xt73bk16q18t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16q18t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-04-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 30, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 30, 1980 1980 1980-04-30 2020 true xt73bk16q18t section xt73bk16q18t Vol txxu No I“ K 2 r E I University of Kentucky
Wednesday: April 10, I980 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
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w. i 73:74? . VV WM”. a . ..M I
m. a1 —. in? ..~.-.-. Carter defends il l-fated rescue plan
1 . iii - as % ""” ' ’1’“ ,, <- ‘1 w t?- . '
' ' '- to Win freedom for hosta es
, , ~ . ~ _ . ' \s‘i VOWS g
= - " ’ VV . $5 V c‘; , . '. " By BARRY SCHWEID calledasharp contrasttothe“ghoultsh rescueVmisSion. V .
.- . _, r if V VV .12."; . Associated Press Writer action“ of Iranians who displayed the “This." he said. "is a sentiment
; i " ' I h ”aw .. * :v " " V ' _._ V ' " " 4” American dead. shared with the men who went on this
i: " ( ,‘ a W ‘1‘ ” ‘ , “’2‘ ' I,” " WASHINGTON (AP) ~ President Carter vowed: “We will not forget mission."
' - . . ' , Vi E'VV,. 5% VVV %\ ', ' - Carter. clearly frustrated by his failure our hostages. We will take whatever Carter‘s news conference came four
If” .. ' ' a ” ; .%%%. “3311:. " , ix to win the release of American hos- steps are necessary and feasible to hours after he announced his selection
V' ”flags-.1 ~ 7% . V? “-.;/1% tages through diplomatic and other secure their release." of Sen. Edmund Muskie to succeed
. ’4 :n’eii- ' i . / ' means. defended his ill-fated rescue In an opening statement. Carter Cyrus R. Vance as secretary of state.
a ’ /. . - . . \ operation last night as an unavoidable said. “a failure to attempt a worthy Vance resigned Monday in an unusual
M. man...” 2 " it" " .- .‘ '83112:“:i:;-;-2;2-' - V . ' -,. option. effort. a failure to try“ would have public clash with Carter over the Wis-
. ' , . . ‘ " . ' ”'--_ He said it would have been a bigger been worse than the failure of the dom of last week ‘5 rescue mission.
W V - , V . V failure not to have launched the ill-
. ‘ ."' " . ‘ . , , '. ' .- ' I” V " fated mission in the first place. d d f
, g4; .45; “ V ,. ”WV ., '1 "W ‘va f. :’a 1 “At the time the mission was termi- country roa S raw ame
‘ 3W 0 i W?“ ’ , jV ' -- ‘ - nated. we did it with great regret.“ he
‘ 3;- . V ’ " ”f" , .._. , e P -, . w . said in a nationally broadcast news I
V: ;. V-VVV, s” ' gag, . . . . .- - P -_ .m%“ V V conference his first sincthhe reVscue to B yr on C’ anor d 8 name
. V V . ‘5 ..VV . of, . VVVVVV-V-VV V -. - 3,. V V .:' V ,.~ ,. attempt was canceled late last week.
1 E1/1 “’2‘; ' i “5a,. 1‘12”?» - ,_ ' " '“ . - . “We cannot deal With inhumane . . . V
“w‘ , :1, "‘9. P V V; . .V a people who have no respect for inter- By JEFF RHOADS farm boy. originally.“ he says in his
* .. 1' ' : _ . -- national law.“ Carter said. And yet.he 518” Wm“ dowmhome style. “I. 1C“ everybody -
1 . 1%“ VV , V . ,, VVVV ' V.-.V- vowed to keep trying peaceful means V . V they wouldn‘t know it to look at me
. pygfi‘ . ' ,. ,. V .. . V . ..- . . _V _._ to win freedom for the 53 Americans If you spend a '0‘ 0f time travelin now‘ as She“ as I look. V
Q V '- "1: ' ' held for nearly six months. the Side roads of Kentucky. there‘s a. He spoke to 3 Journalism class at
‘ , . . Carter condemned the “desecra- chance youjust might run acrossafel- UK Monday.
