xt73bk16mf8w_619 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [455] Hiram Hogg v. Emily Smith, Lee Circuit Court text [455] Hiram Hogg v. Emily Smith, Lee Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_59/Folder_15/6496.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_619 xt73bk16mf8w SAM’ HURST
/ Beattyville, - - KY-
June Ist, I9I’7.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, _ .
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
The case Hiram Hogs ac. 7. Emily Smith 800.,
was continued without other orders at the May Term 1917,
01' the Lee Circuit Court.
SE/c. . Yours truly,

Beattyviue, — — KY-
] “_Wy *,
uébruary 17, 1917.
Judge Samuel m. Wilson, ,
ngingten, Ky.
Dear Sir:
In the case of Tiram Bogg, &c. vs. Emily Smith, kc.

#525, (Ordinary) no orders were entared at the februarv
Term, 1917, of the Lee Circuit Court.

' Yours truly,

Attorney—at-Law ./ -. a, /.7
Beattyvflle, - - Ky.
Earmary 4, 1917. .
image Samuel H. Iilscu,
Icyington, Ey.
Dear Sir:
‘ ' n - 77 .’I/1, .\'77 ’0 h :.1; I ..
This is t0 acknowlougo recelgt of Elgar 01 “LIlVCI
‘~‘ - ...»: V.. (7 . 71:7 _ 7‘ [‘3 ‘n .’. .'.
in case of Hiram float, fie. vs. ”mlly UuLtu, .0. “cc .11Vu16
“OFLfi, sorVCd CD our uncut a? Ialouey. Crier nervca an our
-‘ ;xv. '3 w" 7‘7 '7; '2
agent 5t Zesttyvfille 135 alrcafly been fleliv6.6u 66 MC.
Yours truly,

 > {"'1 :;"I'x' ) 9' '7
J 1.1.11 ”1.‘/J , 1 i. { 0
7‘ \- W. ;J .
. man I_Qiil‘gufllib ’ ;JS‘ 3.: ,
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...» —-L.w A ..s. :::‘j’Cuv o v c ..‘1'.,L .I." nah-1._ ...l;’»\.kle . .'..il, .‘r‘u .1.‘.1 ‘.4\.L.- L. Udall v', 1111*) Dawn
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L‘-...21 ‘
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M 6 Beattyvilleg. — _ Ky,
December 2,1915.
Judge Samuel M.wilson,
Dear sir,- Enclosed please find Report, of Proceedings in
duplicate in case of Hiram Hoggccc vs Emily Smith &c,at November
Term,1915,Lee Uircuit Court.
Yours Truly,

 Form 28. LAW DIZP.\I’.’I"-lI'ZN'IZ
1"“ I»: \'n
' ‘1' x xx ‘ "V ‘H),' ‘ é‘ \ ‘V'r "
V (j , :
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT A Zr-Méé‘té‘fl/v :1; 1”,. mm”
. 4 I/rl‘l/ of. 7&8 44' 1.’/IV
General Counsel. 'W /
LOUISVILLE.L/K 7 ‘ é . 1 K/
In HM? cusp of /[4 a (LLL) C’ 7 LG” / 409% ’ ’1'th V ‘3‘”"4;MJ
. - / w k y 1 v V
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blinV/z‘m //j’7{’ "‘4 ‘7 >
/ . Attorney L & N. Railroad Co
EV” ll Hl\('(11lh‘ni'll]ill:UHi)1v.’lll‘.l'fl,:>.1n1l(llhiil'i'hin‘nt'lu‘l'.:LK'IIt‘iiKlHILI‘h'“I'I“.
:3. HRH-dutvuf :11] prov-m‘tlings.>11vh :«> IllHHUH~ tor-Brilu-um. for 111‘“ 1ri:x|.<-Iv..v-Iua
.'L In I'!‘})t:I'IiII;: :u-mninumu-x- .~t:m- n1 \\'hu.\‘(~l'fl.\’l.
4. In importing :L,'[url:41m-ht. ~lzr1tn-dazlx-zmd :mmnm «,1 jutlg'mvm‘ H :xHu :11 hr V:l‘\l'1l.*I:II' I) “Wm-'1‘: 1am) :;:in \\}n ilu-x‘ [till ml n‘):w‘]»1iw1\\ Lu.» bun Illwli
il' um Ii‘n'rl. what rimp. if an)" In» hw'n anwmi fur filing.

