xt73bk16mf8w_59 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [31] Matt Cornett vs. L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [31] Matt Cornett vs. L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_7/Folder_6/64014.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_59 xt73bk16mf8w PERRY CIRCUIT COURT.
15th Day Larch ’i‘er m, March 1’7, 1915.
Matt Cornett, Plaintiff.
vs. Order.
Lexington 8c Eastern Railway Co. Defendant.
This cause is dismissed settled at defendant‘s

 __ ’ . " . ' ~ " February 11, 1915., -,
‘ Messrs. Wootton & Morgan, , fl
' ‘1 _ Hazara,'Kentuqky. ' .
‘ Gentlemen: I — .
> ' ' Herewith I hand you Agreement, Release and Conveyance , -
— | executed unfler date of January 5, 1915, by_matt Barnett to L.§ E
K :  » Railway Company. Please have this document put to record and, /
*1 after it is recordefl, withdraw and forward, with billgfigr recording,
, to ming. 0. Bradford, Real Estate Agent,.L & K, Louisville, Ky.
_ _ ;I‘" .1 ' Yours truly, v g
' ’encé }‘ \ ‘ _ * ,
I ‘ \ > Counsel. -
_ ' r/Tj." ‘ 'f '- ‘ ‘
“ I > ’,’-'.‘“ \‘ r .' V.' K I
,"’ ,v" \ . V ‘ _
. ‘ .// ' > - I ‘ ' z” I

 ' ‘ ’ ‘ ~ Februafy'9,719155
L ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ”a
» > C. H. Moorman, Esq., . ' ,
v. Lonieville, Ky. -
, Dear Sir: _ “ ‘
‘ ._ f ‘ Receipt of yours of the 8th instant, returning '1
figreement, Release and Conveyance of January 5, 1915,
’ ‘ from ment Cornett to L & E Ry.Co.,is hereby acknowledged.

, ;.- ;mmstnfly, A ' ,

, “ { $MW/a ‘ ' ‘
' g . / ‘ Counsel. -.

'3‘: . ‘ _ '

V . ' , ‘1 ‘

 . ' ‘ ‘ ’ ,..-.m.‘ V > I ‘ , >1 '
P ' January 30, 1915; ,- . _ .
meagre. fiootton & Morgan, ‘ H _

7 ‘ ' @ Hazard,Kentucky. ‘ - _ g ‘

- ~Gentlemen: _ ,1

‘ . I acknowledge yours of the 27th instant, returning ;
Agreement, Release and Conveyance, of January 5, 1915, from
Matt Corne‘tt to the L 52 12.1111 of the corrections which I asked

‘ , to be made have not been made but I will send it in as it Stands.
.. . , ‘ - Very truly yours, .
Sim/a . ‘ " "
_ ‘ Counsel. ’ _.

 .. ' _ . ' ' ,, . January 30. 1915‘. , .
f? C. H. doorman, ESQ., , . I]? 3 f
u . _4 - Louisviiiexy, ' f ' ' ‘-
- Dear Sir:- . f ‘ ,_ 3‘
‘ I herewith enclose Agreement,Releaee and Conveyance of
. -- eenuary 5. 1915, from.matt Eornett to the L & E Ry.Co. Kindly
, examine and adVise whether Same is sufficient in view of our 3
recent eorreseondence ayproving the omission 6f R.C.Cornett from .
V the execution of this éoeument. ' s ‘
. ~ " , _ Very truly yours, . I
, enc. 1 3' l ' _ ' j
H SEW/a~ ' _
, '7 ’ , \ ‘Counsel. '

