xt73bk16mf8w_585 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [422] Hiram Draughn v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [422] Hiram Draughn v. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_57/Folder_8/5024.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_585 xt73bk16mf8w ..AORGAN 5: NUCKOLS
Ai’mrnrga in‘ “Emu
H , K .
AZARD Y Jan. 50, 1917.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear sir: Hiram Draughn vs. L 6c N R.R. Co.
This case was set for trial the third day of the term.
Settlement was made with Draughn for 33200.00 and cost. ri‘he
$200.00 has been paid to Draughn and the clerk's cost has ~
been paid. Order was entered at the January 'fierm dismissing
this case settled, all cost paid.
Yours very truly,
copy ‘50 B01). “far—field, DIA.’
Louisville Ky. /
, ”WWW V )7 m Mam,

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 ~ . “WWW”? M 771w z/i’
~ _r _ MWW,/,.MM/lj..,///;/_, {/17
MflW/M/x/ // flu/H/é %/////////////%/////
r.“ //
dl/IJI'l/Wm” '7 /' ////7/7’//:///’:///H 61/1)“ ' (/ ’/ #2 /?/~/ («H/fl ; ’ ., i? m} ””.'/7 .'
ZI/Ilz/z/fll.) -/// A;:/-i///////, ”'1’
/' ':fry’sl/kK/‘j/Al//WI/'77/WW: f ,/ , , ,// (., ’
/”/ ’2‘/,’iflffzixw/. vs/‘KV/U/V/é/fy» October 5 , 1916.
Hon. 3. M. Wilson,
Coxmse l ,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Referring to your letter oi'the 2nd instant, en—
closing a copy of Messrs. Morgan & Huckols‘ letter of Sep~
tember 89, relative to a settlement of the case of Hiram
Draughn v. L. & E. R. 00., &C., Perry Circuit Court:

I have always ielt that in this case, if proper—
ly handled, the plaintiff would recover substantial damages
because of the unwarranted action of Conductor Combs, and
for that reason I think We can airord to pay as much as
$800 in settlement of the case, in the event Messrs. Morgan
& Nuchols find it impossible to obtain better terms.

Please be governed accordingly.

Yours truly, ;;7
fiégég25;€;;%t/¢'leégzag’ ‘
(:Z/ssistant District Attorne;:\\\\ih

VVocrrT0hJ& MCDRGLAN 1;; J _f .
' Afiurnvgs at 1133111 2 g
003. 5rd, 1916.
Meesre Jeotten & Horgan,
..in; 1:0 rney's , Rama. 6 , :2:/'..
, Deer Sirfi,

Bleaee refer be your recent aetter to Judee Aileen
eoncornin: settlement uf tie ease of Piram Draughn we 5 h m R'y
Co. , >

I enclore to you herewltn voucher gnu ureft in lavor
Hiram Draughn for gfiOO. in settlement 0f thie e se. LE. gveraole
is ant mi town teeny and i euuld nut yea him to clone the netter
up. Jill you 'leave close it :ith him.

Lruuehn should slid the Voucher at tee ?laee ifldiemted
by the letter ”a” in the mreecnee ef two wifileveee, who will Sign
at ”b” and “c” uni the dr ft may be cashed Li the bank. After
the vouehcr bee been Gififlod ;leasc Semi i: to ae at Revenue, Zy.

Your: truly,
Lev Agent.
HI 0 :S o 34.).- “41113011,
Mr. A. h. Jerren.
Mr. Wilson,

W E M wrote to you several days ago about
this case. I” will not be necessary for you to give it
further attenti n.


."1 1» ~..! u ‘I ' ’." ’.
cowoei ,:., .'.f,’L'.).
Mr. J.. 5. 170111111110, 31311.,
amt. Tie-t. $11.37., .‘..- 1"; .1»; ':: ‘5‘. 1‘“...
7.1111113. F1 vi '11:}, ’if .

3.12:1? 1"5‘13‘?

