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time, ‘2" <3 :2; :23‘2::":2{;‘.:.'i;~:5.-:3 2"}:2- 112112 i5: 12:12:25“; 5123272 1.31:3 “1:112:3- Of ‘
713:5: (2:3012‘b:1022 2302.210 tho :2 ;'.-2.2.;x.~..‘~"2::sa 011' 1:112:10}: 1.2 2 cm:v-:?..:=.inc:~r.‘:.
.‘.2'2. 21:12:: .:L::;.-'.7..;;; 252:2. 1., ‘2::‘"!.7,.:‘..:.=3t :1;- 2:. :51‘ :r.~.1’c in 07.12: i‘aal‘xtzwr
J .1 2121253 22:13.3 ”122:2 :3 2 022022.: ‘.:-3 132. (2231 1.2L
.2223 ti .3:-2:: 2232212.: 13221::- :‘m '.‘-2222.123,“le 32:22:? 33:29:": 2.2:3:2;::2v.~21.~:t 33:23.522222262, thmmh
W....WM ..

 _ .1
Il-J'VGI“ :.‘-[01".:Qi-‘~:.’L~c~rj‘r”, :2:: 13" this :.:Gmirss310n27.11.33 5:12:31 '22:; 131:: 0:311:33 of
the AUUWllQGc it will 20 Rutiuci, hamfivur, Chat the ncnivsion
goes no lurtnmr thin LO concede that ”in practicv" there had been
mt times a sliyhb 381;: Lion mi in“ :ulo, a:na:*ing to none of the
CVi-Cnun. Sic atLflcnce in Question is that 3i the tififiesx?a, Fuller
anfl martin. 3C poiatvi nut in uux iornzr 331 f, Lnllar tittifiefl
Inspecting 3 333313 ae$ian which hgfl name under his chmervation
and airtin distinctly Hinton éhnt he Ana hinfiéif never, on any
oucaainn, £31195 to unfurce 1h“ fulc Swan inc gaze of its afiagtion.
TDCEC 1v atfiulutély nut a Chrrd w: nyuoi that tum carrier hjfl aver
fiiraab=a 01'5m3horimod a nggruaiun or mholiafimant n: tnr rule.
unC ffiiIUPC, if at 3&3 time Eh re 42$ Cur, 10 Cnforco thv Erie was
an unauthorized flfisr~gard of flat: by fine 0:, it mast, 3 flex em—
nlcynes oi fiha fiailway Co jfififl and war moi eqtivalenfi to 3 r3“
'/ 11:313.“ i?» if
nunuiation 0? abragatjwn a: fihw rule C: have ens ogfnct of ispriving
fihe fiailway Cowman? of thn bemvfit ih3rnnf. Such heinfi fiha Sitwa-
tion, Sectiun F1?, {F.Ct339., mugt have subjectwi thw Axilway Com~
3933 to Prfifificwtioa and fiUniChmtnt/ust for its uuiiarm :nforcemant
of thb rule but ADI 13$ wiliul Cufi dclihcr tn GIG Ction oi any
hawsenaer or gauaanfiers from in: nwcration of Ch? Imla.
CounsCl 101 Ahjwllmfit, in thuir gaply firinf (3.3) nrgua

”the: in orfer to avail itscli 01 big thra fara rif3t. it 11:0.

' the Railway Oagcany) magi have SEX Cflfieztd strictly to thC rule”,0tc.

,’, _

Thu logic oi this p Cition mania 349% to he that if tharo 3hou1fi, by
«one chance, chur a mingle diCrag rd or infraction 03 thé rule,
it caulfi‘nvvar, thexaéfter,be iaaiully aniorcnfl. Ihie extruorfiinnry
argummflg ffiilg uttnrlj to Gimtinfivish betw;cn Ch: Sougafly'fi’afiti-
firm (3 I..:iwd 11110 2.7.n‘v:smr::sant223. (2111;131:123: 22?; nation 01" some 0533231233353
connuafior or of a confiuctor dealing with a 0339 under igmlatnd and
exam tional circumstaficos. Kg mnbmit that the Infiiuna rule,suppcrtea

 . “.

