xt73ff3m064j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73ff3m064j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1934 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1934 Vol.6 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, September 1934 Vol.6 No.4 1934 2019 true xt73ff3m064j section xt73ff3m064j ‘ , _ ; ' 7': 3 '- 7- ‘-'-" v "'-ZZT3.‘..'%."-F.'», : ‘; : : , . . : ‘. L . ' .' , .___W_ . ~1fi” . . .' . :filfiufi H run-:1? 33:5,: 1‘
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’ Volume Six 1
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I Number Four ‘ x
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I September, l934 g

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 5555155 55, ~ 5 , ‘ 15,;
555 I4 5 l 55 5 i555‘ l
i 5 5 L Ail, ' I
[5 5| ‘5 5, Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS September, 1934
5 :-r 5 5i: MM“ 5
i we: ,
5 i 15 21%): 5 '
5 :5 5 5 Cost Determination Schedule ls Declared :
5.: 5
f 5 '5551 At their August 15, 1934, meeting ment may use in the absence of an Industries A2A5 and the Joint C-om- ‘
; 5 5 5’55 the Joint National Code Authority approved accounting system and cost mission.” [5
5i 5 353,555 passed the following resolution unan- finding method will now protect said This provision was included to take
5 .5 5; 555.555 imously: establishment from being guilty of care of special Regional and local ,
. 5 5 555555 Cost Determination Schedules Code violation, provided such estab— conditions.
5 55 5 .5 555555 “This Committee recommends that lishment does not sell or offer to sell C. A. BAUMGART 5
5' 5‘ 5 555E555 the Franklin Printing Catalog as of below these declared costs: i. e. 10% Administration Mgr. |
5 ‘ 5 555 August 15, 1934, be declared as the less than the Franklin Printing Cat— R "
‘ 5 55,5 cost determination schedules for es— alog prices, as of August 15, 1934. It BENJAMIN B. COZINE ‘
. :‘j 5 .5, 5 tablishments engaged in commercial is permissible for the establishment to ——
5 5, 55 5,555 relief printing as provided in Para— add whatever “profit” it deSires to Benjamin B. Cozine, 57 years old, ‘5
5 5 5 5: 5* graphs (b) and (d) Section 26, Ar- these determined cost figures. editor of the Shelby News for nearly 5
5 5 5 5555555 ticle5III of the Code of Fair Com— The Price Determination Schedule forty years, died suddenly following a
. 5 i- a” pemtlfm for the Graphic Arts In- as approved by Administrator Johnson heart attack suffered Saturday, Sep- 5
5 54 555 5 555 5'5 d5ustries, provided, however, that un— rEmains in full effect in accordance tember 22, en route to the Mayo Clinic 5
5 5 5 55555 m such schedules are revised and with his order of April 27, 1934. at Rochester, Minnesota.
5 5 5, 5 i5 declared as contemplated in the While the Franklin Printing Catalog Mr. and Mrs. Cozine had been spend-
“ ' . 5:5;55 Code, such cost determination sched- (less 10%) is declared as a Cost De- ing the summer at Petoskey, Michigan,
5 5 5 555 ules shall be ten (10) per cent 1955 termination schedule and the PDS tvhen the return of an old organic
5 5 - 5 5555 than the prices as published in said (less 10%) is a Price Determination trouble made it necessary for Mr.
