xt73bk16mf8w_739 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [580] Roark Brothers v. L&N, Letcher Quarterly Court text [580] Roark Brothers v. L&N, Letcher Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_66/Folder_11/10759.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_739 xt73bk16mf8w VV’/7m ///
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/ / f/I/(I/Zw/m/f/w/L ”WNW/447 May 1% "37,1916.
In. S. M. Wilson, Counsel, 74% /V
Lexington 5: Eastern Ry.Co. , lé
Lexington, K entucky.
Dear Sir:—
I acknowledge receipt of your letter of the
15th inst. with enclosures relative to the case of Roark
Bros. v. L.& U. R.Co. and 1.8: E.R.Co., Letcher Quarterly
Court. The papers have this day been passed to our
Voucher Clerk for voucher.
Yours truly,
If ’,‘/f,”
r , $1 / .'.’agtfiwyw 7 7 ,_,» /1—-’t—L.__
. . ‘1»
Ass1stant District Attorney. '

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ATTgIRNEYS-AT—Lfilgv , .

. ..;- ‘6 ' Maleth, 1916.
\ VL‘/ 7W7 43 a
Mr. Samuel M/ Wilson,
Lexington, Ky. I
Dear Sir : ~ were 2110.9.-.‘C8. . ,L.-. .69. .N.~. and. --.L. .82 3.31.2
I am just in receipt of your letter of May 8,
containing copy of Mr. Moorman's letter to you of the 6th,
also my letter of May 4th relative to the above styled ac-
tion lately pending in the Letcher Quarterly Court and as
directed in your letter I herewith hand you original and 2
copies of the petition, original and 2 copies of docket re—
port, original and 2 copies of Bill for Judgment and cost
together with copy of the deposition of Mr. Mallory who
handled the shipment and instructions by the court to the

_ I do not recall why I did not furnish you these

copies heretofore but thought I had furnished all these, or
at least copies of the petition and docket report to Jesse
Morgan at Hazard, perhaps I did not do this but thought I

From the date of the filing of this petition I
kept the case in mind each time it was called on the docket.
I had Mr. Mallory here in person twice for trial but by some
means we could not get a trial and on his last trip here
we took his depositions. At the last term of court the



the case was tried out. ’ The plaintiff Wesley Roark swore
on the witness stand that he was present when the flour was
unloaded and that he called the attention of the conductor
to the fact that it was damaged. He proved this by a Mr.
Ison who was driving a team for him. The Company introduced
the agent here Mr. Fields with his rearrd showing that no
oilrwas shipped in car No. 100378. I also proved by the
agent that oil was not shipped on the date of the delivery
of the goods to the carrier, to-wit: July 22nd, 1915.
However, the agent could not say, or did not say that oil
had not thertofore been shipped in the car and upon that
the Jury believed that oil had theretofore been shippedin
said car and that said car had not been properly cleaned,
at least that is what the jury told me after the finding.

I return you herewith copy of Mr. Moorman's letter
of the 6th and my letter of the 4th inst. relative to the
above matters.

/ I must say further that perhaps the reason I did
f not furnish you these copies heretofore I had been informed
E} from some source that you were no longer connected with the
5 company. I can't say that I had this from any record infor-
: mation but presume it must have been flying statements. Am
§ sorry that I got this information and that I did not post ;
you earlier. fl §E*x »
Yours truly, MQQ/{éJ/(QK
i .

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 Form 161.
. ‘ FILE No
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT, Wm. tesburg. liy . ' !
B. D. WARFIELD, Lemma ‘
District Attorney. ‘3' ’
LOUISVILLE. KY. '4 may 1U th l0] 0
.IH rIf/I-UH ML; //r‘r')/ I(///i/llz‘/IH'(/ I'll //I( Quarterly (hm-l .z/' .ilffitCELer (,11/NIH.
m Rosrk brothers :w- L. 3: i=1. Ry. Co. .'
wmmnm rm I'ulm/ Jan Mary ::‘ U'L’ /'/I if} , um/ any (',I'H'H/H/ January 9th, /'// C, , um/ 13'
I‘III/(l‘I/(l/h/z' z/u)’ u/ 1W _ //H' u/lurm'w for /'//r plain/{fl
W R. Monroe Fields
”mu/,,. ,,I/mgmqu A- Seven Dollars and (.1,-7.40) forty cents
This action Was filed January 3, 1916 for alleged damage to eleven
(11) bags of flour shipped by Lexington Boiler ::.Lille to Roar}: bros .
\vgl' \g ; my,
\ L()C:ll‘q'At\orXTC}' L. ut’x'» N. R. R. CO.

