xt73bk16mf8w_576 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [416] G.M. Ewen v. L&N and L&E, Lee Circuit Court text [416] G.M. Ewen v. L&N and L&E, Lee Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_56/Folder_8/4361.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_576 xt73bk16mf8w \
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‘ Attorney—at—Law
Beattyvifle, — — Ky.
."», ,’ (1'
February 17, 1917.
Juige namuel H. Wilson,
lexinfton, Ky.
Dear Sir:

According to our settlement with the plaintiff and the
order entered at the February Term, 1017, of the lee Circuit
Court, in the case of‘ b. Ewen vs. L. is: N. R. ". Co., the
company is to pay all the costs except the pluintiff'q witness
fees anfl taxei attornev fene. I bani you herewith an itemized
taxation or tle costs we are to pay which is as followe:

Plaintiff's costs.
To C. E. Burke, Clerk, Q1.85
A. H. Bowman, Clerk, 2.88
L. T. Flanery, Sheriff, .90
state Tax, .50 »
Defendants' coets,
To C. B. Burke, Clerk, .25
A. t. Lowman, Clerk, _ .flF V’r
TOt’dl....... :5F.,(\'r:
Please have voucher for this amount mafle_§gxg§lefltom
A. E. Bowman, Clerk Legwgirguit Court, gpfl senl to me.
““‘”WWMMWW Yours truly,
V 6/ .~’
" A- ’7‘ ‘.
> Lfixfff f ' N~ , _

I H .. -. .,,LLL,
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. Attorney—at—Law
/f” Beattyvflle, - - Ky. '
Februarv 17, 1917.
Judge gamuel M. Wilson,
Frankfort, Ky.
Dear sir:

Enclosed herewith you will find “eport of Proceedings in
triplicate, together with copy of order of flismiseal, in the
case of b. M. Ewen vs. L. x N. & L. & E. Lee Circuit Court,
at the February Term, 1917.

Yours truly,

 Form 162 l..\\\' IHLI‘AR'FHVVT


OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT ‘ , .. ._ ‘”'”"VH'L’

' '..- . 2 l . 2 p L {1
B. D. WARFIELD. d . (
District Attorney, " ~ .. . ‘IUI h/ *# ‘:‘A—23fi2:ir"f:":"" *‘7_ /// ';—
/)2 My my (2/ ,, .. _-....” . . i- .225. _

" 0 ‘ a - a a - 2
f/zgj/bZ/ua'w'ng' /JrL.2a‘¢‘(/I.'ng .'.'L'H' /1aa’ u/ //lr' g. . . . .., _ . _ . ., . ,Y‘erm. I‘,/l , ..
pf //1/' .2: _ J . CHI/)7 (3f . Cum/3’.

, 2 ‘12 II‘}; I. .. .1 ‘ 2 '2 - 1 . .
' 1;.S‘/(,3\2/;[)] %W _____
Attorney L. & N. Railroad Co.
p.221. Give date of filing all pleadings. and their character, as petition, etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings. such as motions to strike out for new trial. etC.. etc.
3. In reporting a continuance, state at whose cost.
4. In reporting a judgment. state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party. and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed. what time. if any. has been allowed for filing.

 ' Form 162 l._\\\' Inn-.\il'rm-zxr
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT BCat‘bYVlllC, Kentucky, I""“»“~“-“
District Anornuy, * ‘ d‘U/ WWW" ' ' , * ~ ' y, 7777* 19/ ‘
. . G. M. Ewen _‘ L. & N. & L. & E.
[)1 ///c am 0/ 1 1, . 1’3.
. . . Februar ,.
//n'v/0//u7umlg' /ir«w(wr/1ug‘x :1'1'2'5' /md1‘(/ ///z‘ y _ N ,, ,[er1z1, [V/ 7
-, . . ‘ T
(fl/1w ”11.01111; (1)/(H (7; L196 CHIN/y.
Feb. 13 , 1917 . Parties produced and fi led. an agreed order dismissing
the above styled cause sctt led, the defendants to pay
all costs except plaintiff ' s witness fees and taxed
attorney fee , and the papers were Pi led awav .
L.S‘/(,;\'/5/‘fj W‘
' ' Attorney L. 81 N. Railroad Co
31511 1. Give date of filing all pleadings. and their cheracter, as petition, etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc.. etc,
3, In reporting a continuance, state at whose cost.
4. In reporting a judgment. state date and amount of judgment: If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed: if not filed. What time. if any, has been allowed for filing.