5 5 5 555 Franklin Printing Catalog; and pro- schedule, the fact that as far as these Cozine to undergo another operation. I
, 5 555 5 5555 Vided, further, that variations from two schedules cover the same products They were en route to Rochester when '
5 5 5 5551555 such schedules shall be effeCtive for their practical effectiveness merges Mr. Cozine suffered a heart attack at
55 5 5 5555555 establishments of a region or a 10_ because each is declared as the “floor” Neillsville, Wisconsin, 100 miles from
5 5 5 5 555555 5 cality upon the terms and conditions under certain conditions. Rochester. He was removed to the
,.55 5 5555 515555555 recommended by a Regional Code Instead 0f5 the PDS (less 10%). an Neillsville hospital, where he died be- t
555 ' 55 55 55 Anth50T51ty or an authorized local A2A5 establishment may use its own fore an ambulance from Rochester 5
35 13 i :‘5 Administrative Agency and approved 00515 findlng System as its basis for could reach him. 5
‘55 5 5 5 555555 by the Joint National Code Author- selling after it has had the accuracy For many years Mr. Cozine had been _
5,55 5 5 55 55 1ty for Industries A2A5 and the 0f the costs so determined approved active in the work of The Kentucky
555 5 55 5,55 JOInt CommmSion,” by the Jomt National Code Authority Press Association, serving as president
'55 5 55 55 5155555 Thls means that frcm August 155 for A2115, as prOVided in Administra- and later as chairman of legislative
5 5 . 55 5555555 1934, A52A5 establishments may use the tor Johnson’s Order of April 27, 1934. committee. It was in the latter capa- ‘
'5‘ 55 555 Franklin Printing Catalog, as of Au- instead of the ch (the Franklin city that he performed work of par-
55 . 5 i5 €115“ 15, 1934, as one basis for deter- Pnntmz‘?’ Catalog, less 10%, as Cost ticular interest to the public. It was
, 55 55 5 5555 minng their costs, when selling print_ Determination Schedules) the estab— he that, working almost single-hand—
55 5 5 55 5555 mg. 5The figures in said Franklin llsh5ment may use its own costs as a ed, secured the passage of legislation 1
5 5 5 55. 5555555 Printing Catalog, less 10 per cent are baSIS for selling, provided those costs requiring the publication of audits, 5
5 5 5 , 5 5 ~55 geclared to be the ”cost of production” are determined in accordance with showing the manner in which all pub- '
5 5 5 55 55555 5 d61C5W5 which no establishment in In- 318 5pr1n01ples5of accountnig and cost lic funds were expended by officials.
5,, 5 5 5 55 55251535151155 A2Ao may sell, unless said es- 5t5ndlng prescribed by the Joint Na- Mr. Cozine, son of John P. Cozine,
5 5, 5 5 55 IS ment is prepared to use one of “Om.“ COde Authority for A2A5, under and Mrs Nannie Bell Cozine, became
55 5. 5 5 5 5the other two cost determination pro- Section 26 (a). editor of the News when his father, ,
55 5 555, cedures provided in Section 26 (c). AS you Will readily see the differ— who founded the paper in 1886, died
5555 5 5 5 55555., In other words Section 26 (0) iv ence for the establishment that de— in 1897 Since that time he has built ‘
1.:1 ‘ ‘ '5 =55 the establishme t th ‘ g es Cides to use its 0 ' - "
555 5 5 5 5 5 555 minin 555 n e option of deter- for s 11‘ 5 wn costs as its baSis the sheet up to be one of the out-
555 5 5 5 5.5555 g 1 S costs, (below which it must e mg 15 mostly a matter of pro- standing county papers in the state.
5 5-5 . 5 555.555 ,not sell or offer to sell) in one of three CEdUre. Besides his widow, Mrs. Mason Rice
55 . 5 5 555 waiys. 5 Instead of either the PDS, the CDS, Cozine, Mr. Cozine is survived by his
5555 55 15 55 5555 5 le. In conformity with the princi- or its own costs an A2A5 establish- mother, Mrs. John P. Cozine, Los An-
5555 5 5 555 555555 D i and methods of accounting and ment may use the economic hourly geles, California; three sisters, Mrs.
5'55 5 '5 5 [55:5 2°25 finding, as provided by Section cost rates and production standards George H. Winsworth and Mrs. Frank ‘
5555 55 55 555.1 2(a), 0r declared by the Joint National Code W. Winch, 0f Los Angeles, and Mrs.
5 5| 5 5 ‘5 h ‘ Upon departmental economic Allthority, after those rates and stan— J. L. Canfield, of San Antonio, Texas;
i155, ‘ 55 5 'i ‘5 dougly 0°51; rat?“- and production stan- dards have been properly coordinated and a brother, Claude P. Cozine, of
555 5 5 5": 0;” S, as prov1ded by Section 26 (b), With Similar rates and standards de~ Shelbyville.
