xt73bk16mf8w_904 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. In re: cost bills for Lee Daniel, Circuit Court Clerk (Perry County) text In re: cost bills for Lee Daniel, Circuit Court Clerk (Perry County) 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_74/Folder_22/51w14_74_22__021225.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_904 xt73bk16mf8w unuv P‘\W°OTTDN 4“" MORGAN

‘ Attnxuegsmhfilam , ' ' "I t" I »

HAZARD. KY. Q/W (23 3', _/f ’I
it", (\’.: ; I’v’ ., - _ 1.
April 24, 1915.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
”c acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 253d inst.,
enclosing L & N Voucher amountinc to $88.80, covering cost?
in cases against the L & E Py Co. in Perry Circuit Court, .
We have delivered this voucher to Ir . Lee Daniel, Clerk,
and have taken his receiot “or same, cooy of which we en-
close you herewith.
Yours very truly,

D/ 7% 275/; A ; r 7” ~74 ,. v
.. -a.L - ,

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 April 23, 1915.

nessrs. Wootton a Morgan,
Attorneys at law,
hazard, Ky.

more ith enclosed, I hand you rougher in favor of Zoe
Daniel, Clerk of fierry Circuit Court, for costs in a number of
suits affecting the 12'. .‘. :2, which oos‘ts, m: allowed, amount to
999.80. Please deliver this vou her to L1. Baniol and take
a recei t or receipts coverinl the VUEiOUS 0 see Chflfierttov
.':.;nt". onlige,


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Aiinrnmjs at Earn

”“‘“' KY- April :5, 1915.
W i MN
hr. c. h. Lilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Yours of the first relative to cost pills of

Clerk of Perry Circuit C urt received.

ifwrw” Anclosed we hand you copies or petition in
Case of oaCKson Callahan vs. L. a n. hailway Com any.

no”, as to the copies of petition in the

cases of r. L. hoberts, henry Campbell, nenry crancis,
j. l. lewis, c. 3. Clifton, Jason Combs, rryant crigsby,
n. h. Napier, Albert hoskins and Edward Sellers, all
against L. a h. hailway Company, will sag that these
cases were all a part of the case of huoont’fowder
Company 9;. i. a n. hailtay coxmany and Jones~Lavis.
In other words, they were constructed with that case,
and hr. Jouett handled these matters and his instruc—
tions to us were that we need not furnish coyies, and
for this reason we never made any cooies, ecept brief
statements of the petition Which we sent to him, and
therefore, we have no copies of these various petitions,
ant the originals were all burned un When the Johnébh"z

Afinrnmm at Wain
office building was burned. rhcrefore, it is i @0851-
ble for us to send you copies of these petitions, and as
to the final orders in each of these cases, iiwgfiidggxgggg
gin one general order, cooy of wnich we sent you some
e~§§§§gwggg {Emfigmggég of Dupont fowder Company vs. l. as.
Ehailway Company. Our :iles Seil to show that we sent you
this order, but the writer's recollection is that we
sent you a copy. Cepy o: tLib order was also sent to
flouisville at tLe request of hr. uouett, end he then
lérequested that we get up all the cost matters and gene
gI’che’rr. in, but we never could get the clerk to get it up
until now.
Very truly yours.
///1///(f'1/'l:;.:?' , M ' 1 ’


Aifnrn v11 2? at Earn

Aprll 5,1915. V E
Wu / M‘-
Lr. n. L. hilson, 7 f
gexington, Ly. ik; ’
Dear Sir:
Enclosed we nand you copy or oetition in Lne

case of 1. L 2. vs. vreen -. xugute; ulso copy of
petition case of dames L. Cam Del] vs. 1. L 2.; also


i ooty of petition cave of newton opencer vs. 1. a E.

z." - .

; ano virginia iridge Q 1ron company.


