xt73bk16mf8w_583 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [420] Buddy Spicer v. L&N, Lee Circuit Court text [420] Buddy Spicer v. L&N, Lee Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_57/Folder_6/4913.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_583 xt73bk16mf8w n V221,.-. 122‘ ~.12—uf
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 V ESzlAd' fJIJIEEBQ‘ / j ,
.AitorneyuatmLavv »fl$=“’”::”':éx
'. Beattyvflle, - - Ky.
2‘ :2 7:
r Oct ber 11, 1916.
Judge Samuel H. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.,
Dear Sir:

Enclosed herewith you will find report of proceedings in
the case of Buddy Spicer vs. L. & N. Special September Term,
1916, Lee Circuit Ccurt. ‘

' Yours truly,
/ u // , 1, l
H (W u/ 1MP!

iui¢y iyicen, Plaintiff,
T's. !;.3;;}Ti§§.
ifluisville m Lanhville fiailrnai Camyany, Wefenflgnt,
This day came icfendant, Louisville & Hashville
TaiEruud Guuyanv, uni fiilnl herein itq KKKEflfi notiou L0
5tfikg out aertaia yartq 0? plaintiTF’G potition, anfl withufit
waiving amid nut an, at i‘e qaifl fiime {h $3101 & rennval Ee—
mur“cr in plaintiff's pwtition, Jfii wifihout waiving sail invar-
wer it aisu filed Ltn ;HHIQT, 1n* firi? flfit on, iewuvver 3N1
a 9:9? are nu» nuflei a? “acarfl.

1&0 Uircuit Court.
fiufifiy fipicer, Piuintiff,

Vs. Nation to atvike ant.
EDU1%V1110 a Fughviile Huilvoad Ganpnny, ' infandant.

flefandant, LnaiaviElg : Anshvilia fi3i3r03& finuwany,
mmvng the court to strike from plaintiff'n rmtitinn the ffi]«
lawinx wards and sentenaeg therein, ta-wit:

Pam. i. fhc words " For his wife and children” in
the 14th {inc From the button a? the firmt yawn a? maid peti—

PA@. 1. Thu fullmwimy worfiq in $30 tFiPfl, fourth,
€ifth and Giwth lines from tfle hasten a? maid first page,
ao—wit:- " And also by rcmgnn of defective and finsflf§£®&ent
cars, ”aginms, appliancea, muchircry, track, roudahed, varka
and fiwitches, and all other apfiliuncen in use at fikc fiime?

FAQ. 3. £190 the following Saran, in tkc first and
second lines from the hottum of the firat page, an} in tEv
?irnt, nocun1 and third lincfl Vrfim the tap a? the Hecanfl page
a? plainfiiff'm petition. " Plaintiff atatws that max and at

the time a? his injuries and at UPGGOME. that he has Jopcndu
ant upon him a wife, Lary, nmfi Pour 0*iifirofi, fltep90n flyicor,
3 7 yearn a? are, Lucy Spicer, 4 yearn nf use, Munial Hpicep,
3 vnara of age, and Inuifia flpicev, 19 mont$w 013”
- PAH. 4. $190 ifiu Fulauuinfi wnrifi avt wantoncas om
saconfi page a? 331% pafiition, heyinnimv in t”? Puurth jinn
and onfiiny in the tenth line fram the toy a? quid 7m$ition,
"Plaintiff Stutas that the dnfonlunt, its uyontn, mnd
wnpvnntn knaw that said cars, unginoq, Afipliancos,
, machinery, track, road had, works and all other av-
yliances were AQFective and inanficient and wouid
probably naune his injurtgaua that thev did cause

hin injuries, and that he did nvt know the game, and with
QrQinavy care could not know tha flame and by the term of
, his amployment he was net to innpoct the name."
VA”. %. Alfie the fiulluwinp wmvdfl im the 12th, line
.:"z'mz; ':‘Ex: top 01" 9:131:13 '»mmmd 731-1: 1'), fi.::jm-“ritzn " AIM. té'znr-m ’31'3‘3'1‘31'15‘L“
ant upon him"
hefenfiunt stateg that oacfi and all of the uur&3 and
mentences ahuva mentinned in plaintiff's betition are whollv
inuoupetent, ivrefievent, in ntorial uni improper.
.“.“; m , ’;l.‘-"

1.31: 11.1,;39'114135 1121:5321. .
1.1151; ’9‘ j“: 1.1.113? , 1111:1131: 5‘1",

'4: - rsntxxwxii 51:12:33.1." ”:1? M24": .1':;$;e‘;1‘1:!‘.
wontifisviléw ..; .uhfiiEVigégl mu: 13:}: 2:12.113“ «31-.«2‘f’oxrEmit.

