xt73bk16mf8w_804 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [658] A.A. Draughn v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court text [658] A.A. Draughn v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_69/Folder_15/12747.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_804 xt73bk16mf8w LIES 7 "0RGAN LEWIS A NUCKOLS
Attururgfi ;It £21111
lit-lg. 13’ 1917.

Judge Samuel :11. '=.-Wilson,

Lexington, Ky
Dear sir: .1..1. Draughn vs. L ('3.: 11'. , 1

We are in receipt of yours of the 10th, enclosing voucher
of EKJ. z'versole, attorney for plaintiff, for 11325.00, covering
his “fee, which voucher We have delivered to him.

Yours very truly,


Augugt 10, 19170

A. A. Brougham Va Léfl » Perry Circuir Court.

. . a a . a a .
Messrs. Morgan & Euokols, Attyss,
Hazard, Kentuc:y.

1 herewith hand you voucher in favor of F. Jo Efiersole,
Attorney for plaintiff in the above caSe,for @25.00 covering his
fee. Pleaae have the voucher delivered. -

Yours very truly,

 | .
July 19, 1C17.

3. he Imaughn v. L&N ER 000 ~ Perry Circuit Court.

. . . a a . . a . . 0
Ar. Ja J. Donohue,
Asst. fista Atty., JAN 11 00.,
Louisville, Kentucky”
Dear Sir'

I herewith hand you bill for fee of F. J. chrscle
in the above case, amounting to 4395.00a Meeersi Morgen &
Hucknls advise that when the irunk r38 located it Ens deiivered
to plaintiff, but that fir. fivereole was unable to collect any -
~ fee from Draughng who hue ncv left the country. You will see ,
from the hcucrt of Frcceedinee at the Hay Term, 1917, that the 3
action was uiemieseé eettlcd, ceianauut to may the coets and a i \
reascnable fee to plaintiff's attorneye . 1
enc. . Yours very truly, 3
- Rim/a
A Counsel. L e

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Afinruvgfi at inn“.
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4. ‘.' ,' C ._.v_/ , ,4_ l ,., l O
569 g Ensuwl 4. Hilamm, '
chingtou, Lg.
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-; 3.:... .‘_)l'{ ‘,7”. '.'].U ‘.:“) 0 -J ;; e
g; ;rg Lg U¢C~iflt 37 ;JUTF 3f the 0th, wiilOSimf Siin 1;
tag gbovo wattg: mid nlflu ;ouy: QT the ‘gflf 7 to cfivir;me x3
ti¢ Z ;[OU“"0illfl ‘“;;12 1;“ in) 51=;y-;fi; :*3V“c:u
Jo ;Qt» ig thn LiluQ a lgttor 7TQJ gr. 7.3. Lines to LL»
J.J Lauahue of dwto denying; S, in Which it 1% Statei that cape—
ful r¢udiuf of tie Namibian HLU”G thqt E inBS 939 afllefl 333
d 315;; 1L0 tin: b:w :Ta To ix: grogkséti.;"* u¢47¢ 361, u;, i7?gici1 ,Lif. ;Jrafijffi111 \"a;9
d ngiiTre(E of? i;t¢é :tdAitnEAfiLR 0:3 32x3 t2zfizgil. 719 5.0 ;1\7t 122::fl SELE 'n;>ti.ti.o*1
as Beekimv that rulinf. Che wntitiax “a“ ”ilofi beconhe: 1d, 1&16
before tha trunk mg? figmllj haul l@Uutai anfl fieliferofl to my.
'9: a hm. Z59 efacn Jpfio of this deliver: Joan fiat afiflwxr frag
if“ " » . .2»; l n ..‘ »4— Haw-.7,. .. 4- A « '1, -, ’ w -4. 3}ch
my} ;.Lit}, m3} «:.'. #1111412“ #3 _LCJ'JUlTru VLLJL my; LALL L; 1:.? New "7.__—1473.,
Uni fie infer fro; ; latter in tin file, from 3.1. Broom, dc?—
-?as*c ‘dlggziz {Lt J: cl:acn¢, 1:0 ;uz‘. 4E.E;. fjgifie cJfi‘ tl1e .%La1£> c 1337, Liiat
the trunk fisx flallveral to “r. urguWhn wo4afiherc about 52:2;TH
34, 1917. Eh; watition thoT3T0re, eqnnot burn wouwht iumuges
AQFGlX for dalay in flalivcyy. It “FLT? for the raffle of tbe
trauk gal lbw cantanfis.
Ye SDOKB to plaintiff‘a gttorueg tciuy agent the :mtter
and he tolfi an that the mmit #53 011; for tnc ECCOVG?J of the value
of the trunk and it? contents. je than advised him thgt the trupk
had omen fieliverofl to hi? Client uni fluid to him that W9 mun90?0fl
the suit would now we diflAiHSBfl atom vaguent ofl tic cost by dc-
fendant. H3 Heia tnat ha had not haen aivised by his client, Of
the delivery of the trunk; thut he fOuii Trito his client about it
uni if hb €0uad tkqu his aliunt Lui racoived the trunk, he QRUUGRGG
the Quit couid b9 disniamed upon the fiorum inflicated. Etat is, tha
Fagufijt of 009$ b; do owignt. We Yill thersforo, lot the matter
. Edit far the urcflont and mat fiifié~tfie”vfffiTMET“§ETT33355T"FfiwgfT—
¥ ?uft€3“ffi”yfifi¥wIEffFF"of the 5th.
K Youra vary truly,
~ 4
,' . " - f“; gig‘k , 5". ._, Lal [ 4.47:1
Edi-L \

