xt73bk16mf8w_648 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [485] Blaine Short v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [485] Blaine Short v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_61/Folder_6/7508.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_648 xt73bk16mf8w September 29, 1917. '~“
' Blaine fihort,&e. vo 3&N R1 00., ' :
' x . _ . 'x . . ' '~
breatnltt Ulreult Court. ' . ‘
J. J. Donohue, ESQo, '\ ‘f
. . Asst“ DiSt. A;tyg, de 11 Co. '“'
Louisville, Xantuexju f
' Boar Sir; . 5
~ ficquith enclosed I hand you fee bill of mutt Spencer, '
-: Dheriff of Breathitt County; for services in the anove~styled case, .=
a ounting to oGU¢, and have to redaoet that Voucher may issue in -
pa ;Jirlt’il‘lt .

Judge Pollard informs me that theoo costs were not original- ',
1y chargeable againwt the defendant, but the Order of bismissal pron -
vided that such dismi$“dl we made at defendant's coat, and accordingly _
it would seem that the Bill is uroperly rendered against us. '?

' enc a yours truly, - I :
('." '- I ,',. .‘
nJ-mn/ v.2, . ,;

Counsel. » 31

(I _ :


 Form 162 - I,.l\\v Ili:i'ART7\ii-.,\“r
' J‘io ‘(C‘ on 77w ”_—
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT ‘ “"9 r “J' ummvnm,
'7 ‘ A “ 7 ,_
B. D. WARFIELD, _,,9,llla’ay U/ wig: . [917 ,
Dlslrict Attorney.
i (':' “ii 17”" T?“f"\
‘ ' [11 My amr Q/ 31‘” 116} ‘3 mrt 5,3. uécll -.11 UL a ,
~ - , Jul? ' '7
l/n: MZ/mumg‘pmawdmgx :.'m' /md a/ [/n; _ , ,, , ,, l, v Tar/11, 19] 1 _
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' ' July 12 Motion 0: deft. a rule is rewarded against plj’ii‘. rem
quiring; iii m to file bill of. led 2 :1» 21131 oned in Pet .
July 13 , Plif't' l file :1 bill of lading
‘ July 1‘3, By consent, dismiesecl settled at deft's casts» except
w: tness and taxed atty fees .
‘ - .0 H Teller (1
LS/mwm] 7 5'“ , ,‘ ° ._ ll
Attorney L. 8: N. Railroad Col
Ln?“ 1. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition, etc.. etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc.
3. In reporting a continuance, state at whose cost.
4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

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 .'1 December 27, 1915.
. Judge 0. H. Pollura, .
"' Jackson, Kentucky.
Dear Judge:
HGISWith_ Additional papers for filing in connection -
with the invactigation cf alaiw of Llaine fihort,ctc. v. L & N.
Note that it. Donchue asks that Lucas papers be attached to the
original file No. G~113F51—S. Slease file and carciully Dre-
scrva the enclosed, togethor with the papers I sent you with
‘ my letter of.¢cvxnb3r T7th_ and obLiga,
Yours zynlg,
_ (3110 ,
$1.52" /a,
Val. N0c 539019 Counsel.

 1 -
-‘ ' December 27, 1915.
.1 J. J. Donohue, 381;,
Chief Law Agent, L & N R h 00.,
Louisville, Kentucky.
Dear Sir: >
This is to acknowledge receipt of your file G~1l3551~8
with your notation of December ”3, 1915, all in reicrcnce to claim
of Blaine Short,etc. v. L & N, in dreathitt Circuit Court. I
I have hrrctoforc forwarded to Judge Pollard the original file
and I Shall send him the aoditionol papers accompanying your
' letter so as to have the entire iilc altogether.
Very truly yours,
sm/ :1