55:, 5 555555 5 3 U 5 5 9131?qu the other National Code Au- The body was returned to Shelby-
, 5 5 5 5 5 5 .5 ules as Don cost determination sched_ thOrlties under the Graphic Arts Code, ville, where funeral services, conducted
5 :5. 5 5 5555555 DrOVided by Section 26 (b)_ and are released by the Joint National by the Rev. Dr. Homer W. Carpenter,
5 5 5 5 555.5555 The action of August 15 by the JN C A Code Authority for A2A5. pastor of the First Christian church,
55555 5 5 5 55555 as quoted above, provides the third of Particular attention is called to the Louisville, and the Rev. Dr. John H‘
5 55 5 55,555 these three ways or determining costs. latter part of the JNCA resolution, McNeil, Shelbyville, were held Tues-
5 51,5 ; 5 5 55555 The first.principles of accounting quoted above, which reads: day morning at 10:30 at the late resi-
5 5 j, .55 and cost finding—and the second_eco— “that Variations from such sched- dence. Burial followed in Grove Hill
- 53 51:31:53? 11.011110 hourly cost rates and produc- ules shall be EffeCtive for establish— cemetery. Many 0f the brother edi—
5 555555 5. .5 .55 5 555 tion standards—have also been worked ments Of a rogion or a locality upon tors paid their last respects to him. 5
‘5 555' 5 5 .555 out by the Joint National Code Au- the terms and conditions recom- ‘ 5
5 555 5 5 5 thorities under the Graphic Arts code, mended by a Regional Code Author- Jillian H- HOWE: for many Years con" 5
55 5555 . ,5 ‘5‘”; The use of the Franklin Printin ity or an auhtorized locai Adminis- nected with the Bourbon News, Paris,
55555 1 5 5555 Catalog (less 10%) as schedules of trative Agency and approved by the died September 22, at a Lexington 5
5 55:55 ;5 [‘55: cost figures which an A2A5 establish- Joint National Code Authority for hospital.
‘ 5‘: 1'. i +5.:
i»: i: § ‘ i-i'l ,
.-~.,r, 5 5 , _..-i-,
-. 5’; “it I" i {5'55“ ‘
->:' 5.75:; 5 ‘15;
it: 5 5 5 .
..§555 :5 5 ‘:‘_
i 3 “. H 1 ill V
i’:‘ 5 (5155:? 5
. bl ‘» \‘g, ,55 5555555— 7 55 VH'F.\ a

 7. September, 1934 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three . "m“
7‘ _ _-——‘—_ 1 #1751; ‘
' “—‘—- ' ' 1 j:
_ P SIMPLIFIED CLASSIFIED AD 4 FOR SALE 4 WEST $313522}; AfigfilxgiSHOTEL : 25, 2,‘
i __ urni ure '—“ i”;
1 f0 d field manager of Merchandise The regular fall meeting of the 1.1
Vernon T1 San I 1 ~ - h Farm Products West Kentucky Press Association was $51
_ ‘ the Nebraska Press Assoc1ation, as hl t th I ‘ C bb H tel ‘n Pa~ . €21!
1 worked out asimplified system of head- Eggs _ e d a ‘ e rv1n 0 . 0 1 _ tel 1
; - to be used over classified advertise- Automobiles ducah, September 21, with Presrdent . t, .
{e i mgs t h Id be of value to Trucks J. L. Bradley of the Prov1dence En- ' . :51:
31 ‘ mentsh tha sou Ford terprise presiding for the first time. . if; 1
1 11113:; €31(1:)1ncise yet inclusive set of Cadillac Mr. Bradley was elected president at 1 1,5 1
. d‘ s and ’Sanford’s description of New Suits the annual meeting in Dawson Springs he, 1
I hea‘ ”111’ forms. 5 WANTED 5 last May, succeeding A. Robbins, of 1 #111 1i
1. 1115;111:521219adthgs'are reduced to the Man the Hickman Courier, who had been 15’ .
minimum—Only five in number. Work president for the past six years. 1 5:1 11‘
very - h headin appears the type Woman An interesting and instructive pro- $511
‘1, 1. indgleftéizement thit should be classi- Salesman gram was arranged for the meeting 41.1 '1
1y , 9 a v der that heading For example: Business Service and a large attendance of newspaper ‘ f1
a fled un th head ‘FOR1RENT’ can be Selling Job men from the First and Second Con- 3133.31
3- 1 1.1111131 oteonly the houses apartments, Position gressional Districts attended. Import— 1 1:11
ic 1 grins Iand business places now vacant, Adding Machine :ant business on the docket included i s 1
bu. in addition typewriters, machinery, \\ the electlon of a secretary-treasurer , t
1- “ th e uipmwt that classified ONE PAPER’S POLICY ON to take the place of Hershel Ward, . 2E1:i
1, :égldéfs gay (be interested in renting. POLITICAL ADVERTISING formerly of the Hickman County Ga— , 1
lo 1. i to the ‘FOR % zette, at Clinton, who recently re- ‘ t
r. $211215 artifasgilgzlagggl es The heading With the advent of the 1934 campaign signed when he sold his paper to H. .1 1* 1
1. ‘W ANTED’ will take care of employ— the herald takes this means of maklng L. Waterfield. 1 tiij
n ,nt ads as well as the ‘Wanted-to- puollc Its news, editorial, and adver— \ 1
11 E ’desires of your readers. The most tising policies covering campaing pub- SEVENTEEN SUGGESTIONS , 2551
n ingusive heading of the five suggested licity. This statement is made for the FOR GETTING BUSINESS ; .3171
.e . ‘NOTIC‘ES’ under which can appear information and guidance of candidates Seventeen suggestions for country 1_"111
5- 1 IS .. t of announcement any- their friends, supporters, and other publishers to help themselves and the ‘ 5
tr . 31111110511 any typ e ake with especial em— representatives in their dealings with national advertiser have been sum- 1 "7 .111
1 one wants t1? mersona‘s and lost and the Herald. marized by M. P. Linn, general man- 1 {1
n _ 111111151an 5 e p ‘ Campaign advertising will be charged ager of the S. C. Beckwith Special 3 ‘1.
