xt73ff3m062c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73ff3m062c/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1963 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1963 Vol.29 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, February 1963 Vol.29 No.5 1963 2019 true xt73ff3m062c section xt73ff3m062c \
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Published In the Interest of Community Journalrm . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers ‘ 5 ‘
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The Kentucky Press Association recognizes 5‘ 5
the fundamental importance of the implied . 5
_‘trust,imposed on newspapers and dissemination .: 5 ;
of public information. It stands for truth, fair- ‘ ;
ness, accuracy, and decency in the presentation 5 ’
of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journal- , ‘ 1‘ . ‘ ‘
n - . i ‘ i .
ism. It advocates strict ethical standards in its ‘ .
advertising column. It opposes the publication . 5 K 5
of propaganda under the guise of news. It af- 5 5 . 5 I ‘
firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, 5 ‘ . i
honest and fearless editorial expressions. It re- ‘ v; 5 ‘
spects equality of opinion and the right of every ‘ ‘ } l
individual to participation in the Constitutional ‘ ‘ i ;
guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes ‘ ‘ I {
J in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic, . 1 5
economic, social, and cultural community de- 5 j 5 5 '
velopment and progress. .5 i
5 ‘ f
S o ‘ f g
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5 5
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t '5 55M“ ~ , 5 . 82.; School of Journalism I
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1 'ii' i i t = FEBRU
11 with the law has been limited 1
1 1 partly b1,
i The Kentucky Press + As We See It + 0.
1111 partly by necess1ty. - ' L
1 Volume 29 Number 5 New Era Editorial 1Uiiciikeflother courts, juvenile court in C et
, .. cosezz‘.‘z'-
. Worthy of Reprinting . ,1 m’ (I bitumen .blouEht 31mm“
1 the insistence of the 500121] w k
.1 Official Publicati n 1 ’ m ers‘ H0“ “Other Ke
1. 1 . °_ (Editors Note: We are reprinting an much the press or the ubI‘- ' “ -
11 1 Kentucky Press Association, Inc. editorial from the F b' . 16 - f h lear .b t h. t . p 11c ls ableh make the blg
i Kentucky Press Service, Inc. . ( . e maly issue 0 t e n a ou W a goes on behmd the CI088i The McLeai
11: 1 1 MadisonVille Messenger, because, we be- (lOOI'S depends largely upon the attitude ii a er ublishe
111 1 1 Victor R. Portmann, Editor lieve, it expresses the thinking of every the juvenile court official toward the b P pd P Will
1 1 Perry J. Ashley, Assocrate Editor . . - - . . 1' .’ 4‘ pu LaIl on s
1 newspapei on a peitinent topic. We iecom— 1C 5 Ilght t0 know. half—hour nat
111 , Member mend that you reprint it in your editorial It has been the [whey Of a number 0f ABC-TV on T1
11 Newspaper Managers Association column.) pers in Kentucky to be Charitable towa is designed to
1 , 1 Il!(etr;tuclaty 1Chamll;er of CLomrnerce Our Christian County neighbor, Circuit first OttenderS—providing that the firstd small town we
1: I e er s::f::::flg"n::b;xm9t°n Judge Ira D. Smith, told his court Monday fenders have committed crimes WhiCll reasons for exi
1111 National Editorial Association while impaneling the February grand jury not violent—but to insist upon their ri the communitj
1 11111 _ Associate Member that the1names1of ]uvenile offenders should to Pnnt names and other facts when 011' of the small 1
111111 National Newspaper Promotion Association be published like the names of other of— Of Violence have been committed by any Shannon in t
11 1 1 . ' ' .
111 1 Publication Office fendeis. 1 1 one. This, it seems to us, has been as Inquirer.
1,111 1 1 5:111:01 of Journalism In making the recommendation, Judge Slhte attitude though It has been one Whi A camera or
111 University of Kentucky Smith touched upon a question to which has not been 53t15taCt0tY t0 the dedicat houn on Janu:
11111 1 newspapers all over the country, including do-gooder who tnSiStS to a long-suited beginning on J:
111 1 1 __———————-— THE MESSENGER and the KENTUCKY public that it is society itself which is ing was Comp]
111 1 Kentucky Press Association, Inc. NEW ERA at Hopkinsville, have long blame for crime—not the criminal. , ruary.
