xt73bk16mf8w_757 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [600] Bedford Spurlock v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court text [600] Bedford Spurlock v. L&N, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_67/Folder_8/11331.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_757 xt73bk16mf8w I - . .L» . « - -, .:L.._ ; 4 L. . .7. ,i . . .. {Mu-"‘13.-
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 Form 162 LAW IH-Zl’:\]{TMli.\"l‘
B. D. WARFIELD, jigwwdaj, of Aug. 1917 , m
District Attorney,
D l "3 'F “A, k: "V 7 ~7- v .—
[u [/26 any" 0/ "DC C" "01' ‘1 ”p 11‘1“}- O Cfif Z'S. #6215 Iii?- CO 3
My fill/muz'ng proa'udingx 7w” /md a/ Ma, 7 ,7 ,W , ,, ,7 ,, ,,, , ,’7 J12 1y T137712, 1917 _
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n/ f/nin, , 5’ l 33,111+“ , , , ,, ,,, Cour! 0/ Bra 8' “hiL t t , mnwfir_ Calm/y.
July 24. Deft .. file d demurrer to petiti on.
July 27 De “ft , wi. thout Wei ving: dermzrre r t o pe t i ti on fi le ‘ii an sewer .
July 30 By consent (ll emissed settle d at defte a co sts except
W's}. tne es and taxed at t ye N fees .
‘ "I I “ " v 1
[S/(ilV/z‘n] “ ’ d ' , New? ° ,7, »
Attorney L. 81 N. Railroad Co.
12'2"" 1. Give date of filing all pleadings, and their character, as petition, etc., etc.
2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial, etc., etc.
3. In reporting a continuance, state at whose cost.
4. In reporting ajudgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken, state by which party, and whether
bill of exceptions has been filed; if not filed, what; time, if any, has been allowed for filing. '

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Jackson, Ky., May 22, 1917.
Bedford Spurlocir v. Lé’cN
Breathitt Circuit Court.
July Term, 1915.
July 4, Rule against plaintiff to verify petition.

 § .
‘ J.
December 21, 1915.

Judge 0. H. Pollard,
Jackson, Kentucky.
Dear Judge:

herewith I hand you copy of a letter of the 17th instant
from Chief Law Agent “arren, together with COMplete inVastigation
file in the ease in 3reathitt Circuit Court of Befiford Spurloci v.

Pleafie carexully preserve these enclosures for future uee.
Very truly yours,
9 110 S .
51:35 / a

 x), . , .‘?/FL» .///‘
x t /
5%é%%9”%#5éllgkuggggjfiéggger cgfigtz/ 4:223/ané/§77¢%%L1;Aég/.;kze;z¢?¢roi§;év
"715/.’?..2/28/7MUHW, /
. ..~/4:511. QAV/Vk/Ofl/Ix/wefi / ,7 ,, , ,,

/ fan/4m?f.@g;;7§£tgwwm i/w/UM/fll/Zx/ December 15 ,1916~/

Mr. s. M. Wilson,

Counsel, L&E. By. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir,
Bedford Spurlock v. L&H. RR. 00.,
Breathitt Circuit Court.

I return herewith theufil; :; the above styled
case and wish to call your particular attention to hr. Len-p
drum's letter to me of December 8, also statement which he

' submits from Leonard Spencer. It would seem from this
statement together with the others heretofore submitted,
V that this cawsfiepmhas toeoflfully_.invsetisatem..-W.....

I have read carefully your letter to me of Oct.
50th in the light of the averments of the petition in this
case. Noting particularly the second paragraph of your
letter in regard to the failure of the Company to furnish
assistance to Spurlock, I think you are undoubtedly cor-
rect, that if the force was insufficient the plaintiff would

E have to plead it specifically and also prove it, or he would

E at least have to plead and prove_£§§£whg complained igfiwyfg

; insufficiency of the force, but was nevertheless requiredx

V {E g; on with thework.iiv ;ln this connection you will be

V interested in reading the case of Monroe v. Standard Sani—
tary Manufacturing Co., 141 Ky., 549, which I think you will

 . ‘¢
S.M.W. - 2
find covers the identical point raised. In this same con-
nection 1 wish to call your attention to the case of Ameri—
can Milling Co. v. Bell, 146 Ky. 68, which in some respects
is very much like the Spurlock case. I believe on the
authority of the Bell case, Spurlock assumed the risk of
working without assistance,if any was necessary.

I do not believe that the doctrine of reason-
ably safe place to work applies with all of its force to
this case. In other words, I think, as you have stated
the matter, that it is plausible to contend that the dan—
gers of the place were incident to the progress of the
work and were inseparable from the particular work in which
Spurlock was engaged. In this connection see Whitson v.
American Bridge 00. cf N.Y., 158 Ky. 814, where the court,
considering an injury to a carpenter, said:

flWhether or not a place is reasonably safe

varies with the character of the work and the

circumstances of its performance. A hole or

obstruction in the floor of a building might

render it unsafe for an employe who had the

right to use the floor and to assume that the

master had made it reasonably safe, whereas the

same hole or obstruction on the ground, where

the light was abundant, might not render the

premises unsafe for a carpenter whose work was

necessarily of such a character as to require

him to take notice of those things which were

right before his eyes."

I think this principle is fully applicable to the

Spurlock case. Oral statement which Spurlock made to Mr.
Landrum shows, as do other statements, that Spurlock was

 . ‘Q

S.M.w. - 3
acquainted with the fact that the posts which he was hor-
ing were not nailed down to the mud sill, and it was his
cnwn act in pulling the auger out of the post into which he
was boring which caused that post and another which was
leaning against it to fall. He unquestionably knew the
conditions under which he was working and I do not think

’ he had any right to rely upon the Company furnishing him a
safe place in which to work. The last declaration of
the Court of Appeals on this subject is found in
v. Williams‘ Admr., 171 Ky. 594, wherein the court held
that when the master in any kind of work, whether it be
tearing down or building up, creates by his orders a new
and unexpected danger, the existence of which is unknown
to some of the servants engaged in the work, he is under
a duty to give warning'm such servants who are likely to
be exposed to the danger and who are not apprised of it.
It seems to me to follow necessarily, that if the danger
cannot be said to be unknown,that the servant assumes the
risk of dangers of any other character wherein the condi-
tions under which he is working are constantly changing.

Yours truly

v m=<‘)"§“"’fl ,3 .. '7 1 w Qlf
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November 9, 19160
C. SgImndrmm Esq.,
Law Agt., 3&3 RE Com,
‘ Winchester, Ky.
Dear Sir:
HareWfifih I hand you investigation papers in the case of
Bedford Snurlack v. the Company, as reguested in yours of the
9th ingtant.
YourS truly,
enc. .
, ¥ ‘ Co1ulselo

 // ‘1' I” ’EORMIG
,~“ , _ 7,
. // .r///'//V/.//V//)// ///
/r///.//’~///// / . flx/W/r/fll . //// /’(’//// {Kw/”Hy;
Winchester, Ky., HOV. 8th, 1916.
Mr. 3. M0 WiLeon,
Attorney, Lexington, Ky.
Dear 31?,

Mr. Warren has sent to me your lett.r of October 50th
reLative to the Bedford Spureook case. Please send me the
inveetlgetlon papers in this matter and let fie Leo; over them
JgaMn. I WILL retnn then to you later.

Yours truly,
Law Agent: I

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in this case.
Yours trfily,
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Chief Law Agieni .

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