xt73bk16mf8w_842 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [696] L&N v. Hazard Water Co., Perry Quarterly Court text [696] L&N v. Hazard Water Co., Perry Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_71/Folder_11/13760.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_842 xt73bk16mf8w . . . I. ._,, .1 ("a 2* I";
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llfintlu‘ge at 12111? ‘ ~«f
March 51, 1917.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, _
Lexington, Ky.
Dear sir: '
We have been instructed by Mr. J.I. Dempsey, the agent of
the L a N at Hazard, to institute suit againstvgggwgggggghflkflfiflaas
.93§R§E¥ and fihfingfiéQRQWLBmh3£m&MSEEE$XMQQFR§£¥4 enjoining them @95
Egeinmemalgres from driving wagons and other yehicles across the
' a N trad s about“tfireeworfi£our hundred feet south.of the H&Zard
depot, and we might“add:“fgr promiScuously driving across; There
reexamerossingmat this poifitf‘but'thé“chSsing is some 400 feet north
of the point where they drive across. The Lumber & Supply Company
have a lumber plant just west of the railroad track, between the
river and the railroad tracks and the Water Company has its pumping
station between the tracks and the river, and is having its coal
, hauled across the tracks to the plant. We write you this letter
because of the fact that if we should take an injunction there
would have to be a bond executed and we had a general letter not
long since, saying for us not to file any actions in which bonds were .
to be executed or cost incurred, without first submitting the ques-
tion to the General Counsel.
' ' If you desire to have this action instituted, if you will
prepare the petition and send up, we will file it and execute bond
if you say so.

The Hazard Lumber & Supply Company is a Kentucky corporation
and so is the Hazard Water Company. Both of them have their chief
offices at Hazard.

Yours very truly,
JM—L , . . a

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a corporatiin, Flaintiff.
L ‘7. "_‘-‘”L’TYTIZZLT IL! ‘1 .7511‘33.
HEWLETT ‘- r‘x"',".'.". 23.35, .1.: (.;ozfi'mzéfatim:, Dczji’cmdzmto
I L‘ 31:122.:2,21?;:1:. i, Lgmxizns’ille LIELIE-Irzviila Lazillmmi Liamxnng,
:Tié’:2¢‘:L<’2§‘- Lima: it :‘...L: :2 ;;<;:-;;<21~~:tf-Lc;u, created, argamified 1:116 mitigating}
' Lama-r the 1mm“ 9:; the Estate or: 10211110312, with 901103? to c02;:;1‘€act -
‘13-vi: £,3{)E;‘Cii‘f‘it3t4:L:-. xith, :0 (2.11-:': :;an Em Ema-Li, Land to construct,
‘ Ezra-,’aza'iir-in {and <>~p<2reaw rrzilromgs ;s common carrier in the strata ‘
' A i}: '13 1‘
. 31L“ ;«Z*.*)'.-~.tm”-:,j2 and f37_!~‘ee'..:='}€.‘1‘639 :mré Easi'tl-tn‘povers ;zaca‘azamxry and incident
. in.) the purwovus 0:“ its: 5.22;wrpwrstim; 21:16: that. it owns; and (233337--
L :':-tom .1: line 0: railrowd through J.:“ County, 3132313103235 and
V Lhrmzrfh o:- zmszr the ’.‘.‘mm 0;? Hazard” the (30122111; 50:54: of said county,
on the. Bust or mouth Side 5:23 13319. North for}: 03? the Kentucky Fiver,
9,1; {mid ‘g'E-iiint.
771:3.11111;i;‘i‘ states that the dofcmdzmt, {€328.3sz EL'thnr
' szmny, is: :1 éorgmrsztion, (3111:! created, orgnflzed and existiing
unfier ‘che laws 0;“ the Shite 01' Kentucky, and is now fining business:
in an" new): the fox-:11 o; Eizlzmrd in Ear-3:3 County, [{r‘ntucky, {1116 ad.-
jacenfi 01" 14.070? to the right of way and jurmrziztns 0f the. 3::1nin‘ctff
am? in the: Vicinity 01’ plszix'mifj's rammmd Statiou or (“262901; at
hazard, :imltuuqr, and 8:116 corporation has; its: (mice: offlice and
urincipal place 03;“ bmuimess in amid Town of Eiamswd.
' L’l'riutizf ;-.'u;::'t}'1-:>r States; that the plant E22115; warming
> station 0:: the 3:1:L:3s2,rd Eater Campsmy is located on certain

