xt73ff3kx74k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73ff3kx74k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19430507 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 7, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 7, 1943 1943 2013 true xt73ff3kx74k section xt73ff3kx74k The Ken tucky ON PAGE TWO The Tenth Anniversary Of A Nazi Atrocitv VOLUME XXXIII LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY. Z2 I' , , SGA CANDIDATES i FRIDAY. MAY Students Must File Applications For Graduation WITH REGISTRAR Seniors and graduate students who expect to complete requirements for graduation in June must make application for degrees today, according to an announcement from Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, dean of Uie University. Applications To Be Made Seven Days Before Election Candidates for president or of the Student Government association or for representatives to the Assembly must file statements of candidacy in the office of the registrar immediately, according to Roy Hunt, chairman pro tern of the SGA. nt The election will be held under newly adopted Constitution, which was approved by the University Faculty late Tuesday. Since no definite action could be taken until this approval was official, the date for the election had not been set at press time yesterday. Balloting will probably be held on Wednesday, May 19, Hunt explained. Since candidates must file at least seven days before the election stat ing which offices they seek, it is important that this be done at once. Requirements for candidates, under the new document, are a 1.3 scholastic standing and at least two quarters of residence at the University. Representation in the Assembly, as outlined by the apportionment committee last week, will be as follows: Arts and sciences, four upperclass women, Ave underclass women, two upperclass men, and three underclass men; law, one man: agriculture, two upperclass women, one underclass woman, and one man; engineering, two upperclass men, and one underclass man. Education, two upperclass women; commerce, one upperclass woman, one underclass woman, and one man; graduate, one woman and one man. the ' :: . i ... II n- i- . m - Off The Press In McVey Basement has untie another Kentut kian, the 19-1- edition. Xoir at tributed to the student body about May 15. . r f . - ... tin- - bindery, tin: annual will be dis- Presses Slop Rolliws hi McVe As Kentuckian IS ears Debut 1943 Yearbook Will He Ready About May By t'rlia SKATING PARTY 15 SLATED TONIGHT Affair Sponsored Bederman The presses have quit rolling in Vie McVcy hall basement and an- oilier Kentuckian is off to binders for the finishing touches before the completed product re- 13- -ul- -iU to alumni now serving in the nd armed forces. The staff included a many campus scenes as possible in order to make the volume -mcmorv book" lor these men. Carried out m the national color scheme, the Kenluckian contains ilm luiui uiau irwu Htra, i. i s preoecessors. boui aenciencies arc due to wartime shortages. Also caught on the short end of Wartime needs was tha editorial staff. Before the annual went to press Bob Kibler, editor; Bradford Garrison, managing editor; and Ed The book is dedicated j the University and C gasoline books due to be renewed must have those books in the hands of the Transportation commitor Members staff holding rnllpr skatini? puty , gponsored by the 0uting cll)b be held at 9 p. m. tonight at the Rollarena on National avenue. Faculty members as well as ctents are Invited to attend accord-tli- e ing to Jack Swift, of the Outing club, who is in charge of arrangements. His committee in- eludes Virginia Hill. Claudine Gib- son, Jim Wyatt, Doris Jeane Katherine Johnstone, Mabel Warnecke, Robert Davis, Virginia vsooriie, ana tnzaoein Ann Bowies. T1 Rollarena will be open to the public until 10:00 p. m. after which Universit tickets those j q ges. may fm An - In keeping with the times, the motif prevails throughout annual, even to tlic khaki-co- lored leather cover with its red. white, and