i '. s, " V. 3* ‘" 1 tion" of the bodies of the Americans low named Byron Crawford. You‘ll Crawford said he attended Murray
.5". « - PVVV ‘ W' . t; it, killed in the foiled mission. He said it know him when youVsee him. State University“forawhile.”Hetook
3.- ~ ._ ._-“ , afrw" " appearedthe United States neededthe He'll likely bewearin‘anold camou- an acceptance test at UK. but the
.; ,,.. W, V 7. . ., M unanimous approval of Ayatollah flage huntin‘ hat. and be playin' counselor told himthat hedidn‘t think
.gi- @- -- WM V V , Ruhollah Khomeini. the Iranian checkers in front of an old general Crawford would fit into the program.
if; . flit vV VV -, ' " government and the militants at the store. oerishin‘ or just shootin‘ the “I probably would not have.
l"- m" ' m-W'jl fir ”Mr, V - . . US. Embassy in Tehran to settle the breeze with the old timers ‘bout the because I wasalousy student.“ he said.
3’ “V W '2 mg," i . a «a» V . “cw -; -' V- crisis. way things used to be. . V “I just had no motivation. I wasn‘t cut '
/ a“, ., a“ "1.11 V ‘ .- .‘ V . V V V , Despite a pledge from Iran‘s presi- And if you make mu5ic With an old out for it.“ . V V
g “ .» - - ' V > '1 "4:111 ' ' ‘ " dent. Abolhassan Bani Sadr. the saw. or get around on an oxcart. or do Because of his mice and good deliv-
V? ._ V i . P a] . . ‘ ‘ bodies were displayed bythe militants. anything that might make folks call cry on the air. Crawford gotajobina
; 5m 3’5, ' V Cy} ' '5 c’ w 1 -; ~ Carter called this “a horrible exhibi- you an eccentric. he just might seek small-town radio station. where. he V
. ., . .. . W a; e" . if V tion of inhumanity." you out. V says. nobody minded if he madVearVnis- -
amply/v '3‘ Cl? ,5; At a national press conference he V'ror five years. Crawford filmed take. “That's the key to breVVaking into
' . ' ' I ‘ PP, PPPV‘1‘J'P'PVP,VW'00'"“(’V'VVVVISV.ff said the "brave men" who had tried tStale Roads segments forVWHAS-TV any kind of news work. he says. .
. EqUIne deS|gn were prepared to try again. In Lomsvrlle. which syndicated them Start Vat a place where the whole
“Our goal in Iran was not to con- to other stations inthe region. Now. he world is not on your shoulders if you
Seniors Marta Elam (left) and Vickie Mullins. both mural painting class. taught by Bernard Young. which is quer." Carter said. In fact. he said. 44 “”95 a ‘30“me three times a week for make a mistake." V .
majoring in art studio. apply their brushes to one ofthe performingthe work free to earn academic credit. Holi- Iranians who hadeassed by theVsite ththhe COV’W'JUW’WI- . , .He. moved on ‘0 WCKY radio in V
two walls being covered with a mural in Holiday Inn day Inn furnished "‘9 supplies. and Will open the room were released before the American Crawford. 34. grew “P m rurValVLin- 0091“”“1 where he “”0“? '4 news-
’ North‘s Holidome room. The two are members ofa 1.7K officially May 4 from 2 pm. to 5 pm. military force Ml - something he 001“ County "‘3‘“ Stanford. I m a Continued on P'E' 5
l l l '
Exrstmg state prisons undergo reno va trons
~ By KEVIN OSBOI‘RN ti 97-bed psychiatric hospital. It is years. He cxpcctsto havcthe reforma- to achieve the population standards j--V-PVj...V.V. .» '.