‘.;:e:€‘.ra:1i'f;2’§':t, 1.412121541711110 ~‘s"!.r-;E:1~‘Jilla €29.21 1291:1311 1231;211:3131“, .
10.1mm :"i‘fl‘rflffi‘rifi1.1V 1x.» 1111171121211‘1"1: mtflzh’m 1.211;)? 1’1": f‘PK‘JmEt‘i 13111:.
mm: :1": (hams 37:31: '»—:'£;.:1?;e:3 "V1011: (2211957161911; 121.: m3 =z1’ai1uiw 112"?“ 13:111'511
1).? 110121011 z2,"';:1.:1.§1r:é;- 2221’: :101'emé1gnt.

{”71 PM?“ anti-1m" 1.1:: 32.1.vj.zxt.2if1”""-«z 3111;111:313, <’.I}f’~'m«1.:na‘3;,
.§.A‘}1f§'§.f¥‘i’i1§=fi 'zzizfiaviim 1 7131592321. :.isat'tpzzny, "11:11:25: 4531:1111; on :m
1.1116131; 311.1113; $313111, 1.2:“ 1:131, 152.21}, gr'zuxififljé’f 3529.3: 93:111.! 9.1“ 21.1:

1131 éazzmlewiyi. 12:; 1.1.11: 9é.o:'31"3*=_='1;>.¥;t., m" .21. {"1}??? .-,=.1:‘g;~i';€‘.3.n': i?)
mam-513139: 2: 1:111:41. 1:11" :.zlvfsz'ar“: 12.1w: 1:11:03: 121‘ 131.113 “fif‘f'e’PYrkiivt, 154379;;14'195
1:" (3.1. ;;'2‘2:13..1‘; mi} .31; 9.."(5113fz, :2.?‘9.:9-::1.s‘51>:1;9‘=' gm?! Pmnz‘cizwrv film?) ’ 4:411" 3:11.312;

12%;». 13111131.: 92“ ‘1‘“:3i"<'-.1's.’-.:'Ltzfi;, 21.2.19: om" tins; Twp-2:291:11, 1w 1111*0'2‘:
311.121.511.15“? cimm m" :12‘3322rsrii. 1:12.: 1:: ’15:“: Larry, w" ‘31:": .1331 j:n:*;~‘:,:3':v>:‘€:‘2.y

. 111* at 2:111 infirm?! 171:5: in H7. Mach 0:9 135.! "up?!" {1T~i‘1'29i“111‘§”: 1‘31 1111.1:
in 52:14:11 3'13. :22“ Jun: mmmr. :3’; 12.1”; “aw-1v? 1103221612 ’3.-§’-(3.".1- 19‘ 1?;er
112333-9113. 51‘“. :11}. ‘

".~1"rr9u:?,:;.2z’r. 4.972219% that $117. 31.?2:j%.1?:":1.52r1 (11:21’3-"2131223:2.- ~,':.‘::‘:'?..:
01* will 310.2'11‘11‘wu11311' {:eazséyis'm“. 1.4T e’wzmrm 311:2.11M..1?‘£‘ grtw-tat m1 Wfir"
1m."iv'izuafzutmi':, 310123;)". 1.1111; Exit; "mun. 1.251941171513711: m?“ at as??? if}
v03"; '7.‘e;z:c, m’ Wa‘:i‘£5§' at 2115, m1 2111.211; Erin (:1>~:14t:1:~t,13r', 21W 2:21...
...u-zri. 1123:1105: that 32:11; 3201.220? to Mimi-1 4112.2. Li}! 11:1sz r-xm'u')‘; 1:11.13 ‘h‘znn
1913:1111;sz1‘.‘13; or at :11} injured.


Defendant denies that at the time 31¢intiffi was injured
as alleged he was an employc of the finfexiant, 6r that defendant
3&5 a UQMiUD Carrier by railruad, or was engaged in Cyrxevce
between the states, an& it denies that it caused plaintiff any

Bti:ti.‘e:nal_u.1at. (lamina: “:’zhai: 9."; 21.10. time of plaintiff‘”: 9'!»
lfirnd injury he wag himself assisting in said iutwrrtatz c03—
wnrce, uni fiefiios that hiq injuries were cauwed by the rrvss
a? §g§g¥ newlivance or careloqsness of the defcniaut, 0V 9?
at? a? itw afienta, aerfiants ornumvloves, 0? WfiVC £190 ”CNEQ3
“v rflnnon 0? any defective Hr ingufficient Jars, ufiyinaw,
a?"}imucom, Tankineyv, tractm, rand befl, wwrks a? wfiitaFés,

6? a}? a? any ether anvlianceg in use at the time.