11 1 1 Fred J. Burkhard, President songht an answer. 1 1 Under the Youth Authority system the Landon tried
1,11 111 Casey County News, Liberty It is a fixed technique of the social work— 15 new InSIStenCe that the papers not car at being Single
1111 George Joplin 111, Vice-President er here and there and everywhere to (2011- the names 0t youthful offenders under a papers in the I
11111 1 11 V' Commonwealth, Somerset tend that the names of juvenile offenders circumstance whatever, including casesi 'Up,” a series
111 1 1 Pictor R. Portmann,Secretary-Manager should be kept out of the papers. To which volving the worst types of violence. Sin 51Bell and How
1 1 .1 1 erry J. Ashley, Assrstant Secretary—Manager - - - - ‘ ' - ' ' ' f ' '
1111 1 11 FloridaR Garrison Assistant Tre 11 .1 the long-suffering public which furnishes the PUhhC Whleh fuinishes the “€th 1th to do. He
11 1 11 ' University of Kentuzhzrehexington ‘ .the victims for switch-blade knifers, mug- crime also fumishes the taxes with Who Was selected, 6
111 1 11 1 1 ’ gers and ice-pick wielders replies that to the Youth Authority and all other t°tm501ducers sought a
11 1 11 11 District Executive Committee conceal the name of a perpetrator of crimes bureaucracy are maintained, it seems Etor was outspo
.11 1 1 1 u u n I ‘ ‘ ii
iii 1 l l Chairman, Maurice K. Henry, Daily News, Mid- Of Violence 18 to expose the public to fur— '1I‘he1Messengei that the pUbhc.ShOUId ma 11and on commu
it i i , dlesboro (Tenth); First, William T. DaviS, ther attacks from sources they do not know; Its Views known, In no uncertam terms, an ‘Certainly has Pt
. 1 111 Lyon County Herald, Eddyvflle; Second, Larry since they are denied the identities of in- insist, through grand jury action and othe these requiremt
1,11 .' Stone, Messenger-Argus, Central City; Third, dividuals in the hands of the law. wise, on being given the names Of Its en‘ knOWIl as a mi
11 Basil Caummisar, Courier-Journal and Times, Now in crimes of violence the victims as mies, 0t whatever age. What he believe
ii i homi‘i-fllép-Fhmgh 113(23ward Oglfisr Favorite, well as the perpetrators are entitled to 0011- The New Era complains rightly1thflt1 Sam Rosenbe
,l 11 '3 tan “‘7 “ft ’ ran ' Bell, Tmnble Demo‘ sideration though it is notorious that in all POhCY 0t sometimeS-yes-and-sometlmes' UP,” Who is '
,1; 1: crat, Bedford; Sixth Edwards M Templin , - c ' ’ f ' “9“ ‘ In
:11 it Herald-Leader Lexington Seventh 'w R, too many cases this is not so. Even the 15 completely undeSirable 01 any 1 Phde how t}
i i Fisher, Mercu’ry Carlislei Eighth, LozifihenDe: courts err in this direction, it should be paper, since it WOUId take the.WISd(dm l1 lected. He said
. i, l f1 Rosett, Adair County News, Columbia; Ninth, haid’ and only last week the chief 0t police Solomon to know when to print an w her 0f Papers an
1 11 1 1 1 James T. Norris, IL, Independent, Ashland; in Washington complained that his depart- “at to. , d 't5811 t°1Ed1tor and
i 1 State-at-Large, S. C. Van Curon, State Journal, ment was crippled in its law enforcement Meanwhile, The Messengel‘1fin 51 d' Whmh keeps a F
. ,l ii Frankfort; State-at-Large, James Lee Crawford, efforts by the fact that US. courts in his full agreement With our nelghbm’ 1]u1 Papers. The Ed
' 1 T1mes-Tribune,1 Corbin; State-at—Large, Al ]. crime—ridden town often freed perpetrators Smith. Our nation is really up 211g311’105fi1 gested the MCI
1 l Schansberg, V0106 Of St- Matthews; Immediate of crimes of violence on legal technicalities crime Cl‘iSiS, nothing less, and t e bans 0fthe requ
- l. i ' l Shfiliiiemgfgg John B. Gaines, Park City N 9108, not on evidence. can’t be solved, we honestly feelidbhiiu i Filming Of‘W
1 1 .-1 ‘ g ' Our contemporary in Hopkinsville, the ing 1t over to the 500ml worker an 1.111 dUCtion of an is
1111 1 New Era, remarks in connection with Judge tions 0f chain-wielders and knife-“51611111131116 the plant a
~ 111 1 1 Kentucky Press Service, Inc. Smith’s recommendation for publicity that wronged by an Old meany PUth (111111113151 ments of the ove
V ‘1 l George M. Wilson, President the practice Of the press in coddling juve- thetic topei‘petrators 0f crime hmm ' Rosenberg’s st
11 d Breckmridge Herald-News, Hardinsburg niles through failure to publicize crime upon domg something about t e i ' 16 interviews v
1 i1 ' 11 Lou on Wills, First Vice-President drew a blast recentl f ‘0 d ‘ * * City a
‘!1 McLean County News, Calhoun The head f th F :1 l ImB].1E gar Hoover. * * L C0111 lnd COUnty
1 11‘, i William T. Davis, Second Vice-President . f 0 e . e era uieau Of Investi- . . - . . ' the Press is pti Peted, The
1. 1,1 1 1 1 Lyon County Herald, Eddyville gation is vastly disturbed about the upward _ 1 F01 YOtn infOimation, f KP A K" are being asked
1 1 Victor B. Portmann, Secretary-Treasurer trend 0t crimes 0f violence in this tall and ing the annual statements .0 - yTh newspaper, the
, 11 1 ‘ ‘ Perry I. Ashley, Assistant Secretary broad land of ours. and the Foundation in this 155116155118 and comments
11 1 Florida R. Garrison, Assistant Treasurer Mr. Hoover, as we dilly recorded at the were crowded OUt from the January about the future
‘ 11 ‘ Board Of Directors time, expressed belief that publicity could * * “t t 1 151 newspaper.
