xt73ff3m089k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73ff3m089k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-04-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 19, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 19, 1983 1983 1983-04-19 2020 true xt73ff3m089k section xt73ff3m089k ‘ ‘ i w ‘ - . . . , . . . . , . ._. i. .
The assistant coaches of the women's
" volleyball team are hoping to win the
next national championship. And they
v want to win ttln toxlngtan Soopogoa "' _ " W.
Vol. Lxxxv, No. i54 ruesd°y5 April i95 I983 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky. Lexmgton, Kentucky
GSL fraud indictments '
to be made by July 1 "t .. ~ ~ 5.
' » ,- | -.
By DAN METZGER charges. he said. but this is the first ~ 5 5 ‘ ’
AssistantSportsEditor time criminal charges have been VUQ: LlQTihllNh P03” 1‘;
. . . v \ 1...“in Aug/i... 2
sought in Kentucky. ! g fl 3
_L, _ “M Borden declined to give details of . _ '5 r03 lQQ g.
the alleged abuse. but said it was a M ‘ N_ ' ’ 5 ~* ' ‘ N N‘ it?
A July 1 deadline has been set for "a very difficultone to identify): - . 5 - . .. « N . .- N _...5.;s.¥f%;;;f:~ s‘ N ‘i‘fiNt‘tQ-V "1'? 0 ~ iii
indictments to be handed down in at Part of the reason the alleged VlO- g. _ . ' . :3 _v ‘ . ~ - ». ié‘
i least six cases of alleged fraud and lations were difficult to identify is . W W N «w 3" “N‘N‘N . :3. 5} 5. ‘43:.» " 3 ~. ’ ' ,5 N-N:
l forgery in the state Guaranteed Stu— that the GSL program was begun I ‘ " N .- .. ‘ " N ” "
l dent Loan program. the executive fairly recently in Kentucky. - g
l director of the Kentucky Higher Ed- “The state Guaranteed Student ._ “SIM .. _ * . «s ~ .. mm... ., to
g? ucation Assistance Authority said Loans only began in Kentucky in No- a s 3: t as}. . 5 . _ _ Li“? NN NNNNN "'7'
N' Yesterday. vember of 1978." Borden said. “It‘s -. " .. »~.‘ ' 5 W -~ »' N
Paul Borden said the seven al— a new program and we have mon- 5 N N- - *‘FN‘ N NN
leged offenders are either residents itored the process all along." y N
of Kentucky or students at Kentucky Although lending institutions gen- ff" '
colleges or universities. He refused erate most of the funds for the subsi- 311:. ~ 55 ‘ ~ N;
N to identify the individuals or institu- dized low-interest loans. Borden said . . ' , . _ 5 .' 5 5
. . tionsinvolved. there has been no evidence of -_,N N N. N
But David Stockham. UK director wrongdoing on behalf of the banks 5“ if N‘ LE ,
of financial aid. said Sunday a for- or the universities. “They have re- 5 '5 W, . N. * $9 5.
mer UK student may be among plied in good faith.“he said. “N "”1 55 .5._. -
thosetobeindicted. Fraud and forgery in the Guar- N ‘ :5 _. ~ -« . , .. _ WW“ ' .
The names of the seven individu- anteed Student Loan program. fi- ‘
als have been turned over to the nanced by federal grants. falls
state attorney general and the in- under federal jurisdiction, If the A . "°‘“"“°°"’“""° "J”
spector general of the US. Depart- crime involves less than $200. the i i
ment of Education. and Borden said fine must not exceed $1.000 or one n open nv taflon
at least six indictments are ex- year in prison or both. For those ex.
pected. ceeding that amount. the fine must A sign outside the music listening room on the second floor of rest while listening to their favorite music through a set of
Other states have prosecuted stu— not exceed 510000 or five years in the Student Center Addition beckons students to come in and headphones. The room is open to anyone with avalid ID.