Atturnvnz‘. ;It {Tum
HAZARD. KY. .1., ', " ? .
- - ,, .
, , ,
, ,,
/ "
. . L

 .,. Ҥ.:,, 1 1 , 1 .
I V I V January 22, 1915. " ' \
Messrs. Wootton & Morgan; . ‘ . .
- - Hazara, Kentucky. 1 ' ' ‘
I Gentlemen: ’ ’ ~ ’ ,
‘ g _ Yours of the 6th instant, transmitting papers in the!
V L = Matt Cornett case received aha noted. After oonferenoe with Mr.
‘ Williams, it will be all right to close the matter up with Matt
1- ‘ ;Cornett alone, ufion the understanding that he will protest us ‘
nxainst any claim of 2.0.Cornett. . '
, - b‘r I hereWith return to you the Agreement, Release and- ‘ .
. A I Conveyance executea by Matt Cornett to the L & E Railway Companfi, ' 1
- V in order that the blanks at the bottom of page 4 sod at phe top of :-
l - 1-page‘5 of the Agreement may be filled, and also in order that the
l-31 Notary-Public ray correct her certificate so as to conform to the
I . facts.' In other words, the cerfiificete shows as aoknowleagment 4'}
I r by both Matt Cornett_and E. C. Cornett, whereas the Agreement-
' - - wee iu fact only signed and acknowledge& by Matt Cornett alone. -
, After correcting the enclosed Agreement, please return
> 1 to me as promptly as possible, and oblige, 7 . -
‘ 1 V ‘ ,~Ymusfirfly, 1: i L 1
' 7 Lenc. V - H -r , 1 '1 ‘ . _ I
_ elm/a W ‘ , * ' I

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, 1131 «3:1-1‘1 210: 330 your: 01' 1;}23 “EC; 1:191:- . , 132131031 31;?
. , 4 -= , 4 -1w 2 < 1 3; I . I- rw , I.“ 31' I"- '2‘ L»'- I‘- .1 -. 4-1 ’ ‘
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. 11 file :;raut 01, law ‘.‘-Jr 311 was.» 13.112.39335: Io nave
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 . _.‘ ‘ ‘ - I > . .7 ' —
2‘ ‘ ‘ “ 7 January 13,,1915; 2
Hon;H.C.W11Tiams, ’ '
.. ' ‘ _:'.o-n.isv:11e,1;§,r. ‘ 2 V
‘ Dear Sir: ‘ x ‘
.’ \ Harewith note cofiy of a letter of the 6th instafit from
Eaatton“& Morgan in referenué to settlement with Matt Cornett and V ‘
' " ?, Ci Cornett;~.also thé agreement executed by fiattmcornctb alone,
2 - anfl the Voucher;receiyt Signefi by fight Carnefifi alone, the nrifiten
‘ consent of plaintiffs' attorneys, Rania? & Turner, and the Oraer 9f
‘ Difimigsal.‘ ‘ . . . ‘ W I
‘ > 'AS you will see ffiém these papers, 8.3.Qornett, being a ‘
‘ Mary old man, having only a life interest in the prayerty, did not ' '
2 unite in exécuting the papers. 1 am inclined tn think thét we will
-‘. __ run no risk iy sefifiling without him, bufi 3 submit the matter for yofir"
” approval before replying to foottofi &\M0:gan. ‘ ‘ g
' . M M Whatever jou write me, please rctvrfl all of thy enclosures _'
; I“ and oblige, ‘ fiours very truly, ' I I
encs. 5. , V ‘ { Counsel; » .
' ' SHEET/a, . -- . .

I" \
‘.‘/\ILL’N‘I \\ J'VON .r!‘;‘.,‘|’, I-lv’)Y‘v,-;\H
; ,
:‘ r O ‘ «l
:‘,‘d‘urnvlm ;It “.';1111 v \
HAZARD KY. (W , . . ", ”"
-.t....-_ ,. 3 ~., _../.;v I
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1” i. U, ,

 '1’ Form 162 LAW lH.l‘\k'I.‘Jla.\'T
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT, ,I;:IO:.‘:_11'CI , 1,} . ‘ ““1,I,.-'IL.:I.I.I
B. D. WARFIELD. :19 (my 1;," Local or ,9, 1:
l)i§lri(‘l Ailurlu-y.
[21 //16 mm o/ “O t IOeiuiet't w; i. O -.:,Oi';_‘;.'r,;;.' OrO... ; .
{/Ir‘ fir/'lum'z'zlg' [)rin'aa‘u’z’m‘ns‘ 71?)? lma’ at {/u‘ 77’) m, 191
07/ f/lc‘ :L 1'0 bib . (“U/Hf II/ .1 '. IL; CONN/71’.
1571;11:4011 i Lari, _ o; ;~:.;L or : :O, l‘OL, . r '_i let?
:_t 111,0 Lego; i orig, 1.214; . O :36 c tO-th' Lined. 'Gl’l‘ rail;
:Ot . OuCLO'L O1 e111 1131:”, Li: .
I {,7 , _I _
'1‘; ' ..: z ' ‘ I , , O ,
[SIGN/1' 1)] I’ I ' " ‘ ‘ "I" "
Attorney L. & N. Railroad Co.
1354'?“ 1. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition. etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc.. etc.
3. In reporting a continuance. state at whose cost,
4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed: if not filed, what time. if any, has been allowed for filing.