i 1 Chairman31Martin Dyche, Sentinel-Echo, Lon— End In curbing Inany young offenders at The sympathy 0f the Assocmmnliul iY After filming,
1| 1 hon; NixittlmceoxiDHlitm'Yli1 Dailg, News, Middles- an age when their future was hanging in tended to Mr. and Mrs. George1l0l’ Udd 1.133rk to edit the
. j I ‘ 01’9; res - i ing am, rogres-S‘, Dawson th b.l. . . ties . m‘
11 Springs; R0 Gardner, Courier, Hickman; Robert eI '12 ance 1k 1 1 Someiset Commonwealth 0n h 1111111111“;ka 1nUtes. Wh
1 Ff?"- Shelby News, Shelbyville; Officers ex- 11 entuc y, as we are reminded by the death of their daughter, Sela r March 26,
, 1 0 010. New Era, publicity for youths in trouble nine years old. -
' V fl. 3 1 i L

 was" 1 ’ ‘ .1“- “WM-.1... “.‘1'11‘1'. * “Fm 1‘.1....V‘<:1'11""‘:—,;__71" 1
" ' 1 11 1' 11 ~' 171 '
1 1 I1 II II 11 1
. E 1 H i‘ “'-
I I It I I '
I 11 1 I1 I 97-".
1 , NTUCKY PRESS PAGE ONE 11. .1 - 111 .
2111111111 .1 11 11 1 111
itself, ,I 1 111' I: III 1
. g 1 ‘ I 1' 1 I1 ;
l 1 ‘ 1 1‘ 1 I
1‘ l 1 '1 I
McLean County News Sublect Of N tw k Sh w 111 1 1 v
I about SI 6 or O 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 I
kers. H011 Another Kentucky publisher is about to “’ i], ,..... . ,1 . . 1 11 11 1 I 1 ‘
- u . - u “*1! ‘ - 11 ‘
15 able 1111 make the blg time - 7 ‘1 ’17 72.11% (we 7 ve ' 1 ‘ 1 1 I ‘
the no... The McLean County NeWS~ weekly news- 222,224 ~ . 22.1 I 1* 11‘ ' 1 1 .
attituderl paper PUinShed at Calhoun, and its editor, 7,113. 1:1 71737 7méfiégrjé§ “4577/ 17.1.; ,1 M ”57/1177 2;;2‘7 :7 1 I 1 11 ‘ 1 I 1 l
d the p71 Landon Wflls’ W111 be SPOthghted on a .ewmiv an .92., 222;, fare}; 1' ‘ 1 I ’
half-hour nationally-telewsed show over .1. {7/97 2* . K3 “7%” 777%; %%§Vé new I 1 1 i 1 ' 1
I ' /’1£’/’?€“‘/7K 2 fi’K/fi 14.2%; 1223?; “$22M ~ 1 1 1 ‘ 1 :
he first 01-. small town weekly newspaper, to discuss its ‘:~ £22,? 1 : 1%,, ' " ’ " ”’7“ ’""‘°"‘?*“'~”‘?’<’9«"¢7139’ I .1 1 I I i
which 111 reasons for existing, what impact it has on fig???) 321’ ’4 1 , 1 i' " I ' I I 1 1 .1 1 ‘
h '1 ‘ 1 ' ~ ‘44:? @411 ‘ ‘. fil '1 ' m1 ' ”WK 1 . ‘ 1 I 1 I t
t 811 riglr the community, and the future prospects 31% 71,; . ~ _ ”a. I 1‘ 1 .3 1 i 1
then crime} of the small town newspaper, writes Ed 77/75/24; ‘1 g1“. ~27 377477 1 1 11 I 1 1 - .
”(l l) l" ' h 0 b M -- 77777 / I W 1' . ' uspuéfif “$77 1 1 1 11 1
0 y an, Shannon in t e wens oro essengei ”a, - . ,yflflgz ”a . .1 1I ‘1 1 .