dent loan abusers on criminal See 65L, pages
D t t R bl ' t d t ' b d
emocra , no 9p" loan, 8 U en campaigners a nun
——,——-—— run by declaring his candidacy he said he has talked to College Re- stand on education until he knows more effiCient maria ement in
B} I ATRIéel‘gonngI-Axuh ":.o March 31. said. so far. he has con- publican chapters throughout the where the money to finance the pro- Frankfort. g
'...: . ' centrated 'hlS efforts on organizing state about what they can do to pro grams will come from He said. . G t f d ll 5
,,'. Gubernatorial ‘ his campaign. mote his candidacy after he gets his however. he will voice his ideas rpa er re eren‘ um or reca pow-
" ’ ' ' ' "'* ' ' " ' so Race I He will face Lester Burns, a de- campaign organized. about education after the primary. 975. or Voters as a check on p01"
Editor's note: The following is the k fense attorney from BumsideS; Wiggins said he has no college or— "I'm going to let the Democrats “Clans
{IVSt "1 a five-part series on the May . Thurman'J, Hamlin offlLondon; Don- ganizations pushing his candidacy. put the issues on the table."he said. . Pursuit of an economic recovery
.4 gubernatorialprimaries. ald Wiggins Jr., a Winchester real although he would like to Bunning said that even though he plan to lower intrest rates and put a
the GOP contenders. estate broker; and Elizabeth “I just haven‘t worked toward will have to face the issues eventual- ceiling on coal steel lumber medi-
With balloting a little more than a But Republican front-runner Jim ”Bette” Wickham of Fern Creek in that end yet."he said. ly. he is currently more concerned cine and other prices N N
month away. none of the six candi- Bunning, a state senator represent- the May balloting Wiggins said. however. that he has about getting the people he already N ,
dates for the Republican gubernato- ing Fort Thomas who recently re- Bunning said he will take to the distributed campaign literature on knows support him to the polls iii Although Bums was unavailable
rial nomination is mounting any ap- ceived the Republican National campaign trail soon. tentatively the various campuses May. ff” an interview. the flamboyant
parent campus campaign effort. Committee‘s endorsement. however. scheduling the opening of his Lex- The Republican candidates have Wiggins. however. said he is run- Lasteranentuckian has a strong {0"
Student campaigners for Demo~ said all votes 5— including the col~ ington campaign headquarters on been notable in their failure. so far, ning his campaign on four issues: lowing m his home region and ‘5
cratic candidatcs. particularly Mar— lege vote ~ are important in the Harrodsburg Road for tomorrow. to take stands on education issues. o The institution of a formula to stop viewed by some Observers as the
tha Layne Collins and Harvey party election Although the former professional which have become the foundation skyTocketing utilitvrates, most SEFIOLB threatto Bunning.
Sloane. abound. There are no cam- Bunning, who contradicted an ear baseball pitcher has no student of the Democrats‘platforms. - Lowering taxes by repealing what Axier. Hamlin and Wickham also
pus orgamzations. however. backing lier announcement that he would not group working specifically for him. Bunning said he cannot take a he calls “bad laws: and promoting could notbereached
O h t cl b l k f d ff' ' I
l rgan s or age cause y ac o onors, 0 ma says
t ________________ Martin. director of the Lions Club-sponsored through organ donor programs. the Kidney Threlkeld said. "It‘s difficult for some peo. function well.Threlkeld said,
BySl'SAN SIMMONS eye bank at the Medical Center. said. Foundation and the Lions Club. Donors ple to accept that brain death is Synonymcius Although their need 15 not as Vital to life
Staff Writer Martin said many healthcare officials are should notify their nextof-kin to ensure that with dealbj‘ as that of kidney donors. the 20 percent of
hesitant about asking bereaved relatives 0f the pledge is followed.he said. To guarantee an ethical determination of the population who are blind can regain
. .. . "$755575“ 45 _. A 5 5 a deceased individual [0 approve the dona- Threlkeld said people are reluctant to brain death. a team of specialists other than some of their vision through corneal trams-
. 5 5 “on Of organs. pledge organs because they ”(10an want 10 the transplant team makes the deCision. he plants. Martin said.