 . tar, ' i ‘ ' . f
' , - LeXington, Ky” January 1,1915; ,
. > , r, , 'r
‘ , Messrs. Wootton & Morgan, AttorneyS-at law,
. Hazard, Kentucky. > ‘ . '
i \ Gentlemen} .
>' ‘I L Beferring to the Suit ianerry Circuit Court Of Matt Cor-
ie - ' nett and E. C. Barnett v. L & 2 Railway Company and L & H Railroaa
. Company, and more especially to your letter to me of December 16;
, ' ‘1914, I have to oar that, after communicating with Mr. Williams, ,ti
*1 '7 Chief Engineer of Construction, and Mr. Warfiela, Eistriot Attorney,
’ A i am authorized by Mr. Killiams, under date of Eeoomber 29, 1914, ‘
i ’ l * to Settle this case at 9100.00 and costs in full of plaintiffs& fl
oresont anfi iutgro damages. I am not aavisoa whether E. C. Gornett
’ is Matt Cornett's wife or not, or whether the two are brothers 0r
'” ‘ what thpér relotion may be. Acoordifigly, in the Agreement, Release ,
‘1. Eahd Conveyance, which I have prepared and herewith hand you for axe;
' ,"oution by the plaintiffs as parties of the first port, I do not attempé
-H'_ j ‘to~indieete the relation betweoo these oarties.. If it turns out thst
. E. C; Cornett is Matt Cornett's wife, you will please so indicate. .
' ' _ in the Agroement,&c. before it is sxaouted ans make the some interpo—
_ ’ lotion in the Botsryls certificate at the and of the instromont. * ~ ‘
. I also hand you herewith a voucher for $100.00 and voucher— V.
v '4 receipt to be executed by the two Cornetts, with the Written oonour~ »
‘ renoe and approval of their attorneys of reoorfi. I would also draw ‘
- .‘ a short ordor fiismissing the case settloa at defendants'>GOSt '
> i and have Cornott's attorneys endorse their approval on this order.

 .:iV.‘ V «n I a ' I ' l

. W&I.i#2; __ ' 1/1/15- ‘, 7

‘ V The voucher, of course, is to be deliveren, but the voucher?
receipt should be returned to me, togethef with the Agreement, Releeee

' l and Conveyance, when both are properly executed. ; l

> » I - From what I know of Matt Cornett, I assume that there
’ 7 will he no Objection to having the vbueher paid directly to him.‘
A I regard him as an honorable and trust-worthy man and doubt not thet

V_} -“ ' he will make things satisfactory with his attorneys. Nevertheless,

. the attorneys should be reqoired to g1Ve their approval ant express-
ly and in writing to this mode of settlement. If there be any hitch
on this-point, it will be easy enough for you to so modify the ‘

Lvoucher, voucher-receipt and Agreement, Release,&o. as to conform
to the demands of the attorneys. I '
I hope you may succeed in having this matter finally

» ' v closed_up withont delay. ‘

7 Very truly yours, * a

- ‘enc. _ ’ h I -»

.{ ‘ . BMW/a . \ ‘ ' ‘- .5 , ' ,

_ . 7' _ . Gounsel. ‘ I


"I‘ZLISE 27,}: 1522‘, E. ".,-"..‘.."II ‘11‘, "J “LET-(1‘3. 111110 “11'." tutored
into this ._‘~* any of Jnnutry, 1013, Ly infi bet wen Matt Cornstt -
and Eu 0. U :nntt, of *erry Gauntv, Iwntmcky, parties of the first
9-rt, unfi ficxingtnn A Eastern iuiiwag Coflpflflyi u G”3¥03“ti““ 03‘
ganiynfi an or the 12am of £~1txcky, pnrty of the “ wand wart,