Jeen a set Inquirer. ‘ . ‘3“ . . ' ,’%%:,Wri"fi¢1234m ' I I . I 1’ II ’
one whil A camera crew' began looking over Cal— ' 71 ‘ 7‘ 2321 «aflfié’éflflflwifiww I 1‘1 11 1 ‘ 1 ‘1 ' 1 ; '
, 1 1, 1 -29, Mt?ta%i‘$‘”~.z . 1 ‘11 1' :11
3 dedicate, houn on January 23, with actual filming ' 1 ‘ %f%%,’¢tzfi:%wgfé%i I :1 II ‘ 1' lliIr V 1
11251119111; beginning on January 29. The finished film- ~ . j . 1. . _ j , “742% 1 II ,1; III. “1'17 ,
which is; ing was completed the first week in Feb- 1 I I I “77:.‘f*"7” I 1111‘I I : 1 7
ystem the Landon tried hard to cover his pleasure . ' 7, 72”,?” ”'1, 7 , V 7 7k I ‘1 11?. ’ 1 11111 1 1
‘5 not cal'I at being singled out from all weekly news- . 1. .. I . A ? Wqurfi' “I 11.75», 1‘ .j 3. 1I I 1 I I I
‘1 under 31I papers in the United States for “The Close Tj 1 1 y' /;,;.,»m:§fl Q ‘i' 1 I ‘ I I 1
lg 011595, “- Up.” a series of TV shows produced for :is ‘ ' , s 7 .. 7"” 1 1 ‘1 1111 1 .1 '
VlctlmS l ,1 him to do. He said he was not sure why he « ,_ I _: 1 1 ‘ :7 ,1: 151326.: I 1 7 r .' 1 'I‘ 1I 1“ . II " 1
With whlc- 1was selected, except that the show’s pro- .1} I If; 7(;§7é%§117szfl';,,. 3 1 I 1 {1 II1 111 I 1 I I
Ier 10ml” ducers sought a small newspaper whose edi— U I '- I I; . ‘ I ' 7777",: ”9,7337 13‘? 1 ’ ‘ 11 1 111' ' 1 1 I1 1
t 81de t for W33 outspoken in his editorial policy ' I .1“: 11 i "I 1 ~. ' l 77:7’7111’77 ’ 1111 I I 11 ’ l 1
111011 ml and 011 COmmunit . , - . . . . . 1.1.1,....,..g,,,K ,fi , .11 . I 31 11 ‘1 1‘ . I . 1 I 1’1. ..
y p10]ects. And Landon - . . . 1 fl 1.1 , 1 1
Item, .111 Certainly has proven that he fills the bill on London WIllS, subject of a nationally-telewsed program on March 26, I ; 11 11.1 1 1 1‘: ‘ 1
”Intent the... requirements for he long has been confers with a local attorney during the filming. London is publisher I ‘ i; I 11' 1 , I
. €11 . . , 1 ,1 ‘ 1 11 ‘
,o 15 1 known as a militant editor who expresses of the McLean County News, Calhoun, .11 f1 I; 1 E
I What he believes. 1 11 I l
lhtlythatli sam Rosenberg, Staff producer for “Close W I 1 .1 I 1 l 1
S-1 n , _ . . 1 l ‘ 1
)metimee“ Upi who is in charge of the prolect, ex- newsevents WOUId be inserted ahead 0f the Monopoly Not A Threat 1 .I 1 1 1 ‘ 1 7
any Hf plamed how the Calhoun paper was se- showmg. Th 11 ‘1 :1 I I 1 l 7
IVISdZnI‘IIII £60131- He said his staff researched a num- Wills has been editor and publisher of $111 efteiideiicy towards monopoly owner- I 1; I 1 1 1'1 1 l
t all er of papers around the country, then went the McLean County News since 1946, when to it: 3677.511) a561,? lstneljltable and here I .1‘ 1 11 1 1 j
1 'tsell toh.Editor and Publisher, an organization he pUI‘ChaSGd the newspaper from Carlos 11011111211 5:011:11 Elly.- mg am,1 editor alld 1 ‘1 I I ‘1
ribcsl Iudl w 10h keeps a pretty close tab on all news— Einbry for $680. He explained that the 51116: Time: 6 kfmuel —]0u1na and mes- ‘1 1 ;~ ‘ i 1‘
1 Ol’qinstI Papers. The Editor and'Publisher staff sug— newspaper had been hit by three fires and Res onsibilitisg ea £111?) 01,147 pane (1.01}, The 3 1 ‘ ‘ 11
I) a: 0115 fiesled the McLean County News on the a flood in a space of two years and was V6115 d recenfl Ob 5 igsthMe 17 ’ con- I 11
11 as“ 0f the reqlll'l‘ements of the show’s staff. “pretty well run down”, when he bought it. . y y w anniversary 1 I .1 .1 . .
:61 by in. Fil . . . , _ , , convocation of the Fund for The Republic. 1’ 1 1 ’2
h' l mug of Wills and his newspaper. pro- With the exception of a two-year stint in .. 7 , . , ‘1 1 ‘ 1‘ :
and 15 . ductiOn f , _ . _ . _ . _ We are up against a law of economics . 1 ‘ 1‘ 32
. ‘ld 0 an Issue and his actIVities out— a state office at Fiankait, Wills has been . ,, . . .. . . 1 . 1 «,1 1_
“feme . side the l . . , heie, said Mr. Bingham. The critics of 11 .- 3 l: '1.