 v ‘\
_ a .' '3, ‘ ‘ » i - x-
‘i n * .- ,
‘ I
r z ‘ x I ~,
i. \ a ,‘ ~. .,
a ; ' ,-
.t x ;
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’ [,II V ,

"' ‘\\ ' Attorney—at-Law ~
‘-\i If Beattyvflle, — - Ky. ,
1 1
bebruary 17, 1917.
Judge Samuel 37.. Wilson,
- Lexirgzton, Ely.
1)ear :Sir:
I return you herewith your files in the case of c. M. Ewen
vs. L. a N. k L. x 5., Lee Circuit Court.
Yours truly,

 Q 39 45:} IV): if! [IRS ’1‘
‘ . - littornev—at—Law
h Beattyvflle, ~ — Ky.
‘ l
Januar 5 1917.
y :
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, { w ;fi
/”, , ./
Lexington, Ky-
Dear air:
A settlement has been-agreei upon in the case of
C. M. Ewen vs. L. & E. and L. & E. but I have been
unable to get order dismissing case settled put on
the orders of the Nobember term and therefere same
has been continued-
Yours truly,
1““: 4" f;
,. . ‘1} . " ,-:’7,,’,;';1f”"

 Kl ESled’ fJIJlQESQ“
‘- ' Attorney-at-Law »
\ ' . Beattyvflle, — — Ky.
‘ ‘ /w£#9
January 5, 1917.
Judge Samuel H. Wilson, \
Lexington, Ky-

Dear Sir:

In the case of C. M. Ewen vs. L. & N. and L. & 3.
no orders except order of continuance were entered at
the Novenmer Term, 1316, of the Lee Circuit Court.

Y0urs truly,
. .Wf'.‘ Alfll _ E

A Attorney-at—Law
. Beattyvflle, — - Ky.
‘ C.M.EWE1\' VS. L. A; N. — LEE comm;
December 5, 1916.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir: V
settlement of the case of C. M. Ewen vs. L. & H. R. n. 00.,
was agreed upon by Mr. McDaniel and Mr. Lahdnum some time .
ago and voucher delivered to Mr. McDaniel. He hag not
cashed the voucher nor returnefl order of Satisfaction to me,
but as the last day's orders are still open I hope to have
the case disposed of within the next few days. For this
reason no Report of Proceedings has been sent to you in this
Yours truly.
//// 7 L/

 ’71 SA A71" SH ZIRST
. .Beafityvflle, — - Ky.
" 3 " Sept, 8, 1916.
,. /
Judge Samuel M.W1180n, " "
Lexington, Ky., ' ' .7 _.
Dear Sir:-
The cases of C.M..Ewen vs. Lexington 6: Eastern and
Louisvilde & Nashville Railroad Companies is set for Sept,
13th, 1916. At the February term 1915 I filed a motion
to srtike which does not appear to have been acted on.
I have never received any file in this case and do not know
what witnesses to have summoned. If you have any file please
send it to me.
Yours truly,
é {ft/’7“ “"2171": M" j

 . v _
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‘ “_.,J. ‘, \ ~ "'
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Wm; ..' . ~,;_~ 13,”; J}. 1"“ , . ~ ; . ,. , . ,_ .. : ,,
’ 3.'“; ,- ,9

 n W o:
LEX'NGTON KY- September 8, 1916.
Hon. Sam Hurst,
Dear Sir:
I acknowledge receipt of your favor of this date, ig_£3
E. M. Ewen v. L & E R Co. and L & N R R Co., and herewith hand
you my entire file in this case, by train mail under Val. No. 589073.
' Mr. Wilson has not yet returned to the office. .~
Yofiré truly, ‘ - ‘
enc. V