1 She cost oi thig ogsg should be pgid by the

KNVirginia bridge & Iron Couoang. gr. dilson, you will
pardon me for not handing chi? petition to you in
duplicate. i ;m ioroed to go away tomorrow and have
got time to have them COpied. He Love had an extra
hard week and piss Collins is abxoluiely worued down
and Can not get them done this afternoon.

wary truly yours,


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In the :1’017.':1'.'i:;:i‘ fi'lr-te 3::-urn}, i rtmir;i;_~"‘ "Cit inse—
-tz damning o: the 125‘; 6146.33: hzlterof in G218}; c-xsae.
j 4: MW~WFMM -7.
a .’:—_...”.— w.
v‘ I ‘ £7 .. . . , ,
.:L ‘.. 'er v 5,15 - T" “. 7.7.. «. fl 1‘ .;.,V ”.7” ~ '2 V ..7 ' ‘
r7 ,_ d‘i‘y“ '5‘ '.' 7- a .>( Q‘thfifirbix 71‘7J_.,. ' 17.x}. ”‘.‘...L. I. .'J S; .._. .:(J.
'.;‘L _.kaxlm "3?” , ’,* ’
g ‘ -' .‘. ._ I, /”
‘ A . .r‘
- j - L” .. '1 1...,7‘. V ‘ , w .,, 7"
:_ -::; .710. .,,‘mjl: J. ,1 ..': . JO.
. V .
V ;.”-."le /"-",“....-';, V. '. .j‘ w.
"r ‘ :‘it'x‘az’: gr >‘c-C‘7fl. 1111351: " i “,“‘- ;r‘ '2”
7 7. .,_“ “V7 ,‘ A - 7‘ ...‘ ~ " 1 ., ‘.L. \ ,. .- A’.‘ f; ,.. 34‘. 3“,...“ ‘ ‘,. ‘7. J
.,1'. , vi“ ‘1‘, LL, 1.; " ;:L ’;‘I'Z x. 1.1-- _L., 7 y. >, g.
- :‘a 11‘. .‘.;lifij i7”? VF-L‘j,’ 5:511 H11? 7'0 «'0‘. 321:; g“. i p
v - * -77. 7 . 7 ,. : - ,. :, v , 4.47 ,. .. ..
::‘zl‘u’, i ‘..'L‘l >53 .1 1.0 2..-.1. 2.24.: ,-‘L:L-‘,.L‘ .
w: 1.7%“, EUKL 11 J1; , _...! u. f-l .0 .4-1. , ..‘; V“? . - L..-J ,,,
' " 5 ~ 1“ w .77 a
12'; : = "1:;..sz “ :;0.
3731111»: Var? ‘..:rulv,
/ f1. 1;,
/ 6‘fl «(071/ r‘ /)7 2‘ :“C/ 7 '1
., _"L/I‘ , ,

3&an 1‘13 5 at mum
HAZARDv KY‘ March 22, 1915.
lair. S. L;.. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Referring to yours of“th6/20th relative to

bills of cost rendered by the Clerk of the rerry
Circuit Court.

£/’1n the case of Dav1d Couch, by etc. vs.
Lexington e Eastern nailway company. we should only

. pay defendant's cost, as we won this case by judg-
Muwrlmrlolmwumco4bflrfi_flw _
ment of the Court.
newton Spencer vs. Lexington & Eastern ~\\ 1
Railway Company. rhis case was settled by Chester , ‘ ‘
Gourley, attorney for the contractors, whose name .‘ ,j»§ ’."
..4 xvi“
I can not give you, but they were the people who con— ’4,”
. ‘ \
creted the tunnels, and we did not keep up with the fl! _ ’7gnj ; .
,‘ "'\ f s

case because he handled it exclusively. 1 do not 4 \‘“\1 «
Lnow whether the cost has been paid or not.

ZL/z’fifflzgfinight vs. Lexington & Eastern Railway
Company. in this case the cost has been paid, as We
have receiEE/gpr this dated Larch 2, 1914.

g _ (‘:'-XE».

54”” mantis noskins vs. Lexington & Eastern
Ra11Way Company. We do not seem to have anything to

