xt73bk16mf8w_730 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [569] H.M. Webb v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [569] H.M. Webb v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_66/Folder_2/10509.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_730 xt73bk16mf8w JESSE MORGAN LEWIS E‘ HARVIE‘.

Jane 26th, 1917.

In re suit H. M. Webb Jr. vs. I. & N. R. RH Co.

LC..;.._18thel§;_i__.mmdj-....n 2“ 3_.-n JLEMLQisilarmqiggyé3.39:2:=
Judge 9.121. Wi 1 son,

Lex1ngton, Kentuckyt
Dear Sir:

I beg to state that plaintiff's petition was dis—
miseed and the ease stricken from the docket at the April
term.cf Couvt. The order of dismissal is as follows:

"The plaintiff failing to file reply to the answer
of defendant herein, the allegations of said answer are taken
as true.

It is therefore- adjudged by him; ($015.11’t that the plain~ ‘
tiff's petition he‘disnigsed and that he take nothing thereby,
and that defendant recover of plaintiff its costs herein ex-
pended and this cause is now stricken from the docket."

Yours truly,
' Z? ‘::/XXI: I V
W Ca . ./«;:..{;-,./g,.{,r. f/C/

 a" ; 1’
. {In .
f .,.. ':’. .._ ’
Sept. 20, 1915.
Judge 8. L. Wilson}
Lexinfron, Ky.

Dear Sir:

In re suit R; L. we04, Jr., Vs. L. & N. RaiJroad
Co. &C. 49W pendinr in the Letcher Circuit Court.

I me: to state that renera; demJTrer to petition was
filed on Hug. 1b, 1915, the grounds of the demurrer beinr

that as the aeoldent hapgeaea Agril 24, 19159 and suit Wes
filed April 24, 1910, sane was bar ed. This @efense should
more properly oeem set out 9; answer and we have prenareg
mus e1 udb W111 “at 1116 1t un1ess LLE pitlfi11IiI5ages the
question that our general demurrer is insufficient.
Yours truly,

I», 0.— ._.‘ I.. H ,.// _ . ’1 g 7 .
pop; to Jegme 1.011351“, kI/W Sflb/WI’I/LA .

