xt73bk16mf8w_843 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [697] L&N v. Hazard Lumber Supply Co., Perry Circuit Court text [697] L&N v. Hazard Lumber Supply Co., Perry Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_71/Folder_12/13770.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_843 xt73bk16mf8w §WORGAN5§NUSKOLS ;_“F .
Aitnrurgs :11: £211.11 '2' " '..'
April 7, 1917.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear sir:
Yours enclosing the petition in the case of L & N vs.
Hazard Lumber & Supply Co. and also same vs. Hazard Water
I have not as yet filed these actions as the people seem
to have quit crossing the tracks for the present and I have it
from a reliable source that the Hazard Lumber & Supply Company
is making arrangements to get away and that there is some finan—
cial trouble just ahead for the Hazard Water Company, so I
thought I had better watch the situation a few days before '
filing these actions. Do I have your consent to this? \-5%mkr*”‘
Yours very truly,v VVWHIIVWMWWMWWI f
JM-L '

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> H . ‘, ._‘ _ _‘ .' . ‘. “. _t »~‘ V _ , ‘3 ‘ ‘ -, .' ax; ,~ ..; xv,» 1» ,- — '-_"“- ‘2 4‘ ' ‘t
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m“; ”013.1“;21‘ ' Hamil ' 9 1:4,; t- :3. 1:1.(1. :5 BU. Li 1.35;, 9i new.» :L) ..0 A;>”:~x.)a.- e we" _ .
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”a ,.,” .'anw ism-Ln“ yr xfrlzv »‘n ' ' - ”w
taliuwza I \' 1. r.‘ 1.3: L .,__vn r- \. 't) 3 9 ‘ ,.‘;
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1 I”’-:1 .‘..t' J.'..lLJU‘i‘f: Cull-’23.
7.273113" I'I gaff; 3:: I? ,”.vlTLEJLJ J ..‘..‘?» ~.Q .:'-‘JJL ".;Ti, Planintii'f.

V. 1:1. Jill, '. ':'.;;‘f..1,;il‘=i..l;'£‘r k I .

:{LLJE 121- 11.1.5735 ..’". :3.: L", I.:'>';'::;nds-.n;'.

iii-he "_{JHiC"’.’.'i-I.J_? 5:771,i'n".‘l'JJ,”? .:'-,'ils'zizmi LI»);1zJ-f,,ilg,f, ill—faintijff
in the snotty—st:ism". 9':‘(3t:!,‘.)fi’ Waxii-cj-g: this ‘.:,ng Lila? in £35.15} :.XLVd'I-t-‘é-x
cilia-.:: of the Wars}? Mir-chit :..?OTLLTS, ii::~3' t-’2:~:ii'ir>d (if? .n :'"tinf: an
illjl‘ljlfj‘tlt‘E-J“; ins-i; 1::-2;: «in.£:’:z.:'i_r"»:.;zt, “1 :'nw'wr ‘ “2. "71;: canny,

~ it is new; 03:1'iz'3rch, 02‘ :‘U‘L‘Lifir; [1.2: '.‘lsrintiL‘If, 27:: caxi‘a‘uf‘r'ciijr ‘L’}; the

allegatimas}: and prayer of its “attitivvn, 1.};_,~,:,‘{. Far-2.1:"; fiei’mid-x‘it,
hazard Sumter (',, LL12 dial}; Lie ?tigiz'.n;1, he and it is hereby restrn ined
from} crossing}: or Hidiflél s :.x. Graffii'idé’: aw" E">Fi.1;'t of :‘5la_i:;1'£;i.;é’fi":3
right 3: may and railrsxad tit-gel": or 1;}":':,el::':;=t-.t any :'.-ain‘t ‘»outh
oi‘fildihtiiifii stition or (hag-ct at ;lé‘zsgzrd, lientncliy, and? ithin
the scarce e:?."i::;n:2:‘e.:«xgz three 011 ;f;<::22,r inaurii'sd feet ISN‘NI'EJI of said
3 Lation :1:-r :ie:;.et, ‘1:-mi 2:;-‘1:}. ch :'isht of way; 2...,nd rat? li'cnd t3:‘::c2'§»‘:s
are mm, as it 4";~.>ee'2‘::;vi, in. the »'.xonsessia’m and under the contrifl
of? the :'.ln'ii'giti.Li", :md located in any Usuxnty, .rerzntzzc‘zrgi', and
the defendant is :11 so restrained fruit“; causing or permitting
may" of its officers, fi;;{,£3‘11fi5‘~t or employees from so using ;.Jlaint iff's
said right of way am: railromfi tracks or any part thereof as :1
er 0 5':- s 3' ng .

