xt73bk16mf8w_886 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. Trespassers - correspondence, etc text Trespassers - correspondence, etc 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_74/Folder_4/51w14_74_4__020975.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_886 xt73bk16mf8w 7'7"»: //2
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tit-1c: to action 'Lo ’ ' Jar-$.01: 111' iii-<- ‘30; '.fii::1.;.u}' 'o j;'<>1ro;-’c. CCEI'i'E-ll‘.
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 I 7 , a February 16, 1915.
' ( ' §
' C. H. Moorman, ESq.,
Dear Sir; ’ , '1
Yeur valued favor of the 15th instant, in reference $0
»> treSpassing on tracks and rights of way, has been roeeiveé and
v carefully eoneiflered.
7 0n the strength of your letter, I have just written
Hr. McDowell as per letter of this date, of which a copy is
herewith enclosed. ‘
Very truly yours,
enc ;
‘ Elli/a :

 February 16, 1915.
W. &. McDowell, Esq.. - "
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
. ‘ Supplementing my letter to you of the 10th instant, in

regard to the Matter of troopasoing on railroafi firuoke and rights

a of way, I have quoted holow from a lettcr of the lfth instant,

' rooeivoa by me from the Assistant District Attorney.

Says 1:. Koorman - "we fio think fihat in eycootional
anfi rare cases, where men are riding their heroes along our
right of way and tracks, if the reaflmaotor thi Es fihn tresoaos-
ing sufficient to juotify it, it would be perfectly prone:
to enjoin ouch persons from furthor non of our tracks and

' right of way."

"In the cases T9f9r195 to by':&. 713, Whore tho noople
are riding along our right of way anfi tracks, I think the Company
moulfl certainly be juotifioé in onjsining thooe neoolc. Those
are exceptional cases. Such use of our tracks 1o unjustifiable,
one no one who has any conccytion of what lo rioht onulfi blame
u« in the least for enjoining that kind 01 use of our right of
way and trucks.“

"On the whole, we think it not null fio undertake
a genornl policy of enjoining treopaosors ;‘fon PEWZTLIF, but
in exceptional cases, such as those complained of by Hr. L13,
we think it quifio -rooer to enjoin the use of our right »f may
and tracks by equestrians.“ .

~ In line with Ltho ouggontions, I think it would be -

' well for you to instruct Mr. Ely, one fiocdoaotcr, to continue
to look out :or worsens who ooroiot in troogaouing On the trecks,
particularly on horseback. Particular pains should be taken to
' mm
warn or notify such p Tsons that such use of the tracks i3 con-
trary to law and forbidéen by the Company ano, if, after much notice
or warning, any of thom persist in making such use of the trucks ,
or right of way, let Hr. Ely notify our Local Attorney prow}tly, '
furnishing him full information as to the incts and the names of
all witnesses to tho repeated acts of troopawo. I will then arrange

 w . A . so}; . 2 . . 2 / 153/15 .
t0 institute, tlu‘ouggh Jur Decal .»’.ttorne;pr, an injunction suit to
restrain further acts of trespass by thw same person or persons.
' After careful Gensiderutiron of the mama‘s-c, it {1(233r’i-31‘S that ‘:‘rroceod-
ings by injunction are m‘eferanl-zr to any criminal or penal pro-
ceedingzs, even if such course were open to 1:253, much is extremely
r'r out; t in]. .
- \ _ Very truly yam-s,

Cy - 0.11.1;Eoormzm £89.,

Bouisville , K31. .

001252-391 .

