xt73bk16mf8w_562 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [403] F.G. Fields v. L&N, Letcher Quarterly Court text [403] F.G. Fields v. L&N, Letcher Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_55/Folder_10/3669.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_562 xt73bk16mf8w 'i ‘ JESSE MORGAN LEWIS E.HARVIE
January, 7th. 1915.
hr. Samuel L. Wilson, (jZflyeu/Z?/ /5fi
_ Chief Counsel, L. & A. My. 00. '“
Lexington, Kentucky. ~
Eear sir:
I herewith return to you your letter to me of uecember,
22, 1914, relative to the case of Aagle Bottling berks against
the L e A. 3y. Co. I have succeeded in having this matter arrang-
L ed and have the parties to accept the 93.50 and the Court costs.
Please send this voucher at once as the parties will kick out of
harness again if they are not paid. Just sent the voucher for
§5.5O plus the costs stated in the statement hereto attached. V
;ours truly,
d/éL/L4fib /5%Zé%73%@91/

H LEXWGTORKY« December 22, 1914.
Messrs. Wootton & Morgan, ’
Hazard, Kentucky.
I acknowledge yours of the 20th instant, enclosing
_ What you say is taxation of costs in the case of Eagle Bottling
Works v. L & E Ry.Co. This statement indicates the judgment to
be for $4.39, with interest from May 4, 1913. I do not under-
stand this to be in accordance with your letter to me of the 15th
instant, Irom which I understood that the case could be settled
on payment of 93.50 and the court costs. Such settlement was au-
thorized by Mr. Moorman's letter to me of the llth instant, a copy
of which I mailed you on the 12th.

Kindly have the matter revised by Mr. Day and return to
me and I will then have Mr. Moorman issue voucher in payment of
93.50, plus the court costs as taxed by the Judge.

All of the papers are herewith returned.

Very truly yours,
Sim/a .

I Counsel.

 a .» ‘. ’., L.: , 1 ‘L ”a” [.::] . 9’“?x .7 I :‘ , {fr-- ”:3.: z (9
- l‘ H ,9 [It If,
B~,‘-va WGOTTON .1555: MOPGAN . L; .V 7 ;.,/"l
.. W@OT70N&MORGAN ‘ -‘
.’.—.,itx‘t'tnz‘gzz at {Lam
HAzARD. KY. been ber LU, lVlé.
;,l‘- 9.0 l.. Vivi-..LSOLL,
34(321 LilLf L(J:L , L-:7.

Lear ;ir:

Jiclosed i Land yo; taxation 0; cost in cue
gagle ;ottling Horks vs. Lexin ton a Jastern ;ailway
Cogpany. mgur ;iles may ago: this case to be ;. v.
av, '; »1., f ' 37 7 “a T ”9 7.,. ‘91:» ...4- .‘. ,.- V .- ‘1 ..:... W .‘ ,., .._._

g.,.'...(. _LL 9,9 .L. 1‘1—LC S V 9v o “Je_-lu.L3 uJLl L. 4.1;.” L! L...Ll -.:,..Li ‘..' 9.11:9 IKJ'JJ..‘L:JC‘.11'\/Q
Luurs trulg,
)/ 1
‘9 J 9 1 ,9‘, . ’ ‘ ‘9

 " D. 1. DAY ' .. ,,
“~50. L1; .12, 13%.
V‘., ». , 2:1 _W _.
'2}._.CL14I1 83. ;2222J..,: fl, \‘2L4LJ'K‘..,
."‘.r 7'7 1:13, 3‘9.) .
"1‘ LI‘ .,::_
11" rpm 1;: L :96 J: .2213 L; L 9, J— ~ 1:21:19.-
,2 ‘, .; 1- 1:411 p .‘='«u.2..1; 21’: (3.‘-2L; :22 ’ , .2221; .;L' J 1.2,, 93:11; .111 2;: 2-12,:
1 . - . _ . . ,- - M ' 11,, , , . . , V
12 ,'.; ..;.‘v‘te..1.,4 ‘.4., V2.2. .:. é" ,1 . ."1. . vu., 1‘ ?L“ 4.9“:19.9.LJL,_; ;‘2
_ ‘921‘:9 .\'~ ‘ r'v-1 . ’ "‘v
, .~.,, ~. UUJL‘AJ L J. . .,‘. ‘ J.J , HAL u .
,. .1 1.1-2.1.3,” _

