xt73bk16mf8w_679 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [516] Barnett and Hatton v. L&N, Perry Quarterly Court text [516] Barnett and Hatton v. L&N, Perry Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_63/Folder_4/8714.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_679 xt73bk16mf8w dESSE MORGAN LEWIS A.NUCKOLS
Affnrurgxa at E21111
Jan. :50, 1917.
Judge Samuel 1.1.117118011,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear sir: garnett 6,; datton vs. L Co :3 By, Co.
This cause was set for the Zifird day of the January Call
term and was settled and all cost paid and order entered to
that effect.
Yours very truly,
Copy to 30.).)- Uarfield, J.J-11¢, 7.
T . fl . T ' ,4,,c “‘. ;l‘ 1, I .M
.4011]. DVllle, Ky. // {/537/ (II/’3: L/ 7?,4’CU1’5C1’ ,
( (,./

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318 not alzeady Dwmn Jonx. L0 LU 'J to tHb ULLnllg our 3:5 H 01
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. . C;/«/, ;kz/Ul%¢z) 7 _xtykj, / ;;;7
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.fi)r'//, (.IJ/22)].10.‘ y/rn/z/r/ ' / fir. :, "
’ ; ’7/ 1 ‘/ 92,:s-/,-,%//.\/m,wqu _f/{H/z Q(/;//(//// p,” ///,/, )/(/}////(/?
”Afr fi/fla’ //- r/gl‘H/l/Hl; r,"
.‘Aszs-/.//)/.K'//'/k'/All/(Iraqi: /. /
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\ r , 1.' “.;./W ,/ 1. -1,',, ,‘- 1’
//QHH)fl// éfléiziiwwfi ’W/é”%”%6%“{gabecember 1st,1915.
age/LG. ’6, /é 7
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
COT-177881, IJoe'C 15.30001,
Lexiugtou, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:—

I am in receipt of your favor of the 29th ult. en—
closing copy of petition and docket report in the case of Bar-
wett & Batten v. L.& E. and L.& N. Perry Quarterly Court, in
which case plaintiffs are seekirg to recover $100.00 as the value
of an 0:: killed. On our right of way at or wear Hombre Station
0n Dctober 5th,1915.

I have requested Mr. Seargeant to forward to
Wootteu & Morgan investigatiOn papers in this case as promptly
as practicable.
I quote as follows from Woo’teu & Morgan's letter
to you of Fovember 27th::
"This case will come up for trial December 14th and
usually we never get any report and are not read and
have to suffer judgment in Quarterly Court in all of
these matters."

In this cenuection it is interesting to note
that summons was issued in this case 0}; Nov. 15th,1915 while
flootten & Morgan's letter trausmitting copy of petitiOn and
docket report is dated Nov. 27th. Do I uwderstand that there
was delay in forwardiwg to Wootten & Morgan the summOns served
on our Agent Or was the officer of the court dilatory in serv- -

 .f' .
‘S.M.U. — 2
ing the summons. .
Yours truly,
1, «’1' I t ‘4: ‘.:-a fig,” 4"
Assistawt District Attorwey.

Copies to
Mr. M. Seargeawt,

Supt., Revenue, Ky.
Messrs. ’:’Jootfetn Morgan,

Atforneys, Hazard, Ky.


 ‘ t_/ '/ , , (g/ ,’ ',:/7 _/ ,/,/_;2(r;/) ' _J j/;./
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Z’zér/rjj jA%fl7I//ild/ ,/
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‘ ( ecemner .LS «._ ,lGJJJ.
_. five/6 Z /7 ~.
my. a. Seargeant, ‘
Supt., Havenva, Ky.
Def‘r Sir: ~ -.
‘ Juflge Wilson has fovwarded to you a cepy of hi?
loiter to me of fhe ifith nit. togdtfls? wifh copy of petition
1; fig case of Barnetf & har4fiw v. 3.& 1. and L.& “.?.Co.,

I »hall 7% filafl if you will farwarfl pJQers covar~
1w; investigation of thig aase +0 wooffiew & Morgar 83 Dromptly
as bracticable. If nrior is &%e receipt of this letter you
have alrcaéy forwurfied fhe papers i0 Judgé WilSQn,hiS oificg
should be asked to seaa fhem i0 Uaoéien & Morgan. 2 am hgmd—
iwg you herewith a carbon capy of my letfier to Jufige Wilsow
of evefi date.

Yours truly, ’
assistawt Districfi Attorney.
001357 1; 0 -.
Mr. S, M. WilSOn,9~”’”
Gouwsel L.% E.E.Cc.,
LexingtOn, Ky.

