xt73bk16mf8w_622 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [458] Emery Burgin v. L&E and L&N, Hazard Police Court text [458] Emery Burgin v. L&E and L&N, Hazard Police Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_59/Folder_18/6579.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_622 xt73bk16mf8w 1 «1 l '1
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 April 1, 1915.
messrs. Wootton & Morgan, .
_ Hazard, Ky, _ '

By the time this letter reaches you, you will éoubtless
have recoived a carbon COpy of hr. thowoll’s latter to me, of
larch KlSt, in reference to suit in hazard Police Court of Emery
Burgin va the Comoany, for $35.00 for work hone. I herewith hand 1
you the file of papers which came to me with the above letter of

_ iiarch 3131: from 3:1“. Mammal. From this file, you will no aoubt
be enablofl to gather suffioiont information to defeat this olaim
altogether and you can also roaaily determine what witnesses
you will need at the trial. .

?1eafie preserve the enclosures carefully for future
encs. Very truly yours,

k/a. .
.. ; ;5 Counsel.

 . . ‘3‘; . _ . .' , .
. I I ; April 1, 1915.
' W. A. McDowell, Eeq., '
Lexington, Ky. ‘ '
Dear Sir:
i I acknowledge with thanhe your letter of fiareh let, ‘
, Wieh enclosed file in reference to suit in fiazerfl Police Court,
. _oi Emery Burgin v. the Company. I am forwarding this file to _
flootton & Morgan and sincerely hepe that we may eu coed in
- defeafiing this trumped up claim.
_ _ V , ‘ Very truly yours,
_ seize/a. ‘
Counsel. ‘
\ ; '. _ '

 /"'/ " , ’7‘ /” /
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WMM- \ IL; (waxy/(Ii éy,
/ 1”
Karen 51st, 1915.
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Trust Building, City.
Dear Sir:-
Refer to your letter Karon 25rd to the Assistant nistiict
Attorney, suit of Emory Burgin vs. the Company, filed on Iarch 19th,
in the Hazard Police Court, seeking to recover *55.00 for work done.
I hand you herewith my entire file, which is a letter from
Paymsster Bayer, a letter from Superintendent of Construction
Smith to Hr.E.S.Jouett, General Attorney, and a letter from Roadmas-
ter of Construction Hestle, from which you will note that this is
i ___fi,,imrl-m-_r_\
! probably an identical_case as was sued_gut by Eurgin in Birmingham,
E Ala., sometime since, the Company detesting it on account of Carpen—
ter Foreman E.B.Johnson, employefl luring the mOnth of February 1914,
having made bogus entries in his time—books by carrying a cook, and
required the Railway Company to pay his salary.
"Yours truly,
COPY ”mixers;
Yootton & Morgan,flazari,fiy.
' ‘b/s

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a 82035
W Z d M
Mr. S‘ M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & E. R. CO.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-

Referring to yours of the 25rd instant with enclo-
sures relative to the case of Emery Burgin v. L. & N. R. Co. and
L. & E. Ry. CO., Hazard Police Court, wherein plaintiff seeks to re-
cover $55. as wages due on account of worfifperformed.

I am sorry I can do nothing in the matter of an in-
vestigation of the case in question without additional information.
flootten & Morgan will simply have to let judgment go against the
Company in the Police Court, contenting themselves with develOping
the facts so far as they are able to do so.

Yours truly,
(4/// Z (':' ' (’5’ x a K K 4a //‘//f/
Assistant D istrict fitterney.

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,_‘.QfoLLTiTSL 25. .4223?”
J 1‘- Aiimcnr‘gs at 75am
HAZARD, KY. March 22, 1915.
794% 2k?) M 7
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir: -
Enclosed find three copies of petition and
docket report in the case of Emory Burgin vs. L. & E.
Railway Company and L. a N. Railroad Company.
iou will note from the statement that it
does not show when nor where the plaintiff worked.
I have seen the attorney for plaintiff and he can
not give me any information. He says that he does
not remember when nor where this man worked and the
plaintiff lives in Leslie County, but can not give
his Best Office adoress. hazard Police Court
convenes April 6. If you have any way to have this
I investigated from the meagre information, please
do so and let us have report of the investigation
at once.
Very truly yours,
_ JM/c . (7"

 R &
The plaintiff states that the defendants
are indebted to him in the sum of g55.00 for work.
, No part of same has been paid.
WHEREEORE, he prays judgment for the sum
of 2,555.00 and the cost of this action.
Emery Burgin
By W. C. Eversole.
Filed, summons and copy issued March 19, 1915.