Ho? n art icni m that it a? any a: 1&3 a'antg 3r
m”rvuntn snow that Huifi carg, ongihos, aprliansbs, muufiivwrvfi
fivashg, yogi had, yarns, n? ail 0r anv a? the ayfiiincmg were
lwfective a? flusuffioient, or would pFBEabiy caune y3aintiff’s
ailaaafi inquESQ, uni ief night CthCfi that they YQFC ary Q?
then defective or insufyicicnt or calculated tn canfie imjnry,
and icnics,~than thev 0? any of them did c¢use plaintiff‘s

’ injuwy, and {eniew that plaintiff 11a net knvw cf sage, BF
Iiiiig?‘ {;2~;!:i:1:;1377 {3(L1“{3 (ziwlifiil 11£J13 I;r:c);» e} i‘ F;:12nc3 , (311 Fax; 1117(3 43(131'1c:
a“ *7“ “ Llavmfint V 3 LL? tn fna”@ct ”he.

fin“endant Tnnics that ht “Human a? ayy u? the Re?—
1ivént acts or nmissiona afiicwod UP cumalained wf high pixin-
tiff has been in urea la the summ of Yen ?Pounuhd fir31arn
or in any Gun.

(2) Ear figgégyahqrer to Elaintiff's fictition
defendant states that at the time and pfiace and on the oc-
casion of the acciéent and injuries complained of the plain-
tiff cuddy Spicer was himaelf negligent, and that fiaid ney- .

lifmmc «:::nfinz‘zzi, :.u'xii {303141,f‘,§_'i,3i.z'€;2f‘.=5 €123 {1.42/10 53‘s 22.6233 E0214: 223‘! £22322.—
r2j2'2'3 i2:‘-2"-:32?;3:3,_1‘3.‘-:I 233‘, .2122? 72323.21: 32"" 3‘22” ’32.:‘32'1 "3'0,"741”":‘223‘? 232 31,7223
part '5 ii‘,'2ti,::*,..é,§7':? :iZ sentient :;:-:3 121317;"? 2931321 31223:: " #323
2f '- 2:32;“ 3322.222;- 223‘ :.itvizxtri‘ t2) ‘_‘f-iizifiwti5‘5"2:: ‘Méfn ’.’?»
E'mz Saint, i.§311"§.’1'€f‘§.132‘,3 .3 243222173323 .’.vzi Erna: taxpaaiw', “trims first
1'.-32233 5:51-29 g3’323133tzi, 2"” t2" L322? 2‘33’35222'32w77 u“ €332.11: ‘“.;mt ”2227
9i»; cmztwmt 232:? c.22:;g';1<3\';.»;331t 7:2? 2.226323123232tzrii‘7; 22:22:31,522}. mi ,' (25“ $212.23
:3“2§§‘r3';?‘f3 i‘fi,f-‘;;.f~5 .12.;2 3;;Lt.-<;22':s:?_2“; 2.3293232i\¢:'§:::'--u3 :::3’,’ «~{ 23;: 3
i 2:22.13 22‘ "fa-1""? 1.33:3 3:.;,. 5'2:- :36 €:’=:.22.‘2¥s§:2321:39,
.4232? 33:13: :2:-2223;?" if"? r “.:.:2. 1.12?sz 2:: '2'“.Y16221',;2?‘.,3."," 41442.51; 42:3,
o/2 ‘
h" 5.:.? 2‘. 3'2'PV.?;:E_I':‘L:.1“§‘ “='4'22."-:2 ’ ‘32:?332933 (12:51 3:: {av-.1.'; $72,: {3123,21 :2:-22:3
i.e’:f;-K:'.":§.c‘es f3»: 3'31: a.:“w«;h§._§.z3“ 222.22 :.;"i‘?‘i?;3‘3‘ti.7'!§f {..2-firm ":.::223 '1. we!“ 2,224,223
2:32-32:23: '1'2'2‘sinisriff' ts 12.223122. 332.20.}: *“P‘cé 3 32.17, t‘m 32.-3:30
‘2:“: 32:3?2'13.
,222.""2:32"237*z'3fi 'uwinw 3’3”; 3? .,;.72-_:,-,.r.~2‘:'-:2.:'22_ {3:173:2gtf'm-232; 12,121.35...
1.73.2513, ‘Z2*2€'-2_‘.2‘32‘;.;.31t :::";331-‘2 L2 3'32”: T313334“, 7.i.:::-‘sjir-as'L‘vi‘i,, {3‘31“ it: 33:223‘3..2';
m? 1‘23? z“? #2322? initiaf.
‘ ‘.,-‘..‘.' .::'-‘.....u.“ . .... ..‘W‘fi “www‘uwmtlw-a-W'Cnfi-W --~~».-~uu~ --.
""‘2“‘2':'?§“~*~‘“‘f‘2f‘5"" “7...... _.‘ ,... "..._"... ..ii.._,_i-,,s....w.3.-m

 SALVI HUlfS’j‘, »
‘.‘ Beattyvflle, — — Ky. .
June lfizlglfl.