,jTI” ‘Tfi: Shut, “1”1“, tbs ynrti¢n of the first part
are ani for Som= tine fifl“t have been tan joint ohnerfi a? certain
trvctfi or parcelu ai land in szry Counfiy, Kentucky, which tracts
0r gareelr of lanfi &re hereinafter 90:9 nrrticulwrly describefi, anfi

L-fl‘iii, 8:15.61 Luff; Corne‘i’t and f3. C. 0233130133, parties of
the firfit 59:2 herein, Fifi on ur about Lhu 39nd day of Tnenmber,

. 1‘13, file a cert in suit in the ‘erry Uircuit Caurt of F :ry County,
lantucky, afininnt the flexington A Zart&rn “aiirm; Conbfiny, party of
the 0 00nd part, and ufainat the Lov'cvfille ¢ Nnrhvjlle Inilroad
Can any, a :orporutiou, ior dam {as for the alleged improper Ob-
struction,by hlLstinfl ané depositing materials therein, 0f the river-
bad anfi n tural or accuatunmfl c ursw or channel of the Earth Fork
of the ;r'vntucfigf Liver, almig’fsiéle 5:116: {)"-::-3:‘3'.t0 "Cu the 7.111116: :313'15 resi-
Vnnce of saifl Dartiew oi the firrt wart and is: the allrged ulterau
tion 3nfl fiiverfiion of the £10? 0f Later in fifiifi river—ESE and channel
221:"! .:or 311:“ "11*5‘3'4‘74'1 12:2 115.115; 51'».;1=~:;;, cutting, $1.9:er £115: and breaking of
the lsums of the parties of the firvt wart anfi th» riveruhwnks thqre-
01 an the SiFO of $316 river Dopamite cu the wide on which ihn right

of may, roaa-bea and railronfi of the party of thn wocnnd part is now
locatnd anfi nlao fur ullogefi Cmmwxe su1forwa by said luné in cause-
quenae of the diminution of the rental or vendjble valve in reef,
:nfi 3130 for fiumaga? 1n? thn %1leged ha hing away wnd dcatruacion 0f
certain fencing buloxgifig to the partin$ of the :iret part, all of
110%.: Guznnngsra iv: rfl'"ng~:t-c1 to have been (“3.1153011 by and 1:;) be burg: to the
interfermnce with and diverSion 0f the w tar 0f saifi river and the

. _-2_-

fl<32vingrr thereof 0v<‘.:r,a¢-v:s.an-;t 3114‘: upon suit: lmu’i and the banks
Timex-{201” on that {sine of Lhw river upon which the luv 5?. of the
Bluftiat'} of the '.Jirst :3.-art were run? ::.);‘0 located, and

.3”; :31:, in 3.31:} 1);; (.;.-2,326 (371311;, N; is“. r_:‘}.‘-2"7._ 1w“: that the 1.217161,
”13.31103414; 5mg. 7,1-01"115‘4ri"; ,» L‘m {212115. of? thr» :1:-n4; It hffi'e been,
52370 210‘. mm 3:117. armtimxn to "'00 i::1j“<:1‘-“fl, intfiriefl 0:.“ {7’35‘21‘22fide
:an thn use 9116:. v:~:.'L2:.r.3 thwroof 00322-31: win‘n'nrrly c‘vimimifth-w" or flesh-avginfl,
{ma 9.5-:56 suit 1153:: been wrndfinfr in $153.56. (firmr’c- “for {3 ;gre-tr 01‘ more 7.352.531},
::.m"; yer/ruins 11110181303."Tillz'ul, and

.‘.}, €111 anti-31': ‘::-..: this “Aer-131353211; are Gesuirmm and
3.1171115: ‘i:o get-1,10 9:115 511% .115 to _Cv‘LJ, finally :3an forwvel‘ ad 5115313
:11]. C'.7-11t1'<)Ve‘-,r:7:i.€353, claim-3 52.116. 67.5;Iji'rarsrzl'2c2ss 'im’mrri'em than,