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from L.'r‘; 1.1171111, 5311.11.35.11: 1 ;:~.111"T‘1;?:1§: 1‘: hi1; 1:~..:_,i:‘.L.":,.“;‘.' 1.1.? ill-1.5.117;'I.tf'11‘1 I
wtto;:171:c;‘ 9:111? 1117‘ 1 ‘.1 '3 Li!) in. Fri-21121,:l1ng oi the
writ of Ni #:1121111 "1.71 11‘11‘1". T. " ”.'.,‘ firm, ’.';7‘; ..‘.‘L' '3: o 1..-1 11;.‘11241 =2;: ::.t I
1‘:1»1i'1:t:611.1:1ts‘:‘ 1* 11'1". ::12’: ‘1 11.212131: 1,113.17 1.211.;111'121 to,
"1.111%: cm af‘;ki.17;1 3.7.0 11711.? :3 jf'«,:1';r}1.ilr“ to 11:12:21.? i". .1111." (::.-(11171.1.2. 211: .171. rill-
11111111111. IS it Mill ':.1‘11'1111'ir137‘gi 11:1 112111 1 .:..L‘11‘: (L ,.1’111110,
as 1113.19171111'1’11113 11111.13“: *1»;1111f1«::1‘1 E) 1' 111113;; ':. 1.1, 3..; I c1 11.1.3“
ormmd by you.

, .
”1111111": 111/£7 ~11; ~.7-13:: you ‘1.;‘:1«,:t.'.;f1 2mm ..::rliE-ph
“Hf-1.42 ‘1“‘12“'
. -.....d,
' L? 51111517. ..

 'f l
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" ‘ " . M ;,V , ".‘ .1..- .. 11.. ., ‘
I .L.,' 7&1“. in) .::-5:14.. ,,:: “21(511‘4'14, ‘,.Lt‘y’S-g w
.1 Lf'VLQ.‘.‘,_L x. , .L; s
G :11) 7. we .1:
_ ~, ”4“,“ . 1W1“ «n- a - - ¥ . . - flu, ~ ~
iiLLJ J_JLMM. {14. N-‘Z‘Hibll‘ldb-‘JI‘ «391,111, &(!W..‘"ll’l§~§ th’f’fl. pluliltlif
. .'~. . W4 x. - , , ".‘,”... I ~‘ -:-— “.“.
{hid _xJ_L.‘.!, .1.1; ::_; ;.L'f‘: :1.; him. 11"“; 5.1.; 7.‘ ‘.. 1‘.}.4113 ;lO\. 74‘.) LLL/(109i: yiUU .LIL 11’.2‘7.
, .,: .»': .. V .. . .;7; 1‘.; »-~\ »V.t4V h‘ ,1: ‘ ~ , , ,.
5L q“ but: “V..“..J‘ “411;ngth 6;, u, 5,.-4-x.» w 1);: \r.l{;:ml{2i30d aft;
* _‘. '.. w‘ .. , 1...“: .- ...,.‘- 7”,... ..‘ w. \
a _ - :3 WM“, .L': J.':~,:)J.\.I:&.L mid moth-(‘.. "Adana otualm at
1:41.35: -:, :::“..- 3st .m :.‘:j. cmsts :1., tan U..L31‘1{ and 1311116 mean time
‘ ‘..v“! v.“ ,‘,, .; _ , :‘, ,: V, _«4 '.‘ pip”, ,.{ '.: _ .“. [‘,. . N J. L
l in; ,‘., .. . “mi-4;; .L;, m :L_._~,J.'JL:II'JL.‘3 10 inc mummy-.3; .0 sum—
tfl; .VC 4 ;.s'v’x‘Lt-‘jzi 3.3.6:: ~= you.
/ ‘C‘u'i‘f WNW;
~“c '- vr- ._’ >- 9
l ‘ /D
Go uufie J. .

 \‘x E 'WOC7/& MORGAN
1 ‘ Atty: 119132: at lam
Sept. 29, 1916.
MI. Samuel M. Wilson, 7 ,,
Counsel, L & N R R 00.,
Security Trust Building, 0
’ Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
In Re: Hira§_Draughn Vs L a h, E?E;ii

The Blaintiff's attorney has advised us this
morning that he and his elient are Willing to accept the
sum of $200.00, offered by Mr. Landrum some days ago, as
settlement in this case; provided the money is said promptly;
”0129.,E-Efénsiént t0 Pay “Be 99.9% 01”. suit

Please adyise us Whether the Company is still
willing to settle on this basis, and when we can say to
the plaintiff's attorney he may expect the payment to be