Judge ("firm-11w], :=,;.‘.~.'j_1son,

Lexi]1g2t011,i£y .

Dear Sir, Please find enclosed Report of j.‘1"oceedi11rs in

duylicate case Buddy Spicer vs L.cc.I€.,Zaia.y Term Lee Circuit

Courtfllilf‘. NO oralers entered.

Yours Truly,

. ~. , ‘ l
. ‘ . IL I. ..
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT lli}.’:,i;11'i"“fl1,313,--2’4 J"’U'b“"""
I I ’ _.; TLA .dl ’ 7 v ;z . < 3
District Attorney. L ‘7 (J (/ lgt'h‘g" ' 1)] (
; * ”ii 40:1,, (“I .3 .., ._‘ .,, . F . r v, :..‘, .I.“ ‘3 5:;
[11 My am: I?/ mi! M..:I ..“T‘ILJM-l” my I-‘vwwv ° ”""' V ' 3 ‘»
//zc /l7[/0a'z'/zg'proaft'dizlgzx‘ 7.732 1' /md a/ f//(’,.. .. ,.,,”. . . . 2.;-gm: TIT/H, 19] ..; ,
(7/ Huff ,7.7,W, ..Ljiyo'nit .. . .. ..L Cpl/7'! 0/‘,,.,...,,,.,, L , . . . F5715: WWW... .. . ,... ,...,.,,.-.ififil‘umz/y.
Cont;m;.»l “.‘.’i‘iflxa'mt 1»,-a: in; '
. . g /
[S/(ixY/ifl] ' . CLJ‘WLV .,‘
Attorney L. & N. Railroad CO.
LI» " 1. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition. etc.. etc.
2. Give (late of all proceedings. such as motions to strike out for new trial. etc, etc.
3. In reporting a continuance. state at whose Ltosl.
4. In reporting a judgment. state (late and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken. state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed. what time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

 . i
821}! [1U.l\’S’1‘,
Attorney-at—Laxv 7” Q4») 5
‘ Beattyviue, _ — Ky. , 4 / ,
.‘TarcT: 5‘, 11‘141.
31157.5“9 8312:1101 7":11sc71, '
Iflxinrttcu, Ty. ,
Dear Sir:—
lflcase 1711131 011010865". report of gézfoccez‘infjs i1? trill'lfaca‘tc
in the came of Buddy Spice? vs. I). I: 17., in thich :10 orders
were Lia-”.1: at the Females); tent, 1016, oi‘ the Lee Circuit Court,
except continuance.
Yours truly,
. /
7 ’ a.
V ' {’,l- // r
"sac/o a}

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 SAAJ f1 Ult‘ST,
_ / é“ Attorney—at—Law
* 54% w 17 Beattyvz‘lle,.-— ~ My.
December 2,1915.
Judge Samuel M.Wilson,
Dear sir,- Enclosed please find “eport of rroceedings in
duplicate in case of Buddy Spicer vs L.&.N.R.R.Co.,at November
Term,1815,Lec Circuit Court.
Yours Truly,

 Form 162 T..»xw DEPARTMENT
\ I
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT», Lbé‘a.__{/ ___ W—
B. D. WARFIELD, ,, ,,,V,,,_?g._,nda_y oj-_____a~ I:
June 9th,].915. /W _
Judge Samuel. M.Wilson, .5/ 1‘32 MSW l
Lexi n gt on , Ky . \~\\19// .
Dear sir,~ V
I enclose report of proceedings case of Buddy Spicer
v L Sc N R R Co,for May Term,1915,Lee Circuit Court,in which no
orders were entered.

p“ Attorney—at—Lavv
Beattyville, — — Ky.
May lst 1915. My! / 5,”
Judge Samuel M.Wilson, -
Dear sir,—

In case of Spicer 7 L 8: N R.R.Co., (Int-E) case,I_.hfl§_vvefi
never received file showing investigation of this case andfiour pleadings
are due. From conversation with you in your office in Lexington ¥eeterday
I found that you had not received the file. Neither of us know the

