xt73bk16mf8w_743 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [584] N.G. Combs v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court text [584] N.G. Combs v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_66/Folder_15/10979.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_743 xt73bk16mf8w 0:5 MORGAN LEWISA NUCKOLS
:Kfinrurgaa 211' lulu
Jan. 50, 1917.
Judge Samuel M. Jilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear sir: N.G. Combs vs. L a 3 By. Co.
This cause was set for trial on the 25rd day, but having
been settled prior to that time, order was entered on that day
dismissing the cause settled and all cost paid.
Yours very truly,
J:.I-L Mn , , , ./
,q . - . f/x m/vfi’fl// Wm*4 if“ A
Copy 130 3.130 :9al‘fleld, DCAO, /; .,‘ 57(//~ Dear Sir:
herewith, Clerk‘s Taxeti n of costs in ?erry Sireuit Court
in R.G. Combs v4 } n H, amoumting to 95.35. Chis bill has been ap—
proved 0;] iiorgém ('5: lq‘uolfzola and I firms: to {as}: thrit voucher issue
Very truly yours,
one. -

‘ ‘ ‘ .Affurnvge ;I’t Iain ‘ ’
~. HAZARD, KY /,r. I
,,. / i
I ( If //
October 9, 1916.
Mr. B. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:

Replying to yours of the 6th, we have at last secured
and are sending you herewith. Qlerk's tixation of cost in the
case of N. G. combs v. L & H R R 00., Perry lircuit Court.
This cost bill totals 96.55.

Yours very truly,
:2./fl ‘,. ’
- I 7 ~ ‘ ,/ I /‘ //;»” ‘__ly _
7‘ , J uM/on/f ,. , We AM A ,_,
LLE / . x J re J u

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/- / //¢((»/lr(/(’. 41/9” I. (x
Hon. 8. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
I have your letter of the 6th instant, with en-
closures, relative to a settlement of the case oi‘N. G.
Combs v. L. & N. R. 00., Perry Circuit Court, in which
suit the plaintiff sought to recover fiEOO on account of
damage to land in Perry County, ins to the al;eged neg—
ligent construction of tho Western Kentucky Division.
I have requested our Vouhher Clerk to issue
a voucher for $100, covering settlement of this case,
and have also instructed him to male sane payable to
Messrs. Morgan & Nuchols, attorneys, Hazard, Kentucky.
Yours t 11y,
f CZ??£§:;:915MI«fléazxz/G1.___~
-s slant sstrict Attorney.

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‘ ‘ ' Rtfurnvgs at 151111!
met. 5th. 1916.
Mr. S. A. filson, .,
Lexington, ky..
Dear Sir:— N. G. Combs vs. L. e R. R. R. 00. ferry Uircuit Ccurt
' Pursuant to authority given in yours of the.5rd, we have today
settled the above suit for $100.00, the defendant to Pay costs.

We enclose herewith a stipulation evidencing this settlement,
which we will not file with the record unless it should become necessa-
ry, together with a copy of an order of dismissal, the original of
which has been signed by the attorneys for plaintiff, and which we will
have entered upon the convening of the next term of Court. is will also
then send you a statement of the octts.

In order to effect this settlement at §100, it was necessary
for us to pay to the plaantiff the part of the recovery going to him
today. accordingly we have delivered to him our personal check for one-
half of the amount to be paid. te—wit: 550. His attorney; have agreed
to wait for the balance until voucher can issue in due course. Since

' we have-been obliged to handle the matter in this way, you can let the
voucher for olQO come to our order, and we will then retain the amount ““”
advanced by us, and pay the balance $3: on the settlement to plaintiff's
attorneys, if satisfactory to you.

Yours truly, / ,/.

 _ .
October 3 , 1916 .
Losers. Morgan & Huokols, Attys., ‘
I Hazard, Ky. I
' Your letter of gét€§m§§¥fl%5,v1gfiai‘%fl%%%§§é销§fifi£ Ugflit‘)
Werfield, District Attorney, has been referred to me by Mr. Werfield
with ruthority to act. While it is probably in excess of what the
plaintiff is fairly entitled to? I believe, under all the circum-
stances, it will be good business and perhaps some money Saved, if
we can Secure an amicable settlement of this suit at not exceeding
£125.00 and caste, but you will please use your best efforts to
bring the Settlement down to the Very lOWest poscible figure within
the limits named and the lower you can get it under filQSoUO the bet~
ter. ?leéee 3TOCGGd accordingly and advise me of the outcome.
, Very truly yours,
5;:»? /a

October 3, 1916.
Hon. 3. D. Uarficld,
I Diot. Atty., fl & N R R CO.,
. Loni SV 1118 , Ky.