Yours very truly,
N/H 7'7,*f W , ,
/ ,x‘ ,z #1»;;’/~ -
n /

{Bapt- . 1.1, 19123.
lir. J. J. Donahue, ,
Chief 451?- Aggt“ I; :‘c N 15: 3: CO.,
.iouiss vi 119 , Lin atuc k3".
393? Sir:
i’i:?;27.;ii2léj to your notatj an of Sammy‘s 20, 1916, on .'.-51'. mm:
m Warren's 1:2. 'tt-rzr to you of 21115512231; 227th, 1512’}, as t 9 making 8221;—
’=;“:.3'::2_'2_t oi" the 022,233 01' 3222112531121 V. i) 23%,- N, ?-."i2;'ry Circuit Court, at
431735.00; by deal 121;; 5 31227013.; 175,13“: the: :lzzintilf inateiw. 01" through '
7 Pair-3 attorny’, 31:'. Jam: ‘3. Li's/121223.22 “2.22, 1122111.:- I 520 not 012-1! insarily :12)-
“ 2.2750270 ‘i‘JI‘Oc:s}-'}diz.2_s‘;§ in this: 2.323;, it 53:37;ij me that in the 17122280311“.
i;’:-’:‘st";jt‘iC-’jr _. Gsfinshruxn would ’02:- i‘u‘sly Iiiaz:-r:2."1t22d in pursuing; the (marge:
has Sny'stezrmfiz-ésl, ’51:;2422it: t2) mike 23; 701’0330533. ti on to the a‘utswney to
“ :.:-21:13:13 the (32:15-29 in :31: 11 “23;; '{2213'1213 -;;2"P.<'“)O.')C) and, 32.1" 24111: is (12701. innd,
“21:12:16,221 to settle 2:272:12; try“ 237. 12-21? 2711' ><3’2:1;; “2);; 2.222 3371.213: him not s3::ce=>€zing
3175500 and be ‘:'2T-"}7:tz::~2fi ”to a:.215*'~..'=;2;27 to 32:21:. “12:52::?2§2>“2.2i2 for: {m zafldj “Ci. (2,152.1
"y _
921.22; réqwzl to half that: rxuovgz‘t 53;: 2:221:16. I 22.11 23011012121221; influenced in
323123222123: this: (3021(31115-1isn‘; 1;; 1‘21: fact that 0121' ‘.:)0221 .Ltto;g.2qlej, liar.
110113-2211 Sees no 115215121 that can; c0312 £3232; adopting it»
‘ Very tam 1y yours,
. C 1211.12.32 ’1- . .

 ‘. ‘O-l5>4466
/., , 7 "’/__ { /f _,, .,3.M
' 7 / : 7/ /17/ 7/7 / /’
. 3-,.(71/917 .fl/Qzlla #7,. (I_., //// r/(I/m/O/xfi/fly
' //.-’/ //;gflt//’:/// 7/ 7 /
[MM/w ‘ Hw/ . ,‘
[..V/471’!)'Péfl/flll'flflflll/ _" ”'. (If/”II‘ : Cy"
Stanfuvd I" Aug,37th,1918.
Draughn v LdI.D.CW Pewwv Ci¢cuit Gouwt. '
Femewfith "v landvumg lettev of the 25th inst weWativ: to
settlemeg: 0" this case fvw $ 455.00 ova» tRe head of th: utternew.
V“ Cundvuw who is on the gwounfi is in favo% of Settling ovefi the
attuwmews head aai ‘t seems thct 7v Fmvgan 33: no objection to ”Gina
so “ither. Unflpm t%esc eimoumstonces as t*e étto«nav is ”olfling out
Few $ 500.00,* think Va Lbnfivum ghoulfi BF 31 Ph tdihovitV i0 “Pal
fli“ect at not to exceei $ 155.00.
EEET%M;; ;.J
A t 7 r 0 K. -.
/ ‘wwwEREQ.
S.M.W.“ ‘, fi
19 , ,,
What do you think? ' " "
JJD Aug. 29,1916.

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.~i/6VZQIZ?76;;/Zél’gz7fi7é%fifléggfli (klflégé%lair.jfifllfiéflfi??:§é
”OK/47201 Zflz/W/c/y f/I/ 411/01/
a r / " /
~~ "/-~" <'~"~:'~ 2//" June find, 1916.
'4; ?sz 21%”; ENE.
Mr. John B. Everscies
Hazard, Ky.
Dear Sir,
, I today Learn th?t the saga Of Hiram Bxaughn V; L & H R R CC.
h 9 been continuei. We are very anxious to hzve tag docket ciaarefl
u? at Hazard 3nd I am theiafcro wiiling to settle £313 6 se ?rovided
an amicabme gijustmunt -f it may be Had.

Write me at Raveanap Ky., the Least aacunt finit you will accept. I
I will stste very ffigntly 3; you th:% 1 QC flki thin: tn: case Worth
a cent more thin 9190.