 II‘ l
‘ —‘ ‘I .. r1 _ , ,1 . -. W
‘ Loxnmton, iy. , I..'fffita 4, L215.
I ;: "-~ ~.I~-
.i.:LJ. o be JLD _I.“-‘OJNIALH.’
‘.I 4 '5».- ‘.L a 5». .... t. 1y 7‘.- ‘;I ..
'ISRJ‘LQ J.’.{L‘ Uo JUL). I3 9 J I..) .'.: ..s ..L CQv ,
.‘I-'.L \,_,.....I,_+_}u
“,‘,“? II'i-’ I
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T H _ fi H) J . 1'11“" ..,.I ._,... .I. Q'l‘ . '2 I’_I'_ '3 ‘.IH'5'6'II‘ “I"
. _,L,.;,L1\-‘I. l, “,I ' K; 'I, pp,“ II b JJ. ._,I-Jh,’ II. x .I. ._U-I -_I_-L- ,.-II- : “I__ ..I ’
»‘” .-I~'-« \- '.n I' g. '” -~:- ‘ < ‘l- ‘V "‘3; ‘ »II I..' ‘I- V‘~I\,»~."»I.—. I"\
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, I ,. v '4 ‘2 - .~ I-" ’ I. ' :"I .;.II I. H - , J. ..‘ , ~.I. .1 _
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i _,isflf‘. 3.: OHIOJILHILL LN, =.I'I'.‘,_.":-'_I_“.;' I‘I.- .. HI Lib? (L;_:= ;:..1_.:II_u 3.11
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~. Mmrd3=mwrwmmw¢aum '.? .
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{I I- .'_LIJ In: {;-i‘w’ _I .EIDOIu_.L: .i.ll,{.£_‘_..‘_€.‘.'; II ;:.II a; .; .- I. LIN-,.‘ LCII. 3:51,- _I,I.I-. Oil: '
I1 ;:.):‘laro
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 a? 5 'c if: 7.~m“"
,s’ /»— ,3 :il §f(/,/H?7N,c, sw¢*§ ,, /"/
4 I / ..i.-w” f " /
. I ZZ/I/i/IjJ j/ 'fiv-mmfl, i; ‘4 ’/
fl;énuuC/%l4&aggZ:Mwwfl a/4MOU%7fl%u<é¢, September 22, 1915.
Hon. 8. M. Wilson, -. ; ‘« :;V 'T' I J
Lexington. KY. ’ ‘3
Dear Sir:

' Referring to your letter of’June 26, enclosing
a docket report and a copy of the petition, in the case
of Blaine snort & Co.\rll%, & N. Railroad Co., Breathitt
Circuit Court, wherein the plaintiffs seen to recover
£500 on account of the alleged negligent handling of a
shipment of live stoch mowing from Jacnson, Kentuchy, to

”” Cincinnati, Ohio. on or about February 5. 1915:

I enclose Freight Claim Agent Seger's letter to
me. dated Sentember 20, together with his file (L~224666-K)
containing papers covering the investigation made of the
movement of the stock referred to between Jackson and Cin—

As you will see from the enclosed papers, this
stock never did reach the Union Stock Yards at Cincinnati,
for the very good reason that at the time of its arrival at

‘{ Central CoVington the stock yards were under quarantine,
I g having been quarantined at 5:00 P. V.. February 5, 3915,
5 or, before the shipment moved out of Jackson.

When it was found that delivery could not be made

on the bill of lading issued by our agent at Jackson, the

‘1 31' s. M. w. 2 '
shippers were communicated with, and they instructed our
1 Genera] Yard Master at Central Coyington to forward the
. stock to the Cincinnati abattoir. (See letter from Waiter
Plat. dated August 12, 1915. addressed to w. W. Alexander,
our agent at Cincinnati.)
‘ While the file is sifent on the subject, I think
//we may safely assume that notice of claim, in accordance
V f with the provisions of Section 31 of our Jive—stock con—
‘1 tract. was not. filed at Cincimiati, and I think arrange—
ments should be made to take advantage oi" that fact in ‘
:"ytrying the case.
If there is any further information I can turn»
ish you with reference to this case. kindly adyise me
What it is.
Yours truly,
Assistant District Attorney.
. Jan

I ‘.Iovrmher 2’7, lmfi.
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I UHF-2.
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30.. mt,- .-._T.1f{~,;7?. It had econ my Grumman-“Jain and ‘..-is}; LO prczarc the
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,. v, ,_ -,,: -. -, (..., ._ .- .‘..x:,..~..-Ut V... (1 Lu' ULH‘ u‘.“ J (J._ mun}!
15:13:33”)? as you may 771‘ spare 7.215%. {7127i}: car: 2424.71,," {‘_«71‘12;3~_‘t.‘?"’) the IEDCIOSCd
file, ‘.‘-Mich i “M f‘:~“;:"3!"l'7l,"’, ‘rozr.
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 _'— 3:4»:2~~+-.1:1752
' _rfifll/l/y/fll/ (m?) f//////’// , Map Hwy /fl//%///:y
% - A a / (a ,,A/ ,/ / . // /
A%%/%%J4M?Z;gwi .l/éQWZZV/éyfi' 55a
July 5rd, 1915.
nr.o.:~i.noorman, fiSSiif‘fiifijE.ABty., :.- fl 5 /5"
L & S Reilrgrdgflompnny, ' .
Louisville, Ky. .
r” f
Desi“ Lilir;-. 5' .
5 ‘ Judge Kilson's letter of June Seth sending to you
Docket R port and copy of fictition in the case of Blaine Short &

, 30mpcny in the fire thitt Circuit Court seeking to recover $300 .
On account of delay to shipment of cattle from Jhckson to
¥.R.Crcmford & Jomneny, Cincinnati.