 April 20, 1915.
Hon. Sam Hurst,
Beattyville, Ky.
Dear Sir:

I acknowledge with thanks ro3oipt of your favor of the
thh instant, enclosing cony of fiepositions for plaintiff. in the
case of Hiram hogg,&c v. Emily Smith,&c.

YO'LLTS 1331112],

' > Attorney—at..LaW
-.,‘ Beattyville, — - KV,
. {v .
. 1 14/ .
O , April 19,1915.
Messrs. Wallace & Harris,
/ 20 /_/9“
Judge Samuel H.Wilson,
Lexington,Ky. -
Enclosed to each of you copy depositions for plaintiff
case Horam Hogg &0 vs Emily Smith &c.
k;4flZ££z/ V/62::%7{GZ¢ZZ

 1 . ‘ . ' ‘U
' _ Hiram Hogg & Others ,
Deposition for
_ vs/ Plaintiffs
Enily Smith & Others >
. Received from the hands of 2 _
the examiner by mail a filed
April 17-1915.
C.E.Burke Clerk ‘

 j «a -» .6 . ; _._  .3 ..
_ >1. 3, 3‘ . Lee Circuit Court. . ’
iHiram Hoog>& Others ' , Plaintiffs; '. ‘1 , '
V~ - Vs/* DepoSitions for plaintiffs. ( Equity) ’ 3 ' . V
_ 32mily Smith & Others ‘ Defendants. . ' 3_ '
_, ' The deposition of Hiram Hogg;taken at the law office of Charles l
' . . 'Hogg in the Court House in the town of Booneville3fiylpursuant to a ‘ i ',
- notice hereto attached,and on behalf of the plaintiffs,to be read as .5
evidence upon the trial of the above styled cause on behalf of the V
‘ plaintiffs,now_pending in the Lee Circuit Court,this April the 16th 1915. _
I _ The witness first being duly sworn states as follows: ‘ -- 3
I I Q. State your agegresidence and occupation?- ’ I ‘. .-
. A, I am 81 years old;I resiae in Boonetille Owsley County Kentucky,
1 ' and am a tanner by trade,but not able at this time to follow my trade; V V
‘ Q‘Z Are you the plaintiff Hiram Hogg mentioned in this aotion,in the case " f
. 3 of Hiram Hogg & Others against Emily Smith & Others pending in the .
Lee Circuit Court? ’ ' ’ i -
'3. Yes sir. . >1 ' .I .3
3 Q; Are.you able to attend a trial of the case physical in Lee county V ‘ V
. K at.BeattyVille? 3 I 3 i . i 3
_ A. ‘I dont think I am. ‘ ‘ .-
Q. Are you one of the Hogg brothers that was mentioned in a deed from 3 t:
David Hogan and wife which I will now show you to H.C.Needhaml& I
‘ Company;Hogg & brother and E.M.Pryse & hrother,dated February 14th 1885?V
[ A. Yes sir, ’ _> 3. . _ 5
Q. Will you file said deed with this your deposition and make it-a part I '
thereof and mark it deed for idenity? , i
A. Yes I will file it and make it a part of my deposition. . 3“
. ‘Q, Will you state who compbsed the firm of Hogg Brathers at Booneville ’3
Kentucky? ‘ ' ' ‘ '
, A. myself Hirsm Hogg and H.C.Hogg? V Ll
_' .'gQ., Who was H.C.Hogg? E - 3 ’ i 3 1; ..,5‘L“£i
> A, ‘ He was my brother. ‘ -j ' ‘.‘3 'ii'kfijftt
3Q; ‘Is he dead or living? - I; . I . 1 3_ .. 3-gf,.5Ij;;fi? ’

