xt73bk16mf8w_809 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [663] John Hoskins v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court text [663] John Hoskins v. L&N, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_69/Folder_20/12833.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_809 xt73bk16mf8w > w
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Attururgxfi at lair]
HAZARD, KY. Sept. 27th, 1917.
TAT. Sn L:. ‘\h’lilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
JOHK HOSKIIYS V: L. 82: IS. R. ’:7.
ilease let us have investigation retort and. statements
in this: case so that we may prepare it for trial.
Veg-y truly,
1‘ /'I‘1 I I .1 7 7:7/"'7’", e/T ,9? »., 1‘ _ 'i ‘x’ w ‘ r V \

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Afinrumm :11: £21111

HAZARD KY, — in r \
, (Lax. :3, 1917.
Juébe :; ,1 mel filr’ on,
.E./(2:11.11 L on , it," .
Jog-.1 sir:
‘w , ’l , _ “.‘ '. L.. " W‘ V .:3 7 N. , A . .. . ._ . .
ALLICLOIUCL It; __L,,_¢L=_ ,xOLl 1,;_:: NJ»: 1 (307105: 12110. LLOLZECS'G '1"O‘)O‘:"C
Cause o:L L2 025:]. ‘ os :_LIBJ: . I: , .. 17:0 . , 4501': 1 3:21:14; $01133.
.5011 If; V037 ”CINELTT,
43”“ \ ,/: y «" f /
’L'I ‘ f " L «’3 5";1 1' , - "1’.' " /' g I
' h L 21,.“ A six»... L'..-v‘-»Vt/z ;-»/(- ,1” «gag .
..1 \ :1, ’2 ,' ;
;:“~ a‘j , v "t r , /K/ ‘w- .5
\ _ . a , L “L..

, v ,1 L~ :-'.-,~~~1§——-~’" ‘..—..._... ’ '\ ‘~ ') \ (J ”\ C— “ ,5 ’VKI
a] -_/ "(AJEJ/vw/k/ 8 y -.. V v \ 5) \ him—J f/ L , J}

 ‘ .
John Hosxinfl, El intiff.
‘ ‘33. PotibLOflu
The 1011; Ville {‘.- I'IJ.:,";.S71‘,”i11.6: 3L. .. CO. Ric'jekfifl'.:-1‘1},
$30 y1_ixbifi, John Po;xina, €t3-3g Lia» 3km Ioui ville

& fiantvillm .:ilyoafi ”Dufiwfly ix ; car or tion crafted 33d existing
by‘fihu laws of it; sbzte of ;Gaanokv, EAL ac such has fine Ti it
to contract .31 A; COaiI‘CEDé with, age amfi he sued, and doinfi
Ska hazincas or Mini inim“ Vnd o a?atifi“ 3 r ilroic £0113
hm iness :& x QOAuon carrigr.

fifle lgintifi #9”: ink; on ska 95th $27 of fuce, lfllé, is
was mg on love Cf the touinvilln ' ‘usfiviilé Auii?m&5, £021?
£53 work of a i 11? 1 bars? on 3 hr 23% a? 15$ r317r05d; tiii
19 3& way on Bali if? U i;= Oiafufifi@ in err: coaatfi, on jiffifi
CTGGK; ii»; in 13: Liam 31d ufiuru on 3816 fléj shovelix“ ainfler
00:1 “id OLQJE m“Cfili*1 Tron a so; at: ,fimaainw on she erct of
{ill-‘3 :.Ee:?3::51aiw’-1Z’:, ::_:a‘ixyi, Tomi, out «xii. 035.3? of :« 3: an 'th $391.0.
31"}..331' <1) ‘1“ {5.3.15}; read, '.3'-4313. $11.9; ‘TL_,-.eec"i. m '%)-T:,llga.$3’531.51;“; Cal 5:.
To d;_$hafi Ufiim e r on Jhian he wafi *1wccd Vafi ;taaahad $0 an
GLTLJO on xgifi :0-@ had 0 firgiafi h; an on~inuor f0: aha vurru e
of movinfi 3315 Ga? 04 LE» Lachtof €3ifi TOfid; usifi difiiflOfir
beiAm biog mufi Lhur. in engrxe of Sula uwjiae 31d “n emnlore
of said Youiuvillc & inauvillc imilroufi Goa any. ?hc 511: tiff
saw; that on maid 5th in? of June, 1915, L 3 Lime when he was

‘ sfifindi¢g on Elm Lop of ugid c r on the 3 353131 he was whovellimg

:fr0?7 ramifi. czar :IML 111 ; ;rt003vinxf'3ozflgtiaz1, €21: inrvi;xgar .ino 311&
centrol of Saié inimw recleSSly, carelesslr mad with rross
nexli ease axfl earalauvncws, without notice to filaintiff, with
510 power .md [area 0? 211a anxino, rave tun ogr on rhich
pluiihiff 7&3 abmndinr a yudden and MHiSK ficrk mad love
fox 0rd, Char by causinfi claintiff to {all from mud off of said

Car to the wround, several feet distait; th’t in said fall
3::l;'a.iritiff fell 4nd : truck some 3.1.rd 3239):" t:-.;-1oe on his: 1072: on the
front or shin of true, thereby inflicting out or bruise and a
deep wound in and ufion his 133, from the 'Ifoctn of which wound
he has ruffered grant ‘ain physically and mentally .nd has aeen
at Treat owycnsn in carinfi for gnd doctorii“ raid mound, ”Ag
avers thvt amid injurias are wermhnent ~1d rill be during his ,
life ;ud has sin 00 the time of acid injury rendered him
tonsil; why iaally nu 313 to do .ny kind of work, all of rhieh
was ths result 0f 3A» careless :nd newliéeuee act of the
endineer in charge of the sari e attaoiad to the car on which
plaintiff was at work. The gluiniif? says that by reason of
injuries suave de:eribtd he €33 been d=mamed in thu sum of

3 Iflfifldfifi ho trajx judgment druigés tfia defvidgflt,
houieville 3 jushvillc nailroad ?on any for any fun of Tive
Thousand 3011 re; for his so ts and all iroper relief.

Che affient, John fie kins, says th_t the foregoinfl netition
is t r214": 3:3:- imiitlinveé-ii.

Hubscrihed and sworn to 305330 as by Fohn Ho kins this
“333-0 _.i 1 01’ ~~1917.