 . | X ‘ ‘
1 , . 1 .
, » ' _ 13”: _
, . ' I ' {:1 . A»
1 ' - . 5 ; (L1 ' , ”.' .
_ . ~ _ January 3, 111501 1 .. .
._ ‘1‘: r ‘ .. 71 . , ‘ ‘ , .
. 7 .-', C. n. hoezmun, $34., W _ A m
‘ r _ ‘v- e _- x.‘ _r - a 1| vr._,, _ ' ’ I: ' I
, . ‘ 1.10 LL.L:J) ».fl .1. .1. 1’: , any . ._ " .
-' . ’ Dear Sir: ‘ - . V II ’ . '
. l '17:, .1 1 '. v»; ‘ a . ,. '5 . v- _ :.1 - ‘ . .. ' , r J. - V v I
Eiflu herewith enclosed 00y; oi letter of tee Zen instant
. 5_‘:- nxm T“. 1.3 v'.: n 1'57; 7“ ;n 2 ‘,1 4791:1111" “(was :7: ‘ +h " ‘5) van 4' '3 (‘,. r {‘f" 1" a "' g. -’ 4"} (3. n 4 ‘1 1 f "I
- .1. uh; :1 a , m. .mA.’ _ Q»..- ’ L JO- ) Luis r H]. u 4.0“..wa 1,4,1 , ).. vOu 11:.) .131 '.”-1.1a ‘11-3:59 0 ' .: ‘
1* m . 1‘3 ~ in ‘ - .- 1 ,i a“ . ~ 3‘ ‘.: 1T “‘1 a , i 4. » . 11 ‘ - — ,., ". . ..
‘ L8gle settling temhang.vg u a nth 3 Set” matches anarterly oeurt;
a. » - , Meal ' 1. .'.“ (r ,.. ~ '1 . - - « ~ ,1 i .. l . - . 1 . ' '
- aluo enclose hr. segel‘e rile u~21331§«0, wS requested in yuur «
. v , ‘ v. ,. ..,. h _'j ,Lfi _ .127 _» ,_- _ ,._ 1‘ >
--- letter oi one its instant. - ' =
‘ - 1 ' 1J1: t ::uiiy, . _ fl . 1 1
. cuss. v ‘ 1 - . , 1- ,
,. :q ’ - > I ‘ .
, toursel./ u
, ,. . . _ R
I. ‘0‘ . V .

 _ : f " . ' LexingtongKm, Jénuary 5,. 1915. j I, ‘
' ' ’ Eiessfis. ‘.‘-g'ozitton 8c Morgan, ' - -. L . l I .
' _ , hazard, ;Lenfiwky. . . . , .
7 Goniileviuexii ' ' I ~ _ . , I I . _
it - iierovtith enclonod, please: note (2033-33 of a letter of tho‘
I _ 4th inotsmt ;ij‘fom 1.2r..,23200rman, 333313. 31:-5:11.. .’:.‘v;_i:;,r.;Y 1:3. rei’ei‘en'fi to»; _ V »
/ Se‘ttlémoi of suit in fletehor Quail-126:1“Ly Court of £9.53, Ira Field; ‘
. V ‘ .
I v. .2'. 5.': 3?, about which \I wrote 3301i on F‘member 22, 3.911;, UJETHE
l - that the.» 0073:; of? J13.(73:3'1+»21'it anti. flame}: oi ,ON‘H ;33T‘liCUE-€151" flir~ ‘ I
'_ nifshoéi oo revineé in conformity m {.11 our agroasaiexi‘b to Settle,
L 8;;3‘ to tz‘msrns of this Enron-ammo, the 51:.e'grz‘2-w‘21t' 5121233115; (3:11;? be“; £011
'V ’ 33.5% it}? "the o:>s;~‘_‘t:3 »crer there-tog V . ’ _ ‘
l \ > — ‘, ..’-filming; {3:1 “.’:.-3 “this name?" your 33530233344 attention 33.3-m?» "afitise
.‘ me: so that I z';1az,;f:£'e:j;ozft “to Bouioirillo and have “311:: vmmhoritmuofio.
‘_ _ ‘ V9137 __'i23'1113} yours , .
. f . eho . ' ' I , . — I » 3 I , . i
' 3 ‘ 7 Sounsel. . l