 .1.. 2" y . ‘. . .
A. He is dead. 2 2
Q, How long has your brother H.C.Hogg been dead? 5 y 2 ‘ 5.
. IA. He has been ded 3 years last February. 2 ,
Q. What children if any did he leave surviving him a if any at the time
of his death? '
. _ A. He left five children. _ I . '
Q. Can you give their name? ’
A. There names are Charley Hogg,Raym0nd Hogg,Cora Hogg,0arrieIHogg and ,
Elton Hogg. ' .
Q. Are the above named children all of the heirs of H.C.Hogg? I
' A. Yes sir. ' ‘ I
' Q,> Was you acquainted With the firm that did business in Booneville,Ky
by the name of H.G.Needham & company? '
I A. Yes sir. ‘
Q. Who composed that firm? i
L A, H.C.Needham and Emma Woodward I think.
Q. What business did they engage in?
A. Merchandising.
Q.‘ What business did Hogg brothers carry on ? i \ . '
A, Merchantdise.y
Q. Was you acquainted with E.hPryse & brother who did business atv.
Beattyville Lee County,Ky.
A. Yes I was acquainted with them. _ . , i
' Q. Will you give the names of the members of that firm? ‘5 .
A. E.M.Pfiyse and Thomas Pryse was all I knew of the firm. -
Q. Was you acquainted with David Hogan? '
A. Yes sir. I .
y the purchase 0f 2 .
Q. State what you know in regard toha tract of land from David Hogan,
located on the Middle Fork in Lee county,Ky about the year 1885,which
deed was made to H.C.Needham & CO,Hogg Brothers and.E.M.Pryse dBrohher?_
A. David Hogan owed me and my brother a debt and owed E.M.Pryse and Brother.
a debt,and he also owed Needham & Co a debt,he made us a deed and we, 22
, ’ was to pay Bill Abner a certain amount as he had a prior lien on 5 L 5
_ ' . 5 said land. 5 ' , ' I I 5

 . s Q. th3 become of the Bill Abner lien on this tract of land? . _
- 1 _ A. I paid floggiBrothers_part myself. I ‘
, Q. Do you know Whether or not their was any litigation over the said .
:,d Abner lien? L l 1 ' ’ ., » 7
i - 7 A. .Yes.sir. ‘_ '. . ‘ 7
Q. Where was thm; litigation? ‘ ' ' - i
- HA. In the Lee Circuit Court. 1 ‘ . . fl 1 I .
Q. When was it that you paid the Hogg Brothers-intrust in reference to
» I ’ the time of this suit? >_ . -
' A. 'I dont remember exact but I have a receipt which shows when I paid . :
“Hogg Brothefs part. I 1 1
I I 1 Q. What attorney looked after the intrust of Needham & Co in this suit? _
' ’A. James M,Sobastian.- I . "
Q. I will ask you to state whether or not James M.Sebastian is liyingli -
V or dead? - » ’ i 1 .
’ A., He is dead. ‘ - I . l .-
Q. State whether or not there Was any sale of the land decribed in the
Hogan deed to yourself and others under a judgment of the Lee Circuit
1 . Court in the suit refered to,in which Wm Abner is a yarty and if there
. was a sale who bid in the property,and sho signed the sale bond. 1
- I A. _I understood there was a sale and that James M Sebastian hid it in
Myself and E.M.Pryse seems to have sighed the sale bond. 7,
_ Q. State whether or not you and your brother H.C.Hogg or his heirs are ‘1” i
still the owners of your intoust in the land deedod from Hogan to
‘ Needham & Co,E M Pryso & Broter and Hogg Brothers? * I '
A. I never got anything out of_it,I suppose I am still the owner of it I
I I ought to be. _ ' _ ‘ y 7 .*
‘ . The defendants each and all objects and excepts to the foregoing .
I question,and the answer thereto beCauSo_the some is incompetant. .
Q. State whether or'not7you claim to own any interest in the tract of .
y landdesoribed in ihe Hogn dood to Nedham.& Company and others? I -" g
A. I olaim to own an intrust in it. » " ‘ .7 ; ~.- .
1 Q. -I;will now present to you a letter dated November 27th 1888,addres$ed V :7
’ . to you by James M Sofiastiauéin regard-to-this same land which has i