Stilt writer expected to reduce the number of tory composed entirely of single cells which will eliminate the overcrowd- . ' . "'3' 7 _ V
. - reformatory inmates in other state pri- by l985, ing." he said. ‘i
Last in a three-part series sons by several hundred people. Iwo The improvements are badly “One of the real scandals we found V53 i V .
. ' other 96-bed units are planned. needed. according to Oliver Barber. at La Grange isthata large proportion
i The outlook for Kentucky‘s prisons A 3550.000 dining facility will be the attorney representing the Eddy- of the men are there for parole viola- . wit. ,
is brighter since Gov. John Y. Brown. built at La Grange Reformatory. and ville inmates in the recent lawsuit. He tions. ratl‘er than for new felonies.“ ' a; P. 'V
Jr.. decided to build a $22 million electrical improvements costing said. "Inmates can‘t play basketball in Anderson said inmates who are on . . . s ' ' ”V“ -
medium-security prison in ()ldham $8I2.000 will be made. A8268.000 vis- the gym because the roofis falling in." parole are put back in jail for such ;. L *. M” '
County. iting area will be added as well as a However. building new facilities will minor infractions as getting drunk or V' V :’ tag is‘
In addition to buildingthat facility, caseworkers‘ office area. casting not solve other problems facing the crossing the county line without per- a i i§i5.:iiiin-il.:yiii ‘ gr» .3“.
which is scheduled to open in fall. the Sl82.000. Some of the projects are prison systemjl‘he concept ofrehabili- mission from his parole officer. “I .«m i : ..‘étififi gig **
, state must also spend nearly $50 mil- already under construction. tation does not seem to work. and hope one of the real reforms that is V 2*: E I. . VVVVPVWfii‘T "iii" g‘ig f
lion on state prisons overthe next four A 372-bed unit with single cells and most inmates who are paroled return‘ goingto come out ofthis lawsuit isthat . 1 : PW “am? “with: :5 its: i
or five years asa result ofalawsuit by new dining facilities will also open at to prison. according to Newsweek the state is going to adopt stricter §“’i I . as 3:1?“
. inmates from Eddyville State Pcniten- Eddyville in April. l98l. magazine. standards for parole violation war- ‘“' >‘lP ~ :1“ 3‘3“.” i
Mary and la Grange Reformatory. By I983. the penitentiary will also University ofChicago law professor rants." he said. 3 : '3 ' 3 ““W M“
James Baker. general counsel for get a new 200~bed unit costing $5.6 Franklin Zimring told Newsweek Some opponents of the rehabilita- has «a... . .34.“... i“ g
the state's Justice Department. told million. The$l.2million renovation of magazine. “The rumors of the exist- tion programs insist that ifa criminal By BENJIE VAN HOOK/Kama Staff
the ('ourier Journal that major cellblock four in the prison is expected ence of rehabilitation were always is caught he should go to prison for a FEDERAL CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTE
inroads in the prison system will be to be complete by I982. A new greatly exaggerated." definite period. contending that spe-
made by Brown‘s proposed corrcc— 5750.000 locking system in cellblock According to Lloyd Anderson. the cific prison terms provide sufficient felon needs to be imprisoned. They In Pascagoula. MISS-. a burglar
. tions projects. especially inthe areas of five will be completed. as well as attorney for the La Grange Reforma- punishment. But this could strip con- argue that criminals serving time for repaid a victim 5160 he earned while
, overcrowding. health and safety. improvements to the kitchen. sewers tory inmates. the parole system would victs of any hope of early release. and non-violent crimes should not be working asakitchen helper 35 part ofa
‘ 'l'he Luther Luckett Correctional and electrical and heating systems. work. but ex-cons are thrown back experiments with this system have locked up in prisons. but rather they local TCSIIIUIIOH program-

V Complex in ()ldham County willopen Brown‘s budget also calls for turn- into jail for minor infractions. “The only worsened the problem of should be kept at home and forced to Reforms in the American prison
in October. according to Baker. The ing two reformatory dormitories into speed with which men are paroled is overcrowding. work until they pay back their debt to system have been superficial at bCSt.
prison will hiivethree9o-bed units and single-cell areas within the next two going to have to be increased in order Reformers contend that not every society through restitution programs. Anderson said.

