xt73bk16mf8w_945 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [356a] L&E time table no.39, taking effect Sunday, February 2, 1913 at 12:01 A.M. [Removed from Box 51, Folder 1] text [356a] L&E time table no.39, taking effect Sunday, February 2, 1913 at 12:01 A.M. [Removed from Box 51, Folder 1] 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_76/Folder_33/51w14_76_33__1778.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_945 xt73bk16mf8w I: LEXINGTON & EASTERN RAILWAY CO. I
No. 39 TIME TABLE No. 39
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1913, AT 12.01 A. M. I v
l w. A. MCDOWELL, _ H

 f ‘ I"
T ‘."-mm_
Second Class First Class ciiséigaglflmé'.‘ “5., ITIMETTEBLEflNtO.3SI§ 5 1 First Class Second Class ‘:
W_ W mm jg; Sunda:,e187:b.:c,l913 g E” TWZ—QWE 1 O 1 2 T4TTT .. ‘_
Daily. - O'&K‘Da“y E g :35 Train Order Offices __:| at 12.01 a. m. 3 :1 . 0.&K.Da:1y . . Dally ’ ‘.:
———‘_— __‘_ 3::: E1112 2:: 0- s z We... W 11 :11.- $3: 2::: 0' &.’:;:?1““’i—— _ 4“: ————* : -~.
...........! WTs—sg)? 705am T:W4.30a.m.t010.30p.m.§;px L.LEXI??TON.A 850m 545pm W 4 .
BOODm 63011111 l 60021111 140 710 175 “ 1 4.00a.m.t010.00p.m.§1§1§L...Neth:gland...A 1.31 845 540 ; W.“ 3009111 605pm 1 300mm ‘ , l
825 656 1 624 ...........t 147 .....1716 10 1‘5 _,...Monzt‘xéose...“ 5.8 1834 ...........1530 12. ...1 227 530 4 235 . _4 U
839 721 1‘ 637 ...........t 151 I721 11 28 u 9 ......Fengvlick...... 8.61828 ...........t524 209 459 221 I :
. 851 747 ‘ 648 __Ei11L1—1LT 21 _11___.___11 ;.JIL; flaws #4:;5520 _111,7 155 3 443 L; 4’ :
909 818 21 705 1203 1732 37 «‘14 _..wyag‘éotte.... 13.8 1818 11............1513 1 130 415 153
944 858' L 53%; l......... 5217 8747 9 37 73 ”20 6.00a.m.t06.00p.m.\\'1....Wingigester.... 20.2 3305 11............s500 12 56 325 120
959 915 i 819 1225 ...........s758 2 14 “23 ......Mistlétoe...... 23.0 3758 1............t454 ‘ ............11241 304 106 .‘ ;
1018 940 _ 889 Tfluww m 38 lWhfl Léfijfirlw. fl 17L;;;7..._.gs447 ;....H... 1 fig 235 31247 4;?
3 1049 1017 909 .. £249 5820 25 “33 7.00a.m.t07.00p.m.‘ DI ...Indiatgéfields... 32.8 3737 .....1433 i 1148am 152 1215 L
10 52 10 20 912 250 321 60 . Ind’flFigzdSP-TJSZE 786 432 1147 151 1213am H
,....... .. ..........f 300 1831 45 “39 .....Shawanee..... 39.3 721............g417 ., 5"
_.._—‘LMLLMJL __.513—05fl___._18_3_5__ ___f‘i 150 “_4(_)__ 6.30 a. m. to 6.30p.m.31 Y....Cla£lgity lfl‘w9_~~m~mfi 415 11,171 ‘ 1107 11 1 05 ‘11flg1§?;g:
.....1 11 50pm 1132 [1010 H s315 5846 ..........( 38 20 “44 6.3081. m.to7.00p,m.‘SA ......Stagltgon...... 44.0 3710 ...........3405 ‘ 10 42 12 43 1105 i...
I ._......”‘12055111 1152am 11025 10.........1321 1852 42 12 “47 ‘ .......R02egyn...... 46.7 1705 ............t400 .,...‘11025 9 1227 1048 WWW“
. W112 22 1210pm 12l 10 39 8328 ...........5859 36 21 “50 6.20a.m.to7.00p.m.‘BO ........Filson........ .496 .1659 ............s354 ‘....W]. -----~~---l10 10 1210mm 111032
..,......-,1243 L:LOW __fiL—LSLTAELWJE—QLIEZA1651 _5345 [___—{w ............[ 953 1150am 1010 1“
k 12 55 12 46 1107 3342 4..........1910 12 “55 l .. ......Duti1:§ee...... 54.8 f648 342 3............ £32 1138 957 ’.“...
105 1255 1115 s34? s915 43 “55% 6.00a.m.to6.30p.m.lCN ..Camptgnsnjnct... 56.7[5643 .....s339 935 1130 946 ‘.“... _ ‘
W‘ 110 105 1120 12 s352 s920 14 "57 iNB ...Nat’l gauge... 57.0 4640 ............3334 930 11 20 9 941 1"”“.
1 17 1_13_ 1127 _ _L__fi25_flm_ _§8___1‘_58.___.___“t_ w 58.0 iii—4_’ 330 *m ;.;-,1; fl; 1109 933 1‘~——
._.....HE 140 135 11505111 S404 5932 34 8 “52 5.45a.m.t06.00p.mfwc ......Tolzrjent .. 61.7 5625 ............5321 857 1045 910 [W I
..........§ 211 207 12 23pm 1417 1944 32 32 «57 .....Flngaostle...“ 668 1611 308 ...m' 827 1010 839 j'”" .. ‘
mi 228 223 1240 S425 .4952 12 7 "7o Continuous...........KR Beattyv§12ejnct. 69.8 4503 ............3300 -.....l 812 952 1 822 E" a
...”...u} 250 1L1 104 THL_%_ iifiwggw flfi—wszsz “_.‘ 1fl——fl— 759 ‘,.;
..........‘ 320 322 135 ............t444 f1011 15 16 “73 5.00a.m.t06.00p.m. B .......Tal:l:e8ga...... 7821544 ............3240 ----.-------i 724 845 .730 ‘.....
”......n} 338 342 153 S457 51024 14 22 “81 5.008..m.t06.00p.m.FN ..““..Atglinw. 81.0 .9530 ............3229 ”..”...m‘ 708 824 712 ........
355 358 215 41509 ...........f1038 34 “84 ......0akdale...... 84.1 It 518 ...........f 215 9............ 353 806 656 .W
..........| 410 416 227 1515 r10 44 13 “as .. ....Chetgézwee.... 864-1512 ..........f209 m....mf 638 747 640 _
{LLL‘%—_fl§3__—i__ :90; 4.45a.m.to5.45p.m.1§§ .....Elksifsawaufl fl’wmem.nf 202 _6L8___¥ 722 1_16_191___1va
WI 443 450 253 $529 22 157pm 4611“ 57 2o 945am “92 7.00a.m.to7.00p_m.UN .0.&K..1]1gnction. 91.5 51500 10571111118157 21 529p”) Wt 609 { 710 608 H
___I‘JLFM 500mm 30mm 535nm ZOSDm 1105am 950nm 75 “93 Continuous..... JN A .. Jackson... L flm 1045am 13$ 520nm _fi 600m“ 700nm 6001mm 1 .. ,
’ Dnfly' EVTWTT—DKM—D? m *_*—_—_ f Daily. 01:33:le puny. O.&K.DallyT [TETITQI‘L‘Tuy—w‘
15 11 9 3 21 1 23 2 20 4 22 ‘ . l . i 10 12 14 .
mmng in the opposite directioW, 7* g
T .__—Tm:

 WmL—LL .
Second Class I! First Class cgssfizgagglngfl; “5m ’ ' TIME TABLE No. 39 ’ E 8 N First Class Second Class ;

__ 1181111 11140 n. ;g TRAIN ORDER OFFICES Takes Effect Sunday; Feb. 2, 1913 T; a, LLL _,L-_~____

25 1 .117 I I 1 1 .5? 1+. .. _- Wm 6 1 4 ' 1 18 1 24 ‘

Ex.Sun'. Ex. Sui ”“‘" ExEqu’i. E t g 2m p 6 STATIONS E .3 1122:8131. mu" # £38133. Exgaéilii'. ’
Locum-1111613111 Locanreight LLLL Pam- Pass. LL _ _ Q Pass. . PESS- 1LL1____“1__1 LocalFrelght Localrreighc /
............ 630am 111511111 1205pm 93 Continuous.............JN L..........JACKSON..........A 931* 125013111 1409111 3309111
650 ..”-1.........-..””..Sllzoflm S1210 95 Inugnlont 95.1 $1244 81309111 II 310
730 81228 6 85 11 99 7-0081m1to7-009-m- HX,.__..,_.,_.,.na‘h‘inx.__._,,_,,,___ 99.3 111228 5...”... 230
815 11249 25 106 Lizttole 106. 1120611111 127
830 8103 13 9o 6 108 71008»111-t07-001’1mmAC “(121131612 10813 8115981” fl 1039111 a
915 ..........,f117 85 114 A51t5ro 113.8 11145 18 ll 45am 8
moo 181132 85 8 118 (31133189 1183 11130 ' won 1 '
”mam “_Ls146 iLfiwg'Kry‘gmn_133_5._§11L3__1____1_LLLLLI§LL_L ‘
1210pm 1'206 85 128 “81182185 127.4 £1100 H 800 1

‘ 1250 t226 85 132 11%.. 132.5 111040 ..........| 700

sooam 13me 3248 85 30 138 6-009-m-t07-009-m-~ARY...........na52’3rd............... 137.8 81020 GOOam 400pm
635 LL .........s3uo 21_20_L_141_ L . Edgiguetm ....I'LLL MLLLLLLL LL 300 5LL
657 ............f 310 144 EagledinJ 144.0 1956 1
720 11318 90 11 147 111111131211} 1465 I8948 150
800 s333 25 151 “affine 151.3 8933 100
913 3........... ...........8353 90 158 (1131311 157.5 8913 25 120mm
10453111 24........... ...........f 423 iLILGL _ LL Blascgrey _ISQL flLLLL—LLLLL‘ LLLL 1045:1111 25LL
1240pm f508 12 173 312 1732 ’f758 935
150 8538 90 179 700mm.to7-OOp-m-----WS Y.........w11it§e':burg........... 179.1 ’8728 84o
250 .............8603 H 50 H 184 Mayflfing 184.0 ‘1' 703 730
345 1628 85 189 K40§1a 2188.8 ’tess 645

. 410 8642 85 191 YNZein 191.2 11624 21 624 1]...........

500pm H, 700pm [MW 195 5.00a.m-t06.00p-m--.- MC A..........Mckillrertsn.........LH 1953 [60011111 'I' ssoam ‘......W
12911;. 1 1 1 ‘ 1 J “ “*W—fl 1': 119112;. I 1.211111. J '
stlm .1 11 1811 1111.11.82
mmmaccordance with General Rules '71, 72, 73 and 88. 1

First, Class PasslnzSIdlng mg TIME TABLE No. 39 e 3 First Class
.__.—L hangar?" 40 "- g5 ' TRAIN ORDER OFFICES Takes effect Sunday, Feb. 2, 1913 2 ‘53 _..—.__
1 n: .,. Eg Hours Open E At 12.01 a. m. 1 gg 4
21:1: _ g: i 1 . 8 12:1:
511 2031111 95 LnuzngntAL 95.1 slSOpm ..
112511111 93 96 7:OOa.m.t06:00p.m. QSA..........Quicksand..........L 95.0 125pm
Daily a 1 Daily. V
1 4 1
Regular South Bound Trains are superior to Trains ofthe same class moving in the opposite direction when running in accordance with General Rules 71, '72, 73 and SS.