 I , . ’reff‘erence to the suit and the Abner claim in. the Lee-Circuit Court . ‘
. ,and will ask you to file it and make it a part of your deposition,
I > and mark it letter for idenity? . ' ' I - _ ' I
' 'A. I hereby file said letter and mark it "fiettcr" for idenity and make
I . it a part of this my deposition. ' a:
Q. I also present to_you a receipt of yourself from James M Sebastian . ' I
- L ' for $84.00 dated January 15th 1889.which receipt refers to the some
, land as above described and suit in which Wm Abner was a party and file ‘1
_ same and make it a part of this your deposition? '
A. I file same and make it a part Of this my deposition and mark it '
- receipt No 1 for idenity. I I I:
Q. Also I present to you a receipt of H.C.Hogg for $5.00 dated the 14th ' '
day of June 1897,which refers to the same land heretofore mentioned H
and file same and mark it receipt No 2,and make it a part of this I
your deposition? g ’ ‘ I
‘ A. I herewith file same and make it a part of this my deposition and g
I mark it receipt No 2 for idenity.' . . --
Q. State as near as you oan,what time and date Hogg Brothers went out
of the merchandise business at Booneville;Ky? .
A. In the spring of 1885 I think. ' .
'Gross examined by J.K.Roberts and G.W.Gourley,attorneys for defendants.
Q. Where did J.M.Sebastian reside at the time-of his death?
A. acre in this town. _ . ' '
Q, About when did he die?
A. I dont remember at what time but I saw him after he was dead. . '
Q. Did J.M.Sebastian bring the suit of H.C.Heedham & Company‘against 1. ~
. WM Abner and others in the Lee Circuit Court,which you have referedito?
A. I understood he did. ' .
Q.. Who represented the defendants Hogg Brothers in that suit?
A. I do not know.unless it was Ed Hogg,I understood he did. _
Q. I believe that Was your son Ed Hogg?.
A. Yes sir. ' ' ’
Q. Was you ever on the land in controversy in this suit? * . .
' - A. Yes sir, >’ A. ' * ,
. (4) _ g g .1 ' '

 ‘U. QJ' About when was that?’ . ; ‘*_ . _ . _ I} _ . .
'thi A. I do net remember what year it was. 4 “ ' ' I
- .Q. About how many years ego Wes it? . . > » ’. 'V I
V IA. '1 expeit about BO'yeaus ago. I ' , I ' i I ' .
,'Q. Do you know of H.C.Hegg ever being on this land? ' » ’
I A. No I doht knaw that he ever was. ' ,I. '
, Q. What is this.land worth? . ‘ ‘ i '
‘ A. ‘I dont know.‘ .‘ V ‘ . . ' -
Q. Is H.C.Needhem now living? - > L h
‘ A! Y-‘eSL’SiP. ' I p . . '
Y Q. Is Mrs,M.E.ondward now living? V: ‘ I , I» ‘
I A.. I think so the last time I heerd from her she was living. . _
. . .Q. Is E.MPryse living er dead? V > ' _
. t A. ,He is dead. ' ‘ ‘
_ e. "About when did he die? = ._ I I _ I 4 ‘
H A, I dont remember- - > _ I i i.
_ ‘ Q. Is Thomas Pryse'Iiving. I > ' ' i
‘ A. Yes sir. « 4
. ‘ Q.. At the time of his death Where did E.M.Pryse reside? , '.
_ A. IAt Beattyville I think. . ’ - ' " ' .2
Q. Where does Thomas Pryse reside? _ _ ’ » I
- A. At Beattvville._ i . 4 . . I ‘ .1
_ *IQ. How long Has he reeided there? > . . _ vii '
> .A. I thihk he cane there about the year 1868. I ‘ V
, Q. How long had E.M.Pryse resided in Beattyville prior to his death?‘ 5 ‘
A.> I dont.hnow he lived there when I came to this.country,and lived there 3
. all the time except what time he lived.at the Harry Cockrell place i
. " ihjEstill eounty. , I ‘ L , ‘ I ‘> >
. Q. Did you ever fiay'any taxes on this land? ‘ . _ I
A. I never_did,I-dont think I ever did. » .l ._ - . . . V
Q. Did you ever colle t any rents from this land? . > " . ,
, ’ ,A."I dent thihk I did I might have aone it but I dont think I did. ’4 1 » f
i ' Q. ~Did your brother H.C.Hogg ever pay any taxes or collect-and rents ~ ‘1}-
‘ - on this 1and?} _‘ 7 ‘ > . i I " ‘- ‘ I
‘ ’ “A. . hot that I ever knew of. 53:1 i ' ' 4 ‘ -';. I V