Afinrzu‘gg at Wain
H A z A R D . K Y.
show that tnis cost has been paid. The case was settled
and we willhave to pay the cost. sy reference to the
voucher it can be ascertained whether or not the cost
, w s paid.
, , K/a
y 9" :;5; James 1. Campbell vs. Lexington & Eastern
:_,2 {:5 R ilway Company. This case was settled by some of the
.’\ , " .. .'.
,., $ ,. > . n, .J . . . .
“\fl :Ffzy ‘ agents of tne company. we did not handle it, ano
3 ?E'
J .
;.‘ 5 therefore we do not know whether the costs have been
"3 9 (..‘
XE} ‘ paid or not. Ho costs were eVer settled through us.
g. ’ ‘ ~- Lflflrr”
-4, zhe cases ofifsgac loung, ;erbert Young,
$93!: "'" d“
, ,paflxheorge H. Beuris vs. the Company. Each of these
ff“! cases have been settled, and we are enclosing orders
dismissing and the cost bills of the clerk, which
,’ ; should be paid.
r’ f‘r gafi
> J?" 5" henry Campbell vs. Lexington & Eastern
’1]? p I“ g-nailway campany. xhis was a lien suit, and was settled
‘ ‘ ‘»r' R ‘._ ‘3 (_.’; WWAFTW-‘mv-W
fiTF’ it"g‘ ‘ in some way by hr. "inn. lhe cost should be paid, if
t- :; {w . -
‘kfig * there is anything to show that it has not been paid,
fir», .,7 f? " , . F .
{if and we do not have anything shOWing payment of tnis
f {cost.
pkff‘ ‘.‘r Case of n. L. Roberts vs. Lexington a Eastern
3 . r" > .‘J .
h ‘X.£§ ' fi/nailwafl Company and Jones-tavis. rhe cost of the
‘A."; , t: /’ l
.3- ;.F. I A“

Afintn r118 at 35:11:13
95 ,
Lexington & Eastern and defendants along’shoulo be
_.” paid in this case. as we won. Copy of this judgment
2,?L5§/’{/r~was sentwtgmthemgouisyille office some time ago, and
7' VA ‘2 I ’/ ”~”-’4’ h "W :fi’rwm- ’83,»;
)3 \‘ ‘2 the same state of iacts exist with nenryjirench,
‘6 y.
- “3.. " S/k'. a ' ‘ '7
.; V f 3 toward sellers vs. Lexington & eastern
I: 11! w
‘\ .v‘ . ~- . .
,2 3 hallway company. ue do not have anything in our
.:3; .2 L‘ ‘ Q;
~‘.-’5 ,files to Show that this has been paid, so the cast
' ‘; 'fi .' 2 ,5 ‘
i .f H ifwd' .
E\r_ 1(:2 2 light be paid.
..V“! 'rgrq‘ " \J,
a ”E: F a t“ Louisville u Mashville nailroad company
31; vs. eneen Do Eugate. we do not have anything to
5 ,¢*, 2‘i [Show that this was gala.
‘V '- J 5i \p -
’ ;i J ff“; ‘9' with
i 5 2 ‘,92. ;' iou can see that our files do not show
.4 ‘ ,m’
s I‘ ‘ ~ff- « . '

,the payment oi certain costs :rom this letter, but
where the settlement would be made by parties other
than ourselves, we have no way to ascertain as to
whether the cost was paid or not, but by reierence to
the vouchers which are on rile at nouisville, this
can be ascertained.

Je are going to ask you to check up the
cost where we Say that we are entitled to pay deiend-
ant's cost and correct the billsto that extent and
sentLthem in.

very truly yours,
, / / /
JM/c ".’/r/ v

 , ... ‘ .'1 «.:..:w“. ,13" >
y/ fl/P'Q ‘ I’M ”J ’.V“. ‘ '9 V , g I v" .,./J: ‘ l ’ . L.}-Ii ’_.vi'Jfgiifgr} )W
‘ 7‘ \ am“, \ - ya », m
- 3‘! .1'"!!! V, .1 ..:; I '1 :2 ,. 5,. ‘.’g, 5“»! ’.",“ L? {-:LMJV‘LHC M
_ I ..'/1‘ ,'z 4 .244 a“ m“ r I ‘”’ 1:" ’ ' _ , w“?
" ' «‘v 5‘ . 2'“ 4’” -.a:»'4'u » :I
c . 2 (- ‘F MQWGAN / u/ ‘L 'l/ 2‘ ~32 "'“’“ . vi": U -' t: 'v': 4).”? ji‘f"y fl? if
BAILEV f/JOYT,\4 has», , .1 ‘.“"‘hd‘ ,,.“; ~ wfifri . I
. ‘NOeTTONé‘MORGAN “ /* lawma :k*ywi Q its“
V ‘ ‘ J' : "’.'”H’f’rr % v} I". ,‘ ,"E;;2""“i‘ I ‘
l‘xiinrnrgs ;It flan: ism-L. v' V" r F. f P E -‘ ,:.“-W-..‘ J} ' '
H A 2 AR D , KY. flog/(l -"‘é’« [- Q 515,? ‘4“ m1 3’ y .
‘ maICh 22, 1915. ’ x
4 f; .;"I” ’_g.
x .‘ . / i. f , V ,- 5 , «2 "'_ 1.... Ha Ev .1
*“ -*=:.-,~-: ,. ;a«_»
{/thxfiaoer r! , - ' {‘ ’
“r. L. H. "ilson,
Lexington, ny.
hear bir:
deferring to yours or the 50th relative to
cost bills in the cases of hartha Owens, uames Combs
(Van's son) and James filoughman vs. lexington & Eastern
Railway company, these three cases were settled directly
by the Louisville office with uudge h. C. Faulkner, and
my recollection is that the cost was included in the
voucher that was given to uudge raulkner. rhis was
done in your city and uudge :aulxner came to hazard
in my absenc: and paid off the matters, and therefore,
I have no record of whether the cost is paid or not,
but I am of the Opinion Eat it Was. ry reference to
the Voucher at Louisville this can be ascertained.
very truly ;ours,