This restraining order shall he in effect as soon
as the plaintiff anal miceute hezf'o're the Clark of this Ceurt
a bond comiitiorwd a..:coi'ding_g to lax: in the penal mm of “’.... ,."

. ' , > ‘ ~,

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:'~~‘ ~13 \‘\ ,. *' . _..‘,,.‘..').." ' 1‘ "! ." '- " ‘-, \ .,'
wn A. M SL111 :.1 ylaintili, ._4\)13.L.3V‘J. lo :.':1»“thl’."w.€.‘ ”:.:.f'LKI'ut-Ld
’= . ,. . 7, -.‘ J.. . -" » ~~ ( - _ ..‘ .. . ,
my avidly, ..J. «4.; 51.“ its :'m'zrtp, hoiore the
' ' ~m- «”WA-‘WW—‘t -mM—w meww V
., a. .9 ~. - H . ~ 7-, , .‘. J.. .«. -..,.,- ‘.‘ . - --.. . t . .» ' . . . -
um: ,:;1.,13.3113d Mile; W. we . (nit; ulrarflit won; t entered into and
. '3‘ ,’ .i f Y. ' ',.mn 4. . .:. , ‘ ,i', ’:M‘Ai. _,.f ..,:.‘ . 1 ‘1 .7. ,,"1, .,,
{1(3,L”_.Q.O‘u]‘-l\A}"\'){. mung. m.» uln} Laugdui-tuuzu, an it‘ 1.2.:“. all; 1);]! Link (,)_:.'(;:!.-‘. ,
Whi ;n’- i': -:;.‘oveci. :,:"u‘. :L‘iletl .
‘ '. a ,, .. : ,1: V- (w. _ ‘1- _. L -.._ .. ., . . -. _,
iii-V533,“. 11110 Ml Lem ;,~.:‘. 2., ..em. 01 LhG Re; 1“,] till cult oom t
u 'r ~ ’1 ' ...‘ 1.1.. m r. u (9..: '- r
1“ ‘L 121; .’.-zljfx' v .9» :31 '.J 1. the"; , :..»tlfi. .:| ”L '11 .1.1 ,,._....,..,,..-...,-i«-.-.~ ___“; 7r,1'; '-
U weld-.., . 5'- .‘.. _‘ a 21qu ~