/ ’ A /
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V ,
Hon. 33. If. 'ilson, ~@144'9/ ‘9 /é
0111113771, L. i: 1.1. 1:;. '50.,
-v'--«;' "v--
Dear Sir:
1' 311:: 7031.0: 0'? 1‘7'2‘7211QL'7 12'), in :.ogarcl Lo ""110 1:;?
{3073031113 'i1'5;.o”7::r.srzr::s on 33.112024“; trao;;:'; rights of '5..';*;
1n :27’921'1711c43', :_-7';cr:ivcc;.
I agree T711311 you 2.: to 7011: 0011031525 p.91 '.-:e
17:117. I irolicvo that we cowl; :rt "site 07" ‘IS'C-S to ;.‘ollow
tho ties-{2:313 (:.: in: E 1iv some. I 1..:er riiscuorzod
this name“: "Iflfill :..‘1'. liarficld :.::i. ;L:. 1171730130, and T30 have
730:5, to the co;;cl'.1r i731; tic-.":. the Co: 38.1.1” :;;-7. '11”. not arbor";
7 4." - ' ~ ' 77 .- _7- ,7~7\.~.‘7H‘-.-. ..n‘ ”pH-.::»
0;. no 30110] of -iavii-g 4.11 a: tum/17.7-7-5 ~..~.-o lit, Lichtly
*‘1 \(l"f‘)fV(v - ‘-.-~7‘-71 ‘1’:(*,-""' f "vavr ~' 4-‘r1‘: >“d' " '1'1-L'_ f7'1 {“1
U.LC'-J'7c.uu 0.11 ' 1.1. ..-.bl;'u O ~-va u.,]0.'.l‘sk-(.«. .,_O_.. >... Vll'w- v- S'—
17 mun-7 r '.VV. 7.- .. : .:.:."— J." J.. -'.x q... )-—7'-'7. fl“; ‘.
timing, althw'qi no lo L..-.I._.n. omit; ii. Moog ”Axial Lil- rare
ca.;,:os_, 'V'rizcxro are 2:15.123 i171: 1:02:55: 3.12:; o'xi' 25:33:53;
05" ~~-r~v— m-fl‘ .1.-..7 n"-c~q 3-‘ -‘-‘1 \, “finn,‘.‘~r\r'-" -.71 +‘»-""'c >'-"‘ W. '_'"‘b’~,rfl"r‘71'(“ !
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' —'- - Hum-rut -7 N17 ,._ 2n ..t': -1 '. mm ' ~ - V- .'~— 7- -.
:.--I) -»7..‘+'_-7VC_=~--fi7 to ..1-17,7’7V71i‘; it, it “Lula we 3 {loo cl},7 :0“ 1,..:
.L ,.V ' '. .,. - .- #3.. , ‘ .v H .- -,7—,,,‘ . 7., : ... J.» V ~ ‘~V~ ,3
90 (”.30111 ”do. 7 cisiollc intro. Vulthor 71:37: of 77 r ....':.o-.s “_..-;
--.-{ ».-..L :7 ...Q‘ . w'r ”..,, ,.\-.‘_.: .fl .'.‘1 -15: .nnfiJV .:.:. .,..‘1~
.._..._Ji’.v ()4. ~I’lvfij. It .Ld OLJ. \)j/ll..‘.OJL- IL’-~(WI«LKVJL19 L7-L\..'u ...LI ill“... A,
7. 4. ‘ - - -—'. i- ~. . ...na. .1 .Lx, 7 ' ~9- .~ 1”! '7 -
map .730 _yi‘actioaggo 7.74 1151.1, .-.:Le . .4 761173, of. 01niv

 ' 3. 2:. r:
trooyaoocrs generally. The adoption of much a policy
would likely cause all the people T10 live 1;;acnut to
and along ow: lines of road to hoco o igiiinant, and
their indignation would Uroiably be rails: :d in the
jury hvx, 34d, in the long run, the Co;;a;y would
likely lose more than it now logos by :0: DR of Riv“
‘ in: to pay iccasional olai s in: defiance is Dcrflo;S in—
jurfiiognxr 211$ wfrmy.
_ In the cases roibrrci to by 7:. Ely, rhorc
the people are riding along 01‘}: risifi of ray 8:; trachea,
joihing those ;oojfc. Thosc are crevjtithal cases.
'-- l
Such use oi’ou: trachs is unjustifiable, all LO one who
has any coxccyiio: 01‘ hat iv right could ‘laro us in
the least io: c:joi;i;g that Lild of use 0: our right
of may and trachs.
Ir. Tariicld had more litirature. i for Lays
, ago, iron the P‘LMSTlTCLi? Railroad, in 713:1 there was
9. suggestion "hat the - (::-1: :3 heir-n of C agrees there
he an atte pt 1adc to rat the F: oral Goutrl int to en—
act lefiislation yroli iii”; troupes i;; on “no rights of
way oi‘rdilroads tngagcd in intirutztc com 3rce,~«on xhe
idea that The GOVCIL out has tahon ;ull charge CS and