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{,31"~3E"‘3‘1"C;5}; “Ch-,0 ‘1‘-.‘3,;‘22t 03;" 1321.)" 25.216 ti‘swlim oi the .51553.153;:7.i,i’
at 5.i:5.zzv:c:ci 5:550 the ._I.-153i: or Bout}; ..'::3.::=.553: or; 4332:) fia’orth . :.'»:c’éts m; the
.;~{ei_.~.LuL':itt-; 1 Liver, .‘3-t J’ mint, «5.515% 53$ 53 51032331; meant thrive er ‘
HIPS}: 1111151’313‘36 :.‘-53"!11‘4033125}. (:91: 5=ji.:75..ii1‘p:-L,lfi..3.":‘3 .350”): '13—E 5451131333 (‘1’..
;"’L:.2.‘7.nt‘j.:.‘:f 571.253.3215; ”532' 3:145:55 : :.'-.‘5: the mint when) $3.-'31:}
c3:‘::4£~£551;;i: 3.35:: ..:l.;: .3..-1531.33 5:555? '1'/3:023'-:vzi’rjiy 5m"? v.33")._-~:_1;:;'133-'Z?.;;, 7:5-ave
Lgeejfgz 13.;‘;§.1’i;;2£‘i ‘2-':3..5{LJB‘*.Z:"~ my: <1: 1 '55':2'§1:2.<3le:3 5202302255 54.1515: 1'1.-2,51; 53:: 3.23.};
52.411"; €1.’:r;r,v.ti.:--i oi‘ the .'.’5.5L.'Lr;'._:i;i :':.t 5?. 'olnt sinful; 8333'»:23 2;; .4051? Sum.»
- '3 L, :5::5‘::.I:;5 :.:?152 ;imz'..:.z.:5i I ..‘u::i;iou o: *::-{met and #:13-
'.-:5.:::-;:z:751511;} :':.‘S; :5‘71'2’50‘3 :.‘":ifi‘agr mamas; swig g'igjgzt oi 2:52;: 511155 1;;-452,252.,
t 4.2:“ 5;:)»: the oiut >2 22.35523 22:51:52.2.35g'1-rw'é; tin-.':: the 5353.3‘53311‘5521'27: 53:36; :‘::253
:l‘e 1'35; ‘55:: 1:513:2- 'ZLTIM": to time ‘is-Lniiz'; ;1;>‘1.:i_;;,j.mi, segmented 51.31:?
V . 1’23: “:..; (3331': -'3>15,.‘2.-5mini;‘.‘, $71331"; is: may 55.32.!) i“ .223; fluii’; ‘
“5115413753132 "-‘"I.ivi"-‘?ié*"v, ‘e’“‘:%£1:i::’:-x::::=. or :‘a'L- :5'~.ll, Brit that not: “= t'::.s's't::,-2"’i51:i'..
52:32: 373:;- jgez‘t, notice my? 5;:-51:51:? 121.1, the choice 315551.:3t 62.5123 5.1.3: ‘L‘fi'g'!1<);:f‘;t":5i‘
52:0 3‘5f33r-:"?.25ti32:i in assist; defianulgz'zit‘:2: ;-.'i¢«:li‘2: of 3.5;: :‘...."55? t;"':.:31'::£3 it
- eniaé :.oint 52:3 .22, i:1.‘-’)?"~“‘§§1§§.
1 32:53.1: '.:?mft'h-ezr E“‘2;t“?.?;€3€3 that the use no ’ié‘.4:':5} “gags“
Tm; 5,595'52533345211; and 15:35. 5:5.-3751;332:053 oi" 21531511135953 right 01‘ 5‘.-‘55::
- 53m“! txtmzfiezs :55: 5:3 crowning; m; the point ‘2i’:3’111’l()31‘.zd (sormtitfitms 5i
tzemz‘m‘z 3 25.5-51:; the lflKiDQl‘Ezv‘ o; 113:2: plaintili‘ 5531:". 2115:1'3621‘32.‘ 1;; time?-
-:-‘-w.‘-,.-~ 1453‘“ "‘": rwrrww- ». «*2» "av :15-5:1 .;flvy’y "’1’:. 0’7" 31‘5", 53511:"; 3'§.E1}1t ()f in}?
is; ;-.'i.,.. all“: {;JL 31222.5. 215.13) 21,} -:i», 3,.__...-Ul3,_;., ..,. .;.
3 Riki? 3":5ilrosu'1 traiulzv" ..:23' the 2121‘7‘553’55352 0;" its ':.:Lua'zitlvzétrt 5:55 2' (36.531110?!
:3-'3r2‘3.22:£, 251,:ch this the. :‘:eif-L-‘mflz-lz'xt and. its ~221r1:‘-lc.3;;='2-5e Brits Lions: with
fall :.mciue ~2.:'2¢"i Tammi-51:252ng oi‘ the 3:.-mt that the grain-5.2? moi" 591334311