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[Avril/fw-Dlylrrl'lillfllr/ 7% b I 4) — {’.' ’I7/”ll. : ///yu
mu? 6th, 1918.
TIT: i3. isle Iii—1:303:19
[rust 7%111111135, City.
Jen: Sir: .
Comnli'ins‘ T'.'J'_'*",:1 i’“r’)l‘:7‘rT‘-‘§J~ of .31'zpz=2:vi_nterl out Seargnarflc of
3:93“ 71th, 1 hard firm herethlfi‘; {I;' - o ‘ 2 ;- . l . 21 3 2 W . l _
2 tgéagé’gm: Egegfgieiéig’éfi-gsig5E" 12" 2.; 5?, K" Wu 2::-‘.‘}: p r \3
-:e2 :5": °«e"gm "252»:oosaome , 2 2: ; =::. 1 ::«m 2 r 2 1
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“arguing #0305“, 0 SW” “409g“ 1 .1 1‘ I: l 1 L I .
v-‘ .p g @QJ 9.5’J‘HwAt-"m {:‘:n ‘ ’V’ l I, 0
98'9“ 3‘38 g Bgfi Egg °E.:ap‘"¢®wa l , i s- a ‘\ 3, [25.4 (o, -
wees”; 5: 22% ge§§2§~8§23223 - i 2 :: »\l7> m ' NJ“
<9 m U" - . ‘o‘ G a . “0*“ - 2 1' 2 2 , 2
W E. <° °D‘ D m a: ”I o E »“‘-’5" 1 ‘ -- I {.. .
§§3533”3 gi'eég Hfigttfiz 23%aé 5 2 2 \l- 2': 8 it P .
°a=aw 5533'." n a ”fig-cam: °8=e~ 2 1 l , ._2 9. I O -.
3’32 09?. '1 «’3' if: E.mmoga ‘3‘5'8153 2‘ .2 2 ‘ , 1 S. O o .
“92”" 5; co °~a no.5 Swan-”am v as 1 : 2 2 2 : ...:
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d (‘D fit” 5 P13”. «Clam --¢ .':‘m :0 1 , 2 2 2‘ '9 , C) U
vg-s gig 5% figs egaggfig 0g ,a z ; * : z 7: m -
5‘ g 5" Q1 5‘ p- m m ._4 S.” E W3: 0 a . f , : N P
:2» g: e ;g 9%; gaaeagg ag e; 2 l 1 ,2 1 - 2 i l 2
"8.3 (DE. 0 our 1.5“”, B‘Eflo‘éoas $2 524 ‘ E 2 2. ; 2 i . -:|
2 he so *1 as aw ”sew” ”’° 22 l 2 1 l 2 -*-
er '1 a (D '1 r-e 5 m E 84 a) I: n in O I ‘ 2 l ‘2 CD
a: ° 8, "‘ c» a E. p. g - :1 ~ 0 - : 2
fine me e °§ Frog geefle? 23.195; 2 J l l 2 ‘ 2 "
‘ U ”- H m ‘ m : :.. ‘ l ‘. : x“‘:,
9,123 a: a 52m we a 2 1 2 2 k: -
58" §3 5‘2” 2§§€ Eg°s ”'5‘ ;5‘ we | I 1 ‘
”.':;": '4’? .0 Se Chat! he'd-<1 do a: 5': J 2‘ 32
,l ‘ ,.
- / "2- 2‘ , , f1.” 2- 5
fig ,r i I} [_:. . \- Color or fl .:5“: f :5 2, ..
’ 18. Name of person injured ?,;_-___L‘____’._’_‘___2____.Nationa1ity '?_Hi-L.."::___'.:-.:Residence ?_:_._.._____-_ ,_._,_,_
I. . '
fC-ri 4;, if» -/‘I‘; _ _ . , I Married 2/ , “_:'“ f j, “.__’“; Employe, Passenger
19. Occupation?7"_”__*.:;’i__.___;.'__i_‘_'_i_".'_or single 9;“..__A§,o '3 ”__.-__. _-1~__or neither ‘?___‘-;_.--__:
20. Nature and extent of the injuries ?__;—_—___..-________m-M_%__--__-,__-._,, -:,-::_- -::-:----
21. What was done with and for the person ?_;*.m—_W_flskinmv-___-:M.. . , ,,-
22. What does he say as to the cause of the accident, extent of his injuries, and probable length of time he will be disabled '?-: :iA, ,
23. What was your position with respect to the place of the accident? How far were you from where it occurred ‘? Did you see it ?-- -
24. How far was the nearest street or road crossing from place of accident '? ;~__w_._______ “mg—_,:: . j
25. If accident occurred on public crossing. state Whether whistle was sounded or boll rung continuously for crossing, and for what
distance therefrom ?________._____,_~W _#HW-mw-____M-
26. State how accident occurred, give: full particulars. If injured in coupling, give name and style of couplers. XVere signals given and 2
:31: I, p
by Whom? Were they obeyed? Was engineer handling engine ?___:¢_;__A___r____>_,__--—/»’___.______--___ - ,
, ' " _ ,,3 . - , :1 . 5 .' , 5.517- ~,.;
Hn£_;44;__.___l__f_i2__._n___—L;__V;;_____sg-_A:fl-_swéfiL-w-gi..'..._'__ - ,
4 . L‘ . - ,» ‘ 7' ‘- f :- ~‘,...
{i.f}, “‘“ ' .5 ,fl - 2 I" \ ‘ "3” W ’7 " ‘I‘ ' " .l " 2 17:"! / :‘ r’ / 141/152 ”- 7 7 ’5’) '~ '
ww—éfifig—_—~_4@__A __-_‘;-__._A___--__. .;..._—4;“ _._--: _. _-- ‘-.-..1
‘2 4‘ 1 - , . ‘
':./t! 1": 2m: 2” 5’ 1% [I 9..
- t. .. 5 - . , (2 ,,:A_#_-_/ _____1.-- ,.
27. Was there any defect in the equipment. tools or material which caused or contributed to the accident? If so statewhat it was: 1:.-1 : (
'\‘2/ \\JT; ’
28. What precaution. if any, was taken by these in charge of train or engine to prevent the accident? Who was at fa12lt?.,- .1 ——:,---; . i
' --. “__.-._._,”, -----A- , , --,--,1 ‘ _ -- ‘ 1
29. Experience of injured employe in the present occupation? With this company-____\:-__. “Total experience-:52 , .
30. How long on duty at time of accident ?_:;;._________How much rest before going on duty ?—-~-__._:_____,w_:: , , l
31. In death cases, give result of Coroner's inquest. Did death occur within 24 hours after the injury was received ?_:__~______n- .5 ‘
32. Give name, occupation, and residence of every person who witnessed accident or can give any information about it__ ._ -
I have read the above report. It is true and correct, and I adopt it as ‘ '
my own. 2‘ , .,
V. . j z '1;)". 1 ,V,’ 2' _ _ . _ .* -
jVaImg 2 3. , Ar 1,. ,5 2 ’ _ I comfy the forcgmng to bc a worn-l renew. ~
. I ‘ ‘ (":', .,,1
- , j r , z . v " 2
. Occupa2120nhw¢flm%_w L43, J, ‘2 , _ _ ,"3 . .
2 . _ Name---:; ' _’-__'__2‘«-;,-. -_ ---__:
_ [\(1m6____________‘~__”_____________ 2- > 2, If"? ‘ ’
‘ ‘.‘ “,2 ,
. ' OCILP t0 ‘ V OCCU1127atl/O’I’tm-‘WNIX-;..gg-“gn;"-.f,_._,:_w____.____--_:M.- ,
' Name_.____.__.__-._-:___________.;.___'____-_.._V ._ ‘ . p - 4’ H u. j - ' _ »
. 2 Occupatzon_._______.2__._-___L; ‘__.-_._._._.,...,___- Reaper? 'rn-a.de:-;_§ér/ j“ ":', v_--__,__g-1.O/_<}2v”