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"N. .
7 I? 21:2-LY 0171131111" 1.1111112.
17:21.11"777155.771 87-; 17"...31-i".1'.7'."7..171'f 21111111.“ 7.11.7 .;T~”,-..;f1".;’,
a corporation, 11517;: .
‘~I. 3"1i£IfITI1)11 1'11" 11.15.1973
1111151151]: 77.77J1‘Tf317171' 6.2;; 1.31.1“T’j71’ C131. ", "”"
The plaintili‘, ;'.-1.7171111177177162 6::‘271‘1'3‘31716 f-i1:111"07;:1‘3 137:..1'1;.1:7;;y,
states $1157.13 it is; 7 @037117‘73'1213'.1:111, (:11-11:11:77.0, .11 7:111:11 276167 .5'-.1173. 7:::::T.r'1,‘17:1n;e;
. 1.1111173: the 1:711:17 7):? 1:11:21 71312.11: 01' 211.711.11.317], “1'17; 1111233" to 33.711.211.171;
73.7163 1.77": :1)11.'17‘:1':,-.7.;:'1;1;:711 with, "7.7.77 :‘ue 57.1.11? he :1., 17711“; 171.1 C(111F5123'.‘111?~11,
. 11.1511711251111 51,1171 03111::11161 ."1'1'1t1.11'7:7-1€:3 177:1 .::, 7:1:7"7“23:,1 731:..131‘1111‘ in 1:119 7.713.711w
0:1“ 71731111113137; 17.7173 7.7-“11.37117'117".13'12., 71.71:? with 114117931? 1171111731113 11731311111177.1717 and.
111131110711; 1,0 the 3711117171313 of." 1111* i717:7311;11:33“:1.‘73211131; 111173. 1113.”;- it 01-31251
and 0715111111073 :1 171.111“: 0::} 1:11.113115111 Perry Dummy, 71.771711111711735
751.1111 thrnufh 73:: 1171:;13: the Town (7'1? 115113111411, 11378 county 39:11; of 912111?
county, or: the £172.21, 7.11}: ii7111t‘71 111717.“: 713’? the North 33‘or1: 0'1“ 17370 Ken--
t1:.<:'3:;;7" Liver, 11.1: 5:12.111? 1701:7117.
L??171in‘tf1.:1‘f states 1'.'-11:11; the defendant, 1121511171 .5111‘711101‘ 57’s 1.117.33-
7.1137 0073;712:313, 11} 7’1 <171r3'17111'1'7,t.1‘.0.17., 71111;; 311057171211, 0.111111711213911 111111 Mir—112311111
‘1 1.1117191“ ”71111.71 1:11:52 of 1:110 7.1712111319 of 21311111101717, and, is 1101:; 111117111. businisszs
in or 1185131? 1311.61 ”2301.111 01' Hazard in Parry county, 7:11.1'1'131umy, 1.1.1111, $1,11-
jacent or 719771“ “1:0 the right 01' way 1.'-177111 71110171136713 oi“ the 37111111111313
and in the vicinity of :31.:1,i:.1ti;£-‘.713 railrom‘i Station 01' (1.133101; 57.13
Hazard, .:7'2ntuckgr, 1:17.171 1171.111 1301'3101351131011 7111-111 its chief 0115108 1.11111.
_727rinci'1i7ml '731777172 7:71; 11111117101111 in 115-1111 9011711 021’ 1111211111.
1917111115511? further 1517;111:157: 1:11:11;- the (101'0117‘1117'1‘17', 11:13:),31‘121 17111171116213 "
817 Supply Uzy'n'gmny, has its lumber "plant and mill and 3,717.3:1‘78 upon cer-
tain property 1,717. 71111171112315; 1.11111: oi" plaintiff's right 01’ 17712.3; and rail-
' road tracks ai‘oresmifl, about three or four 11u.n711*ed feat 15.01.1’5'11 of