' result of the investigation,if any has been made. Please procure the
papers and send to me so that I can prepare pleadings.
Respectfully?,, w///
7;:/,,,}in r. ”‘"' ., '

l f ,-- .‘,‘ ‘"- ...
‘-i).Ll.l. JO, g, J
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 SzlA/I HUI€S’F,
~ Beattyville) — - Ky.
A {1,1‘31' 431?,79‘17”
JUij ‘12:;‘5‘1 filqmg,
ca“ iv:—
A ”TELL“: F"‘.LT. 6116.12.1"2'? n m" 1rm>"rig-‘:i11:v;r-3 tin" ‘:;!:‘:i_‘;;5:i_r:;:t'\ min-.’:
(1‘37 1:77”:- VLPi-‘li'fiff' 0, L. C‘ Si 21071.11": Jr'j-U‘ft, :"cgz7m11m11' 37?? ’.
‘ :~*1‘\ 5‘ ;V‘fv—I‘7w’ ,-
V" x/ /'
L/Mu‘ Away,
/ ,5 m
(..:? .;f;:fl,,. Z’f’fl
K ,‘5- V . j r1 r, ' A.,,— “
g v - , _ I.» .. _ (J j u .— » ,_A V,

 Form 28. l1.\\v DEI'AH’I‘MHR’I‘.
Fm: NH.
, j ' , ,_ , ‘1
< V 1 ‘ _ V x v r .
LUUIbVILLL éx' 31151111111111 BARLRUAD ()mlmn
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT, W 1’ [12k 1401‘1.~\'1LI.11. 1
’S/ flrl‘l] Hf W 1.07ij
General Counsel.
In f/zc cusc (:_l beg/«M m: ' )7] (if y I M17, -
" " “377
”If jhllmviug 11171119171141)“ u'uv /I(lr/ 11/ {1“‘ %é/WW ’Ih‘m. III] ‘5‘
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7:??? 'ix‘ fl 142,1 237/// .371! yr; .I V ,, 2 {‘17- . , ,
[1"“/V 7‘4, by; 7 ‘ :;,.r ‘ -' . *- w .
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‘.x/u.\'l':/1| \.__ (,1 .va '1 {'4’}, gx3~~ 7
AttornC) L. 8 N. Raiimnd 001
{47—1. (11Vl‘f11l11‘fli (11111;:11111111111111u$1um1111411'1-11111'm-1-1'.:151»1-11111-11J‘11-H111'. .
13. Hivv (1:1[1‘ Hf :111 111‘111'111‘1111115. \\11'11 ;1:~ ll1h1!nll\ In \Irilu- H111. 1'111' 111 1\ 11'1:11,1-t<'..:l12
51. 111 r-spnrting;'.1-111111111111111-1-311111-111 \1'11115111-11511
4. In rvlmrling :1 judmuvnl. ~111I1- (1:111- and :11111111111 (,1‘,'111<1;-1111-111. If .'1]I11~*:11 11w 1:11:111.~11111 151' “hid; part). and 1.\1.~1111‘1'11111 111 ~sz115m» 1_11.~1p~~11 1.11.11:
if 111-r 1111-11, “'11111 1111111, 111111131 1111~ 111-M1 111111wm1 1111' 111111111

 022131115 ‘ Lag; CIR so [’2 count.
Civil Causes. Feby. Term lst. Day lst. Day of E‘sby. 1915.
' 0.3;..‘10. 15, page 426. ‘
Buddy Epicer Plff.
vs .
Motion by Daft. for Elff to verify Petition.
' /

 Form 28. IAw ngLl-An'mn;.\"r. ,
_ FILE \'u
, 7 Y _ V .
‘ ‘ 1 ‘ f ‘ ‘ v )7
, v :
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT WM ,7 @, fl ' L‘.. [,..\v..‘..,;_
’Q, (My hf ”1M 17 797W '
General Counsel‘
:, , . - / . (fl 9 “ 4407, {fly/3 2%
"' W “:7 'W‘J‘j/W MW» / w 7 , 7 a,

HIP f0“0?0ilif] jr'l‘gftWZ/HL/s IN. ['1’ /l(lt/ «If Hut b7/X/3/1/7'5‘17/MW51/74 TIT/IL. If! If

‘ ,7, ' "’,‘

// ,1 r, 7 2
‘ ' ,4'? , ’ ~:.. 7 . ~27 x- ’1 ,
u] {/26 a; LWQZszv/LJ/ ( (r'm't ({7 v’ V5“. (nu/Mu.
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/ r '
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ixlrLVli/n x». {A.. U "1‘!» , ‘/
, AHornC) L. a. N. Railroad Co.

