xt73bk16mf8w_879 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. Viola Noble, administratrix of Charles Noble, v. L&N text Viola Noble, administratrix of Charles Noble, v. L&N 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_73/Folder_3/13286.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_879 xt73bk16mf8w fi ‘ ,. E ‘,‘ - .”757/1/7/7
g i ‘
‘ / ', '/.(/('/V,'. ,, //// v/ 7 . ///(/) ’ ,7 //
(25¢ fl/I/ZW/L//{////;/zfl;/Z’i¢g .7 7,. H ' ,
fey, ¢.@MW“WW" LQW'gggflmiflwwflflflvdZvnflwfiyfl
g%/b/¢AA//a %r/ Mum/74 ,
915.9». flatmatfiflmugz: . /_
. flned/(gmw/ééi ///// ) ///k///’7 November 11 1913'
. /’ V /' ) y/Wfi'fl/‘lrcu'qufi. T... eff/I ZV. (gym 9
. 7,2‘7/ / 7N ,3 5;
Hon. 8. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L.&E.R.Co.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Referring to your favor of November 8th.
I take pleasure in sending you herewith copy of
Mr. S.S.Willis' paper on"$he Administration of the National
Liability Law". I am also handing you herewith a list of
cases decided by the Supreme Court and several of the Federal
Courts in which the Federal Employers' Liability Act is con-
strued. This list of cases will, I hope, be of some service
to you. If, however, I have heretofore sent you a copy of
this list kindly return the enclosed to me.
Yours truly,
J?" ,, -
, /., Chief Law Agent.

 ':Mwwt‘ M , . 4 W . ,. . ., , 44:4 u
"rwn’iz’éi‘»MM‘W-tsit;ra: :Sisshiftzafés‘rtPitt.é:titty:;:titw’;if?it1i=3£4:f:tot-$524-35%:Eisiflttfia,E;?7r:;3§§:1¢:’§-‘3?‘.’:S'L-‘er’t-tsrii"-?£§§:3;-?:;~:=iz?z’»:9:12-13: :3333L§;1.';‘::3;;.-i[1- 3: .23225a'353f935i
'54 ‘:JI‘A-";=-’u‘<-;t:h--e'-.-'.--.’1uf-.‘.yF“tww- slu-yta‘3w“twat-4’3»':‘!F'=‘F-.'.'¢.»,a~"tn-Pam f‘wf'T-h’u WWW-.4;\§.»:4w.v.‘:':'~12~.u‘»~'":-:1'.':~:4. {0:54:3.xv..$.v~:wr.'?4y4‘ --4. awn-5% r-. ‘~:-,: 4 '.‘.
if»:,"31""if4ffir‘:-:;:fz-p‘tt‘ffisfi;Wt-fi’i:tact"‘»:'a’:“i:21:~‘v1‘.t&aia'.:,-;~‘:f;f":3.-:u"5¥':.;o‘:3:Ifi:$:2:?I-é‘?:5?;i-Pw‘stifix53kp‘vtwfit".titt‘afl-‘fi‘fn‘w‘:4‘twatfii'rh21*253355'2:;.-»z‘e:.‘s?$:',~£‘.’::“iii-.ifit-ir‘fiiég-si-f.4,1:v;1:i;‘.'.‘rifirztississ‘:::v;I-aI;?.---.-.;::::i:.:-fiscixiafiiztét'art-.3533w’:2.'»r:I-':w;..-:-:r:'r:.:.(;:;:55:.-455715;:I ' .3;.;,‘+.L:*
’Stiiiéc‘iigfa 335533;;
iggjiggggfgijg 4 Fefierel Employere‘ Limititm {33133;
~ '
,L _ Federal. aet- ori.‘ 190.8- zmoonetituti one}.
::_€15§;':v3i;:;%::; - Iiowaro v. 1‘ 0. Km Go. , 30'? U. S. ,, 4.655, :;:_},‘;II544‘3'.§‘§
\k Fedorel Act of 3.908 oonotitutionm.
4 Mouton m N. Y. N. 31» 8: Km R». Cot , EBB U. is; 1. :;ii;3§jégri:-3;g};
Effect on into-rotate oozggrco rather than source
x of injury the criterion of ccunfcreeeioo/p erA 3;{*;:;jg;'§:i§}ft!