 . . . » . .. ‘ V” ,~ Lexington, KyL, January 5,’1915. ' I
, Q.‘E. Macrman, Esq., '- ‘I ’ '. ‘ I ‘
‘ wuisvifi.1za,‘§~iyj. , ' . “
7 ' Dear Sir: _ - - - V - o;
’ I aoknowlnage_youra of fihe 4th infifianf in referonoo to 7
V ' - ”suit in Lotuher Quarterly Court of 3.3. & Ira Fields v; L & E i E I ‘ ,
7 00.9 polling my afitonticn to your letter of the 11th nit.
\ ..’ ’ _ , On December igth, I wrote fiQOttdn & HOESQE, ifiquiring .'_
if the oaymonfi of $3.50 in cover ofegchargo would settle the . ‘
V i , actiop. Sn Eocembo? 15th, Woottom & Morgan wrofio me fihat we woulé
V _ have to pay the ooets in afldifiion to she 93‘50 anfl on Eocember I
~ ‘”16th I authorized a getfilemont on toese torus and requestoa $00t-
: , tofi & morgun to obiain ana forwarfi_to me the Clerkfls.3&xation of
> v ‘ Cooks. Unaer flate of Eecaflbar 20th, Kantian & gargan.wrote ma ' .
-_ ‘ . a lotto; purporting to give the Juégmeafi for 93.50'anfl fihe costs;" ”7
' but on examinafiion I founé tho juflgxmnt was for $4.39, Wifih ins _
» tereat irom Hay 4; 1913. rBelievicg Ehat this orfor Was infiévert~~ .' ,
'm chtx I returneé the taxation of co ts on recomber 22, lQlA, to _> ‘
‘7 nootfiOH & morgan, asking that Ehoy have same revisofi in aooordance
_ M with'the authoriéy I had prefiiously giVen,.fio~Wit§ to pay $3;5O V
L ané the Court doafis. I have not yet hearo'anything further in fa» ' ’
’ > gird to the matter; ' ' - o M j .‘ ' 7 ‘
I 1 I ‘ Enday, I_am forwaraing to “cotton & morgan a o0p3~of your _
' lotter_of the 4th.insfiént“with tho reqwost that‘théy give the 7
7 .matte: immediate attention anfl aflvioe me. As Soon as I hear from': I:
‘7 them, I wili writo you further. v-Very'trfiiy yourfi, “. *

 _ 2777),, n;
'r’. ’ ’ / ,/ '/ , ,/'/, »’.r/ // /,/./) , ,/ ’/ '/
\ ’ " 3.3?" s./%//A/’/7/// //’/}////// /’///¢M///m//I:7
’fil?l/f’l//N}%éii///~QZI/Wi J/Zm [j’/// ’/////(//(////;/’/r// ///(,/y.
- ZZZ/2&8 ; /, Mix/mm, /
//(,W.i// ~=—/;,‘;g{;§f;,§t;_W,3 -._/(WNW. ///, January 4th , 1915.
d/Zcfifir fir /j\
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. h E. R. C0.,
3 Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-

Please refer to my letter to you of December 11th,
enclosing Freight Agent Seger's file relative to th§,case of F. G.
and Ira Fields,Jr. v. L. & H. 3. CO., Letcher’éiicndt pourt, in
which I advised there is an overcharge due plaintiffs amounting to
$5.51, and asked if a voucher be furnished to cover such overcharge
will such action on our part end the litigation.

I shall appreciate it if you will let me have a
prompt reply to letter above mentioned and at the same time return
to me Mr{ Seger's file 0—215519-U.