Years txuiy,
La? agent.
Elias 3:3; Judgn Ti'fiu“;

I c"n do no ¢ooi t ;ki;j t: Evcxpafié hofcaimiw; sottlmxcnt of tiis
sire. P0;silly infis mhnwt uni swesfi letter which has the “riig” if
iivei‘ 1.1-11.3.1. 7.1?"V17j film 6: <“f‘1‘T'F'F: flf‘i‘mt.


Attorneys at Emu
" HAZARD, KY, i-
nay 32, 191b.

ft *9TLK«;_ ,»,«

j a 3

SI Li_:‘:-z*-I‘ '. v

, .
BIZ‘. S. ivI. Wilson, '., '

' - ....VHI‘ ......V. ,. ,. ‘1 ‘-
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Yours relative to this case received and
noted. Also copy of letter from W. M. Combs, conductor.
1 have made requisition for both Combs and Kelly in
this case. I do not know whether we will be forced to
try or not, but we will handle the matter as best we
Very truly yours,
I in
// ,, , ~
/ 7.77/i
/ /
.‘ Ill

JM/o (

 ~ : :7 “ '27 2:
Lisr,’ 23 , ll}._(.’c
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. ,_- *s '2 ‘ ' -= . a' " ,. ,. .,,. , 1 ‘ :_ _ V‘.... _ . .,.:
- ‘ ’1 . f. , 3. . _, .. - 1 2.: 1..? 1.2.; ,: .L; :-3..:.L :
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. .//27‘ ,. /”~” , -,./7V ”
I / '2 // Q / 7 //‘7” / 27/
. . film/2127.2 / .2; fl) //2/// Mg, air/{1% Guy/my
, /fl
(2’7 _, 2,211 ' _.- ./ fl . . ‘
// rn/fW/z /2M //////r/yA/// 20m”
//,///. /'/2(,/ ( 2. >7 . _,, .
- . /fl//(%//2/Zfl. 2. (1/ June 23:10:, 191's.
M1. Sam’L H. Wilson,
.‘..1‘.‘2'03.‘I1:(2"5,2‘3 I..~;’:<;j,;152t01‘1, Ky.
3911 Sir,
Hercwifh I return ta you your files in the 03808 of Hiram
Dr? 22.233111 21112.: ‘” 1.22.:2 .141: 22222: 222 .27 F? :7 .22 .2 2.2.2: rhut an: 22.2111
WGTr SPHt to me gmmwtinc ngg,
Yvdrs truly,
Law Agcnta

 1.111;; 16, 1916.

1.1:./gays; 1'Sootton 1% Morgan, Attys. ,

11512151111 , Kent 110 kg] .
J1), .12 $19 111311: I .

3112;113:1111: to ;EIGHIS of the 13th instant, 511113113 ing me that
"3:115: case of Hiram Draughn V. 5.1 S 31‘ Iiyfio... in 30115; Circuit Cpurt,
has 113-:17, 11831311011 1‘01“ trial on June. I}, 1916, I have to 8113/“ that
the 0111.7]“71.4911131211 211101111 to 1:19, in this case is (30111111013039 1'.’i“;;.iam
(”Spot“) Combs, unless: it 119 1:11:11; "she 1912151112111, Ira Kelly, is con-
vers‘mmt 11111 the cijcuzfistzulous 01‘ the 01.19.13. I have 1101.'e‘1;0:;’01"e
S1._<1Vi.:1r:11 1.1;:u 31311011119 that this: 051131: 0115112 to be 81131111051, ii: that
«3:11; 7.11.1 60119 at 5; 111215111 :111011111. I 2112113153211 01' the 11111119 01111121011.
1:31:13? ;jron: 1351;211:0125: 13:11:13.1, I 1.1110101“: 1; herm‘xitlx .1 1303;; 01‘ 312151: 11' from

I .001'1111131301‘ 1313111115: to 1;. 7% .'9'1 lieglmirmr, 1.3151171): 01" 3?:j71.izls, 11116131?
1‘ 5.11:9, of 331.213.3111’131-31’ E1, 11-9111... You. 111252 13131131 have both Combs $116K
\ ,' L

21131137 S11 1133111311511: 1 for “c119, ti'ir-ilo .

I .1101:- '1:11:=1 this case is 11131115116311. for trial- on the 3:119
r?51‘1;9 1‘03" 11111011 I 11111231337 1152,11: 911:1 1.113111511113191: 1‘1131’13 21:-'1 the Fayette