I Attorney—at—Lavv
Beattyvflje, — 2- Ky.
June 16,1910.
Judge S 1111:1119 1 2.1 .Wi 1 son ,
Lexi 1131; on , LC}; .
Dear Sir, Please find (enclosed Report of i’roméedings in
implicate case (3.;-.3.};2wm1 vs L.L»:.I--f.n.rd L.¢.:?1.,.‘-ia.y Term Lee Circuit
()()m't,:91€. Ix'o orders; entered.
Yours 1‘1‘1113‘,
/ ‘”
,.z // 4 /
_/.v' i: MEL; {(,1-.;’

 Form 162 I..\\\' III-:I'.\I1"I'.\Ii-,,\"I’
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT. 2“..—14%. .,» . v; ,. . -. I1""‘*"“51-’5
ubwuu f7“ .L.:.».;,--1.jl 1: '
' ' ' -__... ‘- 111" 1 "15...“. 10/ 5
District Attorney, ? '6; ('1 (/ ‘JY “' ‘ " O
. 101:.svu.11:,111~. REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS.
[)1 f/n' [051' 17/ {j a." c.3‘1‘l7'311 :'.s'. Lo '1: 1. .L‘? . 31313. L.L ‘- 1. '.“ 1) 331.117 a CC 0 ‘31P?
M1: flil/oa'z‘n‘g'firm‘cuz’fugx 71'1'7'1' find a/ ///1'., ‘~'5‘;‘;’=L¥.,5' . Tum/z, 191 5?} _
of M12. . . . {.‘i.'=‘_i"i'l’f3.i‘i‘.' . Gmr/ of 3:9,; . . .-,CHHI/y.
C5:.31‘('.;3.121;1;2:‘: . (15.21.1353.
[Sh/A7372] \4741/ Ja/Hv/A - .
AllorncI L. & N. Railroad CO.

111/.»»" 1. Give (late of filing all pleadings. and their character. as petition. etc, etc.

2. Give (late of all proceedings. such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc, etc.

3. In reporting a continuance, state at whose cost.

4. In reporting a judgment. state (late and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken. state by which party, and whether

bill of exceptions has been filed; if not; filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

 SARI liljleS’l‘.
.. _. ,.,o
. Attorney at Law ‘22A/M. 7 /@
Beattywlleg — — My. '
Tare}? 9 , 1'3/’31:": .

Judge Samuel ‘:‘I. ‘.‘.‘ilsoz'x,

Lexingten, 22;-7'.,
Dear Sir:—

Ti‘lease find enclosed Pepert of preeeec‘iinns in triplicate
in the case ()1? C. FT. ETk‘fen vs. T‘. J‘s and T4. (3 ‘:".., in which
no Orderr‘; except e<,):'1‘i;:?_nuanee were made at the Fofiruary {301132,
191?, of “the Lee Cirmli‘i; Court.

Yours truly,
/ /= ,
/ r// ,
,”"C/ ;'/Z;i~ I" (’"’/I L 5"\
‘A/II'UL '4‘] / r

 . . .
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 I y . I
. I
Form 159.
. ?ev Department.
Fj: ‘41:?-
_ Len: ville.
LouiuvLL18 J Hashville Railroad Company,
foioo of attorney 3a Boattyvillo, Kentueiy.
B. D. Warfielfl,
District Attorney,
Louisville, 3;.
Sri day of perch, 101G.
ETTEZTTEG.‘ ("~73 )0 “T:I',Z'”..’i"é.'}.

IE‘; the 03:3 of C. '.“. We}: vs. 3.. {LI "'. and 3;. C: “six, 1:10
followine yroeeeiinfls ware Kai at the February torn, lfilfi,
of the Circuit Gonrt a: ;oe County:

fl 1‘ f
I’I/iii; if]: [I“" 1' . . 7: \»-_
3 r: {Vt/out! wed/i ... ,
;tnerxey ?or L. 2 fl. Ruilvosi Cc.