blue flag. Held By Faculty Must Be Renewed By Outing Club the' "",tt.Ru' 'a3r B, C Gas Books B tee by noon, Monday, May 10, Dr. ii J. Horlacher, chairman of the committee, has announp-e- ry d. DEVEREUX LAND j Barnes and Chester Thriss, associate editors; were off to the wars themselves. Virginia Long, associate editor, stepped in and prepared the pages Joe for the printer Bohuak. business manager, had the tcadache of compiling the forward-ti- g addresses of hundreds of men who have left the campus. But despite the obstacles, the Kibler-Lon- g picture of the '43 campus will soon make its debut. It is divided into sections covering the administration, features, classes, activities, organizations, Greeks, and underclassmen. A special division is given over to the Court of Beauty" containing pictures of the individual single-handedl- y; Ken-turki- qwen and her attendants Pra lured are the pages devoted to informal snapshots of campus What should prove useful is a personal index to the pictures in addition to the regular organizational listings. The book is printed on White polar superfine enamel paper and will make a three pound package on completion. Having already made a journej from Lexington to the engraver's in Chicago and back to the Kernel plant for printing, the Kentuckian is now in Kingsport Job. Tenn.. for the dress-maki- Lecture Postponed Mrs. Raymond Melon's lecture Scheduled ior Tuesday, has been postlMined until a date which will be announced later. She was to have spoken on Folk Dancing in the last meeting of the Invitation to Reading series. Forms may be obtained in VALUE FIXED the offices of committee members, and the completed forms will be handled by the group which consists of E. B. Farrls aud Professor Maurice Seay, in addition to the chairman. Ald-ridg- e, BILL NICKELL gjQj Tickets may be obtained at the desk of the Union building for 24 cents. An organized group will leave the Union at 8:30 p. m. For the convenience of the dormitory girls and the students living near the Uni versity, the group will return to the campus before 11:15 p. m. Indivi dual organizations, sororities, and clubs on the campus have been asked to form parties and to meet either wfth this group or at the rink. , Chaperones will be Dorothy Col lins, Professor and Mrs. C. Raymond Barnhart, and Bart Peak. Value of the land for the building site of the proposed field house has been fixed at $50,000 plus lij.OOO damages by the appraisers appointproceeded in the condemnation ings brought by the University against the heirs of Mrs. Ella - TO HEAD SUKY Information The report was made by Sam Downing, R. C. Shinn, and Thomas E. Coyne to Fayette County court. The appraisers recommended that the additional $5,000 be paid as damages to adjacent property own ed by the Devereux heirs. May 10 was set as the deidlin" on which the heirs of the University may file exceptions to the appraisers' report, according to Robert M. Odear. attorney for the University. Rumors that school win I y dismissed on May 28 are mithout basis, according to Dr. Herman L. Donovan, of the University. president School Kill be out on June 4 as previously announced. Dr. Donovan stated. "I don't know how such a rumor started," he explained "In fact. I wasn't even aware that it was being circulated." aliso-liitel- PanheUenie Day To Feature Sorority Discussion Group J We Present Rip Van Mulligan -- as I Virginia Smith Named To Head Phi Upsilon Omicron "SOTHLT X -- 1 . ' I ' -- Li 4 A : !" '' I j MUSIC PROGRAM - SET FOR SUNDAY 4 ' V ' , ; Dr. E. Stanley Jone , .... i ... forum ut . icill lead the Weekly in Meinfjriul hull. yw-- f.m.. T uesdu. Dr. E. Stanley Jones To Speak At Last Forum Of Series Famous Missionary Will Give Talk At 3 p. m. Tuesday MORTAR BOARD HOLDS INITIATION New members of Mortar Beard. leadership fraternity for senior women, were Initiated Sunday .nornlng. Following the Initiation ceremony, the initiates, old members, faculty advisors, and alumnae had breakfast in the Red room. La fayette hotel. Mis. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of women; Miss Margaret Lester, director of residence halls for women, and Mrs. Lolo Robinson, program supervisor of the University radio studios, spoke briefly at the break fast. Sarah Anne Hall, retiring president, directed the program. Initiates of the fraternity are The first Leadership Conference Celia Bederman, Helen Harrison. in Education, sponsored by the eduSarah Mclnteer. Claudine Mulll-naucation college and the general edu Martha Koppius. Anita Roos. cation board for county educators, Virginia Lipscomb. Virginia Smith. began Monday at the University for Carolyn Spicer. Mary Norma a meeting of two weeks. Weatherspoon. Adalin Stern, and "The conference will study indi Virginia Wesley. vidual problems that the represen tatives bring from their own coun ties," Dr. Taylor explained. Counties represented at the con ference are Carter, Estill, Grayson. Green, Greenup, Hardin, Harlan, Hart, Jackson, Lawrence. Lee, Muh- lenburg, and Taylor. Each county Helen Harrison, arts and sciences has four representatives with the Junior from Lexington, was elected county superintendent of schools as'the seventh member of the Stufrom each. dent Union board at a special elecDr. Jesse E. Adams, head of the tion Wednesday. department of the philosophy of Miss Harrison and Nancy Shropeducation, will act as coordinator shire tied in the number of ballots of the conference. All members of received in the regular election the education college will partici held last week. pate, while only a few will from the Those chosen in ttie first election agriculture college and arts and were Edith Weisenberger. Jay C. Doyle. Jimmy Hurt, Eloise Bennett, science college will take part. Roberta Parker, and Robert Orchestra, TEACHERS MEET iAT CONFERENCE x. Harrison Wins SUB Election Tie In Special Voting Practice Sessions Listed For Band Practice sessions of the Univer- sity band are being held at 7:15 p.m. every Tuesday in order that soldiers in training on the campus may play with the organization. This is in addition to the regular practice at 3 p.m. on Mondays Students who are unable to at-- I lend afternoon practice may play witp the band at night, accoramg to Director Charles V. Magurean. Several twilight concerts to be presented at different places on the campus are being planned for the band during the remainder of th(s quarter. Carpenter Granted Leave Of Absence Contrary to the report in the last Issue of The Kernel. Dr. C. C Car- - penter. professor of economics, has not retired from the Cniversity staff. He has been granted a lfave of absence so that he may serve as Price Executive with the Lexington Office ot Price administration. Dr. Marshall D. Ketchum. assistant professor of economics, has t;lfMn iii'Mr tii i'Ijcviu; "The Man Who Was Bishop for Night." Dr. E. Stanley Jones, missionary, evangelist, author, and Christian leader, mill speak at the last of the series forums at 3 p.m. of Tuesday, in Memorial hall. Ris subject will be "Does Religion Offer One i Purpose for Living " He will also speak at 3 p.m. Wednesday, in Memorial hall. While doing evangelist work in India. Dr. Jones gained his unusual title. After being selected bishop by the general conference of the church, the minister Methodist considered the new position overnight, resigned, and continued his missionary work. The missionary has become fadiscussions mous for his round-tabl- e in which all the religious faiths of India discuss the merits of their beliefs and he, the merits of Christianity. Dr. Jones has written numerous books, including "Victorious Living." "Along the Indian Road." "Is the Kingdom of God Realism?" and "Christ and Human Suffering." He has been a frequent contributor to the Christian Herald and the Christian Advocate. Having received his bachelor of arts degree in 1906 and his master of arts in 1912 from Asbury college, Wilmore. he was granted a doctor of divinity degree at Duke univer sity in 19'.'8. This will be Dr. Jones' fourth appearance in Lexington. In January. 