 Q. ‘Did you ever make any claim to D.B.Fields or.his children_to this land?-
A, I-dont think I did. . L ‘ ‘ ‘ '
, - Q.‘ Who called your attention to this land within the last five years? L
f A., well Steve Stamper spoke to me about some time ago I dont know-haw. I
i .- Ilong ago it has been- I _L - . g
I _ Q. was that within. the last year? ' ‘ . I . . -
LA. No it has been over a year since I talked to him in person,but I got
a letter not long ago about it. ‘
L Q. ' Has it been as much as three months since you received that Ierrer? ‘
. _A. no. ‘ ' i 4 _
Q. Where do the children 0? H.C.Hogg now reside?’
.V A._ Two of his daughters live in Rhode— lsland,Charley lives in San I
_ I Francisco,and the other two lives in Santa Clair County where he
_ Ldied that is my information. ' it I
7 L Q. Did you know that James Sebastian,sold the land in controversy about
1 the year 1896 to o.B.rie1es? I I _
.A? I dent know when he sold it to him . . , ’ ,
' Q. Do you know if he sold it to him? g
A. Ijust heard so. ‘ . L _ .
h ' g redirect. r - ‘ g ' g g
,' Q. I will ask you to state if it is not the fact that for several years ’
after the purchase of this land from Hogan if James M.Sebastian
attorney at law of Booneville,Ky did not represent H.C.Needham & Co ’ .
who held the largest intrust in the said tract of land under said ‘
. purchase,and if said Sebastian did not rent out said land for all
‘ the parties collect said rent and pay the taxes thereon for several
I Lyears,and up to the time he sold to D.B.Fields in 1896,the interest
. I he had acquired from H.C.Heedham & Company in said tract of land? I
. A. i dont know about that I guess he did but I dont know,somebody
paid the taxes on I dont know who did. " . I
‘ . Q. When your brother H.C.Hogg_left Bonneville Ky,Where.did he go?‘ .
A. He went to California. . . ' ~ ._
_ :Q.‘ What arrangment if any did he make in regard to the business of i
' , Ho’gg brothers after or before he left the state? ’ - ‘
g , . \ . -

 r , '9 l . -
‘ A, Well the firm was nightly in debt when we quit business and he gave
» ‘ me all the affects of the firms business to settle the debts and I
f ' paid all the debts.
Q. Who paid the $84.00 that you gave James M Sebastian to pay the Wm
Abner debt on this land? . . :
A. I paid it out of my own money. . .
_ Recross. ' '
Q.. Where does H.C.Hogg now live? - ' »
A. She lives in California,the last I heard of her.
Q. Do I understand you to say,in your redirect examinatmon that_H.C.
Hogg turned over to you all the assets of the firm of Hogg brothers ‘
I that they had in the state of Kentucky?
A. Yes sir,
Hiram Hogg '
'State of Kentucky - '
- , / Sct - .
County of OWSley .
I Ike Wilder,clerk of the Owsley Circuit Court do certify that
the foregoing deposition of Hiram Eogg,was taken before me at the time .
and place stated in the caption,in obedience to a notice hereto attached; '
that said witness was duly sworn by me before giving his deposition and g .

’ that same was written by me on type in his presence;and read to and
subscribed to by him in my presencs,that the plaintiff Thomas Pryse and‘
S.P.Stamper attorney for plaintiffs,and J.K.Robcrts and G.W.Gourley

_ attorney for defendants were present during the entire taking of this
deposition. - ‘ . . '
This given under my hand as clerk of the Owsley Circuit Court
thisApr-il 16th 1915. Ike Wilder - ’ '
Clerk OWSley Circuit Court.

Fee & Cost .
Examiners fee $2.00 . V ,
Notice .28 ,
Postage .10

' Total , $5.35 ,

 x . ' Office or . .
. ' ’ ’ mugs M. SEBASTIAN . '
‘ _ ' Attorney at Law, . ' ‘ I
VI ' I Booneville,Ky, Nov 27th 1888‘
. Hiram Hogg . I .
I . _ The Bond in the sale of the property mortged to pay um
I IAbners debt,by David Hogan is now due It will take the following sum
to pay from the parties interested in the 2nd Mortgage 7
H.C.Need.ham & 00 $117.94
- 1‘ Hogg & Brothers. 1 84.81
. _ E.I=i.Pryse 114;?8 . -
' It will take this to pay the Abner debt If you will furnishI
_the respective amount to pay Abncrs debt of you will be joint owners
7 according to the amount of your Judgments of the land. The money is
now due and must be paid If I have the money on the Abner debt I
will claim the benefit of my bid ’
Yours Truly '
7 James M.Sebastian