- Somewhere. someone is in need of a kid- “They won‘t ask because it‘s cruel and in- face the issue of their ovm death." said. Martin said there 15 no shortage of cor
ney. an eye or some other transplantable humane.“ Martin said. "However. I feel it is He said the supply of kidneys is short be- The decision. he said. is based on the {0]. neas at the Medical Center. but many cor-
organ, But. despite g‘eat advances in surgi- cruel and inhumane not to ask. They are cause only people who have been declared lowing criteria: neal transplant programs across the nation
cal techniques. the necessary organs often taking the decision out of the families “brain dead“ may be used as donors. oNo breathingindependentofarespirator are stillstruggling
are unavailable. hands. “Brain death" refers ‘0 the cessation 0‘ all 0No cranial reflexes (for example. the eye Organ transplant candidates may enter

According to Tom Threlkeld. manager of ”People out there are willing." Martin brainfunctions. does not blink when touchedi their blood and [Issue types on a compute»
the UK Medical Center's Renal Transplant said "They just need tobereminded." Other body functions must be maintained .xo response to pain. rized national network so that if an organ
Program. more than 100 Kentuckians are Threlkeld said one reason for the donor through the use of a respirator until the kid» ~No spontaneous movement, cannot be used where it is retneved, it can
waiting for donor kidneys. Many of the peo- shortage is that people do not understand neys are removed.he said. 0A flat electrocardiogram be quickly transferred to another hospital.
ple spend 20 hours a week on dialysis ma— how to donate organs, Only 1 t0 2 percent 0f hospital deaths are Although live donors. usually relatives. Martin said
chines. Potential donors can pledge organs by listed as brain deaths. he said. and obtaining may donate kidneys. it is possible that their Because of ttus. almost all donations

The shortages are caused primarily by an signing the backs of their driver's licenses family consent isaproblem. tissues will not be compatible with the pa- deemed medically suitable mil be used for
inadequate pool of potential donors. Jim or organ donor cards. which are available “Families refuse two out of three times,“ tients‘ or that their ovm kidneys may not transplants. not researchMartm said

strong," said the source. "The overwhelming view is that the P f d ' h
TUESDAY president has a right to name his own guy. Carter did. That's romoters 0 St“ ent "9 ts
FranAssociat‘edPressreports the way it works. There are lots of qualified people in the I
. country for the job." 300 SGA d
Areas of state receive snow fecelve $ awal' S
' LOUISVILLE — Three inches of snow in April! 68'1th dll’OCtOf aha" tPBVO| plans ___—_____ ' 5‘ I . ”1% 3
. - - . ~ By SCOTT WILHOIT ‘ a I" ‘ '
It happened Monday in Pine Mountain, a tiny community LONDON _ British director Sir Richard Attenborough bowed SeniorStaffWriter '5 , 5 N-x . .
northeast of Harlan, said Norm Reitmeyer, a forecaster for the . » its: ,
5 5 to Widespread protests yesterday and announced he would not 745,-. ’2 ‘~ .. «on
National Weather Servuce. . . . . . . a . u.