1941. he was brought to the campus a world-famo- A by PanheUenie Day. which will bo held on the campu:- tomorrow, will begin its official business program wi:.h a general meeting in room 202. Frazee hall, at i a.m. All meeting; following will be held in Frazee - haU. The individual j ' Five Graduating Seniors Will (Jive Music Ileeilals ! V 1 i!!' Applicants should go to room 16. Administration building. i t ' Smith Is President Jthntin, 4 - student will be considered for graduation who has not filed an application, and this is the last day on which application can be made. Lowry Kohler, tenor, will be presented by the department of music in the first of the annual graduation recitals at 4 p. m. Sunday in Memorial hall. The music department will also present Delia Celeste soprano, Maggard. and Wilyah Graves, violthist. in a Joint gradua tion recital at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, in the Music room of the Union building. Kohler, Lexington, will be ac companied by John Shelby Rich ardson, instructor in applied music. Accompanists in the second recital will be Jeanne Lancaster and Betty Jean May. Before entering the University, the tenor studied at the Kansas City Conservatory of Music under the late Harold Van Duzee. He has had wide experience in the concert and operatic fields, having appeared in recital in St. Louis, Kansas City. Louisville, and other cities, and having participated in operatic productions of the St. Louis Municipal Theater association. While at the University, Kohler has been soloist with the combined Glee clubs, and at present broadcasts weekly over radio station WLAP, Lexington. Miss Maggard attended Stetson university and Transylvania college before entering the University. She is a member of the Women's Glee club and the YWCA. "Miss Graves is a member of Delta Zeta sorority and while at the University has participated in the Uni versity Sinfonietta. Radio Orchestra, and String Quar tette. Miss Graves will play a pro gram of music for the violin and viola. Meetings Begin In Frazee Hall At 9 a.m. Saturday 9 No Bill Nickell. Lexington, was recently elected president of SuKy pep organization. Other officers elected were Betty Proctor. Lexington, vice president; and Ellen O Bannon, Lexington, secretary. SuKy pledged new members on the basis of loyalty and sales of candy and coca-colat the football and basketball games. They are Betty Ann Brauer, Claudine While the University and the Gibson. Alice Freeman. Jeanne Bu reau, Betty Lee Fleishman, Jane heirs reached an agreement, thj Oldham. Nancy Adams, Esther Nev- - proceedings were necessary because itt. Alma Clarkson. Mary Lillian the will of Mrs. Devereux prevents Davis. Jim Hurt. John Holeman, the sale of the property. Bill Stewart. Ford Anderson, Paul Remember Rip Van Winkle, the Young, and Brewster Hancock. fellow who slept his life away? Today UK has a modern Rip. It's Rip Van Mulligan, formerly known as Mary Mulligan. Mary decided to take a little nap before her Monday afternoon class Virginia Smith, Lexington, was in the Women's gym." Just a little recently elected president of the nap. Iota chapter of Phi Upsilon OmiBut when she awakened suddenly cron, home economics honorary. it was so dark that she couldn't She succeeds Myrtle Binkley. even sec her watch. The other officers elected were By I.wy Thomas Jumping from the building Doris Enlow, Anna a great idea but the window she dltSTION: What has hrrn the Schaonlties, recording secretary; found was so high that escape 17 stamp? Lorene Blankenship, corresponding would mean a terrific fall. Not a fate of your number Katherine Johnstone, soul was in sight. A&S, Junior: secretary; Julia treasurer; Charlene Llsanby, ediScreams that would be the soluI'm saving it for summer shoes. Ethel Smith, education senior tor; Mary Mason Taylor, historian; tion. So Mary let loose. from Lexington, is president of Tau Burt Kleiruiian, Engineering, Myra Harris, chaplain. Three figures approached several Sigma, modern dance organization, minutes later. Three voices said, sophomore: Haven't used the numThese