 . ' 1 i e
z 1 II t .
SUB-DIVISIONS. North bound 0. & K. trains will come to a full stop (300) feet south If a train should part between air—brake cars, the engineman will im-
LeXihgtOH to Jackson. of O. & K. junction and send flagman ahad to set switch and go to mouth inediately, as soon as discovered, shut off steam and move the brake valve
Jackson to McRoberts. of tunnel No. 6 with danger signals to warn approaching L. & E. trains. to lap position. If parting occurs between non~air»brake cars, Rule 101
Dumont to Quicksand. This rule will not be used as protection by L. & E. trains. must be observed. 1
HEAVY FIGURES indicate the meeting and passing of trains. South bound second class trains and south bound extras may run Trains stopping in yard limits at L. & E, Junction will protect their
“I . Small figures lopposite the fuIiIl-faced type indicate the number of the ghegIdKof Nos. 21 gr 232,10. 82:31:. junction to Jackson, if upon arrival at rear end regardless of yard limit boards.
am 01' trains to e met 0" 93558 . . junction 05. or ave not arrived and are not in sight. - - - ~
«5” indicates Regular Stop. Nos. 11 and 12 will let Nos. 9, 10, 13, and 14 by without delay, of filigehioiztng bridges and tunnels Wlll not clear men standing on top
“F" indicates 5‘01? on Signal. When double-heading engines will be coupled except crossing Bridge ' ,
”Y" indicates Wye. ' 70A at Beattyville Junction. Only one engine is allowed on this bridge Megowan Street, Lexmgt on.
All train will get clearance order or movement order at Jackson. at a time. Main Street Bridge, Winchester.
Extra trains may run ahead of over—due second class trains in the TELEPHONE BOOTHS Overhead Bridge of C. & O. Ry., just north of L. & E. Junction,
same direction WithOUt train orders. . '. .1 41 B. and 43 A. (Second and Third, Red River bridges, between Clay
. . . . . Telephone booths are located at following stations: Avon, Wyandotte, .
Conductors and Enginemen Wlll examine Register Books and register 1. - . , .1 . . . . _ City and Stanton.) '
. arrival and departure (conforming to Rule 508) and will before going on Winchester, Mistletoe, Gordonton, Indian I‘IlCldS Passing Tiack, Clay Cit), 51 A F h R d R' . b . I t th f Fl )
“W each day. sign for any new bulletins ’ ’ Rosslyn, Filson, Spur N0. 2, Natural Bridge, Glencairn, Torrent, Fin- ' ( fun i e . lVCI‘ Irldge, JLlS sou 0 15011.
Trains will before leaving terminals .receive a clearance order (form castle, St. Helens, Tallega, Athell oakdillc’ Chinowce’ Elkatawa, Dllmom’ 56 A. (I‘lfth’ Red Rlver bridgc' “m mum of Dundee.) .
56), or a “31,, train order. ' Copland, Altro, ChaVies, Yerkes, fypo, i\orth hlltl Hazard Yard, Edjoucit, 6.9 A, (Walkers Creek bridge, between Fincastle and Beattywlle
At stations other than terminals trains will b Masu, Hombre, Ulvah, Uz, Blackey, Ixona and Neon. Junction.)
, , w en necessary, receive I . . .
- clearance card (form 57), as per Rule 604. WATER STATIONS. 70 A. (IKentucky River Bridge, between BeattyVille Junction and
Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 will stop on signal at Pelham, Ware Crossing, Van— Netherland, Winchester, Clay City, Natural Bridge, St. Helens, Jack- Lumber Pomt.)
meter, Kinross, VVatauga, Gordonton, Argyle, Virden, Lombard, Lumber son, Whick, Krypton, Hazard, Ulvah, ‘\\"'hitesburg, Neon, McRoberts. Tunnel NO- 1! Gordonton. NO- 2' Natural Bridge. NO- 3. 'l‘orrent. I
Point, Monica. YARD LI \llTS No. 4, Athol. No. 5, Chenowee. No. 6, between 0. & K. Junction and ’.
Nos. 5 and 6 will stop on signal at Cornettsville, mile 156, and Rox— . I . A I ' II Elkatawa, and all tunnels between Jackson and MeRO‘berts. .