 “‘... ’ ‘ .
, 1313.:1:1tiii"";3 Station or (“ingot at I-iazmwl.
.ii’].:‘~.i:a'«‘xli"f iurthrar states that 22.1: '.,he ;Ioigat w" staid
L‘.‘.Eejfenéant 1153 its I‘J'Hfildingé; and 3315.111: exfootnfi and in <‘;33e1*‘..‘1;3'.on
U"HT’._£"<3 is no public 03.” .:arivute crossing over or 53.330543}; the. 1333,1113
of way tracks of: the plaintiff, hut ”him: there is 2'3. crosming
in: the 11:323 01" the gmlornl '..';u'nlic aver 3,136. :'./c1303.; iglqintiff'g
right 0:: may my: tracks: :.2/:;- .".... 503.111: about fozrx .’:).U’Ififirmfi fact
liorth of the 1314.362 ‘wilfltifi dc:is2n<fi.~;nt’c urn';:.r::r‘c;f is located,
Plairltfgf further arty/cm: that now and :I‘or Emma 1:11.310
335-353”; ”.;}..2 .':ai’uxldcmt 51:15? it? ‘373.f‘.10:,’€?853, :.iflf'tififit the will 5.1;...(1 ‘.'i‘ii-‘Il-J‘Ir’c
3:313; (307137411) 0; the 331:3 1313:1135 :mz‘: '.31‘03155'£327.13 aw? .:.i'tlewi"."Ply, have
’ wen (‘.1753’idf", 3.3:...30313 am! (>3:?va vehicles; {..01'0523 the I'ig‘fik‘f} 0:? may
’:1 tr.~,~.-::’.'.{5'= 01' 1:.;:.) »flxdfi‘tigff at s». ...:‘yirlt :;:mn‘x; three or iota]: 1112:1-
dree’i 3.3.3.; :4 ouch. 0;; Cir...) .:iazard 3.;..111n-3ud 3313:13103'1 one (is: 301; am? :31‘0—
1.333311053315 at other unifies acrons 8233.6 373.5631: 03':; and truckiét,
.'..2.”; :;:-1‘ £21..) point ..‘..bove «3.3310114» (5.; 3:31:13. Lima .ie3;'e;1.153,11.‘.; rum 22.35::
(331;?‘1030i13ifi Emma iron. tin.) to L;....) 'é;=’:<;.;.. uo'zigiua, :'.-6.431.353“. and
' <33 239313 in 0.33.33 £1.__:_;;.233<,..,..;‘.;".'. 3";':_.‘:.?’I‘.'3 .:3; ‘..‘.-.‘!“; amt: tracks at 1:23.101
72013113 3: ‘.'.'._jl..,._.’x;ti, '.‘»a 3.1.;7gxf- :3;.- :'i; all, Brut it'hizt .:3.)3.33.::i‘t]:€.;‘t:,..:1diug
Hugh :‘::=.j..:"s:~._sjngv, at the point 2312333303106 cons‘fiixuitm: :11.
trc‘tjgafaf' mm}. the '.3.‘..);vo:.‘t;; a); the >>1:13.3'..'ij.:;’35 um? '2:.;51033‘.:111; inflor-
fe’rosz ‘.:”: "t1; the 133mm: 2:530 by “.1110 j.=1.$zi.3..’L‘-311'i‘ 01‘ its. main. 33.53.12 01’ '..‘.-1y
and; Tailroad tracks 101‘ ‘iith ;.:r111"~:or~3s;->S of its 'inmiussstx‘; :;:: :3, (JOKE 1011'.
carrier, and 1311.15: the defendant and its ormloyeea have (Emu) with
full notice and. .‘.mmwlzadgex 03.“ t3}...- fnut that the ground. awn“ ‘.Ihiah
defendant has bean cz‘osming unG which in) occupied in 7.331%:
by the trnckR 035 the plaintiff is amfi ifor several years just
I has baon the propsarty of the plaintiff and in its constant