. 11' pant are more or less minor se _ haid at work on the newspaper, which he , . . l1 1 1 1 , ~1 1.
1c unswlI 11181119 f th g , “ , ,, the press mislead the public when they por- ' ‘ 1 1 ‘2 ~1
. 'ste -0 eover-all show, Said had 200 satisfied readers when he . . . . 1 11 11 1
““11“” 1' Rosenbe. ’ . bou ht it The circulation last month was tray monopoly as the Chlef press Vfllam' '1 ‘ 1 I 1‘ ‘
rem. ‘1 l6 intei~vi;\gs staff W111 have filmed at least 2 00% subscribers Monopoly is less a threat to press excellence ‘ 1 1 1 ' 1:
city and couxhst Wlftflilbusmessmen, farmers, ,Th M L C N f d d than .monotony. There are newspapers 1. I . I
.l COmpleted Thy 0 Clals when the filming is _ e C San ounty 9W5 was 011“ e dropping from presses all over the United 1 11 . ‘11
1955 is pTHI are bein ' k e 5111)]ects in these inteiviews “1 1884- " States that are as alike as sausages.” 1.1 I 1 7 I 1?
KPA1 Id’I neWSpa ge1aslfd to give their views on the Mr. Bingham added wryly that he real- I _ 1
issuC~ Th and market: Impact of Wills’ editorials ' — .m‘ ized that “defending monopoly is liking I 1
. 1 re. 118 On th - . _ . . , . I 1 ‘1 , .1.
112011551 about the future of theeC community, and A suggestion that daily papers should standing ulp £01 th’e boll weevrl or advocat- l l 1 1
r newspapen ommunity and the sell for 25 cents a copy was made by pub- 111g an ear y IOSt' ' I 1 5
mm ise After filmin th fisher-columnist David Lawrence at a ——Q— , 1 1 I; "
e Ioplinl' York to edit fig); file CleW returned to New luncheon in Washington, D. C. The oc- Your'local merchants keep the economic ‘ l .1
the sudd 30 minutes Wh'l m down t0 the required casion was a gathering of the local Sigma wheels of your community turning through— . 1. 1 j
h Hamlllo is for March 261.8 the scheduled showing Delta Chi chapter honoring Lawrence on out the year. See their advertising in this 1 I I ,1
’ It 15 POSSIble that current his selection as an SDX Fellow. newspaper. . j *-_
1 11 1 1 ‘ 1
1 1 1 :11 1 I ‘1 1 .1 ‘
l 1. 1 11' 1 11 '1

’ l ‘ I t
‘ High THE KENTUCKY mess ‘
school J F
Pro Ournallsm Helps A EBRUARY, 1963 & FEBRU
C o 6' AG ' ‘
eSSGS AmerlCan D Vance ThOOd Newspaper t
By Chqfle e ASS '
< S B . . _ OCIated .
1 Northridge 311:6; Jolll‘naliSm Instructor b emOCraCy fifSOCIathH has COJilleSs Managing Edit , On The Not
18 School D etWeen f at might b e “P with 0“? 0f the m
2 a a ' c . , e - . - . ore
: (NOTE: Mr Bal‘ke . yton, 0' _ dlSCuSSiOn afidrIEZE 013111101], between Se . The APME bellifisln Judging a n:W:r1temt in the 88th C0
' 1‘ c - , V - 1'1 a a , ..
tucky and a gl'aduat 13 ”l natlve of Ken- paper, 18 the id egteltall’lment. The 0“S 1tS own Performa newspaper map'Ptl ,‘emsmg need
KentUCky H 8 Of the Universit dent to . eal textbook’t . neWS- the £0110“er . nee‘and be . mag Introduced h'
11161-3 to C 6 has 1.etul‘l’led during the Y Of er SO leCOgniZe the Purpos 0 tfralll a stu_ V g Cl‘lteria: Judgedh ldVel‘fiSing _lS
ontinue h' ‘ . sum- > neCeSSar es 0 th . ‘ In
t at UK) ls ka 1“ Journalism Standing y to Clmcal’ intelligent :33 u- The “W’spaperAlxcuracy 817), and a t
. JOUI‘naliSn _ _ JOUI‘nalism in h el— {Sort to Print the US$11: EXert maXiIIlumei (Téx') (H- Re;