.Thc shinmcnt is covered by Jackson to Cincinnati
wnyhill 51 of yehrnar: 5th, 1915, thirty head of cattle loaded
into Lfih 19708. The stock was loaded at 8:30 Tn the shove
date, left fiackson in train 30.26 at 9:55 PM in ccre 0” Conductor
Parks, arrived Patio connection (between Jhc tinchcster—irvinc
line andthe Kentucky Bivision) at iinchester at 5:20 an February 6?
The car was picked up by Kentuosy Division no.42, Conductor
Fronk}nt 12:25 on February 6th, Lhich was was first train after
delivery at ?etio.

The movement from Jackson to Patio is considered good

" fro? the fact that the Hincnester~1rvine line between Irvine and
Patio is practically governed by slow orders. There was no
unnecessxry delay to the mcvsmnnt while in our charge.

The Agent at Jackson advises that the stock was drivan

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' .0 «:3 “.I'? ‘3. any”) 32339:“. ""‘.-14:3 35‘ 22;:
1.2.x» KJJJ.\.Z ”LAW; :..u :22... .-2.2 .20 :.N o
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3 o 2.22::122'; , on ’1' egg].
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. 2.2. -.. ~ 25
. 20 3.21:3] o: o 12531311., 2
acumen, 5.82112231237. 2

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\ f' ~
'r‘ Juno 3!» 1915 . .
. O 4
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L». :1., bloom-mag, 42:31. ,
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.‘, 3"" 7r...
boulev; LLE} , n3; 6
flear fiir:
31“ in”; he: 3352.413. 1.; h. :3 3,31 a:- 2:26; 1:042 i—ze I; ort 312.61 0. oily oi .”L-tit ion
:1 2;:. til-1e case 01’? Bk ino {inert {i- ($011:me ‘:. a) L..: i_ 1:; I: aim. , 153.5927
.-_~- \ .. 1 "'.:..L. . "',,. 4 : :s ...,. r
iii-1.95. in the dreatnlut 01:: cult 00m. ’0.
T2.? our 3 t 2.11 ,
' 0;; ‘:?-:33: ti on £50 .
‘- r “.‘.. ,,‘T
3.3., .1.‘}.CJ.£‘JV!§‘-T.._L 9 ..A-133:; . a
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, £1533”.L15.5:_UU119.L¥&’ u £00.11 a

 s .,.,
.7 June 26, 1955..
Judge 1C).. ii. I?oi%.1::r€i,
Dear iii-2
I acknofilodga 1111212211111..- ui' 512325.31? favor 0f 45):“:- Wéth instant,
1333101033135: Ric-(331;:rt 1.0710375; 51,571.23 2151:235a5‘1-s'353.1';1,1 4:031:11”: 01’ ”Pets? 11025. 1;?. the case
01' Blaine Short- 6‘: Count-$12.11] v. ,.‘. Ch 1111' ,‘:1‘, ,'7. Co.,. 1:172:21; "£5,108. '13". The.
..’-re:;.th3'.tt Uircu'it Coma-1‘»,
3'0113353 truly,
1 Counaeh
, \

 0‘ H. POLLARD a
' ’,‘ June 25, 1915. '
. Jfiktc‘nge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lezcizagt on, Ky. .
, Dear Judge:
I enclose Docket Report and “slave copies of pe‘aitian:
Blaine Short 8c Company vs. L 8: :T ”3.3. Co., -
Your: firmly,
f /’2 "
‘../[‘.' "I ‘4 ‘ vILh $53157
A, _

 . .
Breathitt Circuit Court.
Blaine Short, Sylvester Howard,
James Blanton and John Blanton, '
Partners doing Business under
, the Firm Name of Blaine Short & Company Plaintiffs
vs. / Petition.

Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company Defendant.

The plaintiff s state that the defendant, Louisville &
Nashville Railroad Company, is a corporation cred:ed under and by
virtue of the laws of the state of Kentucky, and as such, is an»
thorized to sue and be sued, to contract and be contracted with and
to operate a railroad as provided thereby and that said Company was,
at the time and on the dates hereinafter stated, Operating a railroad

. that runs through Jackson, Breathitt County, Kentucky and was en—

gaged in the-dansportation of freight.

