xt73j9608b0p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73j9608b0p/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  189404 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 4, No. 8, April 1894 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 4, No. 8, April 1894 1894 2015 true xt73j9608b0p section xt73j9608b0p 5‘23?“- 4 M: “I l e «’11. \l‘t‘x =
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Vol. 4. Lexington, Ky., April, l894. No. 8 ’
. z .
» MARY STUART, laceept the crown of a nation whose - \ \ V
. (What others have said of 1,0,. ,Slreligion was the suppression of that ' S i I DE \ I b .
. ‘ collected by a member of tlie faith always deemed by Mary more K . , ,
, History Class of ’94.) dear than life itself. On her arrival, , *1 ,w r v , 1 - ,
. __ in Scoum, she was kimuy received ‘Vho Study Leonora) Should not tail, to _ ,
Mary, Queen of Scotts, born at by 1101' subjects “'11" however did tl‘ildC {lt- the ,
Linlithgow December 8, 1542, may not hesitate to express their disap— . R C K ET STO R E '
‘ well be styled the n'iost unhappy{I’m"al 01' 1101‘ catholieism. A
l - - .i .. K" . a. ll ‘1' 2 liti< us kinsmen of Lor—' 1 -\ - - , > - , ‘ ,- .
. rmms Indwd “U,“ll‘lmw‘w , . t “‘f’ ’ . . _ , 'lhe largest Notion House in Lexington.
seem to have begun wrth t1“, (luyraine new began LO form numerous n _ __‘
_ of her birth. Her father, who atilfl‘“.l00t51md rlunsfor her marriage. Our prices always the lowest. 14 all stock
V . ‘ J . v . it ‘ i' _: la , r ,tlers Dm Carlos, of . _'. ., - ‘9 ‘1 , .’
. them 1a 011010 (We Mme?“ :‘f. ““1”?" 3:14,, 5, 7 _ now ready, Notions, Ladies and Gents
, sequence of the recent Signal defeat l L PM“; “db huge» “a “ mm) ”‘1 “C 1 p . . , ) , ,
, and disgrace of his army, is said to 0011'” Of his great wealth 311d Power, 14 lll'fllSlllIlgS. I'I‘Ltts, LOOtS and 5511008, v
‘ have observed, on ’hearing of hislShefll’lnll'fntld:lllllcll'1‘1'0l01:1'0dfulfill Blankets, Stationery Etc. _
. daughter‘s 1)],1-1,}-], “[119 (161,09 go , all hope of gaining him “ as (1ULD( l- , ‘ “ ..
, with it, it came with a lugs and mu l ed. Iler marriage with Darnley; ll'y 115 for UIIdCl‘VVCiU‘.
go with a lass,” (referring to tlmlcelebrated soon afterward, in secret v‘ ,
i crown of Scotland). Thus with her and Cven before obtaining 11' ‘liSl’en‘ ‘ J . D. P U R C E L L, l
. father’s execration Mary became a sation fl'Um the POW since they 11. '13: IS, weSt Maln Sireet- v
queen before she was a week old were cousins, proved a source 0f '
‘ and was crowned while .Yet in her much “'0“le sorrow and regret.
first year. Darnley now rapidly become more . WWW ‘m,mmm\
,. . .,%‘:‘“.-u w. “In lilt‘ ‘11 ‘* ‘ _ V.
~ in her childhood she was be— and more worthless, insolent, arro, \ Vet, w “it!“ .\ FRED]. HEINTZ A q,‘
' trothed by Earl of Anan to Prineelgimt 311d bCSOtth: and having be— 1"”:y,lmlMililliill‘liirl’w \1‘: \\ .l \ we.
Edward, of England. This In-0”1_l(101110()(llOllS 10 Mill?» his jealously /_ WilllflilliWilliiliil .. l/s ¥lllj 2/er "i, _ Mdllllldblllllllg
. . V ‘ ‘ ml“ HM’l‘f'il‘r‘i'f‘rrl-“i‘lit K ":19 1?: ill \» ' w
' ‘ use, however, was soon annulled by may have been aroused 1’) a .lu*5t 2/, ”iii {llilllllfl:lillflilllllllillllilfilly}ll“? I N \ /\;‘,\l‘ .l . , :.
