xt73bk16mf8w_664 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [500] Mary R. Wickliffe v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [500] Mary R. Wickliffe v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_62/Folder_5/8050.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_664 xt73bk16mf8w ”if; , .. -‘: 1. q '1 .' ‘ > . i. ‘1', L‘.' ..‘:2 5“ 3.,”... Six. 7 Q1 .
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 Form 162 I l..\\\' l)ici-ART.\n-;.\“r
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OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT /«//.’ u 4 4 v / we 1W
\ 1
B. D. WARFIELD. _fi rig-714,0}, W- 1;, W4, 19,
District Attorney. /
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[SIGN/in] (a- _ ::eg ;gq
‘ Attorney L. & N.'Réilroad Co.
Luff 1. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition, etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc.
3. In reporting a continuance, state at Whose cost.
4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what time, if any, has been allowed for filing.

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Jackson, Ky., May 22, 1917.
Mary F. Wickliffe v. L&N.
breathitt Circuit Court.
Oct. Term, 1915.

October 21, Deft. moved for rule requiring plaintiff to file
original ticket referred to.


Oct. 20, Plff. moved to take petition as true. Deft.
objects. Motion overruled.

Nov. 9th, Motion to take petition as true sustained.

Deft. moved to set aside order and granted until the 9th
day of Dec. 1916, to answer. Deft. excepts.

Jan. Term, 1917.

Jan. 5, Deft. tendered written motion asking a rule to require
plff. to file ticket and without waiving tendered gen-
eral demurrer to petition and plff. objects,and Deft.
moves to strike amended petition from files, and without
waiving demurrer and motions heretofore made deft.
tendered and offerred to file answer. Plff. objects. ‘

Jan. 6, Deft. renewed motion to file answer.

Jan. 8, Without waiving motions and demurrers heretofore made
deft. moved to set aside the order of Nov. rth taking
the atlegations of petition as true and in support of
said motion file affidavit of O.H.Pollard. Plff. objects.

Jan. 9, Ueft. filed notice and offered to confess judgment for
$1.00 and cost. flff. being present in court by counsel
declined to say anything. Deft. moves to require plif.
to elect as between allegations of pet. and Amended Pet.

Jan. 21, 1917.

By agreemeut case set for trial on 20 day of the term.

 4""! “ " ""
“IE ' i”‘ a . ‘P
. -ve- BREATHITT comrr,
Deferdavt E
The depositier of J. KEMP RIDE-EL“)?a taker or behalf of the .
deferdanto im er actiar row gerdirg if the Breafihiti Circuit
Courta whereir Mary F. Nickliffe fie pleirtiff and the Leuisville
& Nashville.Railroad Cemgary is deferdzrts in the eity of New—
Orleareo or Thufsdaye Jaruary lie lelvr ?U?Suart to the arrexed
PRESEET: She filairtiff; ahgert are re? representeae
The deferdart: Lessrso Demegre,Leovy f Chaffe
(Harry geCali,“sq.)
J. K E L B W E D G E L Y, a witress or behalf of the
deferflartg beirg fiyst duly sworr by Allar R. Bearys
Eeqi, Hotmry Publieg testified as follows:
131 ERIC QC “vi '1 72” A? ICE?
Q mfg Ridgelyo will you state what pesitior you hold with the
Louieville awfi Nashville Railyaae Cempary, fieferdart
A Assistant Gepeial Bassenger Agerti
Q 1? what city?
A New Orleans, Leuisianao
. q will you state the rature 0f your duties as Assistant General ‘ . I
Passenger Agert of the Louieville ard Nashvilke Railroad?  
i Havirg charge of passenger traffic matters south of and ir- I
cludirg Birmingham, Alabama, for the Louisville & Nashville - I
Railroad Comparye e ’ v

 g I

Q State whether or not you held the same position in February
1915? A I dido

0 And haveheld it continuously since?

A Yes. sir.

Q And for sometime prior thereto?

A Yes, sire

Q Mr. Bidgely. this is one of three suits in which one of the
allegations of the petition reads as follows:

"Several days before February 26. 19159 she took .
said ticket to the agent of the defendant at New Ora
leans, Louisiara, for information as to the limit she

~n could use said ticket for transportatior, and offered
to pay the one dollar additional mentioned in said pro—
Visiors of said ticket.ir the event said ticket would
not he gosd for the retrwr trip from Pass Christian be»
girrirg or February 26, 19159 and not completed on that
daye ard the defendant’s said agent at how Orleansa
Louisiarav informed or assured her that it would rot
he recessary to pay said additional one dollar. but
the ticket would be good provided the return journey
was begun or or before midnight of February 26, 1915.“

fill you state the nature of these rourd trip tickets

used by people coming to New Orleans at the Carnival or
hardi eras seasor?

A In the Carnival M1915a of which you speake tickets were
limited good for returning until midnight of the 26th
of February. In other words, it was necessary that I

' they be used to destiratior of the passengers by that
time» ‘

Q Well» was this provision in the ticket by virtue of any

A Certainly, the tariff- under which the tickets were sold is
filed with the Irterstate Commerce Commission and expressly
states that the tickets must be used to get to destiration

2 .