Ver _ 1 111 the, high 50110 1 111 tWo bro d t 6 high 5011001 f t1‘lVe for Co In all neWs S'tu _ ' gfltlon of Obje
y Important Part in th 0 Plays a aid a aSPeCtS- It a‘d unetiOTlS G“turd q - mpleteneSS and 1 am” “dverfistng
lum. It ('1 e SchoOI Cu ' S the Pu i1 - . l S the 50ho 1 ' ‘gams’c Carel Objecti H . ' '
‘ habits f eVelOPS commul'licati men" fttnctions in p taklng It. It 581 ° and t10n by Either BSSnesS, bias or d5“) Amerman Bar
‘ o . 0 - e ‘Ve ' em - t
l 1 Critica1 attl’lifiré CtOnclse written exgl'eiilg: Journ'lliSm 6:11 of these tWo field: many Sfrrect Pl‘Omptly 22:15 or 0misgi0n. :1: till: On Feb. 5
l ‘ . s , _ ‘ o ' e , S ’ 0 '
c lty to evaluate tfigfid Iifws and an abil- Part In the trairfisngplag a Very imPOItqnt newspaper 15 reSPOnsfbflefaCt for whid broad§;:§a}1t:r5f
n through wide and mféfi- Of Publications COTpleX World of com?1n 01.” Youth tor the The ResPollsibilit . thatthey detrarcl
newspapers and .- . lgent reading of . n a demOCrac . .umcatmn tOIIlorr c - neWSP‘IPer Shall y and ofllci ll
‘ l SOmeb d PGIIOdlCals, 1n the mainten y, It IS anOthey vit 1 9w” OHSIdel'ed judgment . : Use mature an involved a y W
high 5 ho y. has yet t0 Write the h' 31103 of national sec a Ime at 2.111 times; SBIect 111. the Public inter Iud' _ - - . ,
m c 001 Journalisrn, but it i k IStory Of ———— Unty, on the basis of - ’. edlt and displa 6 30131.), Com]
05.? school newspapers dd 5 nOwn that P . ' .——- “Setulness t hSIgmfiCanCe and it Y He.“ pen.mg inVeSti‘
l unt11 after 1920 Th 1 Mt Olfiginate TOl'echon Of N 131113110 0 t e DUblic. Ed't Sgenun ershlp to Start
; School ' 8 first knOWn _ R ews so“ morals with ’ 1 newS eEecb-I fmm FC
‘ ll press aSSOC' t' natlonal uled v . I'Ces and aVo'd ‘ Candor a d C Chai
‘ t ‘ unti11921. But la 10“ was “Gt founded and I“ Penna ponder 1 an 1mbalance of n g-OOd tag llesseshaVe yet
‘ l ‘ \. 0f the pro'e Once the educational val ReCent rul' I A antly negatiVe 0r Sensatmnahpn request of th
] Ct Was I‘eco . ue C . mg by Pen _ CCent Wh merely tIivia] A , ' e 'l
‘ ment nged th 0111t h 1d nsyIVa en . new 550m
1 swept the Country Th‘ > e mOVe- the e that a 1937 stat ma Supreme amount of news Possmle a reasonab] 5k, atll_0ns, the
‘ l :fime bcelcauSe high SCtlool 1? gI'Ovilth has Gnaétfrlspapefs 50111‘ces is “: lanprOtecting of COmPassiOn SEMI] illuStl‘ates the value tolsztlpgonllted a
‘ t we an Stimulatin lOurna iSm is ant and is Co - per ecfly v 1' Citize ' ’ -sacfifi ' ‘ u y aw
, ‘ ‘ n t . ” a 1d 1181]} - Ce, hero M S at
‘ \ and the Communityg 30th for the stu dent :Ph G. Cold made th: fillttotlal. Indge Ios- SOllrces OI; nand Patrlotism; Cleafim’dggg md newspapers
' l that Over half of th ' ne aufilmity Writes ' Taylor, presid 601310“ after Rob - Compet ews, and tell the y e ”“th notic
the COu . 6 26,000 high Sch ' Bulletin d 1. ent of the Ph'l elt S ent SQUICBS Can . reader whet T11 CS. ,
v l ntly have a SCho 1 _ 0015 In gat‘ ’ ec llled to divul ladetPhia pect rights of . not be Identified-Rt e Amel‘tCan (
1 ‘ SOme kind, 0 Publlcati0n of mg grand jUry the ge to an investi- stafl memb Pl'lVacy; and Instrut' actually f1.