Plaintiffs say that on the 5th day of February, 1915,. _
they contracted with the defendant to ship and shipped on the de—
fendant‘s railroad, thirty head of cattle from Jackson, Kentucky,
consigned to W.R. Crawford & Company, commission merchants at
Cincinnati, Ohio;:that said cattle were shipped for Monday's mar»
ket, February 3th, 1915 and that the defendant Company, by the
carelessness and negligence of its agents and employee, unnecessa—
rily delayed said cattle until they did not readh Cincinnati until
Tuesday, February 9th, 1915 and that plaintiffs were forced to sell '
than on Tuesday's market;:that the market price of said cattle had

‘ declined during said delay in transportation and that saidczattle last

invreight during said unnecessary delay, to plaintiffs! damage in
the sun of $280.00 and that plaintiffs were compelled to buy extra
feed for said cattle and to pay extra expense for a man to look _
up said cattle, to plaintiffs:l damage in the sum of $20.00. ‘3

Plaintiffs say that by reason of the negligence and care— i

. ' I .
’ 2
lessness and. reside ssness of the defendant Company in the transpor— v
, tation of said cattle, it violated it sobligat ions with plaintiff and
by reason thereof, plaintiffs have been damaged in the sum of $300. 00.
W h e r e f o r e plaintiffs pray for a judgment against
' the defendant, Louisville 8c liashville Railroad Company, for the sum
of $300.00 with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent. per-
aim'um from February 8, 1915; for their cost and for all proper re»-
lino '
' Xéftrfigfigtor plaintiffs.
The affi ant, Blaine Short ,. says that he is one of the
plaintiffs in the above styled. action; that the statements contained
in the foregoing petition are true as he verily believes.
Subscribed and sworn to before me by Blaine Short, this
_._mflm day of June, 1915.
. r R, ,
, . ; ' , -’ '13")!!- ,_
// ’.'» "~ —n«:x\x . , :3" ,4 ..,. H

 I-‘ :,_
‘ , H.-\IL,E4“P \l‘lr‘li“lN \JEJV__,_ M F4k:>.N ‘,.‘L
;‘~.‘tiur 11 v1: 5' at 31331th
HAZARDv KY- rebruary 11, 1915.
' 322/6- 1 2 to“
.L.-r. no Ago ‘Hilson,
Lexington, hy.

Dear Sir:

We have yours of the 9th with reference to the
letter sent by hr.'hoorman as to the Settlement of the
cases involying claims for loss, damage or delay to
live stock'ehd dead freight in shipping. he will look
over our cases and endeavor to carry out your instructions

‘ in this matter. we have one or two on docket now, and
will see what can be done in these cases.
Very truly yours, ‘
i/ >27 ‘ ,
/. k 1]" , / ,- ,/ ” , ‘ ’
/ // »1,/('1’ 3 /(,,, ,_ ‘ ‘ - ‘x
L: l‘.‘ /C

 {"'hi'v 7; 1ft. flvik yyyltk we! {a ;2531‘ [y 3;] ;‘ '_'-‘_ . {a
. C' J. " 3w? : . . - . ,,sr, ‘ . . titf;¢fl;?fly
. ' - ”A ‘ y ' V ‘ i} .'L ‘ " February 9, 1915. _ k .V
, I > _Eeeers. John D. Atkinson &_Son,' ” * ’ - _V I ‘ 2'
‘ Stanton, Ky. '1 ' ; ‘ ' . t, 7 ; ,
it " , Gentlement _ I , . - L I u ' i H V
, ‘ ’ ’ I presume you have receives frOm Mr. Hoormsn.a copy of ‘__ '
.- . his letter to Local Attorneys of the'rfith of January, fiiscussing "5
I the proper handling.of claims and litigation invoicing claims fer ' a
“” loss, sewage or noisy to live stook and uses freight in transit. ‘ ‘
_ > » -hithout repeating the substance of fir} Moorman’s letter,
_ I ask your particular attention to certain points oiscusseo therein, '
’ I 'to~wit: '~ ' I V ' T I I . V
. .. ~ , I. That,if reaSohable terms can be obtaineé, every
‘ . ' nonoing suit for loss;~&moage or asley to fire ght in transit, in .
, ‘ h i which bill of lacing ens live stock contract provisions will not \
.V”' ,> ‘hc available, and the result of which is likely to he afiverso to
‘ I ‘ the serenaant, shoula he comyromisoc nromptly and before trial. i
. i I V ,II. ‘In all those casoe,-if there be any, where the ‘ a
I ' ‘ Company has a good chance to win, a full investigation‘should beA’
_ . mane, the defense thoroughly prepares before trial and the some ,
. > , Lahould be vigorously contesteé, previous to which a eupylementsl n
, investigation by a has Agent ghouls he requested and'mafle, if that ‘
I i locurso be deemed“a&vissble._ In this connection, I call your par— '
y , _' tioular attention to the statement in Kr. hoorman's letter that 7‘ f
' I until“some other ans bettor_arrangomont is provides, Law Agents. '
- :‘aro to assist in the matter of aajustments,.i£ called upon;. 0
I I I ] Hots that Er. Moorman Specifically requests-that all “‘-
5 freight-claim suits nos penning in the Circuit.00urts ana_0ourts
, w r- of inferior jurisdiction in your territory be carefully lookefl into_‘i