5,3:gjri‘;:.;; Momma v. N. Y. N. i. E; E. .R Co. , 2215 U. S 1. '.‘:i;5‘:943555,5¥i=55
'tf’iyfiiffi; "iéiéiifi‘ifil:
‘ . When injury 1o suffered while carrier is engaged ?f:3}§;;3_'; '.
f;j;§;fgigi§§;¢5; "in interotato commerce {mo while employee is employezt by the ear» :;;‘j;?;.,_';_
4 New in soot commerce; but it fie: not essential where the aausal
{it‘s-43kg: negligent is that of e. oomoxplo‘yoe, THA‘i‘ HE A156 BE MLOYED IN ,:;,;,-;‘:r1§4f;;§§
& SUCH GOMFfiCE, for, if other oonoi ti one be prooen’c , the statute
K553§§;;3?‘l‘;§3:§“ iiveo a right of recovery for injury or doom from the negligence ‘
gingggifig of any of the . .. n. . . . .employes of such can ier" and this in—- ,~-;?;‘.;;,},;e};f
4» 0111598 an. employee engafieo in interstate oomaoroe. H
'-3§'§:;:§i3fi§i;'~ Pedereon v. .,L. & W. R. Go. , 229 S. 3.46. 334424;;
aststszs‘ ~ =:"fi:35‘?1¢1:§?:1
‘FI.’?L5:5:313:.£:‘ ;':'E;35:§;”:3,4g
vi:;:.:.;,‘.g.::g:..; . . -:vi~7"4‘:’2'iiit‘;
fiiééfiéfiéfi- Fireme u engaged in omxtnzmng pure 1y instrastate 1:
c1.“ freight Within protection of act . ‘VV;}‘:;:€§{.‘,“::‘:3:TI
::jgggg‘sglfiggg: Boil-rem v. I. C. Ry; Co. , 192Fo6.earel,v561. ;g;;§:;;;;;;z;g
' '
5:::;:'§’3;§;1.t§ g’g‘?
ithi’i?.?;¢‘5fi§£}f - - "w
{54:54:53334‘5f'5: V Seoti on laborer employed in arivkng epikes anti 5?
;:fgtgigfgzgefggi repairing main track engaged in interstate oomroe and entitled ~_3;?::;:;;:;
‘ 4': ~'y‘i‘I' - , , , . ‘:'f‘vl't' l'tik
,Eggggg;g;33;;g to recover though injured through negligonoo of a follow servant. @gé’
r: filkoe v. 0» Ba &- NV 0.. 19'! Federal 895. 4:5
"'.;5?:‘»:§.|§25:z'..:g ‘ ,1:§:‘f:f:$‘«;<:~;»;
ffifétgfijlifif 3.‘}? ’:‘j'f-ffitci
|;,5.f§51:‘.??§!7f{:‘ ;';.4;‘;:flg:;;fi;:; .
n ' Track walker eeeisting in repairing switch in a
4 railroad yard, the witch being oonnootod with a track need for,“ x
w interetato and anew-mete WMWW 4 wow“. in interstate “WNG-
.‘.fi;';?gi.fjgfgi;:'f3 , Coimsmado V.. Gentrel R, Go. of N. J. , 180 F961. 8322... 'glgi.g-‘V;Z};;3gi_:§y
, 4 itti’tt
E';':353:3§35r3.2:7 , « "ii'ffiit'lgt‘E‘T’r‘
f"!f§:;'{:'1_‘";€;§ A brakoman within tho oeamng of the Federal Em- “if?
453‘ players" Liability Act , who was injured in the process of unloading 31%
,“‘“ a oorof noel, which coal was in treneit from Pennsylvania to Wis- MC
*4“ cousin, the unloading be ing in connection W1 th the trans-shipment "&§;,§f;’:§;§‘;§fi
ifisigiiéiégégf}; from car to boat, incidental to ouch. through shipment .
Efigggifrfiiili: Erir :3. Co. v“ Kennedy‘ 19.3. Fe oral 532. t?”
”H ex“
M432: ,
";§.5.'fj'§3';:j:f 4 . ;:zégézgsgth
43' - An. ironworker at Hoboken, N . .7. aarrying bolts H“
;§:§;:;3_;53§;g:: with which to repair a bridge known as Duffiold Eridge, from a tool «9%;
“‘ oar to the bridge over a bridge across James Ave. was etruok on fifigt
I“ ‘Jamee Avenue 131: loge by an intrastate passenger train. Hem that ‘
$3 plaintiff was engaged! in interstate oommeroe.
*”: Pederaon v. D. L. 8:: W. R. Go» , 229 U. 3. 146, ”t
. Thomson v. 0. 1% P. S. R. Co. , 2:05 Fed. 205. it
»‘h .
it -;3. 2": xii-"xii-
Lk" ' Fireman who was fatally crushed b‘dtwean two cars , figs
'.N‘ 3‘;: ~3i;g',».:-4.' 3‘1.