3 t This Paper Printed Sources Of StOl‘ie dignit 61's to Conduct tll c 1 ee, t0
‘ it 11 1. .grOWth and hiStOl'y Of the cOnStit . ' Judge Cold had ,5 the y and deem-um emSeIVes Wt \
l a 15““ IS Significant. Student iour- Bulletin cfi‘gatw 0f the 192.7%ueStloned Imi ' SCH
; Toda th . 1 ditol- E aw When The egrity 0c
‘ ' disposalymofeAcrsrerrIcinmlif’wple have at their :rgeséand before the 1:31:8th took a simi- standargfzsfpiper Shall: Maintain vigoror
l ' en I . ' 1n ' -
' wifld than Perhaps any/orgy“on abOUt the he hadqsti}; hall corruption. film-gating 311' seleCfion and 0:312 and fair Play 1”
g w ere at an t' 0 er people an _ 't _ fte Studied th lurlst said Well as in , g 0t its contents;
t l 00mmunicatiz),nm[111(:z.wf11 the media of mails l fnstltutlonal. e Statute and feund a11d the puilllicrelghons With news scum Ifigglgeltbalanc‘
» ‘ . ' ‘ . l
' ‘ d“): television and Papers, magazines, 111- a k 5815mm DiSt- Att contl“’VtirSizll ,b' eal dlSPaSSionatetY Wit pit
pr 'd _ mOtlon i , 5 ed for a y' Charles R . isg . Su JBCts a d . argue
0V1 e U - P Ctures COntem - . 0 0v ues W1 ' n treat dls uté L ,-
f . C1 antltles 0f Basil dally but the - . Pt Cltatlon a . g 1n th Impartial P eklngt
“Who“- This SitUatio y accesgible in- Judg (tum Withheld an immgalm Taylor fitd tOIerance in th 1W; Pram“ hunt” KPS do
traf‘ted Students of 00mm reounes the best selbe 01d had postponed edlate ruling. letmg OpiniOns 0r (aface 0f hone“ 0°] EPS. de‘
. _ wrltmg and Speaking mumcation Skills in Statey 0“ a Similar COHtem t a hearing fOr fl forUm for the ex h lSagl-‘eement; how} exmgb
terpretation. ’as We” as in news in— Taylgegt-firead to the pgrifi‘j“?5t' 1“ a 31:1; and enacts; a?" “jam” “vigil:
Journalism . an e had “ lury, Mr 0 'ct With ’ sped Y if it is:
tod ' . decl “0 alt - n ' . the n , . . . R01
usually taught jvytlltn the hlgh school is not Cont:ne -respethuHY to arim at1Ve but to Of View and Labglw'Spapers edltoml p011
V newspapermen 311:1 the idea of making Johneinlgg articles in the gefi queStions or exPression of omits 0w“ editorial Vial
Study it Th WOmen Ont of 11 ‘ 1tZp‘ttrick f u efin about lons‘
' e vast ma' - a Who gleam—at- . ’ Ormer city . T LCadersh' Total
take jOul-nal- lth of stude alms and D COuncfl sen he new IP
. l . lsm Cours “ts who Mr. Ta 1 . - emocratic w d in . Paper shau- A .
school Pa e 65 or Who Work Yor Sald there “ ar leader, Servlng the . - ct w1th coura)
learning 5:11;: (.10 so beCause of the 11-0; 2nd overpoWering minerals an 0Verriding 0r0u51y suPportmbhq- Stimnlate and“ gin-lee 011 bar
3‘ In the Da t It Offers them 1g p13:Ct to the Vital imPOrl’zae here With re- gmups and individpulbllc Offidals’ PM elpts trout
I S ‘ u '
. Started th . y 01:1 area, Our high SCI], 1 S to 0111' demograc nee 0f the free Palgns to inerea a S m crusades andcal
l‘oo ” 8.“ thud “Newspa ' 00 5 have newspaper to PI‘Otect ‘ y and the right 0f mate the b d .Se the gOOd work and elll UKtuitio
I . m pr0]ect in Which n Pier'm-the-Class- the news 'lnd lts sources and to r‘ a ' PIOtect all a: 1n the COmmunity; Helpl “5 @5
I IOIS from 70 hi can y 10,000 sen_ - ‘ fight for o p mt b fights and rivil
I Program of gh 50110015 Participat . WlthOut haraSsme t g 0d government y law. P eges guarantee
Using the d .1 . _ e In a th 11, - . -” Jud Sel'Ve
Paper as , a1 y edm ough the 1 . ‘ ge Cold . . as a co _ . . .
this thqt $11116“ only textbook. It 150115 0f the now is « aw ls Constltutional th . sald ment at all lensfruchve mac of goverl gala” Onl
‘ w ‘ e Smdent will learn t . Oped by i Whether the act h e questi0n for nGeessar ve s, providing leadershl eceived fro1am
, . O dIStmgUiSh “YOked Without the d as been Properly eXPOSing any reform or innovations, a“ m
t _ ploduCed_u OCuments having bee miSuse of szi’fllsfeaSance in office orml N Balam
_ II agogUes and 1c power; and Oppose dell ne‘VSpaeWsPaDer
' 7 fl ' interests 1- Other Selfish and unwholeloml 11115581191? 5 10c
, V “’ '* egardleSS 0f their size or influt‘wt leumal; $339511:
' (

 . JJJ J 11 ; 1: _
J ; J 1 ,3 '12:
11 1
J ‘ rel f ~ ‘ - .‘J ' ‘ - J»'J.JJ J,
, Fm... 13:21.31!arias:are.1:“: 1111,. s... we... J11 J J .'
J J . . . J e ac a . 1 J J J ‘ J * ’-
gmg EditoiiJ 0f the more than 2,000 bile intloCJlllCZd the Association led in state legislation to In PreSIdent's Proposal 1 J JJ J J 'JJ ‘
:1 a on‘tem 1'11 the 88th Congress, two dea mg Wit a - prohibit advertising by 0 tometrists th h _ J J J J J _ J .