officers will be installed instead of Priscilla Graddy as stat "Sigma Nus, aroused from our ber 17 stamp yet. I don't expect to led til a recent issue of The Kernel slumbers by mysterious screams." before I cease to be a civilian, then next week. Of course, Mary told them that she Uncle Sam will keep me in my size was the damsel in dist ress and they 12Vs. effected a rescue. Agriculture. undilT. Mildred A police cruiser which had been freshman: Walking 'em out between sent in search of the missing girl the Student Union and McVey. carried Mary home. lyois White. A&S, freshman: So She arrived at 4 a.m. Dr. Alexander Capurso, protessor-- gone to waste. When asked what she thought of far, it has of music, announced that five gradstudy leading towards the bachelor Gene (uallx. A&S, sophomore: It uating students, receiving the daring rescue. Rip replied. "Sir their de- - of science in music degree is that Walter Raleigh had nothing on is in my ration book, at least it gres of bachelor of science in music, a graduation recital before the pub , those Sigma Nus." won't wear out there. will present recitals this year. lic be given during the final quarter 1 These students are Lowry Kohler, of the four year curriculum. Ruth Pace, A&S. sophomore on my feet. have it Wilyan Delia Celeste Maggard, Dr. Capurso stated, "in order to I rank Hicks, Agriculture, senior: Oraves, Trilby McKeehan, and Joan consider these students who are not Taylor Noland. The last time I heard of it, it was The recitals are planned for the temperamentally equipped to perDr. Howard W. Beers, professor in Paducah, Kentucky. following dates: Lowry Kohler, form in public as a soloist, the sociology, has been eltcted of rural Omar Allen. A&S. freshman: tenor, John Shelby Richardson, ac- music department provides an alpresident of the Faculty club. I companist, 4 p. m.. May 9, Memorial ternate requirement in substitution Other officers chosen mere Dr. Heck! it left ine flat broke after my allowance for these hall; Delia Celeste Maggard, so- to the recital. In this case the stuCarl Branson, associate professor of paid all prano, Jean Lancaster, accompan- dent is assigned work on an origDr. Jane boats I have. geology, ist, Wilyah Graves, violinist, Betty inal composition if he possesses oll is. Agriculture, senHaselden, assistant dean of women, Francis t Jean May. accompanist, 8 p. m.. creative talent, a major orchestraPeterson, ior: It has worn thin. secretary; and Frank May 12, Music room. Union build- - tion or a research paper in sine comptroller, treasurer. me, ing; Trilby McKeehan, Johnny Peunebaxer: You tell soprano, phase of musical history." The executive committee is comwe'll both know. Juanita Creedle, accompanist, Joan posed of Dr. Marshall D. Ketchum, and All students, faculty, and townsNancy Lockery, Agriculture, fresh- Noland Taylor, organist, 4 p. m., people are invited to attend these associate professor of economics; Dr. Irwin T. Sanders, professor of man: I haven't spent mine yet. Af- Muv R Memorial hull ecital programs, according to Dr One of the major requirements sociology; and Dr. Georgp K. Bra- - ter all, why should I, it's time to of Csr'irsA h, roiirs fnr sturints Hni't.frt. 't.vt if Faculty Club Names Beers President School Still Out On June 1 NUMBER 7. 1913 TO FILE OFFICES V,.,. Fort Knox Nine Wins Over Wildcats UNIVERSITY OF. KENTUCKY rm g ,RNEL ON PAGE FOUR three separate meetings. The treasurers will meet in room 202 with Mrs. Mary Vane leading the discussion and Page Davis acting as chairman. Miss Harris will be in charge of the scholarship committee in room 301 and Betty Bohannon is chairman of the group. In room 204 Miss Virginia Kelley will lead the pledge trainers group. Virginia Wesley has charge of this meeting. Mrs. Bates To Talk At 10:30 a.m. the discussion meetings will continue with three other groups participating. Mrs. Harold Bates, Aha Xi Delta National rush chairman, will address the PanheUenie representatives in room 202. Marion Yates Is in charge oC this meeting. Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes will lead a discussion in the housemothers and social chairmen group in room 204 and June Wyatt l chairman of the meeting. The last meeting in this division will be heli in room 301 with Miss Jane Haselden speaking to the house presidents. Amanda Hamblett is chairman of this group. Last Meeting At 11:3 The last discussion group meeting will be held at 11:30 in room 202 and at this time Mrs. John Evans will address the presidents' Betty Frazer will meeting. of this group. Mrs. Everett Schofield. Kappa Kappa Gamma national president, will speak on "Sorority in Wartime" at the 1:00 luncheon meeting In the Oold room of the Lafayet hotel. The second speaker of the afternoon is Mrs. Harold Bates, who will discuss "Rushing in War Time." Sara Ewing. president of Panhel-leniwill act as toastmistres throughout the luncheon. Cap Will Be Given The presentation of the City PanheUenie cup. the Kappa Kappa Gamma cup. and the Scholarship rating cup will take place immediately following the speakers. Julia Johnson is chairman of all arrangements with Betty Proctor. Eloise Bennett, and Edith Weisenberger in charge of the menu, tickrespectively. ets, and decoration Sarah Louise Milward has charge and Betty of the minute-takeof publicity. hav-char- ge c. i rs Betty Payne Heads Bacteriology Group Betty Payne. Lexington, has been elected president of the Bacteriology society to succeed Helen Wilson. Hot Springs, Ark. Other officers chosen were Nancr Randolph Hood. Columbia, Anna Mary Wagner. Webster Groves. Mo., secretary: and Esther Friedman. Lexington, Kampus Kernels the Home Ec Club Holds Initiation Banquet In Union discussion group 30 a.m. and will take place at will be divided Into NEWMAN I LI B . . will install officers day meeting at St. academy. This will breakfast meeting of quarter. . . .. at its SunCatherines be the las', the soring The Home Economics club recently held its annual initiation ban RETREAT . . . quet in the Union Building. . . . to Camp Daniel Buone will be Those initiated were Roberta week-en- d by the new ani pristuia Qraddv. Cor- - made this Sandcrson old cabinet members of the nelia Thomas. Laverne Bumette, The group will leave the Mildred Dunn. Charlotte Stidham. Union building at 1 p.m.. Saturday, Nell Cherry. Elizabeth Hickman, Nancy Lotkery. Catherine Plain. and will return Sunday. Jewell McBee. Pauline Null. Maxine INSTALLATION ji)ns,.n. Carol Terrv. Bettv Bow . . of new cabinet and advisor" Miilnr Fniirn R..rnh,n Mire I. board members of the YWC-- will Thornton. Mildred Hancock. Hari-- ! be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday in th ette Allison. Martha Jane Phipps. Music room of the Union building. Amelia Mason. Ann Schaoltirs. andlufiMF liVOMiri Mildred Porter. . . . club will meet at 7:30 p. m Monday in the Home Economics building to elect officers. WESTMINSTER . . . .. fellowship will meet at 7 p. m. WestSunday at the Maxwell Stre Dr. L. W. Cohen, professor of mathematics, will be a visiting fac- Presbyterianbe church. The annual held at Camp Daniel ulty member at the summer session retreat will week-enof tne University of Wisconsin. Boone this CHI DELTA THI . . . Madison Wis One of a specially selected group . . will meet at 6 p.m. Monday ir. room 204. Union building of 31 visiting members from colleges and universities in the United UCTCH LI NIH . . . States. Dr. Cohen will teach a club will have its annual course in higher mathematics for luncheon at noon today engineers. in the Y lounge. Union building. The session will open on June 21 Mrs. John K. Johnson, wife of the and continue through September pastor of the Maxwell Street Pres- - . ll Dr. Cohen To Teach At Wisconsin . d. . Mother-Daught- er * EC 'i II ! T'r l'xt' i T T7VT'rT'r c ' t. "Pi i i ' ""iT i i' v i Ti i .VIA. ., h THE KENTUCKY KERNEL OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ('rH Port Off,.