 SARI [‘\1U168’1‘,
. Attorney—at—Law
saw (9 /¢ , Beatty'vflle, -& — My.
7 December 2,1915.
Judge Samuel MJ‘filaon,

- Dear sir,-— Enclosed please find Report of Proceedings in
duplicate in case of C.E.I.J3wen vs L.:‘c.E.Ry.Co.,at November Term,
1915,Lee Circuit Court.

Yours Truly,

B. D. WARFIELD, _ ”424mm of, 2(pr fly ,, , ,,,1911:
District Attorney,
LOUISVILLE. KY. wpownoclaznmes. sfllfl/flfi ?/
[71 [11: case of¥iflwndifii , , ,.." him 725. _W , , H A: g? gin“
{/15 follqwing proceedings were llaa’ at 27th M4- ’ ’ _ _ #727771, IQILW
of file", , ,,, ,, ,, c, WW” ,, 7,” Court 0]:me fine/3‘” 7 ,“." fifiw Cami}.
‘ f (x/1
j/{f’c,, /.,//":""‘/; , _v;,_,,/
[SIGNED] / " v ‘ 7 7 7 ,,
6/ Attorney L. & N. Railroad Co.
{HE‘L Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition, etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc.
3. In reporting a. continuance, state at whose cost.
4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether
‘ bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

 S4”; A\./l [\1 Ulfsrl‘.
. Attorney—at—Law ’
Beattyi’ifles — - Ky. - \, .
June 9th,1915. // _fi
Judge Samuel M.Wilson, '7“-
L’ear sir,~
I enclose report of proceedings case of C.H.Ewon
v L k N R R Co & L & B By Co,f0r May Term,1915,Iee Circuit Court,
in which no orders were entered.
/ fl
E'J‘Qa/ m~%~

 8113.21 [‘1 ZJRS'I‘.
‘ Attorney—at—Law
Beattyville, — - Ky.
Java? 41:,“ ,1 “7..”.
3‘15“} 11:33? . 117570;}, '
1‘ '-\'-;1',*,!, V
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 ‘ Form 28. lm \\' DEI'AR'I'ULN'I'.
Fm: \'n.
H “'V" . ‘R, 22 {1 ‘
LUUIbVILLh k 1 Abm {LLL Amwm >013me ‘
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OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT {23-)11/7/4/1 é” / ;/ W . 13... [.«.m; ‘
”fl (II/.I/ n) ;Zy/Z’Z’KI/ [9140‘
General Counsel.
LOUISVILLE. KY. 7: L ’67 , .3
,,n 7' , 7 V k," 7 2) , 7 ' ’./"
In Hm ('(W' "1’ 6’ ./;/' (c/(HV’X: /2.\:; :Z’ //// fl/ /Z” tr .( ‘3‘ z: ,1' ,,‘3/
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Attnrm‘) L. & N. Railroad ()0.
i?” 1. tiivn-rlntI-nl'Illinxull [11l3:1:'1111;:,<.:m(1 Ihm'vi.:n':|vh.1‘.:15 )ItliliHILV'1I'H‘ [:2.
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3. In )‘131mrfin: u vmlfimmnrv >tnI-2 m \\ 1105.1 run.
11. In 1'11)mrtixxgu judgmrnl. \tntu (Inh- nllvi :lIlH-UHI (.1 _jndzmvnr. If “mu-n] lu- lulu n: ~1m. 1‘} \\‘]m 11 part). ::mi 1111:?)11-1' |.]]| n1 .xm-yt‘mn» mu- 'tn 1 n Hm]:
if 1er film], whnt limm if any. has In“: nHuwml fur fih‘nu.