__mlig’gg 119:1: ,7 Wigfiez‘lxm ___Court.
Roark Brothers Plaintifl:
Judgment in favor of Plaintzfi‘w—Term; 191_5_ figflfltirw
Interest from_day ofi_w__~_to_#alay_____~ ,,,,,7~,W,,fl
Plaintifl’s costs as follows:
Tax on action . . . . . . . . $ 035959:
Attorney’s Fee . . . . . . . .
or .
Jury Fee . . . . . . . . . ¥VJQA
Clerk .Gourt . Unfit . . . . . . w 1,85
Sheri/7 . . . . . . . . . . __ 2 ~25
Witnesses . . . . . . . . . L 2 . 60
To ta 1 £59 . 70
Attorney for Plaintifl/Z? “KI/M ¢ ,.
,iL/zfgs. WWI/We‘iefx/v ,, '
Correct, A\ / «7
.___.____y_‘=g;ggL,___-_:;*e;g; '
,. oca "' ttorney


Gentlemen of the Jury, if you believe from the evi~
dence that the R. R. 00. did fail to deliver to Roark Bros.
the flour in question in good condition and failed to handle
the goods in a careful condition and did carelessly handle
the flour and did place the flour against oil barrel or figfiifififl
oil in the car, so as to ruin the flour, so they could not use
them you will find against the defts for the Amt. of the goods
in queetion not to exceed o7.4c.

If you don't so believe you will find for the defts.

 Letcher Quarterly Court.
Wesley Roark and Jonah Roark,
partners doing business in the
name of Roark hroe., Plaintiffs.
oven Petition.
Lexington d flaetern Mailmay Co. and
Louisville & Haehville Railroad 00.. Defendants.
Tne plaintiffs Weelye Roarx and Jonah hoark, partners
doing business under the firm name of Roark Bros. state tuat each
of the defendants ie a corporation duly created and existing under
and by Virtue of tne laws 9f Kentucky, and engaged in the business
of common earrieee° That tne defendaite now own and operate a line
of railroad from Lexington in Fayette County, fly. to Roxana in
Latener County, Ky. and are, and were at the times herein mentioned
engaged in Hauling and transporting freight and echaudiee over
said line of railroad for hire. They state that immediately prior
to the 22nd day of July, 1915 they purchased from the Lexington
Roller Mills 00., a corporation doing business at Lexington, Ken~
tucky, 32 bags of flour of the Value of $27.6u, and at the directni
of plaintiffs the said Lexington Roller Hills 00/ on the said
22nd day of July, 1915 delivered said flour to tne defendant railway
companies to be carried and delivered to these plaintiffs at
Roxana Ky., and paid all the freights and charges thereon, and that
said railway companies delivered to the said Lexington Holler gills ”
Co. for these plaintiffs, a bill-of-lmding therefor, by Which tne
said defvndante agreed and bound themselves to carry the said mer-
chandise and deliver same ta these plaintiffs at said station,
Roxana” Ky. Plaintiffs state that the defendants did carry
and deliver said flour to them but that while same was in the poe-
seeion of defendants, defendants damaged same by carelessly and
negligently placing same in a car or other place where same was
carelessly and negligentley allowed, by defendants and its
agents, serVente, and employees to come in contace with kerosene

 and ether offensive oils, by reason of which same was damaged to the
amount of #7-40. and by reason thereof, these plaintiffs nave been
edemaged in said sum.
They file said bill-of~iading as part of this petition
and mark it "A" for identity.
Wherefore, plaintiffs gray judgment against the defendants
for Q7.40, and for theLr cost and all proper relief.
__Hufig Monroqugields
Attorney for Plaintiffs .
The affiant, _“V says than he is
one of the wlqintiffs in the above eauee and that the statements
contained in the foregoing petition are true as no believes.
Subscribed and sworn to by before
me, this “_m__ day of 191””.
(Endorsed on back)
Filed, uumnons and two copies issued Jan/ 3rd, 1916.
H. T. Day, Judge
. Letaher Quarterly Court.