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511.11. @11;'//7'€t.)4///1/‘/My ,7 "\\. .'.,"
MMVAmmfiwM. (i flaa%&M//@;c éyg February 5, 1917.
Hon. S. M. Wilson, .
) Counsel,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Referring to yonr letter of December 20, cnclos- _
ing a docket report and a copy of the oetition, in the case
of A. A. prangnn v, L,‘& N. R. R. 30., Perry Gircnit Court,
which is a snit to recover £500 because of onrnallcgcdufail—
ure to deliver to the plaintiff bagaagc checked from Port—
land, Oregon, to Jackson, Kentucky, and donblei checked to
Hazard: ‘
I send you herewith the General Baggage Agent‘s
file (9669) containing papers coraring investigation of the
case referred to.
Please note that while passing through Jackson,
on his way from Hazard to his home, in Oregon, Mr. Draughn
took possession of his baggage. Under the circumstances,
it may be that the attorney will be disposed to dismiss the
case. In any eyent it seems to me that we fihfinlfiingl pay“
in excess 9f @25, to get rid OfWEté,‘.If Draughn's attorney
:is unwilling to dismiss, but insists on a trial, I think we
1 should file a motion to require the plaintiff to file bond
lfor costs, inasmuch as he is a nonres e .. ,
(Enc.) ‘ Yours trwly,:%7yéw 4499‘? .

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23113.5“ f::i?.:~i‘v:.,
"’ m - -. »~’ --
mars: tug“

m ./
L-L' L’.,

{founsécl a

 my ,
{7‘. kjrwijfi‘wf
’3‘ /.' L-’ / _A ..
. N : ..L:»”“ 1. ) / v / 3. ,
JESSE MORGAN LEWIE A NUCKOL', 1» ’ ‘ .' _’ _ .., '-. . " ‘,~/.’:. 19 —' 67/ M
\ . _i,, _': ' ' 4". ‘7 J P I: . \ K", ‘.'" ;— //' r
a- ' VA; ,
MORGANt§NUCKULS ’ 3,,JWW. ~c , ,
-K K_‘_; K* 1’.” fo,lfl.pdfi;alh
Aifnruvua 211' ‘thlv /-=‘ ,JV'X r N , x '. {_x’r- " 7w 6
_ ' )
HAZARD , KY. ’_W-M-W*N”“MM”W” “
Feb. 5, 1917.
Judge Samuel J. Tilson,
Lexington, 1y.
"‘* -~ .-v5 ,. .. 3 -~-.- 1 nlw" sz T . 7* ‘f ”:3 ("3
_UUCLL‘ £311 . 4‘;- ..l‘ J): £1.1'...»,.Li.f,‘ 1._, . _,A w .Lv ‘Kq-_c «.10.
fie have some information that this trunk sued for in thls
action has been delivered to or. orauwhn and receipt taken. If
3 ' ' -—..—.1 ' J.‘ w 3 .. - " N ~. ;~ - <"- ~ » , ° ‘.. '< Y"r\ 3-. ' 1
tClS 1a CULleCt, lL JOQ Mlll lat us have tug rocolpb, Mu mlll
UIdGarG answor in the caoe. “~‘"““\
Yours var; truly,
{KILL-I1 ‘L’ A :


‘ December 20, 1915'}.
J. Jo 3):}.201'me, “8521., I
Asst. 331st. Atty” inhif Co.,
.;ouieville, 33;-_2'. ‘
Beer Lair:

helmet-tit}; I hrmd you Eileeket Lei-xoz't tun“; egmy 03‘? Petition
in the ease of .K.. 1.. 3;;-2921321 v. Imuievillo 2‘: Eirisrhvilfae 2.22:1 1r om?
0:35;;3'25zny, 1 ate 1;.? filled. 5121 the Alf-err; Circuit «hurt.
it “Innis truly,
Cy xvi th Petition t :3 “ Com::":el.