,, 5 ,, go to South Africa for the opening of his Oscanwmning film "a... » -- . ~ . 7" 'j'
Several other towns also got a taste of wmter weather, ”Gandhi" unless all erformonces wereo en '0 all races , 5 .s ,5
said Reitmeyer. adding that Glasgow got two and half inches Attenboro h 'p t a nd from Fhis ori inal an ' ' In its last meeting 0f the semes— ;, f rt:
of snow while Bowling Green and London had one inch each. f d h hl’g ' ml 0 ”'"°.’ U . h b9 :9 o a N “5’1 the Student Government Asso- ” '*
" ' howin on signs of breakin out of this on N e w ites-on y premiere Nn .Jo onnes. UN? N Ns week, ciation last mght awarded. $300 . N \ ' r N‘
We re "0' s 5 g “Y 5 5, 5 ,9 5 said he would to South Africa only if the entire Gandhi run scholarships to Ann Phillippi and ' 5 Y..-
weather pattern this Vicrjeek,h he SOld'. We didnt have the Win- were open '0 all races and no cinema had to OPPlY for a gov. Patricia Week The scholarships .. .5 ode _N" :
for we were suppose to ave. IN ooks N'ke we re getting IN ernment permitto show it toaracially-mixed audience. were presented to students adjudged 5N . idly tN _ "
now. . . . the most outstanding promotors of . "
The conditions appeared to rule out Attenborough going to student [1ng in the [K community _ ._ .5 . ,
_ Scuth Africa to promote his film about Mohandas K. Gandhi, J W Patterson. faculty adviser to p -» ~15
Future Of VOlCKOf uncertain the Indian pacifist who lived in South Africa in the early part SGA. said the awards were given to ' N ”‘1’.“
of the century before helping to lead India to independence the students who demonstrated “the N '
N WASHINGTON — President Reagan is leaning against naming from Britain in 1947. right to pursue knowledge and free- . _ . y
N Paul A. Volcker to a second term as chairman of the Federal South African cinemas are segregated under the national dom rig-reatLhd ! l didat
Reserve Board but has not made a final decision on either Vol- policy of apartheid ~ racial separation — unless the white- biolhugicgNlNNN iieggzra riggived Ntli: ANN PHILLIPPI
cker's future or a successor for the powerful post, administra- minority government gives special permission for o multiracial award for 5., wk; Nm the Robinson outand getting media attention
tion sources said yesterday. audience. Forest debate “Ann encouraged “It is reassuring that students can
One source, speaking on condition that his name not be many students to speak out and be still make a difference at this l'ni-
used. said White House officials are considering five or six \ heard..‘“Pattersonis(:d falgNNNngtlsizengiNiNngm an "“er‘w“
' ac . a socm y senior. was vn
candidates to succeed Volcker, whose four-year term as head \ / awarded her prize because of her in other bminess. the Senate re
0f the "0"0" 5 central bank 0"9”95 '" AUQUS’. work with Socially Concerned Stu- jected a bill sponsored by John Cain.
Volcker, 55, appointed by former President Carter, is one WHAT — dents and the Gay and Lesbian senator at large. bypassing the need
of the most influential figures on the economic scene because l'nion ofStudents for the Senate‘s comptroller to re-
of the tremendous impact the Federal Reserve exerts on infloo / \ k “In ththNtNhgf apathy'.‘i:1is ntli‘t‘ :0 nexllbills “Imam” ll
. . . - now i re are SI ac ms 5 " 9 reason w y s a came
3:)", ig'ter’est NONI” gnd QCOHOI‘EIC 9;?th ""0th NNN NonNNON ON around and people who still care." about is became-the comptroller is
' no '°" ‘ supp Y9 money on U. ' ' Wack said required to put his initials on every
"‘0 administration source. emphasizing "‘0' R9090" h“ Phillippi vowed a naming. during bill relating to money before we can
not made up his mind firmly, said Volcker still has an Outside Mmtly sunny today wlthahl'h near 50. her acceptance. that the issues sur» vote on it." Cain said “All this bill
chance at a second term, if he wants it, but that the probabili‘ Clear and cold tonight wlth a low near ‘0. WM Robinson Forest a“; "0' “:mld :10 would be ‘0 el'mm‘“? a '0‘
ty of that happening "is diminishing every day. Sunny and warmer tomorrow wlth a hlgh In the upper ad NN" '5 important "‘9' 5‘ ents 0 ‘5‘“ e .
.. . . . . . . speak out and be heard. she said Vincent \eh. graduate school sen»
Volckors support in this administration has never been ”earlaw 000. “Robinson Forest was not made an ator. objected to the bill. saying it
—-———-—_————————-———_————______—____—___ Issue until students started speaking Soc ”A. page S
t , .