,,A7,,. 4134*; ,.,;ggx_§«;2r‘2;yi.__. ,,,C'ou/‘t.
Lam‘s: bro chews; V , Plaintifl:
Judgment in favor of PlaintiflAMJL‘Term, MIL ”SAL-9:35, 7 ,w
Interest fromfl_a’ag ofmto_,_daym_u___ ,fi,.______.
Plaintifl’s costs as follows:
Tax on action . . . . . . . . X W
Attorney’s Fee . . . . . . . . . h
of u .
Jury Fee . . . . . . . . . _fi-_‘:i,kl;
Clerk «T: J . :.z . . . . . . ,, ohpi
Sheri/7 . . . . . . . . . . _LiL
Witnesses . . . . . . . . . , ;z-‘r . :52»: '
Io 3:211 g;.: . ‘,"L-
Attorney for Plaintifl” j“ (_
j 1. / / ‘ XML/..‘ _, " f/lé
., / / fi/Zr, ' / x
Correct, ' / ,- o -
=' I I , ‘Local Attorney

 Form 161.
h ~ .. . . FILE No
District Attorney. II I i” :
LOUISVILLE. KY. ' I fly 'I’ ’th , J.‘/Z U
AIH 117/1071 I’MH {WW mmmrm'n/ in NM 13113.? t'fll‘ly (anr/ u/ JzIJJCCIlL‘r (Mm/71'.
m Roan: Bro timers -L. S; 1‘}. Ky. 00;, .-
\l/HI/HUHX may ['A‘A'/(HA dal‘lufirj :fi'fij’l‘r 19/ 'L‘. , «II/I/ .111» 7'1‘7'1/1/77/ JEZI'IL‘IEEI‘J' 9LI1’ /'/I C . um/ 13’
)‘f/l/l'IHI/I/r' 41'711'11/ /‘/l . ///(' u//u7‘)/r'1'\ /Eu' ///r fi/uf/I/z'l/
I,,-,7 ‘:1 . 1.011338 Fi 81113
mm’ ///3' ry/kap/uyrd l'.\‘ bevel/I JJGLLfirU ;‘ile (if? .4L-j; 1,0333")! centfl
fins as “51.52:: was leed January 3, 19w for alleged damage 130 eleven
(11} bags :2 1‘ lunar fluippfii‘d by .:.cxlszégiox; £231.101' 34.11:; L0 egg-am; jut-..y.; .
‘ gs“: _ I I" I
{:%L: 7 " V .
I Local Anorncy LII¢& N. R. R. CO

 .. l . .. ,___—.___—

The Commonwealth of Kentucky,
To the Sheriff of Letcher County, Greeting:

‘ I n 4/
_ /,,.
You are commanded to summon “fig. flé‘J\ézh m /{J&- V . . .
< » I
-le _, of __.,.- __le%_7zl__lw-__l___
[0 answer 0 the first du)‘ of the next .. X2: Z . . ... , i . . 'l‘erm of the Letcher Quarterly Court,
I % ,
23. am filed against ,, .5 ‘ M .. ,, ,. . _. . . i . V, in said Court by
fl/ZA/an@¢1_g_5 .4_ng_%\/2:/1:&4_%”_
Erie; _flMQgJL l. flMZwlééfinfl__n
Wt 3224/—
und warn... that upon... . . ..H’L‘A i. failing to answer. the ./”C:’.. . i ., ,, will
be taken for confessed, or 32‘7”! ......will he proceeded against for contempt and you will make due return
of this summons on the first day of said term of said Court.
Given under my hand as Judge of said Court, this mg/ day Qty/[‘M/A ..191é

.7 . .. n W .._.Judge

 . '> < ’ -——_-——-—_—-——I V
The Commonwealth of Kentucky,
To the Sheriff of Letcher County, Greeting:
You are: commanded to summon @Mfi/L‘. 9/5”? M4. ..
"D l /
, ( ' .‘7 (
4 ‘, /'
_/_l_/:-,,,/£;ét1_fl_L#_/14:IZ .L: by; {::.xxi‘LHL; a) 4. ,- _ngf 01.13;; L’L,.V;._1}C)f,}L-_l.J.LJ.Ll.,A L..‘-3' ‘
‘. .-\ ..‘: ..‘..L ,_ .,.,J. .L. ,L._£...‘ ~ LL. J.‘ L ,L LL.‘ .l.-LL L L t ,I,? L: .‘;,“ :.. ‘ ..‘ ,'_' L‘ L_L '., . '3 ,_.. ‘..”, ,. .,1,
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