y 1 £0312? 1:21.51 are used at each end of at the regular transient rate, 35 cents Agency, as follows: f 1
.t th £1de; for the purpose of ready- an inch, and there will be no special 1. Constantly sell newspaper adver- ; ' :51 1
e e ea. g th art of readers in political rate at a. higher figure. All tising. ‘ . ii
- 1 11911811611119 onh fe pcial classifications. such advertising will be marked “poli- 2. Promptly answer letters. 1;
_ hlt‘rned sefmtho 53% to easy-reading tical advertisement.” No free publicity 3. Render all bills correctly and 1.1111
s As a urf er e the plan of setting will be promised or given, either in promptly.
- and quick re ezrenZLL-CAPS flush_left connection with display advertising or 4. Send checking copies. 1:1
.1 : the first third gucceeding lines if in- otherwise. Advertising published as 5. Be careful in “make-up.” 1
;, 1 1158;115:8511: em will make for 1further reading matter must be paid for at the 7. Don‘t knock your competitor. . 11 ;
_ ' . ea din ’ It is also advisable to regular rate of 10 cents a line and will 8. Eliminate free advertising publicity. 1 3.1
6:156 in rh dfertisement with the ar— be marked “advertisement,” as is re- 9. Get correct viewpoint on national 2;
9, 2:11: 22:61:38 d (By classifying the quired by the postal laws and regu- business. . 1,11
. ' ~ - _ lations. 10. Adhere to your rate card. " 1335
E: adv?51159121en15nsyt2111t§171m§§§§§ti$ Ellie All political advertising must be paid 11. Get local merchants to recommend ME;
1 cessny‘fo :nt’ and ‘for sale.’) Care for in advance, unless the candidate your paper. ., .. .1
t ‘ Eligisbeogxzrcised to see that the ad- already has an account with the Herald 12. Combat substitution. g 1!‘
_ vertisements are properly classified, and established his credit. There will 13. Get “tie-up” advertising. 5 t1
however” be no exception to this rule. 14. Cultivate closely the local mer- 1 1
3 ' ES 1 The Herald reserves the right to de- chant, jobber, and distributor. 1 .
5 1 NOTIC termine the activities of individual 15. Take advantage of advertised :1 {1.1i
_ L051 candidates which shall be regarded as brands in local advertisenwnts by 1,1
. FOUPd news insofar as this paper is concerned bringing them to the attention of ad- .1 $1}
. N011“) and to handle that news as the publish- tiser and agent. , 1.1-1 ‘
5101911 er desires. 16. Supply information about paper, ,1 E11,.
.1 £013“: 311d $321301! Political advertisements must meet territory and markets. . - 11‘
1 “1’3 e ns r ' the same requirements as other adver- 17. Don’t sell goods—sell your paper. ‘ , 1
1 ~2 _ BUSINESS SERVICES 2 tising as to ethical standards and re- \ 1111
- CthOp 1111110111011 51103151131111“ Where subject matter is The editor and wife were royally , 11.11:
[ Beauty Work of a controversial nature, name of per— entertained at Jody Gozder’s camp on ; $11“
M87116?“ son or organization responsible is a the Green river at his third annual 11:11
1 Painting . part of the advertisement and must be fish fry and get-together of the cor— j ”51‘
’ Carpentermg published therein. . 3 : €1.31.