 I; II
by or before a oeriair hour ard date.
3 I hand you herewith a copy of the tariff which is marked
1. C. 8., Ho; F~2751 ard headed, “Joirt Passerger Tariff
we; Exc.m62099 if Effect February 9 to 16s 1915, irm
elusive; ooverirg excursior fares to New Grlearo, Louio-
iana 3rd returr", and aak you whethe? or rot that 13
the tariff to which you have reference (handirg docu-
mort to witresa}?
A It isa ard I am.thorough1y fomiliar with the tariffa
Q How, fir; Ridgelys will yovoefiplair what is meart by the
paymert of ore dollar additioral for the six tickets
sold to the New C?le Prs fiardi Cm:6 if depogited with
‘ the 301?? agert of the goutheasterr Passerger Associatiora
Jr; Joseph Hichardoop, pYior to Veh?uary 26p 1915?
x if tfie tiokofia were degrgited wffih I?“ Joaepn Riohavdaor,
th e joirt agert of the Southeastevr Daosergo? isoociatior
prior to February 26a 1915; moor the paymert of 9 Fee of
ore dollar, the same could be extended to ard irnludirg
midnight of torch .156; 1915. Ir other words, if a per-
our came to New Orleans ard desired to remair longer
. than February 26, 1915, apd could rot ?ea0h their desti-
rakior by the above date; they could have their tickets
exterded by degositirg them with the Joirfi Agenta ard
_ could make the some good to Larch 159 1915 upor the pay-
mert of ore dollars the extereiuw foe;
Q Era Ridgelya wili you state Whether 0? rot you received this
tariff before it become effective?
A A number of days beforea
5 will you state whether or rot you irformed your agent ard
clerks” or had your agents ard clerka irformed as to the
provisions thereof?
A fie did. Our men are all drilled in thesé tariffs as soon
as they are receiveda ard eapeoially for large occasiors

 t , ,’

like the New Crleems Mardi Green

Q Have you any krowledge as to whether or rofi yen? agents and
clerks urdereiooe the previsicrs of the tariff with re~
gerd to the time wher tickets exeired? _

A They meet cevtmirly upderetooi it thoroughlyo 1e handled
ivto Sew firleare, I presmmec some five or tee thousard

’ paesergeret possibly more, for the Carrival or Lafdfi- Grae

of 1915‘ arflfi ordirarilyo the fiTet questior that is
asked By peeaergere at the ticket office is relative to
the liuit of their ticketea are as is the time fihey must
leave Few Crlears ta reach their destiratier. Our agents
are thofcughl; Queted relative to fihe time limits 3? the
tiekete ir queetiurs

Q Have you ary kvowledge of ary instances whee the Caaeival
geezer uf 19355 ir whine ary of 3:2? agerts or clerks

' irfetzed any holder of are of theee tiekete thai said
holder vauld leave new Orleans or the last day: are
cauld t$6 the ticket Withoui getfirg it extemded.s ever
thcugh seek holder wo;ld,ret get fie destirativr before
the tickei expired?
' A Illhave ;r 0t 9

0, You krilw of H: such ircidewt?

A 513530113761)“ were a

Q dhat weve Jun? iretruetiore ir this regard. fire Ridgely? -

X lo irfmrm all paeeemgere that they must reach their desti-
watior, i€.tickete were rot exterdedo prior te midright
of Eebruavy Bethe

Q New, Er. fiidgely, as to yourself» did you ever give any such
irfmrmatiur to any passergere?

A You rerarg I greeume9 to the informatior claimed ae havirg

_ beev giver in the pleirtiff hereir?
fix freeisely? A Abeelutely rate
Q Are yen quite clear er that or ref ?
_ A Absolutely clear; I never have done ite
‘ 4

 ' 0'

Q is it or is it not a fact that you would be likely to
remember any such irfcrmatior, if you had giver it?

A I thirk I should. but it is out of the question to imagire
that I would give any such irforuetior.

Q mt. Ridgely. this rotice to take the teetimerv iv the present

case calls for the testimory of Mr. A. J. Ball, Do you
kz‘ow MT. A. J. 333.11?
A I (10 o
' G "Jae he ir the emgleg of the deferdarfiz the Louisville are Hash-
ville Railroad, during it? Carrival geese? of 1915?

A He wees

Q In what capacity?

A As Statier Ticket Agert;

e there is hr. Ball at tie presezfi time:

A He is etc ir Roaster. Zexee; coprogiyg a poei.jvr with the
Gulf Ceeet Linea, ae Assistant Ticket are Passerge? Agert
there? .

Q Are to the best of yea? krowledge are irfermetizr. he is
wet iv flew Grieereo aria therefore. rot available for
this hearirg?

A He 13 rot 1% New Grieerefi are bee rot beer for eene months.

’ Q How. this roéiee also cells for the takirg of the teetirumy
of 1?. &. V. Ladrer, Le you kwcw my. teeter?