 > V ‘ . - ‘1’“; V V“: V
. , ‘ . _ ‘ > . J; .... V ‘ J, _
. , 301m DIS—Revised Augm, 1909. . _ y w / Vt r-L/ .
_ .,' _ . .. . l .‘ , ‘ ' '.-- , ".v ‘ ‘ '. .
~ ' -~ REPORT OF ACCIDENT. ‘ .' .
' ‘7 f / 75‘ 7’ ’ ' ‘
4 i U / ‘,/ 537—!) A '4’! I // ’I' 4 .', > I ’\‘
- Mile N0.L.L/__to Train No._f.\i__..___Engine No._;i..at‘::_o'c1OCk_#M.;LLday of #Qfi.
, ’ ,., /
j . 1 \\L:» f,
1. Kind of accident? 7L_L_.——7L_<—A_r~.—__—._—_~—U* i/ ‘ ’ 1' 8 ,1 « ,
I [".' - / V /, l 9 ,.'4 ‘1.,
2. Speed of train, engine or car? _‘..___)___ Miles per hour._fl___- :3. Weather Conditions ?_“____'—___—_._.
4. Did accident occur on main track on siding or in yard ‘.’..)LWLLoW— On curve or straight track ‘2 ::_—__., -
' 5. Was grade level, ascending or descending? __/l_._J— 6. What distance did train run, after accident? _‘~A_v______,.v _
. ' _/ [.:,r’
/ , ._ 4 f . /_
7. Was engine moving forward or backward ? _._...._._.d~\_\__ 8. \Vero cars in front or/rear of engine ? _/__’_W _,
9. Actual position of each trainman at time of accident ? Ag...”
‘7 ./C ’1. x I 1‘ .- .' , C1 ‘,,x .’ ' .
_ ( Wk, " »" " 1 '. - . :71 x ‘»'"x-u ‘/ I'. W .1 . I w . -’ \-~ ' '3'" _.I_ .I 7'1“ '
10. What signals, if any, were given ; by Whom, and were they obeyed ?__._______._.__—___________.
' . /;,- r” .
11. Cars in train?_4Loaded____Empty ___-Air-brake cars in service_""_’C»;_‘; _ Total tonnage of train .__‘—___...—
12. Insert below, numbers, initials, and contents ofi cars Wrecked, and extent of damage to cars.

