-
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fleet. ~'1: '3 “'7 f ‘.: 2:1: ‘.‘51. . . ’..‘ '.‘ 7.1:? {.2‘-{:‘:r‘1‘: :."}?th :.:?...“ --::.' :‘:: L. 0111"; :11;
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 v t
h 1'1: r ‘ Is 211': 75am A , ,7
i 0 iii 111. Dec. ‘ldth, 191;).
, HAZARD, KY. ,r /
Er. Jemuel M. Yilson,
Gen. Counsel 1'. c"; .‘4]. Ry. Co.,
flexinnton, Ky.
Dear 3il‘:~
Yours rel tive to the ;, J, “ootOn draft received, in
Which you sen us to see the attorneys, Napier & Turner, and see
wflmtrzor they ti 1 accept tb t part or" the draft th t has not been
attached. They soy that their client clsirs no process has been
served on him at ell; th t he resides in Terrr county and Gene
not understand how the Jackson *‘olice “lonrt can take jurisdiction
but that they will see their client and if he owes the debt to
S. J. ?Iwen they will try to get him to settle it. You can see
tit: t this is rather indefinite statement as to whether or not
avt‘lOI-f will accept a port of this p217, so you hid better send to
{1:10 the eternisl'aee tn. t was served on the r212ilroed in this matter
e %in order that I may file {in answer in the “Perry Quarterly Court
}:t the Jenner}; term.
- i
% 7

 . ‘
‘ .

‘ . louisvifflo, Z{~*n‘..:uc]:;r, Scarrfoor 16, 1913.
3.133711%“ , T oxing’mn ,II; .
1‘,'9g.4,;toy; 5; 33035211, EIa::a-1rd,2£y.

Tiilszm “301051‘321 TC'O'EV’WI 75th. Have instrimtrvd
that firstft given by Iandrum in scttlmicn't of Foottin 035:0
be (3.501111: 5 xvii/tr; prcscntr? (1 for payment.
(Sigurd) J.J.Do::o}:uc.

 " - . 4 . y . , FORM 1—Revised July, 1909 . p
1. - Miesageds WhiChtilrcbalzpme‘mui'huuucfces'sfirfié? thatdccaulg ISM: senttbyd‘rniinfn’i‘ail, wilitbe. trafnsmitted end ’
' TELEGRAM - .1...... ”mp " “ °°p‘85f°‘.e_.i‘xi°as§‘2m eJfifi‘thfipé'm‘“ $.3qu $01. ““9” m” °‘ .1...“... TELEGRAM
. , 5' ' .
' . Lou 1271/15/13 -
. . , S M Wilson Wootten and Morgan ,
Lex Haz ard . -
Wilson telegram rec d 15th. Have instructed that draft given by _ Landrum
3" in settlement of Wotten case he declined when present ed for payment I
, ' J J Donohue _
11591.:11, - . - '

 ‘ i
‘ Bonn l—Revlsed July, 1909
Messages which are apparently unuccessarg, or that could be sexlt by Train Mail, will be transmitted and
delivered promptly, but copies thereof will e forwarded to Supermtendent of Transportation for attention.
TELEGRAM See rule 368 and General Manager’s Carcular No. 101. TELEGRAM
M 6 L13
1.,. t - .:- ,:,... I.‘. 7,.... :1 -. .7. .1. ”m- -
10.33.15 2 , 11y. , ..1e;.>1111.-.1_212 e1? 3.:) 1131,1915.
U 0 1i o :20 L3 yuan , '
1:455 11:; 1 2 5.1???
... ,1 [.1, '1-1» . . _ _. :.J.’
..:a ’ 2' -.l‘a , .:.11}7.§.l§3VI‘liJJL} , :1:/1".
'1 . 1 1311111 Mv-m- ..1.1..., - I); 1 ‘ ~=~~ 2
~ :1. . . ' ’ ' ' --~ 11.11. ‘va—U ;.u UwO amt-u 1:1;‘Uui‘l 383134.18 :.1
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1197:...” w . * ~11 1 laws-I1. .LL. 0 (\L'TJE‘flfllJlfllu {1'11 #:1631303? 1113
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1 .1. .1 .LL 110.- 1-00. 0..; guy. sagigcmu 111.1 1‘.-1:11;; :1 flmmmr
f ":',v '5. _‘.. ... 24..
11.1.21, Q~L03l41011118 .
(*1 :7 ':"r..' w w ,1 J.
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mu (1." ». 1/ wri/H/zc i , 5 ,»” Z (I. r-
/ / )n/ /('/2/r)/'[////'.\((/(»///. E'/(///// ///( L {/ D0 CGIflbOI‘ 12 1 191 ‘9‘
J » A
"win—"Lg I é /' ~.5
1‘»/1r. S 0 lil- Jilson.
Counsel, L. & E. R. Co.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Lear Sir:
hr. thowell's letter to me of December 11th with en—
closures referred to therein relative to attachment served on the
Company in the case of B. J. Ewen v. A. J. Wootten, is handed to
you herewith. As you probably know we owe Wootten aboufi $92.
covering his lost time and expenses while attending court as
Hazard as a Witness in several cases in the Perry Circuit Court
in September 1915, suit on account of which is now pending in
the Perry Quarterly Court.
Yours truly,
i I w// _ 1 ’
, fl, 1
JJDfiw Assistant District Attorney.
C0py to
Mr. C. 5. Landrum,
Paris, Ky.

 a," 3 5%
‘ 199'") ' / fl /) . / / /7 V. ..: ..._.“? —
‘ . ‘ \ ,l a /'/.> £V// ,L/ ii , //3// /,’ ‘ 7 f , l \\>_ (I; if: /. v, ,
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/ I”
13800110 or _L.LU u, i‘JLb.
Afr. J. J .Dcmonue , Cine: Lars Age-m; ,
Lorusviiie 1‘..- lTasnniie ,
Lora.SV1J.ie, Ky.
Hear Sirz- ‘ . .
3:4,”: ~’.? .‘Iv 1493.49,, sea"
B. J. Ewen of Jaoxs On 113:? at waned. A. J. Wootten
for 3,323.0U 31m J;;;LU.UU promwie cosus , on an 32110111111 mung
YIOOauen 0;; unis corzmeny amounting“ LO {£6.00 covering his atten-
dance at CUL‘LT‘U 3.:»; virness IOI‘ the company. AQVise wnac
answer we SHELL marge.
Yours mury,
, \\ / ,. 7'
‘ 11311 age]: .
0037;: no . ,
ml“. J.i$.13ayer, Paymastcr /

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December 0th, 1915.
s. Li. Wilson, Lo , ' ‘ ' ,_ , .
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Lezington, ny. L . _ ‘
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Deco.“ 311‘:~ \“””“’—”m—w‘""’”
Your letter of December 5rd, sending me copy of
Petition in uhe ca;e of daoxson Vooton vs. the Uomoan