. . the Scottish Parliament who pre- cause. HOWCVOY fills may be, ,t' illlmllvl“,,,,llrll,ll,l,ll,ll“,ll}, 9": Eé‘lEé‘ -
ferred forming an alliance with whether inflamed With .l“St resent- ‘2‘?“ll/Hgl'ftfWilli?!gill/ill"l, g §§ll 5‘ fl 5%) ‘ e V" e e 1‘
' - . . . 7 . . ., . ‘. . , ,_ 241:4, ‘33,,jrpart,y,,[:,,~;,,5,"t Elli, a' E‘, ,3 ‘_ -,, _
, . France by 1 then armament or 11,15 “"bffllfelm,“ “‘9 trrrgtrilltttrlltl.'1» ~ Mfr
‘ i ' . ,, . , ' instrument 0 a we aiL ': 0t ar- flights}:,rll§l’,.;rl=.51”: ,‘a‘s 5.. ,
queen in marriage to tho dauphin! " ll 1 x f- . .11 j‘ 1,, ,, ,_,,,,,,,.,,,,V,H ”,,,,,,4,$,,<11l' lll\ “\x/ , Custom Ilfluge S “are
of that country. Accordingly she 1ange< -’y t“) (”01“ manners, [WM . 1i;;,,,,m\=r-»./w’/ l c q _
was soon after sent to the latter many rival enemies, maV always re— ” “mamas
» ' country as much for the purpose of main 21 IllB’StCl'y, bUt the 1'95“” is _________________________—________
l, _ protection from the English as for well known. . . -
; education and instruction in the The queen's next favorite was I 116 M. ( . I 1110)] ( O. "
customs and habits of the people James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell,
,- v whose ruler she was to wed. Her to Whose dastardly and murderous wMANUFACTUR-E RS OF V
stay at the French court was proba- counsels she is thought to have
» blythc only happy time in her life, lenta willing ear. Divorce from MILITARY, COLLEGE AND BAND UNIFORMS. ,
. but this, alas, was destined to be Darnley was probably favored until
, brought to an untimely close by the thought ofimpeaehing her son’s FLAGS'BannerS'SwordS'HBlmet89
\ the death of her husband, then legitimacy and consequent right to p , *
King Itrancrs H’Emd the successxon the throne drove her to favor amore OVCI‘COEItS {'01. Officers and Pl'lVfltCS. ‘ , \
. ol the infamous (.atharme de Medi— secret, but heinous, proceeding.
' . oi, as regent for her next son, Bothwell’s subsequent crimewastoo THE M, C_ LILLEY CO"
, Charles. In 156], a few months af- public to be doubted and the cruel Dong St. Hnd E. Avenue, n _ _ Columbus, 0 ,
tcr Francis’ death, Mary returned manner of Darnley’s murder too
to Scotland where her presence was well known to need repeating. Only ———-——-—-——————'———"—"——_
/ much needed in consequence of her three monthslater was celebrated her wwxw‘» >
“ ' mother’s death, and the anarchy marriage to the murderer of her ”"3 VICTOR BOGAERT V '
produced by the reformation. This, former husband, and by thus doing [;*_ imi' ,
. as she stated, was the saddest me- so incensed her subjects that they 19‘3" ‘ -,
mentin her life; but a short time rise in open rebellion and drove figl‘ MANUFACTURINGJEWBBER’
-' 5‘ ->x."-~ . state: x1 ,4:
bclbre a happy bride and a proud Bothwcll from Scotland, After va- $nyth airtdfi‘ I7 E. Short Street,
‘ ‘ queen of aland of beauty, wealth rious unsuccessful attempts to re— “/ Lexington, - - - - Ky. ‘ '
and Splendor, she was a widowed, duce her realm to subjection, after "‘ "“ ....m4/ "
, lonely outcast forced to leave a peo- romantic escapes, hardships and de- DIAMONDS. WATCHES. AND JEWELRY. .
, ple with whose joys and sorrows privations of a civil war, she fled ‘ RELIABLE GOODS,
alike she was in thorough accord, to scantily attended into England, and FAIR DEALING AND BOTTOM PRICES. ‘ p