 1 j ' 1 ,,
éofui'ioant hilt} "been crotatiiigi and which it: ocean-113d in part} .I
by “alts tracks-.2 01" the filztii'itii‘i is out: 3103; mi] years past;
has been 't‘dm prepairty of the alqiji'itzixi and in its (.':onsc'uit-
';-.m:s:m:;isi0‘ii and under its control- 2301‘ railroad tau-ammo, 5.11.16;
tint '_ilriint.;i.:;i' hat“. h'zea ailii‘igg :.‘2z..'i<'3_ ;.‘ig'iht of Mu}! Am}. m'iwits
etii.1tiaaotuifi_g,7 1'01" more. ifi‘iz‘an ;g'em’ ':‘szfit for its railroad Maoists
amt? raili-(rid i.)i15'ti}1a’3 5‘» sum". has hood daily =.):.}1)1‘Feljil'lé{, its“; 1131;; 1151,
Earth };i€:,53:‘?aiiitl¢__ji?l“ and :.."ri'x‘tagi'it, over ::étit’ ;.‘:>.i_‘i.2;-0;v~.<1 trmfiigs tint??- right
off; rosy.
"71ml. atii'i’ :Ti'iiir’zlimr 5"-'i'1“‘.i3t.':i;’. tint. i131: not ..ral.‘v: l"i)'~j)‘..::iif,-
sadly '=.'."‘:1.‘}'].() 5. fti'iti ;i-‘Jk‘iQ'Linssfl. the {3.:};'-’;:1ttl.';.-zt amt". 5.1:; e>;i_§..3_o;ro£;£s limit-
it 12:19 contrary to xl—l.”.':..lli§j.i-£?E3 till 5:57.92 agaiafit its“; O«Zl}L€"-f‘.l‘ll {an},
in. i'fi,ol_fi:t:i'iti, of; the lit?! .‘T'ozr (3 ~.‘z'i’axi'it1fizit scarf. iii-i 21"1'ift.<;;wr'v;:-=et:»: £53 to
use. the right 01:.“ may ;.“ L“ 1);: the.» inlaig‘atéiiji’ :‘.i‘» i:'.-.‘t)i"f'l.‘i_ilé-l,
.:.:.iifl Unit. r use. of? élrlfi 17 .‘I"iy'it’c 131:; artz‘? 1:213:22 .101- (ml
1 in.‘::o:tr£:ter-afi t.ti.?fl: time intimi~~eiizft 1.7.34 1171-3“. ;‘fi..“:‘=.a‘rti it, of it!
':i31'ofimi' 3;? ’1;-tit. otrrmtet': 2:1. it:.‘=:..'-:i:::a.f‘- . .:r2::i_l’i ":m'ifiafif': iii? tilt": 7‘""--1‘--"3‘fii."
oi" the: ;i27('337.55‘.l‘ti2 {and »r".<.'r.r‘..r-.-n.‘{.=‘:1' tfj'i‘fiizi‘: 03f "tiniiitig7‘i 52:-1.6 to the. i
-*.‘O'i”:‘1‘.i‘;11$:7 3am": ':‘n‘o'tiortfi hint-3-5% hi? it: r154 ~._ on "ten carrier, 5315153 ”1““
tended ”to ohmtruot the; safe :th6 ‘.'-‘Dtlill't'i o'sjiufatrion ‘agf plaintiiif
of its; trains over ”and EN)“ its wait". trauma-t i” right of may
and jmi(:.'>zi.rxfiri.sied they :risaj’otgr i“ 51w. ouri t3}; of not]: il.'3"l‘:i.,§.l‘i":? 51116:. “saS— _
tittiii'lftitrf-i linirfilsif‘i hi?" the "tiniiittifi'i' it.) the. t:¢ri<‘iii_oi: mu? e'morfttiezi of
its“: :‘.:*:L:’:.7.;2‘<;o,d.

"lain’cii’f further stator: lillf-i,'i;,31t)‘ti‘i'i’l,ClitNRLKZ-Litgg such rer—-
posted 3'15) tioe and warrxiiigzs, t’tefonémt‘c and its ear'igyloyoes have. per-
siiitcid and still 'orirsaitat in making; an mmuthorizod out}. imiaifi‘i’ul
W39 01‘ ’ifl.zi.'i.ntii.7§.‘:t"i3 riflit} of way {hid tracks as e. crossing for
defendant‘s own r,ioi'i.vei’tti.mi.oe, and that such mm is i~?1.ihj€ic’fili—il:§ plain—
tittxi's'i tax-sins and railroad integrations to needless obstruction and
serious hazard.

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