xt73bk16mf8w_760 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [603] Perry County Bridge Matter v. L&N text [603] Perry County Bridge Matter v. L&N 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_67/Folder_11/11433.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_760 xt73bk16mf8w ‘ - -. -- r” ,
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July 3, J.Jlu.

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‘ ,Afiuruvl’m ;Ii' :’Lrn‘m
HAZARD, KY July ;5, 1916.
:Ir'. '3. 3:. 77ilx3011,
Lexington, Ky. '
Dear Sir:
Yours of the first, relative to bridge
crossing the county road at Walker Branch, together
’ with enclosures, received. Your letter is carefully
noted. We will at once get the County Judge to grant
the permission and also at the first opportunity,
not later than August, have this aporoyed by the
Fiscal Court, and we believe that the County Judge’s
permission will be upheld by the Fiscal Court, and
will serve us for the present and save us from being
interfered with by any 0: the authorities. In fact,
would We not have the right under the statute to
- cross this road, and the remedy of the County he
to force us to restore the road as nearly CS
practical to its former condition?
Cur road statute provides that the road
shall be thirty feet in Width and fifteen feet
clear overhead. flow, it the span that goes over
this reed is thirty feet Wide end has fifteen feet
clearance, I take it that we would be clearly

.It'VVOCTFTOh18 Mcneepmu
Arturnvgs; :I’t 1:311?
Within our rights under the statute.
\fi- 4, . . . ,
9 row, as to coo indictment against tne
V» I. L H. for obstructirg the road on fiesser Branch.
/” ,‘r. ," ' The treesle that is built over the road on this
If, V: I I: I
,* ; ’ _‘x ' branch is too low for wagons to pass under. In
~ 9‘ :2 other words, there is not fifteen feet clearance,
" '. ‘n‘xf .- _,
“ ,“//’7/' and after rains when the oreez fills up a little,
“' {'r' you can not pass at all with a wagon, and you can
not ride unoer it unless you lie flat down on your
horse, This is the reason that I am afraid we are
in trouble at this point. if this tressle was
the proper Width, I don’t think we wouli have
any trouble. ><1
f This indictment grew out of the suit \\3
E “
g of Kclntosh’s Heirs vs. Hazard Dean Coal Company. :
2%a Very truly yours,
J 424/21 "'1 fly
/o /

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/’/(H”pd(/ m/f/Iifef/éziyye/m cfl/IJWé/[éj% July 3, 1916
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, : ' ‘
Counsel, hexington, Ky. éé7;2;aéf;? f4 /Q§
Dear Sir, I '
Yours of July 1, enclosing copy of Mr. ’
Morgan's letter to you of June 29, and of the
two orders referred to in regard to construction
of bridge over the Kentucky River and public
highway near Hazard: I have resubmitted this
‘ matter to Mr. Williams, calling his attention to g
the fact that our present information is that the
next regular term of the Perry fiscal court will
be held the second Monday in August, instead of not
until late in the fall, as was our previous
information. I asked Mr. Williams whether, in
view of the fact that the fiscal court would meet
as soon as the second Monday in August, our
later information altered his previous views. He
replies as follows:
"With the understanding that our attorneys
apparently have with the County Judge, it strikes
me that it would be to our interest to proceed
with construction of the bridge having the Judge’s
assurance that the permission would be granted
rather than to call Special meeting and bring the
matter up at this time, since by accepting the
assurance of the County Judge we will have his
influence towards securing the formal authority
a the next meetin of he oun rt t e
circumstances cove§ing the gonsttugtion’olnthig

 ,‘. b
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bridge are such that I cannot conceive of the
County being able to throw any obstacles in
the way of the construction of the bridge, since
we will not encroach on the limits of the present
highway nor interfere with the overhead
clearance. I think, therefore, that it would be
reasonably safe to proceed with our construction
work under the circumstances without calling
special term of the Court. At any rate, it is
necessary for us to proceed with the construction
which we are now doing and we might just as well
wait until the regular term of the Ccurt in August
as to call a Special term in July, eSpecially since
we hope to have the work well under way at that
time and it is of the utmost importance to this
Company and the Columbus Mining Co. that the
bridge be constructed at the earliest possible

Please, therefore, proceed at once to get the
matter approved, as you contemplate doing, by the
County Judge in his capacity as County Judge and
in his capacity as a presiding officer of the
fiscal court, informing me promptly when the
order shall have been made as proposed. Then,
please be sure to have Mr. Morgan have this action
ratified by the full fiscal court when it convenes
the second Monday in August.

‘ Yours veryfwruly, .7 .-;“, ‘

District Attorney.
Cy.Messrs. Wootton & Morgan,
. Attorneys, Hazard, Ky.

 '.‘ . .
July 1, 101%.
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