___..— _— ___—_— __._.__ _._..—.__‘" ..__ «._._—___—
'——'——_—" ___—”‘— —‘——“ _'_—Im im
___—_‘.._fi ___. __EWAM .._,An_5____________

r 1
V _ I
\\ I ‘
18. Time track was cleared?~__*_—____-_—+_+_
14. Delays of trains? W-M
_ 15. Supposed cause of accident, with reason for supposition '.’—W
16. In cases of derailment or failure of air brakes or couplers show:—(a) Initials and N o. of Car W
(b) Location in train ?______..._____..__ Cars from engine—.._._...“ Cars from caboose_________.__..__
(c) Name and style of apparatus—___—__._(d) Cause of breakage or failure___._____.___—
17. General remarks or other particulars not already shown :._—”MW
I have read the/above report. I It is true and correct, and I adopt it as . 7" “L ’
my own. / ' QK V, "
Na7ne_~;t(______,___‘____..__________._.__ I certify flyxforegoz‘ng to be a correct report.
0 1 t. /, , . * (-.,7/ /,~
06’le a ’LO’n_.’_~_______..___;____._____________. " A. . ' . . ' >
, p -- - Nameflirn_____g_‘_________,_______»____
; Name_________._______________.________. ”QT" _ -
, .. _. _
‘ ' . I / 2’ ’, '. a
_. OccupatwnM—mé_ . Occupanon *- - .. ., \ - ' -»
' Name—_______________.____'____ ,, '
'Owupationwéw Report made. #191 _1__