 .7. -— 1" 7

~‘- ..o .,. U
control 0v": interstate carriers; that such trespassing
is an interferenes rit: interstate eonxeree, to the eX»
text that it rakes it expensive to railroe; companies
and re ueos their ;ct earnings, and, aeoorfiingly, is an
element that goes toward the necessity ior railroad corp
Qanios' hn"ing thiir rates higher than thvy rould be ex—
cvgt :0: the expenfliiurcs they are called ‘g to nahe on
account 0: the injuries to persons trespatiing on {hair
rights 0; ":y; and on the inrther idea tilt the trains
are very oiton ;elayed by strihing and injrrirg persons
on tit ri ht oi'way, an; thereiore there is u fielay in

/ flhn transportation 0: interstate 30:;wrce. I do not

:;now iizethez"SLOrczirill.Ege 11;'\T301H1<:§:Olfiliiile to iLivc
much a hill 3;.wed by Congress. But ii‘uuoh a bill
soul; be gasurd, the railroads would “ heiit My it.

It ma? be that it 11“ next session ‘3 in: fien—
tuchy Legisllilre there will he introfluced 1 hill p20~
Ii‘iting thy :: s naming on railroad track: and rights
oi‘way. One or two nuch Bills have Fee; i iroiueed iL
the Icntuohy Inpi:laiure in the past, and it is barely
posnihle that much a Till would have a chance to get
through ;t 11w next session.

5101 th: whole, we tfiini it not well to underta;e :3 ‘

 h z- -» 11' fl
5. ... ... ..'
.. .,‘ .». .5 “J‘- .1: -'-~'-r J- r. , *1.- ,3 -r ,. -. "" A ~ '
a ;503;cral 333332] «,3. C-..JOL1;11‘€§ Lrwsgaswg , 40:31.31], 01.
- . .- , . a .:./u 3-4.‘ .n ~»
111 e::ce_7tio,..a1 cases, 91.0-8.8 L 1386‘. co 3L.-.-_ed 0.2. ‘93" 1.
_.‘ v.-. ..".u, ~. .' .. . . v‘. — .'. ~--‘,-\ '~- .1.". — . :2 V-
..13’, m: L-.!.,. 1L Qtlii-e ”gopcr 3.0 (.21-,132133 if)? 0.. n 1:
- 4 N- _L ,,n , _,1; _ -. '1‘ _L .
-'.‘;33132 0.; 7.2:; t3ac313 my oqnxsflflns.
\ l ‘1
- I .1 . X
Yours; «31:11:11.2,
k /’ a. V / J 1 I
K. :..1. -4 " ’- ‘.’”? .- -.-. /
3;,:12 1L»&..‘L‘D\1£ 3310f. A: mahoy.

 ' ' February 12, 1915.
‘ W. A. McDowell, Esq.,
' Lexi ngton, Ky.

Dear Sir:

Reylying to yours of the 10th instant, enclosing cony of
a letter from-Roadmaster Ely in regard to the use of on: right of
way for road purposes by the public in breathitt Gounty, I herewith
enclose copy ofhe letter of the 3th ins ant, written no by Hr. Q.E.
Loorman, Assistant Bistrict Attorney, and also a copy of letter of ,
this date, which I have written to my. wUOETBH in roe aneo to a
letter of his under date of february ll, covering the some subject
matter. _

Very truly yours,
/ ence.2
SLLW/a ' _
‘ ' Counsel.