bill which moved the Department for Human Resources to word of war. And police in most cities he named as refuge Sadegh Ghotbzadeh. but he escaped injury. the Kuwait news
State the Department of Military Affairs. effective in July. areas said they had no reports of people heading for shelters. agency reported. Iran blamed Iraq for the attack.

SPRING BRINGS out ”0me leaves and sunbathers and Ihe catch IS that in supporting the transfer. the human private or public. V .. . V “Many shots were fired at one ofthecarsmtheGhotszVadth
n also seems to bring out itinerant salespeople resources agency did not ask forVan appropriation. The unit V LeVVland Jensen. ()5. a chiropractor and naturopathic phySi- motorcade at 9:30 yesterday morningVNo one was hurt. said
'I he Pmmnet “new.“ office “an“ Kentuckians m becaw had ocen receiving about SI million per biennium.V etan in Missoula. predicted that either a nuclear war would a statement carried by Kuwait s official news agency. V
ful m ”PM load and "going-oui-ol-business" sales. espeCiaIIv Human Resources Secretary (irady Stumbo declined corVn- start or “an inCIdeVnt that WI” cause it to happen would occur Ghotbzadeh. who arrived in Kuwait on Monday.was being
from trucks along roadwavs. ' ment. but department offictals are anown to feel that the unit. a 7:55 pm. last night.V V V V V driven to a meeting wrth Kuwait 5 leader. ShIer Jaber AI-

MPH“ Robinson. mmém “Wm general in [he consu~ :Tch adv:;ed veterans VtVif their rights and benefits. did not He said it: bait: It: pI’CCiPIjCiltVmengPIDIICgIV prophecy and Ahmad. when the attack occured. the agency said.

0 .' . _ . . .
wclrdplPOlcchon flelhlon. says the mam problem PS people who C ng In C I'CSOUI’CCS epartment measuremen S 0 C yrami 0 U H In IIB gyp SIR ALFRED HITCHCOCK‘ ‘he mafler of suspense
sel e ectivc merchandise and law the state before the buyer natlon .. . . VV whose movies charmed and terrified audiences for more that
can “Ck "““u'm” THE RAGTAG fleet 9f. the. Freedom i‘VIOiIIIB found 50 years died of natural causes yesterday at the age of 80.

Robinson says all truck load sales are not bad and can FIRST LADY Rosalynn Carter said yesterday that Presi- smooth seas yesterday and immigration officritls braced for Hitchcock. who “5 knighted by Queen Elizabeth II of
represent a good bargain for a careful consumer. She advises dent Carter was disa ornted bv the failure to resc th h . new waves of refuges reaching the Florida shores With at least dl De be h d been in failin health forth: p.“
buyers to look loraltcense. that covers possible claims against pp '- - ue -c 05 l.250 boats loading in Cuba. Eng.“ .3! cem r. -a- ~ ‘-
defectivc merchandise. that must be obtained fromthe countv tages inVlran but inspired by his "s" “uh four serwcemen "We are re i f wh t w x ct to be a f'lood...of year. plagued with ‘","“"‘ and kidney “I'm” .

. ' ”WW" I" the attempt p par ng or a e e pe .. - His condition deteriorated over the past weekend. and his
Clm‘ and pmm'mnm (”pm-"d a. me ”I“ place (‘arter called his wife in l.ouisville. where she made a fund- refugee-laden vessels headed for KeyVWest. “Id CoastGuard family - including his widow. Alma; daughter Patricia. Mrs.