 ' ’ Form 28. 14A \r l)EI-..\m':m1.\'vr.
. , FHJ; Nu.
"or" ‘n r“
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OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT fife/{,ZVMZW /{/ ,» x....,.\r.._1..;.
/ Jay «51‘ Fifflzf/z 1.01 s
General Counsel.
LOUISVILLE. KY. ,1 7 //, ,1 .
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Attorney L. (k N. Railroad Co
is“ l. (liw- (lutx- of HIM}.' all ]r]n‘:uhng,::<. :mri Ihz-il‘ O'HH'HK'U 1', u" )wliHun. . 10.. vtv.
'3. HiVI- dnh- of all prover dings. >\1(')1 :|> mntimh 1n en'ilu- nut. for nv \\ H'ill‘,\1('.. xrlu.
.'t. In re'pnl‘tillu:lNJHIIH‘JHIH‘“>tilfr at whuw :4er
4. In Importing :1 juduml-nt. 4:110 (lnlr :mtl :mmlmi of jinlgrm-m. H' :.mum luv (ukvn. emu [‘_‘y \\‘m'v'h )ynrt). Mal \\Iu Mn 1‘ I'll] (r! r.\'<'w1‘?i~n~ 1.1» inrn iilui.
if not 2111-11, \\‘hmL rim.~, if may. hm lu'l‘ll album-vi fur filing,

ax .:: ';' w »‘. 2
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198.; u . 1.10: ‘31. u x; i) oi".!.._,13 .

 0513131113 ' LEE CIRCULQ 00mm ‘
Civil Calms}: Feby. Term 1317. Day 18131 of Feby. 1915.
0.3.1110. 1115, page 425.
C. ..i liven _ Pli‘f.
vs. I ~
' L. «is .'.:fL 11-9.1130 .. ' 1313513.
Raft. [awed JG-L- strike.

 l - v ! . ..
. ‘ - ‘ i > i
' . '- . ' _ Jammzzy 30, $2315. -
—J. J. Donahue, 163311., ‘ ' '
_ - Louisville ,Ky. . . ' ' ’
Dear Sir: ‘ ' _ '
. . I acknm'uz‘L/Vegge yours of $513 75th instant, with ez'zclosurés, .
_' ‘ in reference to, suit of i}. ’5. Ewen v. I. 8}; I“? 1‘. 22'. Co., in Lee

Circuit Court. I thoroughly iagrae wiizh 311;". Landmm’s purposse to - '

. adjust thia: case at zz."'-rea3.:3ouab1c figure and‘hopa he will succeed ,

‘ _in doing 1311511253 pramptly 3S practifiableo. , . -
. \. _
. . ~-.. ,\ .
_ - Yours firing, . \\ .
' ' “ nan”. - ‘ ‘ ‘ “R‘s.
‘ ; Sliik'J/S. & \-
’ \
. , . Counsel. \
. ‘ ' f F ,7 ti”? . \\; ..
. .;.:v _‘ w _ _
N . ‘ I l

 I \\\ 1 37/717” ///T'
7/ ., 3/7. // a 7/12 , ,7 {/2
.,- :../7/44/2-7/7 / //)%////////}/m/ ///7%/////
. /
.‘7))rf/.yr'///////.//. _//(1’/ 7:4; 2 _‘u , '- j
,. ,. ,, ! 7{/:€//7N)/e>{flfl/7/{llrf jag/r g,"(2/////;///77,€//¢////;/, ”(j/gfl/(// (-
J‘V‘ZIH/I-J //- ///.I‘/-‘////(///«, //
sly-.s‘lll'flfv/Jv'r/JIM/wet: / /
..,/#111114; 74;” 713.775.37.436,“ ,. "AW/Wy/k, 7 / Jen. 25,1915.
Mr. s. M. Wilson, / A1025
Counsel, L. & E. R' 00., if
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-
Referring to previous correspondence relative to
the case of G. M. Ewen v. L. & N. R. 00., Lee CirCuit Court. I
am now handing you herewith Lew Agent Lendrum's report, dated Jan.
25rd, together with other papers therein referred to. Note that
: EMT. Landrum has not yet been able to bring about a settlement of
a Ithis case but hopes to do so long before it is called for trial
if at Beettyville.
a Yours truly, :i:
<:;Z%;;j;:;ief Law Agent.