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~25 ..'. c, z . g V 71":1 1»,, 5;. ' :: ... ':‘ ..‘, a“ i . I . y : I . I
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”.:1'3'43 F 5.; 5'73 ':Imthq .3:» cc: nu: I l l I ; 1 l 1 l g
.1 "who: ~ T ' .:. ‘ ' ”VS? , .1 r}!— .- .
E 3L “1.503% A1. IFJEUR .... $113.39. 13133}? . . -
. 1%.: . . ‘. €3,in 0010901: “"3"? .
18. Name of person injured 21. v ...”; -L_._.._nfl-_w-. .__Natlonahzy ?__";’:£L.....__.-Residence ?____._—__7____
~ ~ Mmrinr‘t . . Employe Passenger
. 5011* ".3“. W ‘ t " M. 71 ' _mw'r ’. ‘
19. Occupatzon ?__*- -_.LMILLP, ., .--_._.__or smgle 2’13.:;1’__=*‘-_:‘>_3Ei_~._._Age ?_.._...n, -_.- ....____-orne1tner?__.__.___-___~
- . . r I
20. Nature and extent of the an1111~1es?. ..._.,____._...____,~-w___-_._.m .o... _-,_.._._._*__._.__7_..___.__.__._____—
21. What was done with and for the person ?__-_.___._..-_.,_._,.._-.H_.___,____._~,_u__on.~______________
22. W'hnt does he say as to the cause of the accident, extent of his injuries. and probable length of time he will be disabled ‘.’—___...
'93. ‘What was your position ‘.“-nth respoct to the place of the accident? HOW far were you from Where it occurred? Did you see 113?...—
24. HOW far was the nearest street, or road. crossing from place of accident? “Mn“ - .__. -_-w____.._____________________. '
25. If accident. occurred on public crossing, state whether whistle was ::ourv'lar’l v3: boll rung continuously for crossing, and for What
distance therefrom 19--.-" .._,.___ A_w..._,--_.__.__-_-,_o”_.___.-_,...____.____-_, ..._.no..~___._._._.______...___.._»__*_.
3. State how act-.6191]: occurred. gm: val particulars. If injured in ormprzng. give name and style of couplers, 'Were signals given and
- . _ .. V15: A" 3 3"} 'l “5 (I! I: ‘ fir: .— (N1 3 “ I" "' 1*" - "' " -
.VV whom '.’ \Ve-‘e they obeyed 'r‘ \VaI onginwr hafnium; angina‘:‘iLL_,-:E__(::';WEE"; :.--‘_La_n_’_.iLC__T_L_.‘~-
_..n--__-__._v" 9.17.5 ifiri'f'fi’MKET -,,,.E “ I:‘:-:0”~:L..:112::1711.:_£-;3L:{n;1:_t1§1_gco1.12131. __ __..___.._.- .
27. Was there any defect in the eqiz'c‘pmont, tools or Iniitr‘l‘im which caused or comri‘outed to the accident “.9 If so state What it was——
28. What precaution. if any. ww. ::1‘401: by Xhosa in charge of train or engine to prevent tho accident? Who was at fault?._______.._
. 29. Experience of injured employs in the present occupation '9 “With this com}: m1y__.-_____.._.________Tota1 experience______—
80. How long on duty at time of accident '.’.. - .. .m..-.,#~_.-..... ,. __-....How 11113011 14am ‘r-oz'nre going on duty ‘?._-______,_.__________w
31. In death cases. give my)": of Coroner‘s: inquest. Did 110111.11 occur \Til’hifl ffii Exams ;aft/‘ur tho injury was received ?_____________________-
___.._n.-#m...~._.~..___ _-.w._.., ,,v___.,...‘ .__,n.i-___.A..____..-,__.__‘._____. _.___,
32. Give name, occupation. and rosirlf non of ovary person 21¢?er v.';:,:t(:ssc-C: .:xcnnidont or can give any information about it_._._______
,_-..._.,.... _ -.-... .. .. . . . ., . . . WV....___._.____...___-..__#_______________________
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c C. o r: 5‘4 "c" <4~—»»/. .:: 13,2 :7: I; 1 1 . , I ' 1 l ' 1: -