"o”; 1:11:11:- cseo of 1.11310 v. L'.’...I..Cc., 1732'}. Ind. 100; S.c. 33’ 11.53.1611”,
5’71, ..2.1.ted in our i‘..11-171.:\1:' 131.111" :13, is not only the rule in 1§=iz111t11:.(31:;7,
but, in the 2111111110, cl" things, 111115.11; be the rule :.'-veryw‘h-iarc, .1111? it
rmst can: c.6161. its-@111? 1‘13. “.11-11:1"? coin-t :.:: 1:211 1.1‘:»c-.,=:1';;.i::1t.-;':-.ble rule oi"
=1:- 1-72 on .

€1.11" {'~‘-E17111??? ‘:- 1:31:12? th-i'e cont'gntion in 11,11,2131341111;1r=
-L:7'=‘.»"‘s.;;_r .‘;3:.'1.cf (“.:. 7) 1:21.21 ”11.; 121017-1133 that when :1. i; was in 11111.1115 that
thz;c:1-.:cq::=1,~ri‘ 1115.61 “$1121.13:;_..2.;1t "C2. ctn cs,::f11;—:C>:.rc 1:11:15:--:-12.;f3,1:-:c1s, "arithcut the
ten c1111;- :;2:-:.c.cti«1::~1, it Vi :;Ll11‘{,=:: f‘. o 151 1.111211 it sougjght to collect
:7:.-:'3-:'7i.tio11al ten (1:1;/114:7: :1;-0.21 Son? 1111‘, 1:11-51 111 leis cc.:1’._..r1;1ct inty
to 11:11:: 11.-111:1-‘1'3. it 33:31:21: 12C; 1- 1:1;:- ’;‘111‘:: 1‘11-15:13.1.” ."-,.::2 to 13111 is, we submit
tl'mt 1:111- rtle of 1..-(..1: iii 23121111}; the ;r‘v‘v'cr:?s=::, the instezad of Vi-
c1,--.1i:1.11;;: the 185,1 in :."-r.1::'1:-.»{':‘-..:'1{: entry: 1112- £5,111: 01" TI 1:1;-11:10:11, upon
5:12:- .-=j.:1x~::zn L other c:;.:::h-i‘rz_r<-2 1:11.14: c1;~;-1.g::1:>1~s,1, 11.17110 should have
715121 , 21711-75113 nicer-1110 331.1111? Lite 1,1-‘:;‘.1'1.1r:.1t oi: the 63111333? u1.. charge of
ten cents, 1: he 17:01.“.1’11311’1, is? :1;/.2:}, to1g 11342.30 Tilt-11:1 previous cash
1:1;-3e 1121.115”- f-scrlgrrgars, 1112:1111: 1‘13. 15;! it 17:;19: to 13:13, “11 13115211 i“ 1107:; pay-

The 1301131131132; :11" 1o- nclil that the Emigrysny would
121111-139 ”0111(1111: 1:1 11;}: :.':1. 1:11 the {:.:-at 1:1 ”org-.11 chz'nrge Finer-c, 11116101" ';l‘)l‘0]3=2‘3."
cmrfi i t i 0111-", it :..-:15; co .'.1 oc- t 12. :1”'ro:i1 :.'; 331%}-.‘.i.’i,_§-i.’:-l‘, "1..-:1;: not =35V1'31‘1013ke‘)(1.
3.5: 11111:;- 2flaw}. '1:-1.15.1} 1.391.113111‘1. :10: “1:51:12 .1 11:15:» ween iii; ':-0 “c 5.111130711318-
11:11:11.:9. L1.- it. It <3=31111§L111111£3 L1 cl 311.111 0;: the 4221;111:1111; 11331131111137 here
1.3:.th 21:11.3; o:111.:*éé-;io111 on 1 -u oz"; the c.:-:1=:1‘1~=.;:t0r to enforce ‘1:-hr:- rule
was in every-,1 111112.311; e the “5.1113151.{311111117 , :1. 31371011111 or 80115.3{1'111} of
the 13 c :1“. 911.1111, 51.116“ ‘1:-1111.11- in {my 1111' o o l (32.2.3112 where it :‘-;-g>'p<-:- rod that the
extra. ten cents (311011111. have been. Collectoa 111161 was not, the conduc—
t or who 1711253711313th to enforce the :ru 1e 11111.53 37131111111 or}. to pay“ the extra
charge hirmeli‘. ’.:his 310115.111 12;; impasse. 11311011 the centimeters was cal-
oral/1.11126 to soctre as, uniform 5111711. 1.3111151211121111 enfosmcrnont oi’ the rule