 \\ , j .55/WA“)
V '1‘ /
flfl}; 7/22) j/%cvllmu ’/
//QWW%§7%£%%%$éZ%fiwan szééflfliflééfléga January, 23rd, 1915.
Mr. A. M. warren,
Law Agent, Stanford, Ky.
Dear Sir ,
G. M. Ewen Vs L & N R R Co.

I am sending you herewith ail papers in connection with the
above styled case. Ewen has not yet agreed to settle the case with
me but I am sure that he will do it a long time befove it is called
for trial. I am returning the papers to you as court opens at Beatty-
ville next month and the attorneys will probably need the papers in
making up issues. '

. Yours truly, A”
/‘ ,/ «
' x ' ,,./”Lyiz ,2,/z /{ ”26"”07/4
Please note .
Lou Kv.Janv,24th. A.M.W.

 J75”; //7
\\ /
a /v y/ ., ,_ t eloelw“
.{1w,p ‘_/1'“7,3/A " 1V .2 ". 7’
’ /{’/”””” 724VZ/59/Ii/zzZ/wrzu ‘:1/fl?! —(/ //////2/}/7/////// )2,///////r1///
fikK/i/I’ZJ j/ /%/-‘////////i ’/
.‘LVisi/.//)/.'¢//'//i/ -‘//////7zrfl»r /, /
/,/”*’”““/,/774527,i%§f,i44mi V-A/W/i’M/y' December 513t,1914.
Mr, C, S, Landrum,
Law Agent, Lexington, Ky. .
Dear Sir:
All papers with reference to the case of G. W, Ewen
v. L. & N. R. Co., I"ee Circuit Court, are handed to you herewith.
If you can bring about a settlement of this case
in line with recommendaiions contained in your letter to Mr. War-
ren of the 19th instant you are authorized to do so.
Yours truly, ,
{_,' ’ V' ‘ 77¢ ~...
“1 Chief Law Agent.
JJD /w

 .,‘ 77w” /77
‘ . [I’d ..‘,‘IW
,v . . ,r// ' ‘ /// ,,_ l/L/x’) , /‘ ' //(/D . // /// ., ...,....._.‘.,.,._..«”i W
"'), ./. r’, wt 7//, , j' , ,l ', /
?f{‘/"/”/” a/xx-ZZZzZ/exfIaZ/mr iii/gig Q fi/I/zK/kfl/M/i ///}/Uz fl/zt/y.
”gin/{Ill} -j/ Mon/max. ’y
..“/.V.V.(ll/.‘v/l'l'l'fw‘f/lfl/‘l/éfb.’ /, , / I .
/ ' K‘K‘w / _ ,, .,/I 2
-, .I g/W L” . .i /" 4 . z o 0
///;//IIP)// (VI/(f/‘ZZ/Sm/flent. h/{K/(«jl/(ZC €/, Dec 19th, 1914
LEI}. 77(111011L‘i9.
. _T '7'-w:.o~1~.~' w“; L11»; L W yap“
. . :3 '23, (‘10 "I; : 'C ‘L L7 Holt; ("Had-F .
:5 ' ("l :i.‘ : “'.-1 :;:" , T}! a}, bit/til, A. 7:. .1'--
Mr. A. M. Warren, .
Law Agent, Stanford, Ky.
Dear Sir,
G. M. Ewen Vs L & N R R Co. Lee Circuit Court.

Herewith I enclose to you Mr. Mchwell's file relative to this '
matter which covers it fully. Ewen is now working at the store of
the Wolf Valley Coal Company at Wolfcoal, Ky. I saw him there on the
14th Inst.