 ; \' ‘ .. ‘ . f ' L . ‘ _ ,
f ~ ’ 'gl,
‘ ./’j K e
1' /‘v 1 r // Z 1:11; x
r , f n
0 ~ / ** e» , /:r g ‘ ,1 mi; w

 AFTER nvmnsamunmo
II.\7.\]\'I)‘ KICXTI'CKY‘

L ‘ \

J » ‘:‘
:‘itnrnvgg ;z: Lain
HAZAP‘D,KY‘ y" ’ .
/0‘/"Vlé /j
V. In a , ,
V , ’ .
. . . V ,

J /
/_,/r/ . ‘ ’/
/ ‘

Jamwvy 20, 1» 1‘3.
JGSBTS. “outtan & ”organ,
; V» ; M‘ ‘Y‘ -.‘-u *j? ,1] (a
hazing, Aenwcky. L; w
‘l . _...
I ,.
Refarring: m the bffzfieh of cost hills: 3.5239127 1:921" fared
_. "r A. '1‘ .~ "'~ m; J,» . « “ ~ 9;. ...;1: 1 4 ,V 2 - .3 ‘
by 40:; 3252:4191” Mam. mi J4: @111; MLthwfi (.omt, :me LUML in my
,. ..‘ ~ ' .7 :9 '1‘! .‘m ‘ «w .-..~,«. “7-,. —
- 7pm, 1 £an 13111:: in tuu ;-o<.;0‘..;mgg 13w <;;4;.;-,;->>), I‘LL: - _ j
a n4 A ~— .
‘r‘w- . g 4.1“.“ ..,. .. , ; ;
L ,_ ; fir: / a, (.... , . ,- r- ‘ ,,,;.J‘k;».
~~+I .r» fly'vr‘qu v 7, 5’ T.“ IV" 1‘ \ K L" ,1" Y 1 I“; ’ . '5 K3 ""3" I .- ' e" ‘
_;A 4 ..1..):'. u “it, u ‘1. .A . _. ‘L .J I. " V , (r '
. A .. ”1" 9
‘ ‘ -- -‘ - _ v- 2' v "r ‘x. ~. I i ‘
M Cfc‘mrzzs, Van's: nun, X. ”:4 f: :k,('.l'~‘\)o "
7 . - n . “— .«.-..' m -' » ~ 1» ‘V » , . ‘.2 ..;~—.. ; , .; . .
Jpn}; lu‘ffinthwtlwu, in Rug: mi} thw'g I '.L: M? .-)./,.‘ 01‘
fl , _.., . .1». ‘ .f‘ , ,1 fl A. .; _- 12" xv. .'. r .. ., , ._ . .1."
1:99 V'ithlgif,‘ 4.3.16: CU. 91,33 J}. Lhasa Slim; ml; :1; 1. t) 41’: gun‘s 0;
1.1 '* .‘5 .3“; ‘, . ‘.; .3 _ -.;., ,.‘ «1:, .
we Jen-Luau 1:1 with»; _ai L-.:".’f1.
W -
" '7 .... ‘.yr - .,, J _ 'V ‘. . . _.r ; , ,- A. ,n ‘;' ,, ; L, ,.
#13; Jon ””521; 4.7 .0112 an n tn 11(3):“; L Luv ' .-Lion
.- L ,,. L. . .2 u ,. -, ‘2“: 1.. u . .3 .22“. . ..‘ , . 'T!~,,"'\-
11.1 65.45?! Juana, ifiuf; L; "Wu”; u NHL u, r'..:; 4;”; _ m. ’V 11. 4‘} emu-L."
L1 .. . 0 ., ,_.,_ , ..A m. ‘3 :.- , . _ , .r .~ ‘ 4; ”I w
"mm, 03; .'.iilf‘u :11 Cu; ruL-wrhu u_‘.l;‘,i.:1..’.‘1i§ 0; 1.1m}; Cf
AMA“ i1 Ull—Lk'l 4.11 ‘- vii». l U J_..l_ u; MAJ}; N‘ Lg.) ’ - J. _' .- 1137411 {in}?
Ct-r aria-(1055," ‘-~.' -' ""7“ _"""’,“.7.1—? > . '1, > -
.214 y ,wg.LL/;.L Ld ‘..; W ;; ulix ». 44.1.1 A..-_\r K’.A».~—L V;.
2 “if," 1,312. g; 391.7;‘53,
, .- 1.;
- pm. / Li, .
Cm‘mn-Z i.
‘ .

