xt73bk16mf8w_693 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [530] P.A. Adkins v. L&N, Perry Justice Court text [530] P.A. Adkins v. L&N, Perry Justice Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_63/Folder_18/9446.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_693 xt73bk16mf8w \
" February 14, 1015.
C. Ii. liooxwmmn, .381.,
.»'-Izm-rt. $35.81;. Atty. , II 5;: 4.» 21 I}. 130. ,
louiuville, Lontucky.
g2r;:ith onvlovwi, I Manx you coy; OI Judgment, Ulcrk’s
taxation 0: Goats cflfi will :0? Lu! nmut cowts on 103m $4 ifi the
;yfig of 7. I. AikidS v» 3 » I, in “MET; Jthicv‘“ Can t, icvcring
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, ‘~tt1q“‘:3;1't-r‘-:II ..‘o1I-I-Iszg-gz; 59.94517 to I‘Iaf: {or LI‘”~.;"IIIin'Ig in the usual way.
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‘ ‘ Affurnmjs at Iain L65»[.// {4’
February 12, 1916.
Kr. Samuel n. Wilson,
Lexing on, “entucky.
‘ Dear Sir:
IN RE: E. A. Adxins vs. L. & H. h. E. 00.
Perry Justice's Court.
fie enclose you herewith copy of the judgment,
and taxagion of costs in the above case, in compliance with your
request by letter of the 10th. 3e also enclose Bill for judg-
ment and costs on Form 4.
Please have voucher issue as soon as possible, as
execution will probably be raised unless we hear from this soon.
Yours very truly,
/I/M-?IL7:>1/ p: 77:~;flfl/

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 'amay P'\.-,y>v\OOT1V'ON>_‘V ‘ JESSE- MORGAN
_ 23XCJVVong40hla MCMRGAJV
' ‘5' ., f Eigfurnvus Ztt Emu
‘ // HAZAéD, KY . 51% f /6 February 7, 1916.
Mr. S. n. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
ifi HE: E. A. Adkins v. L & N R R 00., Perry Justice Court.
In this case, filed on January 13th, we handed to you on
‘ January 15th, copy of petition and docket report. We have had no
report on the matter.
‘ Je were iorced into trial on to—day without any witness or
preparation. Verdict was returned against the Company for §EE.OO.
It was proved by plaintiff that stove Was worth gé0.00, had been in
use 18 or 20 months, was shipped in good condition, crated from
Jellico, Tenn. he also swore that he received it at Lothair, and
it was broken in several places, and was of no use, and he refused
its acceptance. Two other credible witness proved it broken and
absolutely useless when received, and that they were present when
goods was received, or within 10 minutes afterward. Elaintiff made
hill of lading part of record. It was a prepaid shipment of house-
hold goods, weighing 2215 pounds, freight paid was a15.28. Shipper
stated value at $10.00 cwt. he claimed on witness stand that stove
weighed 450 pounds. Said it arrived at Lothair on Dec. 5rd, Ur
thereabouts. He made written claim and filed it with Dempsey, the
agent here. Said stove was bought from Allison furniture Co. at
Jellico, Tenn.
Elaintifr sued for 935.00, and verdict was for a25.00.
The company should settle this claim, as we see it, and we advise
>\\settlement of this 925,00 verdict, and costs.
Very truly,/77
C372,? r (mm _7 / +75% r. . .. , . .

 T .
‘ ,'- (COPY)
Hazard, Ky., February 7, 1916
Mr. S.M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
IN RE: P. A. Adkins v. L & N R R 00., Perry Justice Court.
In this case, filed on January 13th, we handed to you on
January 15th, copy of petition and docket report. We have had no
report on the matter.
. We were forced into trial on to-day without any witness or
preparation. Verdict was returned against the Company for $25.00.
It was proved by plaintiff that stove was worth $40.00, had been in
use 18 or 20 months, was shipped in good condition, crated from
Jellico, Tenn. He also swore that he received it at Lothair, and V
i it was broken in several places, and was of no use, and he refused
its acceptance. Two other credible witness proved it broken and
absolutely useless when received, and that they were present when
goods was received, or within 10 minutes afterward. Plaintiff made
Bill of Lading part of record. It was a prepaid shipment of house-
hold goods, weighing 2215 pounds, freight paid was d15.28. Shipper
stated value at le.OO cwt. He claimed on witness stané that stove
weighed 459 pounds. Said it arrived at Lothair on Dec. 3rd, or
thereaoouts. He made written claim and filed it with Dempsey, the
agent here. Said stove was bought from Ellison Furniture Co. at
Jellico, Tenn.
Plaintiff sued for p35.00, and verdict was for #25.00.
The company should settle this claim, as we see it, and we advise
I settlement of this p25.00 verdict, and costs.
Very truly, (Signed) Wootton & Morgan.

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.. Atfurnvgs at 121111 .
HAZARD:I‘Y January 15, 1916.
Mr. S. LI. ‘.I’ilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Enclosed. we hand you. the usual copies
of petition and docket report in the case of
P. A. Adkins vs. L. a E. Railroad Company.
Very truly yours,
” /
.-,.. . I, / , ,1 x//
/»//"/- ("fa-11;”! ///{ “1,," I
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