 threw herself on the protection of station, has been much debated. \V H W'ARREV l X \VARREN
Elizabeth only to find herself a pris- Probably with the exception of her ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘
oner for life. Having been removed well known rival and persecutor, ,
from castle to castle she was finally Elizabeth, no monarch ever lived l/ i/ arren Bros. Grocers
imprisoned at Fotheringay, which concerning whom greatercontrariety 9
was to be the scene of herexeeution. of opinions is held by learned his- ‘1 CORNER HIQ‘H AND LI'MESTONE. '
About this time Pius V had is—— torians and biographers. An at- btaple and Fancy (ITOCGI'IGS, pl'Oduce and
sued a bull against Elizabeth and tempt has been made to defend her Dressed Ganle and POIlltry. '
many fanatical zealots of the (,‘ath— conduct on the plea that she was an ‘ .
olie religion sprang up ready to imbecile, a dastard and a dupe, but TEAS AND SPICES. A FINE LINE OF CIGARS'A‘ND TOBACCO
play the assassin and risk even this position is untenable when —_-—________—
1 death in its most horrid form to brought in the light of her active ‘
free their church from its worst en- brain, unquestionable ability, mas— . -
eniy. Conspicuous among these culine courage, tenacity of purpose, .
was Babington, who expiated his at- and implacable memory of retribu— KR] - 1 t Q: \/I .1 ‘Q‘ .
tempted crime with his head. It tion and reward. _ 1 1g 1 L i eygl V) v
» . has been much disputed whether That her unhappy life is a wit— llll‘tlll‘llS 1“, . ' NW.
Mary was really privyto Babington’s ness to the truth of the statement . ‘ ‘ ‘ . ,._
conspiracy, but it is ,a known fact so often made that “in this world 141113311 Bleak Bil-($011, Lard {Hid Sitllfiilge.
that when accused by Burleigh of the penalty of weakness is greater J N
having pensioned an instigator of than that of wickedness,” may be 18 N MILL ST_
an atteinpton Elizabeth’s life, she maintained by zealous defenders
retaliated by citing. as if in justifi- from her own faith, but can never x .
, _ cation, Elizabeth’s assistance to her be admitted by the generality of ————___—__—______
rebellions subjects in Scotland. mankind. . M M ' I i & L
Whether guilty of complicity in Her passion of love became ap— C I a n a U 8 r; 4
‘ thisattempt or notshe was arrtigned parently sated and was naturally y'_ l. p ‘
before a body of forty—seven noble- outlived; but her hatred and her re- ‘i-iae Féew cream gfikery
_ men on the charge of conspiring venge were inextinguishable. Of is.
. ;. against the queen’s life, and “guilty repentence and fear alike she knew CORNER VINE AND UPPER STREETS. . _ .‘
of death” was the verdict. nothing. Her creed was her deea— , »