Jami/W137 .70, 1‘15.
Elessrzr. Woottgn (jg ;,fiorgan.
Hazard, .iigr'.
en t l men : ‘
“ ..,- ‘~ » 1. . - ‘ fl ‘1 ..’? r. “1' . 3 ‘,-.,‘: . " M ‘
nefeim 11g LO the oat-cu 01 Cost £117.19» rcnceia. in; ace ~
~ - ' ..~ . H , "‘.-.1 .'L. : -.~ -,-- ~. 1 .
Ifzniel, Gloria oi. the rein; bircuit u‘ourt, union nave Just been
reuei vod, together ‘rith certain grgorres:.‘aond:nce from you :r‘ 1d—
injr :‘:}?llc, I "find on investigation thnt I "unve no file 9.115. no
_.....Wmm-.11 ...
ini ornzzti 1m htevm regarding tno fellméxirjp: casee, in.
flwflmw-wv ._, .. 4..—41*" 0 ' 7
Cost bills have been rendered, too-Tit:—
~ .1, V .- ' 1~ 11
I‘ 3. .11. .'.Jehib‘ V. J {(3 f: .’.:‘7. uO.
"r 1, J. Clifton v. L '5 B :2;.7.~._.ir3. , - .1
xi 1 , '1 1,9." , I“. .‘.' \"
e '=r . . ,. r‘JA “3| ‘..-._ . ‘. .
v ".4 ,. a“. , ..- . ~ _ .‘. a , a: _ r _- ..
i .. x L 3‘ Jae: wallrzldnn,,_me25.17. 1 8c :..,v.(«o. KM. ..~ — .— ‘-’/
as 1:» 393‘s» . x M w .
etr' ,‘ L431 / .. > ' _ 7 _r *4; ‘V‘,'; .
1:1-5‘- ww «Mt-"Cr; 1. :1. 1.0 Darts: .4 a”; .v; 13140., Jam-"s ‘2':sz 05).,2'10olwnw1 , '
~5an f ‘ Z 3 .1." 1’ )f*-,4é.:¥'
M13.:.- 5‘?
L f Jn’tcm Corahs v. .3 :3; .'.‘ ELK/36:). ’
s x - ‘ I
am.‘ é‘zlwnB ; 1,. .
K' "1"," x ‘ 4 ”v- i, ‘ ~ , ' .. "~. 1 a but,“ 2. ,:Vr, . - /
2 M‘JV . HF‘LMJ ‘..Libli‘u’mLtf \f. ..1 1’:: ;.J.C0.[?m ‘ ‘ . ~
{11“ch ‘V‘V / K... .', 1 1
7‘ .:31;_;e.nt 1111155112. v. {1;;/nib.
X‘ :.i. J.:. titli;.;-‘ V. . -' 11113.60.
r7. . , ‘ - . . . . _
a!" rims-,1"; .»ogsxzipui. ‘1. . .1 £3301. _
{9. .211 ‘ 7.10:1; ,1 re
H. 11 171.13."..K3. “v. T1 911 L. :..‘u..“::;te.
In 012‘s}; tin; ._;:,.e:.:o bills fiat]; "1853 {1511344933 at ff'ioziiriville
an" be i by, 7:2':x:3=.or in no 1:.-omega is: 01" 1':-lo. that the
Latin '.Ii '11: -131; 71:; Lair-11155105, 2:217:11 :‘: cox-g, 01‘ the “cifitinn in each
one!) and, “ware the “1.111; mm c._:;.;-ri~r: to '1 125125,]. judir-zic.xt dis-
121:2.5‘.“--.fl. that g; ‘.‘-.1530 km 4511121131131: vita. 11 cam; 01‘ men judgeeut or
, W. ._______.__.._.___m11.____..
final order. '
As i have no ci‘fice copy of my own, it would be well to