 ‘ ...
uni phOvS concluaively that the hoilwa; Company undertGOk at all
L73“ to 92's.:1'1113f’5“? 153713 role in {from}. inh 3.1163. unifoimly ac to .3111 the
Till-:51. G '
$33, a ..;-19:3.11l'. its: x:;tt;ert1‘j"'berl to be Wide that the APP.)113111;,

*'(nfl‘diifc, arm aflwr 4,1,1.me“offer-"r “$31315? tho ‘1‘/3;~a),i:‘1:;2 01" the 313.31.311.03
3,212.13 motifl to ”oc- CELT";§i:j'.‘£‘.5.‘~{ill.;f :11'3tzii'i-211 '_3: Hum in:3";r11c‘55.0115xiv-I‘m
:.;-:3:; g}: the }(t oi‘ the ;1:).l1‘-;J:‘L;;;-' 1101fl':.1‘.,n,’;7-. 331935. instxuctions
..:;/,1afar::';v.;._gl'?. :.1-o .3111“ oi" w<31j_=vj;r. 1331 the (21311’51‘83-‘37’ “'7'”: :.I-”writ #01131:
3.3;}: ji.;-;.’J 13“.}. _:‘533'331’1 ':.-’:‘.,f-t :1, 41:11 ('1‘ /:11'1t-7',:‘*'21_jy‘ [1531;150611 the Iii—vii 13715:; Company
.1.-12,11 it: (av-115,79)” fling-ah, is. no 712329111??? 173,3;‘;t'-:vcr that the it; 11.1;-’87
:.;) zigg'iu:'1,112.;5’ $1"ng 57176:“ "‘,":3 33:1, 3 T51 T7310 I): autili’l‘izea its suggmnsjfln'
Ln abric‘t {if “if .1,..(fyfy wll"? 03153533 13111717313: 12!) 5131712263535“. 119011 001-151 llCtOTS
313:". _12:'1}_:O;;_~{$3,110.". of at:,_:;v1i"::>:.::‘(tins; ;11, F113»: arith 51t- rictnesm and. 11915 150
51:1,:1'5‘155‘3 ::.??? ~53 '7:- ;.-; ~~. T133135 to :1:.“ '.':di'it ‘3::; £7.11 1113114133711511115."a"; dig};criminntion
in his? jig-:;:“ ;.37731:22.:11‘1i1'v"'~-’* .3.-1.337 1133741115.‘-:11: if not in :1. j~,oeition to
<.::,>:,.i::2.:i.z1 oi’ 5h 1‘ o::." :3?-:_:}: :,1r~1?,r-. 5:.-{117:3 no tei‘t:?113m.:f 110 the
{1.3. ‘_st35317 tilt in 11% (123701 {3::-(3521705, 113.53.71‘173112 5317 33:11:13. 17331-0 in the 318.3%
'3; thy-..‘;- Ete you -"‘ 11_-1021 my? B??£"‘§'}E}11$El(‘nil or l“-"xf3‘5":11 Oi: my} Elli-'37:
37 accovr'vliShed '13:.” ::TZ“;":.“:’or-::;:: r2,<:e'i,:i01'1 1‘.-'1" iJ-lc 3033105211.}? Or in 0,011“
:553 3~-,,;--:ncc o: the clip 39:11:71136‘1 of tho rule in ligatfiuie. ‘30 far as the
{no 12114;: :1:: c51;:11_;s.rx:::‘.;'33r>a;, he (lid: not noeo clr';ii‘v:.:»;37.::.nt 01” t‘7’1e‘pathic
f? ;.31- ”11,53 035/”:317735t‘é3 5,3533191312”. It 1';:113 not 11301322211536? 01‘ any i:a1j;*>1"oes::»;ion

‘ 01,, MS U1 to?! calf: T-u;§}‘(:9iliii11{} tx'afé_:1,31 1193 17013153 not be (mforccd