T ,'_ 1 ,.c .. -.. ~.
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Hazard, Ky., I'iecember 14, 1915:.
1.1;". E?. 2.12.. Eli 190:1,
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‘ , %'036 /§" RAVWT'SL, chcher “5, mm.
. ;L a 5",, v 0 ‘»‘-.pa
a> ‘ IRVINS, KY.
Hon. S. M. Wilson,
. .
Securlty frggt Bldg.,
Lexinct3n, ry.
Dear Sir:—
I herpfiith bani you my enfiiro €179 in the claim of Parish
Barnett. Qf Hombre, K3h, for one 0x hil1cd on October 5th. You will hCLS
frat flhfs File thhfi by reason of fihir 3x heir; fin thE trnct, it deraileé
engine No. 915, cmucing'durodg it the swgunt :3 577.“?. Y3; vii] also
note my letter to Lr- Barnotb un%?* daLa r? Wgtpbfj With, gr“iv: H%n t;
13$ L3 huvt ohms“ Par “"7.7’ La GTVG“ Eh? 143nm: 0? this damage. Alta
note lafit3r Prom Fversnlu E Turner, 3f HuzurR, Vy., notipyifi; ad iVat
the clnii Has bsén blaccfl 3? thlr Hamid F33 9:77attiww. T wou7fi be
5131 in EAVG your spinion a“ to an? lquilitj for this 0?, wwi I would
mine he glafi to haw? July Opinion a: $3 vhethe“ w: noulfi legally 0311302
§73.93 friw Mr. BarKBtt, by reaghg a? his 0x boinfi on tkv irack QHJ
V iérfiilin; engine 319, Caugimfl 32 953 ?n it: QhOVC named ammunt.
9105150221313; :2:; $1.13 as: EEQCH n-t bum CST! r,)’)?’1'.’-.}”E-:I"1‘g]‘f ;30 50.
Your? €?W1V, " .
16 4, / ,,,_,.A—x
,”' / //
/ 4" X/
, 3 , / ~"5» / fl,4
/ M //0%QKJZ:/7
/ (“Q5730 3.31 6"; Vt ~1: 03a” ’r‘ffjfilfi‘b;—

 7 , 2o—I5~4499 3
_n’ i;/“/ , ,/7//<. //I~/ / , // J?) ,,7 1;;// .
. __. /2//n)////// /_. rm/zzx/fl '2. /,/////W/// ////%/////
_ 2 (/K/fl)//////2 yxfl/Ifl///;/_fl//}VJMH
. ,,3 3
‘ ‘igB‘ijt-L7- /7~\' . /j;7777’cy//{:Zé;7fl//7//;7/672/7//
2 //7/9”/////V32 7;L2Denember 2nd.1915
/ .
Lessrs. ”ootton 3 Morgan, $thPhsy3,
Hazard, Kentucgy.
As instructed by the Asst. District fittorney on December
lot, I hand you herewith entire file of Barnett & finitan, alt“o you
will note that iho reports we :vc are in ghc name of Farish Barnett, 7
furttcr that the fix was killed on Octobe§31915, near Hombre, Ky., and
invite your particular attention to lotior from Jufigc T"”."LT!.S20._:'1 of Goiober
291k, in which he sugfcst no co oromisc, but on the other Food 3 counter-
claim.. I am at Lkis tics unable to locate nrevious notio of the
I suit, other than copy of Judge lllson'c longer of Nov moor 29th wiih .
which he sent petition anfl docket report. 3f course, you understand Lhot
until we are rcqucctcd to furnish ouch files on ouch cases, as we might
have, we cannot anticipate the Wants.
Tours Zrul,
I 'éjL/Er/oggi}?n£§fi r‘ {1V ”t I)
3/“' u _; 3 7
Copy 3.1..13011 »/ /

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 .. "
@xiqting uwiar and hw virtue 0i Eng lfiWS a: Lhe mbgfie
oi‘;;e:1fi1ufiig*, vni?l ‘aevwgr '13 .m1% Lani? fie; fituefi, GOthI“ ct
‘ 3;: Eu Contrsafzfi “itk.ii itq noruorate 1:13, Afifl is ;fi prasani
and T3? 1% a11 films? hyfgin maufiiwfiafi in cganectian the
chigrton L $331213 3:1”T1f Gonn¢ny fie 071%; of and en~
fimgtfl ix i} OficrfifiiOfi of a line of ruilxoua running
fihrflagh Pfisrg Gfiuttf, Ten 30: , “?ich 11m; 0? Fiierad
LUBJ; 1p; Ecquafe, ;.’TL ticww Isjo;1 @1115: 12:11:23133 €523. fli{i SC
rug :2 all iimym harBi; ;:niioggi.

‘:"'::1.»',:"L 'f:iirii7.2 :1:"; ; '.‘“:ii 117.: 1;: ’7 were
30in413 LB: aficgrs if ';L wiJ%f35 1; the ;;v:@tion of
3B: 3;;; 3211T0¢fl i125 ffgxi;:jvi-ii TimbTG atdtiOH on
31:5 lice, .:3 2'3; :txtu Th.l ”bilw TEQ‘ fare as Operatinf
trxigfi 2:1 ¢n#ias? taifi i ii 3:11: ad li;a and 01 €33 ?fih
an, 1? G&?@1%T, iSlf, {Erufijk €31 ca:ela*2m9€5 uni infili—
gcnoe of {13 flc7i;azufi3, Elsi: g: 5L3 gnfi "arvanfim anfi
anxlayxs €17 irftufixnfis 3:“ 7:9 *2 “5::? lacznafiivcfi awainst
uni aver :3 at heEQBWimg fig 2%; sininiiffs, fluorehy killing
fiiifl 0?, ?Liuh Wd“ if i'¢ T.17@ of fine hflfifirii (>100.00)
dollar: to fl4iuti?”w’ inamga in 31¢ sum of one huadreé

I acllgr?.

"EYELEJRT plaintiffs rz;y juigmenfi againfit tha
flofmzfiuntg far one huairsfi iollfirfi, ibr their coat herain
axpanaefi and all wroEfir relief.

£43. Jofifiaogg
1 .tty for plaigciims.
1&9 uffiiant, st fiQS thflfi fiho
statfinmnts contaimca ix the forafieing petition are

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was, A} A, 4.3.,“ :-. .._ .u. . '--.s_. ‘..;L' wt. a.) 1‘ ms; nu: V
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