. Radio Service _ . respondents of the Campbellsvflle. . 1:11
. ENT 3 All candidates Will be on exactly. the News_J0urnall Editor and Mrs. Gus 1 1‘1:
- . ilouses FOR R same basis in carrying out these policies Robbins, Hickman Courier, also ap- . ,11:
‘. . which experience has proven are fair , m1.
. ‘ Busmess Place and equitable to both candidates and bpeare‘j on 1:119 tfiiggfjfl' MEWS: :12: {it
111311.115 the newspaper. No advantage will be een rumor 'd d ‘ : ‘ 11
Equipment taken of candidates and neither will there. Needless 11° say, JOdy pro“ e . ~11
. Machinery they be accorded privileges not enjoyed a Ibounteous feast as were as good . 31,1
'Romns . by all other advertisers—Minn. Ex. things for the mlnd- 1 :11
‘ Typewriter . . ‘ J: 1
t . .111
1 ’iJii1
‘ = . .11
1 1 111
. 1 it
1 1‘13
.1411~‘w\ haw... _,. _ , . , -

 I I I III I . ,
, II I I 23? I age our THE KEN I
I . III I -I
I! II I —____________TUCKY PRESS September, 1934 2
I, I -—————————————-— I
I III: due to h ' ' - -
I II I III: K611111010] Press editorial 1:11:12??? Iggiftorah'hrgl a2? Resommn Adapted by hint COMh' I
I; :- I —,_____..__.___.—_ . I . . sion Concerning Establishment’s De-
‘ I. IIII‘. Official Publication of THE KENTUCKY dec1ded stand on public questlons and termining the 005‘? Of its Pro ‘I
, III his paper attained t h ‘ ‘ ducts I
‘ ‘; It PRESS A55°C"‘“°N the best journalism grfith fights m Wh th J ‘ t c ‘
I I 9-.“II ________—__ . e ess ex— . en e Oln 0mmission last; met I
. -I aII‘III VICTOR R. PORTMANN Editor Sends cfongolentces 0f the entire news- 1t passed the following resolution: I
, II I III: ___—_—._————————- aper ra erni of the st “It was ‘
I EII I IILII Printed onf THE KERNEL PRESS, Depart- Cozine. y ate to Mrs. seconded byngAhierha zinc-1A umrhgghrigind
‘. '1 ' I fit ment 0 ' ' ' - ' S-
I I I “fixahsl‘ixgngirsfly of e e 1y carried that the following be de- I
I I I II _—;—_ ANENT FREE PUBLICITY clared as a. policy 0f the 5011“? Com- I
. I I IIIIII I A waste . Article 3 Section 26 P '
I ! III I -——- paper basket mounded hi h ’ . I aragraph (c) I
.‘ III ‘ George A. Joplin, Jr. . . . President With “junk” from the mowing midi 0f the Graphic Arts Code provides I
II I WIII Commonwealth, Somerset convinces us once again that no one that each establishment shall deter- I
III i-IIII A' ROhblns -. - . Vice-President receives the amount of propaganda mm the com 0f its produ‘hs—
‘ I‘ I I III II . Courier, Hickman canned material, free readers and plain 1' In conformity With the principles I
I , I I II J. Curtis Alcock . . . Sea-Treasurer efforts to graft space, that anewspaper and'methods 0f accounting and 00% I
‘. I I III Messenger, Danville editor does. No one would think of finding as provided in paragraph (a); I
I I . III; _ asking a clothin or I
III. EXE g merchant for a
I I III CUTIVE COMMITTEE I purchase gratiS; or a grocer for $§g h 2. 1Upon departmental economic l
, I III II -———-o . , . our y rates and production st d
I I I :1 II J. L. Crawfo - . worth 0f produce, 01‘ a gara e for 4 . . ah ards
I I I III une, Corbilnh’ Chairman, Times-Trib- free service. Yet individual: confer: as provrded in paragraph (b), includ-
i I II’IJI‘II G. M. rediey, Herald, Eddyville' J L thhs’ causes’ Chul'CheSI SOCieiieSI manu' mg the com Of an mat-em-IS used; or
I I I E III Bradley, Enterprise, ProVidence'IVa'ncé fagturers, Inventors and just plain nuts ' Upon hOSt determination sched-
cI I III Armentrout, Courier -J ournal I Louis— write m daily to 35k for more space as ules'as provided m paragraph (b) 0f I
II I III ville; J. P. Gozder News ’J 1 free matter” than the average news— Section 26’ It being understood that an
.I‘ I . ‘ III Campbeiisviue; Keith n. Hood (1)5312: paper is able to 5611 at advertising rates‘ EStathhment mhy use the maimed I
‘iI III II crat, Bedford; Thos. R Underwood If one out Of every thousand gaineti prescribed resulting in the lowest costs
III I I "I III Herald, Lexington; Joe Costello Demo: one one—thousandth Of what they 35k: Of Its products. . I
Z I ‘ I1 Ihh crat, Cynthiana; J. T. Norris InIiepend_ every newspaper in the country would when an 65thhllshm8hh exercises its I
I II ‘ I II ent, Ashland; R. L. Elkin, Central Rec- he m the hands °f 9‘ receiver baffle the ophon Of elechon 0f one Of the three I