Dear Sir:

, Acknowledging yours of tho 9nd instant, with enclosures,
in reference to tho pIOposition to settle the suit in ?erry Circuit
Vourt of H.G. Combs v. fl & K, it is my judgment that a settlement

' at not exceeding $135.00 and costs, while probably in oxcess of
what the plaintiff is jUfimly entitled to, would be best under the
circumstances from a purely business standpoint. I chm l advise Lmssrso
. Horgan & Nuckols accordingly, with the injunction that they secure
the Very loweSt Settlement possible within the limit named.
Very truly yours,
Sim/a ‘ ,
I Counsel.

”* 97/ r W?"x//7///W / W
swam/La .74.!) [/76 ////./M/tz//7w%/M/
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- Le /flfl/Zlfl-/C wry? M/ (l; / 27 L . .. L/ c», L/
{3’ ithfi£¥Wquz -SézaO'i22%;/é/LL/9724/71g/377.x06771QAc/fgé.
’ z r ,7/ L/ ~
lg/(i7/éd n/Wa///0Mwuwz; ’
91.9le @Mnbédlzmzqu /. 7
K' . > 7 L_;— . .Lsz/" 2 ,
fianleszflflaa bjflgg/(ngLA/L/[g/gr/g, . Octooer 23 , 1916.
/‘ 1 (Am/£7uw.{ye1zl. (X’
.,. /«
v (N V ‘ / {r ”If I‘I‘; I é‘I
hon. o. M. Wilson, .
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
In connection with'my letter of August 2 relative
to the case oi‘N. fl. Combs v. L. 8 N. B. 80., Perry Circuit
Gourt, please note the attached letter from Hessrs. Morgan
@ Nuckols relative to a settlement of this case.
X You are authorized to exercise your discretion in
14. the matter of an amicable adjustment of the case, at not to
C exceed 9125. In the event your decision is in favor of a.
settlement, please instruct Eesers. Morgan & Nuckols to make
the lowest set lement possible, Within the limit above men»
Yours truly, -
fifiér a” i” no“
- M/Wwé;
Enc. District Attorfiey.

. Atturuogg at law
Sept. 50, 1916.
Mr. B. D. Warfield,
District Attorney, L & N R R Co.,
Louisville, Ky.

Dear Sir:

In Re: N. G. Combs Vs L & N Railroad Co.

The plaintiff's attorney in this case was in
to see us to—day about it. He tells us that a few days
ago he had a conversation with our Mr. Morgan in which he
told Mr. Morgan that his client would accept $125.00 as
settlement in full of this case, the defendant tougayfeosts.
He tells the writer that Mr. Morgan said in‘thatneonvergztionwl
that he would recommend a settlement at that figure.

The writer knows nothing personally of this
matter, but wants to submit the prOposition to you.

The plaintiff's attorney says that unless the
matter is to be settled, his client desires to have a survey
of the land made, and wants to do that work next week.

Please let us have a reply promptly, so that the
expense of this survey may be avoided, if there is to be a

Yours very truly,

 .».»: 53:5
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.2.; . 8,} if. u 2
Somhe for whstever damage he sustained, even though that
damage was brought about by reason of the narrowing of the
channel as above deoerihed.

If you find that the case cannot he settled, I
with you would nlease Yeturn all meters to me in order
thvt an attempt may he made to obtain witneoees by whom'we
con prove that the utterial winced along the edge of the
river by our $omoeny did not bring ahout ;he damage to
pluintiff‘e land as claimed by him.

Yours truly,
Bietrict Attorney.
Copy ’5 o /_ ,
- ~ ., . l r a N ’f
at, S. E. allson, gonn3e1,_1(«’”
.‘i-ionin (git o n “L; Jim-3t om 35;: . {‘1 o . ,
Lexington, ientueky.

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Afiurnvua‘: 111' 11411111
HAZARD, KY 1 ,,_ ..\ ‘7,
cum 5, , 184$.