A I do a

Q what ensitior, if any9 did my. Ladrer hold with the deferdart
comoefiyv the Louieville €~Eaehville Railroad Company.
durirg the Carrivel eeaecr of 1915?

A He was thewa are is row; ex? CiLy licket Agert at New Orlears.

fl Wellp will you state whether or rot Jr. Ladrer. durirg that
seasor was zetua113 it hie office and if touch with the
travelirg goalie?

A Mr. Ladeer suffered a stroke or QlTilJSiS Just before the
Carrival of 19159 are hae we: beer at his office eirce;
that is neerl3 two years ago.


 0‘ 0.,

Q Am I to understand that fire Ladner has beer virtually bed-
ridden, era absolutely oorfimed to his house sires that
time? .

A Absolutely so, ard is mowo

Q Is it a fact, based moor your understandirg, that mra Ladner
carrot leave his houses are, therefore, carrot be present
at thie hearirg?

A He coold be brought eowp herea but it WOtld poseibly be very
detrimertel to his health to brirg him from his houses

Q Now, as to fire Joseoh fiichardsor, who is named i? this ratios

I which also calls for taking the testimory of fire Riohardsoro

did you krow MTG Riohardsor?

A I did krow him quite irtimetelye

fl You say you did krow him?

A Yesa he is row deadw

Q Will you state what posfitior Mr. Joseph Richardsor held with
the defexdsrtP the Louisville are Eaehville Railroad Cowmanx
durirg the Carrivel of 1915?

l A fire Riohardsora at that time, occupied the positior of Chair- ‘

mar of the Seutheaeterr iamfizf Aseociatiop, are wee also
Joirt Agert of the few Orleers Termiral Companies during ‘.
the Carrival of 191.5“

Q Here Mr. Riohardeor‘e duties9 at that times suck; that he
would have beer ir torch with the travelirg public ir
the city of flew Orlearsfl seekirg irformeiior as to the
velidetior or exyiratiow of tickets?

A mtg Rio‘nardsore persorellg,‘a wee rot ir New Orleare at that

Q You say that oersorelly bro Bicherdeep wee rot iv New Orleans
at that time?

A No, he wee represented by ore of his special agerts, whose'
Fame 3 do rot at the momert recalls

o Will you state whether or rot it would have beer'possible,
therefore, for the statemert attributed by the plairtiff


 .»\ 0
herein to er agent of the deferdarto which I have already ‘
read to you» to have been made by hr. Richardson?
A Absolutely not. It would be impossible. hr. Richardeor‘s
mew are all traired 1r teeiff works ard are required to
give irfetnetiur relative to time limits on tickets mary
hurdreds of times each day durirg the herdi Gree eeaeor. .
Q Have you ery further krowledge or jrfonaiiur with regard te
thieeaeep LT” Ridgelyg or any etetemert which you_carmake
which will threw any light or it?
A I have rot, unless the pleirtiff became oerfused relative
he the extereier of tickets6 or mieurdermtoed iwaVmefiier
that had beep giver to her; It in aertairly out of '
the Questier to thirk that 1? a city of the size of flew
Orlearep hardlirg wary hurdredeg art I may saga thousands
of gecple ir a Gerrival eeaeurfi flhet such iriormatior
eeuld he giver! {21,91 stated.»
Swerr to are subscribed before
mea at flew Crleareg Louisiana?
thie day 0? Japuaryg 19l?o
I I 9 9&1!jS RAW-.0533 BEAR? a J. '1‘-u teary Ullhli': ir 3rd for the Bearish
ard State afereseid, i0 certify that the above are furegeirg depo-
sition of J. KEN? EIBGELY, wee taker before me iv the effiees of
. Meeereo Deregre, LeUVy é Ghaffe, iv the Denegre Buildirpg 919 Saree
delet Street. ir the city ef,fiew OrleapepState of Louisianap or the
llth day of January, A. 3.5 191‘?a upor oral irterrogatorieeif pur-
suant tc the rutiee which is herefo erremed; that said witrese
wee first swore by me that the evidence he should give fir the .
actior should he the truthg the whale iruth and refihlmg but the
truth, before givirg his teetimnry; that the said teetimory of
said witness wee taker dowr by me ir egorthand are transcribed I

 ,v )
upen the typewriter; and that it was read by and subscribed
by him in my presercee

I further certify that at the taking of said deposition
the plaintiff was rut present either it aérsor or b; representa—
tive, and the: the ueferdar? was ;enreserted by hessrs. Denegre.

> fee-cg: a: Lyman-Le n mag.:); Fina} .
I further certify that I am not cf counsel, er attorney,
* or related tn either party careerrei ir Evie edit.

I further certify that the takirg of said depnsitior was
commenced at the heur cf ten a‘elcef E 1 or said Karuary 11th,
lfiltg my; LUE; the further neari"{;thu?fnf was fiber adjourned
to tau 0 else? E h of the same day.

In faith xviia4reuf I hereuntl; a??? my hard an; d official seal
this .'.1.-:.; a}; an) ,3 E 1:52

8 _

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railiod nmm 0;] "Chi? plaintiff injm)? suit, rimsxtr "be wand in.) reach
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