4’ '744

(~.;? 53:3 him 13:9,:17/ iixnorrayim on I‘.-ii”: 7I)'r“"rt/;Orfl01‘s CiflmmlfiMg swim}
3:311"):13013152214; oi‘ the rule, that he n;--;1‘;loctc§. to purchsmc n ‘tiOEGt'
flirt':me?, L* 130-2 'iogif the" 163353.121 and, hen calla-:61 upon ;L'or his
ticket, “no away; 11,316 {:olitg-l}; 111111.;.;3;~;;1m1, {31? th» 11:11} by the con-
611.:Lor Er3'7,=::1ei:{;'Lf. 33112312. ':iotim, 1:3-311331'11 it}: 51:31:32 i?j)1:1c='3'?<7* if“ the
.;,»;iti;.»‘{T—::':;o:':3 :;:t the r3t~:.tirt~n, which 7:39.13. been ":.:ootcfi for newly two
Laura 51116:; :3, half em" 1:,: ith 1.},3ich fun-um} woo ‘.‘-3115;12:11311-91; ivy-'01:) jfi‘etiilismi‘,
Germ-12113; :~..L‘i"w;i:.¢rfi to ighr; .:-1;'sfrg‘>cl.lif‘:-iit 3] my" 110mm that Hm law
2221112135053. is hold 13;,? the 5373.1'mr'ior Court, in 'Z‘Jicks v. I; (‘7‘; i-I ‘.1 1?; Co.,

15 £3. haw Rap. 005. ”Actual naticc $0 each paimmngcr of the
fixieten e 01 thA rule 1% not necesaarf; GOD138 of fihr zule
urintefi in large tyne anfl nosteé in cons iuuoue placefi in the
seversl ti;kut offices of tho Compafly mrg sufiicient natice to
the EIHVOlling uuhlic oi Lha Gfiifitincfi of thv rule to Inquire
than $0 comply uith 1L9 [revisiona.” The Vick thug ngroafiefi
in the Mickfl cage is in harmony with thn Eula announcofi by the
Supreme Court of the Unitéfl Stutoa in cases ariuing unfler what ;
is known a8 the Carmuck Anandmmnt. flaw, in the cage of
Kansas City ;outharu Railway Company v. ;.1.é1bers Commisuijn
Comgany, ¥23 U.f. 39¢, the Supreme Gaurt, my 1:. Juhtice Van
Evvantcr, stwfied tho rule as follans -

“Althau:h it was shown that the rehwflulos @mbodying
this rmtc wwre yaculdrly printeb, Culy £11 a mith %he
Interstate Commmrce Uomuismion, Rue kept open to
Dublic iHSpootion at the freight OiIiCGS of the garnishue
at Kauaas City anfi other poiuta, it was not Shown that
couies Were :oetnfi in nuelie and confiniausus placeg in
.= ‘ ..~ r: .x ,”. -;:". .2 ~ “‘.» r .: ... 4‘” .,.aa .‘

Lnose 0111033, at lufiULLQU by g 0 oi the inicLEiate com—
merce act. ’Outing, hOhGVGT, W33 not essentirl to
make ratas lnfiall; operative, aafi was requixefl only
33 a mega? of gigordinfl Sp?0ial facilitieg to the nublic
for ascertaininz the rates actually in farce. Texas & P.
.‘..‘ ‘ ,.‘ . D *' .. — .) *7 ..~H‘;rt:"c~*‘5“f*~, 1. ::{5
..1. (100 V. V1 A“) UL]. Ail-143.. (L.. J.;“. "’“‘!“ ,) . (‘_‘. ug. . “)2
(“I Q J- " ,V -7r' C! H ’ J ’ I. ’
27 yup. L:. _.‘..f '0 93V:-
A still later cafie dociéoé by the Dunraue Court, which
' affirms the albers Sommission Uomuuny case, is that of Ill. Confi.
fi.:.CD. V. Hanflernom glevator Co., 229 U.E. 4&1, a case in Gyror
to the Court of Appeals of Kentucky.

Hofi only difi martin, the Confiuutor, wromntly iniorm

A sell at of thw rule but politely expostulutmfi with him, ex—

'2'310 ini 11553 ’0}: 7 0002.291 011 51116.1. 11:"{305257i ti] 11 e “um: um? 0.1 01' 011$ 01" a: ing:

thr rule and, further, that no chaiue was loft him in the matter.