V _ raising stop on her way to campaign for Carter in Saturday's Cmdr. VSamuel Dennis at .a news briefing. . Joseph O‘Connell; and three grandchildren — WI! With him

PEABODY (‘OAL C0.closcd PM 0mm oumy mm“ and Tom primary. The first boat to arrive sinceaweekend stormtted up at Key when he died at his Bel Air home. said Herb Steinberg. "PO-
released an estimated 570 employees because of production “He called a few minutes ago to thank everyone for their West shortly after noon.yesterday WM 58 "“189“ aboard. kesman for Universal Pictures.
and other factors .. ~ - Weeping refugees streamed offthe 39-footcommerculf'iih-

Ihe latest layoff brings the total of unemployed miners to support. Mrs (arter told a crowd at a S500-a-ticket rVecep- "‘8 503‘ “RONVUHML” "HIM 0f how 3 Cuban soldier who
over l.500 in the western Kentucky coalfields . 240;: the home 0f Kentucky lransportation Secretary Frank tried to swim out totheir shiptojointhem was caught by other weather

soldiers and viciously beaten.

All. III WORKERS in the Kentucky Center for Veterans (IAIMING \l (LEAR war would erupt Within hours RAIN WILL IE diminishing to scattered showers ‘Od'Vy ’
Affairs. which was transferred from one state agency to yesterday.the leader ofa religious sect in Helena. Mont..said WOI’Id “d the highs areexpected tobeinthe mid toupperSOt. "-m“
another by the l980 legislature but not funded. will be laid off members of his faith had taken refuge in failoutshelters in sev- be mostly cloudy with acontinued chance of showers tonight
Ma} '5 eral Western states. GUNMEN IN CARS fired a hail of bullets yesterday in and tomorrow. The lows tonight will be in the low to mtd‘Os

The process involves a kind of (‘atch 22 situation under it However. the deadline came and passed and there was no Kuwait at a motorcade carrying Iranian Foreign Minister and the highs tomorrow will be in the mid 60s

 KENTUCKY Debbie McDaniel M." Green
Mum m ( my; 1., rum" Kim Aubrey Thomas ( larlt John (1., (my Linden
him [014‘ Lil/ion Bob ('ochnne hilwturnmmr hluui 37mm [.1/ in “WWII of Phomgru/ihi
V (Iry Willis Paul Minn
Vii/racing ram “=- DOIN-I'd (indy “N.“ s. r. Robinson Brian Rickard David M-inrd
It/I/UHU/ fi/HUI Jacki Rudd ~lsylylunl inn/air! Spout hill/or HM“ ”Mutt”
Ste-ye Massey Leslie Michelson ( o/ir It/Ilrlry IIiIerIuinnn'rrI I't/iiiir
editorials & comments (“m/t!" hm”, ‘hylylulll Minimal ftlrlor
Moderation from Muskie? V
I f
‘ Vance resigned to save princrples f it"htgoi’ heeshéh ‘
With the resignation of (‘y'rus Vance as Secretary of the rescue operation seems not to be the isolated inci- \‘fik‘i‘ ‘ ON if! 1
State and the appointment of Sen. lidmund S. Muskie dent Vance‘s resignation statement called it. but w‘ . ‘ V
to replace him. American foreign policy may now. rather the proyerbial “last straw." \§¥"’-“ flaw my}. 1 .
regretfully. fully turn a corner that Vance had been l'nter into this situation Muskie. a senator from r f." :"l V, o‘ .- V ‘t‘i‘ .