’ W 5 M £12. 1/20/150
furnish thr>80 papers in duplicate, along: with a. I'szket Report
to be at‘fiacrjrmc‘i'to the copies forwarded to the Louisville office.

7 7 As soon as this reqxzir-“"nent is complied with, I Shall
be pleased to nut the: claims: :‘m. the way of sattlomerst.
. Very tmfly yours, »
)C‘Ili'fltgl/ a, 7 ‘ ‘

 . A ’ " , ' ‘ .> J . ‘7 _,.
K . .
a .
» I January 20, 1918.
u? .‘.L
, Messrs. ”OuutOn & Morgan,
. HQ 5 " ”'9’ t ”'1
snare, non nonj.
- 7\ n ,‘ I 3 . 3 ‘ ,. 70 “J. 'I :fi-w ‘ .,‘ 3 - ‘7 t‘_ 133
nelexrlng to the batch oI UC.U oIIIb ;onnerou ufi Lee
V ~.- '1 .' r ~ ~ .~. -r ., .2- ‘ ..4. mm,» -, —. "r v '- . ._-
Dsuial, ulez: DI the 3 Ira UllouIt bovlt, “IQJL LoIo thoIJ bout me,
I finfi hills in the follotln? 3120?, Via:
v “1' -. ‘ .. I“. 1 .r_ , _ r .‘. —«_ 1»,- ,1,_.
IIV1Q venun, u? &e. x. J I Ig,o . . f
’1 "A m‘ 4‘ v , . n
I Efl \ :1/ ;fr-f'}/~"+/fl/ V.'?" ’V’: ,.‘/54"}, 'r, '
"‘. . «..« f‘: H .‘_ .“ ‘F " ‘ »l ‘,. ._. "' 4M»- " H
. LUIIL'.J ‘.“-.‘.' 11.-”461.1. ‘V' . " ..- ..3: c J A ,.’ .,,-,3 o "
_ _ y. k
> ,1 . , g - ., ,. _ L“ l
C) Pisefiton :nnnorr T. I I ; p;.ufi., o. -‘
‘5 . J‘fis- ‘ r K
~’: ‘: ':_ '.; A .3 ‘
us: :’:-fit \ 'V‘ . , , . V , I . .. I v u r .»'“
i5} (‘3‘)? ~ :'::1- r J.VQ;T—I;.C:i;zu .‘:". '... ,3 ‘.. .- . .I.: . , .__- "
.J.: .L .‘I IL”. LOW 21.1. .’L.: V n .,_ ‘.Q - ‘~‘: . '1'.) . , >
:4 ,
IF .. ._._ ‘ ~ 3. . 7 .1 r ,.4 »
‘3 J..-336‘s ’I'.- (J «igljUILl ‘V. L». I, .10. .,3 ».1. W- F
rho jorsgeing cares I; on; on 2’7» #1: I12; ",',furtsfl
in i312 or early in 1“1‘. In amok g tnvA, E w'évn: :0 u a; : GJQJ
I" ‘,. 7‘ "-: . ‘,."— .. ,.. I. .-V 711 ‘. .\. ,.., .:: ‘ 3 ,.,13
OI has :c;xoion div no ,oyJ oI un_ m \= ~42 uI Iva, ‘I,;I 1v thIng,
" ___—.__ ...Wifirvmh'rwmv’mmw. ~.n<.».nu—w a-.,.,\.‘.NW,&M,,
(11:, II: fling; o- 1111.04. .1 .:.: »_L. _ .3,..; CIL ‘.,!IL . .I! as“ L3; Im-
t‘MM‘Wm-mam, “my ‘_.~M_:”Q“,.I ,“’"....,.‘-nunr-w”~>~ «7 ~ »‘»,Ix ,:(I <7. . , ,,. ». , -- .. —. »..». '_.,I,I..,~.I “‘"' "‘ “' ’ ~ " ' ""‘ x ».3 l
.I.: g, , I , I_.I. ;,* J~ ‘r .313, . I. I“ ,—. .,. .._,, 2- , . ,‘ ‘1, ,.,
nit-:1 :19 L:. $035! 03. me ch»; “.:.4: (I, .L.Lr I. ~ I .‘I Ina, It", ..r'. .I‘ ‘ . 3.?