II I I. III or d, Lancaster; Joe Richardson Times Six—month had ended. methods prescribed, the National Code
I‘I . I I III Glasgow, I , hhd if all of the effort and expense Autgority concerned may require such I
I “II I I III Ch . _ _ . represented in this never_ . es a hshment to furnish satisfactory I
II “I I I III, airman Legislative Com - ceasmg effort
. II ‘ II IIII‘III B. B. Cozine, Shelby News shnighe; to graft free space was devoted to the hrOOf that the methOd employed was
III I" II IIIhI d purChanse of legitimate advertising the In accordance With the declarations
': I I III-III message that th . ’ . of the National Code Autho it h ‘
I I III: . ese vane . r y avm
I I I I III MAKING LOYALTY have, or think they havednuhiirthfi: JuriSdICtmnI” g I
I I; I ‘III In t _ -'——. conveyed to the public in a fair and The effect of this is it establishes
I I I I EIII once on ertaimng his correspondents businesslike manner. the policy of requiring establishments
1 I i I I III ville hazesarfiyggdth GOZdir’ campbeus— * 2“ :0 prove up on the cm finding sys-
I I III‘IIII ’ e ques ion of lOyalty em, the economic hourl cost ates
I.I I I I III: Of country correspondents and closer ESSENTIALS OF GOOD Etc» that they use in 13:10ng rtheiI: I
I ‘. I I ‘I 'EOODel‘ation in giving his Taylor coun- EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT products and services, whenever their
II I: I , 'I I y it'eaders news of.1nterest from every —— National Code Authority requires them
i . I. I I III sec ion. Other editors of the state What makes a good editorial page? to do so.
I I I _I I III 2:10 meet Wlth their correspondents It is difficult, of course, to set down anv ——
III; I L . IIIIIIII Mi: 211W I’lhiirIdor at stated intervals, are hard _and_ fast rules, but the judges of PERSONALITY 1N ADS I
III: I . . :IIII, L C wf e Babbage, Cloverport; J. an editorial page contest out in Oregon Just about half the retail advertise- I
II" I, II III In 1 r3 0rd, Corbin, and C. A. Hum- recently did settle on several standards ments you read could have the signa— I
.I. I IIIIII e, effersontown. As a valuable which seem sound. How does your edi- ture changed to that Of a competitor
III i .I IIIII Sigmgtion for. a community neWSpa-' torial page measure up on these points? and nObOd-V would recognize the dif-
III I. I IIIII dents ngofineelting with the corresp0n_ 1. Interest in home affairs, tendency ferenceI How many of your merchants
III I ”III up OIOd .1121 or mformal, will build to write With interest and judgment are putting their own personality into
. I III th g WI. and closer Cooperathn in about events within the home and com— their 3415?
I I I. , III-II We DUbhshlng of a model newspaper_ munity. . —_____
.ng . 3 III? as recommend that. other state news- 2. Skill in selection of outside topics COLLECTION OF LETTERHEADS
: IIII - I IIhI hhgeafhoxhgihihta Slmll?!‘ plan. Any of for comment and ability to make the AND SIMILAR MATERIAL
, I 10rs,o.I - ' - -
.‘ II I 1. Press will h 1 I‘ he editor or The nearest poss1b1e local application. At our JNCA August meeting it was
. III I II. . _, ep you In promoting a 3. Literary qualities of br "t h - » '
I _ Ir . meetin . _ . ev1 y, um suggested that each Re ional olle t
I I, . I I g of this kind. or, surprise, pungency sentiment clar a d ' g c c
l I: I I .i 'I :i: a}: a: ity and ease f ’ I I - n send to our Office samples 0f let-
S I I I III A F 4’ Mechai _°19Xpre'551fm- terheads, with dealers‘ names imprint—
III I : III?— AITHFUL MEMBER, PASSES as dis 1 150a. attractiveness of page ed, and other similar material that I
I I , I {II‘ It m _ p aye in balance, readability, manufacturers sell or furni h t th ir
III . I I III 'I It was with sorrow that d chorce 0f types, heads, etc. dealers s 0 e
I III ,- I I If»: I . we rea of 5' Variet 0 ' ' ' I ‘
I III I I? MEI the death of Ben Cozme, long a loyal played in shalecrtlio?1§hr:;t§ hi? as high The ldeh 15 for us to take the mat—
. I ,IzIIT: . member of the Kentucky Press Asso- merits editorial feat :1 I depart- ter up Wlth the manufacturers and
I II" I .‘ ciation. Mr. Cozine served the asso- 6. Ability to tak ui'es, e c. ' ‘ endeavor to straighten out this sort of '
t I':.: I ‘ .IIIIr (hath)? 10ng_and well in various ca- follow it up' skill 131a melof policy and competition.