 $84.00 Received'of Hiram Hogg Eighty Four Dolilars being the full
amount of his part of the purchase price of the Hogan land . This is ,
' Hegg preportion of the Abner debt against. the land for Hogg & Bro
This 15th Jany 1889. * '_
U > ' . ' . James M Sebastian

 ‘_ . , ._ ‘. . 1' _   . ‘ > , I ‘ . . . .
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. .I.I ‘ > . , . ‘ ‘ > ‘ ,.’ I
‘ $0.50 ' , ' Received 01‘ H.C.Hogg Five and 50/100 '1.. full of ’
1 Redemption of sale and purchase of the undivided intereét of Hogg » i
I Bros in the Jack Man place 301d under exeeution ?rou the wistriot '
, court for Ky oi‘ the United. States in a. judgment in case of the United ’ i
. I States against Hiram Hogg‘inoil D.Brandenburg and James M.Sebastian » I
' rsold at the Court House in Beottyville 0n the 4th-Monday in June 1896
l > about the 20th of June and by this receipt H.C.Hogg has redeemed said i L
land or undivided interest of Hogg Bros-therein from said sale. l ’- i
Said land lies on the Middle Fork Ky river in Lee 00 and on and above -
. L the Long Shoal branch This 14th June 1897 i L’
' ‘ * * i - James M Sebastian , i i i

' Attorney—at—Law
‘ Beatt‘yville, — — Ky.
Beattyville,Ky.,April 17 th1915.
Messrs, Wallace é‘c Harris,
. , . l" /l *‘ , I
) Versailles,hy. flee/0! 7 J&
Judge‘fiamuel M.Wilson, //
Gentlemen,— '
t 1‘ In regard to case of Hiram 110ng vs Emily Smith 830.
After licticcs were delivered to me,I let Judge Gourley Imow about
the taking and. he decided. to go and I did not go. As soon as depositions
\. are filec1,I will semi. you copies. AS this right of way was procurec‘: by
Judge Gourley and as he is acquainted with the title he desires to
manage the case. I have no objecticns to this and am sure neither of
ycu have. I shall make such suggestions as occur to me from time te time.
, //
/ ,I
‘ a ., , , [r v, ’ K
j l ; ' 7% V’ /”/rr”//\

 i;/// // I / / // i) / /‘~/
- ' ', ' / . // , ' ;f/I '1 //(
,- (”Afifll/V/¢;; /C ,IZ)/¢>974Z2 . /77//;ZW977/ y“/oogy¢/7/{;4
, I1 / .
Ialoney, Ky, April 11.1915.
Lr.W.A.McDowell, Lanager, dt/Z ,’3 /j '
Lex Ky. (fbéy
Cy- Mr.$emuel Eurst, t . - .
Beattyville Ky,
Dear sirs;- -
Notice to take depositions served on me at 440 PM today
by Deputy sheriff of Lee County.
Hiram Hogg,P1aintiff
Emily Smith,Lena Smith,Effie Fields,Lillian Fields,L&N & L&E RR Co,
Defendents,will take notice that the Plaintiff Hiram Hogg
will on the 16th day of April 1915about 9 K Am at the Law office
of Chas Hogg in Boonville Owsley County Ky take the deposition
of Hiram Hogg,E.E,Hbgg,and H.C,Neelham.
Papers to Mr Sam Hurst Honday on No 8.
I do not know the nature of the case.
Yours truly, '
h .’.’/I .1 n
\ ‘5“ \"".1\" ‘ /
\ f“ “151/ .7? \ .
.I-‘J‘ ‘zv/f“. V a K,

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 O .lx‘ebrueury :3, 1915.