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:"L "1 \ Goiovei _. "1 1 ' “ ‘. . V .
‘18. Name of person injured ‘2._—L:LLLL‘L.__LLLLLLLLLLL ..L 1>~lulionttj7liy ‘.1“' ’ L. It: 17:21:13.1119103 ‘R..._L_L'L_LLLL_‘LLLLLLI.LLLL'LLL ” L
. Erlm’i’ied. . _. , Em?)1017'(:.3-.133559-21-9562'” 1 ,~’" I
, . L . . , . ‘ ’ L L, L " " ‘
- 19. Occupation?__‘_'L_LL_LLLL_LLLL_LLLLLO1~Sings: 2' .L L :;: LL.L . LL31: ;‘ ’ . ‘ .L.LLLLLL(L>:11 ;1.3-1.;11.;1:‘1;‘.. LLLL L L . .
20. Nature and extent of the 1nJur1es BLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.LLLLLLL..LL.L__.LLLL.LL.L L L.:LLL LL .- L . LL L L L L L. LLLLL L-.L.L LL . . . LL .L LL'L-LLL LL.L . . ’L' " .
. . ' L . ‘ " ,’~'” ' 1
21. \Vhat was done With and for the person?..LLL.LLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLL.... L LL...L . L.LL L. L - LL'Z L , 1 ' L
22. What does he say as to the cause of the 30(cids;»:1f.’extent 1:11" his inju:'ie.‘4, 37.1.7. {affimblgz itLtllgL‘lii of Lima: 1111 11.7121 111:1 111521112136: ‘:‘.. L. ’
213. \Vhat was your position with respect to the place 'of the accident ? £10171} far \m':5;1‘1.: you "yeah where it 1:312:51: 37111.1 ‘.? Did you 5:11-17 it '? ‘
I . L _ I ‘ .. ‘ ‘ > . -
24. HOW far was the nearest street or road Crossing frum place’qf accident ‘.’ L .L L LLLL L . L L.LLLL'LL.."LLL. L LL.LL...LLL’YLLLL_LLLL_ L L LLL .LLLLLL L L
’ _ ; 1. I . . .
25. If accident o\ccurred on put-tie crossing-j. state:- VVILLudcr ‘.vi‘it'..~:f1n.1 '»‘-res grand: (.1' 1.:;"1; 1:1 run; continuously for crossi‘Ltsj, and fur vim? ’
distance therefrom ‘?LLL'L____"L LLLLLLL:?LLLL LLLL.LLLLLLLLLL.LLLLLL'LL_L._.LLL._LL ._.LLLLLLLLL LL L.LL. . LLLLLLL_____L___L_LL..._L_.L... L L. . '. . LL L . . .LL‘L'LL L L _ 7 I
23:1. State how accident occurred; giv: [1111i purrioulzars. if injured in coupling; :-'i'1~- 1411-1110 :..-Lit s11 1L1i‘co71‘1plei‘s. VVt-zc :izL'1:;:':< 1:111 :1. 121.].
TV Whom ‘.? \Vere they Ob??f,’11!~ii ‘? "13":15 (.\'L‘inginrf-«z‘ hunt-1.111; engine ’.1‘.LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL’LLLLL.___._LL...-L.:LLL, LL.L—_LLLLLLLLLL L .L .L'LL'L‘L LL: _ I
V. 1. _ _, ‘ .. ' h ,. a ‘ 1 ~
. ‘ _ ‘_ 4 A». .1 . ‘ 1.1: .’ _, . , L . . — , :1.» . ,> V: [“1 ,1 .‘ i .I_ . r _‘\ .
. L > . I. 'L‘ . » - ‘ . ;"I‘r’tl .
27'. View there any defect in the equipment. tools or Katerial which caused or comri‘wuto‘d 1.0 EN) amident ‘.‘ if so state ‘.trhat it ‘.'1':|.7'.. .
. 5:3. ”\Vhat jrecaution, if an 1', was taken bv those in :;:...vrtu of train or engine to “17:51:53.1 :71:. . .=1.:'.«L&.L1:.: ?- V5110 271 31:21:? ‘: ' - ‘ " . -
7 . L L, _ . . L L L L.L LLL: _L. »L L r w n m I . --~fi~77 * "W ' " * ' fl " [‘2‘
. . . . . L _-‘. J ‘ 1 . ‘ H
£C). Experience of lx'gui‘ed employe 1n the 1.1059213. occup;.tm:x .9 \vith ”.::; <‘(1111;2:11;;'LL L ’ LL ' L. ‘ L .1 T0111] (ape-1113:1171: ‘ q
3:.). How long on duty 21.1, Rim-2. of aeoident‘L’. L.LLLLL_'LLLL'LLLLLLLLLLLLL.. fie/7:111 11111011 L1 bet-111:1; going on L111?3"‘1’LLLL. LL . L ' L. LL L LL -.
' q * "w.
31, In death cases. give regult (3i Coroner's inquest. L'Jid 1116:1111 occur within .‘.1 lit-111‘s after 13': injury ”(."LXS 1 moivcd LLLLLLLLLLLL g ’ " ‘