I III. I III? ; paelties; 1:115 work as chairman of sary repetition mthgfitturmg hone neces- Plhase do this and get for us all the
I : I II‘I‘I“ the legislative committee has been of 7. Intellectual lead monolony. details possible as to the manner these I
L IIIII 3 III”? the highest order and many beneficial throughout the page ers 1p shown are furnished to the dealers—the costs I
I III; I. I III“ laws have been written on our statutes 8. Community leadership shown SIC. ks end your samples to J‘ Curtis I
. It} " I if)? - coc . - I .
HI? I I . EI
"IIEI 1 I III-‘29 I
III" I? I kid ' I
I“ ~ I III
«is I .7 I‘ :7 I ‘
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 ”1 V V ‘r 3 ,
‘ 1s 11
September, 1934 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five . i3; g
- __——-——-———-—-—_—-————————-———— . ti ‘ ‘
lS- . BLUE EAGLE AIMS AT FARLEY 67% said that advertisements must it to the preparation, to continuity, 2’ 1
'e- ‘ —— state the price of an article in order to frequency, and all the other slants. . Egg 1
1 1' Now Mr. Farley is to be taken over interest them. If you do this well, you’ll have several f1 g1
1 the hurdles for violating the fair com- 91% prefer newspaper advertisements barrels of new ammunition for selling Egg 1
.et ‘ petition of the graphic arts code. which have an illustration. your merchants. For keeping them mi 1
[- The United States Postal Depart- 38% of the men and 65% of the sold, For making them really happy “g1
1d ment is charged with selling printed women object to suggestive pictures of and successful advertisers!_J0hn L. .531 g.
S- , envelopes in direct competition with scalrlitiIY-Clad women in advertising. Meyer in the Wisconsin Press. _ $51 1
'e‘ 1 private job shops. This has been an 57% of the men and 86% of the —————— , §gg
n' 3. old grievance, but efforts to get the women watch for advertisements of UNUSUAL AD SOLD THEM FEW
1 Government out of the printing bus- special sales. — ‘ $1 1'
C) I iness have not been successful here- 58% generally read advertising re- A furniture store in Lynden, Wash., gig; .1
.es 1 tofore. Now the Sacramento Unit of ceived in the mail; 35% read SllCh 3d- recently carried a nice size ad, about 1 £51"
r- the California Newspaper Publishers’ vertising “delivered at the door,” and one—half of the space of which was - .gr‘
1 Association sees in the code a new ap- 23% read advertising thrown in the devoted to pictures of a new model liq-j 3
es 1 preach for a showdown on the prac- yard. automobile. The ad ran: “No—this is 1 n '1
15? tice. The publishers in a formal com- 63% have an unfavorable attitude not an automobile advertisement. You j 135:; 1
‘1’ .1 plaint allege that the Government is toward installment buying. . consider it good business to trade in ‘ g, .1
. l underselling in violation of the code 73% are not attracted by “comic” your old car each year for a newer ‘ “.11
la and points out that the penalty is a advertising. model. Why isn’t it good business, ; gt“
d5 fine of $500 and six months’ suspen— —*—————‘—' too, to trade in your old furniture on g' in; 1.