U 115:. 03." 1111/? E16 Ci 3“<:'C.§’:1:': team: 0:5 , “w .1': ?'2§IL3L::“;i “L; thé'rb '.1 ‘:al’l‘i; ' s mrzmzil

CndUUM“nt wag aniircly angle without tho aflfiition of any "Sixfih

SQHGO" or any other gonna. AS thm r 0035 mhows, in his apparent ,
eagernans $0 main fironhle, all of this countafi for naught with the ‘

Apr; 07.1 rant 9


Finally, it 13 oomwlainnd that ”Awowllae'fi Briof wholly
fails to Giouimguioh beta on £23_Conuuotg£ anu 3351;3325nmafl",
(Appellant's ;eply Bri i, p. 8). Ifi is precisely in this respect
in which WG think Apoollanfi himsoli errs in hiS argumenfi hoxoin.
The Appellant, wholly igflorimg Lho Guty, ozonouncemwnt amp oonfiuct '
of the igpelloo tonmrfi tho public in general, boo att noted to es-
tablish hi3 claim noon on alleged floraliotion on the part of one
or more confiuotoxe of 59381186, who 3% certwin rare infiorvals
are Chorgnd to have foilofi in the enforcomonfi of the rulo. So for i
as the xnlo in quoation is concarnufi, zowollont soaks to make out
his caoe upon the narrow relations botw en himself or some other
passenger anfi some nnrtioular conductor, umglojofl on the line of the
Appolloo, arising u-on an ioolatofi and exconfiional oocuoioa.

Of oouroo, ii detracts nothing from the weight of the
opinions cifiofl by fihe lemrnné Counsel for Arno lamt, both in his
original oné lowly Jri f, fihmt tuooe Opiniono Should hflVO been
written by him while a member oi this Court. Yet, it may not be
imarowor to ourgeofi, in all Roofl nature anfl with tho utmost fiefer-
once, that, Whilo ;ho loaynod Gonna 1, than ably diochnrginx the
functions of the la rm a Jufigo, may have aofiod mérsly 3o the mouth-
niece or agokwsmxu oi the Couxfi, he chorighos, gorohance, a not
unnatuval but oreowmive partiality for these partioular pro uctS
of bio oraitsmanohip, at least $0 for ao the pr meat oypeal is con— ‘
corned. fioth éhe oasa of Illinoio Sontrol L.i.Go. v. Millions,
147 Ky. 52; 8.0. 1&3 3.2. 760, an& Illinois Control 1.1. Go. v.
Fleming, 143 Ky. 47%; 8.0. 145 3.x. 1110, (the opinions in each of
which wore comaooofl by Judge Minn.) soon to no antiroly fornign to
the puroooo. Both of fiheoo oases recognize moo approve tha cos» of
Lexington & 3 storm Hailwoy Com v. Lyons, 104 Ky. 23; 3.0. 46 3.1.
209, oitofl in tho iormor firioi Ior gpoolloe. Heifih r of them Seems
to us to announce any new Goofirine. 30th follow, in the main, the i