Yours truly, -
éW/r’wz/zd 1., 44 /i;;/
’ ’ Assistant District Attorney.
J JD/vm

 ‘ K.’ . .-7 “ ' V ‘. 5". ,1 ‘.. I ’
  5"4‘,   ‘ » ' . ~ . _ December 22, 1914. ‘ ”’ .
7 ' : ~ MeSSrs. qutfion.& margan, ' _ : »‘ I _
- 7 - a I . ‘ Hazara, AflntfiCkyav I .j . I: ‘ “ ' v ' r
‘ I, ‘ ‘Gentlemen:> 1 I ‘ fl I
- ..‘ . ’ . ‘ ' I aakncvlndge}yaurs of tke 20th.instant, enciosiug I
, q . . I
>> what you say is taxation cf costs in the fiaae of Eagle Bottling
, _Qorkfi V“ L & V Eyaflo. This atatement inflicatgs fihe judgment $9 3
, - be fdr'§4u39, wifih integest from.fiay 4,-1913° '1 30 not unfiéf- ' ,
' ~ ' stand this to be in accarfiauae_with your letter t6 we ofdthfi 15th
. V r' ; instanfl;‘fyom which I-unéerstooé that fihc easé Gauld be sefifiled- I
._I 7 0% yaymenfi of gK.SO and fihe eeurfi BUSES. Suéu Settlement'fias afi-
- 7- ‘ ’V Lharizefl by Era fimnrman'g letter ta ma 5f tha llth instant, a 05P3 ' -
 , of which I mailer? Emil 031 the 12%. 7 V '
, >[' ' .. .iinfily hfivé fifia‘maite? roviaafi~by fir. 3;? anfi return fie .
7 me anfi 1 will then havé Rf; fibormah'ifiaue voucher in payMnnfi of' ‘
‘ , _ 53,50, plus the aourfi costs as taxed by the Jufige. I .‘
- ,' All Of fihe pager? are heréwith refiufnefi.- ‘. ' I ' “
- “i . » - Very truly yanrs, ‘ ‘ ' "
Hencst , . , a I i I
V . q > I 7 ‘ I m ' (301111361. . ‘

_ December 16, 1914.

hessrs. Wootton & Mofgan,

Hazard, Kentucky. 1

\ Gentlexen:
V Ifi will be all right to settle the case of F. G. anfi
1rd Fields against the Qompany, in Letchor Quarfierly Court, for
32.50 anfi costs. Please Sena me right away the Clerk‘s taxation
of costs and I will obtain voucher.
Very truly yours,

Exiturn v11 :7 at ”Quin
December 1;», lSl/i.
lair. 0.1-4. Eileen, éévut. /e ‘7
A Lexington, Lg.
Dear sir:
burs of fin 12th enclosing; copy or letter
from C. 1;. _».-cor1;an, relative to T7110 care 0: .v. G.
and ire. i‘ields Te. L. 1?. illnc 001119415, letcher
\ qjaerterl;T court, received. via-Jo will not settle
t his claim. it ‘-.'.i ll .- cttlc the claim, but the cost
01‘ Le action will have to "he paid. .1. have not a
taxation oi“ cost, but an writing. 1,. 1. Lay todz:y,;j to ‘
furnish you ‘»,i‘ti; sane.
lion iaiiow aiti suit is liled, t;-e1-e is
no we; lOI' us to escape gaping; Le cost T....ere €
953.}; tne claim, or get (erected, as that i: the :.:aiii
Object in lilifig; t ese small suits.
_oui's truly,
/ v L\\\
/,J .y/ K )i,
flat/17,.fx , //// m, '
/ .

Dececber 12, 1914.
fiessrs. Wootton & Aorgan,
Hazaré, Kentucky.
Eerewith @oheneopy of letter of the llth instant from
Hr. fioorman in reference to 5° G. anfi Ira Fielfis V. L & N in
Lekcher Quarterly Court. Please awcertain if the fiaymont of
QZ.50 overcharge Gue plaintiffs will settle the actian and
afiviSe me as Suggested by hr. Ioorwan.
Very truly yours,