l 'During the whole of this trial logue. i l FFSSh Brfiad a nd RDI l3 ' ~ _‘
alone, without one counsellor, Mary In appearance she was vivacious, Best mend, Rolls and Cakes 1-,, the City. Fresh MW, and R0115 mm). We”, Mg ,
conducted her own defense with cultured and beautiful. She was insets O‘clock-

‘ incomparable courage and ability. aclm'owledged the most charming _—_——.—_——_
_ l’athos and indignation, subtlety princess of her time. With all her l \N' J . 5mg 0 U I I h a n & B [‘0' ~
and simplicity were alternately her evil qualities she 1)ossesse\!l"‘iiiai'i_y Wholesale and retail dealers in p

I x" wea )ons avainst all odds of evi— national, political and social virtues; 7 ' r' ) w ‘ ,I; . 7 ., ’
dende andoinferencc, and with the while the intensity and constancy } SlOl 08’ T123“ [dilly llllllph, GIMCS’ Mmflcs’ lldfillldlt, Etc'

. . .. .. ‘ ‘ , a vanlzed iron and Slate Work a SpeCIalty. ,

: courage of despair she contested et— of he] attachment to a lllLlld u en, 8 p , _ _ _ -, ‘ ' 4 - .
cry inch of debatable ground. Nev— equalled only by her bitter hatred J01) work done on short llotlccvat {he (“Tut “” 05mm StOVG
er, with the exception above men— for an enemy. ‘und 1111 biorc. ' > _ °
‘tioncd, did she admit the truth of a ——________ 2f) “ est )luln Street.

. single charge brought against her A society having for its object W
and then only by way Of l‘eCI‘llllillft- the consuniation of palatable Sub- LCXillQ'tOII 813921111 11111111(11.)r W
tion. After waiting a short time in stances and the promotions of inter- Q
. doubtand suspense,Elizabeth sign- csts therein has been organized by Special Rates to Students.
ed the death warrant, and 13 said to members of the second lloor new
. have instructed her secretary to ex- dormatory. 109 and III E. MAIN ST.
press to Panlet, Mary’s keeper, her The principal feature will be a .
displeasure at his not'having short~ regular report from each of the J. W_ WOOD, AGT. 42273534- '
ened hls prisoner’s life in a more members on all matters of current Room 5- New Dormitorv. State College.
. quiet manner. interest in his peculiar line of eating ———-————————-———__.___—_

O“ the scaffold she listened, With and practical demonstrations there . ) -
apparent indifference and cheerful of. 'Roll call at half past ten, but FOUS b 68 (k CO" .
unconccrn, to the reading of her-no fine for absences, no open ses— c. 1). CUNNINGHAM, SOLE PARTNER,

. death sentence, and even lifted up sions all private meetings, at its last Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
her voice in‘ Latin against the Pro- meeting C. W. McElroy was elected . , ,
testant English prayer. Then after President of the society. - PallltS, Glass, BI'USheS, Al'tlStS, Matel‘lals
Sundry arrangements Mary mid 118‘" . —“ of all kinds. House Painter and Decorator, etc. 21E. Short St v
head on the fatal block with the AN AMPLE WARDROBE.
dignity of a queen and the constan- ~ STU D E N TS I
ey and resignation of a martyr. [She’s going to the ball to-night— _

Thus ended in misery, disgrace! I heard herself declare it; GO TO
and shame the life of one born a For though she nothing has to wear,
queen amid the wealth and splen- That’s 'ust the dam; to Wear it. W 7 0 0
(lor of a royal court. J 1 John Ludlow. \ at1< 1 n S & S 1/11 1t h ,

The character of Mary, Queen of — (a
Scots. is one of the most intractable Shelbourne says, ifLatin is a dead ‘;83" FOR BARGAINS lN ALL K INDS 0F FOOT WEAR. "73‘;
questions of hist0ry_ Tc, what ex- language from being studied too' They keep the best 337 S4 and 85 lines of Substantial Shoes made and
tent she was the creature and vic- hard, that he had nothing to do
tini (,1‘ 1m. “g9, her creed and her with the murder. guarantee every pair. Give them a call at I6 E Main St, Lexington.