blocking for the past three and one-half years. Maine for the past 22 years. who has an extremely . . ‘IV ,‘ , 9‘ ft‘tr, l
President ('arter has been standing at the rntersec- limited background in foreign affairs. Charting the 3 V hit-$3515?“ ' '. “y ‘ I
tion of two methods oi foreign policy: negotiation and l'nited States‘ role in the world community is largely a \ttyl. ‘3 .‘fitfywix is .‘, i
‘ compromise yersus confrontation and force. Both duty oftheadministratiyebranchofgoy‘ernment.and. V ‘ 2:. in“ . - _ ‘Lh t‘
. yiewpoints haye had powerftrl allies in the ('arter although he is a member ofthe Senate l‘oreign Rela— V I31 “VJ; 'V t . "it ' .V.r'r" i
White House; Vance for the former and National Vtions Committee and has toured seyeral nations both i //'h ,I . "tyw\ "t ”pry/VI, f
Security Adyrser [bigiuew Br/e/inski representing rn I973(togatherexpertiseasapresidentalcandidate) ‘ 434,}, ”i; '. t ,s I"! J ‘ {
~ the latter. and in W79 (as a (‘arter enyoy to Poland and other ; 44””; A f: . . ’ hetfi /—’
l'ntil the lranian crisis worsened to serge propor- liuropean nations to sell SAM ll). Muskie simply 36% V V W W' if VVIV‘thtV , ‘t
tionsin.laniiary.the battle betweenthetwo ideologies does not haye the qualifications or experience to :l’i’IC/u/iW/«tfff/lwt‘ Q‘s“ ii“? .V " i
was a draw ('arter would go with \‘ance on some immediately become the effectiye yoice for negotia- - “.VV’C/jxle -.' 3:st :{N 1"; t i a i
' occasions. Br/e/rnski on others. lhe unpredictable tion and compromise necdedto offsetthe strong voice V “(Z/hr, V-l‘ ks ‘\ tt WRVE 0‘” 000 i
_ (‘arter foreign policy illustrated this clash of Brie/inski has with the president. t \\ .‘ ”Wilt/h V\( V V’ al‘_.\\‘<¥io_ l
' philosophies. Vance cannot be faulted for resigningas a matter of 9 t \V a ssh/h." ), ‘5 W t‘“:\ i
But in mid—January. as the continumg crises in Iran principle. In fact. it is encouragingto see such a strong ‘ ‘ififyfin :2‘. " ‘r‘\ \3“ l
' and Afghanistan further frUstrated Carter. the Br/e— demonstration of principle in an era when politicians it athflfi‘t Kit &l 3:? '
. zinski proposals began to win out. It was the National regularly compromise themselyes forlesser causes. As \tt' \\ 'Eri7.::;1~§=i.'
Security Adyiser ithe position Henry Kissinger used he yiewed the increasing dominance ofthe philosophy ‘ t t ‘ i 5:" @mmmmm }
to dominate the foreign policy of the Richard Nixon of force. it reminded him. and other obscryers. of an WM‘MW y
administration) who pushed for (‘arter‘s declaration earlier l'S. adyenture the tragic interyention in ‘ """"""""" " i .
that the Persian (Bull is a "trial" [[8 interest to be Vietnam. ,. / , .7 Q t l ”it/I H H ‘ " f/i i -
, . defended with force if necessary. support of the MX Iran and Afghanistan hayc not yet become a new .. ,A’gw/ ‘ it t
, V missile system and shelyrng ot the SAM ll treaty. Vietnam. but ifthe Br/e/inskidoctrine continuesto be 665“ 7 hi“ ~ ¢f
lhe latter was an especially deyastatrng blow to the only onethe presidentlistensto.thatday'willcome i w' \ f I i
Vance. since the agreement with the Soyret l nron was soon enough. Muskie must moye quickly to grab the 85’ '.V.'. ‘ -i i
.. _ .. an example of what negotiation and compromise can president‘s attention and keep him from moying so far "“3 0....‘Q . i
. . accomplish. down the road of confrontation that the results are '.~ht’.. ..& t (‘i i
-' Although frustrated. \iance remained in the war and disaster. 9. '...l’ ’ 07a is! I it
, . ('abinet. hoping to moderate the aggressiye Br/e— No one should eypect miracles from Muskie. how- ii “0&6‘ yeib.‘ i
t. ' linskr and bring the \merican hostages home without eyer. He lacks experience and expertise a danger— . i ”%&&’I "{ 3 \
. resorting to military force. ous combination for a titan in a position oi such . r i..%«.§@¢fl . Ii '
V But the crisis deepened arid (‘artcr‘s speeches immenseimportance. Yet the senatorfrom Maine has i ’Wfi‘h’t$?’;fifi Lit .