--, ., L,in(mm. K,n.urkv77s rfiertr-under the Art of March 3, I87ti MEMBE- RKfMurkv TntTrollec-iatPress Assorltitltm Board of Commw Kfnmrrr Pre Association National Editorial Association tr.,I .. tci,.l riass ,h. Wl KIN'S ... NoKMS . liiton -- V National Advertising Service, Inc. o JS iimMv n. stoa - i mo A HI lesl'OCtN WISE firs Lilltol Wllseisi liv Society Editor Advertising Manager If von slip in tiiieil. with yout liglus and your iniiioi mi in (I oil. almost anv mglii von tan i.Hili a inimbet ol l.esiuglon lioiisewives park-t(- l in lilt- shadows mil at ding sioie. ill inking beer. I. ike taiilioiis lalibils. steal ing Iioiii licit ut sls .il infill I. ill lo nililile ,il tin- ( lovel a inoiuent bcloic sell ling dow n lor the evening, lliev slop lor hall an hour Id all their in a linle hall-wo- i own. I tit le, in the tlaiknessof ihe Gl.ix axenite side of the store (never the Main si reel side where ihe lighis ate so bright) they (an be. lor a It w ininuies. Women Of The Wolld. I he th ink their beer, smoke (igareltes. anil lap their ashes olf as gl.iiuoi ouslv as thev know how. K.vcl oiite in a w hile, one of ihem w ill lip Ik I Ik ad bat k and blow smoke languidly into the air. I hex pnibablx exen tell tlirlx jokes. Iiiil. as the philosopher said, all gixxl things must tome lo a pass, and there ionics a lime, vheii l he walth hands have ( rept around too I n that ihev must go li.uk home again. The last sip of liter, a tmal null on it " lit iK'tnir. the i iiriiiili' mint gum ... lake away the smell, anil lies are on their wax bat k to change dia ners. '7 eggs, or nun lime Foumiv's cartoons Circulation Manager Proofreader June Baker. Mary Lillian Davis. REPORTERS: Janet Edwards. Belty Lee Fleishman, Luigi France. Yr.r Bprnlre Herman. Shirley Meister, ,,,: Hetty Tevis. uiid Ui( v I liomas. rhli. Stuart. Snvder I 7te Paper Bui IV ol no iiiii llec inal traiiiin;. Know ede is ruin to m voting men." Adolf Hiilcr. "I'xMiks cannot Ik killed bv tire. . . . No man .iinl no force can xii thought in a c oik cni i camp forever. No man and no Innc (.in take from ihe world the Irooks that ciiiImnIv man's eternal fight against lyrannv." Franklin L. Roosevelt. These vvoixls were the excuse for the deed and the reply to its accomplishment when on May or10. K3.1. just ten years ago. S liii kelgriilK-dered the burning and banning fioni of books considered dangerous io ihe of Nazi thought. Minister of "public enlightenment" (.ocbU'ls sponsored the bonfires at the universities of Berlin. Munich, Frankfurt. Breslau. and Kiel. And as thousands of pages of words that would never die in the hearts of man kindled in the flames at Berlin, a student barker stood b to shout imo the night. "F.niil I.udwig bin for liierarv rasealiiv and high treason against (.ttmaiiv. F.rieh Maria Remaruc for degrading the German language." Ircsirovcd was the Ituvain library in Brussels. I he Nai "knhiirdiree ktion" turned to llaucc where C.esiao agents pillaged libraries, s to "prepare the ltooksiores. and of liierarv. artistic, and cultural treastransfer ures from the vanquished to the victorious iinin trv." egiiining with the destruction of some S.V'XMt volumes in a giant fire in the square IkIoic the I'uiversitv of Berlin in I W.I. the Nazis have en- "I vxill have- - I r roj-(iio- n d news-stand- J he Words ilravoicd lo vviie out ol Ctrmanv all knowledge it the liieiaiv achievements ol thousands ol writers. M.m ol the Ixxiks forbidden because of the author's rate, some ltc'taiisr of his n. il ii in. lil oiheis because ol his philosopliv. his vcai in America the writings of St holom Am h. oliu Dos Passos, Heinrii h Heine, F.rnest Meiuingwav. Komaine Kolland, and ollaiic. we-r- i . 1 lo nit in i n a lew. are spread on Killege libiarx shelves and bulge fiom the slatks ol ihe l.ibiarv of Congress. In Nai Germany, if these names are tillered at all. it is wiih a curse. Many more Americans, Thomas etleison ol I.intolu or Walt Whitman, might well have Ikiii on ihe list, but for ihe fail their wtuks have not been geneiallv known or read in Germany. . ,, The oilier dai ihe Nai propaganda wires inaniwere boi wiih the usual ties. A voite Irotn llerlin hailed der Fihkv as a loxcr ol good IxMiks. "To read a lot is equivalent ol a good edinaiion." the seaker pratiled. "It was Adolf Miller who promoted this idea in Germany." Hitler, the radio voire said, enioiu-age"not oulv good Itooks on National Socialism but liooks on German imkis." and timil lie did. "there were no gKd Ixioks in Ciermanv." I ik1.iv there is in realitv onlv one Ixxik in (.