 ‘ February 12, 1915.
G. E..humwnn, 33%..
' A houisville, K3. _
Bear 31?: V
lewlyiny to your favor oi thg 31th insficxt, :Eqneuting
my views concerning your letger of the 5th, in regard to the ldw:
r g9?erning treapahcé% on railway tricka gnfi rights of may in Ken~
tucky. I an inclinafi i» think that tha 31mxary of the law embodied I:
‘ in your letter of Augugt 2?, iflz, to ih¢,§eneral Lunagsx, mhjch ‘
19 quotafl in yaur favor of Lhe Ftn, is '.tirely CD tact. I cgnq
3 flat say, hownver, that I afrea fillfigethtf with you in Jan: rug» ‘
' 'geStian that we afloyt s let-alcne reliery ahila the law :0: cur
purpegnfl i3 ayparegtly fleficirut, I cua‘t Phi? tainkiuj fhuz thééh
is a practical remedy svuilahlo anfi, vaiie it may involve sane _
trauhEG and csveuse to eflfsrae it, I believe in tha langnrun it
. \> .
will eifeet a waving or money and a aggracticn of carious annoyance. L
' It is true, 1% you are aware, that at covnan law nu .
treefiass to property is a urine, nnlcas it i” xenon nuinfi by or >
. tsnfls to ornate 3 breagh oi'tha peace. In criminul txrx¢avnns U
\ acfiething more mvat be Gene than what gamuntm ta 3 more civi? . 
‘ trfisfiufifi. Cannagnently, i; the abacnce 3f fififle Btifiutfiry wrovjw- ‘\
inn which fita the GWPG. re art £0 criwia&1 yroceofiiufx rgvlé %
3932 an: to be Open to ug. A
In thn 03:59 0:” 5:3 :3;- iv‘ is; 2-1 Co. v. iiizrmufi, 8‘? 352.7. 151;
s.c. 5 E.f. 10, Chief Ju tine ”ryor, for the Court of flfi ?415,
. aiptjnctly atatea -

 I V. 371‘
‘ a. h. 15:. 2/12/15.
"@ho railroafi track is the priVnte pyoporty of the
Gompuny, and no one hag fine right to use it as a
prithe pass—may, or as pawture i0; stook”,ete.
» ixain in Ellicat on Raiernaw Volume 3 section
\. 0 I , . §
1252, the author says -
"It may he atataé, a3 a general rule, that any ane
who goes upon fihe track or gromincw a: a Iailrnafl
comnnny, exccwt’at a pnblie cramnins or in a hirhway,
witheut the invitatisn a1 lisfinfic 33 the couynny,
expregs 0r impliefi, is a tresyavr r.” w
Hence, it must iollew $8 a nw;ua»ary cancluSiOH fihxb
’ a treggar¢er 1a a wrangwafier, whatever may be the liubiLity in-
It would 50am that tha moat a visas uni sin lust zem~
efiy £0: such a'wrong is an inaunction to rasfirmia the axenpmfr.
;ggin {mating frox ullifitt on sailfoads (?91. l, and. $33), -
"i railroad 00n9xnf may have an injunctinn, in a laxiic~
_ 1119?: egg-:‘., to- -":=Q‘i‘-:~ct its ::‘i 1v fl Eingiaixiwe :::"; i...
sion. VI: may enjoin an interferenca visa ixs roaubed,atc. a
‘ # W $ La, 1% hag been maid anus it ng enjuin a
confltunt or ecntinuaua nae of its tyaak by a tTGSEK“LCEo”
Th: ease referrfid ta by fillimtt in the two vsszismfl
of his wmyk from mhich I have quwtné 19 that sf 4tchimon, he.
’ ' ‘ .. ,. q > — r A‘ . ‘ , [»”’ , ,».”
h.uo. v. {33 iniflg, 95.$gng. #31; 9.0. i? :tc.'lun; 3.x. uw ,
" : ' ‘rf . "" 1' ‘ ‘1 ' ’ ‘.', .‘.
_ :.'. J.:-‘.. ffiffi 9218 note; mm. 1.05 .»:.h..,:t...,-.e_; . LEE). L’l “:.:-n12 e
an injwucti n wan grantca to enjoin one wha mafia a yracticc Oi
_ riélng & bizyele alnug thq-plainti.i‘a trqu anfi upan its :nazs.
This Sp&u1fiing care has Egon faliomed in Suki, Jalafafiu Q u-J.
,. * “ " ~ " x .’.r‘ .“‘ “.‘ .H J._ Jam 4
:.cwCO. V. L}L3Ci£9tt {£63318}, F‘ -9'n'o #541, ELM: {‘O.’ 1.113,}! in Juiml'
~ 03388.. ,
' . Ghe subject of injunction againat tr99pataars ;\n rally
~ t » “v ' :- ,-. ‘ - ~. 7 77' .
is discurgeo in LOUTG v. mullldaf. 43 UL. 2&3; 6.0. 7. 230. 301.