. l I Q

 . ‘ "’ ”.l t ‘r ' t
' % ‘
llu Mold-n Andrew Man J...» orlflln meter Patterson not 3. I“... a... vm a... cute.“ ‘
td-tov In (that News l’di'ol Avn Editor Sports (dito' swiainoiuu (ditm Photo Editor Ginpmniditor
P B RSUASION Jame Ill-In Nonl- I-vbcu "In MN.- Itlll. film Jr. “HM-".0! lotMoMllllon ”VIII“ (MI. Ash .
Monogmgtdnm lit-H-iluitdiu-i AnmantAin Editor AuuinnISporu Editor spuialvroixts Ant-tom Chief Photographer tnivittvshtt --' ‘ l
, l
_____.——————————————————————————.——-————————————————————-—-—— ,
Renovations offer students l
fl£r l/t/ TWERE/ WE FINALLY f “is .
ways to better or anizatlons 60” A 7.65% W F“ to“ a > ‘ ' 1
\‘ / .
AND E OTHEA 6200957 2:! gr; g. , .
7.1;.- A k > .
‘. . . . . ._-—;- cg / , ’g = t: ‘ - '
Since the opemng of the Student Center nizations encourage and promote motivation =2" 4;. ,
Addition last year. the University has been and activity on campus. perhaps luring some ,; , Asa—F /
left with a large bottom-floor room —— for- away from the plague of apathy infecting ,1.—-rf,,l...~(h : K/t/L—
merly occupied by the bookstore — that is many. , i /// "t (CC/ALLY \( . ‘.
collecting only dust. The majority of UK‘s student organiza- ,1 // ‘ CONCERNED _ i ’ l . '
Unfortunately. plans to turn the room into tions have no place to call home. to keep 5‘ 5 )l/ _ mDENTS ‘ j i .-
offices for registered student organizations files or to receive mail. restricting to some _‘.:j§-‘-'r A j \\ g
were placed on the back burner late in 1982. degree the ability of some groups. “The l ’ -» Z § ‘_ =-. e \ :‘l
and the L'niversity could not find the money groups without an office or a mailbox are 4 , ” \, / ; . 5. ‘- '= T? a l
needed for renovation. working at a great disadvantage.“ Danny - / , ( f *9 K, t i
Last Wednesday, however. Frank Harris. Faber. Socially Concerned Students preSI- :‘__/ / : \ 73
Student Center director. was given the honor dent. said. . \ 2.3 , -. ‘ \ 5. .
of announcing the huge room will be con- With an office. poss1bly staffed With a v? / g k 3i . -
verted into the long-needed organizations‘ of- work-study office worker. some of the Um- I f a K
fice complex. thanks to the discovery of an versity's student organizations Wlll have a ' , 3 ;
almost-indispensible 3100.000 for the project. base of operations, a sense of stablity and ‘\. 1’1.) l,
According to Harris. the offices were im- will be able to think more about their pro- ‘- u : “(c/A :
portant to three influential University offi— jects instead of wondering where to meet ' (f // E .
cials — President Otis Singletary. Donald week after week. v / / 1 z —
Clapp. vice president for administration and Not only will the office space provide a ' 4, r" A. / x / ‘Z ‘9 {if‘
Jack Blanton. vice chancellor for adminis- sense of security and stablity for some orga- ’ g V \ / - ":-
tration — who channeled the money toward nizations, it might add a bit of life to the Stu- -—- / ¢ 3
the effort. dent Center. possibly creating a new core of -_. K
“We‘ve taken dollars over the years and student activity and generating new life into J V‘ i
put it back into renovation projects.“ Blan- its sometimes empty halls. 45 : X 3
' " ' t r. t 'n . . . “'7" ' ‘ it
£33.58... mutt°::.::t‘:r.a:ei;. .. be :2 . f a
m- ro'eft wa‘of hi hp rioritv .. number of student organizations." and g _ . , 7. :
‘bp J 5.. g p . -' . . added it will result in greater student in- ‘ , ' e K‘ E i.