 r i
i '.L
( ;)
pomgeznzlorl ami Tumor its, (391113391 for 372111-0511! 'n'L'irg-sosms, 21m”;
taut jplruntlii; has bean using; Said right 01’ ”way and trucks
00m;irm-:_)us~11;;,r 1‘03: more) film} a ;ijGM‘ mam; for its railroad. tracks
Mu 12.2.3'17L1‘L16-Lfl £312.51iilffllf-fi and mm 13:38.71 daily owl's'tiziga its trailing,
11435.93 31>z2.;*~5:3_n..1<3x‘ and lirer'xggh't, over said railroad tracks 11.11:, Trig-1&1;
0.1T any.
.~ ,' ,L '1‘ - .....- ,3. . .‘. .'_ _- . * 3a. .. H
.’.'.ulntili 4.12;: uher saunas til-:7..» .LL mm not {3111: J.'U;}Q.»’Lt-
«361;; ‘:EA'ELEL‘TL'lUd mm}? ‘11:)‘31141'JJU elm muguuiiaut :uui ":53 eYJlx;l-.,5:=fi)~'3€7 (Lat
it 2.33:: :_‘:~“m'.:1';;:i;r ‘LL) ;»2.a*i_u‘t:1;;fi':é 1.4.17-1 Hm": '2'-'...‘7JVLEJE it», (',‘Uji!,’i3i‘£t :‘z-u“
in 1'.-'5_L'3;L:.L4.i.u_1 ‘.;; ”In": .',/1.7.? aluifnrlf-r-n‘i; ~2.:v‘zziz if»: on ‘»lujctczx 5':?) to
um > ‘:‘igfit :;:2.‘ ”‘:’-L.‘,” 33'*-ar:‘1'::: «:3; zinc: :’tf}.._:.i:v1tj.151'as :1 :33-‘05:»23‘J'1fi.
ami ’::‘fmw‘i‘. finch 1mm: 0:: $31916 :‘ :.:;5.’ and trucks: not only interr-
i‘s‘>:c'mi 11633;: u Huxz'm'yizmza 17:21:; by The T>l::,i_t1L:l.;'i 01% its garmjul‘tp -
132,21; r31‘:.=ri-;‘E£3(’~. r; ~‘K‘.1‘§£)U,té (“.:Lgixgx'ugt' .2.;;.:'1 :;lumum 31352 $141013; 0‘; time ~, *
:'1‘ni:g;f§':t sun: :.Te',.s:;);:~:;1(:.2: Trains a: ‘;1_ {‘:i'lr'? t» the neIssoa-‘Le:
11:13. Lair): ‘::“.25'? 1':- r’ 3:11; ti ‘2': iii»! 3‘2. <3t'):'-'zv§;m :.::191'3’131“, 2,515 31:30 t¢.s;z':("ied .
:;:.; 05,3“131ii2m22t 131:; :":::,.L::: 51m" :"—’.’CU.‘_“F= 0}}.‘735‘T7‘5‘iifi‘fi. ‘hjr Tflfaifi‘gjf'i’ 01"? its; ‘_
* traim: :.-‘.I-:>x' 1.1-:5. Erma iii? :‘.‘fzifl iii-W373". r” Ti'ig§}';t 01“ was; and jeopurfifi
. . ,», 3 L , ., . H — ~ \\
ligand Luv ..K «_,.u <2I:<:1;:.7";jr 02;: both :33/4311:3113 mun. "CAL“-!3a‘32‘iité31"3 namélodia
2.,; $1.10 ;.zla.i¢timf L {:3: co_~i~.r;‘iz<:t Tend <‘w:!‘>1‘f=.‘ifio':1 of its: I'f,‘.13_11‘(‘)é”-tda ,
f‘l;;i;1::’:_;;{' ::J‘.;.’t.‘r1<2.::‘ {:3:-:1;...5 'i;é1-f-"U, .110 $1.??? t}1t‘.t:‘a;1(ij_n§§ ri-UCh I'G- 5,
pcéiifld Malina 3.31:6 T53“, <3<é:£3\.;1i;3.;1t ..md its era'wloyems have por- .
L, .. ,4). b.
:.:‘ii‘fibmi 51:15 '1 3‘:-:":1'"‘-1£‘2t 1:1 ::rxz'i 4* an Inuantllorized mm unlamul _
use 01' :1:-inn:i,;?:‘::"2% right 231‘ 2mg um"! tracim an :2 ‘_.LZ‘OSSil/léi Liar
dei.‘e'r':1r'{rz:11‘:':21 own L:rrm.?<231_?_<‘2110f‘, and ‘Chi‘..'t much 1130. is: ::uiljmating ;
L \
V1j}_,:;l:!“,-_’J_‘:ji:'::":'-f $331115; mm .11” HQCL‘rr’lJfiiO‘JIES to neariiluirz“: omfirucfixion
and ;»‘uwimm mazmrfl. ”K.
Plaintiff :v'”£:z:,’tna thwt the: defendant and its r:;;1;:l;:;mes \_
RIG czcm‘tzinuingz 151153 conduct heizreimmi‘ore fiescr ibad and threaten '\
3 _ ‘_ ..,, , _ - 4..- _ . ‘A“?“ l‘.
to continua same Lu mm great inconvenlence, dauumnt and (minuaggew
of tha ;Tlrzintii‘f and thaw, unlesm rez‘atrnimafi by this: Gour’c, 6.6+
fondant and its; ermzloycaesa will continue in the comma of comiuct
herainhoi‘ore described, and that all of Mir? mam (”some and threat-
81166 have canned 21116 will continue to (3511196 great and irreparable