Circuit 1.3111111. I rein}? to 1:111:- 1351119 oi‘ ’_1‘11161111313 5- 311119;; 11*. L (.33. 2'3,
111 1.13.1911, 011 1111.2 1011:1132." trial, 111511111 ifi’ 1'1‘1131111731‘1211'11 verdict fOI‘V
13770.0(3100, 1:31.101}. 1:“ 51:1: aside 011 our motion for a 11:21: ‘5;-9:191. On
309911311 0:? this: 00113111319 it Kill be impossible .1‘/01‘ 2113 to attend
the P317133 (111-1:11.11; Court on the 61:11:19 '1-101‘1’51. 0111361. 1131;111:1111: be 2101:
10171713111 1.111; r; the £01.].13Vi115; 1:39.31. ' .
3 31313;,“ truly your 13, ‘

-‘..1'r \ V.
121113 . 001111931. .

 ‘2 Form 162 I..-3w DICI’AR'I’MF.NT ‘
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY ATE, .1 . L-a;ardi,m--§,r .. ..-. .., _TWT—
B. D. WARFIELD, _ 3O Warn), q/LLW necagmber ,9, 4 2
District Attorney.
In 1116 case 0;... . iriral'n Lrevugim . L _ vs. _. 'L. L n. '.'-Lei lwag com any.
[/15 fo/[ourvz'ng proceedings were Izaa’ a! 1116.. . .757771, 191.... .
of flux. . bll‘QUlJQ, . -..__ Court Of. rerry .Comzzjy.
:etition filed LJOV0111‘O er Hi , 1'9ch . no action .
has I) eon taken by 0 e1 6110 Ln ‘0 .
/.Z /‘_./. ':\ Cw ’ .7‘. «I , ,
[SIGNED]? // L/r N‘Hf/(xfl \)/I\. It / / ,.'» .,. “.'.' é _ .
AttorneyL & N. Railroad CO.
3?)?“1. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition, etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc.. etc.
3. In reperting a. continuance, state at whoge cost.
4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and Whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

 ‘ > f “ ' ‘ I, ' ‘ . “ fieaembér Ti, 1914.: .- ‘
I 133313. J, J. ”Linn-321118,- . ' . _ I L L “
“ .‘Lbuisville, Kentuéliy. ‘ ‘ ' . .
I 3399.13." STI: I - . I » 3 »
. > _ ..;»:“:113311111; 11.3:39321‘ 331 31113:.” 1.3433"::t1rz'mt31231 of 11;}3 .1’-33,111 inwtémt
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' (COPY)
‘ December 15th, 1914.

Mr. J.J.Donohue, Chief Law Agent,

Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company,

Louisville,Ky. -
Dear Sir:
Your letter JJecember 3rd, suit of Hiram Draughn, in the

?erry Circuit Court, which he seeks to recover $10,000.00 on ac-
count of alleged wrongful arrest.

The incident referred to was with Conductor Wm.Combs,
on train No. b, November 19th. I an attaching Conductor Uombs'
letter herewith which is explanatory. There were no witnesses
but rlagman Ira Kelly is acquainted with the circumstances in‘
each case, wherein Braughn and another party attempted to beat
their way from Lothair to Hazard.

Yours truly,
b/g W.A.McDowell,g.
r Manager.

To note. It would seem we are in for nominal damages at
least; in all probability more than that. Do you not think an
effort should be made to settle the case.

Dec.16,1914. J.J.D.

 l (CoPY)
' McRob erts,Ky. ,Dec. 9th, 1914.
» Mr. P.F.Kesheimer,
Master of Trains,Jackson,Ky.
Dear Sir:

In answer to your file 6016, Man by name of Hiram Draughn
boarded No. 6 at Lothair in company with another man I could not
learn the second partys name, He said that Draughn would pay his
fare, or He would not have boarded train, the eVening before the
same two men boarded No. 6 at Lothair on rear end, brakenan Ira
Kelly tried to get than on inside of train and they refused to
come in by the time I worked train we were nearing Hazard, and they
jumped off, before I could get to them. '

On this date when brakemen brought them in and He passed

1 me in train he told me that these was the two men that beat me yes-
terday I also had two different cases like this in the same week
where they refused to pay their fare account they had gotten to their
destination so I saw Sheriff at Hazard, and told him of this case
asking him to arrest them, so He arrested Draughn, but could not
catch the other one after I came out from refistering I told the