,5," ‘ ~..- .. : {‘».-‘1 . ‘

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:2. 11w, "

L971ngt01, 1;.
Dear Sir:
;iciOsed ha36 gwu usual caries of tetitimfl
.—\--.— 1 ,3 ,u,;4— -1. . n w -
and QOCnUL LJHOLt la Ens case WT . 1. 00 be vq
V \4 .._ _. \_ ' ‘.A ‘v‘ 1' ‘_ I
g. a E. Hailroad Co fiany.
View": ‘57’-""'“71 ”‘3'!”I‘C‘
v _,-. :1 ~‘. ;‘,,‘_L', 5.’ \_, L.,. ._» 3
I / ; ;ff/f’ . (7 ‘ ,\ J,
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:’V ‘
\J >
,/ l

N. G. 00333, (JOE), PLAEHTIYF.

The plaintiff, 3. G. Combs, Says that the
Louisville c hashville Railroad Ceinany ie a corporation
created and eristing under and doing bueinees by virtue
of the laws of the state of Kentucky, operates a line
running through Perry County, and as such it has power
to contract and be contracted with, to sue and be sued.
Plaintiff says that when the wrongs hereinafter cemplained
of were committed, he was has continued to be, and now is
the owner in fee of the following described tracte of land,

$0.1. ”A certain tract or parcel of land lying
and being in the county of Perry and state of Kentucky,
on the lorth fork of the Kentucky Eiver and bounded and
described as follows: Beginning on a sycamore tree near
the road at the mouth of Laurel firench of the Kentucky
River below the mouth of Big Creek, then running up the '
branch to a cross fence; thence with the fence to the road;
thence down the road to the river; thence down the river
to the beginning, containing about one and one half acres,
being the lands deeded by G. 0. Colwell and Amanda Colwell,
his wife, to Joe Combs, the plaintiff in thin action, on
December 28, 1909, and recorded in deed book No. 22,
page 459, in the County Court clerk's office of Berry

County, Kentucky.
No. II. Beginning on an film free on the bait
of the river at the corner of H. G. Combs lot near a
store house 500 feet above the mouth of Laurel branch ,
thence running up the river to a conditional line made
between Hicholes Combs and Riley Hoekins; thence running
up the hill with the conditionol line to a rock; thenee
running around the hill at the back side of the orchard
to a rock at the toe of said let off; thence down said
lett off to a rock at the road; thence with the road to
the elm tree at the corner of I. G. Combs lot, and
conteining three acres more or lees.
Bleintiff sage thet on or about the ___ day
of ' , 191__, the Louisville to Lifeshville Hailrood
Company commenced the construction of a fill on its
railroad line which lies on the ob osite side of the
river from the plaintiff’s aforesaid lands; he states
that the said railroad comoeny Without regard to the
rights of the plaintiff’s property has continued to »
construct and perfect nie fill, which ie of rock gravel,
and sand, till now it extends intu the river a distance d
of feet, and stretching up and down the river for
a distance of “_‘_ feet; thpt this fill hes torned a
Whirl pool of waters of the river which strikes it,
causing the ratere to turn and run back up the river
for several feet, then shoot across striking and driving
the tain current of the stream onto the plaintiff's
before described lands, which lie on the opposite side _
of the river. Plaintiff states thet the said Horth

Fork of Kentucxy River, because of this fill and the
changing or diversion of the current from its natural
channel, has cut off a strip of the plaintiff’s said
land one hundred feet in length, and from fifteen to
twenty five feet wide to the damage of the plaintiff in
the sun of $400.00; that because of this fill and
diversion of the stream his fence near the river has been
washed away three different tines to the damage of the
plaintiff in the sum of $75.00; that the river has also
cutaway and cayried off two fruit trees to the damage
of the plaintiff in the sun of $35.00. Plaintiff
states that defendant railroad connany has not made
any attempt nor has it ever prevented, nor is it now
nreventing, any damage to the plaintiff herein caused
by the aforesaid fill. Plaintiff says that because of
the negligent and careless acts of the Louisville and
Jashville Railroad Conpany in constructing this fill
he has been damaged in the sum of $500.00.
TETRQEQ E, plaintiff prays judgment against
the defendant, Louisville and Iashville Railroad Company,
V for the sum of $5;0.00, for his costs herein ergended,
and for all proper relief to which he may be entitled.
The plaintiff, L. 3.80nbs, says the stntements
in the foregoing petition are true.
Subscribed and sworn to before me by JOe Cembs,
this day of , lvlh.
_..._. . _n_____._.__.
. . N ”milli-i________li_______
Filed Lay 87, 1916.