Jufigg a. f. flourlgy,
meattyvnlle, Ky.
Lear Jirz-

Von will r9031? thni gnu examined the tiilc t0 whai is
knawn as the fimily amith yroherty, and proparufi unfl filed canéem-
nation suit on behalf 0? the 1.5 T.i.fi.Cu. Seeking to secure a
right-of-way fheough what is Pnswn as the Yrily Zmith furs. That
after thiE suit was filefi, the writer, with ;mur aesiutnnce, pre—
pareé certain papera in that guit. The lama deaired by the company
wag candamncd, a judgucnt entered, the home: said, ComriLsianers
dead executed and delivered, and the groporty canveyefi to the L.& H.

We are to-dug adviied that Rita: fiogg 3&6 the childran
of 3.3.3053 and Fhemns ~ryae, and its children of 3.;.Pryse hfive
inatituted suit against the company, claiming to own a oonaifiera-
ble intarefii in the land cendenncfl. Eonc of ihn plaintiffs in the
suit jusfi institutefi, were parties in the condemnation suit, ené
if it is true, as Olflihcd by then, that the; own Ln intarest in
fihis lama thew of course are not barred h" the confiemnation euit

" " . , . . d a
becaueo the; were n01 darting ta it.

LE yau examined the tiile and nrencreé tfio conéemnation
suit, we take ii for grantea that yuu are perfectly familiar with
this wetter, hnfi to will he Slafi if you will vrita us iha true
aiatua and esnditien of the title us unown by fine records, and ales
as knawn by ysu, and put us in xosscseion 9f such ftCtS as way be

' within your knowlerge, so that we any intelligently take the matter
um and axviain it to the Louisville eff'ee. :9 will be glad if
yen will let ua nbve thia infarmution fit your earliefit convenience.

'1'0‘131‘5 VG , ,
"In/F .’,'/«I /( ‘ . I. ‘ .. .
A I ‘1“' I'I‘fl””"'rii
Gog; t5 @3- %.L.Ihrfli01&, dist. ififiy,
Louisville, Ly.
‘ Jopy ta Jufign Qanuel fl. Uilaan, Lex~
infton, Ty.
far their informatian.

 O thruary 25, 1915.
Eirpr Boga, etc. Vs. Emily Smith, etc. - LEE CbVITY.
.3 0 j) n Tz'iwl‘inld, -:‘I‘L: H 4
District ;ttorney,
Louisyille, Hy.
Bohr Lirzm .
Eerewith enclosed, find Docket fiepart, together with
0003 of petition in the above styled cause. From the petition,
it is seen that the plaintiffs are claiming an interest in certain
lend that was involved in the eonflemnatinu suit of the L.& E.
Railroid 30. V. Lnily Smith etc.
is we recall, Judge 1. Z. Gnurley examined the title to
this land Lnfl filed the condemnation suit. After the suit was
filed, we meiisted in the handling of it, and from our files it
seems that we prepared an answer for fhe aiLtutury guardian of
Lona smith (Tornerl; Fields) and Lillian fields end Effie fields
and for ell of the defendants in fihe condemnation suit, asking
that oertein cenditiuna be incornorated in fine judgment, ané that
we aleo prepared the judgxent in the Canoe nation suit. She
plaintiffe, however, to the present suit, were nut gmrfiies t2 the
eondepnution suit, ené we do not knom wLether they actually have
any interest in fihe land or not, but are fo~fia3 writing ta Judge
(10111710; , as'fw' :1;“ hi1: to Win. 1 .’:.{i‘h‘l o the 2w #2 3m? 5...-2d {‘;ng prise us of
the reasons the wlaintiffs in the erasent svit were not made
‘ parties to the eendernuijnn suit. no will uévize you of the in-
formation that we rective relative is it.
. Vmwc &G,
‘:T/‘T‘ '
_3‘/ff" p4 , ’
- :.‘L/w Mg @053, fuflfwwgé/
,4"; I
. . , . . . . a /
CDpy to Judge flannel a. Eileen,
Lexington, Fy, for hie in—