Blanton and Singletarv hit the issue right , — . .
~ . yolvement. , . . ,._ Q
on the head — the continued success and idly"; .
growth of registered student organizations is The ball is rolling. Now it‘s up to the stu- ;
very important to UK. Strong student orga- dent organizations to keep it moving.
% é
- :1
. which are cheaper than an abortion proved themselves to be exceptional lives of the unborn and the elderly stupid tactics that you used to try stick to the point all his life and he i l
United students ll he is so concerned am" the “a young men on and 0" the basketball so that ”active citizenS“ whatever and manipulate your audience. Is may as well have not been born. be- 3
tional budget. perhaps we ShOUld court. that means) will be less inconve- this your idea of reverse psychology cause to live fully is a joy. not a i
We‘re “Tltlhg this 10”“ letter to stop the funding 0t hOSPttalS and These young men Came to UK to nienced. Hitler used the same fear or is it ethnomethodology'.’ Whichev- drudgery that results from one- 3 .
affirm our commitment to working clinics that provide aborions That play and learn. and I believe they soning in exterminating thousands er the case it may be. it didn‘t fool pointed closed—mindedness. ft '.
for the needs of all international stu~ would bejust as helpful are putting forth their best effort to of innocent Jews. me. Enjoy your life. Kelso. don't deny ‘
dents during the coming year. and It is time to grow up. Jeff. You do both. As the three seniors contin» I find myself tempted to compro- Now that l have told you what I or distort it t.
to reassure those students that they are in college now. and it you want ue on to other things. I would like to mise my protlife principles to advo- feel about your letter. I have a sug~ it
will have a vmce in their Student to play adult. you have to shoulder offer my sincere good wiShes for cate termination of the unborn in gestion for you. Since you are an un- Sheila Singleton it
Government Assticiation the responstbilty that goes With It their futures and I hope their futures one instance — when a birth will re- decided sophomore. it may be bene- First year law student i .
During the PaSt few weeks there Life is not a game. in which you are as successful after they grad- sult in someone with reasoning like ficial in the event that you choose to I I 3‘ i
has been much fear and concern jump from one bed to another. With uate as their careers were at UK. yours. follow a career in either law school MUlUOI respect ‘ l
among foreign StUdehtS because 0t regard to the possible consequences. To Dirk. Derrick and Charles. I or politics. Also. if you plan on writ- 1
accounts of actions taken by the Stu- If you are old enough to "do it." you thank you for the many memories MaryK. Kelly ing additional letters to newspapers. As president of the new Lebanese ‘ l
dent Senate regarding representa- are old enough to either try to pre- that you leave behind. They may not Programmer/analyst my suggestion is to take a course Student Association. I would like to i 1
tion in SGA‘s international students vent the possibility of pregnancy. or all be happy ones. but they were def- l'K Computing Center called Philosophy 120. What is that? thank Bill Steiden for publishing an :
department at least be grown up enough to ac- initely exciting ones. . It‘s “Introduction to Logic." If you article about our group. I feel that it I
At a meeting on April 14. we met cept the consequences should you be To the other members of the Bun |n the oven? have already taken this course. you was partlv because of this article
with Tim Freudenberg. James (in. unsuccessful team. good luck next year I'll be may want to try again. I think you that we had such a good turnout for I
Zama Kimbi Ndefru and Danny And. as to the infallability of the there to cheer on your victories and I am writing in regards to Jeff missed something. ourpresentation on Friday. .