 ,1" i
\ Wfi-‘lwr //7\
’ N't£”/v -//7v./G// ,’.,/*p/) '»/ ////
\ a‘ y /
. . , / /y,. ;1 /‘\ ‘VQW ,
-?j)/”/Z ///////z.‘/. //(I'( /('///, ‘- I / r . " 2
/,,C/ , “W“”W1”W””W9 @2420“ ::2”g/¢rzi/9/zfl/r/2/é;“u}7¢724?/47{;/.
fl/M ?-//’.} /// ’Mi‘k/l/IUL /
.\Z\-.s‘/./Z)/.k'//'//‘/.V/[o/wrgu / /
/; , / f 7 . , /) 7' /" .
,/W”HWC//””5a9¢%54mwn ~v/W”%”“[Z%%§?@ December llth,l9l4.
\ J {W ,‘ V I
Mr. S. M. Wilson, (fllb“}3‘[;L" /WL
Counsel, L. & N. R. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:- .
~ ‘ Referring to your favor, dated October 20th, enclosing
copy of petition and docket report in the case of F. G. Fields &
Ira Fields Jr. v. L. & N. R. Co., Letcher Quarterly Court.
I aminow handing you herewith Freight Claim Agent
Seger's file — 215519-U— from which you will note that there is an
overcharge due plaintiffs amounting to $3.51. If a voucher is
furnished to cover will such action on our part end the litigation?
Yours truly,
#131 "H’trr‘kt-fi z 2/g
. c371}
Assistant District Attorney.

 ‘ (7/ . //‘7~. // /. 8442/) . ,z/ 7/
, 5‘ /%09v7,4:/L,?ZL4;VAZZ{ AVVKZWza/fi?u¢%3mtyé
/' '
‘ . , /»’ , r ' ¥
-7])/’// r///////h/. ////;////-///, , / , ,fi ' ,
'/ OI/Jv/xv'r/ AMI/mar -/////' _K/ w////i//////////y’.//r'// ///r/'./
”yum/m j/ //-/I'////////, /
A/.r.\-/.//)/.'v//'/'r’/ -\//////7//“li /. ,/
/, , /'/‘\ / { ., ' /,/ I,
//////r/,/ / Ku/(v/l'é/Ir’j ’_ A/(V/fl/W/m/ufl/i,
/, / ’/'"’/W'// ' / Ocfio’ber 218%,1914.
)- _V, y 4 J
div/A .z < '+/% a
L. 113659.33, ' i , :’:. :1“ r: L: ‘
\ Z‘I‘Oighé Claim Agent. 4 ‘ ‘ __ :. ,. J
3 Dear Liz;~
\ I. am ‘zxémfiing you herewith Judge Wilson's letter to me,
I . ., - q ,. v, 1., . . .
‘ dig-gem. Jcfiogar 2m“. $080111? Wm}; copy 0:? prg'tl‘nrion :m the case of
F- G. ‘ielfls egé Ira fieldu,Jr. v. E. E E. R. 00., Latcher Quarter—
13 Gouyi, in which yléiutiffs sack #0 recover 55.55 as slieged over-
chance on shipmenfi of Smoke Stack from LOvisville #0 fihifiesburg,
April 29th,1914.
NS promptly as pracfieable blesse furnish full informa-
tion wifih reference t0 fhifi claim.
Yours firmly,
Clix Z51; (91.59 dZA—acsz)%
Assistant District Atiorney.
Com; to
Lu. 3, E. Wilson,
Counsel, L- & E. R. 00.,
Lexingfion, Kentudky.

J. .. :'
00 1,0100: 21, l '14..
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 a.i;y..woorro~ .s.smo...~
‘ gfinruegsmbgfam
HAZARD'KY' October 19, 1914.
Mr. 5. L. Wilson,
Lexington, hy.
Dear Sir:

Enclosed I hand you three copies of the
petition and docket report in the case of E. G. yields
and Ira yields, Jr., vs. Louisville e hashville Rail-
road Company. This is the same :.o. Sields who had

K the dog suit against the Company.

I understand from your agent that he attempted
to get hr. ;ields to wait until this matter could be
adjusted, eno that he just went oif and filed suit with-
out giving him any Opportunity at all to adjust the

we are only enclosing you one docket report.
Lies Collins says that you gave her specific instruc—
tions that one was sufficient, and if there is a mis—
understanding about this, let us know and we will supply
the other two. the kind of refused to make any more on
your say so, as she tells us.