( i in.tTiv. Mt in Kampl. In our own Library ol (amgtess stretih 4 J miles of bookshelves housing seven million volumes. The scok- ol these Ixxiks. reflect inr Amerita's idea of an over all (iihiiic. is realized when we find that Mein Kampl is also housed in the fireprixil building. Hiiler-inspire- tl shirt-waist- " lie name ol Gremlin Giauiiuai. - I "'; lei a I out st- ill I nly Ihilirs foi Yes, folks.' Mitenlial inolheis. the jxtssibilii it s aie lioiinilless . . anil lerrilxing. If this "Gremlin Giainiiiai" business goes on. a college tala logue might some dav look like a list of I il les on I he mi net drug sioie rental Ixxik shell. zz. Almost anx night xou (an find them there, the quiet houseApril 28. 194a wives, like labbils nibbling the Dear Editor: (lover befote set ing down for Just a few lines to tell you how the night. Gail xou laugh at much I appreciate receiving a page them? of the "Kernel." Really makes me feel good to know that "old U. of T With a farewell sigh for The K" hasn't forgotten her old grads. Gixxl Old I). us. max xve rcxrt Often think of the swell days I University, and hope spent at that the last (iiadel of maturity some day the visit it again. Just in to in Amerita the sxsteni of higher case I happen to stop a bullet or e tint al ion has at last so in the near future. I can promise d to the wiles ol son will that my make that visit for me some day. advert ising. already Am now one of the supervisors of As if we weren't ) bv a g n e el e nough Niftv physical training for the Army Air Phrases and Gule Savings in ad- Force, Basic Training Center. Atvertisements, moving picture lantic City. New Jersey. Captain Potter, who was head of the physlitres, and radio programs. ical training department at UK. university has started works in the Physical Training a course to help seniors (link up on their grammatical but also pis! as e lleciive when used on the unin- errors and thev have given il formed. There are alwavs the xilit it ians wlio dole out a quantity of their remarkable io everv jxttenlial voter, and who end Hacks .Spagnuolo up the dav wiih a chailev horse of the arm iniisi les. These are the same guvs who give von For SG A Head the blank stare the next dav. P.iii the time is Dear Editor: Lexington. Ky. now' here when these jxrliticians can make camAlthough I am a Constitutionalpus elections a l'.ig Industry. ist. I believe this coming election 1 e seven-week-o- ld I Y.tn-ileibi- m m ft. tff-. " v :4 7r hi rgf4 ' For the (oinicsl gig ol ihe week, vxe nomiuaie that one b the gill who siis Im hind us in phxsits. She wants to have the. hew hiskeretl ladx from a tiinis sitle-shothrown in jail, so she 4.IH sing "She's Only A lie. ml In a Gilded Gage." 77. ': ' v. We aren't slicking our necks out. but the I'nion board election (xkcd like an eai t l.i! simile ol mass production voting to us. The students in charge of the xlls were- us ing a list from the registrar's oil ice to check names oil as voles were cast. From what we hear several students who led the I'nivcrsitv lx hind ihem wee ks ago were thus enabled lo vote, allhoiigh several hundred miles removed Iioiii the sc ene. It was interesting to onsetve the surge of voting which occurred everv lime a new group of election oHicers Itxik over. Although there was an obse rvable shortage of voters, the ballot (oiiul showed that there was no shortage of votes. Ah. ves. as Stonewall Jackson once said, "von can win. if von get there firstesi wiih the mostest men." Siu-dei- he elections are held just like the teal votes. thing and are almost as crooked. Sweetness and friendship and sweetness is displayed all the wax round by the factions. P.ut like all other (xilitical panics they have ihcir different