" ~ '. reflected more of the Hr/e/rnskr line with threats of punch himself to be a solid statesman and his out- l . i ’..‘fi}o“’.d In .
. - military action if Iran did not release the hostages. spoken obiections to Vietnam giye us confidencethat A‘. i t ‘..%A’.. fig
l hen came the planning of theattempted rescueoper- he will not abandon the attempts at moderation prac- 8,3; Vi “ h...‘.’0y@1 s9)“ 1
. . ation. first moyrng around Vance and finally rolling ticed by Vance. ‘7'.th f ‘ if". h...h"t'" 3.4 Vf V
, oyer his strong obicctrons. We can only hope that President (‘arter listens and at? f J’%\ A V‘ b .‘V.0‘t..... Ci
. Viewed in the light of (‘artcr‘s increasing adoption responds to the moderateapproach. And ifheerrs. let fist: , F1 ii ~19. ’“ Jeff ’ ”N ”to.‘ i
I ' of Br/e/rnski‘s proposalsduringthe past fourmonths. it be on the side of being too passiye. fth {hs/(ft‘ {(\ ‘V 0%) ,' I (‘ % \oble‘aE‘r
1- _ . ‘ i [1‘s ,3? h \ 7th". /, . .; ’xtQA ‘1 x [‘5 ‘ t i
' . Restraint, apathy prevail / affiéfiktiux / ‘.. ‘ s—c .- .3: ’3‘ in .- i
49/, ./ .- y ‘t iVV ‘. V "y g
. - - - . w E at ~- r .
‘~ . America fears military solutlon i... .. .. .. "r *
‘ ' 4 , W" . - 4 r o it, ,, r .©74/»;w ‘ to"
. - By BRIAN Rl( KERI) the l 5 both hate the strength to end be drafted. they should get the ltellout i .. 6‘ i » ‘ y t i ‘ ‘4’: 'lt/ r hthiihiiliip "Wt: e. ' fight/”t htht _ -~ ‘t
_ existing life in ten minutes. Why dowe of the l .8. (io to (‘anada where the h t "‘/ m3 ‘
- ‘ ' - Rs"”'«‘”“- “Willy \nrcricans need riiore“" maior conflicts come at election time. ” i
1 ' know what those words mean Well. gang. sit there with that attr- ,,_“é JUST plCiQD UP Ti-p mRh’ey THAT’S BQQN RUNNIN, AMND Tip R389 GAmN-i .