Akerejah to discuss this Situation Supreme Court. your own words commiserate with you over your Nicolas‘ letter titled “Fruitless Well. I have had my say. I can Unless people have made an ex- 3
and the prospects for the 1983-83 show the fallacy of this statement. losses «which I hope will be few and whining." I would like to make it only hope that in the future people tension visit to another country, they "Z
year Not only have we guaranteed Reversals have occurred in the past far between r. Even so. I'll be there clear from the beginning that I am like you will stop and consider what cannot understand the problems as- 5:
input and involvement in‘ SGA by the thank goodness». and they will con in the end. I hope to be cheering you not arguing about the issue of abor- they are going to say. A good thing sociated with living in another cul~ I
International Student (.ounCil next tinue to occur as long as men iyes. onto winthe nationalchampionship. tion. I feel this is a personal decision to try and remember in the future ture. As Mr. Steiden stressed: One 6
year. hut he hat'e cosponsored a Jeff. men. h0t EOdSt are a part Of for the pregnant woman to make — is: “Don‘t let your mouth overload major problem facing international i
resolution for the April 25 meeting of the process Those reversals have Annette King not me. your ass.” students is stereotyping. t
the new Student Senate to make it aided the growth of America more (‘omputer science senior I would like to direct this letter to Each nation has a certain ethnici~ é
otfu‘iai than the legalization of abortion the attention of Jeff Nicolas. Dixie (Tramer tv which is very distinct. The very ‘
thttedr international and Amen” COUld eVer hope to d0 1 am thankful Inconvenience’) My aren‘t we clever. I must admit Business administration freshman term “nation" implies a psychologi- 2;
t‘ah StUdehtS can hat? a 905”th 1m' that the mentallt." that allowed 513‘“ ' you almost had me fooled, After dis- i , cal attachment to the heritage and l .:
pad on the lIV‘ES'Ol all students on 9T} to be legal 1“ this country has cussing and debating your letter vogue support future goals of a terriory‘s popula- '1
this campus Were very much passed. and men have seen fit to I am addressing my remarks to with other people and after rehash- tion. It is this attachment _ nation- :
looking forward to working together correct that wrong Jeff Nicolas who urges pro-lifers t0 ing your words. I finally figured you In reply to Kevin Kelso‘s letter of alism - that makes us as exchange -
next yeartoward thatgoal The protlifers ito which I do not “give up and conform." I assume out. April 15. “the fact that two events students desire to be recognized as l 7.
attach mF'Selt' may prove to be CO" your letter was written 1“ jest — "0 I believe your letter tried to get occur in the same time frame" —— a belonging to our own specific culture =
‘ ‘ David Bradford reel in the end. so that someday. one could be so naive. The Supreme people to think those who got abor- brilliant speech by Susan Griffin‘s and not to be mistaken for that of I i .
stiA presidentelect men may see fit to correct the injus- Court is infallible“ Supreme Court tions actually consider a fetus a bun and a gross misunderstanding by a another; it is just because we are "
heehemg donelothe unborn. deciSIons are unchangeable'.’ You in the oven and if aborted it wasn't dense mind ~ “does not imply a each soproudofourownidentity,
Maher Abukhater . contradict yourself In the Very same murder but instead was sticky relationship between.“ Susan Grif- Though Friday's article seemed to
ISC preSident J.Scott Miller paragraph by citing examples to the dough, Tisk. tisk. Jeff. aren't you fin‘s message was intelligible: Kel- compare the Lebanese to Iranians. ,
_ . . Physics Astronomy PhD Graduate contrary. bad'.’ so‘s lack of understanding is his own it was not intended to be derogatory ‘
Unborn lnlUSllce And really? l resent .VO'JT lhler- Next. after you presented this idea fault.notGriffin's. of their culture or any other. The i
In C reClOlion ence that human life is the equiva- you tried to suggest to the readers Kelso seems to connect the burn- purpose of our club's existence is to -“l
I am writing in response to what I pp lent of a loaf of bread and an unborn that if pro-life members accept de- ing of witches to the fact that "most identify the Lebanese as Lebanese. ‘1
h0pe was a Joke letter from Jeff MC- Child 15 merely a mound 0t ”Sthk.V feat and bow out gracefully we could minds were not rational. educated Both Americans and international ‘.