ana, mile 168. - Yjard 11m” boards are located at Netherland, “111°11‘35“?" L- & B All trainmen are especially cautioned accordingly and will also bear
Nos. 11’ 12, 17, 18, 24. and 25 will stop on signal to do work at sta- Junction, Clay City, BeattyvilleIJiIinction, Jackson, Hazard, Whitesburg in mind that some cars are higher than others.
tions not shown on face of time table. No. 12 will do switching from and McRoberts. JaCkSO“ yard hm"; extends south to Quicksand. When necessary to use Oakdale siding from the south, properly pro-
JflCkSOH t0 Stanton, inclusive. No. 11 will do switching from Netherland STANDARD CLOCKS. tcct your train in both directions, and see that derailer, and north switch
to Saigéogalgfifiljge'speed of Frel ht T , .1, b l h Standard clocks are located in Train Despatcher's Office, Lexington, are LOth SEt for main line.
. g m “5 W1 6 20 m as per °‘" yard office, Netherland, Agent’s office at Jackson, Hazard and McRoberts. SIDINGS BETWEEN STATIONS.
north of Duniont and 10 miles per hour south of Dumont. C . . .- II . . I1 ,-
. . . onductors and engineers must compare lllLlI‘ VV atclies with same daily. STATION N0.
Trains Will reduce speed to four miles per hour over wooden trestles 28 Gordonton at mile post 28 capacity 9 cars connected at
and iron bridges and through tunnels under construction. BULLETIN BOARDS. ' north end. ’ ’ I’
unde'i‘raILnnsstvri/Iillcltifildugle iii: 25;:‘31165 per hour over culverts and fills CI Bulletin boards are located at Union Station, Lexington, Netherland, 36. Argyle, one—half mile south of mile post 35. capacity 9
. . ' I ay City, Jackson, Quicksand, Hazaid, V\ hitesburg, McRoberts. cars connected at south end.
All trains Will reduce speed to ten miles per hour over filled trestles - . 38 ’iVirden one— uarter mile south of mile ost 37 capacity
26, 27, 28, bridge 70-A, at Beattyville Junction, and around horseshoe curve TRAIN BLUISThRS' ' 4 ars m; ct dag” n rth end p ’ i
and Ivy Patch cut. All south bound engines approaching the pike cross- Passenger trains will. register at Union Station, Lexington. At yard 46 c T’ilzoju; seouth ofomile post 45 capacity 4 cars connected
ing at Montrose and the road crossing on mile 45 south of Staton must office, Netherland and Quicksand, by using form 157. ' at north’ end ’ ’
sound the whistle continuously from the whistling post to the crossing. Freight trains will register at Netherland and all trains will register 54 Spur No: 2 one—half mile south of mile post 54’ capacity
DeraiIling switches are usercl1 in all :lhrough sidings on grades and in at Clay City, 0. & K. Junction, Jackson, Dnniont, Hazard and McRoberts. ' 35 cars connect’ed at north end.
spur trac (5 opening on descen ing gra es. 7 r ’ . , . . .
Derailing switch in the main line just north of She Fork spur mile AIR BRAIXES' 50' Hoods Branch, one-deighth “fine :OUth Of mile post 56’ .
195 will be set to derail at all times when not being used. All efficient airabrake cars in freight trains should be coupled togetliai, I capaCity 18 cars, connecte at sout en ' , 56 , ‘ )‘
L. & E first-class trains are to be first-class trains while running on with brakes cut in and operated. Not less than 85 per cent of the cars in 56/“ 28 Quarry, Oi:e—lquiirterflrlniledsouth 0f “"16 DOSt ’ capaCity
the tracks of C, & O. Ry. between Netherland and Union Station, Lexing- such trains must have their air brakes used and operated by the engineer ..., CZIIIrIS, Cfnnech elilta Isis-u uaflncr.mile north of mile (III 72 IIIII
ton, and all trainmen will have in their possession a copy of C. & 0. Time Of the 10C0mOliV€ drm'fhlg the train. /“' paCin 1;; :1; :bniifthdqat north end p ’ ’ '
can??? :6 fizfiyfiubisf'g‘ g'gullzsumufiafi Eéfieehtfizfimnd and NUMBER 01“ CARS REQUIRED \VlTH Ol‘liRATlVE BRAKES 1N 74. Nyes, at mile post 74, capacity 14 cars, connected at bot‘i