. . they ‘ye become the trademarks of our rude. it‘s only Mghanrstan Brian Riekerd isthe li'ernel'i assistant WM? SLbULDVé DoWn'” “MA )9 f ‘°\
' (”UH”) filly-"C the \tlt'lnilm “i” \mericans giyc many reasons for sports editor and 3 Journalism senior, 7 fl, , .. ..“ . 7 . . . 7 fl . .. 7_¥nt
' . “NH" lh"drfll‘lhh'mimllfns‘fn wantingtoayoid war. regardlessofthe
. time. such .is the reaction following offenses against this country. or the I . I
. V (tattcr‘s bold rescue attempt that threat to world peace by the Soyiets UK S t I d n faCUIt
‘ ' , t hnh'd In my" lranian ds'wrl iil‘l HWY“ lhe real reason scents to besrniply a en ure p0 Icy lscourag es you g y
' day night desire to remain aliye which is tinder-
_ "' '— standable. but ml. 1. at the HM of By JOHN SCARBOROI'GH grounds that student evaluations have must go to the dean of whateyer col- wonder why the lawn must be mowed
‘ . t fi / nationai pride “hm. would m. be been “mixed" (whateyer that might loge and plead yarious specified hard- outside your classroom in the middle
: t, - S a co umn now it we had held such an attitude Since thisis my last column. I will be mean). WOTSC seems ‘0 b“ the PCFCCP‘ ships. This is in ’0‘“ parenrry “hh a 0f December. or “thy seasoned profes-
i throughout this century" We’d Proba~ addressing some Quandaries and qlies— tion 0f decisions made b) non-experts vengeance. “"5 "9“" 193"“ anything in the office
_ . __——__"yf\ (iod. W (.MVCVV w“ almost M) be gmcmcd by “mm gmndmn [mm that \ummame fundamental m fields in “hich they cannot possibly We are told repeatedly that there is that might haye pawnbroker y'alue‘fiz
: t » brought about Phisical conflict." Peo- .‘\nd in about 50 years we‘ll be ruled by concerns here 3‘ the l.'niyersity 0’ Ken— make competent judgments: deans htt “quota“sy‘stem. wherethere ttttt be reasonable tttOtt SCFHCCS (we have a
. - ‘ ple shouted the nest day. “l w leh" Hich/ney‘s grandson lucky. I will deal with morale that and a550€|31€ VdeanS somehow. decide a percentage of tenured yersus unte- ‘V‘Faculty‘ (‘lub“Vthat borders close tea
I macy that‘s the way we should “Hui why should that concern Us." lmpOrtani but impossible—to-definc 0“ the "contributions" in anthropol- nured faculty. But the facts seem to yoke by comparison tothe Benchmark
.' handle ihrs situation Mental humilia- \rneircans say "lhe important thing ‘ttth‘ttt ttt Ctthtttht that “h hh hay‘c ht ogy. httt-ttrht the various languages. hhcfh ttthhhmtci'ttt course: you mh't hChttOhh and so rttht The Values ,
. ._ - tion for the world to see is a much is to get through a full life ourselycs. regard to our place ttt work and our hhd htthticat scrence, even thoughthey ttht thatiteanthVis tmhh d- refugefor espoused at the bniy'ers‘ity’. ~ahd- tt
. . ' ' ' ' more rational way to handle this hos- “gm? If we make threats and make place of play. It seems that morale at might hall from mathematics. chemis- 'htttmhhtthhtt‘. tthd that h tttthtttht hhthd also appear that the unrversrty
.. 4. s I tagecrisrs lhat will solyethe Problem them look realistic for awhile. maybe the Uniyersity 0' Kentucky '5 1“ a '0“ try. or some other ratherdistant hetd‘ hkh Ahhlomlhtmh- d-OCS to tmhhle ts thttetttmg more and more heavrlyV' th
. . M WVN‘ th \demm will my on VVV“ {mum} can me “”60 mm VV} w ebb. perhaps as I0“ as I've sensed it in ”9“ do they do it? We are neyer qurte rankings and seniority. Perhaps so. the “entertainment of the masses; ‘ if
, . t , until the hostages are mental ycgaia- before we get inyolyed in military the 14 years the been here. Are there informed, except thttt there are But one may reply to thatVspeCious we provide enough wrnning basketball
. . . hle or CW” dead But thfi only Si) action. or mum “C are ruled by the reasons for this peryasiyegrumpiness‘.’ vaguely named “committees" (whose argument that tenure certainly does teams. maybe the folks won‘t notice 0
_. . . V _ PWPIC h'. hum ii. sacrifice them Soyicts At least by that age they can‘t What hmhc” F15 the mnst‘.’ And why‘.’ membership is a wellskept secret) who not guarantee prosperity or eyen the erosron of the primary values.
- t i. I 5 .' r than trike ti chance at getting the l‘ s, m- drafted | c, richnlc “0m aim”! it Am