xt73bk16mj94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mj94/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18690411 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1869-04-jun11. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1869-04-jun11. 1869 2011 true xt73bk16mj94 section xt73bk16mj94 

June 10, 13G69

Hall &

Relation of
the Military
School to
the A.&M'

     On motion of Curator J. B. Bowman it was resolved,
That the Executive Committee be authorised to erect at Wood-
lands a suitable Dining Hall, and also Laboratoriee for the
Professors of Chemistry and Nat. History, if the means can
be provided by the Treasurer.
     On motion of Curator Jno. Aug. Williams, the Committee o n
revising the organic and statutory laws were charged with the
duty of defining the precise relation which the Military School
in the Agricultural and Mechanical College sustains to said College.
      /178/   On motion of Curator Joseph Smith  it was resolved,
That the law as found on page 65th of the Catalugue requiri4g
each occupant of a dormitory to deposit the sum of ten dollars
as security egainst damages to the buildings be repeated, and
that hereafter every such occupant shall be required to pay five
dollars per session for rent of room.
     On motion of Curator Joseph Smith it was resolved, That
this Board tender their sincere thanks to the President for the
Boa- land to the assistant Secretary for the faithful and effi-
cient performance of their duties.
     On motion the Pending Officer, Curator R. M. Bishop, was
excusei from cnny farther attendance on the sessions of the
Board at this annual meeting.
     On motion the Board adjourned to meet tomorrow at 8 A. M.

Meeting of
June 11,

Thanks to

Mechani cal
Depar tm ent

               Morrison Chapel, June 11, 1869

     The Board met at 8 A. M.    Present Curators J. B. Bowman,
Benj. Gratz, Andrew Steele, Joseph Wasson, hi. S. Goodloe, G. Wt.
Elley, J. S. Woolfolk A. H. Bowman, Joseph Smith, J. P. Tarbitt,
Jno. Aug. Williams, J. B. Wilkes.
     After prayer by Curator Elley, Curator Steele was appointed
Prest. pro tem. Curator J. P. Tarbitt offered the following:
     1st. Resolved, That this Board takes great pleasure in
tendering to Curator G. W. N. Yost its grateful thanks for his
very generous donation to Ky. University.
     2nd. Resolved, That the Curators and friends of the Univer-
sity feel a very high appreciation of this benefaction, so timely
that it seems providential, as they have thereby enabled to organize
and put in operation the Mechanical Department of the A. &. M.
College, so indispensable to its success, and they take the oppor-
tutity to express to him the hope that the blessings of Providence
may attend him in his efforts to do good, and that he may fully
realize that "Breaj cast upon the waters will return after many
days."             J. P  Tarbitt, Chairman
                  D. S. Goodloe
                  J. S. Woolfolk



June 11, 18 69

Thanks to

of Prof.
J. D. Pickett

Prof. Pickett
to preside

House to
Officer A.&.M

Prof. Pickett
to assist in
Bible Col.

Course of study
in the Bible

of Prof. J.

     On motion it was resolved that these resolutions be adopted,
that they be entered upon the records of the Board, and that a
copy be forwarded by the Secretary to Curator Yost.
     On motion of Curator J. B. Bowman it was resolved, that
the hearty thanks of this Board be tnedered to all those who have
manifested their interest in the success of Kentucky Univexsity
by their generous donations to it.
     The resignation of J. D. Pickett as Professor of "The English
Language and Literature" in the Agricultural and Mechanical Col-
lege, having been presented and read, on motion, it was accepted.
     This resignation is to take effect June 11, 1869 at 12 N.
     On motion,Prof. J. D. Pickett was requested to act as Presid-
ing officer of the A. & M. College during the Commencement exercises
of this day.
     On motion it was ordered, that the Presiding Officer of the
A. & M. College shall, hereafter, be entitled to the use of a
house upon the grounds.
     On motion of Curator Jno. Aug. Williams, it was resolved, That
Professor J. D. Pickett be appointed to assist in the Bible College
as teacher of such classes, and for such a length of time, as the
wants of that College may require, and the funds may justify.
      Curator Jno. Aug. Williams presented the following&

      The Committee to whom was referred the recommendations of
Prest. Milligan concerning the course of study, terms of graduation,
etc., in the College of the Bible, report the following resolution!
Resolved that the President's recommendations be adopted and the
Curriculum published as requeste3.
                             Signed, Jno. Aug. Williams, Chairman
                                    GW. Elley.
      On motion of Curator Jno. Aug. Williams it was resolved, That
 in the judgement of this Board Professor Pickett, whose resignation
 as Professor of English Literature has this day been received, has
 zealously and faithfully discharged the important duties of his
 Chair, and we take pleasure in expressing our appreciation of him
 as a Christian gentleman and laborious instructor.
      Resolved also, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded.
 by the Secretary, to Professor Pickett.
 /170/ After reading the minutes of this meeting, they were on
 motion approved, whereupon the Board adjourned.
                                   And. Steele Pres. Pro tem
Joseph Wasson, Secty.