xt73bk16mf8w_870 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [744] Lina Amorine v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court text [744] Lina Amorine v. L&N, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_71/Folder_39/14001.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_870 xt73bk16mf8w .1» * . ' l . I? ’
. _ Eept. 29, 1917. .
Lina Amorins v9 one Eh Co. v ' I
Letsher Circuit Court. i
' II 0 0 G I? O Q r
J. J. Eonohue, ass“, 2
Asste Eistm Atty., gnu en Cow, ' ,
L o 11:1. s vi 1 l e , 211’s nt- 11032;; . '
Deer fiir; .
herewith Becket Legort and copy or petition in the above '
styles case, which was filed on the 94th instant. I also enclose - _
' copy of letter of the fi7th instant, addressed to me by Lewis 5. '
' Bertie. relative to the same cueea Please let me have the nee-» '~
esssry iniornetion for the defense at your convenience, and . '
. oblige, »
Yours truly, I
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 Letcher Circuit Court.
Lina Amorine, Plaintiff.
Vs. Petition.
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company, Defendant.

Now comes the plaintiff, nina Hmorine and states as follows:

That the defendant, Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company
is and was at the time and times stated herein, a corporation and
a common carrier and was engaged as an interstate carrier of freight ,

- and passengers for hire, and was incorporated, organized and ex-
isting under the laws of the state of Kentucky, and Was on the 20th
day of September 1917, the owner of, empowered to and engaged in
Operating passengert'trains from Birmingham, Alabama to the town of '
Mcfioberts in Letcher County, Kentucky.

The plaintiff further states that on or about the 20th day of
Sept. 1917, the plaintiff was a passenger for hire on the defend—
ant's train, and that he had a ticket from Birmingham, in the State
of Alabama, to McRoberts in the State of Lentucky, and that while
he was such passenger and on board of said train at or near Seco,

a station on defendants road in Letcher County kentucky, the de- _
fendant, its agenta and employees willfully, negligently, and
carelessly and with gross negligence and carelessness run a car
and locomotive against the train upon which the plaintiff was on as
such passenger, and thereby caused the abdomen, both hips and small
of back of this plaintiff to be crushed and broken and dislocated
and caused the plaintiff suffer great and excruciating bodily and
mental suffering, and that she has been permanently injured, and

by reason of same she has been damaged in the sum of Ten Thousand
Dollars. I

Wherefore, plaintiff prays judgment against the defendant,
Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company in the sum of Ten Thousand 2

 Dollars, for all costs and all other proper relief in the premises. ‘
Bruce & Hawk
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The affiant, Lina Amorine states that she is plaintiff in the
above action, that the contents of the above petition are true.
sabscribed and sworn to by Lina Amorine before me this the ’
___“ day of Sept. 1917.
( 4160119111 in (the “0:103: :.:: follox'xH)
(Krill? 5;? .10. 11323.
‘.1, £7.27: ‘”‘:‘v l l, i"'n:‘,‘1:o‘:’:: r1251 7; 001716: ’:r‘rrnezl to Latcher
(Jo. 'r":'ff\f7::7lillJCl‘ 234, 1917. ,
'. .’.’. I)":'.TDC~, 319:7:
3:; L". ‘3‘. Ifnnfilfi‘rrm, +9. 3.