;:éigjfisggg due to negligence of fellow employee, while on his way from him x‘~
m4 home to a certain station, from which station he was to ride on anew?»
4 of defendant‘s trains to another station, where he was to assume mg:
Sifigggggf his duties on an interstate train. within the Act. “mg
1“ Lamphoro v. 0. R. 8o E. Co., 196 Federalgzas, 33%
~‘.“; Horton, v. Oregon eto.0o.n 130 Peon Rep. 897, 945%“
\C Johnson v. S . .“. R. Co. 196 U. B . 121. “$4
=1549zfif:r?f<§:i ‘ m
EfigWPfiffi-Z‘EV‘“"§'“¥¢"¥E"P”:'%;*}{F"r§;firvW‘g‘k-h‘WE'we-‘z {3‘2” ¢ ""lrw‘v“.'""Y‘I’L‘H'{"1‘.“”‘“"mi* '\\-A'r .4..,- J ovum-V V.. .q. 1‘ . t A s ‘4 “‘1 ggfiggézé
""»ée‘éfl'fifa‘ii‘ fit ‘3' .” *ir:‘é‘?'.’ ”‘1;"”awx‘e‘ifitNé-t"3f-‘i55‘:~.£s‘sévatzéf W‘ttfii‘v’flrfl M4 ‘11’t§é‘=:':"*~?w~w 2.315;: fix '65:: («\’“X’6 ‘5‘: «3:3 If??? wwowmw :;:.; ”W
‘?¥;%2v‘st»‘3'§u‘e“.fi“f‘. ;-.'"£?: v.34, fistfitfle 'é‘i‘é.» ti'k‘v'.:>r‘a?-€ 32c.” 3:» r’“‘~ r‘i‘toeflfim isggg'hffim‘fiifia.fefihEF."€fi,fzizlzffi3fi-'It; W $23 ::,;~:-‘ w?.|::f.‘?>i“~er§t'ié.l:az”xJmm o X?» -
a M“ *fiw~*‘ “WW“: ““tt‘ot‘xé’f‘t‘i’ofiofi Y? twomitfi
" '- “ g 4“

 ."‘5’: ""7951 31;:3117‘;":€|‘1§:§5‘1,1I’I‘Iy'fr‘i-f ' t .. J J, ' ~I;-:7,::'=:'r-:..I;r=r;-":.:zrrsr-zzia‘t$525.3???we?azit'lf-::3:m.',,:-; . "2"”:331"'ij‘étvwli'i: fif-i1-Jfljj.“'5"Li‘l:i‘££e',»:i",:»‘;€25:"';§‘-“:'.'T"',u-‘£"~1‘fi.:3;lfi;"?‘ij'3:fiflffirg'fijfiflal'f;5312.51.13311511.31?I‘.'f‘gfiffivf:5'9317425‘1;u{1'l‘fifi'E‘i‘é;1‘7fi,’3.'j'i".'-'ij'“'?!"72‘31-1 ‘ .:;25 J
" t‘ w x «in: ; :7:“:4. :.:;:;:,22>:=::r-:éa: .:.-v: Stilt?:.‘511‘E‘]:..?3??::‘Ii.35“Iii"::riii':IEJI.'.15353937?~-‘-?':?Z.jfi3i'1:1‘5L335fi‘iiffi93'i'735:?i1ffif2152-3321,?391511513:1133???fifIEEE-Eiét-Ifi7?.i3'?3:‘7*?§535L1:913:35"33f{i21%%=E§‘§:;§315E13195}:'3?55,33",5,55.'.11'33g'3'iiizréi'f???iéiaiTQEEQEEE‘I'Eifi‘;
-2» J::isféiiz;s?fiéii:’é‘at?
;1; , ‘72323£35i3751§‘?€'72:.«3a:?
are 1 .
*=“ . awe»?i??="-t?ef§i%§ie
git?" ‘ A machinist engaged in. making running repairs on 1‘
:3:; qn engine and tender used by defendant company in hand}. ins lnter- 1””
fig; ; state traina between two points and. which after teaching and 01’ ;22‘33;§;§22333°3§E5gi;
_ . their run had been placed on a fix-e track as usual to await the 4:33;;;ggzegtggggs
t 1mg for starting on return trip, la held to hate been employed in 4:31923'137173132595329
if”; ‘ interstate dommerct Within meaning of.” at atutea
.3‘} Dan" v. 13; 8c 5. R. Go. , 197 Wederalfififi. ,,i§I;ng€'3‘;;égiis.993-3332
593;, ' B. 80 o. R. 00. m Dar-2', 2204 Mom. ,756. ‘ 41‘
‘ " ’ "if:535:2'51-31315257‘.