Union Station, Lexington, without train orders as per Rule J. on C. & O. TRAINS OF VARIOUS LENGTHb: 77 ends.M I . .1 77 't . 5 t d at
time table and will be governed by switchman’s signal at the Junction 1 to 6 All. ' n rtli €01;ch at m 6 mm ’ capaCi) cars, cameo e
and crossover switches at Third Street. 7 to 13 All except 1. 77V 0 Stron. 'ust north of mile post 78 capacity 8 cars con-
Passenger trains will not exceed 4 miles per hour over Third Street 14 to 19 All except. 2. 2' nected at S’Orlth end ’ ’
CTOSSihSi Lexington. 20 to 26 All except 3. 7814 “.131,“ one—half mile south of mile post 78 capacity 11
Dana Lumber Co. trains will use the siding at Nada, south of the 27 to 33 All except 4. "' cars connec’ted at north end. Cars to be set in this siding by
derailer, L. & E. trains using this siding will not go south of L. & E. 34 to 39 All except 5. south-bound trains must be shoved ahead of engine from
rails, looking out for Dana. Lumber Co. engines. L. &. E. trains will 40 to 46 . . _ _ , , , ,, , , . _ , , . . ,‘ . . . . . .. All except 6. Tallega.
3:0:giéglhiztglsgihe main spur. and also on the dock spur up to the 47 to 52 All except 7. 81 Bright, 0116,1611, mile south of mile post 85. capacity ,0 I
Mountain Central trains will use siding at Campton Junction from When two or more engines are coupled to a train, the main reserVOifS cars, conneded Iat bOth ends- I _
their junction switch to the station at Campton Junction, and all trains of all engines must be coupled together and all the brakes connected 89- Hurt, at mlle POSt 89; capacity 5 mm, connected at 1101‘:n .
using this siding will run slow and careful. L. 81 E. freight trains will through ’50 and operated from the head engine. end. . .
not block this siding when Mountain Central trains are due to make con- lWhen StOPS are made on grades, Either 011 main ‘tl‘aCk 01‘ Sidings; hand 121- Glenn, 0“ "“16 121’ capaCity 3 cars, conneded at north
nection with L. & E. passenger trains. brakes must be used to assist in preventing train from moving. end. . .
L. & E. trains will use main track of L. & A. Railroad at Beattyville In regulating the speed 0f trains and in making service StOPS the Ch- 125' Campbell, on ”“16 125 south Of Tunnel, capaCity 14 cars,
Junction under protection as per Rule 99. gineman must, before applying the air, be particular to observe that the COHHECted at southIend. ' .
O. & K. trains will be governed by L. & E. rules and time table while train has not parted. The trainmen must be at their posts to give the nec— 140- R3900“. 0h mile 140, capacrty 4 cars, connected at SOUth
upon L. & E. tracks. essary signals and assistance if needed. end.
_ P. F. KESHEIMER, Train Master. 1!. L. FILLING, Assistant Train Master. F- J - FARMER, Chief Train Dispatcher-
_______._—————-LIST OF SURGEGNS—~——-——d——"— .
Dr. W. O. Bullock, Chief Sungeon, 164 Market St., Lexington, Ky. Dr. I. A. Shirley. Winchester, Ky. Dr. 0. H. Swango, Jackson, Ky, Dr. M, E. Hoge, Quicksand, Ky, Dr. D. F. Smith, Whitesburg, Ky.
Fayette 13110119 41: .E T' Phone 218' 1 Dr. R- A— Irvin, Clay City, Ky. Dr. J. S. Redwine, Jackson, Ky. Dr. A. M. Gross, Hazard, Ky. Dr. John J. Fitzpatrick, Whitesburg, Ky.
fi.‘¥%h1}r§cgt, 16:1?rketfiqhxington, Ky. Fayette Phone 41‘ Dr. J' H’ Evans, Beattyvtlle, Ky. Dr- W- P- Hogg, Jackson, Ky. Dr. E. Kelley, Hazard, Ky. Dr. P. Y. PurSifull, Whitesburg, Ky.
, Dr. D: H. Maggiiiley, .Winehester, Ky. I Dr. Wilgus Bach, Jackson, Ky. Dr. M. E. Combs, Hazard. Ky. . .
‘ ’ ..._.--‘1 __ . ..., ._ A, _ ,, _..__,,.,A1,-_.1,\_A___1 1,, L -. . -.,...."v ,A ,._~__.____._ _ .l I ”___—.._. _ 1. .. . ... .,.. _7.A . ._ . .