 l 3
I )0 ,
. _
- 5‘0“ 99 7“" St- 399'. P93@” 731‘753. i0cludiuy 038$ mama. 53
1‘17 the rightg of A raiiraaa company gan,12113 in :00 eat to its
WWII-'3, ‘1’0::5.b€33.92f3fi¥ any, {3:33 ':'-,'ngrgrl 7v. ‘4"‘.’:~"inia '1‘. ‘L’ ‘30.. 3
7‘”-““’. 17“". 7221?»; 3:. 7.. :3 . 3'. '2 . ‘33 31:22. 317?}, "22121-1“:
1"» ““'L’2‘7‘WJ is. 13.. (3.0., Bf? 3‘13. 3331’ .‘:. 7,1331 2«;;¢.,,;;2,71 3.
<32!“ +3" ". n7“. '7 slmww'm 317,1» 3» n 2:) , 1 R12. ,1. ,., 1;, ,.
‘7 7' ' ' " "‘ i ‘ 9 ‘-"~‘ ~ ' a J »‘r.'v ...,n. ‘5
‘1?” “:3:. 212?"; (3.3. f" 5'29, ‘
7 “‘7“" 7‘17“”? 7371" Wank”! 9 “an :“s 1'.!) 1:23: {331.32.}: .235; :'32u_‘.2n::
7:1 .1751." 3713111 (’.?;gygrnj'gjeyjua 3'3"»; (L723 _';-1 :5 ~z>€;~j;;:-_ 31“.; 5.7L £75895. 31*, Of
«Hi?! "inn '3‘ ”25“? 7‘7F.€3$f‘1"77 Q7]? {7216‘ 152711..
7‘7“} 5""? 7“ m‘: V 2 7 if'i'xrw‘3-n31 3.:' .‘:(z: ',' 2 mi, .7 7,713,162,!
7 ”.’7' ‘7'" T “7“ 'V- "Wi‘ 35 ”T1 A?» Railwa'iné _ 0;? :1» 7. L 2- t5 (yjtc'zfi
[-3333 ’777-“5M: 7’1’31‘7q” "7'9'1“:“‘Llfi.;fif emf LLE-Ci. ‘.«23.'fé_"s_ 335-: ‘.: [‘.- to
V ‘7 ,_ " ,. ‘: .,.- 2 5:3 L .V,, 7 ‘,.. '3. .~ '\ , ..» .‘ x ;2'. -‘ ,.‘ _
.._. g 2, ‘ ‘2 ‘,. ,2 3,2 ,3 ., 34st .,‘. ‘,‘: >t ’ __I: .. ‘,’). _ ‘1. u l a),
J 3? TA" 111%: L:2_\_ unharnfl f‘ ;1' .- , '3“
7 7‘1": 71"“ 7.5“":‘3 ':‘ ' “'=f.*‘-'.,3‘: 0.3 3:: X'X. ;.‘ 2 ..'":tatel‘
"qr-v -(-_— V- .‘”-,2 77(1377'157H7‘1. ,:3 1: ’:';jier‘ez 5,: .3 )3? K : 13,2717... j. 7,f“h€3fl
'7)“ ' '7’ ‘7 7377771: "774': 77777717," ":'"fiT'fl' if 2 7 I3: 12’-"',, '.v ,1 ‘3 11. :'r
7‘.”:7."', ’7 a“ 3‘. 31'0““ V2“ ”if .3 " " "‘ :31; 01' fol-7'
V 7 7’ 7‘ '5 ‘3 ' :‘t‘x’fiu ’12 .33: -","-":~“;f in, :’Z 0;";1- ‘g’x'ion
:77 _ »: :.'\..'7‘ ':“-s» f -'.‘ ‘ ‘,‘, ‘, -,,, . '72'72375 ’ . I f} 7.7 A""r'j'-" ’An ; “‘. ‘ n
03:13? vi: - "'34."; ~13: "33.-'1. .. aw i: '. , .7 .1' ' (If; ':irmti-ruet
2,315} “Ci .; "'_‘:“:“’":’.“11 3‘": an ' in r",~- _gt/‘t‘7 “ " :5 5,3130%].
‘0". in wt"; Wu?! 3 2. ‘3‘ "3 ;" ‘:'-erg-“E': ' r1031}?
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‘ “‘..‘“? "9 "‘3‘“ trafu {313' 1 ' -,:' g» 3 €3,73- 3; {p _.:-:43934-133
far‘;35.-:“;.Gen 1033’" 75h"? (39?“1‘1’7715 0:35 “that all "3132': ("vil'éx'v ;:h acne}.