 .“. . 52. . : ~> , ' ‘ ‘- ‘ ‘ , . -2/9/15. . '.
‘ ' at onée and that you bring to his attention Such cases as in your ”'5
3‘ 5‘ opinian shbulfi be settled, furnishing him at the same time reoém- '.
.I’ ~ “‘ mandations as t0 hdw far in th9 direction Of afi amicable afiju$tu , 5
";' ',5 ment the-Company,aafi afford to_go anfi that you_return with_your let— '
téq,giving such reébmmendatipnslany investigation papers you may '_ A
. . “ haVQC' Note that he asks that_& separate latter b; written in 36* .
5' ,' . 3.. garaltéleach case. In the next place, note that he asks that you I;
; '-' afivise 33 to all the cases flofi in you? han§s_Whi¢h, in yéur juagn
. _' '2 _fiént, shdulfl be faught Out, inéieating'in_€he same connection what. .5
1 «_ additibnal inveStigétion, if-any, Shoulfl be made, afla writing a sap»
“V " ',4 arate letter abqut each case. ' ', .* 5 .5 / i
, . ' . ‘ . Hots; also flut he has to gay in regard to prorating the I
- 5 coats anfi Expenses of employee witnesges in connection with claimfi
' ' a 5 agaigst the L & N, whe:e_that road is thé initial carrie:_and, where
, ' I it is necessary, t0 prorate such casts aha expenses amafig all the
. .5 ‘ ~
‘ ‘ . carri¢rs interested., ' 5 I ' _ ‘ ’ _ A
Note again that while it is_the Cdmyany‘a desire to hpihg
\ 'about a speeay éettlement of all meritorious cages or cases in-' 5
I , ‘ valving diaputed quagtions of.fact, if terms within the bounds of ‘-
, ‘ “reéécn can be Obtained fit is fiQt the yurpose to settle afises ..
i ' mmich (1) appear to'tJ:fixnflulQnt, (2) intergtate’shipmentg where '
' C bill 0f lafiing prbvisibns'furnigh protection, nOr (3) those in 7
, - which éxtravagant flemafiés are made. Afihere a‘eaSe is a proper v
' , aubject for compromiée.but cannot be settlefi on reasonable terms,
' '.- I the same shoala fie defenfled aha defondéd5Vigorousiy and, ipros~' "{ 7
- » sibla, to maka the plaintiff';iable for costsvja _tender in the “I.
V. “amount the Compafiy is willing to-pay Or an offar to confesanjuflg— . .-
3 . _ ment in suqfi amount_shoula be Qade_in dGflformity with-sectgbns_~ ,.,'-

 / .' 534._535 ané 640 of the Civil 5656.. I I 'a
,> : 1 Note finally the suggesfiion ofl the Assiétant Distziet’ " 
- '. ‘Attoraey that effort be maae‘td infiuce shiyperslwho may have'glaimfi‘
to file Such claims, firs? of all, through you or through the LoCal .
’ Agent before instituting suit. 'I .. . * . ’ ' ' 
f ‘ ‘ "" Hepeating the language Of Hr. Moormfln w "I know that 1'1 ‘ ‘
* : }ean count/upon your active GUQQFQration in fihe matfier of putting ’_
‘ . promptly into effect the instructions of the General Counsel as >
I ‘ above out;inefl." “ , I V
,‘ u , I ‘ In making report, pleafie mgke same in duplicate, fur~ V
- nighing one-Gopy ts Kr. moorman anfi one coyy to the undersigned. m
I > >- > Very truly young, ' ‘ I . ‘ _

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