1' sion of the privilege of doing business. MERGENTHALER BOOK GIVES the same plan?” The ad brought re— ‘ .21 ,1
or The situation, however, is compli- USEFUL MATRIX INFORMATION sults.—-Minnesota Press. Fl};
1' cated. Mr. Farley will no doubt take -—— __————..————— .11
of 1 the position that as the Government “Useful Matrix Information,” a sev- J. Paul Bushart, managing editor of 1 {i
in he cannot be sued. And if the United enty-two page book just issued by the the Fulton County News, at Fulton, 1 1321 11
)d 1 States Postal Department should be Mergenthalel' Linotype COmDanyi ex- has received a number of letters from Q '7‘
ts . suspended from doing business for six planis the function of teeth combina- high officials of the Illinois Central ' 15251
. months there might be some complica- tions on matrices, presents several System, congratulating him and his ; x.1
.ts 1 tion and annoyance to the public. teeth combination charts, and tells paper on their promotion of the cele- ; 153...;
ee Here is a test for the code authori- how to safeguard the teeth. bration 0f the eightieth anniversary g .33.“
31;: 1 ties—to enforce the code without sus— It shows and explains the differ- of railroading in West Kentucky, held . "15,“.11
’ , pending the postal service. Will Gen- ences between old style, modern and at Fulton on July 4, i 41:11 1
ry eral Johnson crack down on General modernized figures, and discusses uni- Mr. Bushrat also recently promoted 1 1.,“ g.
as Farley? versal leaders, newspaper leaders, and “Weaver Day” when 300 people from ' 1
us Let’s all see to it that this matter the point system. Fulton journeyed to St. Louis to see j .
1g ’ of government printed envelopes is A long list of face identification Buck Weaver, a Fulton boy now on I g
es thoroughly aired editorially, right now numbers and names is included, as the Chicago Cubs, pitch his team to 1 15,1
ts —pro or con. well as twenty—four different practical victory over the st, Louis club. 3; ‘1‘
'S_ ————— font schemes. ———————-—— j '7
=s ADVERTISING CLUB FINDS Some of the other subjects referred Percy Landrum resigned his position
h: 1 WHAT CUSTOMERS WANT to in the book are foreign language as assistant editor of the Campbells— ‘11
In -— faces, advertising figures, ruled form ville News—Journal to assume a simi- .1
in Some interesting ideas as '00 what the matrices, reference characters, politi- lar position on the Ohio County News, 1 .11
consumer wants in ads were discovered cal party emblems, ballot squares and Hartford, his home town. Lyman '1 “:1
by the L05 Angeles Advertising 0111b circles, fraternal emblems, proprietary Barrett, editor, lays down his pen for ' g,‘
1 and published in a recent Oklahoma symbols, logotypes, matrix slides and a brief interlude to lick Stamps as . ,1 11
1 Publisher. slide blocks, postmaster of Hartford. 1 {jg
8' - A tabulation of several hundred Copies of the book may be had on ——————— 1111
Z; blanks which were answered by dele- request from any Linotype agency. E. A. Stein sold the Arlington Cour- , 1’.
f- gig? andemzrgibesigngi: :1? 0033‘”??ng _ ier, Carlisle county, to E. A. Johnson, 3
135 End feisty: tisiat contairilsivlnforrsnatifrsi ADVERTISING TIP Of Mayfield‘ Mr'. Stem was former 1
to - . . publisher of the Hickman County Ga- g 1
which can be of value in planning, per— “ , , , _ , , g in,“
1 fecting and selling advertising to mer— SuffiCient time. is the essence of zette, Clinton, while Mr. dohnson has 1 511111
chants successful advertismg.” Just read been in commerc1a1 printing at May- 1 l
5 78% said that their faith in an article that in a trade journal gomg to retail field. We welcome him to the Fourth ‘ $11
is not increased by publised testi- merchants. Thmk that over—apply Estate in Kentucky. .
as monials. : Ff;
ct 82% have an unfavorable attitude ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' 1 “gig
t- when offered a substitute for an ad- 1,
t— vertised article. IMPERIAL TYPE METAL l
at ' 76% are not favorably impressed by . , 311
ir advertising which claims that the pr0- I can meet your immediate type metal requirements from 1;
duct is “better than all others.” . . . . . . I 311
t- Truth, Price and Quality—in the Chicago, Cincmnati, or Louisvflle. IMPERIAL METAL . .11
id order named—are listed as the infor— needs no endorsement. ; - 111
of . mation desired in an advertisement. . E11
93% believe that advertising has an H. L. FELIX ‘ g1?
1e . educational value. 1 ‘ j“ .‘
5e I 71% find that sales people generally McHUGH EXPRESS COMPANY THE DICKSON COMPANY '3 E1;
135 l: are informed concerning the