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Qoliorioa 0 2/1" 15.
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"‘ 1w ‘I-w ~ a ..' M -, . .,C .. . n .‘ V _ ‘ , _. _ 1 . ,. , .
.Lil’keg‘! tn 313.15%}, 3.21;};ij 11s.:- P‘1.C?}Ie.irfa .L:) :.;(:‘v'~:-,«:“::c-; salt A ,_,,M. 1 Lo our

 t , C.H.L~E.é5. 2/12/15. _
, .‘ Meal "“tu’l'lwb’s Wharf? the trouble is most fragment, an tint suit
can be instituted and farmers; served on ::., ;gmmnt’a notice. To
render such .’1 course effective, 1.3.1“. lily thuuld Firemen to have a
_ careful and accurate record kart 05 and}, {*3’0127’ individual
ézizsgrht tremmming on the *3;-21ers. I 1:0 1:13 not advise froceoidinérs
agjtaitret Gm“ 501‘ 9» Sins-10 tl‘WWPsss but 1:37:12: against those smi‘stgr of
*thfd bfmpilfifiefi sits: warning. There is flood 2'81‘:,5:)i‘3.. I think.
to belio‘m suit the dourts will i’ollow is? 506’th 3f the ivmlb
ing-7 com, “it“; above, “143‘1 “I the 537%‘2513171e Joust of E?;:r'~..::1’ten.
‘ ' The only doubt. I 13,1378 on th:‘;t 30137113 Hut {21' the ;i"'i~..:*t ti”; ,1;
’iigtinatim} "'liifht 313370 1 7 be taken ‘.:‘hsrs “.31- :iyfih‘a: r is mien-
‘ 016"” ad‘ If the 'iib-‘i’a—“W 3i” famine f's'rn-t mar iris-’ht .‘i-jf .iz-z'i:_..»3 he.
i~.:%tr:‘:l to the proceeding-g, of 0021mm, that $401119; have t»: :m .:'?Oz‘tgened
until the ex;*:1r:a,,;i on of five- ;ears or {Sh-’.‘.ii Liane .‘,LS 111:3}; ::v1;x:.:.,-_. heifers
1 the a.;omgt:a-‘;r1y “ashes e. systematic egiegfi .:‘—,,, 0111210133? 1:131 firth“??? ,,_, may.
ng‘mx'mm'cm' I ”97'1““? “19 OE’N‘El‘iffi'iwlt 3.:: ”worth titties» single
”93’3””? (115519th growing out of the continued we r2” gm» 3,31,03,38
by t;v.e:3'gzan£~;e;rrs Would cans the Cumming; Wlfitl; ::.<;:v:e than tho “37783139.
him: noizld f"2‘£)1‘):1§)l§f hire to be. incnsxed in cuising out (5 W331
_ grog-tram :13 I have é.ll§t¥3=i"1‘g1>t=r:fl 1:0 outline shove.
h'hflvtiWer I can do in aid of the fiends-meter”s- ensitize to
fin-'5'. relief for the ,'_:resent :~z:itnz»rtion, 1 she 175, do most (cheerfully.
‘ Very; 1,: may yaflil‘fi’

 Vim //i
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Z / /{7
xi. E. L. ”i son,
‘5013213«3?., ix. 5‘ TC. :3. 3(3. ,
Lefingfon, Kentucky.
Lear Zirz-
deferring f0 yomrr of ‘he 9th idstnmf relfl*ive fo
the law governing trespaasers 3n railway tracks and right of way
in this Sfate.
Ne have here a high regard for your Opinion on any 3
legal matter. Jill you not k xflly say IRFt‘Ir you agree .i‘k 1‘0
conclusion 89+ owt in my leiter +3 301 of fFa tth inu‘nnf.
YO 1.1‘ S 4:31117,
— i " f r A ¢‘ / r 3‘ / ’_’-
“s 'stanf Listriot “4f rlefi.