Cr]. levdutvHffilih; “H pll-m‘mms. and Khh'il'«'1::H‘HI'II‘I‘. as }n-Ii1iun. Mm. wh‘,

t3. (HVI- duh- of :11] phmmlingsfi >ux>h n.\ 711l:ll"ll~ In strilw mm. for nu“ trim], M42. x112

K In n-pnrting u wontinuzuu-v smtr m whusv rust.

4. In wwn'fing u jndunn-nt. Anh- dnrn- :md :mnmm (71' judmnrnt, If umvvul 1n (“1wa «“1‘ '1; “3"le purl). ;.ml wh- 112(1' ‘Inll mt vqu wimp inu- bun Mml

, if um tilt-11, what YinI.-. if rm) ‘ }1:L~ hr-r-n nllnm MI fur lilima

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\7/‘/ . ..77 /7‘ Z/v A 7 /;¢/Lj§/ 2/7 if?
I / .- A i /, ,r I’I / ’7 ,/ ,r , ~ ' , I. / x /
‘,,, ////////////// A f/l/Z/Vfl .1. xwymw/ ;2fl/7%fl/fi%:
~ ,/ / y/ / .
/,/// ,,1/L.‘ / 3 ' / 3 x
Wrfla/ /l%fl///fl/fl////flfl/flx flfl/lj/Mlfl/IK/fl
/V-7 , ,
/ '// 2% ~+ ~-«
suffix/{Mm},6; ?’/// JJOO. 1'1, i9l4
Mr. 3. M. Yilson, ~ ‘y Q
" I,
1 , a 1 . .. whee/f />/
1L11»,=‘=; ‘_;0511181'1y 241110111; ,
1443:1111 :.2 ton , 1;;.
Dear Sir:—
I ‘c "HUT-’31:) 331:1": C(Jit‘l-T u if ; ‘_;'11€"':_,'£5 r LCL‘OII'GILTL‘ :5 lie of
Leora-21.3911? 1:3“:- in l'u;.';.’1"'l o the amt (if Buddy Spice: ‘.I-,::. '51E’zit: C30.
' I will 6‘ '1 “wt " r 11:," reports or reco-ids touch—B
p :1 0:1 the injury-,,V to this mug-Y1.
tr. 1" .,,.u .4.,,,,,,j \.
_'_k: A ,'. x U... L‘ ,'.“, , _
/' /
J.'." :.0 CU _ Late}, n¥ 901131141110 313.31..
/ /
‘.1'. I .l 0301111

 I . ‘ * ,
f 9 l4—4466
./7 / ‘ , . / ) '
~ / ' / ~ / ,/ *7/ / +—/
' , x , N /' : . ///lv ’ /’ ‘ , x /‘r: «I, / .«"{/{ K ’K « , ,1
-,. m nay KW (02/ / «AM ”I MM , 1::/way 5 fl//%////%
E ' . / ’ "I
. i/mmzw/ //////
375/A757 “” :/’ / /:
.. (',. N/W/K / - / / /
- ”””'/fl” EE ”Hz/y ma. /7.. -
/ 4
Q) q ’9/ 3 December lst, 1914.
;fléicx ,
. , ,.. (“~/
1'.er 5' I'll. yillSOl’l ’
Trust Company B‘ld'g,
C i ty .
Dear Sir:— '
Your letter 25rd November enclosing copy of petition and
docket report in the eese'of Buddy Spicer.
I learned from Law Agent Landrum yesterday that Spicer is sup
posed to have been injured on April Elst, 1914, at Ivy Patch, while
‘“WVM-w-wwvn W‘wwmu‘mfl I'm. ..‘E€,.E<,.,,;.uuruv"’“"““‘-"“"‘W" mach/vu-::;..,:.._‘m,.\m_:‘w'y, V._ ,‘./.1,,” ".“4.:
e in the employ of Extra Gang Foreman L.P.Larkey, of the Construction
Department. We have no reports in this office, and a copy of this
t .EH_ ... _ . , p , ..,
letter is bein? sent Hr.J.S.Hestle, Roadmaster of Construction, at
Louisville, with the request that he forward to the Chief Law Agent
I fer_his file, if he has one. I
Yours truly,
__,.” / ///::;¢y’-’”’r
Copy &f/*E
Roadmaster of Const'n,
Louisville, Ky.