L;.» 1.’-ear gaunt , ‘V'-11912 . ,

Lever: 31:3,, fly ,

Cy - Iéowgen :13. lhmlmlzr, fitttys“
hazard, Ky.

 / - ,I .
JESSE\|‘:10RGAN LEW'SANUCKOLS If '_., v ,1 ',' ‘/
, 3,,
ox - ‘ ,-. ‘x
:xfiux 1m 1m .11" Lhaln
933. 1‘:), 1:17.65.
111.57'3 ,:3.,;u:;,=;:1 ii"; 0.11,
1 pi; 0.1., ;:jj’. .
3);.“35 itirz
J.&_L-:;1Q':QO_ :'..11 ; ;;"on .3 1:021: 2:7": 0 vag‘uition ;:ml $001011
3 0.01; 151 L133 (3» 53 Oi 1):._i:,11"'1111 _‘ .. Li H.'i. ()0.
,‘.’" r':.f« in} 1",?
4.01.1”). . UL11_._U ,

 t . .
name hrwnehn ?iyinti?f
7S. — ;dElUiCfi.
inc honiefliile a haehville
Railroch Comwnhy Defcnficnti
?hc nleinfiiff, Aoi» Draurhn, etatco thst the fiefcciant,
'i‘he “.ouiw‘xrille 6c ;I‘,‘:‘~2‘r-"\/j.lle Shi‘irom‘ Com-35:32:], if? 1.: "o:‘r~<_>r-1,?Li_0n.,
createfi gnfl oraunizei gal ozieiior unier RUG hy Virtue of the
15%;,73 of ifhrz sing-Era 09 ?{qmtt1,:3?fj?, and. mm {for fife ?372"inie'??, rail—l
reeling afla in g common ceyrier, sea 33 such “a? a rifhfi to
contr ct and be contracted flith and to cue enfl f? be eted ll
fifth; .':;rp.’213;‘c:'tv£2 1'16??er .
Picintiff afetee that on ihe fl;et 53y of H2V3m39l,
Lalo, he pnrchacei o? the Jorthcrn Pacific Railway Comfmny's
cough :t Pcrfiltnfi, Jr yor, : ticket ”high ngitled him to transpor-
fiction Orsr its line irom Bertlanc, Qte~o; Lo sillinfi, ‘o'gfina,
;ci over the “hie so, flvrliieton h qniugy Eaierei iron fillings,
dofitcna to mt. ionic, Hinncuri, rm} av,g chi ?QHLnViiiU, Jitterson
’ .9; :5'3. hauls 30 .i.£):1.x.ii-’iil.e, ii“:.Ll'e.v‘..7Jt?ii37, « .‘v-g: L12}: ,Lx~.2i.;1':3;;.i of
fihie defendant iron Louisvii;2 by Jxfi{mafi, ,:nguek,; Lfiqx waid
tiekefi wavy nin the right to HgVe 31g fij?;&?g tridegfiffinfi ;; each
Of said connecting railroad lihce aai this Z3fgi3¢na, 3fo T‘.,\z‘tl.':md,
Oregon 1:0 Jackeon, Kentucky, thqfi this defeniamt enfi ihth of the
dhOVG flfimed rcilroade were and are now and my thg Lifiu} whifioned
herein, common carriers and connecting common carriere; that on
said date and on the date he purchased said ticket he delivered
to the Northern Pacific Railway Company at Portland, Oregon,
for transportation to Jackson; Kcntumky, one large trunk, con-
thining jewelry, photographs, pictures, hooks containing accounts,
?romiecory notes, life insurance policies and other personal
Effects. owned and belonging to him Which were of the value of
end were worth $500.00, which this dc»fendant received from one

’ of the color connecting common-carriers above mentioned and

..i‘w1.4a.11":,»;27 5):? J:fi—:ei:fi:~?~:>fl, K:»._a.’1td37:,f. He states that ,_at the tie the
yc.;wcrn secific Riiiwxn Conpany sold to him the ticket as ahOvc ,

