xt73bk16mf8w_772 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [616] Thomas Spencer and next friend of Oscar Spencer v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court text [616] Thomas Spencer and next friend of Oscar Spencer v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_68/Folder_5/12046.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_772 xt73bk16mf8w .
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Afiurnvgs 11’: £115.11
August 5, 1916.
- ‘ :’3 3, //,1_‘a
Mr. S. M. Wilson, ' .f/—/
Lexington, Ky. ’ 7
Dear Sir:
Enclosed we hand you petitions in the
cases of Thomas Spencer, next friend of Oscar
Spencer, vs. 1. & 3., and Oscar Spencer, by his
next friend, Thomas Spencer, vs. L. & 3., together
with docket reports.
Very truly yours,
.r»/ ‘@i
"‘/17; ‘V‘Hk‘i fl . x I ,
' / /Léi¢}:LC/{fif ' ' ' , /’“’<

.':?“Ilt’.:!:f (.EIZ'LCUICC' CCEJUTE‘L‘Y.
) 5'? "1-2173‘3T‘1, 3.1“. L..’ 572-? _‘I‘....':,'.‘/
.5X?CJ .BLZI'LLLD aig‘ {lfillghl :? -1 ;C 551, P7};Liriiflldi‘.
V3. ”lililflg.

Ihe nihiutiff, Thomas ftencer, says th;t
he is the father and next friend of Oscar a sneer;
.»‘—‘1.‘....1 1.1,} - ‘.‘ ‘,‘ a: .:..e. ,7 N ._ ..‘ ,:7 .., . ,., ~ ,'1 v, .1. i. x? 1: “.,...”... ;‘u ., ”4...-y
0.1;; I: o 1.5,: ct C-l. elm”. :. cum. .L LL‘wlkchlb n); - all; no.7.“ Lynx: ,
ML W n 7 .9 {A..-'1, , . , .-, AA_. . 1 ,
lentuc.g, Lum.l5 irec lion all &lsmulllbjg and tflnfi
his son iv n minor and has no tu;rdian, curator or
cenmittce knorn to him in thi“ stute; and that his
said son was nineteen years of are on the day
«I‘ "5 ($1 121., , :2._ «2.3 r .49 ‘_." a .3 -» ' v.’ 3 ,_.,m
U). , lulu. , wit. unmbp 0.L ...1») lithLlLS, mo
”ill hlfflidfiftcf he swt out.

;‘11... — ,,,o _ .4. - _'ta '1 . ,,‘“ , ~~‘7.—. .__ L“. ,_ -.- ,, . -_a 17

rue plaintiii says that the uOhlSvlllO m
.1--.-nun ‘,'L.."'!.. ..7: ‘v, _.. _., - V _. ..,...L ....... '

. nu ville jailroau to figflg is a coruOiauion created,
organized, mm, ersstirat inf: under and $1 :;I' \"i rtus of the
H .. . ‘9 . ‘ «,,‘ ”(3 '_r ... ,. ;,..- . , ." _' , '.. ...... .. . ..
laws 0i the state 0i Mentdcid, auu in its CO;QOfab©
.,._-..s V.) T ,. .. ‘ ”...‘ ’r, "I .7‘ 2f,r,;."fl-;V.' 1‘? ‘.‘7. ’ “1%. , ('1 ‘, 3- (~ -»~.— " r
liming. , nut/.113 ~.4, l.’..._t;. c. 11:.; via. t .L .1. ‘._; Molnar. Ow». kn) :,.figs..£iJ, fldS
,...... M New. . ..: ., .‘.—L .i‘._.. ,..- ~,
tee poser to Contract mfld to he COJDT&03U& wlth,
.1.. ,. ‘.“: 1., a, .._.
U0 sue and to we sued. J

" . " ..... ‘.."h! r", ,.... . - . ' _ . .",, ‘

rho plaintili, rhomus Spencer, as the father J
r ' V. ..._ . 1‘.'—._' . i " , . I: ..“ ,. ,_. .',‘ ..‘ ' b “> ,
and Jolt lrlend of Oscar spenoer, lOl his cause of

-. . . .. .-.. .0. .i I‘, i. '-“ .:..-- ‘ ‘, v '7,., “
action afldlflflh the uOfJfl ant, wouisuille n nuehville
~:,» - -, ,. - ,.. ..~, . 4.! _ ,-_

11:05.0. \ o, 1338,1157, say-r. L.ihll; on the dc; 01'
" 1 - ., w -. '2 . . " -.~--a-‘ ~ 4<"~ "V 4. 1‘.‘ . r.
Eeorunry, 1:16, an ullOf LJGLQVO, his son was doing

labor for fihio dofcuoiot at it? 3 ooial iotyunce .aa
roouogt, ani unit hid labor COASiBtOi of him doing fine
fihimga aufi acts @GOCEBJEJ in the construction of o
Gomoroto oulVort ;or tho flof;ndant oomoaay'o ruilro;&.
an& thmt on the day ago auto uioresaid he won Q0153
iaoor undor tho airoot oraorw and ounorvifl.on of '
this doiguogut, its u”3n33 and oiployes, ‘uygrior io
authority to him, and that so Said ifij and whilo
gofiigci in ogid labor ha qudtgioofi injurieo an will
hoioinmftor be set out. is ways 3%.fi ino fiefsndanfi,
withoufi hi9 oogionfi or 9'.niisioa, oomfiraotod with
:ifi so; and omoioyed him to is the work uforesaifi,
and, in faofi, onpioycfl hiw fluid Son to do naii labor
over hi9 proéest @flfl anal: t his will; thafi his said
son wan of tender gap: , uoioarnoé ;nfl inexpsrienood
in floinx railroad Labor dfia oopooixlly tho lind Qfld
choruotor of Labor ho was doing for tho éeiondunt at
th; time he snot inod hi3 Sgid ingurios. Xe guys
that under tn; ordoro and SEWAIViTiOfl of tin doisniant .
coipamy dfld while within fih; scope of bio eaployuont,
he woo diractod bv aofgndoot'a foreman in charge of
maid work to orozw defondout'fl railroad track uni a0
an& poxform certain luborv ii oonuection with the
ooostruction of oiii Guqu t; at which tine, he SQJS, i
the ioiondaat onupauy had uoou its railroad track a
work train, and thufi defondant oooqany's engineer
had L:}"ioiԤ>;a of said. train, :;:;ml; at tho 11112153 his;
eon was directoa to do the work aforooaii, the onminoor
i in charge of fluifl train cauooa Said train to run with
so aroat a SpOud fihat some ran no to big amid son and