 .’ ‘ . l > ‘ . .1 . . I '1:? , * , ‘ . r; ’ A I
'. . robrmiry..a?€, 1Q15., , .7 _
. : {3_. it. éioormzm, £qu _ -' - z . , .1
'_ 7 1 . Louisvi lie ,‘ Effiflt’2m3Qf. ' ‘ ‘ .. ' p i
. Bear Sim” , . ’ I l
» » . tin-xi herein-'.': is}; enclose-2‘: finalist Eliesort 71‘: copy of ?etit'ifon' ‘
, . 1 ’ I 5- , . .. s. ' ‘ :, .:‘ '3 , :w. :3 ‘-' 5r», ,» "I .. " - f." 3 ' "‘ ‘ ‘V “" I
in. the. case of ri 1105;;25113126. 12". really examines” c a .:2 3:; Company .
, _ and n- a; 3:; iiiai leer £12 arr-Manny, filed in the Lee Circuit Gourt February» . ’
'. ' . 5“ .‘.‘: 5“ «a n“! , .u ~ r? l '. ‘ s .. .5 . 1' 9' I ' - ‘ "~- ,7 v ' ‘ ' i
fits, 15”.,” dies cosy allotter or the 32nd instant iron nan twist
» ' relative to execs case. ’ ' " - ~ ' ‘ - -
. . . 'a - , ._ . M ' > i I ‘
p 3 inure tmly, - » » ' . _ -
> {A‘. ‘ ‘ ‘ ., . x - V
I ' one » ' -' ’ '
_ ' I . (33" is $2101 Genres to ' ' T I ' I
> .jwiiclJonaxll,.ii‘snzigger, » . . ‘ , _ ‘ ‘ ‘
'- horn.ng:ton,i§{;§;. ' ' p .
_ ,_ a - ‘ ' - Counsel. ' ' H
_ . ' ‘4 > I H .X‘
, > I - -‘ ‘I 'X
.. _ V ' . . 7 31!! . .1
, . , , , p _ , _» six, \ .

 ‘ _   . ' . ' ' yfiebruarm 2%, 1915. ‘  

._ ‘   _ " _ . ‘ . > _ . .x

_ .. Son. Safl Eursfi, * ’- V. 7 ‘ _ /§

’ 7 » Beatfiyville,xy. ' V. ' . *‘ 'J;

>' . Dear Sir: ' ‘ I ‘ . ' _' , ' ‘ E

" >l - I acknawleége réceipt of your favor of the 22né instant, "
‘ j encloaing Boekefi.fieport anfl three copies af ?efiitibn in the 0&89 ',
, ‘ ‘ 0f Hiram H05g,&3; v. Emil; Smith,&c., fl & K R R Co. and L g g Ry, .:.:
. ' ’COmpany, filefl in the Lee Circuit Caurfi, FebEuary 8"1Q15. .'  "f
 ' ‘ > . , ’7 VYOfiIS truly,\ ‘ ‘
r :2 ' ‘ ' ' _ . . _ .
f - , . I. _Counsel. ' > E

Beattyville, — - Ky.
February, 22, 1915. 4
’ » 3M ‘23 /fi
. Judge Samuel M. Wilson, . p ' ' .
Lerington, Kentucky. -
Dear Sir:—

I enclose docket report and copy of petition, in tripli~
cate, case of Hiram Hogg 800. vs. Emily Smith &C. L. Xi H. & L. 8c .23.
filed in Lee Circuit Court, February, 8th. 19315. =

The land for which damage is sought in this action lies
on the Maloney-Athol line, which was constructed by the L. 8c H.
and later conveyed to L & a. to take place of abandoned portion of
L. 8c E. between Beattyville Junction and Tallega.

Title to this portion of right~of-way was acquired by
condemnation proceeding in Lee County Court of L 8c N. v. Emily
Smith ace. None of the parties to this suit were parties to the
condemnation suit except the Smiths and Fields.

Emily Smith is the widow of Brown Fields, deceased, and
later married Enoch Smith, Lona Smith, Effie Fields and Lilian
Fields are children and heirs at law of Brown Fields.

The Fields claim to have had possession of the land for
nineteen years. I will examine/d” the records and procure such in~
formation as I can and write you later.

I am also sending a copy of the petition to Messrs E’al—
lace & Harris, Versailles, Ky.

Copy to / I :,
Messrs. Wallace 8c Harris, , /(r/ , fix/"M ’1”
Versailles, Ky. lL/ k ~ ,

 form 161.
i! ,' ‘ 4 - FILE No !
District Attorney. //'fi V \—
. LOUISVILLE. KY. (2 ({9qu 2 2 /’//ts/ _
' fl‘ 'GC'KET REPORT. / /
I.I,, fl, ,,
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