xt73bk16mf8w_745 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [586] Arthur Black v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court text [586] Arthur Black v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_66/Folder_17/11013.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_745 xt73bk16mf8w filmy 1716. . I
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 July 3, 1916.
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/' _( //H(’/[fll(’,\/f/e/I(. "" " /’ M (/7’
‘ Appal: chia ”a , June, 50th., 1‘16 .
Judge 3 ‘.‘.Iilson,
C oune el , L exin fgt on ;CV .
1393'” Si“.
AvthU‘r' Black (col) Zeal-3.200 $er Circuit Sou-"t.
In connection \'Jit“ my v-ep‘rt cs.“ this; case plow reed
\ Kaufman v Pet er Bumhzmd Stone 00,1833 ,:3..)‘371135m Ci 1‘3“? “o“tiO‘n
that Black and the coal. hoist engineer Dowlaiiri ‘55er fellow servants.
I an inclined to thin}: we have 5., pvetty ; 06. chance to 5e 1:;-V \rrith
this defence in the Blacks: case.
/ Law Agent.

 \q II .7f;u/z ///
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.\/.\w/, VJLi-//7}’/ -‘///(//7’(fl.' .
Zkllznn’ ;gr/H/l/H ////////'/z///{zl/’/ ’ J 28th 1916
/ ,/ //a!(l//./r/I’»/vr/e///V ‘:" ' ' / .,///‘F i ‘..I]: ~une ’ .
I' . '..4’ . ‘.' 1% <9 ' Aé
Mr. S. M. Wilson, Counsel, I /
Lexington & Eastern Ry.Co., ' “”"- '
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:- WNW”
Arthur Black v. L&N RR CO.,
-: Perry Circuit Court :—

Following Mr. Warfield's letter to you of June
28th relative to the above case.

Mr. Warren's report of June 22nd together with
statements referred to therein covering investigation of acci-
dent in which plaintiff in the above case was injured, to you

Although Black was undoubtedly engaged in inter-
state commerce at the time of the accident‘ suit seems to have»
been brought under the state law. This being true, assuming

é that Black testifies substantially in line with the statements
§f\ made by him to Mr. Warren, is not the fellow servant defense \
g available to us?(Dana v. Blackburn, 121 Ky. 706.). '
x‘ ~..... . _ , .., i ntr‘r‘wvfliqfi'ui'lh
3 Yours truly, .\ R
I//’/‘ _/" II /
l « X -
’ \ » /” {£ng t'
K,Ch&€f Law AgentfqzqzlL4L\
O r

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‘”aw/”7%‘if/"XQ/L‘LitfliZ/Zia ;”;”, fink/fli/Wlflil //}/(/r///?/r/)/ 8 5 9 5 9
””“’/”J ./{,5f;;rkfzf:;gz;w.r /, ,
//”)//////(//;”//i /’”’/’///’/’/ June 28, 1916

Arthur Black v. L&N R. Co. - Perry Circuit Court ,

'77-'.”. ' gamma-e w

Judge Samuel M. Wilson, fl/ ‘.-‘,,1/

Counsel, hexington, Ky. "V, I. fit
Dear Sir, I 3’“-..

I have read the petition in this case. You have
doubtless observed its peculiarity in alleging, first,
damages of $500, seemingly not for the injury and damage
already suffered, but because "it is reasonable certain
that said injury will ever lessen plaintiff's power to
work and earn money, and by reason thereof he has sustained
damages in the sum of $500." In the prayer of the
petition $200 punitive damages are prayed, in addition to


the $500 compensatory damages, as above, and certain items

of expense, and lost time. But the part of the petition
Eon WhiQh,tfle prayer for $500 damages seems to be predicated
9 does not refer to punitive damages, and the averment merely
{ that defendant‘s carelessness caused the accident is not an

allegation to sustain punitive damages. Nor would the \‘\

allegation of gross negligence be sufficient if the injury E

was due to the negligence of a fellow servant. . /

Mr; Donohue will send you the investigation papers in
this case. He tells me that the injury was very slight.

/ If you conclude it is a case for compromise, Mr. Morgan
l .
‘1 can probably settle the case at less than it would cost
to defend it. r
Yours very try, /~._,,\ I‘__ V
'C/jji‘» {I V‘\ /
//(//\\1 /;'; A I I ‘.I,“ ' h 7 \§,..«////
, /
District ;ttorney.

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\5 Affirm-110135 at 31an
HAZARD,K31 June27, 1916.
L elf ~: "L 3;;)
a J t V“
1: / « . ,
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,1/ ; ; 5_5-.;..” I? _4 ‘1
Mr. S. :.:. ‘.VilSOn,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

You will note the petition in this case. He asks
for $500.00 because the injury is of an annoying and permanent
nature, and has lessened his power to earn money, by reason
of which he has been damaged in the sum of $500.00. You will
also note that he asks for $200.00 for pain and suffering, and
also $24.65 for loss of time; $20.00 for doctor bill.

i would like to know what your idea is about this
petition. Ky idea is that it would be all right to not
move to strike any or these clauses, and still the jury
would never double the thing up as he has. Therefore, a
general demurrer will be sufficient. Let that be overruled
and file answer.

However, I am not taking any steps in the case
and will not until I hear from you.

Very truly yours, //k)/fl
y" I "’~' .' ." .
MW / / / Z Vfl/V,
/ .4 - /
/ / //

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