I242” ‘ ' - J
§?§:%j"".; A car repairer at Sam; h Tacoma, Wash, injta'ml while ‘rm
‘ repairing a refrigerator car used lnfiiecrimina‘cely in both interetatQ§jf§§féf§§~[?=‘?§¥§§?
,'gggigfffi and intrastate commerce as ocaeaimn might arr we is engagefi in inn ,
‘;.}.4':;3~."‘ teretate commerce and, 1:1r1erea‘.’o:c~eo within the protection of the act. 333?;igfgééii;2;!;§;1;;é§,;
55:14:55; Nor, Past 12:]. co. v. Iuiaekkle, 197 Federal 1.
V. .-..- ‘ r: ;«Iviéfllii'lfiiilfi'
.. A brake-swan injured at Promontory, Utah, in 001ml ing
his engine to dining car not equipped in accorfitmoe with tafety ”f3
{5::}???317 ‘ appliance act and which was used be tween San B’rauc 1mm mm 0561 on, $335257:éjigifiigéfiijgg
;ggggyl'figj Utah , is not chargeable with commibutory negligent. The tar was 2321????E‘f333393fi?
';figgfff}..;f ‘ waitin at Promontory to he transferred to west haunt. train but j;:;§;”_-{E:j§§j:ji§§§é§3;¢f
‘igff'Ejjj'; on that; account did not lose its interstate character but was under “1r
5515,3151; ,con’cr Oil of congraea. '52131;???isiité'gtgi‘
A» Johnson 1;. Son. Pao. Co. , 3.963 U. S. 1" 1
"'"'?15111-“Ivt73 ‘ 1 «’”‘!
1;" ‘93‘?::.‘.55:§"'§:1:.~:i31:7.§?:
_ ‘ L‘.?iciriféi‘iiifitl’rw
Igrijfgzyifgg A pamper at a pumping station for locomotives 43f 251 3;!”
-;§;;,ir§5j?j§j_ railroad engaged both in intrastate and interstate comma Who was H
J13iff‘t'iéf1159. furnished by the road with a small, hand car for use in going'tc: and. "fir
gilggff'i'jgg: from his home, a distame of two or three miles from his pumping 1‘,“
;'flgg'flly‘fs, station and who, While going to his atati on was struck by an in— MN"
terstate train was in an employment having a substantial oonneetien ‘,I
-f”7ii?i;;" with interstate commerce and in Which 113.8 death was an injury to such?g§§:€§s§§f§§f§§§gi
‘::}Ifiiéfflzf”? commerce, and hence was wi thin the Federal Emplayew’ Liability Mt ’33::er
!!I.;E-‘_jf;“‘§y:ngé;§ Horton v. Orgeon «- Washing. R. 3: N. Gm, 130 Pan. 89?. a”;
v J
.:;};i;;;:‘:3*igé'- w
7"?_"_’:}'137f:f, A yard clerk whose princi .el dutiee were those of 1’,
7% examining incoming and outgoing traina 5mg making a record of the v"
I,.;ggf,g17...;; numbers and initials of the gar, 01' inepeotizm and making a record g
‘,zfjx'gfi;iii; ' of the seals on the car More etc» . hie; dutiea to both intorfltate 1W
,. ,..,anwfi‘mtgfifiwgnafig1A,.”4hwsmmwehkuwwtuw. v . I
at. 13. 8c .5' E. Ry. Co. v. $353.10 229 0., Es, 15¢“ :13
' s.
. Recovery under the Employere' Lidoillity Act of 1908 t!
:::,-,;;.g.;,;,::.;:xg, must be limited to compensating those relatives 1% whom the ad— ,
;firgjig;f.lg;za.v ministratorf sues aeare shown 0 have sustained sune pecuniary 7,
31;-jg;-jr-jgg‘e;'E. loss, and while judgment may be for a gross amoum, the interest m
rf2-f'1'3}é_:r3.?i7:325. of each individuhl mnet be measured by his: or her industrial 3‘
;3;fi:ri‘ligfg'-§{=§§,f ' pecuniary lose; this: apportionment is for the jury to return. P
?§=¥i‘gz;-g;gj§ai;;;g, M. C. R. Cox v. Ureelimd, 23'! U. s . 59 l
' AIR. By. 00- v. Diaricksen, 22717. S. 145: ft"
_ G. C, Ry. Co.‘ v. Mccixmie 2881}. S. 173, 5
* McCullo h ‘ v. o. R.I.&I5.Co.l42¥. W. 67, 1
7"‘f"§§g:::f;§;;33ii,§§;~'. St. L. Ego. By: 00. W Scale, 229 7. S. 156 15g?
v-f‘fz-935533;}; ‘ I. C. R. Co. \ v. Doherty's Adm. 1325 mag-5:3.
