xt73bk16mf8w_837 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [690] Claude Johnson v. L&N and L&E, Perry Circuit Court text [690] Claude Johnson v. L&N and L&E, Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_71/Folder_6/13690.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_837 xt73bk16mf8w .,’/("777” //7
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Claude Johnson; by etc., v. Li & H. R. R. CO$
Perry Circuit Cfiurta
S a 2'11: .‘7" z
The attachel sfaiement giggld have accompaniei Landrum’s
memorandum to 19 3f the 39th uliimop ani my notation theresn
of the lst inst to you, which was sent you yeateriay.
DUE to fie fault of ihe fail Clerk thie Siafement was
' nisglaced ani iii g$t acxonpgny in? abvv» menticnei lc‘%sr.
A; I} " . .

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Lexington, Ky., Avril 39th, 1917.
A .M . W .
I am handing you nerewitn statement from Tom Ailen
relabive to the case of Claude Johnson, by etc., Vs L i N
,Perry Circuit Court, which sfibfiié béfléiiacnéd to the other
investigation Concerning thib case.
' C . S . L .
S .M.W . '
please note in connection with papers sent
you on Apr 11 10th .
[43‘4‘ 7,04 “,,7 A.Mo}vo
lay lst , 1917

- .
Statement of Tom Allen made to c. S. Lanlrum on the 12th day of
April, 1917, in regard Ed accident to Claume Johnson.
My name is Tom Allen. I am 22 years old I live near
Haddix, Ky. I was working for Bud Anderson at the time claude
yohnson was hurt. We had gone to wreck near Roxana and were
handling a rail to revlace one of the rails in the main track when
this boy was hurt. We had been cragging the rail up the main
track and got it to where we wanted it and were tmring it over
toward us tu get it in place. This bOy got filS foot caught when
‘ the rail was tarnel over toward us. The boy looked to be 16 or
17 years Old. I never heard him say how olq.he was. it did not
mash the hair off of his tee. He Wurked xxx around the c-rs there
for a week or so aha then went to doctor at Hezard, KV., ani come
back to the cars ani walked to his home about 20 miles from the
' ' cars. I have not seen him Since the day he left the 0 rs. This
man w shelping roll the rail at the time nenashed his toe and it
was his own fault thathe was hurt. There were plenty of men hold
of the rail to henlle it all right. The _oreman he; told him just
a few minutes before Lu be careful or he would get hurt.
' I have heard the above rend an; it is true.
Tom Allen

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Afinuu‘gs at Euro
April 16, 1917.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear sir:
We acknowledge receipt of yours of the 14th with enclosures
referring to the case of Claude Johnson by &c. vs. L & N R.R. Co.
We note your suggestion and will enter a motion to strike from the
petition all reference to the Kentucky Child Labor JJaw as suggested
by you.
Yours very truly,
' 7

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”0 ”4/4/14 , .4m'z 7W2,” ‘. 2;; April 10 .19 1'7.
Mr. 5E. M. Wilson, .
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
Claude Johnson by so. v. MN. 313.00.,
Perry Circuit Court.
Referring to your letter of March 14th submitting
c0py of petition in the above styled case. I hand you here-
ith that portion of our file containing Law Agent Landrum’s
investigation of this case. You will note that he is to
turn in seme additional investigation of this case as soon as
it is completed.
I am inclined to think that our liability in this
. case is doubtful and I hOpe that we may be able to defeat this
case. As a matter of course, the suit having been brought
under the Federal Act, the State law of Kentucky in regard to
employing an infant under 16 years of age has no application,
and i believe that thefl allegation with reference to the Ken—
Vtucky statute should be stricken from this petition. If ‘
/ there is any additional investiéation which you desire made
( please communicate with me and the matter will be given atten-
=3 tion.
a Yours truly,
‘é/V gggéi:taNt District Attorney.

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