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injury to the plaintii‘l‘, is in Violst.,tion oi’ pliniutig.’f’é? rights,
and. that pig int-11f has 11;) e:a-:‘E€m_;2.."3.t<) I-e:e:x.V-<'§;-;,' “:‘.-“'Jmfci’or at 1:11.. '
I’lui..:1tijff Bi:ai.’C€:§3 that the ifl,f213!lu'bii3h 5.1m? tai'drpOl'le‘y
I“‘.3fi3tl‘é‘ijflii’lcfi orger “11.151731": Caught her‘O HM; ween tzs'ff'bafl, inch/‘.:»;t' 01"
gavmtm} by any '_A.)u1?’6 or cirmlftt judge.
fluintii'i' flirtiz'xer :.'-’21::1’13033 1; E1211; flitz: ilk-Li..". ‘,’pz22275:.t.’;ng:
aver 1'14: 2“.35:':1t 0:; may rmx‘i 1?>-.':‘s,‘».:::’4.7:;.(‘~. lino 77115-0J.”‘£}j J:.JL-z..;1;;_,« ._:.ua alum”, by
the station or 11505301; mom 21:3 31932174“ .':/m aver Lani.» 11171321011 oi“
mfiizitiit'f‘f'r rigih‘u of , W_‘mr‘..«:3.11 :1.»:- hmvminiwziore :'7;‘:;~:<3i'§fbréyré, F116?! {Wi‘fléi
on almost consztfmtly (mm-g (3.'-U, both day rig-.18. ;.airfzut, ‘.:mi {ihr't a
alarl‘i‘tiar 0::" 3w:253;::9;'1;fi‘:1.‘ rant? frnirzht trains; at? filaintiii? an; :::‘I'ci.r1,,gf
(3:2 :1?ng over 2734': {Mona :::-it's :1. T“?1'JT‘O:"L¢1 I"'ifiht »:i :.:gg', am“: that irrepa-
arn’ifjfi 13131113; Will ;r:w:~=;m'1_t in :2'!.z:.€71n.'i.i:;':7‘ from the (103.:‘;;: of: {giving K
mating—3 to the (3.0;;“(2Ju31mfi uns‘mw 31:-vim: its}: ;:1‘=’;:’203‘1t :‘Ljn-ziicntion
' 52121524“. 1123011 and, cm 2142;301:111. 0:: the injury to mi: 3?; fizzahamfiefl from ‘
<7=':‘1.:e.;,»‘, ';'~Z.;.-.;’.1;ti;f:; Luci-gin L.“ :1 t-::.'L';,)o:a-.-,;;J order 1:”:28'L1’ui1132ng-L the acts;
uzzvrzi‘slcigugd 9.: .m.ai’=. :.‘.mmt Lu '1:-1: ;mfidmad .‘uu;:a.2§_.a1V3122“; us: r:xxtux‘0d y
‘ fl
i»:n“th'\::2.‘i.ile4. \
"imitatiifif :"1; L:.: 'T;Z_:~é. the 31;-Sui“? 01 3319 73911.3" k":11-“£90511?
: {hurt if; my: :ixxufi'. :151"m1 :., =3~:::ii.sn,;,‘e
filmigtiiji _ :01" :.,; t:m;g;or::1;; :::;.:.1.31';,;i.uiug
01:51:27; 31314;";1 1 3‘.=;:‘..1'.:*.i.:.tzmg; :’i:;.h_'m_m:;,.11‘x; 4.1M its“ (I'f‘.v1_U;}‘0EZS
“3.' on] :‘.. i303'1“.i';1‘xk’1:11.07; 0:" $11.52 ‘-;(1‘L‘:‘§l 0...»; 13214.1(: 353 in Lila: ;‘Jl~-ip,-~Jii'xéi
ps‘rlzitiml; and i‘l'!_'-zir:1:’e:‘_'1‘ 12.;‘H1121‘ gram: fur :3 t.“-r'1v>0.r*511";: i:iv.jl=:1=:.—.‘:;jun
ufl'xia’fl :3'31'211 likauisa (133-‘31‘5Et‘7 t- 3 {23303111 9111;] .'_‘<1:-‘" trsfim the (‘3."::;_‘r:':‘1xi‘;arlt
iron: continuing the permutation 0:5? Said ants: Gur‘imi ‘iihsi: '.')endency
of this s: 1211;; 51216 glr'sirmifi’ further y-a‘wyfl that on, final 110211“ng
herein any temporary injurw'tiou $31":de 1):; the smart may be rune-.6
pimps tun]. and absolute, and that much pornmmnt and :.L‘zasraolute
I injunction mag-J be {grantafi as; the final relief in {32:11.3 unit, mm
plain‘bix'f further prays “for its costs hzarczin arm :01“ all such

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