0n the 4th day of July without any previous notice to the
public we cut out the old line of the L & E R‘y Co. from Beattyville
Junction to Ivy Patch and began to run our trains Via the new line.
Ewen walked into Lumbar Point from Beattyville for the purpose of
catching train for Campton Junction and as the train did not pass
Lumber Point he missed his train. Lumber Point is just across the
river from Maloney and when he saw the train moving Vis Maloney he
started running toward Beattyville Junction in the hope that he could
Catch it there. He fell on a rock and sprained his ankle. That is all
of the injury that he sustained. All that he wants is to hold us up
for just what he can 51x: get. He was inconvenienced and did not get
to his destination until f llowing morning or about 16 hours later than
he should have. He commenced to tell me about his child being sick,’
etc., but when I told him that we knew all about how bad the child was
during the month of June and that he did not go to Campton Junction at
at all during that month and that the Bhild was up and out in July,
he said that he believed we knew more about himself and his wife than he

‘ did himself and then did not say anything else about his child being
sick. There was a man with him who was a traveling man, named Smith,
but he could not give the other part of his name or where he lived or
for whom he traveled,

I would like to have permission to settle this case at not
exceeding $50 or $75. with the permission to settle it over MeDaniels
head if I can stay in the authority by so doing. The men in charge of
the Coal Company at Wolf Coal or my friends and I really believe that
I can settle it through them for $25. I, ,/

Yours truly, “(_’j/ /’ 3 ,.’f » J" " I
‘ (Law Agent,

 '\ "i 94—41466
7 7
.7.. a //,/ ' (f 7;] // ///
1 .“~"',3, ". , ‘ ’ ,,,_ 5’ ~ ’”' r,. I I
I K/K/‘K/Ky/fl III 7 //////’// KKK KKK/y / K/I/KK/Ky
t // I
' —‘ ”W "/K I ’ ’
. ' . 'f/fl/lfl/Vl/ r//(//,/
ng/Agg7Mflflfl i;// , ;/ I
' ”KM/5W I. (Kinny/Kw, /y
K! /
have her 25‘1, ICTG.
II. C. S. Lanflru . Law Age H,
76:557wiTlc, .gn
‘ Yetr letter of IuTI~bw? 4215 agkiw; $03 if file i: IT:
G.I.Efién case on account of flclc“ a. July 43h no 591 frI‘ Lg
, “' ~ vs, &"T "‘1)" ("'1 or
' ' ’I'" w ,l
caolgscn, -‘5.
Itly Elst, 1914.
LE. U.A.JCDowcll.
. Mdnlger. LeKiLfiEOR, Cy. ‘ y c
. ::ir:~ .
t i an attacking your meson e inlj etn regarding flexing
up 2 passengers at Benttyville Junct, my'personul recollection 1
gave the message to dispatcher to Hrfnnge for handling it Shows up
at Feattyville Janet, and when no call mesoaye we: filed away with
this notation, the only train we had lorth after ;0 4 was 20 5e
eondr Tvane arrive at Beattyvi _e Juret at lO;42 and left lO;53 T.;.
"1011. "‘17. 3'. y
' c 3.3;). .

I . _.. . v1 - .
£3 g/lelzgsageas which'zlxre Epparegtlyrneiess?fi, Off that <30qu bg sent. by grain 94?]. will bytrazfmitted and c
I t .
T » GRAM- - Mm “‘°°%‘::,.u?;°3%3‘:.;dcw1MCHM» “W TELEGRAM-
l ‘ l ‘3 .
. ‘ xx . . -'.
I I ~ - v ,
Received at‘xjn/ AL . . 191
~ \. . v - ‘ i A, .
. -' _ E‘ “5" “, ‘ ‘ x "‘1?
Sent from W- ,.W- N -V \E\ $5 , . , .. .. . . . , .,.,191
. . , \, ., \
To . . I. ,, . - . ,. .. . , . .. . .
.....,.. v " i/v..vL......... “.... .... .”.... .V‘ . v. . .. . . . . ,.., . . , » .. . H . , . . ,. " ‘ . . ..,.,... n ...V............ u».....~.“y"V..........-----.u"....
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‘ , k ~ , - ' > {2‘ V I: I I I I
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‘. .. . . AACHEN 8t MUNICH
'.‘ 7 . *3 '1 ,1 .g.
LEXINGTON KY.. 3 u . 3
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