olas concerning the legalities of Ive been meamng to write this dough " start working on eliminating the el- or scientific.“ I guess he's speaking students are colleagues on UK's .
abortion. and his stand on euthana» letter for some time. I would like to Furthermore. since when do one‘s derly thus relieving the burdens from self-experience. as he [resents campus. We hope that through the ,
51a. The reason that I hope that it get something off my chest first I rights‘depend on seniority” If I have they impose on the "American ac- no“factualbasis“for hisclaims. activities of our club and other “a. .
was just a joke letter is that I can am not against the University of been in eXistance longer than you. tive citizens " Really. Jeff. we are Griffin used the term “masculine tionalist organizations mutual re.
not believe that a person of the mer.» Kentucky playing the University of my life. liberty and the pursuit of getting sloppy now. mentality,“ not “male mentality" to spect and recognition of cultural
tal level at WhICh he seems to he Louisville I am not really for it ei- happiness takes priority over yours? You have tried to appeal to the point out its existence in both sexes. identities can comeabout. .
Chum POSSIhlyheaCOllefie student ther YOU say that the mother has two emotions of your audience and while Kelso‘s vague support of his ..
1“ COlleRe. we are taught t“ think I am a UK fan. and l always Wlll rights and the unborn Child has only doing so you have committed seve- statement that use of such a term JamiIKantara "
about what we are gmng to say he- be I also will never support L' of L one. Which rights are these” And ral fallacies. Plus, you have ignored defies “rational analysis“ by saying Engineering senior :-
lOl‘e we say it the Old adage of put in any game. That‘s me and that's since when do arithmetic principles what the whole issue of abortion is “each problem is a complex phe~ President 15A
ting your mind in gear before engag- just the way I feel My problem with apply to rights . "Any grade school about. nomenon“ contributed to by many
ing your mouth: I am wondering if a ITK-L‘ of L game is that it should child will tell you that two beats I realize you want feedback from factors is a poor attempt at hiding .~
he would like to be the one to pull not be forced on either school. If one "." your letter and I’m sure you will get his ignorance of the root cause of :5?.‘1::,:§7h:";:u§:.q'd '0 MN W” W." W
the switch on his grandparents ill. they play. let them play because The key word which appears some. But. I don‘t think your letter pornography. racism and ecological Parsons womnmg mm. and ”my“ enculd .
they are still alive. or his own par- they want to This. of course. does throughout your letter is “inconvc- is worth starting a big issue on abort destruction. As a male influence ff’xtnl'f'f.figxmf“thdyzg‘fgfl‘ngj’gf’uj‘
ents when the time comes I also not apply to tournament play —- post nience " There is no guarantee in tion again. tmy father) in my life would say. «1506004?
wonder if he will be singing the season or otherwise. the Bill of Rights or elsewhere that The Kernel receives some very “It is better to light a single candle wflirgzfigjfl."fprg'du‘jflfl";”gaffm'ff; _
same tune when histime comes Now to the point of my letter 1 our lives should be free from incon~ good personal opinion letters from thantocurse the darkness." in.” name! addinnoi lolophono number; and
As for his stand on abortion pro— wish to express my appreciation to venience If an unborn child is an in- students and at times we read let- Griffin‘s statement that the to. 33:3: 31%;?"'j";m:.;f:f:<':"w:‘;:ot:; b'fi“ .
Viding an out for "active Citizens." the UK Wildcats. I believe that even convenience. from where came this ters that make us blow our tops. As male mentality meanders is not an oUKIDordi-ivueglirnnno p g '
there are plenty of commercuilly- though they didn‘t end up with an inconvenience" for your letter, Jeff. I considered it insult to women but a compliment to 53:3"; :31" W‘- W t'"
available birthcontml methods NCAA championship. they still You advocate the termination of to be garbage and full of sick and their inherent creativity. Let Kelso
BLNM COUNTY by Berke Breathed .
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