$33,315;5.2;};5] ' '
‘::]:2': ;: i I ‘I' E
r‘gifvlzi.5§15?{5-lzi.$5555".i"j” “WWWJ’éii -€?S*313£;E?§ii:??fé:$l:€533}!aiélliéii’fiizf“-“:‘-IE‘-;::"v'fififE-ziziigfitéz1113;115:5255? * ’13:..1:::.'«'45 31:3:w-I-tittsctrtt:1::afirézi;-ir-2L~;I§
3x; M2131 1 .I"_' III, .,‘ I:"-.‘,I'..;" ..‘..I I-I-I.,I .-,IIII-,I. .I... .;. .. -‘-.
V.II‘I": I -.I.I,-,I. :.'.I ‘.'I.'I,-'.I I-..‘.‘I'I, -'I . . '. I ..~.le I31... :“II .-..I,I ..'. ‘..I-,.I‘.'III,' I I-I‘I _II‘:‘.II I ‘.',ngg, '-';I.. In. mung» II.IIIIII.:II ..I.-I .IIII_. '.I-_I.. I--..I;3II.I,. 1:.-..L .I.. '-.I'I:.- IIIII, 4‘.IVIE‘.. .I. .'.‘.’“ . I1I‘II'.'.II.."'-II'.' . II .I .-I.I.III- .IIIIII ,..II.I. _ I. II. _ ‘.-
I.._....I.. ..Iw. I-,-. 'II..I..IIIII..I !I-.. . -;II.I . ~..I. -. .I...I‘..I-I.II ,.. ,I-IIIIJ1I '...I.-...t.I.IIII .I..I.II,..IIII,I.~.II.I ..--,.. .l. . Iv. I....III... ..III I . .I .' ..I....I...I.,II.II...III.II,. I..._ I I. .I.. .-,,I-. '. II.I. .I; .III ,,.IIII..III ‘I. .I . I.‘.II-.II ..,I.,I..II .I ~ I III_I .
l1'3':“-:l.I1Ii‘l‘1-.IIIIl‘l' :‘.:I I‘l'ZIIILIi"'-."II' i:;i?l2:;‘.-.;3«;I .'.III;.-I.I,"J;II.iI‘_'.I.I;.g.I“II-“.;.,III...I'I'.'III‘.:I§“.II'.‘!.'I .‘. It;313;!.'.'..I'2I1.IIII-.;-II‘,I', It?‘.'..I‘I-.,I.:I.-II.I'ItIIII"I ‘I “"‘?»I "
I-".II‘.I <.I. .‘.I..I.."»‘ ,II.-I'III-IIIII.‘I'II.~I'..'.IIWx "I‘»”. . I I - .. 'I.-,
IilIIIIIII . .-.II.:IIIIII '.‘ I...II.I ..III_II-.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .‘ .."I . .I. . . - ..I_I II
.‘I‘I‘II-‘JII I". _. ‘.'. l"‘.';‘. . I‘ ' ' I.‘..-I.‘II
I -.'.j.* '.I.‘.".'. II .'.'I'I'III .. -".-.‘ -.I|.‘ I I—— . :
..I..II._...I_ ...I.,I . ‘I.I" ... ’.I‘..'.I.
:‘.I ‘.' ‘.' 'I .'.. 'II'I’IH‘I.“ I53 :'.-I. .'I
.'I ""‘:L' ..I II_II.I.IIIIII...I.IIIIII-III I .‘I..I '..
-.I. '.-:;.-. ; ILI~-...:..I;I:5.'I.I; .I; . . ,.,-I
I.I-.-. .I ..I". . I. _-,-.IIIII..~_I,-..».I. . . .I
..5-'32:: ._ Isl'. :'l‘ - :,}-'.' I.'II‘I.II; .'.‘.'I}, . ;I. I.
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'.‘.'I' .-Il'.'I'”-‘-II III - '.'I'.‘? ..I' . .. . ’T‘ . . . I I . I. w :.I~ !I.
.'“i‘-‘-‘ I.'..'. ‘.<, .. ':lI'II.III.‘.'I _.II. ‘ . . . I . . , . ‘ . ' I ; MII. ‘ , _. I. .., I H .‘II."
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