d ‘ ,._.“- r-enrgkI; , ...,.... I.I“..- ::vm‘~"‘.¥' ..’ and“:‘-4*"'“"-"'“";-‘¢"w'&é"r E'%«wfiw'9em~flnr“‘w ""‘"'“! “firrazmvh::JT":»-~mrr:
"“.;H n "“1““ f ’1 "‘ 3‘5" 7 1"5‘." "3'" {1'} ."v, ’3‘: ‘:. :"w -'~ 3‘ :_ H 3 7 -"~ —'g r5 eur- . mx 3 1.,I v I‘."
.I.»; I. pen.» ..,, 0LuL . 115', \.L “Image 1:34.12.”37.125.3pfigfi.I». IL .I.- 4L. » . .. .I_. .,., .1;.v8
ww3w1’3m-fau ”who”; ... v'="-~"-»~" ‘ "w £¢E“="“ < ' " v r \V....m-.\.« -
.3151: ‘2 ' ‘ "':1“ 'I‘ (’r “ 'rhn 17*" "; ”'.' ' "$1, rx ‘7’“"4 "~11: “ “ fix ‘ ryw-nvn ‘ ’1 «”er . ’1"
4-.. .J ...-.L O... ,:J. u CGL LIV w"1~» . « I..I.-V V--.«——\JL')) (I \. J.J x. v I n I - - _ I.
‘ L ‘ , ‘ '" »- i~ » -' ’I"~1l-~ ~.- _. ‘, I, w. I v» I .I' .,_ Li _. ,.‘V_ 1 -‘,‘
oI the cost blIls and DJ I;.ue !C«CHL1M ooweIlgé IIQL nI1.o.
ncfezrinq to the same matte: first shove ””1fi73n9;_ I find
‘ — J- ..2 ‘ '1 -. - I,. - ,- ‘- .. A ‘4. .‘_- .I - a --1 ~ 1:.. ‘
tout bIIIS have been moors.< :oI oo:ts I“ t&e hnltw none; bum i01-
V ‘ a —- .-.‘ J-
lonxug stgles, tO—wlu: _
' 7 -« ». ‘ » " ”‘.». F: ,
VQK} 101451.}: V. .‘4 I}, I“: Ideal.
.. . T w ,7 ‘3 1—2, 'x, r T ~ "r “ Y "l
dolb t loung v. I a I IJ,o>. one I I I I A to.
r .. :-“' ‘ ...‘ “ . ':‘. 1
ueorge no BouIls v. , u E 4y.bo.
,- _ _ , u. v 4": - 2 - ' -’-“ r» v ..I— v
- Each of the foregOIng Sule Wu Illgo an41nf Joy »:st year
1 61-3 I have a couv'of the ?etition in lash of {hose suits Imt no

 k .
1 - 7 w a LI #2. 1/20/15.
capy of any judgment or final Orflor settling, dismissing or
otherwise -J.1',.:‘»_._:>osing of them. For the reasons stated above, it
, I will be meson-Gary for me to have, such copy before I can as}: the
Louisville oi’i'ice to pr::y or settle- the Govt bills rendered by the
Leicrxim‘; to the same matter :’is'att blurs ;y‘n‘ZIOilI '9'. I
1111:} that I 1L:~.ve :nll 110-08 nary ;.érgwrs ill tm :T“.:?”-x";\."i,',_,': ““.:Hzxtn fruits ~
/ £1. ;.‘:r',_:i3;i".;ra v. "_. _l‘ L.L,;‘.~Jo. (’,.le '.I ‘ II .. 5V1.
/oeIt Iatenell v. Q g; u
‘ l/o J;Lf-IJ.1J(,"£_‘.. ".‘.,jfiuc Ugrxsnoell V. ,1 2’ I'I-‘.I“),
‘.'.‘jlzis late“: is i’oI your attention in n“ if: two ,
ot'}, ‘1‘ I..‘;Cf-PZ‘S T. have written [you under the 5:.-mar} Fate», r' j'p:f{f;'ulg
the: cort- bill: .:'<’111gt‘xw.v.1..
‘ '.‘i-‘Ju: s. V833; truly, i
' L: T‘. ‘,,/:1
‘ ‘,‘.owioc'L.