13:39., in cams-:51." oration 01" the -12:~a:-2:1:is--:r:-:3 5:11:31 in further con-
(:5.? car-21:10:]. of the mm 01” Una iiuxu'ézwyis ”(9111:1338 (29100.00) cash, this
5:513; in 23.2326: '§::;id bi; 2m ;e'-2T:f=:1t-"t'~33‘1 513 ii’ii"Ji$"‘l‘11 :-"“i]-‘-T€“»L-’ ‘30“:1’3511123. party
0.1' 61‘ emcmd Ewart, '1:-U .;’Lt‘fi- Jfll‘fl‘t‘b 531161 :"3- ‘3- {3131719133, 30313175117:
p:‘s..z:“L‘iQ€'-: of ‘::-:'le £13571; >030: 11» 3:31:11, ::mtin‘fi in that “nifrzlii‘ i"): then--
calmer: in t‘rz-gir 5.21113 and :3 “VOI-le risk‘c-S, and $5110.11 '§=z.=.;/-"'1~"-2'xt is 1:12.629
arit‘a. thn. 7.?110M'1‘f3f'j0, convuufi :.:;151 n” :3:?" the r"-ti0:11€>37? ’31" racorfl _
1"635’>1‘03-:‘1”1i;i11.1.3? ilf'fitl Slat-t Lawn-1711; and ‘.. C1107?! ”st in the above mamod
:«sut'q’t- 51215. “which my; .13;-1’5 is: in full :31‘1.tiilff?.(3ti43n (fir-(f “the 01.5.3151. of
first 3‘.-2:133:33 and {:1:-30 in i‘wzil 3' tir‘vf-zmtt‘tnn and discharge of any
0173'th or lien C‘” may be 13:28: or ..'; ~:»:¢rtna by the :2fi‘i.«iu~1w:~r€3 of racoré
upon rmifz 373'1.,:.1r-a.i.t iffozr Emir 31:30.63 "i133" 7.0:‘rw1 saw": 00!: in bobrlf 01"
fi.:mt grammes {anti e£3euifflL~r in 2310 above~r3t33x3<3 81; it, mm which
{mayzflwflt 1m waist- Carj’mtt 53m“ .73. g). 3a.:r11t2i3't, an; “furefluifi, in cash
it“ hernby simmer;"magma, the Hair?! Quaint diurnott 51:16. '1. C. Cornett,
135'23.‘ti.8 of the fixat- 3-3221‘3, (3.0 hereby,jointly 13.116: severally, £3<.:7::1‘10\=:1-
eéige “full, UGI.1"I1£E“§G farm final 3323333“ ‘1; 23.1111 Satisfaction Joy any 2.11161
07.1 cimi'z‘m thrvy or vit‘imr on’.‘ them h:.-We or 1123;; aver have hm? or may
hoiz‘efiziiter hi‘iVC :3.;{531115313 said flex}. 115713031 Jr.- Eastern 1311331313 Company,
party ()3? the 5300:3216. part, or against the Louisitvi":-1£3 3; Nashville