 . , - - H , ~ , , ~ , es , .7, ,. «m ~<--»~e . s «es "WM, ">"»--—*—.-~—~—-,y——--—-—.—-‘-, , M— ev—eeA—«~-—»-A———Lfi; ”shy/.73? £1”:th ,
l . ll .' l
4—. ,,." h‘\( l i
— V._e_—WAW~7”_._ / than the sword) then get out 1113 ,1 ) afitdtt 901th C h 11Jtl ”L J. “ PT)
' ssmEz-/ . Iliad preViously served. or delivers a lecture on H ypnotism
I” 3. 1§§E§n/ 3tho small hours post mediani noc-.. .;3.3: l - 31ldition to the lecture he
p” 2.51:; is 3 35111- a. - 1- 31. 1«. * After the late w-ir Prof Iieiveti“““ “‘ “‘ ~' ' - 3
, 3' .. ' 32:53 1 ' 3 jg; cm, 1e 0 cannons, “300“ CC ”313' ‘ 3 ‘ 3 ' 3 \Vlll practically demonstrate it.
' ' ' 3 :13?cl,etc., etc. If he fails to do alléfhl‘cml‘hed t0 LCXIhL’tOh 311d TGSIdt‘d‘; In addition to the lecture there
3 The editor swore, the editor cussed,thiS he will have very little to writegghhtll the close of his long and use-iwill be a 3mu31cal e311tei'ta1nn310nt
The editor tore his haii'. '1‘}: about and under arrest he is unablexlL11 hfe- For a number or years, hewthtllch (Puflgmefl L8 be 1.318 731325130311
‘ . 3 fl; . . . . . . , . , . , - - ram 0 We 11.; ’03 '. . ‘ —
phC editor moaned “It’s copy or :1. to do all this, for he fears lest theg“ 115 the 1110“ populai WWhOl 0f Ill—Irwin" iq “it. 1113033133311; .
1;; _ 3 .3. 3 33. 3 If": h. .. ht. . '
‘ bust,” 00101101, 01‘ one Of 1113 satraps "13.1’aftlu,ment‘d “Him" In “I" “W3 “1“]\"0(:al.\‘olo...l\liss Mildred Simpson
The editor breathed a prayer. come around and miss him fronnadul‘lhg that thhe he “150 tauEw‘.’ht‘(,‘in3111~3.t Duet ...1\'Iulli§1an dz Hughes
“C 3333331 on yo gods 'ust one this quarters3 Elli”. he goeth not 0iii-33h3classes in French and Goriiian. ButVocnl Solo...... Miss Fannie Carrier
7 J 3131.3 for his motto is “The fear of Col-lithe best serVico of his hfe was glvunPiano bolo........ Miss Louise Biight
' thought more, J“ l ' tl l ' ' ' f ' ll‘to the St itc (‘olh re in the c 1 1 (it\Vocal 80‘ o,..........Mrs. LlVlngHLUDC
7.. f . . 3'. 1 3' r - ,". I. 2 7 A,’ ‘ ‘ 5 11‘, 33:.) , .
(.1130 Thejust one idea ;” one 1" 1e 1131111111132; 0 11111taiyf3éy3 . 3 f 3 . h 1 3‘ .33;\3ocal Solo........ l’rot R. L. Blanton
He mm. from his chair and priced thWIGdQO; and departure from,“1 P“) 955‘” 0f MMCI‘“ Languages-HSelection...” College Male Quarteit
1. .. | L x L . ‘. . . . i 1 .‘ ’ ' ,
the H 33 3quarters is vacation from school.” l‘rom boyhood he had learnedHypnotism........by Dr. J_ “r_ Pryor
0‘ ' 55;; . . .7 . . 3.! ‘ . » ‘ .
' Til . .1 ti 0 l f l . 7 “re have WOI‘OU- iFrcnch as well as his mothcrtongue. With DCHIOIISU‘ZIUUHS-
1 {L . 3'1' rouset rom 11s '11: . 95; 3. - . . . 3 . . . ' _
131i. “.- M Band he was equally 1791-301 111 thch 0 £10le 51131131). 3btan)d.nd Time Ad 3
3 3 .111. :1- 3:3: 1111551011 :00.
iteraturcs of tllS ' z 13 .433
Ho qeiymi his q(.igqom 11 1 1.313031 7:; Dr. Robert Peter who was Prof}. . l L 0 two ltnguagts.
‘ ., .. ' '1 3 . - av. .- 7 v3.» ‘ '. ,, 3 3:, .____.
3 . , e g 1 '“ol'themistry at State College from'hnm knowhdge of ltnglish was lull 3 3 3
his paste, (1865 to 1887 died Thursday morn—33““ accurate, and he had also drunk StatQCOhCn‘TC WlllCI‘OSS bids Wlth
He ceased