-«1 ~,\
:.Li‘nrnrus ;If than?
HAZARD, KY. . " 7, 7 ,.
7. l ., ‘
/cm 2’0 / b
, c, v ‘_ ~. ,
_ ‘ ’ , I
_ I > ,_ ‘ ,
t O , , r‘_ , ,‘ . A , .7 _
- . , __ ,
'.’ , ' , V ‘ ,iv- :
‘ )
' '_: V . V.
, , , ,
',,/J ' ‘,1/’7‘ "4 . ‘
// l /

 Hazard, Kentucky.
Jan. 19th,1915.
Hon. Sam L.‘:‘Iilaon,
Atty. for L. & E.Ry.Co.,
Lexingtn, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:—-
Find enclosed taxation of cost which have
been O.K'd by Wootton & Morgan. I feel cure that none
of the coat in theae caseq have been paid, but hive
your office check them over very carefully and be sure about
the wetter. Ky fee book show; no one of them iaid and
Wootton & Iorgun have no record . I am under many obligation:
to you for your promptnees in these matters in the past.
Pleaae give this immediate attention and I will certainly
apprecia‘e 1ame.¥
\.é/f / K ‘
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L z/ 3/ ,v/\ / I. :2.? x
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 Pemry Uirzuit Court.
1,.R:.'~".Prai1:;-13; CC. ,
In accourfi with Lee Dahidl, Cirfiuifi Clerk. Ur.
June, 9nd, —1?. To 4 ropiew of chition F.3.§taoey,
v1, L& ?. & L.&N, “4.00.
Cat, 1], ifi73- To 4 copie: a? petiti n Jeff Epicer,
v3 L&.T, 4,00,
Jan, 9th, 1074. To 4 00219: of petitinn Iwaac Younr,
v: L.&.E. 4,00.
Jun, TO, —14. To copyinv 4 petitién, Clark, Everwole,
v3, L.&.T. 4.00.
Apr, 7th, 7714. T0 4 copies of petitifin, Jerry Kthh0:%,
Apr, 97*h v: L.&.E. 5.00.
7‘74. “o 4 conie: 0? Uetition, Calvir CGllinz,
v3 L.&.F. 5.00.
Fay, 30th, 74. “0 4 ccpie: CF petihlcv m.".Bingham,
v3. L&E. , 4.00.
le, find, 1¢]4. WC 4 copiex pefiitibb Fenry6’77_raur :,
73, L&K. ’ 4.00.
July, 73th, 74. To 4 303194 pefiiflLhnt/Z1971fiTo, vq,
L&V. r1.CO.
July, 13— 14. ”0,4 copi91 pe‘ifiion U.P.1a11y, 73.
IJ.&.‘T. Agnnu
July, detr, 14. To : copiax pet:aion, ggéfi’FBhrh,
V3. L.&.". ”.00.
July, Vqtk, 1774. TC 4 ccpie; pefitidn John P. Epinaur,
v; L.&.N. 4.013
Cot, 7:t, 14. To tax an :“ifi V1 Wm. Clivwr, .'T.
Nov, 14th, m0 fa? n 1n15 v1. A1093 Vorrix, .70.
Kev, ”FtF, 74. mm 4 CCPiQE petifiiflh Pearl Cornwffi 7;-
L &V. 4,09,
how, 79 ‘4 To 4 Gwpiex petiti h Ei?uv Bramphn v1
1 %.7. 7.30.
Nev, 7G 14. “O 4 copiflw EH€L5ifin W.C.Bak©r, v1
L.&.T.&C., 4.00.
Tfltal, i I. .1,»).
“4,4,4 fig {»””/7*
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