 ’ ’.\
Gang t him upon daid r ilroafi track before he hufi
time to get Jff 3&1: tr cl, agfi th;t dflfdudbflt cagpagy,
through 133 SQifi anyinuer, U'Lsgfi Wfiid train to run
up t0 gis Sgic 13m Without vivin? him any flfltiCQ or
Warning oi fihc Dcnaiug danger, and by rcufion of
def .:iciafit’s': which: we; {and »:Tl'J negliiwnce in
I},;;..;-u,'13.in;; said. train, :3;”;51; _ :.Nmr 311:7; 011’s ;‘i;f'§:}1‘b
£3017 grid. 'Ziax.‘11_j.r“:¢3fi L.;,i.'i.v'1 15-0‘31"tsil 1.33:: 3313331 41.-xii broke
uni urushed thc EJJGfi of ii; 1.1% foufi; that his son
wag in gluiu viaw of Sgifi gnqinoor am& said gugiaJ r
mg exereigc 3f ardinary earn for hi9 :03'3 liie,
could hmve areventcd L11 nau’g ;mjury, but in reckless
fiiwrugtrd o: hi9 sog'r lifa agi limb, said enrinear
caused saia Lyain i0 gun uvcr his sou’s foot u
afaresuifi. He says t5 t dofcqfl mi know or gorld Lava
known by thu 02030163 0f Jrfii 333 acre bud flue ailigcuce,
fihgfi his 90M mgs uvon Sxifi r;ilro;d track. He says
that by reaflom oi aux; d ut'v cw:¢;ofifiucxu uad graxs
nggligonao aforea ii, hia T¢ii son Gustpiuud said
injuries on the any of fubruarr, 1916, at which
time he Was working mnfl o Egiflf forty two ("43.00)
dollars mar m nth, and by ESLSOH of said injuries, he
was tot¢ily unable to do and psrform any kind 3r
character of lunar “fiatcvor from the dgy of


February, 1916, until the ”a“ day of august, 191a,
covering a noriod of xix aontha, ufla by reason thereof.
he wag totally dfifirion of workinm or earning auy
money for Said poriod of time, anfi that his labO? fer
said varied of time aggregates two hundxed fifty two

('353.00) dollurm, aflfl h, Eeaqon of defenflpmfi's
33egligouce p; nnuwtinc plaintiff’s son.f;xxs going
labor for 3¢i& purioé of time, ho is anti led to
recovex oi ihim ae£a3dunt the sum of 3358.00 for
Min son‘s 1033 of tiaaa
fig gluinfiifif Hays ihqt by reason of
defenagnfi's Ofirdlflfifificflfi 33G.Qrovs geyiigence
aforesaid, his Said gnu sawt3iuua 33ifl injuriefi,
Whicu injuriou are of an aufioyiug and ififflnflaflt
. uaturs, 3&6 it will nrjvgnfi Bin said SUE from
doigfl or varforginfi m”$‘hind3ur ukaructer of labor
Luring his Jinority, covering 3 Murioi of fiwo yearn; »
and that 113 Salfl man'g carginxs Gurin¢ gifiority
m0u1& EsaSagale EHJUMT to one t ousaad eiqht (31008300)
do lars, ;flfi by rcuna: oi fiefendgfit‘m nailiwonce afore~
8¢i&, alaiuuigi hag Lyon fienriVofi oi his Said san'g
sorvicem ;gfl lgbor for waifi a riod of time, and by
reugou tficxoof, ha is o;$itlod to rucovor of this
dafunfi at pkg dam of -1308.00.
:hc plaintiff says that hifi cmafie of actioa
accrued Within twelve aontha ueforu fihs ixstitutiOn
of this action.
TE;££EJEB, fiha premisom considered, the
_ plaintiff, flhouga fineLmar, pruyg jufignunt against
fihe defoad at, Zomifiville a qashville ImierQd
003~&ny, for thu gum of one thauaund two hundred .
Sixty (mlflficocOJ dolgarm for his sun's logs of time
mafi for his UOfitS in thié action exnendod and for
all prdpar rclijf.
{Lu Javier .-

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.:.lie i)ltl.Ll1UJ..L.z. Lam. (ALLILLLLU Sela/{"3 numb 1.1110
- ,‘ J. ..A. .7_ ,wL ,‘, .'".., g: .. 7‘ . .:. '.‘, _4.», ,.‘.. .» r, '.: 4" ., ,, :- . ,
.:3 Liam-luau; U55 bd;LL--.J,1;¢f3 G. J.“ (flu? LC’JO UL} mm. 1.0!. 23.9.0 1.119
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' (Shams “151:..2110c3:', E11193 ‘L‘-:::; :1,-9;; 0:16 ,
1916 .
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