i-xailroad Company, I; cow::ormtion unc‘ser the 7:22:5‘ of Kon‘uucl:;x, 101‘ $211
injury, loci-3, com”; amfi damage 01'" even? kind 3.110 Cornu‘ig'tion caused
or ‘t‘mt {my hereai‘trr be cmzsw‘: tn the? iriufis’ 01' wraols of lane.
‘31:':;:0:’Lz‘1:2.3.‘tfir drascyimytl b3: the C..:l‘uttnzrrtiyzl, U'jDC‘l'éi-tiajfl. 12115: ..’-“121111; 811.2an6 ,
oi‘ the roam-bod, {traffic and 1‘;‘:,i“.r0ad 231' Stiff. 32035;? 11;}:ton 5:; "~';=':.‘.t-tern it} 2.1-
3.72;; iloirmmly 521-2.»:(25' ‘t‘im firth fox-‘2: u; the lgz‘mtxlulry “ival‘, ommsite and
Hair tn the '5‘)3f<)';')<21"3c;i l)a"":-r)n.“111;: tn the VEHI‘LiQH-r 01‘ the? first gig-23ft zinc},
]3*:rti::u“z.arlff 2:11» "Shaft 'nromrtgr :.'.2:C:2;:‘.'n_‘=23c'; to :i;; the? 37:31; above men-
'tiuf.zn:7('z rm? hereinafter do» :;1'5. and, tr; 21115.92}, '15; if: <2;=j;")(>:22r¢:, t‘éw legal
title is: 21m; Vebtfif in 2‘ flat-‘.: (30:21 111; jam" .3. 73 zrnhtt, parties ..
of the first '5; rt 31.-“':."0121.
and. the 5":-1;;vtiea-1 of.“ tin.“ fit-‘3': 33:31; =30 E1: ro'py ;z'cleat‘e, fliSn
c'i;t::::’;ezz and :3.c¢1:it the 15231;“ s33? 11;-:9. vault“: pug-rt mac“ tha- ionisville
:.'}; Sawhvi‘fle l-xzi’lx'xrgd ;§2,~'-':~ :1:; fix? “.122" ’13:? 51,11 :21:;i’::t :;nr". {almanrls
oi’ mmz'y 3:111le :':-1226‘. uharactc; ,::‘Z‘cs‘.’.'3":11g}i out 01“ the CUJL‘LIMC:21:511., O‘ED‘?I{1-
Lion and nuini;variant: a: maid 4:0:‘26132m1, ‘jfrmie :2;;‘26, 331111330851, :mG, the
int<‘21*:€':23<‘euce or bL-ntruc 2321.11 :1: fii.vr.~rs‘icm, ii‘z*a1;-f, tint-3:203." 02211993
to thv river-bod. and 11>»:i‘111'::1 0:21:21"! :31“ air:- 2“ of smirk fierth ‘:‘Iozk
rival :‘.-1315. M10 3151130? f3_.ox‘.'in,f{7 ihvrnin, :2;-LL'": fagil'e'be ram" him maximal-Yes
to make nu at 3101' or um :31." im 0:1 2:11:34". :‘chacrunta‘. 52533111191; the .2163?-
inirtan 227: .‘?-*‘y'trrrzz .L.:ai‘Ltr-ia; (loragzezulfj, ;r-1“c,;' :1::1‘ {:32-:,- meoga part, 0;:
against :‘:}m .'.-«Juisw'i.‘i.le 7": 2.52-"3'12'i'-.1r~: 2521;? 1mm}. -.}\§.3?f1::,IL,.-', or their sue-7 -.
envoys“- or :'::rsaimi“, ‘»Vihcl“ for fink-Pt, I’l‘efwult or: .;azmzro Luz-.3 or'daInQ‘
;';.;‘:'«:'2, ram? 5hr: ‘:‘rfii'iii'ii‘. oi‘ the i‘i.1"'t ‘52-'33, in 2;ch_1;21“, a.:2<;r101'.r;3,c=(age '
full satigfszotion for the claim: to ELI-.:grzzgs-e‘; :‘:. ::--1-.*Lx-‘<; in the above;
Styled action of ifatt- sz‘nntt 51336: ’.:. Guru-:“Lt V. grizingzton Li:
1i:2,:‘::t~-::n Emailxuagy Can-many anti ;:)11ii’-"VZ'L11C ;Z': Haiti-1V3 lie ;-.V=i":.road $0my:211;;,
in the Pent-11¢ Circuit (hurt, and :;ngsrzae to (Eiszniisa said {2121125212 3913- '
tied at {':efmyiiant's cost, in bar oi" 5211;; future notinn, and it is
further agreefi and stigulsatsec‘s. harein thn‘u this; Agreement and Cunveyamce
heroin recited @1211 be "niruling upon the. parties of the first part,

their heirs, porwonel representatives en& a Signs, and that su-n
Shall be covenants running with the land wnd Shall not be otbjoct
to defeat by Hwy CJHVC once of euia land or any part thereof by the
parties of the first yvrt, or by either of then.