 N M ,r
,r' J. . ,7 / /. x/ /7/"_ / //‘ 7
’7""<’/W-~/‘///” .:,/[m G////;./w;//m/7.
”Zr/n4; .//'/§ MHz/um, A
/ ‘i‘j/f's’l/‘qufl'fl/ylfl/‘:”/”,”er / / . ,/ I ’ ,
/ /”’””")/ Jai’Z/‘fffé'fyyw,L , ”"”‘” 7//”/,’/ 110v emb er 25 .1914.
law 5)
Messrs. Wallace & Harries, ‘ ‘ .
. Attorneys, Versailles, Ky.
Roferrin to your letter of the 24th enclosing letter from
- Mr. Sam Hurst with reference to the case of Buddy Spieer v. E. e N. R.
CO., Lee Circuit Court.
Of course Ef the accident happened on the Lexington & Easter
Railway the case will be given attention by Judge Wilson. Therefore
you need look after it no further.
yours truly;
Asefietant District Attorney. -
Copy to .
Hon. 3, M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & E. R. CO., /
Lexington, Kentucky.

_ Hovember 23, 1914. ‘
Asst. Bist.Afity.,L & E I E Co.,
Bear Sir:-

’ Bind herewith enclosea cony of Petition uni Becket Eeyort
in the case of Budfly ECiJOF v. Louisville & Eashville iailroad Com-
pany, filed flovafiber 19, 191;, in the fine Circuifi Court.

EOuIs truly,
- Counsel.

 u 4‘ . .
Hovember 23, 19140
H.A.ficDouell,fisgo, ‘
manager,; e E Ey.Co., ‘
Dear Sir:-
I . Eina herewith enoloeeé Doekot Report anfl 0033 of Eetition
in the ease of Buddy Suieer v. nouievi11e & Emfihville Railroné
Company, $1190 in the Lee Circuifi Gaunt Hovomber 13, 1914.
’ mesiwmkfi

 ' Hovember 23, 1914.
Hon. Sam Hurst; ‘
fear Sir:-

I acknowledge with thankg receiwt of your favor of the
233d instant, enclosing Eockat Eeyort anfl three copies of Petition
in an: case of Euday SpiUeT v. fiouisville & Eashville hailroad
Compau“, filmd in the flue Circuit Court iovember 19, 1914.

Yours firmly,
/ a .

 :41'.\m<\\:~:. ()[{I)1\C\ RY I‘lelcfill'ifl‘ Him. Hrntljw’ilh‘
. Wm'jnmmw' WWW—'":”:TZTT 'L'Y3:"f:‘:';?:m::::’zt‘f:€:ET:‘=‘“§E:“‘T31T::"L'1 1155:7335":
\ f .
To flu) S/zm‘zfi (g7 , , ,, , ,V .73 f , v/ , Conn/y, Greeting:
, , , f- , , 1 ‘ 7,’ / Q; A; -, A ['7 _ \ x 1‘,-
) on are rummumwd {o summon . _ 7‘ '. " K?» ’77/‘,,, \J~~ W! . ,/T/ 3‘: f. x v:
/ ’ , F ,
f f. A .1 ‘7 \_, . ./
/ “ ' \ ~ Lg WJ"C\ 1““"7‘ " ¥” , . _ , , , ,
i’u (HINH'M', ,'n'?‘ V r/(‘zj/x rlffm' {he wri'ict’ qftlzuis b;'i(f)l1)’)20'7’z.\', a petition flied against
_. , L 111 (In: Lev Circuiz‘ Court by
"‘ 7 1’.; _ "f “' ‘ "‘L; _3. (’l}l('('l!'(1)"l?
\ .5 I] , ’1 I 4
.. V/ , ,V .f/zai Upon, V L “ , failing in mmwr, Hm psi/Vin)! will in ((11,141
_ fur (,‘())7fé’5‘.“:c"([. m' .. . A (NY-I be )))‘()(“I”€(1Ld' (bf/(Ifilsl‘j’b‘r('()')21("})2))f.' ant/3,1,4; uni/l inn/cw
(5w Hahn-:1 (eff/H's n‘llnl.’i2(fi)2.‘i luff/7731"": , V dag/r: H'flf‘i‘ HM” ”FF/“1.09 ”N’i'CQ)" 5“ NW CWT/5.:?
0.55m Q/‘Hm'd (Q'mn'i'. , "
(r'fl'm/ HIM/(Tr my lulm/ (Is (7/4'r/r w” su [(1 Court 1121's (My 1;,"
. _ ‘ J '( , .
,, I )1 , I , lg /
V ‘4, c: ». /' W QyL/{Lf (WM/c.
\ 7
*1an 'l‘IIN il in nwmntx' \xlu-n‘ ~Hi1 1~ hrnnghl. and 'l‘\'\'l".\' I’Y 11 m1: (:5 \'mznh

 (f. _ Q
. 3 (/5 1 N ‘
g 2
>- ? E i
o: E r“
: < :3 b
3 Z ‘0
D j \ /
CC 2
O 1 ti ,
e g 3
Z ' z < . R H

