xt73bk16mf8w_887 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. Fee bill of John D. Atkinson text Fee bill of John D. Atkinson 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_74/Folder_5/51w14_74_5__020999.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_887 xt73bk16mf8w 9 fifxx W. , ; ., ‘imflfiQ 7' ‘ .Rf_y_ a ::_ J. >’_‘ . ,
2’s, ‘ t , ’ '
.,n.’ ‘ February 5, 1915.
, ,
> =C. it. Mooxnkvx, 53q., V / t
L ;oui:vflle, Ky.
Dear air:

7 'qur letter 01 thu 4th instagc, aCFru sod to Lg. We» I
Dowoll, Q3. Bzaéford am? m53511, golnAlg, in refurence F0 ima-
bill of John I. Atkinsan, local a_me.wi a; ihe g h u in -3 ell
County, ha? bean réjoivea gag it: cuntauba thj nozcv.

_ ‘cry firmly guuyu,


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 ' -:26;22772Z3:'AZJZC;32512Z;}chn//C;;%QZZ;A
a /
' 7157/2/11”); G VZé/Z/i/Z/C’” -7”/fl ' _K/r/M/ ?//// (4/ //; ’ , /’/' m} WNW).
”W{/Zézxmm. ’
/ ~ . , ' / / / ,
/}%”““fi//:Z@fiyffifiyflflfl ’“’4””J’7”é”fé%' January 83,1915.
Mr John D. ntkinson,
Attorney, Stanton, Ky.
Do a r A 5.: : -
I am in receipt of your bill amounting to $330.50
covering services rendered by you during the calendar year 1914.
In order that I may intelligently pass upon the various items,I
shall be under many obligations if you will briefly state the
services rendered in connection with the cases enumerated below
and at the same time advise how the matters referred to were
brought to your attention:
Claim of R. C. Baker for damage to millinery goods,
Claim of h. C. Baker for damage to hardware,
Contract for right of way fence through town of Crabtree,
Lease for pass-way in Stanton,
Settlement of franchise tax in ”owell County,
Attention given two indictments for nuisance,
Prosecution of Levy Frazier, mis-conduot on passenger train,
Arranging for officers to police natural bridge Grounds for
the season,
Attention given two deeds from the Kentucky Union Company and
one from John Day.
Examination of condemnation proceedings in Heston matter and
contract for fence.

 J. I}. S. - 2
Investiwotion of personal injury claim of A. H. ;fomper,
attention given two indictments for nuisance,
indiegment Joe Heuntz for throwing missile into engine.

‘é\fhe feea charged by you in the Fender and Derriekeon cases
are not yet due because under the arrangement for the payment of
fees to local attorneys which has been in effect for a number of
years, such feee do not become due until the conclusion of litigation,
in which is reooo§flgae services charged for, an& this rule is nev:r
departed from,{7

Tinfily lot me hear from you.
Your ‘ ’:‘z‘uly, _
‘ ‘ lietriet litofneyQ
Coyy £0
LI. “. A. ficDowell,
mefim,“w7.j.fl.dm, flowv a % A57

Le ingfon, Youtucky‘ 5%

er. fi, ;. Wilson,
Conneel, ,. ,” .’1. 00., .'_,“

Lo ington, Kentucky.


 4 4‘
V. -
" ' _ January 20, 1915.
C.H.Moorman, Esq.,
. I Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir:
iieplying 136 your lottwr 01“ the 1Ft‘n invtinfi, rznczioning
bill 01‘ J.f".At?1‘4s‘. items:
cir3m1;4os4in;_: this account, 31211 ti.»- vi 0.‘-'L' (41(at4'13.‘{,41:%,1.4.;?_11g_2‘xibethr—E‘ LEW
V fee}: (Sh-{11795743. are 3:»3u4145n'.:."ole for the t!-:3;444':7.ch-V=': ":.--':;"L:‘::."::;4:1. I find If
if he?!) eranzgfifi 124;: d,sai,<::;r'z'~1fi.11(2 11:34:24.: :1: n 1.1.1:. ._'-1:43‘11300 54.1.1 5311.937“: with
$5210}: I am :’.:riiily 11:11:11: 131‘ 345414, 1191112.;:;r:;;_..44, I ;.inf .3‘-'1' 7.12.4311 ;‘:.r:'74:‘ze:z‘ to
12:21-73 to 34am: 12.4144453'1 thus "3'914:)';;4:‘i31.4; 01 31.41.4744 31.513432: 4.4.3342 ‘1; (3 by
:1 felh)‘:'—'L:..4.r;4;31"; In ‘;Vfr‘Lf' hmtsuuue, 11L..44‘4"4;<;-:L', IL :;4; eat-:::? L- I»: that
:34 (“” 515': no :1:/”.4.: :11}. 12:14.4b.?c:'4';ic.~.4 sit-fie, zit}; 111.3 «”5: tion,
. ‘:"Crhflff‘, Of 'L‘h' £1309. 313511130454. 14:4: V':.;4:"'-.':E.ce:: .1:: {m 7.70.41! (33: 1:3-7134‘: {and
27.2.1 Thr‘ 13:12” 45:36:11 1 7.14. ."4;,14;iz.4.:sm1 214;?) ch -”f 1975.00
in much 0:) 03 <’::‘:f:cc, '21:L:;.4z.;E-' it 2314571143 '10 me 24. int) .01‘ 350.00
V in 1354142142 «3513*. “~‘J-‘731d 70 1:343:13 2'r2r3,&1'«.45';:3.b.7.«.3 21:1" "3214173.;6-7'7 “'17:.‘7cz‘mlt. I
50 not feel 4319;404:136: to 1.43.43 2533:: 4.1";3";:ia:3::23 1.00 ::LI4:>11;;'1;,4', but $71.19}:
1:44 my opinion.
I am 1419141111.; L4}; 1'0 turniuy the account,
_ Very truly yours.
’ Sim/a, '

 .1 \ ,2?) my”
. * ‘ ' -'”/,2.» // 12% // 1;; //// .
_ . ,_ u , é?”
lj/jflfl/IIH/flfl—G‘ Off/’:yf/Z/C”! ,:://;//' 0 W//// } //////// /// ’ . /’/'///l/ //////
mum .W. MUM/H,
.\/M'/ ’///.k'//'//'/ »M/wmr / I,
/ 7””“5/ ‘K//’~/’,’,’,7275/,C77.Wx - 47,75), 7%: ///- Jan. 18th,1915 .
/ [(H‘/ /7 )7;
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & E. R. CO.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-

Under date of Jan. 15th Mr. J. D. Atkinson submitted
the attached bill covering fees on account of services rendered by
him as our attorney for Powell County during the calendar year,1914.

I shall be glad if you will check the various items
of this account and then advise me if in your opinion the fees charged
are reasonable for the services performed.
V g /V' ((7 44 xx 1 x’z/(.
‘Assistant District Attorney.