The several tracts and parcels of lanfi to which this

Agreement, Iolsnwo emf Corweynnce have particular reference are
situ tea in *orry County, Kentucky, and are more particularly
Oounded and describofl as follows, to—vit:

”The hereinafter fiesoribod boundary of land, lying and
being on Bu falo “rock, a tributary of the North Iork of the
Kentucky river, and the Horth ;ork of the Kentucky river, in
?erry County, KQJhidZJ, enfi ooundeé as follows: to wit:—

“II 3? QIfiCD: Bcainniny on a black oak on the too of
u < .‘, v». u- .’5 ’
the G1V1do, between dellio uaVicson branch and Buiielo Creek
and Pth corner of a coo? fIO“ 3. 5. Heltncr and wife to C. G.
Bowman; thence with the line oi some 3. 2f 30 Y 77 poles to
a hickory S 49 U 17 holes to a black oak S 21 i5 E 14 poles
to a black oak 5 39 15 4 12 poles to a smell hiack oak, corner
to a deed from J. C. Cornott to C. G. Bowman; thence with the
line of said flood égua the point 3 4o 45 j 10 poles to a stake
55 30 E 10 90109 to e hickory near a cliff of To ks S 71 15
E 17 poles and 15 links to a finite oak on the yuiut F b4 35
E P poloe and 15 links to a white oak just below Columbus
Dixon's fence; thence S 10 45 3 3 poles and 5 links to a
stake in 3 line of a ton acre ourVey made in the name of John
Uornott; tLonoo Lith the rGVCrun lino oi maid survey 3 51 45 E
Iii holes to the second cornoi of the John Cornette 10 acre
patent on the point between finifalo ono the river and about
17 poles up omifl noint we it meandere to thebefiinning.

"nfizofi” TLLCT: Beginning on the North gork of the Kentucky
River at the mouth of Vuffelo Uroex about 75 yards to the place
where on Ola water—mill stcoc; thence up the hill with a marked
deed Line from Eon oornctte eufi wife to Elijah Cornrtte to a
white oak, cornor to u (cod from J. C. Giruett from B, O.

‘ Coraette enfl wile to C. 3. BOUJHH; thence with eaié need line
up the point that leads down to tho mouth of Buifalo, S 23 45 E
*5 poles ° liflaks to :2.. black oak, is 20 1‘3 14‘. 5 @0103 :.:-ma 20 li::ks

v! r‘ 1“ fl ' -| .'5‘ . " \I‘ .9" V
to :3, Ctgflce; :.1 2:- 15 i. :1 370103 1?, .1112-IS b0 :1 stage; a 4.1-g5éE 6
poles 23 linke to n chestnut 01k on top of tho flivido between
Buffalo 51ml lingo brunch and the river, ezuzm bong; the 7th
corner of a deed from Ben Cornott and wife to C. O. Eownan;
thence with the reverse line of suio coca down the point toward
Eagle Branch Opposite a cross-fence that runs up the hill juet
above Mott Cornott'e barn; thence with enid Groom—fence line
to the river at the mouth of Bugle Branch; thence with the
river to th~ beginning."

Being the some tracts onG parcels of land conveyud to

matt Cornntt aia E. U. Cornett by
by a certain deed hearing date the day of
of recorfi in the Ferry County Clerk's oifioo, in Deed Book

.J. . .‘..
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'..‘:‘11’55 ‘.”}23. L. TNT, j’.‘i.'.}fL."v.;".'i "ll" C.-E»IVZT;.’.‘1IGL3inf-ado an? entered
into this day of January, 1915, by ond between Matt Corn3tt
and E. C. Cornett, of ‘erny County, Kentucky, nartieo of the first
part, and flexingtan & inotorn finilway Company, a corner tion or-
gyinized.iznior tine law»; of iC>ntiKH:y, fwirt;rtxf the {H‘CDnfi.}ert,

