xt73bk16mf8w_634 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [470] J.C. Taylor v. L&N, Breathitt Court text [470] J.C. Taylor v. L&N, Breathitt Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_60/Folder_10/6903.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_634 xt73bk16mf8w ,7'74'm Hi
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//""””’“’I,«,/“ ‘//-/l’,’J/"jifiifitm,z. ""”’/”””'44/7 August 5th, 1915.

Hon. Samuel L. Wilson, ; v€:::Z 6’ /J ‘5
Lexington, Ky. ‘ (A "V”" f2; g

Dear Sir: 3'. _KJ "

Replying to your letter of the 50th ultimo relative to
vouchers for judgments ard costs in the cases of J. C. Toler vs.
L&E BR Co. and R. M. Toler vs. L&H RR 00.:

For your iufornation, I beg to advise that tLe vouchers
referred to were mailed to Judge Pollard on July 28th, and have
probably reached him ere this.

Yours truly,
Assistant District Attorney.
cc Judge O.H.Pollard,
Jaskson, Ky.

_ LEXINGTON.KY. July 30, 1915 .
Judge 0. H. Pollard,
Jackson, Kentucky.
Dear Judge:
I have your letter of the 28th instant, inquiring about
vouchers for judgments and costs in the case of J. C. Eoler v. L &
N. and R. M. Toler v. L & N. Requests ror vouchers in these cases
were made by me on the 2nd instant. I am forwarding a copy of your
letter to nr. Moorman, with the request that the matter have imme—
diate attention.
'Very truly yours,
0,. 0:9 9% ./ f , . :3,- ,.' 5.' 1/’/:",”7:.">w7
t" " Gbiffi§"’e‘l“:‘“"“‘““ “MW“ ..,
. , ,V / ' 337:7b
’{ c;?(:é/:;,/»,x ‘~e d. , i

' g ‘ July 30, 1915.
C. H: Moorman, Esq., ‘
Asotg Dist. Attye, L & N R R CO.,
Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Horowith enclosed; please note copy of a letter of the
28th instant from Judge Pollard in reference to vouchers for
jufigments ana costs in the cases of J. C” Tolcr v. L & N and R. M»
Tnlcr v1 E & H. I iorw~rdcd these papors to you with letter under
Gate of July 2, 1915, rcquosting that vouchers be issuofl forfihwith.
Please have the mnttcr looked after anfi if vouchers have not been
sent, lot that be flonc as wronxtlg as possible.

Very truly yours,
, Counsel. ,

i - _ July 30, 1915.
Judge 0. H. Pollard,
Jackson, Kentucky. ‘
Dear Judge: ’ ,
I have your letter of the 28th instant, inquiring about‘
vouchers for judgments ané costs in the cage of J. 0. Role: v. L & 5 
H. and Ho M. Teler v. L & N. Requests for vouchers in these cases '
were made by me an the 2nd instant. I am forwarding a copy of your \
letter to Mr. Hoorman, with the raquest that the matter have imme-
diate attentiom ‘
Very truly yours, g
> Counsel. f a

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‘7 March 17, 1915.
Juage o. voiiara,
Jackson, Kentucky. 7
I Dear Sir:
I acknowlefige receipt of your favor of the 16th
instant, asking for names of witnesses in the case of J. C. '
~ Toler V. G & E. '
_ Er. Tilson is in Hazard and will probably be there
. the renainflor of this week. mr. Hilson has no file of
this case and all the information I can find regarfiing '
the case is contained in your letter of the 23ré.;u1timofl
However, I an enclosing copy of Mr. Wilson's reply (Feb. 25,)
to yours of the 23rd, in which he asks to be furnished
nith copies of ”etitiou and locket ieport.
Yours truly,
one. A
I , Stenographer. V

I'- r
3’ ”me/fl /7 1”
V ”1.5117013. 109 191.5.
Judge Samuel M. Miison,
Lexington, Ky.
V Dear Judge: J.G. Toler vs.‘L a m.
Please refer to my Letter of February 23rd ana advise me.
This case will came up for trial at tue Huron term Wuicn is tne
23rd inst. If We nave any defense to tne ciaim it is imyortunt
that I shouid be furnisned with tne names of tne witnesses,
otherwise plaintiff may secure a judgment.
Yours truiy,
o 3
fl/ / [I x/x/M’ / -
OliP—I. éW [CZ/fly ,

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