 cloetrine oi‘ the Lyons eoeo, supra, one the cam: of 0.3.0. (7; 9.1%
Ry. Co. v. Carson, 145 Ky. 81; e.e. llO 3.7. 71, one the only
matériel oiiforengo between the two a peers to be thet in the Hil-
lieme came it was odmittné that the plaintiff wee treated vith every
courtesy by the conductor and we? enbjeetod to no inflignity what-
ever, nhorcee, in the Jloming oeee, there one some proof tending to
Show thit the eonfiuctor'o conduct was coaree, insulting and brutal.
In the Fleming case, the proof having ehown beyona question that
the plaintiff, in order to reach hwy fleetinvtion, one coupellod to
pay on efifiitioaal sum over one above the coat of her round-trip
tiekot, fine it being eeteblienofi that etch ofiéitionnl payment
oufiht not to have been.regnirofi oi her, the lover court plainly
ezr e in limiting her right oi recovery to exaggee for the ruee
one offensive conduct oi the eonfiuetor. The flootrine nnnounceé in
the Elominfi cone to the effect that - "The a nellee was entitleé
to have the jury inotruetefl neon her rifihte with relation to the
Hailreafi Commeny, ane not upon the somewhat narrower relation
0: the eonfiuotor'o finty upon the erroneous ticket contract", is e
oerfeetly Sonnfl fleetrine enfi, ii are erlg omnli ? here, must un—
guoetiwnobly oofir=to in favor oi the lonellee rather than in fever
0: the levellunt, on :eeme to be thmurht in the too firiofe preeented
here in hie behalf. 2
Some fault is found with the at Cement in our former
Brief that, “inasmuch as plaintiff refused to may the ofifiitionol
fore, or any fore, th re was, of eenreo, no divorimin tion in this
cone against him.“ The language quoted is not entirely accurate.
flhet we intonfioo to may one ohoulfi have onifi wee that ”?lointiff
refugee to may the ofifiitionel fare enfl fiifi not in fact ony‘ony
fern.” fled he omit the r gulnr tiehvt fore, he would hHVe been
entitlefl to be trmneported from Stanton to riloon or, noon his
ejection iron the train, to have the amount so yeié rofunfied to


I him, {2:23, in <':e;f1::.‘.=.l’.t 2.1:.1." 5:12:51 1;.":‘:_,":.2,;12_'L, 12.2 5.2:.2'11‘2’21‘ ’13:; 1112.71.13 1,3122: 41:11:11nt
22:23.21. ?‘1:E'.";'.:”1;~: , 12.7": t;.’> 52.11;." excess: 2:132:11: 21116. 2.2.":2111‘11723 the Lt 171:1“;
-V. 1.1:‘13‘11t have 1.1-"on e:::::r.:.:te iri“ him 1: 2’2:‘.2:i“:. £12.11. .115: {"1 2.:-Ci?» ed
in. l: o 1.11? i.l2..:.2u;’«.'t:-.:: v. 3', .1.? I .. {1’.’-:2.. . { ‘fl .‘.”..e-‘u S‘M; 51.6. 35.3
. 22'. ‘" Li“, gitr’yaé in our form 11:35. ":1", the We": 01') 32271.3.:i..1‘1’i;ii’f‘s
:11r-, uni? 21:2; 1 2.251“, 1’.' 17279.22 ”aim hoe-.211 the 12.2115211’1’1t no»
t1"; 113.12, 2 , 111:2 ’.‘. this’17212'1sEi 21555;? 51:31.1: -',2:-:1;177.i-'i 51.11 ;:.’;‘.::1:1 the: t .2313}. n,
the 22:21.11 1‘1'15.‘ 11.21:..1311: 1, 232:2: that: 212121111111."? 3:1 iii “11;; 11 over .; 1:31.225: 2:.1’:’-_2.::-':.1.;21“§;- 93:32:32.1. 3.2.2:;u'td 1.2412152; 1122:7511 21:-.3121}. The "2115.2. .‘_11tii‘1"
1. L2 21 1 1 l 1 1 LL .211
..‘”,z‘e no.- - 3.'-'7 -1 Linea-11:2,;-.;..11 on wt “3192722275 of g}; ease
112.117., .1.-.1», (i2; 11:72.:ei 13.512? 51:12.11 i2: ;;?’;.:1 .':-I'~'.2:~.m;‘.:‘1g; c. {1.3.257 1:23,?»
11.“,733,.i.“7? ,} 122."? - ’1": 13...:01’2 2.72:2 .11.‘.'.?..:.:,..-’1t, 11:1 rich-t e31"
.12.:lia“: ”:::‘1. 91:1 3.‘: :2.-:::.

'.é-<:-1’:=:".‘11 2.1;?! . '.-‘x-‘,2,2;:1n:-.:=, 31131;; Gi‘,i.-":'l‘r.-.‘Ti"j: 2.11121212122112r353
51:1 :1./13:52 l '11] lira-'32 '_3.-:’.1:.;:=:’:1.-2:'1 1.21:2: 1:1 1. :12? I".'¥_:L.21s.’ls;
(32.1.11715271 '..;25’. 2.:-.11.; - '3‘. first-.52, ,' -213}. ‘72:, 2:13.? s:t~=.;,2‘.§.11;»;, "'.“sz
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