YITEV'UTTH: That, ”HTTTKF, the narties of the first part
are and for Sum? time mast have been the joint owners of certain
tracts or parcels of land in ?o:ry County, Kentucky, which tracts
or parcelo of lanfl are hereinniter more particularly describnfi, and

thfiftt, Said natt Cornett and E. C. Cornott, parties of
the first part heroin, Gin on or about the 29nd day of Iocembor,
1(13, filo a certmin Suit in the fierry Circuit Court of Perry County,
Kentucky, against the Lexington & lantern Lailwa; Gomyony, party of
the Sheena port, and ugainat the Louisville & Nnnhville Railroad
Connony, a corporation, ior don gee for the alleged improper Ob-
struction,by blasting one depositing materials therein, of the river-
bed and natural or aoountomed entree or channel of the North Fork
of the Kentucky hivor, alongsiée and onwoaite to the land and resi-
Ccncc of said portion of the first part and for the olloned altera—
tion and diversion of the flow of water in said river—bed and channel

and for tho alloyed waohing away, cutting, flooding and breaking of
the lands of the parties of the first finrt and the river-hanke there—
of on the siflo of Rain river onnonite to the rifle on which the right
of way, road-bed and railroad of the party of the second part is now
located and aloo for alleged damage euifered by said lanfi in conse-
quence of the diminution of the rental or vendible Value thereof,

enfi also for damages int the allegoa wnvhing away and nostrnotion of
certain fencing belonging to the wartime of the first part, all of,
which damage in altoged to have been caused by and to be fine to the)
interference with and diVereion of the ther of said river and the

. __2__
flowing thereof over,against and upon said land and the bunks
thereof on that eivo of the river upon which the lands of the
parties of the iiret part were and are located, and

thfflflfl, in and by Said suit, it is claimed that the land,
property and premises 0; thy parties of the iiret part have been,
are no: and will continue to be injured, imperied or destroyed
and the use and value thereof eorreetondinaly diminished or destroyed,
and said pnit has been pending in said Court for a year or more past,
and remnins undetornined, and

tfiiflifid, all nerties to this Agrvement are desirous and
willing to Settle said emit and to fully, finally and forever adjust
all centIQVOreiee, claims end diiferencee between them,’

303, in eoneifieretion of the uremiees and in iurther eon-
siveretion of the eum of One hundred Tellers ($100.00) cash, this
day in bend gaid by tLU Lexington fl Emrtnrn Leilway Company, party
of th: second part, to hutt Corn tt and E. H. Goimett, jointly;
partiee of the first »nrt herein, acting in that behalf for them~
selves in their joint and Sflveral rights, and which payment is made
with the knowledge, consent and qxnrovnl oi the attorneys of record
representing enid Lmtt Uornett and 3. 5. oarnvtt in the above named
suit and thich nfiyufnt in in full eatiefnctien of the claim of
first pnrtioe and also in full setiefmetion and discharge of any
Claifi or lien which may be had or a eerted by the attorneys of record
upon said payment for their fees for level services in behalf of
first ferties and eSneeielly in the above-styled suit, and which
payment'to Matt Cornett and E. C. Cornett, as aforesaid, in cash

. iH hereby acknowledged, the said Hatt Cornett and I. C. Cornett,
parties of the first part, do hereby,jointly and severally, acknowl-
edge full, comnlete and final peyme t and satisfaction ior any and

* all oldime they or wither of them have or may ever have had or may
ghereafiter have against said Lexington & Eastern Railway Company,
party ti the second part, or against the Louisville & Nashville


finilroad Company, a corporation under the lawn of Kentucky, for all
injury, loss, cost and damage of every kind an? description caused

' or that may hereafter DO canned to the tracts or parcels of land
hereinafter described by the construction, operation and maintenance
-of the road—hea, grade and railroad of suio Lexington & Eastern Rail-
way Campany along the North Fork of the Kentucky diver, orpoeite and
near to the pronerty belonging to the parties of the first part and,

partieulwrly all that nroperty referred to in the suit above men-
tioned ané hereinafter dOfiJrijd’ to which, as it appears, the legal
title ie now Vented in axid nutt Corn tt anfi I. C. Cornntt, parties
01' the first mart herein.

And the parties of the firvt psrt do hereby relente, dis-

chirge and nognit the party of the neoonfi part 336 the Louisville

& Haehville hailroad Com any from any and all claims finfi Eemanfis

of every kinfi ant character growing out of the oonrtruotipn, comra-
tion and maintenrnao oi said roaéhed, grafie and railroad, and the
interference or bhstruotinn or divereion, if any, thereby caused

to the river-bod and natural oouree or d 'thl of said Forth Eork
Liver and the w