.newspapq. vertising need watching: Rep. Siler (Ky.) legislation even as J KP t k roug An, obscure paragraph in PreSident Ken- J J J J J f};
1r mayjudg1J introduced his perennial bill to ban liquor ’ J in “en :1 c y. “Edys recent tax message to Congress may J J J J J J J . ’1 ’
. ,. . . a cot certain news apei' grou s or even 1‘ J J 1‘ : >
Judged— advertlSlng in interstate commerce (H.R. , , J J P p , J . J J J J ;
JJJ 817) and a bill by Rep. Walter Rogers , The Senate {inglly made .1th committee Single papers Which have broadcast aflili- i J J J J J J! ',
(TexJ) (H. Res. 72) calling for an investi- :fiSJggmenggfiincu mg a decrsron to retain ates set up as separate corporate units. One J J ' 1 1 J p
naximum eIJ gation of objectionable movies and their ngupOSt ‘th ce gommittete as da time'nfian chain 0f small city dailies has informed J J J J J J
‘: . , W1 SIX emocra s an ree e- ANPA that its tax bill would b ' l 3 J ; J : JJ ‘
' ' ‘ d rtism. . . . House of Delegates of . . , e seriousy '1 1 11' J at"
7503333133 :JinJiJ:ricangBar Assn. meeting in New Or- glbhcaHSJ- There are two changes on the aPEected If the proposed change became law. J ‘ J J J?
is oJr diJsJJJlJ leans on Feb. 5 oted to continue banningv t emgcrlatic Side. The newcomers are Sena- In his January 24 message, the President J J J . ‘
nission- arJ Photographers and radio and television ’olrsB 2: WJ McGee (DJ, WYOJJ. and Dan- said, in Section V, Paragraph 4: “Since the ‘ J .JJ J J J Jf
‘t for 13de broadcasters from courtrooms on grounds 16 J rewStel t( D, MdJJh RgOVlIig 1:3 the $25,000 surtax exemption and the new 22% J J J J i’ J
, rou are ena ors . . ‘ . ~ - - ‘ J J J J ; "
. that they detract from the dignity of a trial, lg’a )Iand B E tt Josep C '11 ( D , normal rate are deSigned to stimulate small J J J J J JJJ. 1
_ _ ~ - vere JOY an (Du NC). The busmess, this reduction should be accom- J ; J J . .J
and oflicrally voted to retain Canon 35 so House P O C 'tt '11 h Id . fi . _ _ : 1 J 1; 1 . 1
, Ch . C 11 _ f H . . ommi ee W1 0 its rst panied by action deSIgned to eliminate the J1 J 1. I JJJJ J J
mature an miéolved. JCJ - ttalrmmh delad i). louse meeting of the session on March 7, with advantage of the multiple surtax exemptions JJ 1J1J .J 3 J ‘ J’
-- " ' see 5 o — . - . . ; 1' J
italic mtera J:ndci§gmv::nfirgldti:: of nevlslsemedlia 053i seven new members in the group of 24. now available to large enterprises operating J JJJ JJJJJJJJ J J J J " ‘J
iisplay new Ershi to start March 13 with testimony Subcommittee appomtments Will be made through a chain of separately incorporated ‘ JJ J JJ JJJ J JJ'JJJJJ J . JiJ :
[its genuii frompFCC Chairman Minow- no other wit— then by Chairman Tom Murray (D., units. I, therefore, recommend that legisla- 'J 'J'JJ JJ JJ JJ1JJ.J 1 ' J 1 J - JJ
ews eifectii h b h d l, d Tenn.), and legislative plans discussed. tion be enacted which, over a transitional ; ‘J 1 JJ JJ1JJJJ JJ 11 J j
1 good tasJ-J nesses ave yet een SC 6 u e ' ' ' ' At the period of 5 years will limit to one the num- J“ ‘J J JJ JJ J JJJJ JH JJ J J ‘ JJJ-J51 -
. fi al “J request of the Texas Daily and Texas Press “——.—~ . ’ . . J J JJ JJ JJ‘?‘ JJ 1 JJ :
>3 .031 ’PJ Ass oi t' th St t B P' 'd t J her of surtax exemptions allowed an affili- JJ 1‘J JJ'JJJ J JJJ 1
mm] neJJJJ ski: 11:11:} a: 3.; tart H.331 en Jafl’fl- Newspapers produce more sales per dol- ated corporate group subject to 80 percent ; J JJ1JJ;;J J JJJ J ,
reasonabJ pg 1 peci S a e‘JVl ecommi ee lar of advertising cost. common control. This proposal would ap- J J J JJ JJJJ J JJ| J ”2’1 .
es the V5111“. to stu y aws affecting publication of news _ _ 1 both to affiliated 1.0 s h - J 1 J J‘ JJ 1"J~ ; 1' JJJ ‘
eroism g0 and newSpaPers as well as those relating to In 1962’ advertisers have again spent p y c g up avmg