32. (Li’:\"J Hump» dboupatiwn. 12nd 1':;1>:i1’1r111:0 r‘z‘ 2770.12“? :"’.1‘:’~‘-"2L 1.7.5112 ':.'iém 550.1". 1;C‘:‘i(i:"11t (11' can ;L’i'm :.1:j.' 11.171111113151 2115):: s. i" - "
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AIM/IL, ' ‘ L.:L i‘iL'lfLL'L .1L’L“L' "4' - L .
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' Nix->1 ;Ils‘fi'un U} '.?“ will/Jar L. .- -' r - ‘ 1 ' I 7' i
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 . _ . , , . I -‘ - I .. ,' . . '4‘/'»‘“. .“1“. _Q' {X
J. . ' ' _ . ' . Fonm Du—Reviae-dAngust, 1909. ‘ ' .Lv, 1:,, b , ‘
\‘ ‘ < - *- com V——-~—---~“ . ~ ‘ »
. Mile No._:_‘;-_.:w_:;1_l'_¢.__to Tram N0. ‘..,J Engine N 0.WWWat..Wo’clock-W_M.,1Wday of; ._‘:WWWWWWWJQIWD.
1. Kind of accident? W_:W”_W:_._..-:,.‘_.;;WWW.-; _..._WW:..:W__W__,.WW_‘_ WWW“
2. Speed of train, engine or car? WW Miles pclj 110111" , , V ., ‘Weather Conditions >W_;W _':.”WWWW,“
‘ ; 4. Did accident occur on main track on siding orin yard 3. WW W, i» ' L,- : On curve 01' straight truck ? W_W_______ ,
. 5. Was grade level, ascending _or descending ? _W.W.LWL;.;§'_....?Y_W WWW“. (i. What distance did train run, after accident? WWWX I;
. ‘ . - ' ' _ ‘ \J .
, . ,. .‘ r ..3 ‘ r 575%“. ‘ ‘_ ‘ ‘. .
. _ '7. Was engine moving forward or baekwarn ? WWW- WW.WW.W 1». W ere cars in front or rear of engine ? WWV . .
. 9. Actual position of each traininan at time of accident? WWWWWWWWW__,Wr..rW,:W_;_'_‘._-_,WWWW;£___’__W
_ 10. ' What, signals, if any, were given ; by Whom, and were they obeyed '2 _W_W:__-W -.W;W .,,:ij. ,.,W_.'__WWW ,. '
,. 11. Ceirsin train?WW..LoadecLWWE1npty WWW—Air-bmke cars in serviceWW; “__ Total tonnage of train WWW. ‘
‘ 12. Insert below, numbers, initials, and. contents of cars Wrecked, and extent of damage to cars. > '
\ l v
- . ___—_— —'__—'—~‘_“i‘_._—'———‘ K—‘—“"'—'—_—’—’—'_.'_“A m‘ __'—-_—__‘——__‘———‘.~‘"
‘ i .. ; x“ m . .
. ———-———~—-——}——--— ——1———.—~71———————.——ms—»~——» . .~— le—v— -
. ' ' | i i ' a
WWW—_..._ WiW__W_-.W.,...,'..__--,,“..-W'iWWW..,.,W-.,,.,.W. . . 7. .~ , . W .W,WW
I i a e . ,
» WWI WWW 4. , ,‘, Q; 3 , I
_—————-_=___-_____.-___T_ __W,7.r.fW LL;777:,_..T5TW”¥§, ‘.‘_‘",J'Wf '..’.: :1:::.ier::::i_‘:LZ:T;3WLL,'. .’_:L ’ "'2'; 77:. 7' W: ....vvr , :;:;12T3:W‘—‘_—~—WW—_.——A—-——T'~'——~qi
13. Time track was clearecl?_____‘:____WW,__WW-WW.__WWWWWWW . _..WW.W WW ,. _WWWWW
14. Delays of trains? WWW.WHWWWW..W.__"MW—_._WWWW .. - _. WWWWWW
I ‘15. Supposed cause of accident, with reason for supposition ?W‘_WW_:;_LL,-.-..;, “WWI-__',W..;vWWHJW-W WWW
V 16. In cases of derailment, or failure of air brakes or couplers shown—(a) Initials and‘No. of Car WWWW
- (b) Location in train ?W_W__—W_ Cars from engine W..—_..._WW- Cars from cabooseW.
I (c) Name and style of apparatusW—WW_WWW --_—(cl) Cause of breakage or failiii'eWW
___—.__WWW—W, ._,..WW“ WW4 _.W_W__W A A.,WW_W_WWW.________'______WW_ '
I 17. General remarks or other particulars not already shown :WW‘ __ , W,_WWW .'._V__'_ I _
' -‘WW_WWliW-__WWW’W_‘_W_;W_._WW5;1.-'-_;,W_>.;_~_' ' = ‘ ~~ - T
- ’6 ' ‘._, ._ " i ‘ ' < r " ‘ ‘- - ' ’ I ’!’, ' ‘ ‘ ' '.._ . . ‘.._...
__ no, , ___ ;W__< W,W _W, _V_ ‘..,,....W,,,_.__.'W “._r._:__- " ‘.__W ‘~ - '
‘ WW_;WW,WM_W;W;__ ,,....__WWW__'W_“_£_ _'_,_,,;'WW.. . _,.,________ ’ .
___—WWWWWWW_WW_W,_ _.W_WW.,.__V.-W_WWWWWWWW -..