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Dec? iil‘i-
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2122:: ny‘uli? 113'er out -'i)’ 2; _" 23;, ' x 1a,; 7:2:-1.2;: 2i -5121; .'pi',
3521.11.21“). 1‘11? Erie {‘77 0.13;". :37}, 4C: 2:1,; ,2’» I l:::l..‘_i~;l ‘ Qua-'4‘
“I LCD. :21? ”Z: f; in- 347.,1.‘ i2; ‘34 :_- 5322313, 2 :15», g : 1‘: 2;- ';~—
I. r17."
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L.‘.ifi ‘.":- "'1.‘" 1' s;‘...k.'s7..s:";;' :1: _.=- :T.;,;"..t‘e23 1‘ —i.   "" ““"i‘; *,
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‘.s: +-. J.‘ ‘i f ;' .,,;r; .. ... 4' I, +_., ‘,.“ 1.71 4 _.4jLs ”~.4- ‘..: iv
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“’u "L .L.*. /

 . 1 . , .
.‘ f
_ ‘ . x ’ February 9, 15:15.,
C. II. goal-1:13.11, Esq.,
_. , Louisville, Ky. - I _
Dear ‘Sir: ‘
, Yours of the 3th instant, in referance to the law
{mvet‘ning trespassing onrtraoks am right of $23.1? and the
'- mover policy to be pursmed in'dealing with that :mbjwctfims
been received andfior his flidsmce in such matte-ISA am fur-
nishing Juana Pollard with a 0010:; thereof.
' Very 1;me yours,
ism/rs, .1 _ *

 ‘ . , February 9, 1915.
S \
O. H. Pollard, Esq., { '
. Jackson, Ky. >
Deaf Cir: -
. Hefevring to your recent letter relative to tresygssing
on trackv aafi right of way, I invite your attention to the nnclosea
cswy of a letter of the 9th instant Iron Ir. C. E. Moenian in ref—
“ erence co the law bearing unon this subject and the prudent policy
to be pursued in deaTing with it.
- Very truly yaurz,
enc. ’ ’
founsel. "
. v

 . _ ,/ 7,7/w //’/"
, - \ /_//' ‘,//'1 ,,;,f/ /. //,/,/) ‘, ,// Mm," ,r'

'\ ,f/ - . h ,%///JM///C , /m// /// fixxflz ////////%/1/7 " ,_. ~
v- / —'
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f / / / 7//;(’//'//‘/4\//////7H,' r//’//' (/ p////)/////‘/’////7'r//"'//////.'/y,

//////’//c) -//- flmnmm /'
374257. Wis/NW - ‘//////7//":
l/j’lfif‘.) [ilk/M2". 7 / " / //’-/ j
/ ’ / L f7!!!’/[N/l’.x/f/V/Y/. h) (V/ld/l ”(‘V' 1%, Feb 0 8th ,191 5’
Mr. S. M. Eilson,
Counsel, L. & E. R. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.

Dear Sir:-

Replying to yours of the 5th instant relative to trouble
at Judge Pollard and other officials at Jackson are experiencing with
treSpassers on our right or way and tracks. In this connection I
cannot do better than quote in full letter I wrote to our General Kan—
ager on August 29th,l912 as follows:-

"There is in Kentucky no legislation or statute prohibiting
trespassing upon the rights of way of railway companies or upon
other proPerty of railway ccumanies. There is in the State a
:number of penal statutes making it unlawful to injure or damage
the pr0perty of railroad companies, also a statute making it un-
lawful to hinder or delay by violence the transportation of
freight or passengers. There are other statutes making it un-
lawful for any one, other than passengers or employees, to get
on or off on the outside, or swing on or hang on to the engine
or car while it is in mbtion. There is a statute making it un—
lawful to throw any stone or missile at or into, or to shoot at
or into any engine or railroad coach. All the statutes men-
‘ioned are panel and are intended to safeguard the lives of pas-
‘sengers and employees on trains. There is, as I have said,‘

; no law in the State prohibiting the trespassing upon the right .
' of way of a railroad company or upon other railroad prOperty."/

Frankly I do not believe that the situationwhich has
been annoying Judge Pollard can be relieved. I have never favored
criminal prosecutions in cases of this kind. They not only do no
good but oftentimes hage the effect of causing certain undesirables

 “SQ M. W. - 2
to retalliate by attempts to wreck trains, burn buildings, &c. I
think perhaps Judge Pollard will agree with me when I say should
he have treSpassers arrested they would very promptly be released.
Yours truly,
{;é% 2 ,,, A ’,.-““,r 4;., ,-
Assistant District attorney.
JJ’D/w ,
1f j ~.. M'W : \ ..I “e: .
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