Jai,:i, 3,:: :t 1“:) Cl; 5 he Shiiivezeai to ;it'tlwa be Epile as (ibOVe

:3;, 1:, g4 5.": .. \3'1‘j_'-.;,‘.t1. (:5; ‘:‘Ln. check for 3'.: n 1.»-i 1;:7-/;;1..-7,‘e NO. 5i30'?8,
31'-3321'; 'E“, 207‘" "::Tn-w'? 1m, x "11»??? f 1:}.1‘13‘;‘7,‘v_fl': “"Fsi": to he {::‘/131$—

:.') bed 1'3) ickrvsu, f3§uz‘::rto“::,u T?’."3‘i1“;2t53:‘ that 7‘.? “77"1’1‘ ’.‘U his

.1'7.._:}u;:'3 A, g .i. 3‘ r: .::: c;_..;.-_'-.d, Craven to ”cola-son, 1(<‘;11'i:111:n,:'_3=:;1,

“lid. i2;()r1 a.;i¢iw,air a a Jr.c}:iaoxi, 4~Atit11c;;; , 31; tile 3.9'tli (lay 03: 3J6)-
number, ;Gle, he :ipbcn fiflvt Le then, 0; the 13th day of Yovem-
her, 1916, purcnzscd of this defendant’s great at Jackson, ch- '
tucag, a ticket which entitled him to CruuRDOTtSEiOfl over its
ling of railroad Firm Jacison, dentucxy to Hazard, Kentucky,

Emit said ticzet *wVQ to him the right to have his boggnge
transported my this defendant from Jackson, Kentucky to Hazard,
hcntuchy. East on said date 55¢ on the day he Lurchased his
viii tioLcc, he deiLVered to the agent of this defendant at
3 JicLSJn, A ntuohy, his bagfefle check, no. 5450?8 aforesaid and
j directed defendant’s said afififlfi to double check his said trunk
‘. to Asgard, dentucky, which he agreed and promhsed to do. He
, states 11;: 331d trunk on the day of November, 1936, ar—
rived at Escxson, Kentucky. dc states Ehtt :1; def: 133* cdfli-
gently and wrongfully failed to transport said trunk av? 4J§*
gage from Jackson, Kentucky to Hazard, Kentucky, on said dite
I or at all, and negligently and wrongfully failed and refused to
1' ‘ deliver said trunk and begge to him at Hazard, Kentucky, hidintiff
‘ demanded of the defendant's agent at Hazard, Kentuéky, on said
~ \date and for several succeeding days thereafter, that they de—
liver said trunk and baggage to him. Plaintiff says that by reason
of said wrongful and negligent failure of defendant to transPOrt

 , .
.7 .. ' : ’7--v«-7 .~'-.I - ',‘Jm .\ ’.'" . - ., ,.. . :I J J. . .,. ' ~ W - - 1,,
snin minus to dazard, Aantucky, and its wrongzui Una ne¢llgenb
.~..- .,.. ..-: ..: , — ~ , 1.- .. .1 '. ,...” . ."...- .~
Abliht sun xetugai to deilvar 3111 trunk “flu udggaie to pinlntlff
., .'.,,,“- 'l- *; A ‘ \_‘, 7 ,.. '11.”..WU‘1 - A .L.. ._ .. .,'? "‘:f‘v‘. ..
at JLQurd, Aunticgy, me Jan deal uuuaquu lu twe and at ,aUQ.UO.
’l':"""“1‘.t’73~‘ (- , :..".+: '.‘? .7, ‘m .1- _ I ._.-
wil .J. ...‘-J‘i*.b, wild ;.)—‘-ull.’1u.LJ_J_ =f’u.f:¥ ,’lu.~ luau :. s; aim}
3 \"~- 7‘..‘—»~ ‘,»»—'--.~.-' ”‘1 ‘- .fi_, - ..\~w"‘, V ». " J" -A,' s...” vr*"’ 1» >v~t ‘
11.“; .:. - Ll utiu , aJOL-LL: ‘7.? .'. tn?) UJ _ ..1313'.\_l..-,.:.:-’ :J'LL” ' Hi .»I ii “.L..L, .;.M :..:‘L‘: ‘.‘“.V.‘ O:
.J' (‘y\ -»~. '. ' . .,—‘ iv: "'I- n,~.--t..“»-" L
{Anklet/t1 «011»; ,.u: _v'ili' (f l (_.;lw. (“..1. in Own. .'..al .15 4..