“ Bea ttyvflle, — - Ky.
November, 23, 1914.
A u / %
Judge Samuel H. Wilson, . ’
Lexington, Ky.,
Dear Sir:
I inclose herewith docket report and copy of
petition case of Buddy Spicer Vs. L & N., together with copy of
summons servefl or our agent at Beattyville. I was under the
impression that this was an L & H, case on L & A, dééision and ‘
sent copy of petition to Messrs. Wallace & Harriss, Versailles,
but MR. J. H. McDaniel, Attorney for plaintiff, tells me it is
' an L & E, case ani I am so notifying Iessrs. Wallace & Harriss.
II/s . ////A / /{
.. «2" ~. »
' A (we: "‘ .
, 5’;
arr-«4H a; -' g ;= 39.13596“
5 5 . ‘.., 33.5%;
£55” x
5 531-591: :3' Q
'\".v:.vf’),\‘y [,‘fi‘bfng
'.wr'éi ..3.‘.:r"“r~:§\1 °
3.533222%.95 . '
sense 9
L '“'="‘31“§§“° _: " .‘.
*-'.1‘3; AW
' ; 5.6%»?
' i ._ .5 ..4}: 2””

 Form 161.
B. D. WARFIELD, , mum/3m:
District Attorney. %' 7/ 7/ /(// ‘/
LOUISVILLE. KY. "7'" ’ ,
.lz/ 3131/03: /'/4 Iw'z/ 333/11%1/ II/I ///r aflm (hm‘l’ u/ . 11/ (.IHHI/J', '
\nmmw/x .'.?le I'M/(3N: 1 . flfi/l /% /9/ L/ and rum [',3‘3‘3‘11/1'3/ %/ . // I'llsz , 311/3/ [‘3‘
Iz/mmm/w 7% day 31/ r W N/ (/ //n* (II/urmfilw /?1r ///r plum/M
m May/mm
311/3/1/11- 1’3'3//(‘/»/’erl'z't/ ix @/ M W
I (
‘ flu \’ flaym %Z M/I W 12 WW vfljj/f/z Q‘Za/a/
‘ 7% bit/$6 kw M454 [(11% ’ at 74:21:00“; 42W %7\ AAWJ 27%
‘ A M/ Z W Z! / ’
M7744, 07/93 1410 / W 3&qu A, M@&@ ix WM
auJ/mw 5L0 , AW Am WW/
AW [(44% ‘zfl/LW [(M.
W 1" k3 / I/Ifli/
‘ (460” I/(zé/vl’f:
1.3)qu Atmrm-y L. 4&4 N. R R. CO

 ' . ' I r,§xifj . 'gw'2‘lnd.fi‘ 7 . - _ .
» 3,. H ‘ I.:“tixncnl’i' some. 7.
N fiudeiy miner,» » , nmwmrr. -
Wm . V
_ vn: PETITimt. '
_ inuiéviile n Eashville fiailreafl Company, Befendanto ‘ A
. Plaintiff states that the {auisvilieifi fianfivilie nailroafi
> Eompany is a aorperatign fiuly nreatefi unfiervthe laws a? th@
A State 9f Kentucky, with power to sue am& he saga, aafl ta cantraat >
’ anévhe_contfiactefi Wit%. .
I P1aintiff.stafies that an an about April 28th or also, 1914,
he was flnly employea by the defendant comnaég:mnnéwnni1e at wénnmw
I assisting in running a han& car along the traek of the defenfiant
that the said hand car was wronged aha threw him dawn an& injured '
‘ him in $15 arms, iegs, anfl gfifmanenfily injuvg& him in his back,
anfi t9 some extent injurefi him in Gash Ema all parts of his body.
Plaintiff atates thug the saia injuries eauwea, new causes »'
> and viii reagenafily cantinmm to cause him great_phy$ical pain and ‘
V mental anguish? 33& that his back especially is very weak an& A A _
. pains himn_confitant1y, and that his page? to labor anfi earn money
- ./§[ <:EQEM§iSW§ife anfi childré§>nas fieen permanently impaired“ A - A
/S3 g ‘ » ?laintiff states than at the tima he was injurefi hfiat he
fgiE-was an employee of the éefanfiant, Ann that the fioéeéénnt was a‘ l"
, . j?¥ é commas carrier h? Paiiraad, and was angngefi in commflraa hetwnen_
,‘3E the states when it caused hiém;;3§;%:mmmmnwwmw A“, WWWVNM'm‘M- I
“2‘” ‘ Emma estates shat. at anemone arms injury am: he ' A
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$1 machinery, track, readnea, nnr§g aha anitches, nnfi ail otfler ' A '
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