Yours very truly,
, \\\
p 1 45 #6014429 ,,,/21,, 42:7 a; .
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.7/ 1’, 4 H. ,' ,V" // 7', , ,
, “’5’“ ~ ”Hf/«””v’r 5% Oct. 17,1914.
fi¥2fiyélég_piay,; @
Messrs. Sootton & Morgan, .,, '"*f5\ As
Hazard, fin _ .i,m‘ “,9
Gentl omen : -
I hand you herewith summons served on our agent
, at fihiteshnrg October 14th in the case of Eagle Bottling Com—
‘ nsny for overcharge on smoke stack. Our agent at Uhiteshurg
can give you information concerning the suit. Will you please
protect our interests.
Yours truly,
/ M
2W / Mfg @
{Joby—:3. £1. 11118031 ,‘ a M

 1 ‘
LlTCth gUithnlY DCULE.
r. L}. il;uihb t. lint 3i;Lfius,JEu ,
(Doing business under the name
of Jagle nottling Company), ELAIMQIFE.
_ lOUisTILL; e hnnhilll;
ELILLOnL Golgiur, psi QLiilo.
rhe plai.tirfs, E. ;. Bields and Ira yields, Jr.,
Sate that they are citizens and residents in the town of
Uhitesburg, in Letoher County, hentuchy, and are engaged in
. l the manuiacturing and selling 0: soft drinks under the firm
name of flagle nottling Company, and have been so engaged under ‘
the same name at all times during the year of 1914 and a; the
time of the acts hereinafter complained of.
That the louisville e Beshville nsiered Company
is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the
state of nentuc y, with powers to contract and be contracted
with, to sue and be sued and to carry on a general transports—
tion and railroad business under its said name incorporated in
the said state of hentuchy and other states; that it owns and
ope.ates, manages and controls various lines of railroads in
the state of hentucny, one or Which runs from Louisville,
hentucky, to “choberts, hontuchy, through Uhitesburg, hentucky;
flaintiffs state that at Louisville, Kentucky, on the 29th
day oi npril, 1914, the Laih Company, organized and existing
under the laws or the state oi nentucky, with the powers to
carry on a heating and plumbing business and to sell goods,
‘ wares and merchandise at wholesale and retail, delivered to

 ; O
to the defendant, Louisville L hashville Railroad Co pany,
which is and was at that time a common carrier of property :or
hire tetaeen'Louisville, Kentucky, and Jhitesburg, hentuchy
one new smoke stack which was in good order belonging to end
was the property of these pleintiifs to be deliveret to them
at ;hitesburg, hentuchy; that said shipment actually weighed
188 pounds and was rated ty the deiendant gl.b5 per hundred
weight, according to their schedule and tariff rates then on file
and in use, Which made WE.5£ which the derendents were entitled
to receive as a rewqrd on hire ror the carrying 04 said smoke
stack rrom LOuisville, hentucky to Lhitesburg, hentucmy.
Eleintiffs state that instead oi listing said smoke stack at
its true weight of 188 pounds, the deiendent overcharged
plaintiffs on said weight and listed it on their bill of leding
at 450 pounds, which said bill of lading is iiled heretith end
made a part hereof and marked ”M” for identity. rlaintiffs
state that defendant, LouisVille & Nashville Railroad Company
trenSported said smoke speck to uhitesburg, hentuchy, but that
derendants compelled these plaintiffs to pay to it on the erro—
nious weight or 450 pounds instead or the correct weight of
188 pounds, and that they thereby demanded of plaintifis the
sum of “6.08 as freight on the said smoke stack and that these
plaintiffs were forced to and did pay to i. h. yields their
freight agent at Lhitesburg, hentuchy, h5.08, that seid ahmunt
Wis excessive, uhreesoneble, unauthorized end that these plen—
tififs are enthied to recover of the deiendent the sum of ”5.55
as over charges on said shipment. :ldintiffs iilefierewith
as a part hereof the paid freight bill showin the amount paid
by these plaintiffs to the freight agent at unitesburg, hentuchy.
wherefore, the plaintiffs prey judgment egtinst the

 4‘ O
the deiendsnus, Louisville u neshville heilroed Company,
ior 95.55, with interest thereon from the 4th day of “$3,
1914 until paid. rhey pray ror their cost herein expended
and for all proper relief.
3?. GI LII-1.81.615. ' __—
Attorney :or flaintiri.
who aifiant, ire rields, Jr., states tnat no is
one or the plaintiiis in the above styled action and that the
statements therein are true as he verily believes.
subscribed and sworn to before me by ire lieldS,
Jr., this the day of , 1914.